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13 Sentences With "lack of disturbance"

How to use lack of disturbance in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "lack of disturbance" and check conjugation/comparative form for "lack of disturbance". Mastering all the usages of "lack of disturbance" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Lack of disturbance possibly will assist in preserving the island along with its endemic plant and animal species.
The current distribution of V. boschiana is considered to reflect historical lack of glaciation, substrate, type of bedrock, lack of disturbance in the surrounding forest and micro-climate. Temperature is perhaps less important than these factors though extreme cold weather can apparently cause mortality.Cusick, A. (1983). Trichomanes boschianum in Ohio.
The lack of disturbance allows for the development of lacustrine varves. A Holomictic lake is a lake that has a uniform temperature and density from top to bottom at a specific time during the year. This uniformity temperature and density in allows the lake waters to completely mix. Holomictic lakes are non-meromictic lakes.
High index values are the result of many factors, including climate, topography, soils, and a lack of disturbance. While the most extensive sites benefit from a greater variety of habitat and more individual trees, some exceptional sites are quite small. The Rucker Height Index is essentially a foreshortened version of a complete profile of all the species found on a particular site. Variations of the Rucker Index can also be calculated.
This could pose a problem in terms of conservation because, if fewer plants survive to the flowering stage at the end of their life, there will be less production of offspring. Lack of disturbance by natural fires is another reason why Hill's thistle is threatened. This plant needs an open, dry, grassy environment in order to thrive. Areas where it previously succeeded are now managed to prevent fires, allowing the invasion of shrubs and trees, which outcompete the open-habitat species.
The Sommerheim Park Archaeological District includes a group of six archaeological sites west of Erie, Pennsylvania in the United States. The sites are in Sommerheim Park, one of the few undeveloped areas of the Lake Erie shoreline, in Millcreek Township. This district has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places. This is one of the leading archaeological sites in the Erie area and along the southern shoreline of Lake Erie, due to the amount of artifacts and the lack of disturbance on the site.
Dja Faunal Reserve (Réserve de faune du Dja, also known as Réserve de Biosphère Dja), located in south eastern Cameroon, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site inscribed in 1987. Causes of inscription include diversity of species present in the park, the presence of five threatened species of mammal, and lack of disturbance within the park. It is managed by Dja Conservation Services (DCS), which is led by a conservator. The Reserve receives significant support for its management from many projects funded by international partners and supporters of conservation in Cameroon.
The subsequent isostatic rise of land makes estimating post-glacial coastlines a complex task and there are numerous raised beaches around Scotland's coastline... Many of the sites are located in the Highlands and Islands. This may be because of the relatively sparse modern populations and consequent lack of disturbance. Much of the area also has a thick covering of peat that preserves stone fragments, although the associated acidic conditions tend to dissolve organic materials.Peat forms when plant material is inhibited from decaying fully by acidic and anaerobic conditions, often in waterlogged conditions.
The lack of disturbance in the habitat causes its degradation by allowing the encroachment of large vegetation that crowds out the annual plants. The habitat in this region is being destroyed outright, however, by other processes, particularly the development of residential, commercial, and industrial complexes and associated utilities such as water lines and sewers. The plant's range is on the outer fringe of the Nashville metropolitan area, which is undergoing rapid growth. These threats prompted the addition of this plant to the endangered species list of the US.
The Central sandstone plateau supports rich woodland flora communities dominated by species including Darwin woolybutt and Darwin stringybark, as well as banksias, grevilleas, terminalias and a wide variety of other woodland species. Remnant pockets of monsoon rainforest thrive along the bottom of the escarpment, and in the deep narrow gorges created over thousands of years by the force of the waterfalls cutting into the escarpment walls. They are significant because of their size and lack of disturbance. Here visitors will find lilies and slender ground orchids growing among Pandanus, paperbark and swamp bloodwoods.
The Agua Tibia Research Natural Area (ATRNA), located within the wilderness, comprises of bigcone Douglas-fir—canyon live oak forest. The area was set aside for the study of this forest type in the Peninsular Range province and with emphasis on forest succession, long-range ecological changes and the effects of resource management practices. Bigcone Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga macrocarpa) is a relict species and is endemic to Southern California. This population on the ATRNA is unique for its relatively great age, size, genetic purity, placement near the southern extent of the species' range, and for its remoteness and lack of disturbance by man.
Catalogue of Prehistoric Works East of the Rocky Mountains. Washington: GPO, 1891, Plate XV. Built in the shape of a cone, the Roberts Mound is believed to have been built during the Woodland period. Many similar mounds and other types of earthworks are located in the vicinity of the Roberts Mound, but unlike most of them, it has never been excavated. While the lack of artifacts prevents the culture of the builders from being known with certainty, the lack of disturbance has caused it to be ranked among the most well-preserved mounds in the region.
The paucity of primary documentary material relating to coke manufacture in Queensland makes archaeological evidence the primary source relating to coke manufacture. Subsurface remains would feature high integrity due to lack of disturbance since the cessation of coke manufacture in . Archaeological investigations within the Mihi Creek site could produce evidence which would confirm or challenge contemporary understandings of the coke industry in Queensland, particularly about coke manufacturing processes, coking infrastructure, coke plant layout, organisation and evolution through time. While the colliery and coking operations at Mihi Creek were one of a number of the type within the West Moreton Coalfield, they were also one of the longest running (1870s - ) and underwent significant change over time, including owners and potentially equipment and production techniques.

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