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13 Sentences With "lesson drawn"

How to use lesson drawn in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "lesson drawn" and check conjugation/comparative form for "lesson drawn". Mastering all the usages of "lesson drawn" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"I think the lesson drawn from 2005 was, 'That's crazy,'" Mr. Politi said.
The lesson drawn from the research was that situations can bring out the worst in people.
The considerations now are far more complex than in the '80s and '90s when showboating televangelists like Jimmy Swaggart were ensnared in sex scandals and the lesson drawn was simple: Pastors should not succumb to temptation.
When the situation looks especially desperate, Pat offers a lesson drawn from a long-ago paintball match, the point of which is that the only way to defeat grimly determined professional warriors is with a defiantly playful, anarchic spirit.
Along the way, he helped articulate the lesson drawn by the Pentagon from the Southeast Asia debacle — namely, that the United States should never again send its youth to war without three things: a clear objective, overwhelming force and political backing at home.
This is a lesson drawn from Derrida's insistence on the anteriority of writing.
The Battle of Nieuwpoort is considered as the first challenge to the dominance of the tercios in 16th-17th century warfare. Strategically, the lesson drawn from this battle was that it was more advantageous to besiege and capture towns than to attempt to win in the open field. This would increasingly characterize operations in the Eighty Years' War thenceforth.
The Frogs Who Desired a King, illustrated by Milo Winter in a 1919 Aesop anthology The original context of the story, as related by Phaedrus, makes it clear that people feel the need of laws but are impatient of personal restraint. His closing advice is to be content for fear of worse. By the time of William Caxton, who published the first version in English, the lesson drawn is that . In his version, it is a heron rather than a snake that is sent as king.
He also used his first speech in parliament to take a "reactionary" stance, arguing against collectivization and nationalization, and calling for the post office and the railways to be given to private enterprise. Prior to Fascism's accommodation of the political right, Fascism was a small, urban, northern Italian movement that had about a thousand members. After Fascism's accommodation of the political right, the Fascist movement's membership soared to approximately 250,000 by 1921. The other lesson drawn by Mussolini from the events of 1921 was about the effectiveness of open violence and paramilitary groups.
De Gaulle stressed how Maurice de Saxe had banned volley fire, how French armies of the Napoleonic period had relied on infantry column attack, and how French military power had declined in the nineteenth century because of – supposedly – excessive concentration on firepower (e.g. the Chassepot rifle) rather than élan. He also appears to have accepted the then fashionable lesson drawn from the recent Russo-Japanese War, of how bayonet charges by Japanese infantry with high morale had succeeded in the face of enemy firepower.Lacouture 1991, p21-5 De Gaulle was promoted to first lieutenant in October 1913.
Famine may thus be viewed partially as a social phenomenon, involving markets, the price of food, and social support structures. A second lesson drawn was the increased use of rapid nutrition assessments, in particular of children, to give a quantitative measure of the famine's severity. Since 2003, many of the most important organizations in famine relief, such as the World Food Programme and the U.S. Agency for International Development, have adopted a five-level scale measuring intensity and magnitude. The intensity scale uses both livelihoods' measures and measurements of mortality and child malnutrition to categorize a situation as food secure, food insecure, food crisis, famine, severe famine, and extreme famine.
Regarding his play, it becomes a conjunction, a synthesis of classical drama and language of art and where the Quiles theater pillar is the creation of dramatic character, lesson drawn from the study of classics, especially of Greek tragedy and Elizabethan drama, in this case being obliged to cite the influence of Sophocles and Shakespeare. That two Quiles plays are for Antigone in his role and Ofelia without Hamlet, as pointed out by some scholars of his work, is more than a stunt by chance. On the other hand, if he devoted himself to cultivate various kinds of narrative and theater was because of his idea of the integral writer. From a young age I realized, Quiles say that the playwright has only one tool for creating plays: the dialogue.
Because the military believed that Germany had not been defeated in World War I, the lesson that the Wehrmacht took from this was for the need for a draconian military justice system that would ruthlessly stamp out anything that might lead to any new "stab in the back". It had been neither forgotten nor forgiven by the military that the November Revolution had started with the High Seas mutiny. In August 1917, there had been a mutiny in the High Seas Fleet, which after it was crushed, saw the execution of its leaders' Max Reichpietsch and Albin Köbis with the rest of the mutineers given long prison sentences. The "lesson" drawn by the Navy and the rest of the Wehrmacht had been that if only the High Seas Fleet mutiny of 1917 been followed up with more executions instead of just Reichpietsch and Köbis, then the much more serious mutiny of November 1918 would have been avoided.

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