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66 Sentences With "learnable"

How to use learnable in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "learnable" and check conjugation/comparative form for "learnable". Mastering all the usages of "learnable" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Which is, it's a skill, it's a learnable, practical, teachable skill.
Self-made millionaire Steve Siebold says that building wealth is a learnable skill.
Afterward, he spoke about his miscues as learnable lessons, particularly in the red zone.
They're consistent and learnable in a way the iPad's more advanced features simply aren't.
For one thing, they suggest that leadership is learnable: you just observe the process.
Marshall Ganz's "Self, Us, Now" storytelling framework is a learnable, proven formula we highly recommend.
What to Do When You're Bad at MoneyPersonal finance management is a concrete, learnable skill.
Personal finance management is a concrete, learnable skill, just like driving a car or throwing a baseball.
Although that kind of memory sounds like an innate talent, it turns out to be a learnable skill.
Cryptic crosswords are an elaborate ritual with lots of secret potions and spells — eminently learnable, and once you're in the cabal, you'll never leave.
This time around, the company wants to use the power of its search engine and AI advancements to turn our everyday activities into learnable data points.
However, they're not something immediately obvious to those who know you, and while they're pretty easily learnable—yes, even before the Equifax breach—it does take some effort.
Generally speaking, we pick up hints on a person's socioeconomic status by looking for more obvious markers, things that are buyable or learnable -- clothes, watches, comportment, manner of speech.
Scores of studies published under her name suggest that people who see intelligence and abilities as learnable are more successful, personally and professionally, than people who think they're static.
More subtly, though, in species that have the sorts of learnable, and thus transmissible, behaviour patterns known as culture, cultural changes that promote successful reproduction are also likely to spread.
People tend to have surprisingly little faith in their own ability to do this, but I have faith in you all and, more important, I believe that it's a learnable skill.
Essentially, overfitting is a consequence of having a large number of learnable parameters relative to training samples — parameters being those "neurons" that we were exhaustively adjusting via backpropagation in our previous article.
All of us need help from time to time, and the ability to ask is a learnable skill we seldom think about but one that can have a monumental impact on our goals and lives.
The crazier things get here at home, it seems, the more certain readers long to escape into a culturally homogeneous fantasy Europe where everyone shares the same values, works a 30-hour week and is nourished by deep roots and routines that are also, somehow, supposed to be welcoming and inclusive — learnable by the likes of you and me.
He did this when defining leadership as a learnable skill was still in its infancy.
Following the introduction of its own courses, the company launched Learnable in 2010 as a new online learning platform for web developers. Originally designed as a marketplace, it is later became the primary outlet for SitePoint's online book and course products. Learnable was later phased out for the simpler SitePoint website. It allowed some courses to remain as paths, but mostly removed the community aspects of it.
As such, it is said to be essential to develop digital intelligence from an early age. DQ is also viewed to be measureable and highly learnable.
Miscategorization -- examples of nonmembers of the category -- must always exist, not only to make the category learnable, but for the category to exist and be definable at all.
The Pokémon has a "signature" move that is not learnable by other species called "Judgment". Arceus is a "mythical" Pokémon, one of four released in the fourth generation of the series.
However, this has changed subsequently as Frommer has expanded the lexicon to more than 2900 words and has published the grammar, thus making Naʼvi a relatively complete, learnable and serviceable language.
In computational learning theory, probably approximately correct (PAC) learning is a framework for mathematical analysis of machine learning. It was proposed in 1984 by Leslie Valiant.L. Valiant. A theory of the learnable.
Condition 1 in Angluin's paper is not always easy to verify. Therefore, people come up with various sufficient conditions for the learnability of a language class. See also Induction of regular languages for learnable subclasses of regular languages.
Dana Angluin gave the characterizations of learnability from text (positive information) in a 1980 paper. If a learner is required to be effective, then an indexed class of recursive languages is learnable in the limit if there is an effective procedure that uniformly enumerates tell-tales for each language in the class (Condition 1).p.121 top It is not hard to see that if an ideal learner (i.e., an arbitrary function) is allowed, then an indexed class of languages is learnable in the limit if each language in the class has a tell-tale (Condition 2).p.
So the last speaker of a dying language would not be speaking a private language, since the language remains in principle learnable. A private language must be unlearnable and untranslatable, and yet it must appear that the speaker is able to make sense of it.
3, No. 1, pp. 41-50, January 2013. Retrieved 1 April 2020. The statue bears the following inscription: "...the man who cracked the linguistic code of the English language and made it learnable for millions of students worldwide through New Concept English and many other course books".
Transitions from one precept to its alternative are called perceptual reversals. They are spontaneous and stochastic events that cannot be eliminated by intentional efforts, although some control over the alternation process is learnable. Reversal rates vary drastically between stimuli and observers. They are slower for people with bipolar disorder.
If learnable, optimism techniques could be practical in life. They are used today in many areas such as parenting, business, therapy, and education. Business would benefit from more optimistic workers, as they are more successful . Seligman's focus in business is on "the personal wall" that is each individual worker's set-point of discouragement.
Boosting algorithms can be based on convex or non-convex optimization algorithms. Convex algorithms, such as AdaBoost and LogitBoost, can be "defeated" by random noise such that they can't learn basic and learnable combinations of weak hypotheses.P. Long and R. Servedio. 25th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2008, pp. 608--615.
Only companies with approved and registered apprenticeship programs under TESDA can hire apprentices. The Learnership Program, on the other hand, involves practical on-the-job training for pre-approved learnable occupations, as determined by TESDA. The program must not exceed three months. Only companies with TESDA approved and registered learnership programs can hire learners.
Thus far, these modern a priori languages have garnered only small groups of speakers. Robot Interaction Language (2010) is a spoken language that is optimized for communication between machines and humans. The major goals of ROILA are that it should be easily learnable by the human user, and optimized for efficient recognition by computer speech recognition algorithms.
This is the recursion-theoretic branch of learning theory. It is based on Gold's model of learning in the limit from 1967 and has developed since then more and more models of learning. The general scenario is the following: Given a class S of computable functions, is there a learner (that is, recursive functional) which outputs for any input of the form (f(0),f(1),...,f(n)) a hypothesis. A learner M learns a function f if almost all hypotheses are the same index e of f with respect to a previously agreed on acceptable numbering of all computable functions; M learns S if M learns every f in S. Basic results are that all recursively enumerable classes of functions are learnable while the class REC of all computable functions is not learnable.
The Dothraki language was developed under two significant constraints. First, the language had to match the uses already put down in the books. Secondly, it had to be easily pronounceable or learnable by the actors. These two constraints influenced the grammar and phonology of the language: for instance, as in English, there is no contrast between aspirated and unaspirated stops.
Michalski was cofounder of Machine Learning and Inference Laboratory at George Mason University. He earned a patent for the university with Learnable Non-Darwinian Evolution Model (LEM), a form of evolutionary computation, in 2003. He cofounded the Journal of Machine Learning in 1986 and helped organize the first international multistrategy machine learning conferences in 1991.Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Multistrategy Learning, Michalski, R. S. & Tecuci, G. (Eds.), Harpers Ferry, WV, 1991.
A class of languages has finite thickness if every non- empty set of strings is contained in at most finitely many languages of the class. This is exactly Condition 3 in Angluin's paper.p.123 mid Angluin showed that if a class of recursive languages has finite thickness, then it is learnable in the limit.p.123 bot, Corollary 2 A class with finite thickness certainly satisfies MEF-condition and MFF-condition; in other words, finite thickness implies M-finite thickness.
As such, they lack permanence and generalizability. SIT sets is built on the thesis that certain patterns are identifiable, objectively verifiable, widely applied, and learnable, and that these patterns, termed templates, can serve as a facilitative tool that channels the ideation process, enabling the individual to be more productive and focused. The usual process of developing new products begins with a definition of market need. This is done based on intuition or on market analysis, focus groups etc.
Ilaksh was superseded by a morphologically similar language also termed Ithkuil because of its ties to the initial publication. The script uses a unique morphophonemic principle that allows sentences representing grammatical categories to be pronounced in multiple ways as the speaker sees fit. In 2014 the category of register was introduced and in 2015 a mathematical and measurement-based sublanguage was published. Dozens on the community Reddit forum have proposed revisions to make the language more learnable.
The Robot Interaction Language (ROILA) is the first spoken language created specifically for talking to robots. ROILA is being developed by the Department of Industrial Design at Eindhoven University of Technology. The major goals of ROILA are that it should be easily learnable by the user, and optimized for efficient recognition by robots. ROILA has a syntax that allows it to be useful for many different kinds of robots, including the Roomba, and Lego Mindstorms NXT.
The distributional learning theory or learning of probability distribution is a framework in computational learning theory. It has been proposed from Michael Kearns, Yishay Mansour, Dana Ron, Ronitt Rubinfeld, Robert Schapire and Linda Sellie in 1994 M. Kearns, Y. Mansour, D. Ron, R. Rubinfeld, R. Schapire, L. Sellie On the Learnability of Discrete Distributions. ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, 1994 and it was inspired from the PAC- framework introduced by Leslie Valiant.L. Valiant A theory of the learnable.
It is possible to queue up to four commands per champion. Each champion has 13 learnable skills, but only eight can be learned on a single play-through, as every time the player learns a skill, they lose access to another skill. Of the eight skills, four can be taken into battle at any one time. These skills have various effects, such as stat boosts, extra damage, healing, or temporarily altering the elemental affinities of enemies or allies.
Decision lists are a representation for Boolean functions which can be easily learnable from examples. Single term decision lists are more expressive than disjunctions and conjunctions; however, 1-term decision lists are less expressive than the general disjunctive normal form and the conjunctive normal form. The language specified by a k-length decision list includes as a subset the language specified by a k-depth decision tree. Learning decision lists can be used for attribute efficient learning.
Example of Roller's shorthand. As a result of the conflict with Arends, Roller decided to develop his own shorthand system which he published under the title "Vollständiger Leitfaden einer einfachen, in wenigen Stunden erlernbaren Stenographie für den Schul-, Korrespondenz- und parlamentarischen Gebrauch" (complete instructions to a simple, in a few hours learnable stenographic system for school, correspondence and parliament usage) on 1 October 1875. The book was published in 24 editions between 1875 and 1898. Roller made frequent adjustments to the system in the following years.
Visual interfaces are at the maximum of their upgradability. Even though the resolution of new screens is constantly rising, you can see a change of direction away from the descriptive intuitive design to natural interface strategies, based on learnable habits (Google’s Material Design, Apple’s iOS flat design, Microsoft’s Metro Design Language). Several of the more important commands are not shown directly but can be accessed through dragging, holding and swiping across the screen; gestures which have to be learned once but feel very natural afterwards and are easy to remember.
FOIL learns function-free Horn clauses, a subset of first- order predicate calculus. Given positive and negative examples of some concept and a set of background-knowledge predicates, FOIL inductively generates a logical concept definition or rule for the concept. The induced rule must not involve any constants (color(X,red) becomes color(X,Y), red(Y)) or function symbols, but may allow negated predicates; recursive concepts are also learnable. Like the ID3 algorithm, FOIL hill climbs using a metric based on information theory to construct a rule that covers the data.
Document depicted is a page from the Section 5 "Progress Windows" of the text the GNOME Human Interface Guidelines, published under GFDL 1.1 or later with no Front-Cover Texts, no Back-Cover Texts, and no Invariant Sections. Human interface guidelines (HIG) are software development documents which offer application developers a set of recommendations. Their aim is to improve the experience for the users by making application interfaces more intuitive, learnable, and consistent. Most guides limit themselves to defining a common look and feel for applications in a particular desktop environment.
This is done such that the input sequence can be precisely reconstructed from the representation at the highest level. The system effectively minimises the description length or the negative logarithm of the probability of the data. Given a lot of learnable predictability in the incoming data sequence, the highest level RNN can use supervised learning to easily classify even deep sequences with long intervals between important events. It is possible to distill the RNN hierarchy into two RNNs: the "conscious" chunker (higher level) and the "subconscious" automatizer (lower level).
The learnable evolution model (LEM) is a non-Darwinian methodology for evolutionary computation that employs machine learning to guide the generation of new individuals (candidate problem solutions). Unlike standard, Darwinian- type evolutionary computation methods that use random or semi-random operators for generating new individuals (such as mutations and/or recombinations), LEM employs hypothesis generation and instantiation operators. The hypothesis generation operator applies a machine learning program to induce descriptions that distinguish between high-fitness and low-fitness individuals in each consecutive population. Such descriptions delineate areas in the search space that most likely contain the desirable solutions.
The EI Leadership Institute, (founded as the Liautaud Institute) was funded by Liautaud as a "use-inspired" research institute dedicated to researching and engineering proven solutions, leveraging people's biogenetic needs to create a happier, more effective workforce. At the Institute he engineered processes and proven learnable habits that are steeped in effective research, and use a methodical approach inspired from manufacturing practices (ISO) to create consistent, repeatable and viral change. The EI Leadership Institute has been ranked as one of the top 40 Executive Education classes along with Northwestern (Kellogg), MIT (Sloan), Columbia (Business School) and others.
The convolutional layer is the core building block of a CNN. The layer's parameters consist of a set of learnable filters (or kernels), which have a small receptive field, but extend through the full depth of the input volume. During the forward pass, each filter is convolved across the width and height of the input volume, computing the dot product between the entries of the filter and the input and producing a 2-dimensional activation map of that filter. As a result, the network learns filters that activate when it detects some specific type of feature at some spatial position in the input.
During Van Rossum's stay at CNRI, he launched the Computer Programming for Everybody (CP4E) initiative, intending to make programming more accessible to more people, with a basic "literacy" in programming languages, similar to the basic English literacy and mathematics skills required by most employers. Python served a central role in this: because of its focus on clean syntax, it was already suitable, and CP4E's goals bore similarities to its predecessor, ABC. The project was funded by DARPA. , the CP4E project is inactive, and while Python attempts to be easily learnable and not too arcane in its syntax and semantics, emailing non-programmers is not an active concern.
The Collusion Syndicate began publishing articles written by its members and others that submitted articles in 1997 on their site,, their stated mission being to "Learn all that is Learnable". This site won awards including a Best of Austin The Austin Chronicle: Best of Austin, 2000 in 2000 by the Austin Chronicle where the site was described as "an edgy cabal of net-savvy punks and vinyl-scratching, video-gaming malcontents, laying it down in no uncertain terms with a lot of dark backgrounds and urban-toothed graphics and in-your-face-yo rants." Collusion Syndicate research on SIPRNet has been referenced by the SANS Institute .
Peter James Denning (born January 6, 1942) is an American computer scientist and writer. He is best known for pioneering work in virtual memory, especially for inventing the working-set model for program behavior, which addressed thrashing in operating systems and became the reference standard for all memory management policies. He is also known for his works on principles of operating systems, operational analysis of queueing network systems, design and implementation of CSNET, the ACM digital library, codifying the great principles of computing, and most recently for the book The Innovator's Way,The Innovator's Way: Essential Practices for Successful Innovation, MIT Press (2010) on innovation as a set of learnable practices.
A metaphysical physicalist can simply deny linguistic physicalism and hold that Mary's learning what seeing red is like, though it cannot be expressed in language, is nevertheless a fact about the physical world, since the physical is all that exists. Similarly to Flanagan, Torin Alter contends that Jackson conflates physical facts with "discursively learnable" facts, without justification: > ...some facts about conscious experiences of various kinds cannot be learned > through purely discursive means. This, however, does not yet license any > further conclusions about the nature of the experiences that these > discursively unlearnable facts are about. In particular, it does not entitle > us to infer that these experiences are not physical events.
Integration into Indian tribes was not difficult, as Indians typically accepted persons based not on ethnic or racial characteristics, but on learnable and acquirable designators such as "language, culturally appropriate behavior, social affiliation, and loyalty."Dyar (2003) p823 Non-Indian captives were often adopted into society, including, famously, Mary Jemison. As a side note, the "gauntlet" was a ceremony that was often misunderstood as a form of torture, or punishment but within Indian society was seen as a ritual way for the captives to leave their European society and become a tribal member. Cherokee chief John Ross Since the mid-19th century, controversy and competition have worked both within and outside tribes, as societies evolved.
In many musical idioms it belongs to the tradition of stringed instruments to work with different tunings, adapted to the demands of the piece of music. Therefore, it is not surprising, that Bashir experimented with a lot of tunings. A common tuning of the Arabian oud – "Arabian" in contrast to the almost identical Turkish instrument, that has a slightly different history – is: Julien Weiss Discusses Traditional and Contemporary Arab Music, by Sami Asmar The reesha is held in the palm of one's hand, resulting in a difficultly learnable picking technique; furthermore the doubled strings have a less controllable attack than single strings. Therefore, the inevitable rhythmic reliability in fastest, asymmetric accented, melodies is a special trademark of virtuosos.
Vygotsky's philosophy: Constructivism and its criticisms examined Liu & Matthews, International Education Journal, 2005, 6 (3), 386–99. Matthews (1993) attempts to sketch the influence of constructivism in current mathematics and science education, aiming to indicate how pervasive Aristotle's empiricist epistemology is within it and what problems constructivism faces on that account.Journal of Science Education and Technology In the neo-Piagetian theories of cognitive development it is maintained that learning at any age depends upon the processing and representational resources available at this particular age. That is, it is maintained that if the requirements of the concept to be understood exceeds the available processing efficiency and working memory resources then the concept is by definition not learnable.
'In a 1926 paper ... — a paper which Freud later cited – she emphasizes that intuition, the analyst's ability to identify with the patient's transference fantasies, is a potent therapeutic tool', proving herself thereby a forerunner to much later work on the analyst's ' free-floating responsiveness ... as a crucial element in his "useful" countertransference'.Joseph Sandler, in Patrick Casement, Further Learning from the Patient (London 1990) p. 165 Deutsch was wary accordingly of any 'rigid adherence to the phantom of "Freudian Method", which, as I now realize, I must regard as an area of research ' and not as 'a complete, learnable entity which can be taught by thorough and regular drilling'.Deutsch, in Appignanesi/Forrester, p.
In the August 1996 edition of Dragon (Issue #232), Rick Swan was excited that Chessex had issued a new version of the game, calling it "as terrific as ever, meeting all the criteria that elevates a product from the merely entertaining to the dazzingly classical." Swan lauded the game as "easy, learnable in a couple of minutes (no kidding) [and]... challenging; 10 years on and I still haven't cracked all its secrets." He concluded, "a Lost Worlds set remains a better buy than a stack of comic books you’ll never read or a weekend’s worth of artery-clogging cheeseburgers that’ll only hasten your journey to an early grave." In 1999 Pyramid magazine named Lost Worlds as one of the Millennium's Best Games.
The Naʼvi language (Naʼvi: ') is the constructed language of the Naʼvi, the sapient humanoid indigenous inhabitants of the fictional moon Pandora in the 2009 film Avatar. It was created by Paul Frommer, a professor at the USC Marshall School of Business with a doctorate in linguistics. Naʼvi was designed to fit James Cameron's conception of what the language should sound like in the film, to be realistically learnable by the fictional human characters of the film, and to be pronounceable by the actors, but to not closely resemble any single human language. When the film was released in 2009, Naʼvi had a growing vocabulary of about a thousand words, but understanding of its grammar was limited to the language's creator.
Design thinking example video that presents design thinking for innovation in business and society as a process of "Learn from People, Find Patterns, Design Principles, Make Tangible and Iterate Relentlessly" A five-phase description of the design innovation process is described by Plattner, Meinel, and Leifer as: (re)defining the problem, needfinding and benchmarking, ideating, building, testing. Plattner, Meinel, and Leifer state: "While the stages are simple enough, the adaptive expertise required to choose the right inflection points and appropriate next stage is a high order intellectual activity that requires practice and is learnable." The process may also be thought of as a system of overlapping spaces rather than a sequence of orderly steps: inspiration, ideation, and implementation.Brown, T. 2008.
Her view of language – that it is not confined to humans and is learnable by other ape species – is generally criticized and not accepted by researchers from linguistics, psychology and other sciences of the brain and mind. For example, the cognitive scientist Steven Pinker strongly criticized the position of Savage-Rumbaugh and others in his award-winning The Language Instinct, arguing that Kanzi and other non- human primates failed to grasp the fundamentals of language. According to Alexander Fiske-Harrison, who visited Savage-Rumbaugh in 2001 for the Financial Times, her methods differ from the more clinical techniques of other researchers such as Frans de Waal by taking a "holistic approach to the research, rearing the apes from birth and immersing them in a "linguistic world"."Fiske-Harrison, Alexander.
Youtube, 2012Video of Jürgen Schmidhuber's talk at the 2009 Singularity Summit, NYC: Compression Progress: The Algorithmic Principle Behind Curiosity and Creativity. Youtube, 2010 For example, physicists are motivated to create experiments leading to observations obeying previously unpublished physical laws permitting better data compression. Likewise, composers receive intrinsic reward for creating non-arbitrary melodies with unexpected but regular harmonies that permit wow-effects through data compression improvements. Similarly, a comedian gets intrinsic reward for "inventing a novel joke with an unexpected punch line, related to the beginning of the story in an initially unexpected but quickly learnable way that also allows for better compression of the perceived data."Kurzweil AI: Transcript of Jürgen Schmidhuber's TEDx talk (2012): When creative machines overtake man Schmidhuber argues that ongoing computer hardware advances will greatly scale up rudimentary artificial scientists and artists based on simple implementations of the basic principle since 1990.

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