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45 Sentences With "legitimates"

How to use legitimates in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "legitimates" and check conjugation/comparative form for "legitimates". Mastering all the usages of "legitimates" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Some might argue that respectfully debating ideas seen as racist or sexist legitimates them.
Some of them are cast as bad, and that legitimates an exclusion from the world to come.
And there are many voices in between, many legitimates subjects on which to focus, many valid media in which to work.
Placing what many perceive to be substandard housing or blight within the context of a museum reframes, elevates, and potentially legitimates these practices.
By failing to recognize the political motivations behind white nationalism as an identity, Facebook legitimates white nationalism as something meaningfully distinct from white supremacy.
Photography incarnates that impulse to travel, documents and legitimates it as an agent of our existential wonder, by virtue of its great pictorial capacity.
We should share intelligence on Syria with Turkey and lead a diplomatic effort to build an international coalition that supports and legitimates Turkey's efforts to halt the Assad regime's advance.
Yet with recent headlines like "The Muslim Ban Ruling Legitimates Trump's Bigotry" in The Guardian, one of Britain's largest newspapers, it's easy to see why the student could believe such things.
This both legitimates the content of some of these users' tweets—this isn't just some random account talking—and allows them to amplify and elevate narratives in distinctly old-fashioned ways.
Trump is thundering about a crime wave of historic proportions, because he is an authoritarian using his speech to define a simple reality that legitimates his value system, leading voters to adopt it.
Such violence legitimates not only a kind of inflammatory rhetoric and ideological fundamentalism that views violence as the only solution to addressing social issues, it also provokes further irrational acts of violence against others.
But in this defensive posture of response, which inadvertently legitimates the questions it answers, one can also feel the overwhelming presence of racist suspicion and hostility roaring out of the past into our time.
Focusing on those last comments is but a reminder that for this President the fact he won legitimates every instinct he has ever had and he is not yet prepared to be challenged, on practically anything.
" Biden told voters in Pennsylvania on Sunday that Tuesday's election was an effort to "reset the moral compass of this nation," charging that Trump "puts fuel on the fire of intolerance and legitimates people who should never be heard.
The task for regulators is how to protect privacy and promote safety without infringing on the First Amendment rights of citizens and businesses that wish to use drones for legitimates purposes, like photography or news gathering (The Times has used drones to shoot videos and take photographs).
The simple fact is that the very political and institutional foundation for the existence of a state — as a political process that legitimates a sovereign power, and the creation of an administrative, technical and legal infrastructure as the means for exercising that power — has yet to be forged.
The graduation known as Abitur in Germany, legitimates one to study at a university.
In this regard, bureaucratic officialism legitimates and disguises power relationships, and engaged ethnography is well suited to penetrate its hard surface.
During the 1980s a Japanese movement known as Critical Buddhism has attacked original enlightenment as an ideology that supports the status quo and legitimates social injustice by accepting all things as they are as expressions of original Buddha nature.
10 CE The effect of fundamental rights is twofold. They are subjective rights to be exercised both individually and collectivelly.STC 25/1981. In addition to this, they are a binding principle for all public authorities, which allows for peaceful coexistence and legitimates the political and social order.
"John F. Welsh. Max Stirner's Dialectical Egoism: A New Interpretation. Lexington Books. 2010. Pg. 163 Walker´s egoism "implies a rethinking of the self-other relationship, nothing less than "a complete revolution in the relations of mankind" that avoids both the "archist" principle that legitimates domination and the "moralist" notion that elevates self-renunciation to a virtue.
In law and political theory, a state or sovereign is an institution that legitimates a particular government. Sometimes arguments about legitimacy have a mystical side to them, as when kings claim divine right. Different political philosophies have distinct opinions concerning the state as a domestic organization monopolizing force. As an example, consequentialists might observe that the state builds bridges.
Accordingly, Kennard-Dyan Ardais legitimates three of his nedestro children, including Illona Rider. Alanna discovers Domenic in conversation with Illona, and realizes they are in love. She runs, and stumbles into a back passageway that leads to Lew Alton's bedroom. Alanna tells Lew her fears, and has the first honest exchange she has ever had with another human being.
Kirbach also argues that Plinkett's popularity can be explained, in part, as a form of catharsis. Because he is portrayed as insane, the Plinkett shtick "legitimates our nerd-rage by literalizing it". Plinkett enrolls George Lucas in an ongoing Oedipal drama as the castrating father figure, a father figure we are invited to rage against owing to his flagrant ineptitude. But aside from raw catharsis, Kirbach claims that Plinkett's insanity is also a critique of the film industry itself.
Laruelle believes that both philosophy and non-philosophy are performative. However, philosophy merely performatively legitimates the decisional structure which, as already noted, it is unable to fully grasp, in contrast to non-philosophy which collapses the distinction (present in philosophy) between theory and action. In this sense, non- philosophy is radically performative because the theorems deployed in accordance with its method constitute fully-fledged scientific actions. Non- philosophy, then, is conceived as a rigorous and scholarly discipline.
See images by Allori and Moreau in Wiki Commons. Klimt deliberately ignores any narrative reference whatsoever, and concentrates his pictorial rendering solely on to Judith, so much so that he cuts off Holofernes' head at the right margin. And there is no trace of bloodied sword, as if the heroine would have used a different weapon: an omission that legitimates association with Salome.The associations with Salome are many and varied, covering an extensive period in pictorial representation.
According to reformist jurist and author Khaled Abou El Fadl, it "is particularly disturbing and dangerous because it effectively legitimates the trafficking in and sexual exploitation of so- called domestic workers in the Gulf region and especially Saudi Arabia."The Great Theft: Wrestling Islam from the Extremists, by Khaled Abou El Fadl, Harper San Francisco, 2005, p.255 Organized criminal gangs smuggle children into Saudi Arabia where they are enslaved, sometimes mutilated, and forced to work as beggars. When caught, the children are deported as illegal aliens.
Lexington Books. 2003. p. 55 James L. Walker published the work The Philosophy of Egoism in which he argued that egosim "implies a rethinking of the self-other relationship, nothing less than 'a complete revolution in the relations of mankind' that avoids both the 'archist' principle that legitimates domination and the 'moralist' notion that elevates self-renunciation to a virtue. Walker describes himself as an 'egoistic anarchist' who believed in both contract and cooperation as practical principles to guide everyday interactions".John F. Welsh.
As the System colonises the lifeworld most enterprises are not driven by the motives of their members. The bureaucratic disempowering and desiccation of spontaneous processes of opinion and will formation expands the scope for engineering mass loyalty and makes it easier to uncouple political decision making from concrete, identity forming contexts of life. The system does this by rewarding or coercing that which legitimates it from the cultural spheres. Such conditions of public patronage invisibly negate the freedom that is supposedly available in the cultural field.
" When the system targets Cruise, instead of fleeing, he remains in the vicinity in the belief that the system will, in its inexorable logic, correct itself. The apparatus is considered so infallible according to Cooper that Cruise knows once he is cleared by it, his life can immediately return to normal. In this respect, Cooper feels that "far from indicting a security state, the film legitimates one." Gareth Higgins argues that "[t]he government is playing God, using an all-seeing eye to prevent murder.
Hooper also discusses the idea that since the international sphere is largely composed of men, it may greatly shape both "the production and maintenance of masculinities." War, then, exists in a unique feedback loop whereby it is not only perpetuated by hegemonic masculinity, but also legitimates masculinity. Post-conflict Cyprus, presents one such example, as Stratis Andreas Efthymiou discusses, Greek Cypriot hegemonic masculinity is constructed into the post-conflict culture . Embodying bravery, determination,the subordination of women and a taste for guns were key aspects for achieving GC masculinity.
Kathleen Richardson of the ' wrote a position paper arguing "that Levy’s proposal shows a number of problems, firstly his understanding of what prostitution is and secondly, by drawing on prostitution as the model for human-robot sexual relations, Levy shows that the sellers of sex are seen by the buyers of sex as things and not recognised as human subjects." She goes on to argue that "[t]his legitimates a dangerous mode of existence where humans can move about in relations with other humans but not recognise them as human subjects in their own right." View online.
Her own observations correct both theories: "But to > answer all... Hippocrates was mistaken... [for] if the child be not fed with > this blood what becomes of this blood when women are with child?" By > commonplacing directly from academic sources, Sharp not only places her > knowledge in established medical traditions, but legitimates the expertise > that comes from practising midwifery, which expands existing medical > knowledge. Thus Sharp challenged and improved on the academic methods of > trained male physicians with empirically based corrections from her > practical experience, and created an accessible guide to women's anatomy > that questioned the authority of academic knowledge.
Dominican law has given a commercial nature to all acts, operations or activities carried out by business organizations. Therefore, in considering the applicable law in the generality of cases involving corporations in the Dominican Republic first priority is given the basic principles contained in the Dominican Commercial Code enacted on the July 4, 1882. Dominican Commercial Law, whose direct and main source is the Commercial Code, has as subsidiary sources, the Civil Code and the trade customs. Many consider that Article 18 of the Dominican Commercial Code is the text that legitimates the Civil Law as an important source of the Commercial Law.
In his statement, he claimed that he had "deprived the government of its goal of sentencing me to death," and that "the fact that I have entered an agreement with the government is purely a tactical choice on my part and in no way legitimates the moral authority of the government to judge this matter or impute my guilt." The terms of the plea agreement were that Rudolph would be sentenced to four consecutive life terms. He was sentenced July 18, 2005, to two consecutive life terms without parole for the 1998 murder of a police officer.Associated Press, "Eric Rudolph Gets Life Without Parole ", July 18, 2005.
Also called "the logic of political violence", Jiujitsu politics is a form of asymmetrical political warfare in which radical groups act to provoke governments to crack down on the populace at large and produce domestic blowback that legitimates further violent action.McCauley, C. Jiutitsu Politics: Terrorism and response to terrorism. In P.R. Kimmel & Chris Stout (Eds.), Collateral Damage: The psychological consequences of America's War on Terrorism The primary purpose of a radical group using this tactic is not to destroy the enemy outright, but to make the enemy strike at political and ideological moderates, such that the existing political order loses its claim on legitimacy while the radical group gains legitimacy.Rosebraugh, Craig.
From this perspective, in every social system there is a dominant (hegemonic) and idealised form of masculinity and an apotheosised form of femininity that is considered as proper for men and women. This idealised form of masculinity (hegemonic masculinity) legitimates and normalises certain performances of men, and pathologises, marginalises, and subordinates any other expressions of masculinities or femininities (masculine and feminine subject positions). Alongside hegemonic masculinity, Connell postulated that there are other forms of masculinities (marginalised and subordinated), which according to the findings of a plethora of studies are constructed in oppressive ways (Thorne 1993). This is symptomatic of the fact that hegemonic masculinity is relational, which means that it is constructed in relation to and against an Other (emphasised femininity, marginalised and subordinated masculinities).
Strictly speaking, there is neither a host nor a guest in Austen's country-house poem until the very end. Hesitant in her ownership of Highbury, the ambitious widow marshals the traditional topoi of the country-house genre so that her desire for elite status and her assertion of an authoritative voice—both complicated by her awareness of her gender as a potential liability in advancing her socioeconomic desires given her widowed state—become intertwined and mutually reinforcing. Austen the poet reinforces the value of the estate, which is soon to augment her status, by inscribing it within the country-house tradition alongside other celebrated, monumentalized sites; the worthiness of the estate, which will reflect upon Austen as owner, legitimates the authority and propriety of her verse. Austen's "On the Situation of Highbury" plainly demonstrates her commonality with the custom of nation house verse.
Robinson wrote an essay called "Egoism" in which he states that "[m]odern egoism, as propounded by Stirner and Nietzsche, and expounded by Ibsen, Shaw and others, is all these; but it is more. It is the realization by the individual that they are an individual; that, as far as they are concerned, they are the only individual"."Egoism" by John Beverley Robinson Walker published the work The Philosophy of Egoism in which he argued that egosim "implies a rethinking of the self-other relationship, nothing less than 'a complete revolution in the relations of mankind' that avoids both the 'archist' principle that legitimates domination and the 'moralist' notion that elevates self-renunciation to a virtue. Walker describes himself as an 'egoistic anarchist' who believed in both contract and cooperation as practical principles to guide everyday interactions".
Each of the many ethnic subgroups in Madagascar adhere to their own set of beliefs, practices and ways of life that have historically contributed to their unique identities. However, there are a number of core cultural features that are common throughout the island, creating a strongly unified Malagasy cultural identity. In addition to a common language and shared traditional religious beliefs around a creator god and veneration of the ancestors, the traditional Malagasy worldview is shaped by values that emphasize fihavanana (solidarity), vintana (destiny), tody (karma), and hasina, a sacred life force that traditional communities believe imbues and thereby legitimates authority figures within the community or family. Other cultural elements commonly found throughout the island include the practice of male circumcision; strong kinship ties; a widespread belief in the power of magic, diviners, astrology and witch doctors; and a traditional division of social classes into nobles, commoners, and slaves.
Each of the many ethnic sub-groups in Madagascar adhere to their own set of beliefs, practices and ways of life that have historically contributed to their unique identities. However, there are a number of core cultural features that are common throughout the island, creating a strongly unified Malagasy cultural identity. In addition to a common language and shared traditional religious beliefs around a creator god and veneration of the ancestors, the traditional Malagasy worldview is shaped by values that emphasize fihavanana (solidarity), vintana (destiny), tody (karma), and hasina, a sacred life force that traditional communities believe imbues and thereby legitimates authority figures within the community or family. Other cultural elements commonly found throughout the island include the practice of male circumcision; strong kinship ties; a widespread belief in the power of magic, diviners, astrology and witch doctors; and a traditional division of social classes into nobles, commoners, and slaves.
Contributions to climate change, whether they cool or warm the Earth, are often described in terms of the radiative forcing or imbalance they introduce to the planet's energy budget. Now and in the future, anthropogenic carbon dioxide is believed to be the major component of this forcing, and the contribution of other components is often quantified in terms of "parts-per- million carbon dioxide equivalent" (ppm CO2e), or the increment/decrement in carbon dioxide concentrations which would create a radiative forcing of the same magnitude. At present, non- contributions to climate change, positive and negative, are believed to roughly cancel out, so that the net radiative forcing being experienced at present, expressed in ppm CO2-e, is more or less the same as the actual current level of carbon dioxide (406.75 ppm , as of December 2017). To some extent this legitimates the statement of targets just in terms of ppm , as is usually the case.
The "status quo kohen" () is a rabbinic title which legitimates Kohen status to a Jewish Kohen who—amongst multiple criteria—exhibits conduct exemplary of and is recognized by his peers and community as such.Such conduct includes—but not limited to—abstaining from becoming impure to a corpse, abstaining from forbidden marriages to a Kohein, administering the priestly blessing, redeeming the firstborn and more (see table of Halachic opinions below) The tannaic rabbi Jose ben Halafta praised the soundness of this Chazakah by labeling it a basis for the entire Halachic concept of chazakah.Talmud Bavli Kesubot 24b It is based on this chazakah that all poskim agree—unanimously—to forbid the status quo Kohen from marrying a divorcee.Of note is that from among the opinions of the Achronim, the mentioned chazakah is given the title Once a Kohen is established as a Kohein Muchzak it is a mitzvah to sanctify himSefer HaMitzvot of the Rambam, positive commandment 32 and assist him in abstaining from the restriction that apply to a Kohen (for example, Prohibition of Kohen defilement by the dead).
A child born in the United Kingdom after 1983 to persons who are not British citizens will not automatically be a British citizen. Prior to 1 July 2006, only a legitimate child (born to parents who are married to each other) could automatically derive British citizenship from the father, if the father was a British citizen or "settled" in the United Kingdom. However, if the parents are not married when the child is born in the United Kingdom, but then get married, and the marriage legitimates the child, then if the father was a British citizen or "settled" in the UK when the child was born, the child would become a British citizen and would be regarded as having been one from the date of marriage. This affects only children where the mother is neither a British citizen nor "settled" in the UK. For children born on or after 1 July 2006, an unmarried father has broadly equivalent rights (compared with a married father) to pass on British citizenship to a child.
Shapiro argued that attempts to adapt the way we talk about rights to these new conditions of post-Humean skepticism sometimes resulted in incoherence. Later theorists of rights like Nozick and Rawls try to make up for this by means of a resort to economic assumptions (for Nozick, neo- classical in origin, for Rawls, Keynesian). These provide an apparently objective anchor for subjective aims. Shapiro concludes “The principal reasons for the tenacity of the liberal conception of individual rights, its negative libertarian view of the substance of rights, its view of individual consent as the legitimate basis of rights, and its essentially pluralist and utilitarian conception of the purposes of rights have, in their various formulations, combined to express a view of politics that is required by and legitimates capitalist market practices” In Political Criticism, Shapiro continues to explore the theme of managing modernity’s loosened objectivity. Here, Shapiro engages political frameworks articulated in opposition to Rawls’s neo-Kantian foundationalism, including the anti-foundationalist work of Richard Rorty, J.G.A. Pocock, Michael Walzer, Alasdair MacIntyre, and Allan Bloom.

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