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25 Sentences With "kiloyear"

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Talling has previously pointed out that the Storegga landslide and tsunami also coincided with the last major global climatic shift, a rapid cooling around Greenland and the North Atlantic called the 8.2 kiloyear event.
The 8.2 kiloyear event appears as a dent in the warm Holocene period. Evolution of temperatures in the Post-Glacial period following the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), according to Greenland ice cores. The warm Holocene period with the 8.2 kiloyear event. Central Greenland ice core reconstructed temperature up to mid-19th century.
Behavioral Ecology and the Transition to Agriculture. University of California Press. pp. 121–. . Retrieved 27 December 2010. The 8.2 Kiloyear Arid Event and the 5.9 Kiloyear Interpluvial saw the drying out of semiarid regions and a major spread of deserts.De Meo, James (2nd Edition), "Saharasia" This climate change shifted the cost-benefit ratio of endemic violence between communities, which saw the abandonment of unwalled village communities and the appearance of walled cities, associated with the first civilizations.
Global distribution of the 4.2 kiloyear event. The hatched areas were affected by wet conditions or flooding, and the dotted areas by drought or dust storms.Another map for reference in The initial source where this map comes from had the map caption the wrong way around: The 4.2-kiloyear BP aridification event was one of the most severe climatic events of the Holocene epoch. It defines the beginning of the current Meghalayan age in the Holocene epoch.
The photo shows the well from the central tower. The motillas were constructed in the period of c. 2200 BCE–1200 BCE. Their use started at the time of the 4.2 kiloyear event.
In climatology, the 8.2-kiloyear event was a sudden decrease in global temperatures that occurred approximately 8,200 years before the present, or c. 6,200 BC, and which lasted for the next two to four centuries. It defines the start of the Northgrippian age in the Holocene epoch. Milder than the Younger Dryas cold spell before it but more severe than the Little Ice Age after it, the 8.2-kiloyear cooling was a significant exception to general trends of the Holocene climatic optimum.
The Pre-Pottery Neolithic culture came to an end around the time of the 8.2 kiloyear event, a cool spell centred on 6200 BCE that lasted several hundred years. It is succeeded by the Pottery Neolithic.
In the geologic time scale, the Northgrippian is the middle of the three ages of the Holocene epoch which lies in the Quaternary period. It was officially ratified by the International Commission on Stratigraphy in July 2018 along with the Greenlandian and the Meghalayan. The age takes its name from the North Greenland Ice Core Project (NorthGRIP). The age began 8,236 years before the year 2000 (6236 BCE or 3764 HE), near the 8.2 kiloyear event, and goes up to the start of the Meghalayan, which began 4,200 years before the year 1950 (2250 BCE or 7750 HE), near the 4.2 kiloyear event.
8.2-kiloyear event, the 4.2-kiloyear event has no prominent signal in the Gisp2 ice core that has an onset at 4.2 ka BP. A phase of intense aridity about 4.2 ka BP is recorded across North Africa, the Middle East, the Red Sea, the Arabian Peninsula, the Indian subcontinent, and midcontinental North America. Glaciers throughout the mountain ranges of western Canada advanced about that time. Evidence has also been found in an Italian cave flowstone, the Kilimanjaro ice sheet, and in Andean glacier ice. The onset of the aridification in Mesopotamia in about 4100 BP also coincided with a cooling event in the North Atlantic, known as Bond event 3.
It is also not conclusively known whether there were one or more pulses, and the route the water took to reach Hudson's Bay has not been determined. The draining of Lake Ojibway is a possible cause of the 8.2 kiloyear event, a major global cooling that occurred 8,200 years BP.
The Akkadian Empire conquered large areas of the Levant, but collapsed due to the 4.2 kiloyear event circa 2200 BC, with populations from Mesopotamia moving to the Levant, mostly to the north. The Akkadians were followed by the Amorite kingdoms in the old Syrian period ca. 2000–1600 BC, which arose in Mari, Yamkhad and Qatna.
Work was conducted for three seasons, in 2005, 2007 and 2008. Jesse Casana, Results of the 2010 season of excavation by the american expedition to Tell Qarqur, Chronique archéologique en Syrie, vol. 06, pp. 73-79, 2012 Archeological team found out that Tell Qarqur not only survived "4.2 kiloyear event", a severe aridification event that brought collapse to nearby civilisations, but even expanded.
In the geologic time scale, the "Northgrippian" succeeded the "Greenlandian" c. 6236 BC (to c. 2250 BC). The starting point for the Northgrippian is the so-called 8.2 kiloyear event, which was an abrupt climate change lasting some four centuries in which there was a marked decrease in global temperatures, possibly caused by an influx of glacial meltwater into the North Atlantic Ocean.
A rapid cooling around 6200 BC was first identified by Swiss botanist Heinrich Zoller in 1960, who named the event Misox oscillation (for the Val Mesolcina). It is also known as Finse event in Norway. Bond et al. argued that the origin of the 8.2-kiloyear event is linked to a 1,500-year climate cycle; it correlates with Bond event 5.
In 2003, the Office of Net Assessment (ONA) at the United States Department of Defense was commissioned to produce a study on the likely and potential effects of a modern climate change. The study, conducted under ONA head Andrew Marshall, modeled its prospective climate change on the 8.2-kiloyear event, precisely because it was the middle alternative between the Younger Dryas and the milder Little Ice Age.
The cause or causes of the Piora Oscillation are debated. A Greenland ice core, GISP2, shows a sulfate spike and methane trough c. 3250 BCE, suggesting an unusual occurrence -- either a volcanic eruption or a meteor or an asteroid impact event. Other authorities associate the Piora Oscillation with other comparable events, like the 8.2 kiloyear event, that recur in climate history, as part of a larger 1500-year climate cycle.
Meltwater pulse sea-level rise was experienced fully at great distance from the release area. Gravity and rebound effects associated with the shifting of water masses meant that the sea-level fingerprint was smaller in areas closer to the Hudson Bay. The Mississippi Delta records around 20%, Northwestern Europe 70% and Asia records 105% of the globally averaged amount. The cooling of the 8.2-kiloyear event was a temporary feature; but the sea-level rise of the meltwater pulse was permanent.
A millennium (plural millennia or millenniums) is a period of one thousand years,"Millennium", Oxford Dictionaries (Oxford University Press, 2016). sometimes called a kiloyear. Sometimes, the word is used specifically for periods of a thousand years that begin at the starting point (initial reference point) of the calendar in consideration (typically the year "1") and at later years that are whole number multiples of a thousand years after the start point. The term can also refer to an interval of time beginning on any date.
Tephra deposits in the Formative Period archaeological site of Palo Blanco in the Bolsón de Fimabalá have been attributed to Cerro Blanco, as is a tephra layer in an archeological site close to Antofagasta de la Sierra. The eruptions of Cerro Blanco may - together with more local seismic activity - be responsible for the low population density of the Fiambalá region, Chaschuil valley and western Tinogasta Department during the Archaic period between 10,000 and 3,000 years ago. The 4.2 kiloyear event occurred at the same time; it may be in some way related to the Cerro Blanco eruption.
Internal disorders set in during the incredibly long reign of Pepi II Neferkare (2278–2184 BCE) towards the end of the dynasty. His death, certainly well past that of his intended heirs, might have created succession struggles and the country slipped into civil wars mere decades after the close of Pepi II's reign. The final blow came when the 4.2 kiloyear event struck the region in the 22nd century BC, producing consistently low Nile flood levels.The Fall of the Old Kingdom by Fekri Hassan The result was the collapse of the Old Kingdom followed by decades of famine and strife.
Drier conditions were notable in North Africa, and East Africa suffered five centuries of general drought. In West Asia, especially Mesopotamia, the 8.2-kiloyear event was a 300-year aridification and cooling episode, which may have provided the natural force for Mesopotamian irrigation agriculture and surplus production, which were essential for the earliest formation of classes and urban life. However, changes taking place over centuries around the period are difficult to link specifically to the approximately 100-year abrupt event, as recorded most clearly in the Greenland ice cores. In particular, in Tell Sabi Abyad, Syria, significant cultural changes are observed at c.
The archaeological record shows that Arabian Bifacial/Ubaid period came to an abrupt end in eastern Arabia and the Oman peninsula at 3800 BC, just after the phase of lake lowering and onset of dune reactivation. At this time, increased aridity led to an end in semi- desert nomadism, and there is no evidence of human presence in the area for approximately 1,000 years, the so-called "Dark Millennium". That might be due to the 5.9 kiloyear event at the end of the Older Peron. Numerous examples of Ubaid pottery have been found along the Persian Gulf, as far as Dilmun, where Indus Valley Civilization pottery has also been found.
Many of the more recent insights on the Akkadian Empire have come from excavations in the Upper Khabur area in modern northeastern Syria which was to become a part of Assyria after the fall of Akkad. For example, excavations at Tell Mozan (ancient Urkesh) brought to light a sealing of Tar'am-Agade, a previously unknown daughter of Naram-Sin, who was possibly married to an unidentified local endan (ruler). The excavators at nearby Tell Leilan (ancient Shekhna/Shubat-Enlil) have used the results from their investigations to argue that the Akkadian Empire came to an end due to a sudden drought, the so-called 4.2 kiloyear event. The impact of this climate event on Mesopotamia in general, and on the Akkadian Empire in particular, continues to be hotly debated.
In the case of Socompa, the occurrence of the collapse was probably influenced by a northwest tilt of the basement the volcano was constructed on; it caused the volcano to slide downward in its northwestern sector and made it prone to a collapse in that direction. The collapse happened about 7,000 years ago, with a date of 7,200 years before present indicated by radiocarbon dating on the deposit; it was not witnessed in historical records. This age and the age of similar collapses on Parinacota volcano also in Chile and Mount Meru in Africa coincide with the 8.2 kiloyear event; volcanic sector collapses often occur just after glacial maxima, suggesting climatic influence on the occurrence of mass failures of volcanoes. This event probably lasted only 12 minutes based on simulations.
Stone palettes at Tell Sabi Abyad. Significant cultural changes are observed at c. 6200 BC, which seem to be connected to the 8.2 kiloyear event. Nevertheless, the settlement was not abandoned at the time.J van der Plicht, P G Akkermans, O Nieuwenhuyse, A Kaneda, A Russell, Tell Sabi Abyad, Syria: Radiocarbon Chronology, Cultural Change, and the 8.2 ka Event RADIOCARBON, Vol 53, Nr 2, 2011, p 229–243 > Important change took place around 6200 BC, involving new types of > architecture, including extensive storehouses and small circular buildings > (tholoi); the further development of pottery in many complex and often > decorated shapes and wares; the introduction of small transverse arrowheads > and short-tanged points; the abundant occurrence of clay spindle whorls, > suggestive of changes in textile manufacture; and the introduction of seals > and sealings as indicators of property and the organization of controlled > storage.

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