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"large it" Definitions
  1. (intr, pron)
  2. to enjoy oneself or celebrate in an extravagant way

298 Sentences With "large it"

How to use large it in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "large it" and check conjugation/comparative form for "large it". Mastering all the usages of "large it" from sentence examples published by news publications.

DF: It was literally a large ... It was $400,20163.
But by and large, it has been unavailable to Americans.
But by and large, it was a garden variety street festival.
Even though the study was fairly large, it had some limitations.
Although the kitchen is large, it only has a mini-fridge.
The home is so large it also has 240 real estate agents.
By and large, it looks like a pretty standard customer service account.
America's  trade deficit  with China  is so large it almost defies comprehension.
At first glance, the store didn't reveal how large it actually was.
While the difference isn't large, it could be significant, according to Modi.
I don't know how large it is, but it's certainly committed and active.
And since Jupiter is so large, it reflects a whole lot of light.
And, even though it was large, it didn't contain many kids with autism.
It was so large, it probably wouldn't have fit through the scanner anyway.
When margins are large, it is easy for banks to turn a profit.
And, by and large, it is the education system that has failed them.
While her table wasn't large, it was roomy enough to seat four people.
By and large, it felt like designers took a vape break from current events.
Eight Saudis and a Bahraini were among the suspects still at large, it said.
Although the drop is not large, it is notable given policy variation between states.
The dildo was so large it barely fit in the adorable little dog's mouth.
By large, it will send a signal across the nation that healthcare is essential.
Though large, it is delicate, with fine flowers in red plaster over the archways.
And depending on how large it is, then projects how dire the consequences are.
Although the official total is large, it is thought to be a severe underestimate.
The data that ALMA collects will be so large, it cannot be transferred online.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads Walt Whitman's America is large, it contains multitudes.
Shares in, Yandex, a Russian equivalent to Google, and another large IT company, Mail.
By and large, it doesn't add narrative value, but it has one indelible moment.
She worked for a large IT firm, travelled frequently and had recently been promoted.
As the hotel is large, it was quite a long walk to our room.
It came with a controller dubbed "The Duke" because of how large it was.
The — how large it is is what is very hard for anyone to predict.
And I think by and large it still is in a lot of cases.
We showed it to people, and most seemed to comment on how large it was.
"Since bedroom furniture is naturally large, it can get crowded in bedrooms," she told Insider.
You don't see it in one place so you don't realize how large it is.
While geographically large, it is very rural and contains only about 3% of the Afghan population.
His 33% is formidable when the field is large; it isn't when the field is small.
However, because the Sausage galaxy is so large, it caused more damage than usual, they added.
The house is very largeit spreads across three floors, and it also has a garden.
When big money buys something, their purchases are so large it can push up the price.
One dent in the road was so large it caused an accident that flipped a car.
The storm has raged for 350 years, and it's so large it could swallow Earth whole.
The tree is so large, it completely obstructs the view of the side and rear windows.
The whirl, sometimes nicknamed a "firenado," was so large it was picked up on Doppler radar.
If the American military presence is large, it can offer them and their families some protection.
To the public at large it looks a bit too vanilla to draw any extra attention.
I knew the park would be large but I didn't realize how large it truly is.
Samsung claims the billboard is so large it can be seen from more than 1.3 miles away.
We had to work to put a Black man in Warner Robins at large, it was history.
My spleen was so large it was cutting into my diaphragm; I had a lot of pain.
A federal gasoline tax increase could hit gasoline demand depending on how large it is, he said.
The temple was so large it made the locker room at Nemea seem like a delicate miniature.
For an item this large, it would be nearly impossible to set it up on my own.
It's a storm that's raged for 350 years, and it's so large it could swallow Earth whole.
And Ma hopes Alibaba never loses sight of its garage culture, regardless of how large it gets.
Snow slides could be deep and large, it added, posing danger to exposed settlements and transit routes.
In the headquarters, we were greeted by a framed photo so large it was almost life-sized.
When problems are that large, it can be easy to become defeatist, to assume that change is impossible.
But by and large it has worked well enough for all three sides to want to maintain it.
The event will likely be large: It is being held at Seattle's Paramount Theater, which holds around 2,800.
It looks like a relic from Jurassic Park and is so large, it might feed an entire village.
Now, there are significant differences in terms of how large it should be, how you pay for it.
If you look at when Michael Keaton appears in the first suit, you'll notice how large it is.
When I walked into the giant blue-and-white tent, I was shocked at how large it was.
The image shows her kneeling in front of a floral wreath so large it looks like a throne.
The sand storm, as it crossed the Atlantic Ocean, was so large it could be seen from space.
And like all homes, no matter how large, it can feel awfully claustrophobic to those who inhabit it.
Of course, with stakes that large, it has always been about politics — from grand strategy to petty scorekeeping.
While the fine under consideration is incredibly large, it might not actually hurt a company of Facebook's size.
He said the government's coffers were so large it could operate for the next several years without collecting taxes.
Here, the Black Rock Philharmonic performs Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" to an audience so large it flowed onto the streets.
The name was fitting: The Sword of Damocles was so large it had to be suspended from the ceiling.
For Taylor, it was bruising on the right eye — a swelling so large it was close to sealing shut.
Since the federal government is sprawling and large, it helps to have centralized leadership in case of a crisis.
But by and large, it was a night for celebration, and many would-be Oscar contenders worked the room.
Microsoft's version of the chip is called the SQ1, and by and large it performs better than my expectation.
Indeed, the insolvency is so large, it is the fiscal equivalent of the big lie — a financial black hole.
The ECB has not said how many bonds it will buy or how large it estimates the market to be.
The asteroid 4 Vesta is so large it can be currently be seen as it travels through the constellation Sagittarius.
While the sample size is not large, it gives a rough approximation of how much they contribute for the money.
Though my home isn't especially large, it presents challenges to traditional routers, thanks to older construction and lots of walls.
You deal with the personality test and so on, and by and large, it is this ... What is a shaper?
The theory is that the holdings of the two fund managers combined were so large it gave them pricing power.
If the cast of characters Johnson calls up seems dizzyingly large, it is because everyone seemed to know David Hosack.
Patches's tumor soon became so large it "ran out of room on the top of her head," Ms. Dymeck said.
Her most recent rental there was a studio with a windowless office, so large it functioned as a one-bedroom.
While the number of naturalized citizens who have served in other top political positions is not large, it is not trivial.
To echo the words of another American poet who chose assassinations as a topic, Hayes's work is large; it contains multitudes.
"This short of a distance, the Fresnel zone won't be very large, it may only be a couple feet," Shapiro explained.
He climbed atop Balerion, a dragon so large it could blot out the sun, and burned down the Sept of Remembrance.
If The Nice Guys looks like a good time to you, then it will be — because by and large, it is.
The gym is so large, it also hosts a treadmill and a strength training rack, as well as a ballet bar.
That turned out not to be possible, since the amount was so large it wasn't just simple theft—it was embezzlement.
But on his patio, Mr. Cece built a furnace so large it could produce a ton of mercury in 24 hours.
J.P. Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon said that while his bank's reserves are large, it is reluctant to part with them.
"In the political sphere, women's engagement in public life has a positive impact on inequality across society at large," it said.
Worse, for the industry at large, it played into Donald J. Trump's accusations that the mainstream media was colluding with Mrs.
On the other hand, if you use a needle that is too large, it may leave visible holes in your fabric.
I recently turned 41, a number so large it makes me think of a thick tree or a locally famous tortoise.
Both sides made closing arguments Wednesday before a crowd so large it spilled out of the courtroom and into the halls.
First, the Democrats on the stage in Atlanta proved that while the field of candidates is large, it certainly has depth.
The area was so large, it was given its own name — Homan Square, after the main street that intersects the complex.
One question: Why is Jupiter's famous Great Red Spot — which is so large it could engulf the entire Earth — mysteriously shrinking?
Clinton's vision of an immigration system can be large, it can be generous, and it can be welcoming to people from everywhere.
"There's already been explosive growth — we never could have predicted how fast or how large it was going to be," Perret said.
The services division is now a near $28.3 billion business: so large, it would be in the Fortune 28 on its own.
Apple's services division is now a near $289.5 billion business: so large, it would be in the Fortune 100 on its own.
You might learn a lot about a tiny patch of that elephant's skin, but you'll have no idea how large it is.
With the Joy-Con controllers attached, the Switch is largeit feels longer than the Wii U's gamepad—but it's not bulky.
So, if there is anything I would say to the world at large, it is this: Don't be afraid to go exploring.
Here's a big, discomforting fact about the current coronavirus outbreak in the United States: We have no idea how large it is.
However, the Council left open the thorny questions of how large it would be and where in the city it would stand.
Scientists have found a black hole that's so large it theoretically isn't supposed to exist, according to findings published in Nature Wednesday.
But the N.L.D.'s stance overall has been much tamer: By and large, it seems to have wanted to appease the military.
Audi has already developed prototypes of driverless cars, but the technology required was so large it took up nearly the entire trunk space.
NHTSA investigators will check into how often the problem happens and how large it might be to decide whether a recall is necessary.
Because the game is secretive, it's hard to discern how large it has become, who the victims are, or how real it is.
The gusts swirled in the flames of the fast-moving Carr Fire -- a blaze so hot and large it created its own weather.
A deal with the Justice Department would likely include a monetary fine, though it's unclear how large it would be, the Journal reported.
Although "Digital Renaissance" bills itself as a study of the "creative industries" writ large, it concerns itself almost exclusively with hit-driven sectors.
And by and large, it doesn't bother my colleagues, although it might explain why my desk was recently moved to a storage room.
" However, Prakash Kumar, the head of GSTN, said "a phased approach was adopted" at launch and "change is a constant in large IT projects.
The company previously had an approximate valuation of $27 billion, so while the round is large, it doesn't deviate from prior anti-dilution strategies.
It was Shuman who was responsible for how large it was—bigger than a football stadium and filled with 12-foot tall computer servers.
Larger banks with greater compliance resources and existing large IT teams should be in a stronger position to manage these issues as they arise.
California is often cast as a virtual nation apart, a state with an economy so large it can force changes to the global economy.
The city of Hartford, Connecticut, isn't all that largeit boasts a population of around 124,000—and is comprised mostly of people of color.
The Fed has not said how large it would like its balance sheet to be, so there is no finish line for the retreat.
Chinese scientists have discovered a stellar black hole that&aposs so large it shouldn&apost exist based on current theories of black-hole formation.
The struggle in Los Angeles, a district so large it educates about 9 percent of all students in the state, will resonate around California.
He hired a band to entertain the crowd that showed up — all without saying exactly where the property was or how large it was.
Turns out, even during those balmy Mars summers, the lake stays frozen ... because it's so large, it actually cools all the air around it.
But by and large it seems like Trump is basically convincing people of his core thesis about the media: They should be nicer to him.
Steve Geddes of Boscawen, New Hampshire just made U.S. history by growing a pumpkin so large it surpassed the record for largest pumpkin in America.
There is the $72 million apartment, so large it runs the full length of one side of the Plaza Hotel, with windows overlooking Central Park.
By and large, it doesn't act as a guardian of civic norms and liberal institutions—except when press freedoms and access itself are at stake.
Image: NASAThree hundred and sixty five million miles away sits a cloud of gas so large it weighs more than Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune combined.
The project is so large, it will support the creation of a domestic solar equipment manufacturing industry in the kingdom, said SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son.
As of this writing, June 2 would confer a trove of delegates so large it would be second only to Super Tuesday in early March.
On the right he is slim, standing inside a pair of his old pants, so large it is almost inconceivable that he once wore them.
By and large, it seems states will only embrace federal incentives on criminal justice issues if they actually want to adopt the policies being encouraged.
By and large, it appears that the US government turned to video games in order to design cheap sci-fi knock-offs that rival Rick's inventions.
Even then the New York Times was doubtful: "We have no assurance, from seeing this clothed skeleton, that the tree was actually so large," it opined.
It's the newest exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History, and it's a dinosaur cast so large it doesn't even fit into a single room.
"If identifying information is disclosed to the public at large, it will affect plaintiff's professional reputation and ability to secure comparable employment opportunities," the motion said.
Mononofu, however, might be a bit too large: it is unable to leave the factory without being dismantled because it was built taller than the entrance.
While the amount of territory changing hands in the Hasaka cease-fire is not large, it appears to be an important step toward total Kurdish control.
Unfortunately, this specimen was incomplete; the jellyfish was so large, it couldn&apost be completely sucked up by the submersible&aposs suction sampler, the researchers said.
The dunk itself is secondary, as the canon is so large it will have to be launched from the parking lot outside the Smoothie King Center.
The Great Deal Furniture David Bean Bag Lounger is so large it could replace your couch, and it's so comfortable that it just might do that.
In 85033, former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke warned that a government default could cause a financial crisis so large it would end the economic recovery.
Indeed, the divide is so large it exceeds what was true in 2008 and 2012 — when there was an actual African-American candidate on the ballot.
Trump's relationship with the Patriots looms large It doesn't help at all that Trump's all-time favorite team -- the New England Patriots -- has been so dominant.
Even so, Ha said, "given that the proportion of people exposed to this risk factor is large, it is very important to do something about it."
"Everyone's really blown away at how intricate and large it is not because it's massive, but we did a lot of detail work too," Hayes told WLKY.
"While the value of Sir Martin Sorrell's award is very large, it was the result of an outstanding set of returns to share owners," the report said.
We were upgraded to an Executive Suite, which was so large it could have easily been split into two separate sleeping quarters to help justify the cost.
Pioneer CEO Scott Sheffield spoke with Cramer, and said the Sprayberry/Wolfcamp shale is so large; it is now the second largest oil field in the world.
In keeping the balance sheet large, it helped prevent a flood of bonds into the market that might have driven yields higher and pushed up borrowing costs.
A meal can cost between $250 and $300 pesos (which is roughly $16 USD), but each plate is so large it can be shared by two people.
His philosophy is that the best type of ice to add to a drink shouldn't just be large; it should also have a polished and transparent appearance.
Even though the Makita 18V drill is heavy and large, it fits well in the hand and has a good balance, according to the Popular Mechanics review.
By and large, it seems cities and states will only embrace federal incentives on criminal justice issues if they actually want to adopt the policies being encouraged.
"Spatial disparities in living standards are large," it said in the report, pointing to a need for more accommodative business taxation to promote investment and counter tax evasion.
You can see how large it would be compared to an average-sized person, based on the small white model Studio VP John Piper is holding near it.
Though the cast is large, it feels like almost every character has depth, and I kept wanting to push to learn as much as I could about everybody.
It's so physically large it takes up the bulk of my backpack space so when I got it, I kept finding excuses to not commit to reading it.
"That's very large -- it means that you have to replace more than one third of your animal protein with plant protein to get a huge benefit," he added.
"The magnitude of the impressions of the platform is so large it would be very hard for an event or single person to drive sustained growth," Noto said.
I find that, by and large, it works well enough for me, and I love that I can play it on many different devices (including a Surface Go!).
By and large, it seems local municipalities and states will only embrace federal incentives on criminal justice issues if they actually want to adopt the policies being encouraged.
Though The World of Interiors had an influential readership, including Paloma Picasso, Jacqueline Onassis and Bill Blass, the magazine's circulation was never large (it now has 55,091 subscribers).
All told, it's a sensible step towards engaging the automation problem at largeit offers time to assess impacts, retrain workers, or cushion the blow if mechanization is imminent.
But a visit to the vet revealed that while the tumor is large, it is not affecting her neurological health or any other part of the pooch's well-being.
But by and large, it was lovely to travel back to the past and enjoy a low-res, polygonal version of this wonderful city the way I remembered it.
While the venue is large, it won't be able to hold all of Silicon Valley, so tickets are very limited and released on a rolling basis for $85 each.
The message was so large, it was hard to make out the whole thing — NYC doesn't exactly boast an uncluttered skyline — would the intended be able to understand it?
"At around $20163 billion (or roughly 95 percent of forecast 2016 gross domestic product) at the end of September 2015, the country's foreign currency assets are large," it said.
The Pentagon's F-35 program manager, Air Force Lieutenant General Chris Bogdan, has repeatedly cited concerns about ALIS, which is so large it could be a separate arms program.
The compound, which is the highest point in the 90210 zip code, is so large, it could fit Disneyland inside its borders and still have 57 acres left over.
But while the cloud market is "so insanely large," it could change dramatically in the future in a way that could weaken or take out smaller players, Slootman said.
It features striking visual elements: images of thousands of Latin American men, women and children in a procession so large it sometimes fills the width of a city street.
"At around $650 billion (or roughly 95 percent of forecast 2016 gross domestic product) at the end of September 153, the country's foreign currency assets are large," it said.
The impact of your solution represents a catch 22: if it's too small they have bigger fish to fry and if it's too large it creates too much risk.
Over 50,000 employees working on the project at a new assembly plant in Everett, Washington, according to Boeing, that was so large it was given its own zip code.
The most important factor that powered Tuesday's wave was not a realignment in public opinion at large, it was a change in the electorate: those who chose to vote.
Our hopes for that have been dampened somewhat, because the original LIGO was online for quite a while and if the signal were very large it might have seen it.
Those numbers refer to the object's "spherical dimensions," or how large it would be if it was a sphere—though it is currently believed to be shaped like a cigar.
This is why the gluteus maximus is so large: it has to be in order to make up for the loss of two other muscles that had the same action!
I can't tell how large it is because Tivoli didn't provide any environmental shots, but the design does seem nice, and I could see the device as a room's centerpiece.
An unusually fierce thunderstorm hit Istanbul on Thursday night, transforming city streets into rivers and pounding the area with hail so large it damaged parked aircraft at the international airport.
"This was not a power grab," Mr El-Erian writes; central banks had to buy time until the political system got its act together—which by and large it didn't.
"To give you an idea of how large it is, we had to make use of a cherry picker in order to build the top half of it," he said.
Egypt's state grain buyer GASC, a global buyer of wheat so large it moves world prices on the back of its outsized tenders, appears to be struggling to keep up.
It's also unclear who would be investing in the new fund and how large it will be, although some sources said it could be substantially larger than current Vision Fund.
Towards the end of the exhibition, viewers encounter a second figure in the foetal position, this time so large it spills out of the enormous room in which it is sited.
Still, the industry appears to be torn about how to engage with the White House, especially since, by and large, it came out in support of Hillary Clinton during the campaign.
By and large it comes down to the stigma that sex workers still face at almost every level of society (thanks in no small part to terrible representation in pop culture).
We were living in Hagerstown, Maryland at the time, but even as a fourth-grade kid who didn't know much about the world at large, it was a pretty scary time.
They reach the living room and she sits down on a gigantic green corner sofa, with a flat surface so large it resembles a bed, but with cushions at the back.
For a few days, visitors to the Sotheby's showroom will be able to try on Marie Antoinette's stunning diamond pendant that holds a natural pearl so large, it pulls down clothing.
Once you arrive in the main space, you're forced to contend with "While you were sleeping" (2016), a drone so large it barely fits in the very generously sized exhibition hall.
Now, the markets are so large it is hard to see how policymakers can lower the risks they pose without precipitating a sharp decline that is bound to damage the economy.
Speaking at a news conference on Monday afternoon, GNS expert Ken Gledhill said that while the volcanic eruption hadn't been that large, it would have been hugely dangerous for anyone nearby.
There's a mass of seaweed in the Atlantic Ocean that last year, at its peak, was so large it stretched all the way from the Gulf of Mexico to West Africa.
At 23 declared candidates and counting, the Democratic primary field dwarfs its 2016 Republican counterpart, a field so large it introduced the term "little kid" debates into the American political lexicon.
Though the exhibition is large, it is still sparse enough for the viewer to have an exclusive communion with each piece, while still allowing the works a conviviality within the space.
But things get really impressive as King Kylie moves on to her assortment of thigh-high boots, a collection so large it surely outnumbers all of the footwear in most people's closets.
"Because this piece, which is only a small part of the wing, is very large, it puts into perspective how large the entire plane was," she told Reuters ahead of the event.
With about a 20153-percentage-point lead in the polls, the Conservative Party is all but guaranteed to maintain its majority; the only debate revolves around just how large it will be.
When you type "CrossFit" into a Google image search you get photo after photo of men, and a few women, with rippling muscles lifting a weight so large it almost looks fake.
If there is a new technology breakthrough with the public at large, it will no doubt be leveraged by bad actors who will develop and discover their own insidious innovations and exploitations.
"While the $74 billion increase is large, it is important to put it in its historical context," David Norquist, the Pentagon comptroller and chief financial officer, told reporters in a briefing Monday.
NASA&aposs Mission to Jupiter Will Tell Us Earth&aposs Origin StoryThree hundred and sixty five million miles away sits a cloud of gas so large it weighs more than…Read more Read
If that's an accurate reflection of the expat population at large, it means Americans abroad could provide enough votes to tip close states such as Florida, Ohio and North Carolina in Clinton's direction.
Since February, the GOP and Democrats have sparred over every part of a Zika funding package, including how large it should be, where the money should come from and where it should go.
The large IT company Cognizant is located in College Station, and it files the ninth largest number of Labor Condition Applications (LCA), which are required when hiring workers on an H-1B visa.
We love (don't miss this feature!): The Altitude Pool Deck is not only immaculately designed with gradient colors, but it's so large it will never feel too crowded and the views are stunning.
Last fall, in Britain, an activist group with the alarmist name Extinction Rebellion was formed and immediately grew so large it was able to paralyze parts of London in its first major protest.
La Mansana de Chinati, informally known as The Block, which is part of the Judd Foundation, is a space so large it took up an entire city block and encompassed two airplane hangars.
Specifically, observations performed by researchers using the Spitzer Space Telescope and published in The Astronomical Journal have determined that prior observations likely established too generous an upper boundary on how large it could be.
The larger they become, the harder it is for them buy their preferred fare: If a fund grows too large, it can't own enough shares of a microcap stock to meaningfully bolster its returns.
Still, the renovation had to be done — in wood, Spanish cedar for the facade and mahogany for the front stoop, which was so large it had to be lowered into place by a crane.
With a talent pool so large, it seems weird that there aren't more avenues than Later… and the occasional guest spot on The Graham Norton Show or Alan Carr: Chatty Man for serious live performances.
"As U.S. real yields edge higher and the prospect of further Bank of England/Fed de-coupling looms large, it seems inconceivable that sterling can avoid falling below $1.20," Societe Generale strategist Kit Juckes said.
If the Respect cover was the radio edit and the Massive ad a 12-inch dance version, the 1996 version was more like a blowout so large it took three CDs to fit it all.
European banks are struggling in a fragmented market where they grapple with outdated business models, the need for large IT investments and growing competition from non-banking players, compounding the challenge of sub-zero rates.
"By and large it appears to be customers who are generally interested in politics and history, as well as people who are active in political education, such as teachers," the institute said in a statement.
Women, men, and children moved mostly together through the streets of their respective cities, even in DC where the crowd was so large it took up the entire permitted marching route before it took a step.
A few journalists have managed to get to grips with the message boards and the fake news makers and meme creators, but by and large, it seems news media can't quite keep up with this ecosystem.
"Although the portfolio shift from the GPIF into foreign assets is large, it certainly does not account for the pick-up in outward investment from Japan that looks to have accelerated from 2014 onwards," Goldman said.
The total number of legal board arrangements is in the order of 10170, a number so large it defies any physical analogy (there are reckoned to be about 1080 atoms in the observable universe, for instance).
Despite such large IT expenditures, we have previously reported that investments in federal IT too often result in failed projects that incur cost overruns and schedule slippages, while contributing little to the desired mission-related outcomes.
"The new E. Musk compensation plan is so large it dwarfs the pay package of every other public company CEO," said the complaint by Richard Tornetta that was unsealed on Thursday in Delaware's Court of Chancery.
Today ASCII art still shows up as cybertwee or in ASCII comics, and occasionally in YouTube comments and forum threads, but by and large it has taken a backseat to more accessible forms of online expression.
The outbreak has killed at least 3,287 people in China, and though the death toll is large, it is well below that of other countries with severe outbreaks; Italy and Spain both already have more dead.
Large retailers like Amazon and Wal-Mart have considerable resources to protect consumer data – large IT departments, hefty investments in advanced technology and staff working around the clock to monitor sensitive information and guard against intrusions.
The Affordable Care Act (or "Obamacare," if you like) has many provisions, but by and large it raises taxes on the rich to subsidize health insurance for people in the bottom third of the income distribution.
It's one of those amorphous problems, like global warming, where you're like, oh, my God, this problem is so large, it probably doesn't matter if I recycle my yogurt container, because how could that possibly help?
Venture capital investment in US companies to hit $100B in 2018 At the end of the day, a startup's valuation, regardless of how large it is or how quickly it reached the billion-dollar milestone, shouldn't matter.
A report written by a US Air Force F-35 pilot following mock dogfights last year said that the helmet was so large it restricted the ability of pilots to turn their head to see enemy aircraft.
The design of the packs is actually part of the new film's story line: The engineer Jillian Holtzmann (Kate McKinnon) comes up with a prototype that is so large it has to be pushed around on wheels.
It walked right up to the line between charming and twee, and occasionally may have put a toe over that line, but by and large it was one of the most absorbing games I played all year.
Daniel Leff, the founder of Luminari Capital, which has invested in The Athletic, argued that the website is already worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and the only remaining question presently is how large it will grow.
A group street portrait features a young boy, Troy Andrews, nicknamed "Trombone Shorty," confidently playing his instrument, which is so large it nearly dwarfs him, while the children gathered around him watch in charmed awe and innate admiration.
The fights may have taken place in a dingy looking school hall gym, but over 14million people watched Kameda on their digital network—most likely hoping he'd lose—a viewing figure so large it crashed the broadcaster's servers.
He started his career in France, initially as Adviser to the CTO of Sema – large IT integrator (acquired by Atos Origin), and later in Orange / France Telecom where he was Head of Innovations for the Orange France mobile entity.
Poking around the dimensions of that absence -- and assessing a legacy so large it encompasses just about every comedic talent born after the middle of the 20th century -- should keep us busy for another 91 years, give or take.
A lot of it is practice that's evolved over the years, but it's also experience and people developing a level of comfort with their practice, seeing that by and large it works and that it's effective from their perspective.
Puerto Ricans are turning up in droves in Florida, particularly Orlando, in a post-Hurricane Maria exodus so large it rivals those from New Orleans to Houston after Hurricane Katrina and from Cuba to Miami during the Mariel boatlift.
Saturday's Siena poll, for instance, found 39 percent of likely caucusgoers said they haven't yet made up their minds, a portion of the electorate so large it would be wrong to say there is a definite frontrunner — for now.
"I don't know when or how large it will be, but there's always going to be a bear market and correction in the future," said Aaron E. Graham, a financial planner at Abacus Planning Group in Columbia, South Carolina.
He echoed the account of self-described Trump fundraising guru Michael Hodges, who founded a lender called Advance Financial, and told viewers, "Every dollar amount [of donation to Trump], no matter how small or large it is" could help their cause.
Washington, D.C., reportedly had the highest turnout, with 2000,21982 protesters, a number so large it overwhelmed the official march route, packed the National Mall and other avenues as the mass slowly moved from the U.S. Capitol to the White House.
Washington, D.C., reportedly had the highest turnout, with 485,000 protesters, a number so large it overwhelmed the official march route, packed the National Mall and other avenues as the mass slowly moved from the U.S. Capitol to the White House.
"One of the things that makes NRA such a political powerhouse is that, by and large, it stays focused on the issue it cares about: guns," said Adam Winkler, a constitutional law professor at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Washington, D.C., reportedly had the highest turnout, with 485,000 protesters, a number so large it overwhelmed the official march route, packed the National Mall, and other avenues as the mass slowly moved from the U.S. Capitol to the White House.
Even as the trucks buzzed across his land — five drilling rigs were working nearby — he had hunters on his property using bow and arrows to take down a pronghorn antelope, whose population is so large it still needs to be culled.
"The China domestic market is so large, it is three times the size of the U.S. and even larger if you consider things like mobile payment and things like that, it's 50 times larger than the U.S.," Kai-Fu Lee explained.
"Terrorist content is most harmful in the first hours of its appearance because of its fast spreading and entails grave risks to citizens and society at large," it stated on its website in March, as it tightened its voluntary guidelines.
Because California is so largeit is by far the nation's most populous state — it's likely that computer manufacturers will opt to sell many of these power-efficient devices across the US, rather than maintaining an entirely separate line just for California.
Integrating AI into the complex web of production and distribution—the supply chain—will have a bigger economic impact than any other application of the technology and affect a larger number of businesses, says Sudhir Jha of Infosys, a large IT company.
It is a disruption, moreover, that leads us towards contemplation of words as the poem's true protagonists — think, for example, of "dip a large it" as the immersion of the word "it," as if this "it" has some sort of nearly physical reality.
If VG18 is indeed that large, it would likely be massive enough for gravity to pull it into a round shape and fulfill the definition of a "dwarf planet," the same category that includes the asteroid Ceres and the former planet Pluto.
Already, as European governments debate the next seven-year budget — always a sour process — there are angry disagreements on how large it should be, given the need to fill the hole the British will leave behind when the transition period ends in December.
Her sprawling penthouse in Lower Manhattan, with a terrace so large it has a pool and cabana, is full of magazines like Elle, W and Hercules that feature multiple-page spreads on her wearing clothing by brands like Marc Jacobs and Louis Vuitton.
We did come across a few hiccups when buildings were particularly close (on narrow streets) or far away (on park greens) but by and large it was reliable enough—and remember this is still at the alpha stage, so we're not even at beta yet.
In 1, in his influential essay, "The Death of Painting" (1981), Douglas Crimp quoted from Buren's manifesto: The work of art is so frightened of the world at large, it needs isolation in order to exist, that any conceivable means of protection will suffice.
In the video, Canon demoes the sensor's ability to film the very small and very large: It shows the gears of a ticking watch in incredible detail, but also is able to capture the facial expressions of spectators across the field during a rugby match.
The documents indicated that Trump declared a $916 million loss in 1995, providing him with a deduction so large it could have eliminated his obligation to legally pay annual federal taxes by up to $50 million for nearly two decades, tax experts told The Times.
Although the deal is not large, it underscores the growing interest in Australia's nickel sector, where the metal is mostly found in sulphide deposits that are cheaper to turn into battery-ready material than laterite deposits which account for most of the world's resources of the commodity.
"As it relates to impressions growth, which is another area we look, at as I mentioned earlier, the magnitude of the impressions platform is so large, it would be very hard for an event or a single person to drive sustained growth and impressions growth,:" Noto said.
As the end of Net Neutrality looms largeit ends on June 11, although some states are continuing it on their own—it says a lot about the internet that people got much more agitated about the cancellation of Brooklyn 99 than anything else last week.
The family is one small part of a sudden exodus of tens of thousands of Puerto Ricans racing to Florida after Hurricane Maria, a migration so large it rivals those from New Orleans to Houston after Hurricane Katrina and from Cuba to Miami during the Mariel boatlift.
"Since convention delegates tend to be more socially conservative than the primary electorate at large, it could be another wedge issue that Cruz tries to use to peel off second and third ballot delegates or to prevent Trump from picking up unbound delegates on the first ballot," he said.
The detachment of voters away from Washington punished the party still in power in 2014 and gave the Republicans the majority in the Senate and placed the down-ballot seats and legislative chambers in a margin so historically large it had not been seen for nearly 100 years.
Bankers said Media solutions - which provide consulting, systems integration and managed TV services - could appeal to large IT players such as France's Atos, while broadcast services could be sold to "bottom-fishing" private equity funds which have lower expectations of returns and tend to keep assets longer than traditional funds.
Headquarters: Dallas Founded: 1983 Best bets: coins, sports memorabilia, comics, movie posters With roots in coin auctions, Heritage has grown quite large: It raked in $438 million last year in online sales alone, and the firm now conducts live auctions in 10 locations across the globe and across many categories.
The real things to celebrate with the publication of "Alice & Oliver" are Bock's superhuman efforts to write a story that must have seemed so large it blocked out all of the light, and all of the books in this talented author's future that are now free to come into view.
Combining the two companies will create a large IT services giant that will compete closer with the likes of IBM and other big players in the area of systems integration, but specifically with a workforce more geared around the "on-demand" model that permeates so much of the tech world's economics today.
Officials in Hudson County, which received about $27 million to house immigrants in its jail in 2018, reluctantly agreed to end their contract with Immigration and Customs Enforcement last year after local religious leaders filed a lawsuit and a protest outside the county jail grew so large it nearly stirred a riot inside.
"Not only is the information kept confidential with respect to the public at large, it is not even openly disseminated within Bridgewater," Nella Domenici, the firm's chief financial officer, wrote in an effort to get the Teacher Retirement System of Texas, a Bridgewater investor, to deny a public records request by The Times.
According to Professor Le Viet Phu, a lecturer of Environmental Economics and Policy at the Fulbright Economics Teaching Program in Ho Chi Minh City, while the recent fish kill may seem large, it only represents a tiny snippet of the environmental damage to food stocks and natural resources caused by reckless industrial activity.
NASA&aposs Mission to Jupiter Will Tell Us Earth&aposs Origin StoryThree hundred and sixty five million miles away sits a cloud of gas so large it weighs more than…Read more ReadIn addition to doing amazing science, Juno itself is an amazing machine, built to fly risky maneuvers in an unimaginably hostile environment.
While its operating revenues have increased in line with loan growth, the entity registered operational losses in the past two years mainly affected by lower growth, rising loan loss provisions and a hefty cost base, which has grown due to large IT investments; net losses were also affected by the inflation adjustment starting with 2014.
"Within Europe, and really the world at large, it ought to be everyone's business how each country deals with the crisis because we won't return to the free movement of people, goods and services across the EU until this health crisis is under control in all member countries," Erik Nielsen, chief economist at UniCredit, said in a note Sunday.
I would characterize the last five years as being an 'Age of Enlightenment' for major real estate owners, operators, and developers: CIOs were hired for the first time, large IT budgets have been allocated and are growing, and almost every major real estate owner now recognizes that adoption of new technology is existentially critical to their future strategy.
Screenshot: GizmodoAnd by and large it got a lot right—not that difficult to do if you've listed all your interests, but the For you tab and the Top stories tab (called Headlines on mobile) both offer up a nice contrast between the major stories of the day and stories that might have more of a personal appeal to you.
While The Birth of a Nation has a lot going for it, not the least of which is growing awareness of black filmmakers' abysmal representation in the awards and Hollywood at large, it will also have many challenges — not the least of which will be living up to the incredible explosion of hype it has generated in just 24 hours in Park City.
After decades of Caucasian actors impersonating Asian characters in television, movies and in the theater, with a certain amount of comfort from audiences at large, it finally became absolutely essential for the Asian-American audience community and the Asian-American acting community to say it's too painful for us to watch this anymore — we can't take it any more, it embarrasses us, and it's humiliating.
BlueVoyant believes the opportunity for it is twofold: targeting small and medium enterprises — the pitch being that it can provide the same kind of software and level of services that large enterprises enjoy; and targeting larger enterprises that may already have large IT budgets and teams tasked with cybersecurity, but could still use supplementary work from a world-class team of experts that would be a challenge to amass directly.
Although Němec himself argued that the work was not a political statement as much as a kind of allegorical fable about the society at large, it is hard not to read A Report on the Party as an actual "report," as in its English title, on the behavior of the Communist Party or any totalitarian regime wherein original thinking and disagreement are outlawed, and wherein a pretense of happiness is paramount.
Jean Chatzky, the CEO of HerMoney and financial editor of The Today Show on NBC, spent the first 15 years of her career working full-time for personal finance magazines, moving from Forbes (where she was a fact-checker) to Smart Money (where she was a writer) to Money (where she was a columnist and editor-at-large.)  It was from the latter that Chatzky got the axe.
In the film, Max has a) been double-crossed by his new roomie, a shaggy mutt named Duke (Eric Stonestreet) who looks something like Chewbacca on old fours and is not interested in sharing their owner (Ellie Kemper); b) run afoul of an alley-cat gang with acrobatic skills worthy of Cirque du Soleil; c) then, after a frightening tangle with the local dogcatcher, fallen into the clutches of an underground rebel society of abandoned pets (including a crocodile so large it must have been flushed down the toilet back when Fiorello was mayor).
Scientists don't know exactly where the Big One will hit or how large it will be when it does, but they do have some ideas: One of the most likely scenarios, according to a 2200 federal study, is a 22008 magnitude earthquake starting at the Salton Sea and running up through Lake Hughes, on a 233 mile long section of the fault that, in parts, hasn't ruptured since 214—almost two centuries before California became part of the United States and long before it had any major infrastructure.

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