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"Labourist" Definitions
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19 Sentences With "Labourist"

How to use Labourist in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "Labourist" and check conjugation/comparative form for "Labourist". Mastering all the usages of "Labourist" from sentence examples published by news publications.

That form extolled the virtues of the natural environment that labourist growth was threatening.
The government's commitment to wage indexation and tax cuts to safeguard working-class incomes was evaluated as labourist and gendered.
Definitively, a labourist ideology will have its bases in the trade union movement and see conciliation and arbitration as the most beneficial means of industrial relations.
Later that year, the minor green party Green List merged into ORaH. On 23 July 2015 it was announced that an independent MP Mladen Novak was joining ORaH. He was a former Croatian Labourists – Labour Party member who left the party after it started negotiating to join Kukuriku coalition. Another former labourist MP, Zlatko Tušak, joined the party on 18 September 2015, giving ORaH a third MP ahead of the elections.
In 1902, Stubbs moved to Deleau (near Brandon) Manitoba to work as a farmhand. He moved to Winnipeg later in the year; although initially planning to move to British Columbia, he chose to remain in the city after meeting Mary Wilcox, later his wife. He became a law student, and struck up a friendship with Fred Dixon, later a prominent labourist politician in the city. Stubbs himself had by this point converted to philosophical liberalism.
The June Movement comprised a broad array of groups and political parties including the Freedom and Solidarity Party, the Communist Party, the People's Communist Party of Turkey, the Labourist Movement Party, the Socialist Liberation Party (formerly known as the Communist Party of Turkey 1920) and the . In February 2015, HDP honorary president and HDK co-spokesperson Ertuğrul Kürkçü approached the United June Movement with a proposal to contest the June 2015 general election as a joint list.
While active in those causes, she met other women involved in socialist and feminist movements. The journalist, Anna Maria Mozzoni invited Genoni to participate in the Socialist-Labourist International Congress in Zurich. Genoni was also active with other women at the early days of the Lega femminile, which grouped seamstresses and milliners. This organization was an important advocate linking women's work in the clothing industry and production, to the wider context of the women's movement towards emancipation, the right to education, and equality.
In 1910, Puttee endorsed Fred Dixon as a candidate for the provincial legislature, and helped create the short-lived Manitoba Labour Party to support him. Dixon was defeated, due to opposition from the Socialist Party of Canada. Puttee also created a provincial Labour Representation Committee in the 1910s, and used The Voice to endorse labour candidates in the elections of 1914 and 1915. In 1918, Puttee helped to create the Dominion Labour Party, which was intended to consolidate labourist activities in various cities throughout the country.
McLoughlin also joined the Socialist Party of Ireland (SPI), a broad labourist group with some sympathy for syndicalism. Within the group, he was a leading supporter of the Bolsheviks in the October Revolution, and formed a communist faction with Roddy Connolly and other supporters, aiming to build links with the Socialist Labour Party (SLP) in Britain. This faction proved popular within the party, and McLoughlin was elected as president of the SPI in September 1919.Charlie McGuire, "An Irish Socialist in Britain: Sean McLoughlin and the British Socialist Movement, 1920–1922", Irish Studies Review, vol.
During 1960 Brazilian presidential election, not satisfied with the candidacy of Henrique Teixeira Lott (supported by the main labourist party, the Brazilian Labour Party), syndicalists supported Jânio Quadros candidacy as president, and João "Jango" Goulart, his rival, as vice-president. This non-formal coalition, was named "Jan–Jan Movement". By the first time in decades, a vice-president was elected as opposition of the president (Goulart was an ally of his main rival: Kubitschek). Despite the disagreement between both leaders, Jânio, as much Jango, were the favorite runners of the labour class.
Clement Attlee, Labour Prime Minister of the United Kingdom After World War II, democratic socialist, labourist and social-democratic governments introduced social reforms and wealth redistribution via welfare state social programmes and progressive taxation. Those parties dominated post-war politics in the Nordic countries and countries such as Belgium, Czechoslovakia, France, Italy and the United Kingdom. At one point, France claimed the world's most state-controlled capitalist country, starting a period of unprecedented economic growth known as the Trente Glorieuses, part of the post-war economic boom set in motion by the Keynesian consensus. The public utilities and industries nationalised by the French government included Air France, the Bank of France, Charbonnages de France, Électricité de France, Gaz de France and Régie Nationale des Usines Renault.
With the growth of the Australian labour movement, Lane's columns under the Sketcher pseudonym, especially his "Labour Notes" in the Evening Telegraph, began to increasingly promote labourist philosophy. Lane himself began to attend meetings supporting all manner of popular causes, speaking against repressive laws and practices and Chinese immigrants, all while utilising a charismatic American intonation he had attained during his time in the States. After becoming the de facto editor of the Sydney Morning Herald, Lane left the newspaper during November 1887 to found the weekly The Boomerang, a newspaper described as "a live newspaper, racy, of the soil", in which pro-worker themes and lurid racism were brought to a fever-pitch by both Sketcher and Lucinda Sharpe. He became a powerful supporter of Emma Miller and women's suffrage.
In Australia, the labourist and socialist movements were gaining traction and the Australian Labor Party (ALP) was formed in Barcaldine, Queensland in 1891 by striking pastoral workers. In 1889, a minority government led by the party was formed in Queensland, with Anderson Dawson as the Premier of Queensland, where it was founded and was in power for one week, becoming the world's first government led by democratic socialists. The ALP has been the main driving force for workers' rights and the welfare state in Australia, backed by Australian trade unions, in particular the Australian Workers' Union. Since the end of the Whitlam government, the ALP has moved towards centrist policies and Third Way ideals which are supported by the ALP's Right Faction members while the supporters of democratic socialism and social democracy lie within the ALP's Left Faction.
The UDB was one of two post- war parties founded in Belgium appealing to Christian thought, the other being the Christian Social Party (PSC-CVP), heir to the prewar Catholic Party. The UDB's main founders were Pierre Clerdent and Antoine Delfosse and the party essentially originated in the French-speaking Christian workers' movement, being unable to gain major supporters from among the Flemish Christian workers' movement. The UDB was essentially a "labourist" (travailliste) party (which would now be placed on the centre-left) and was much keener on secularisation (déconfessionnalisation) and progress (progressisme) than the PSC-CVP, wishing to bring those of all philosophical and religious persuasions under one flag. It had ambitions to be a nationwide party, but was mainly restricted to Wallonia and the French-speakers in Brussels, making it short on influence in the capital's political circles.
Robert M. Page, a reader in Democratic Socialism and Social Policy at the University of Birmingham, wrote about transformative democratic socialism to refer to the politics of Labour Party Prime Minister Clement Attlee and its government (fiscal redistribution, some degree of public ownership and a strong welfare state) and revisionist democratic socialism as developed by Labour Party politician Anthony Crosland and Labour Party Prime Minister Harold Wilson, arguing: The Socialist International, of which almost all democratic socialist, labourist and social democratic parties are members, declares the goal of the development of democratic socialism. Some tendencies of democratic socialism advocate for social revolution in order to transition to socialism, distinguishing it from some forms of social democracy. In Soviet politics, democratic socialism is the version of the Soviet Union model that was reformed in a democratic way. Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev described perestroika as building a "new, humane and democratic socialism".
Einar Gerhardsen, Labour Prime Minister of Norway During most of the post-war era, democratic socialist, labourist and social- democratic parties dominated the political scene and laid the ground to universalistic welfare states in the Nordic countries. For much of the mid- and late 20th century, Sweden was governed by the Swedish Social Democratic Party largely in cooperation with trade unions and industry. Tage Erlander was the leader of the Social Democratic Party and led the government from 1946 until 1969, an uninterrupted tenure of twenty-three years, one of the longest in any democracy. From 1945 until 1962, the Norwegian Labour Party held an absolute majority in the parliament led by Einar Gerhardsen, who served Prime Minister for seventeen years. The Danish Social Democrats governed Denmark for most of the 20th century and since the 1920s and through the 1940s and the 1970s a large majority of Prime Ministers were members of the Social Democrats, the largest and most popular political party in Denmark.
This is at times attributed to the success of the social-democratic Nordic model in the region, where similar democratic socialist, labourist and social-democratic parties dominated the region's political scene and laid the ground to their universal welfare states in the 20th century. The Nordic countries, including Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden as well as Greenland and the Faroe Islands, also ranks highest on the metrics of real GDP per capita, economic equality, public health, life expectancy, having someone to count on, perceived freedom to make life choices, generosity, quality of life and human development while countries practicing a neoliberal form of government have registered relatively poorer results. Similarly, several reports have listed Scandinavian and other social-democratic countries as ranking high on indicators such as civil liberties, democracy, press, labour and economic freedoms, peace and freedom from corruption. Numerous studies and surveys indicate that people tend to live happier lives in countries ruled by social-democratic parties, compared to countries ruled by neoliberal, centrist and right-wing governments.
After the disappointing outcome of the elections, Del Turco resigned as secretary and the PSI Directive Committee appointed Valdo Spini as national coordinator on 21 June 1994, giving him the task to organise the Extraordinary Congress of the Party until September of the same year. However, Spini was convinced that PSI had to change its entire identity, which was associated with corruption after the role of the party in the Tangentopoli scandal,An example of the political satire of PSI was the headline of the number 8/9 of the satirical magazine Cuore of 30 March 1991, which reads Scatta l'ora legale, panico tra i socialisti ("The legal time begins, panic among socialists"). and he convened a meeting on 26 July 1994 in order to promote the "Labourist Constituent". On 22 September, Spini resigned as coordinator and formed the Labour Federation on 5 November 1994 in Florence and much of parliamentarians, who were elected among Socialist lists, joined this new political formation and left the PSI, deepening its financial crisis.
The United Nations World Happiness Report shows that the happiest nations are concentrated in Northern Europe, where the Nordic model (which democratic socialists want to strengthen against austerity and neoliberalism) is employed, with the list being topped by Denmark, where the Social Democrats led their first government in 1924 and governed Denmark for most of the 20th century. The Norwegian Labour Party, the Swedish Social Democratic Party and the Social Democratic Party of Finland also led the majority of governments and were the most popular political parties in their respective countries during the 20th century. While not as popular like its counterparts, the Icelandic Social Democratic Party and the Social Democratic Alliance have also led several governments and have been part of numerous coalitions. This success is at times attributed to the social-democratic Nordic model in the region, where the aforementioned democratic socialist, labourist and social- democratic political parties have dominated the political scene and laid the ground to universalistic welfare states in the 20th century, fitting the social-democratc type of "high socialism" which is described as favouring "a high level of decommodification and a low degree of stratification".

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