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736 Sentences With "jutting"

How to use jutting in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "jutting" and check conjugation/comparative form for "jutting". Mastering all the usages of "jutting" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Jutting pleading not guilty to murder Although he has admitted to killing both Ningsih and Mujiasih, Jutting pleaded not guilty to murder on Monday.
Latham on Tuesday acknowledged that Jutting was in control in parts leading up to the killings but emphasised the killings were not something Jutting intended to do.
Latham on Tuesday acknowledged that Jutting was in control in parts leading up to the killings but emphasized the killings were not something Jutting intended to do.
They're broken with concrete jutting up out of the ground.
Disturbing torture videos Jutting had met Ningsih before, via Craigslist.
Things were jutting out all over and taking up space.
His shoulders are slightly hunched and his head is jutting forward.
On early November 1, Jutting called the police on his Blackberry.
Don't get any case that leaves your screen jutting out visibly.
"Yes, but as an assistant," Jane responds, jutting out her chin.
Jutting captured parts of his torture of Ningsih on his iPhone.
Mr. Tonelli pointed out the double parked cars jutting into intersections.
It hangs around a corner of a big, jutting-out fireplace.
Sumarti "She was a really, really nice person," Jutting in an iPhone video after the murder Sumarti Ningsih, known as Alice, did not want to go home with Jutting when he contacted her on October 22014.
Everything in this game is a cuboid jutting out of the ground; you identify things (or characters) by their reaction upon being shot by your gun, which is a cuboid jutting out of your field of view.
The defense also detailed Jutting's father attempted suicide when Jutting was 16.
Jutting captured hours of footage on his iPhone of him torturing Ningsih.
With cloven hooves and jutting snouts, pigs aren't always associated with beauty.
The jury in the original trial was unanimous in finding Jutting guilty.
Jutting took hours of video on his iPhone as he tortured Ningsih.
I notice tiny, fin-like sensors jutting out of the truck frame.
Jutting angles, razored cut-ins, bold scoops, and aerodynamics define the attitude.
But he had Cyrus's face, the same jutting cheekbones and hawk nose.
He added profiles jutting from different vantage points, creating a multitude of faces.
You'll find Tongue Point jutting out from the northern coastline of Washington State.
During a violent struggle, Jutting cut her throat and left her to bleed.
They'd had sex for money before, after Jutting found her listing on Craigslist.
"It is all provided by Marvin, he's a black man," Jutting told police.
During the trial, both sides accepted that Jutting had killed the two women.
"Make the decision," the man says, suddenly jutting a boxcutter toward Al's throat.
Jutting hip buttresses that stuck out from the side under enormous pink bows.
Jutting faces multiple mandatory life sentences (to be served concurrently) in Hong Kong.
Large yellow cranes could be seen jutting from the tops of taller, unfinished blocks.
Today the rebel cause stands for a chin-jutting, screw-you sort of conservatism.
Mujiasih leaped up, shocked, yelling in Bahasa Indonesian, Jutting would later tell the police.
When the videos were shown in court, Jutting closed his eyes and remained silent.
Travel through time in spirals of different sizes, occasionally jutting out at odd angles.
Try to keep your front knee from jutting very far forward past your toes.
What is more, his supporters love this message of chin-jutting, heavily armed isolationism.
There was an empty Maserati jutting out from the driveway of the next listing.
Looking up, I could see Hudson Yards' glossy new towers jutting into the sky.
Evidence emerged that Jutting had filmed his torture of Ningsih on his mobile phone.
Others have rib cages jutting out in high relief, like cartoons of shipwreck survivors.
They often have oversized breasts, shapely thighs, and wings jutting off of curvaceous butts.
Ban often dramatically renders these war scenes in jutting, uneven panels filled with darkness.
The resulting mash-up is a whorl of jutting, twisting, cradling, writhing, hoisting movement.
The silhouette of Zach's sails looked like black shears jutting up from the ocean.
She was sitting on a stool, her bones jutting out in a frenzied geometry.
The women's bodies were found in Jutting' s apartment after he had called police.
And jutting above the grass was the thing they had come there to find.
The church is evoked by a single wall with an arch jutting off of it.
Most of its 280,2000 homes are small by suburban standards, jutting up against narrow streets.
Jutting refused, offering her as much as HK$10,000 (US$1,290) to spend the night.
Jutting offered her as much as HK$20,000 (US$2,580) to stay for the weekend.
Security cameras captured Jutting ushering his second victim inside the apartment complex just before midnight.
Jutting has denied two counts of murder but pleaded guilty to two counts of manslaughter.
Jutting asked her to spend time with him on October 25, 2014, the court heard.
Ribs jutting out over her distended belly, Batool weighs less than 16 kilograms (35 pounds).
The 12-megapixel camera, mercifully, is fully encased in the phone instead of jutting out.
It rests on surfaces diagonally, with its head down and abdomen jutting into the air.
Chow said Jutting had traits of a psychopathic and narcissistic personality but not a disorder.
Jutting exhaled deeply as he walked out of the courtroom, flanked by three police guards.
He quoted Jutting in one of his filmed monologues where he discussed going to jail.
Jutting is the grandson of a British policeman in Hong Kong and a Chinese woman.
He points out some of the 300 varieties of produce jutting out of the soil.
Cambridge-educated Rurik Jutting, 31, pleaded not guilty to murder on grounds of "diminished responsibility".
"Like I took it," he said, jutting his jaw like Killmonger and bursting into laughter.
"I am afraid," she whispered, jutting her chin at the armed policeman standing behind me.
He is instantly recognizable in Japan by his jutting chin, red scarf and red necktie.
There are no walls jutting in at odd angles, no overhangs or extreme wind tunnels.
It rises to a tower that can be seen jutting out of the sod roof.
"She was prey – I was in a mode I can only describe as hunting," Jutting said.
The paintings squeeze up against each other or hang slightly awkwardly, one jutting above the other.
Naturally, they left the butt of the sedan jutting out into the middle of the street.
In the call recording played in court, Jutting can be heard saying he wanted to "surrender".
When Jutting contacted her on October 25, the Indonesian woman was very reluctant to see him.
Jutting walked out on the balcony, where he thought he could see people looking at him.
Oriental Pearl Tower — that bulbous building jutting out on the right — is actually located in Shanghai.
The tumors have spread through his rail-thin body, his bones jutting out under waxy skin.
Reading said Jutting called his mother after he killed Mujiasih, before he reported himself to police.
The jury unanimously found Jutting guilty of murder and he was sentenced to life in prison.
For years, the sandstone pedestal on Oregon's northwest coast stood out like a fist jutting skyward.
But the angular, narrow face, the jutting chin and the clever eyes behind sunglasses were unmistakable.
Jutting out of Borden Avenue, near gleaming apartment buildings, is a Queens-Midtown Tunnel ventilation shaft.
This time, the show space was constructed into a maze-like bedroom with beds jutting out.
Dozens of their Angus cows lay dead on the blackened ground, hooves jutting in the air.
Well, mostly disappeared, I could still see his legs jutting out from the bottom of the robot.
Latham said that in 2011 Jutting developed a strong preference for sexual violence, torture, rape and slavery.
He held his own piece of technology: a small box with an antenna jutting from the top.
Jutting, now 5803, has been found guilty of two counts of murder in Hong Kong's High Court.
Do you think the new iPhones are going to have a satellite dish jutting from the side?
Including this big beauty, right in the middle of it all, jutting through the complex's open center.
My skin is getting softer, yet my bones are jutting out, so I'm half-soft, half-sharp!
All wired up, with IVs jutting out of the top of their skulls, they were absolutely perfect.
When you arrive, Shannon looks up, disoriented by the vertical patchwork of jutting concrete and night sky.
It also had a short snout and a horn jutting up from the top of its head.
Mujiasih, a domestic helper, was working in a bar when she met Jutting, according to the prosecution.
Sitting inside a sectioned off area in the courtroom, Jutting watched the arguments with a blank expression.
She watched water from the New River slowly creep up her street, mailboxes jutting above the surface.
Jutting said he didn't sleep in between the two killings, which was a period of around five days.
His nose was at least twice broken, the end jutting to the left, and his eyes were hazel.
The Charge 2 is larger: big display on top, blinking heart-rate monitors jutting out from the bottom.
She was believed to have died on October 27, 2014, a few days before Jutting called the police.
Jutting was working in Hong Kong for Bank of America Merrill Lynch before his arrest, court documents said.
Jutting did not give a plea in 2014, but psychology reports said he was fit to stand trial.
Five men and four women in a nine-member jury will decide whether Jutting is guilty of murder.
Mud Island, a peninsula jutting into the Mississippi, is studded with upscale homes, apartments and a popular park.
The Yavuz dropped anchor just northeast of the Karpasia peninsula, a jutting panhandle which is in territorial waters.
At its core, Mr Trump's pitch is simplistic, chin-jutting, isolationism with a strong dose of wishful thinking.
As you push your arm under the table, the sweater sleeve stays behind, getting folded and jutting upward.
He is almost always in profile, his nose a broomstick, his jutting hairdo the silhouette of a gun.
The Yavuz drillship dropped anchor on Monday to the south of Cyprus' Karpasia peninsula, a jutting northeastern panhandle.
One day while climbing a pole, she pierced her chest with a nail jutting out of the wood.
In yet another Madonna nod, Gaga wears a bra with machine-gun barrels jutting out as death nipples.
Enclosed by jutting blue screens that alternate between transparency and opacity, Mr. Rigg's set underscores Nick's utter isolation.
No puffed-up chest, no jutting upraised chin will be able to conceal the zero at his heart.
Skeletal trees burst from spectral mountains, whose jutting forms dwarf the small human settlements nestled on the slopes.
In the center, a white enamel skull stood jaw-open, lightning bolts and jutting through its eye sockets.
On the St. James the enclosure looks almost like an organ loft, jutting out of the brick facade.
As we neared the top, I began seeing Hebrew-lettered gravestones, overgrown and weatherworn, jutting from the grass.
A tiny lump of crystallized copper oxide looms like a supervillain's fortress, all harsh facades and jutting angles.
Impact on North Carolina The Outer Banks, a chain of barrier islands jutting into the Atlantic, are remote.
One large rock has two holes above a jutting knob: a face, if you turn right side up.
He is perpetually balding and perpetually dour, with a jutting nose and consistently unfashionable glasses and a blistering frown.
Dressed in a pale blue shirt, Jutting was clean shaven with short cut hair, looked attentive during the session.
Images of the site where the water main broke showed an intersection completely ripped apart with pipes jutting out.
Their features were small, and their faces were tucked underneath the brain case, rather than jutting out in front.
It also has leased space on Pier 57 jutting into the Hudson, which will create a four-block campus.
The distinctive feature of the newcomers is a crop of fierce-looking spines jutting out of their dorsal plates.
Torture, rape 'sexually excited' Jutting According to Latham, Jutting's interest in sexual violence developed over a period of time.
In it, she's covered in cobwebs with her ribs jutting upward from her body and her insides spilling out.
The screens jutting out from the body of the vehicle are the most noticeable feature — and that's by design.
Other shots peek around corners at members of the community, with walls and door frames jutting into the image.
Google also has leased space on Pier 57 jutting into the Hudson, which will create a four-block campus.
He's easily winning the sign wars in the state, his red "Jeb!" signs jutting out of the snowy landscape.
The fact that Jutting has not testified himself during the trial doesn't prove one thing or another, he added.
The jury unanimously found Jutting guilty of murder and he was sentenced to life in prison in November 2016.
On a jetty jutting into the River Thames, they've founded Farmopolis, a space to explore how this could work.
Any phrase even hinting at sexual innuendo, even a flaccid reference, compels us into jutting up a wary riposte.
Defense lawyer Tim Owen said Jutting was not "asking for sympathy" and acknowledged he intended to kill both victims.
There was a snapshot of teenage Grandma in a swimsuit, grinning goofily, jutting her thumb in a hitchhiking pose.
With his jutting jaw, wavy hair, commanding size and operatic baritone voice, Mr. Irving was a formidable stage presence.
The Larsen C ice is about 200 meters (0.43 ft) thick with about 20 meters jutting above the water.
Instead, foreigners were ferried to privately owned resort islands where villas jutting out into the ocean are the norm.
The prosecution said on Wednesday Jutting acted rationally before and after the killings and had even telephoned his mother.
Human figures are dwarfed by imposing abstract monuments, like giant crystals jutting from the ground and massive floating pyramids.
Tonight, she is sheathed in a peach silk dress, the front cupping her little breasts, her collarbones jutting out.
The Cambridge-educated Jutting pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of manslaughter in a case that gripped the financial hub.
Jutting has pleaded not guilty to murder on grounds of "diminished responsibility", but guilty to the lesser charge of manslaughter.
Wearing a flinty expression, her jaw jutting, she did some light stretches and jogged around the hall to loosen up.
The pyramids jutting out of Egypt's Giza plateau are obvious landmarks — but even after millennia, their dark interiors remain mysterious.
On the front is a photograph of a mountain, artfully jutting into a crystalline blue sky like a smurf hat.
That time, Jutting told police, he had been rough with her -- he held her down, used sex toys on her.
"I definitely could not have done that without cocaine," Reading quoted Jutting as saying, referring to his having killed Ningsih.
Written by Rodney Clawson and Jamie Moore, "Amen" sticks out for its haunting chorus, jutting pathos, and gospel choir backup.
Each character in Ramirez's work swims with a unique energy that bursts forth with translucently bright skin and jutting musculature.
Everything about Scaramucci's pose, in contrast, suggests dominance: broad stance, thumbs casually hooked in belt, chin jutting, dark hair flowing.
Hong Kong (CNN)Rurik Jutting, the British expatriate banker turned double murderer, is appealing his conviction, his lawyer told CNN.
The swept roofline, jutting chin and boomerang taillights are adventurous help define a shape not quite like any other crossover.
Jutting stopped responding queries form his work in the second week of October, 2014, just before the killings, said Reading.
Only when we headed west did the border become distinctly visible, a straight brown line jutting into the scrub desert.
Despite the risk of being flanked, the men defiantly hold a tiny strip of land jutting perilously into ISIS territory.
The jutting branches resembled skeletal fingers, so the building appeared always on the verge of being snatched into an abyss.
As he listened to that passage, Jutting shook his head in the courtroom while holding a hand over his face.
He opened his show with seemingly straight-up suits, ties tightly knotted and coats cut sharply with jutting '80s shoulders.
The landscape the Wayuu inhabit, on a peninsula jutting into the Caribbean, includes patches of desert and lush, green hillsides.
In one image, the plane's smoldering fuselage could be seen jutting out of the snow and the remnants of destroyed buildings.
Dr. DeAntonio rocked in his office chair and twirled tufts of his hair, leaving horned curlicues jutting this way and that.
Dressed in a navy blue shirt, Jutting appeared attentive during the court session on Wednesday as he listened to the videos.
The clip slowly leads to a huge, angular structure jutting out of a hill with a flying car speeding toward it.
It's located on the French Riviera, on a peninsula jutting into the Mediterranean Sea, about a 25-minute drive from Nice.
It's a mineral deposit that often appears jutting out of the ground as a large column of shiny, blue-black rock.
On a balmy October evening in 2014, Jutting returned home with a 23-year-old Indonesian woman he'd met via Craigslist.
For three days, in escalating degrees of cruelty, Jutting tortured his captive, telling her he'd kill her if she didn't cooperate.
The Cambridge-educated Jutting pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of manslaughter in a case that gripped the Asian financial hub.
Imagine Vinnie, his greying crew cut jutting toward the sky, evoking the unflinching masculinity of Nigel Pearson on the big screen.
The jury unanimously found Jutting guilty of murder and he was sentenced to life in prison in the former British colony.
They turn onto a peninsula of fresh beach jutting out from the eroded shore and dump the sand into the sea.
Jutting, 31, pleaded guilty to manslaughter on the grounds of "diminished responsibility" at the start of his trial in Hong Kong.
Until Dennis Roberts entered stage right in a wet suit, jutting out his rotund belly to emphasize his seal-like silhouette.
Datça, a popular tourist destination set on a peninsula jutting out into the Aegean Sea, is everything a vacationer dreams of.
The defense has also argued that Jutting, a 31-year-old Cambridge university graduate, felt huge stress during his banking career.
During the police interviews, Jutting said he had enticed both victims back to his apartment by offering to pay for sex.
In a statement read out by Jutting's lawyer, Tim Owen, Jutting said he was haunted daily by what he had done.
A sword wrapped in a red plaid vest was discovered jutting out of a garbage can two days later, prosecutors said.
The jury has viewed graphic video taken by Jutting on his iPhone of him torturing Ningsih before he cut her throat.
The Black Hills are a geological oddity: 70-million-year-old rock jutting out from an ocean of South Dakota prairie.
"You feel trapped, like the walls are closing in," said the ballet mistress, demonstrating a sequence of frantic, elbow-jutting arms.
Take the figure facing the statue of Atlas: He peers upward, his elbow jutting out, his hand clasped around a camera.
A balding, shirtless man sits on the bank beneath a patterned beach umbrella, a fishing pole jutting off to his side.
Just offshore, reefs of plastic bags float on the waves like icebergs jutting above the water and hiding even more beneath.
Then it goes awry with an odd battle sequence that features adult-size mice doing jazzy, hip-jutting, tap-dancing routines.
We spent hours in front of it, jutting out our hips and crossing our eyes; laughing at how ugly we looked.
Her pigment-smeared palette, which rests on a wooden shelf attached to her easel, is angled downward, jutting toward the viewer.
As he prepared to hide the body in a suitcase Jutting questions whether he has a problem as he feels excited.
A year after arriving in Syria, Mr. Kiram, wavy-haired with jutting cheekbones, appeared in a video for the Islamic State.
To create the effect, Truly painted the griffin's body onto walls and sculptural elements jutting out of the floor and walls.
An airstrip, jutting out of two ends of the small island, hosts Chinese fighter aircraft and is home to a military garrison.
Jutting out of the Pacific Ocean 375 miles off the coast of Australia is Ball's Pyramid, the most bizarre island on Earth.
"In this bag we have cord, zip ties, what's this, oh it's a big hammer," Jutting said while recording on his iPhone.
The chin has blended well, as has the hair but, unfortunately, the side of the face is a jutting piece of cardboard.
Bank of America has previously said Jutting was an employee but it has not said why he left or given any timeframe.
Inasmuch as Mr Trump is a man doing well by peddling a sort of chin-jutting, chauvinist nostalgia, boxing fits his brand.
In extreme emergencies — a broken bone jutting through skin; a bad burn; an acute sickle cell crisis — opioids provide effective, immediate relief.
Chow noted that Jutting acted rationally, ordering food for Ningsih before he killed her as well as cleaning up the bathroom afterwards.
"When I decided to surrender, I dropped my knife," Jutting said, describing how he barricaded himself into his bedroom and called police.
In a second photo, Goulding poses in the same bikini while standing on a concrete block jutting out into the pristine waters.
The driving rays of sunlight proved slightly uncomfortable on the pier jutting out of Riverside Park near West 70th Street in Manhattan.
The looming figures, too, can be shadowy and indistinct — is that a form of ice jutting toward us, or a whale's head?
Farther still, on the horizon: a ridge of mountains, jutting into the blue like the teeth of some mile-high rusted saw.
Jutting out against desert dunes, the new industrial zones in Xinjiang are often surrounded by high walls, barbed wire and security cameras.
Jutting spoke of his role as the bank's vice president and head of Structured Equity Finance & Trading (Asia) and expressed "job depression".
Jutting only worked for 10-15 days in the month before he was arrested and only worked a few hours per day.
Instead of a lighthouse, the hilltop anchors a giant copper monument of Jesus, surrounded by lanky satellite towers jutting into the cloudy sky.
A carnival of meat, sugar, and celebrity roils on a wide cement pier jutting off the edge of Manhattan into the Hudson River.
WITH the faded grandeur of the Blackpool Tower jutting from the horizon down the street, Norman Hughes, a retired fireman, considers his options.
On the tapes, Jutting can be heard threatening Ningsih, telling her not to cry and describing inflicting sexual and physical violence on her.
With the addition of human legs jutting out from the sides, the opening of the vase starts to look like an oversized orifice.
Because she posted a photo of her 5-year-old daughter Maxwell wearing a bikini and jutting out her hip for the camera.
We get a closeup of the King as he looks around, jutting his ginger beard and seeking someone to blame for this indignity.
DARWIN, Australia — The port in this remote northern Australian outpost is little more than a graying old wharf jutting into crocodile-infested waters.
A set of balconies at the rear even shares the curved shape of the tip, which helps make the jutting spaces more functional.
The Mole refers to a concrete jetty jutting into Dunkirk Harbor, whereas the air is the domain of a Spitfire pilot (Tom Hardy).
McCoy said Jutting showed severe traits of psychiatric disorders, far beyond the normal range and was therefore not in control of his actions.
He also created jutting private balconies and two decadent terraces that beg for adult beverages (children under 0003 aren't allowed at the hotel).
For decades, drivers in Portland, Me., sped by Thompson's Point, a forlorn peninsula jutting into the Fore River just west of I-2105.
Leather and wool outerwear, the collars jutting up to the base of the skull and descending like a ski slope to the shoulders.
Nowadays, though, one thing tops the search results: a mug shot, his eyes hooded, his white goatee jutting out at a defiant angle.
The planter, which rested on small bricks jutting out between the ground and first floors, tumbled on top of him, the police said.
They're in an all-black Porsche Panamera, equipped with a Gemini crane jutting out the back holding a remotely controlled 360-degree camera.
It comes through today, undiluted and as recognizable as Bergé's face, with its proud nose, shock of silver hair and raised, jutting chin.
He pointed out several moss-covered stone structures jutting up out of the earth, which looked like buried chimneys—air vents, he said.
There were plants jutting out at odd angles, and most of the safari gear was, to my memory, sand beige or military green.
It'll also kind of look like the back of your phone has mutated, with a large camera bump jutting out of that smooth body.
She hadn't forgotten his vicious treatment of her last time -- and asked if she could bring a friend, according to what Jutting told police.
"She was my property and there to please me," Jutting spoke into his iPhone camera in one of his first videos after the killing.
Rurik Jutting, 30, is charged with two counts of murder for the deaths of two Indonesian women, Sumarti Ningsih, 25, and Seneng Mujiasih, 29.
Its correspondent reported seeing smashed yellow taxis and rickshaws, and the bloody legs of trapped people jutting from the fallen steel beams and concrete.
Jolene tiptoed around each precious plant until she arrived at a large rock jutting out of a private circle of grass surrounded by flowers.
He defines a handsome, masculine look as a horizontal (not curved) brow, angular (not rounded) cheekbones, a strong, defined jawline, and a jutting chin.
Like many of his creations, it amounts to a generic mix of mechanical, limb-jutting movements and passion that seethes just beneath the surface.
It's hard not to compare Equinox Bryant Park to an Apple store, with its cubic glass facade jutting out of the ground in Midtown.
From that attack comes the most shocking scene in the film: an injured worker's hand is shown with two, small metal fragments jutting out.
Two murders in six days On October 27, Jutting killed 23-year-old Ningsih after keeping her captive in his flat for three days.
Reading said Jutting only worked for 10-15 days in the month before he was arrested and only for a few hours a day.
Jutting has admitted killing Sumarti Ningsih, a 23-year-old single mother, and another Indonesian woman, Seneng Mujiasih, as he acted out violent fantasies.
In closing remarks, the judge described Jutting as the "archetypal sexual predator" who represented an extreme danger to women, especially in the sex trade.
Staring at the jutting pieces, Samira began to feel as if the majority of them had shifted downwards since her landing the previous day.
Out of sheer coincidence, the magazine protrudes just enough that the only player visible, jutting out on the right, is Thompson's older brother Klay.
The Cambridge-educated Jutting pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of manslaughter in a horrific case that sent shivers through the Asian financial hub.
McCoy said under law the test for diminished responsibility should be whether Jutting had "abnormal mental functioning" as a result of his mental problems.
He has a full and jutting beard threaded with gray, the only aspect of his physical self that even hints at his 183 years.
At the Elko Convention Center, a painted tarp frames the stage: a cloudless blue sky and the dun prow of a mesa jutting skyward.
It's so big that trains once pulled into the central atrium of one building, where cranes hoisted goods up to the jutting concrete balconies.
Vessels ply the water, waves lap against the rocky shore and avid fishermen stand patiently at the end of piers jutting into the river.
December 211: Artist Owen Morrel installs "Boomerang," an angular steel observation deck jutting from the old McGraw-Hill building, 8 stories above Port Authority.
Hong Kong (CNN)A Hong Kong court has rejected an appeal by Rurik Jutting, the British banker jailed for murdering two women in 2014.
He stretched T-shirts into cardinal's hats and patched leather and canvas into processional robes, sometimes with giant flying buttresses jutting from the side.
After he spotted fire jutting out from under the hood of his car, his quick thinking led him to douse the blaze in beer.
Arid, dusty soil crunched under her feet as she walked through a field while cicadas crackled from the bushes jutting out of the hill.
It nudged slightly to the left when it noticed a parked car jutting out a bit too far, but otherwise rolled confidently down the street.
Jutting has admitted killing Sumarti Ningsih, a 23-year-old single mother, and another Indonesian woman, Seneng Mujiasih, 20143, in his apartment two years ago.
The cosplayer resides in a wheelchair, which in this case functions as an iron throne — there are makeshift swords jutting out of the chair's back.
It's absolutely stunning: the coast, stretching out to the north and then jutting east, is framed by pine forests on the hills in the distance.
Prosecuters allege 31-year-old Rurik Jutting brutally killed the two women, one of whom he tortured for days, while filming videos on his iPhone.
After he pleaded not guilty on Monday, Jutting said he would plead guilty to two counts of manslaughter and one count of preventing lawful burial.
Rurik Jutting, 31, was found guilty on Tuesday of the 2014 murders of two young Indonesian women, in a gruesome case which shocked Hong Kong.
"In this bag we have cord, zip ties, what's this, oh it's a big hammer," Jutting said in an iPhone video played to the jury.
Jutting slit Mujiashi's throat when she refused his orders to stop yelling for help after she discovered a makeshift gag hidden beneath a couch pillow.
Latham diagnosed Jutting with a narcissistic personality disorder -- he didn't feel empathy like normal people -- and determined that he was developing into a sexual sadist.
Jutting, who had been in custody since November 1, 2014 – the day the two corpses were found – appeared in the High Court on Monday morning.
Jutting has pleaded not guilty to murdering Sumatri Ningsih, 23, and Seneng Mujiasih, 26, who were found dead in his apartment on November 1, 2014.
McCoy said Jutting showed severe traits of psychiatric disorders, far beyond the normal range and was therefore not in control of his actions, said McCoy.
As a survivor of abuse, "Praying" does the most amazing job of encapsulating all of those ups, downs and jutting angles of the healing process.
The profile also said Jutting had worked in structured capital markets at Barclays between June 2008 and July 2010 and had studied at Cambridge University.
Cambridge educated Jutting had showed no emotion when the verdict was read out in an open courtroom last November, packed with international and local journalists.
In closing remarks, the judge had described Jutting as the "archetypal sexual predator" who represented an extreme danger to women, especially in the sex trade.
The ongoing trial of British banker Rurik Jutting in Hong Kong is surfacing the bizarre and twisted narrative of an alleged double-murder in 2014.
Jutting is said to have tortured and killed two migrant workers in his luxurious one-bedroom apartment that he rented for nearly $4,000 a month.
It also looks like the watch could be on the thicker side, with its lugs jutting downward so it won't appear to sit so high.
Hong Kong is well known as an urban jungle, with skyscrapers jutting out of the island's hillside, but the city is surprisingly green and rural.
The jury returned a unanimous verdict on both counts of murder and the 31-year-old Jutting was sentenced to two concurrent mandatory life sentences.
With his piercing eyes and jutting forehead, he could make a rough first impression—like "a proud Calabrian bandit," according to the pianist Ricardo Viñes.
Reading, referring to Chow's report, said Jutting had no close friends and would not share his feelings with others, only speaking to his younger brother.
Frugal Traveler 9 Photos View Slide Show ' The Kenai Peninsula is a 9,000-square-mile appendage jutting down from Anchorage into the Gulf of Alaska.
A nine-member jury found the banker, Rurik George Caton Jutting, guilty of double murder after deliberating for less than a day in High Court.
Mr. Jutting had pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of manslaughter on the grounds of "diminished responsibility," according to reports in the local news media.
In his haste, though, the driver plowed right into an armchair jutting out near a lobby, in full view of Jim Crane, the Astros' owner.
Twenty-two feet above, jutting out 50 feet over the wetlands, is a cantilevered overlook providing a panorama of the East River and Midtown Manhattan.
His brand — brashly conservative, critical of federal prosecutors and close with right-wing media — precisely fit the jaw-jutting mold favored in the White House.
That institution was later absorbed into the Nationalmuseum, which reopens in 2018 in its Renaissance Revival pile on a peninsula jutting into the Baltic Sea.
The case of Rurik Jutting, a British banker who tortured and killed two women at his expensive flat in downtown Hong Kong, made global headlines.
M+ represents the crown jewel of the West Kowloon Cultural District, a designated arts hub on approximately 100 acres of landfill jutting into the harbor.
Jutting, who spoke of his addiction to drugs and alcohol, also alluded several times to paying for sex, and referred to Ningsih as his prostitute.
A flat a few doors down from the luxury apartment where former British banker Rurik Jutting murdered two women in 2014 was sold last year.
Chin jutting out, eyes trained on the camera, the handsome youth bore a strong resemblance to his infamous father, jailed drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman.
The High Court verdict means Rurik Jutting, 31, faces a life sentence behind bars for the savage murders of Sumarti Ningsih, 23, and Seneng Mujiasih, 26.
Jutting also claimed that he had been drinking two bottles of spirits plus two to three cans of Red Bull a day in the same month.
By the time of the killings, Jutting told prison psychiatrists he was consuming up to 10 grams of cocaine and two liters of spirits a day.
Jurors returned the unanimous verdict after hearing gruesome testimony of the horrific crimes which included torture and rape -- some of which Jutting filmed on his phone.
Ningsih did not die immediately, so Jutting dragged her into the shower and continued to "saw through" her neck until she was dead, the prosecutor continued.
As I trekked across a lush garden on the moon, I came across strange monuments, sort of like thick, metallic beams jutting out from the ground.
Heads are depicted as block-like forms with faces depicted on one side, while noses are rendered as sharp triangular planes jutting out from the face.
According to people who were at Cambridge at the same time, Jutting attended Peterhouse, the oldest college, and was president of the Cambridge University History society.
It flowed up, down, left and right, past downtown shops and red moon rock formations jutting into the sky like the hands of an ancient giant.
Unfortunately, Richards is later found with a scalpel-like blade jutting out of his head and Francis's severed cranium is gutted and carved like a pumpkin.
The I. M. Pei design, jutting toward the ocean, dominates the coastline, and even in sunny weather winds tear across a plaza near the visitors' entrance.
Jutting's lawyers had argued that the Jutting had been subjected to a "substantial and grave injustice" at the original trial, the South China Morning Post reported.
In videos played earlier in the trial, Jutting had described how he had crammed Ningsih's mutilated body in a suitcase which police found on the balcony.
The landscape of the broken-down farm and its jutting pillars eerily mirror the gravestones, both before and after the state brought them down with sticks.
The next morning we hiked with Mr. Pérez and his son, Guillem, over headlands and then down to a stretch of rocks jutting out to sea.
There were huge cranes down in the harbor, jutting into the air like the antennae of some ungainly creatures that had crawled out of the ocean.
It looks like a castle, rising over the opposite bank of the river, jutting out above the rocky ripples and wooded folds of the Hudson Valley.
Hong Kong's famous skyline, filled with massive buildings jutting up from the hill, was almost completely obscured as squalls roared through, however visibility has since improved.
In the distance, a vast body of water offers escape from a towering pile of animal remains, carcasses stripped of flesh, rib bones jutting through exposed skin.
On the third day of his murder trial, the prosecution said Jutting was consuming 10 grams of 30-percent pure cocaine a day, an unbelievably high dosage.
They are tough and industrial, with wire and steel jutting out from the wall, and simultaneously fragile and anthropomorphic, dangling delicately like a mobile from the ceiling.
Yet when, on August 8th, the prime minister appeared on television to explain why India should celebrate while Kashmir lay incarcerated, gone was the jaw-jutting nationalist.
On the walls hang multiple portraits of Goldstein in his iconic leather with a hand in pocket, hip jutting jauntily out, high-fashion grimace on his face.
On the evening of October 31, Jutting was said to have approached Mujiasih, 26, a domestic helper who was also working at a bar in Wan Chai.
My eyes were popping out of their sockets, my cheekbones were jutting out, my head shape looked different somehow, and I wondered what the hell I'd done.
Jutting, dressed in a navy blue shirt and thick squared glasses, watched animatedly throughout the hearing and occasionally chuckled, particularly during the presentations by prosecutor John Reading.
But the only thing around are window sills with huge spikes jutting out of them, or a "leaning" bench that doesn't take much pressure off your feet.
The office tower is the tallest building in Hudson Yards and has the highest outdoor observation deck in the Western Hemisphere jutting out from the 100th floor.
Just past the glittering high rises steadily jutting up in the heart of downtown Los Angeles, a mass of tents and people huddle across 50 city blocks.
The architect Steven Holl painted a lush watercolor (with drifting clouds above) of a tall rectangular structure with two wooden viewing platforms jutting out at different levels.
He complained about a lack of indoor plumbing, of good health care or a secondary school, and then pointed to a thick pipe jutting from the water.
The case of the banker, Rurik Jutting, had cast a spotlight on social inequality and the excesses of the financial sector in one of Asia's richest cities.
But climbers at nearby Balls Pyramid, a jagged crag jutting straight out of the water, spotted a fresh D. australis carcass on a climb during the 1960s.
Hungry City 9 Photos View Slide Show ' Here comes rack of lamb, fat chops in a ring with the bones jutting off the plate like sun rays.
El Toro Loco is driven by a white dude, and Zombie is a truck that's also a zombie, right down to the jutting arms and clattering teeth.
Poor design is more than the oft-memed Apple Pencil jutting out of an iPad lightning port or the Mighty Mouse with a charger piercing its underbelly.
It happened last month in one of the famed fortress's soundproofed dungeons, with five muscular guys, jutting cocks in hand, clustered around a pale-skinned, retro beauty.
One is a deep eggplant-purple, a gradient of sunset reds outlining each window; another has the head of a great white shark jutting from its facade.
He cut a dapper figure, making the rounds of cocktail parties in snug-fitting three-piece suits with brightly colored silk handkerchiefs jutting from his breast pocket.
Lying on an examining table, eyes huge in her gaunt face, Florence looked impossibly fragile, her arms thin as broomsticks, her shoulders jutting up like a skeleton's.
It wasn't long before Ms. Seiwert's repetitive movement became tedious and overly familiar in its details: Hands pressed into the chest; a leg jutting forward, heel first.
Another seafood cocktail is made from poached lobster and curls and spears of cucumber jutting out of a lovely lobster cream that functions like a party dip.
In one, Jutting spoke of a "fantasy" to kidnap three teenaged girls from Wycombe Abbey, a girls' boarding school in High Wycombe, a town northwest of London.
Jutting 2,300 feet above the north side of Ringedalsvatnet lake, the natural rock formation resulted from receding glaciers that broke off large, angular blocks from area mountains.
In another of her arrangements, a mass of tissue-petaled ivory peonies is disrupted by an alabaster anthurium, its spadix jutting up from the flower's platelike surface.
Here, on a spike of land jutting out into the water, is Casapueblo, once the home of one of Uruguay's best-known visual artists, Carlos Páez Vilaró.
According to several scholars of American history, the invocation of a president's name as a jaw-jutting declaration of exclusion, rather than inclusion, appears to be unprecedented.
The artist created the massive coil of basalt rocks jutting into the Great Salt Lake in 23; today, it's one of the most famous earthworks in the world.
Their Fall 2008 Ready-to-Wear collection contained several suits and dresses that had "No" and "Dream On" jutting out like very opinionated fabric tumors left and right.
Jutting, who also studied at Winchester, one of Britain's most famous and oldest private schools, worked at Bank of America Corp in Hong Kong prior to his arrest.
When it was all over, the only thing left was a giant monster skeleton and a similarly giant sword, still jutting out of the creature's big, stupid head.
Once inside, they claimed Jutting performed increasingly cruel acts of torture on the woman over three days, before cutting her throat and putting her body on the balcony.
Jutting, 31, is being tried for the murder of two Indonesian women, 23-year-old Sumarti Ningsih and 26-year-old Seneng Mujiasih, in Hong Kong in 2014.
Jurors were also told how banker Rurik Jutting then filmed himself talking about the first killing before murdering another Indonesian woman by cutting her throat five days later.
They paid no notice to the two legs in bloodstained combat fatigues jutting spread-eagle out of a hole next to a lamppost, ending in black-stockinged feet.
Streaming rain washed away its muddy camouflage, revealing a chain, an engine, a wheel… jutting from one side was a thick saw blade with the teeth still intact.
There are the borders that register quickly as borders—red, metal spikes jutting from dusty hills, glinting spirals of razor wire—and then there are borders that don't.
MOS, in a starkly modern building jutting out on the IJdok peninsula, is new but offers somewhat old-school "French-international" nouvelle cuisine, along with gorgeous water views.
Cambridge-educated Rurik Jutting, 32, is serving a life sentence for the murder of Indonesians Sumarti Ningsih, 23, and Seneng Mujiasih, 26, in his luxury apartment in 2014.
He also filmed monologues he called the "narcissistic ramblings of Rurik Jutting" in which he spoke of the murders, binged on cocaine and explained his violent sexual fantasies.
A toxicologist, called as an expert witness by the prosecution on Wednesday, described the quantities of cocaine consumed by Jutting during a six-week binge as unbelievably high.
To the right, a runner can make out the amusement park rides of Coney Island and then a private community called Sea Gate, jutting out into the bay.
The defense has argued that Jutting suffers from cocaine and alcohol abuse and personality disorders of sexual sadism and narcissism which impaired his ability to control his behavior.
If she's too tired to steer away from an onrushing rock, jutting from the white froth like a dagger, the craft will crash into it, compromising its condition.
After his niece's death in a traffic accident, he began designing safety features for cars, usually in the form of jutting layers on their exteriors to minimize shock.
Over the course of the six days in his apartment, Jutting made numerous videos on his phone, describing his plans for future torture and fears of being caught.
This residence, jutting from a hilly forest preserve about 40 feet above the lush Quinta Da Baronesa course, near São Paulo, has the complexity of a small village.
Yellow split pea soup, soothing and mild, lands on the table with a pork rib jutting out, the hilt thoughtfully wrapped in foil and the meat smoke incarnate.
His riga was bright yellow, his neat beard silvery-white, and his face beautiful in the jagged way of unaltered genes, jutting cheekbones and asymmetrical but piercing eyes.
Fallingwater seems to erupt from the forest around it, with terraced slabs jutting up to 2175½ feet — seemingly without support — over a waterfall in the Bear Run creek.
It had 11 bedrooms jutting off a skinny hallway, including an under-the-stairs cave and above it, what we called the D.J. booth (it had no door).
Television images showed the fortified walls of the kindergarten pockmarked with shrapnel and hunks of metal from the mortar shell jutting out of the sand in the playground.
Soon after his arrest in November, 2014 Bank of America had said Jutting had worked there until recently, but did not say exactly when or why he left.
His barrister, Gerard McCoy SC, said under law the test for diminished responsibility should be whether Jutting had "abnormal mental functioning" as a result of his mental problems.
Jutting, a former vice president and head of Structured Equity Finance and Trading (Asia) at Bank of America, captured parts of his torture of Ningsih on his iPhone.
Latham told the Hong Kong court that Jutting suffered from recognized disorders from cocaine and alcohol abuse on top of his other personality disorders of sexual sadism and narcissism.
The label shows the craggy silhouette of the nearly 8,000-foot Baboquivari peak jutting up above the surrounding range, the granite mass a beacon guiding migrants toward the north.
For a building, you get geo- and image-synced data on the distance to the curb, the front of the building, and the storefront sign jutting out above it.
While it was being played, the court room was completely silent -- some members of the public averted their eyes when Jutting showed Ningsih's body in one of the videos.
There was a strong defiance in her posture; her hands folded across her slim frame, her lower lip jutting out slightly, a Mona Lisa smile to hide her nervousness.
As most producers, Pochard's vineyards are situated on Cap Bon, a fertile peninsula jutting out into the Mediterranean; the mineral soil and strong sun are ideal for growing vines.
It would create a salient jutting almost halfway across the West Bank's narrow waist, slashing the route between Ramallah and Bethlehem, and further encircling Palestinian districts in East Jerusalem.
Latham told the Hong Kong court that Jutting suffered from recognised disorders from cocaine and alcohol abuse on top of his other personality disorders of sexual sadism and narcissism.
Jutting who also studied at the prestigious Winchester College, one of Britain's most famous and oldest private schools, captured hours of footage on his iPhone of him torturing Ningsih.
Still, by Saturday, flood waters had begun to approach structures on Mud Island, a peninsula jutting into the Mississippi River studded with upscale homes, apartments and a popular park.
Diving for sea urchin, he discovered the stern of an abandoned and mostly submerged boat and two outboard motors jutting out of the water near San Miguel Island, California.
Over the course of the six days in his apartment, Jutting made numerous videos on his phone, describing his plans for future torture and his fears of being caught.
Cambridge-educated Jutting, wearing a blue shirt, looked down and showed no emotion when the verdict was read out in an open courtroom, packed with international and local journalists.
I liked most how, like all adolescent things, he had a sweetness that quickly gave way to jutting claws, a burning tail and a glare reserved commonly for mothers.
In handing down the original verdict, Stuart-Moore said Jutting had failed to show a "shred of remorse" and urged that "no one be fooled by (his) superficial charm."
His every facial feature, from the wrestler's ear to his jutting lower lip, is lifted out just a bit from the skull, as if taking its turn to solo.
T-Mobile Arena, the home of the N.H.L.'s Vegas Golden Knights, has two towers jutting from the interior, each serving as part-time viewing platforms and, occasionally, nightclubs.
It appears to be a series of three-dimensional shapes, ringed with two levels of balconies, jutting from an octagonal shape in the center, like an irregularly shaped wreath.
It had 11 bedrooms jutting off the a skinny hallway, including an under-the-stairs cave, and above it what we called the D.J. booth (it had no door).
The container might be a crumbling basement with jutting quoins and niches, yet the house regenerates itself to be home, finding the solace in being at odds with itself.
Unlike the towering white behemoths we'd passed, it was just three stories tall, with 78 rooms, cobalt blue shutters and turquoise and lemon yellow piers jutting into the ocean.
The renderings that have been released show a boxy combination of glass and metal, complete with the pale blue fuselage of an 747 airplane jutting out of its facade.
Sometimes neatly stacked files or paperweights can be seen, but all orderly and neat as opposed to Trump's discombobulated set up of folders jutting out or piled several inches high.
Her mother is a former model, and Jamil told the Sunday Times that "jutting hip bones were seen as a sign of peak brilliance both at home and at school."
According to prosecutors, Jutting then purchased some pliers, a hammer, some plastic ties and sheets of sandpaper, among other items, before inviting the second woman, Mujiasih, up to his apartment.
But the prosecution asserted that Jutting was in control of his behavior and deliberately took more and more cocaine as "dutch courage" to enable him to torture and ultimately kill.
In their opening statement, the prosecution said that Jutting had filmed the torture of Ningsih on his iPhone after he paid her to come up to his apartment for sex.
For many people on the internet — especially women, people of color, and the LGBTQ community — it is an entire broken staircase, full of loose nails, jutting floorboards, and impossible leaps.
Trump voters are a chin-jutting bunch: 84% told a new Economist/YouGov poll that they support military action against North Korea, even if it leads to war with China.
Sometimes, when Pat Morrin has people over, a certain taxidermied creation—one with a big beard, brooding eyes, and a jutting snout—tends to catch the eye of his company.
The Big Chicken in Marietta, Georgia, is an iconic storefront — with a more than 50-foot metal chicken jutting out its front — and its one of KFC's most successful locations.
With this project she will be defiantly slouching towards equality at the turn of each page, carefully curving spines and jutting out elbows to find an all-but-forgotten elegance.
The 256-foot boats (hence the "AC 22013" moniker) were all hard lines — their tall, angular sails were menacing; their edges sharp, the space-age hydrofoils jutting like vampire teeth.
Did Churchill fear that viewers might see in this fuchsia-faced, harrumphing old grump a trace of their determined leader, his jaw jutting out like the prow of a dreadnought?
Freshly shaven and wearing a pale blue shirt, Jutting focused on the session intently on Wednesday, making notes as he sat in a sectioned off area, flanked by three policemen.
Dressed in a light blue shirt, Jutting, 31, sometimes shut his eyes and tilted his head upwards as the interviews played before the jury of four women and five men.
Mr. Jutting, who had worked for Bank of America, killed the women, who had come to Hong Kong as domestic workers, in his luxury high-rise in a nightclub district.
Rurik Jutting was found guilty last year of torturing and killing two Indonesian women, Sumarti Ningsih and Seneng Mujiasih, in a luxury residential tower in the city's Wan Chai district.
Wearing a blue shirt and thick, black-rimmed glasses, a clean-shaven Jutting appeared in court flanked by four guards, with whom he laughed and joked during a brief recess.
Jutting, 31, a former Bank of America Corp employee, has denied murder in the 2014 killings of Sumarti Ningsih, 23, and Seneng Mujiasih, 26, on the grounds of diminished responsibility.
Brief accelerations and sharper points (jutting elbows, punches, twitches) add texture, and Heidi Eckwall's lighting warms and brightens, but none of that fundamentally alters the gentle, pink-on-white character.
His father pulled him to safety from the swirling sea, discovering a rock jutting out from the sea to support them above the waves and keep his son from drowning.
Jutting someone of his stature back into the fold is difficult: San Antonio's league-average offense was worse than the 30th ranked Sacramento Kings in Leonard's stray time this year.
At Pho Bac Sup Shop, a buzzy Vietnamese restaurant run by three siblings, natural wines are served alongside aromatic short-rib pho with oversize bones jutting from the steaming bowls.
Clouds fill our vision, with lonely street lamps jutting in at the foot of the frame; they give off a faint buzz, in rivalry with the natural chirr of insects.
Appearing topless, overweight and unshaven, Jutting appeared on camera, at times showing Ningsih's body, and spoke with chilling calm in a series of monologues that he described as "narcissistic ramblings".
On the recording, Jutting spoke in a relaxed, soft voice as he taunted, bullied and mutilated Ningsih, a single mother who had been visiting Hong Kong on a tourist visa.
In 2006 while studying ancient volcanic ash buried in the northern Yukon in northwestern Canada, Dr. Reyes stumbled across a bone jutting from the frozen mud near the ash layer.
During his time in Britain with the bank Jutting had been involved in risky tax instruments, was regarded as unpredictable, and was also monitored for high travel costs, said Owen.
The exterior facades of the 14- to 16-floor structures have a modern look, with jutting angles highlighted by contrasting colors schemes of orange, red, green, yellow, white and metallic gray.
Later in the interviews, when describing the first killing, Jutting bent over to show how he slit the throat of first victim, Ningsih, whom he previously met through a classifieds website.
By 226, Jutting would later tell psychiatrists in prison, he was drinking up to two bottles of spirits every day, on top of several cans of the energy drink Red Bull.
Prior to his murder of Mujiasih, Jutting filmed himself discussing the tools he had bought at a sex shop and hardware store to torture her, including a hammer and a blowtorch.
Malek has said that getting the prosthetic for Mercury's famously jutting teeth, a special dental appliance the actor started wearing a year before shooting the film, was key to his performance.
Mr Trump's snarling, chin-jutting approach to national security is one reason why he is currently losing a voting bloc—white college graduates—won by every Republican presidential candidate since 1952.
At the time, Judge Michael Stuart-Moore said Jutting -- who claimed diminished responsibility on the grounds of psychological problems -- plumbed "the very depths of depravity" in the treatment of his victims.
Jutting has pleaded not guilty to murdering two Indonesian women in his Hong Kong apartment in 2014 on grounds of diminished responsibility due to alcohol and drug abuse and sexual disorders.
Kendjam sat alongside a glass-clear river, the Irirí, with a dozen traditional houses next to a grass airstrip and a red rock formation jutting several hundred feet above the treetops.
She was working a lovable goof gimmick, one where she'd come out to a staccato electronic theme song with arms akimbo, jutting to either side in a vain attempt to dance.
This isn't orderly: The horses and their pulsating, vein-laden bodies combined with the frantic, whipping jockeys seem to be one chaotic mass, a brown blob with multiple heads jutting out.
The prosecution told the court that Jutting needed the "boost" of cocaine to commit the crimes in his luxury high-rise apartment in a case that has received widespread international attention.
The album's back cover displayed the members clustered around a bizarre contraption Jones had named the Brass Cabinet Orchestra, a modified pipe organ with about 250 horns jutting out of it.
Gold and silver jacquards with jutting "Star Trek" shoulders — Mr. Ghesquière loves a Star Trek shoulder — echoed the Art Deco decoration of the Chrysler and Empire State buildings, and Rockefeller Center.
Passers-by can have their photos snapped by in-window cameras, which then beam their images into displays, or karaoke their favorite Christmas carols, into microphones jutting out onto the sidewalk.
In near freezing temperatures, she hauled a cat trap across the molten remains of a home, careful to step over pieces of roofing and other remnants jutting up through the rubble.
The toys become solid and more playful in "The Wise Men," where they hover above a desert like a spacecraft, and in two works where they occupy a jutting offshore rock.
"The Amazon" is a 13-foot-tall cement sculpture of a female warrior, with bared breasts, her torso and head pierced by thousands of joss sticks, jutting out like arrow shafts.
It has a historic weakness for showboating — the more suffering the better — which is why Joaquin Phoenix (often otherwise worthy) and his jutting rib cage in "Joker" seem like a lock.
Jutting, 31, has pleaded not guilty to murdering Sumarti Ningsih, 23, and Seneng Mujiasih 26, two years ago on grounds of "diminished responsibility", but guilty to the lesser charge of manslaughter.
Dressed in a navy blue shirt, Jutting appeared clean shaven and focused intently during the cross examination, leaning forward in his sectioned off area where he was flanked by 3 policemen.
Just east of Orlando, a causeway carried him over the Indian and Banana Rivers to a triangular spit of sand jutting into the Atlantic, where the Air Force keeps a base.
Its wall is steep, which in climber-speak means not vertical but severely overhanging: 222 metres high and jutting out by 21990 metres, for an average incline of negative 220 degrees.
On the Rocks — built, literally, on a rocky outcropping jutting into Kailua-Kona's Oneo Bay — is the rare beach bar that manages to tick all the tropical boxes, without feeling clichéd.
While Dell might have finally fixed its XPS 13 webcam position, Lenovo's new Yoga S940 and Asus' ZenBook S13 have a notch jutting out above the display to squeeze a webcam in.
He described Jutting as the "archetypal sexual predator" who represented an extreme danger to women, especially in the sex trade, and cautioned that it was possible he would murder again if freed.
The jury unanimously found Jutting, the grandson of a British policeman in Hong Kong and a Chinese woman, guilty of murder and he was sentenced to life in prison in November 2016.
" Amitrano added that the thing he saw—which, according to him, had muscular legs, a jutting tailbone, and a human-like shape—flew in a "strange swooping motion, undulating up and down.
Throughout the video for "Shut Up Kiss Me," she shifts from one attitudinal pose to another — seated calmly with chin jutting out, leaning back on a bar stool, astride a vintage Mercedes.
As it turned out, to turn on the sink you had to push up on a small lever jutting out from right underneath the faucet, which did not seem obvious at all.
During Sheikh Khalifa's reign, Qatar — a country on a peninsula jutting out of the much larger Arabian Peninsula into the Persian Gulf — experienced rapid economic growth, helped by its vast oil reserves.
But Diagonal's sounds aren't so much unlistenable as they are angular, jutting with uneven drums, the experimental ethos of anti-movements like No Wave, industrial rhythms and a steadily beating techno heart.
The Busway would be reserved for buses and delivery trucks during rush hour, with temporary "bus bulbs" and pedestrian spaces jutting off the curb, for riders to quickly hop on and off.
CAICARA DEL ORINOCO, Venezuela (Reuters) - In the hot and humid town of Caicara, in the heart of Venezuela, some 3.53 piers jutting out of the vast Orinoco river gather mildew and rust.
The lurid saga of Rurik Jutting came to an end in Hong Kong early this month when the former British banker was convicted of murdering two Indonesian women at his luxury apartment.
Others are darker in scope, like on Monotransporter and the Natt EP with their sterile, robotic loops and jutting industrial backbeats, or more melodic and upbeat, like on her ninth EP, Skog.
Sometimes Green is starved, sometimes she's shunned, sometimes she's burned, and sometimes she's forced to take a "Spike Walk" and trail her wrists over a series of jutting nails until she bleeds.
Without a doubt, the McCaffreys' house, which is currently a frame of steel and wood with a flat roof jutting above the trees, seems to be a departure from the other mansions.
No eyebrows or eyelashes or full lips or anything but jutting bones at the cheeks and shoulders and collarbones and data points, the parts on our bodies where we interact with technology.
The streets would be so much more interesting if concept car designs overflowing with far-fetched ideas, jutting angles, and disconcerting shapes made it into the everyday vehicles riding on our roads.
Jutting, who had held a high flying job at Bank of America in Hong Kong before his arrest, at one point filmed himself taking cocaine as he explained how he tortured Ningsih.
But this slickly modern spa shines brightest with its design-forward, photo-ready outdoor infinity pool, partially covered by a pitched cottage roof and jutting out to seemingly hover above the precipice.
Spieth's final drive of the day just nicked a tree limb jutting into the narrow tunnellike opening off the 18th tee, and the ball ricocheted straight down, about 350 yards from the green.
In the first bathroom selfie she shared, Kourtney strikes a dramatic pose in front of the sink, flinging one hand casually into the air and jutting out her right leg to the side.
The house cuts an imposing figure, a mansion plucked from a horror movie, expanded with a myriad of rooms, stacked and grafted onto the core, jutting out from odd angles like abnormal growths.
Stones that were chipped and frayed in the original, jutting out or worn away, eroded to slivers, mottled with 20 centuries of dirt and decay, are here as straight and regular as Lego.
Of course, Dey also makes the choice (the listener has the option, as well) to embrace the scuzz, to acknowledge that sometimes the strange, jutting corners are what make any artistic environment memorable.
During two weeks of evidence, the court heard chilling iPhone recordings which Jutting, then 29, made while high on cocaine, before and after killing the two women in his upscale Wan Chai apartment.
American presidents, cabinet secretaries and generals have been coming to the ill-named Demilitarised Zone (DMZ) since the Korean War ended and talking with a mix of chin-jutting determination and studied calm.
"Brick" is essentially a hardcore song that wouldn't sound out of place on a B L A C K I E record, Giannascoli grunting indecipherably over an industrial beat, sharp feedback jutting in.
Three days later, on November 1, with Ningsih's body in a suitcase on his balcony, Jutting killed 26-year-old Mujiasih after she wouldn't stop calling for help, minutes after entering his apartment.
The murders were even more damning because Jutting had been given every possible material advantage in life from a very privileged upbringing to a great career and immense pay cheque, the judge said.
Stuart-Moore, speaking in a packed courtroom stacked with international media, law students and members of the public, said the fact that Jutting "has an appalling private life is neither here nor there".
Sitting in a sectioned-off area in the court, Jutting, who has an IQ in the top 1 percent of the population according to the defense, watched the arguments with a blank expression.
Jutting, the grandson of a British policeman in Hong Kong and an ethnic Chinese woman, was a former vice president and head of Structured Equity Finance and Trading (Asia) at Bank of America.
The school is a cluster of low-slung buildings on an old military base in Sandy Hook, a strip of protected federal land jutting out from the northern edge of the Jersey Shore.
"Kairos," made for Ballett Zürich (with a greater proportion of strict ballet vocabulary than most of his works), is blessedly free of his fondness for head-jutting movements and beyond-180-degree hyperextension.
Jih incorporated a trefoil, or clover-shaped path, around the hearth, with the house's wings extending toward three different landscapes: jutting out over the mountain, into an orchard, and overlooking a swimming pool.
Jutting, who had attended Winchester College, one of Britain's most prestigious private schools, shut his eyes, sometimes covering his face with his hand rather than look at the screen in front of him.
Jutting used a belt, sex toys, a pair of pliers and his fists to torture Ningsih over three days before eventually slitting her throat with a serrated-edged knife, according to the prosecution.
Tarver's plants conceal and mask, their sculpted forms jutting from the walls and prodding visitors to peer closely into the two paintings in the exhibition, whose title — Secrets of Leaves — they both share.
One unusual and dizzying feature: glass-plate walls in the bedroom retract at the push of a button, so that this corner of the room becomes truly open-air, jutting out over the cliff.
CAICARA DEL ORINOCO, Venezuela, May 2262 (Reuters) - In the hot and humid town of Caicara, in the heart of Venezuela, some 3.53 piers jutting out of the vast Orinoco river gather mildew and rust.
To account for this, Gleason, the prototype designer, proposed angling two sets of solar panels off the wall — one on the top, the other jutting from the middle to the ground, as pictured below.
As the election slouches to an end nearly every voter at his campaign events wears some sort of Trump hat or paraphernalia, and there is a sort of chin-jutting pride to their gatherings.
The building was ill designed to be a shelter — it has rooms jutting off corridors, rather than large dormitory-type spaces — but it had been one for decades, run by one nonprofit or another.
You can hear that tension between "29 #Strafford APTS" and "21 M◊◊N WATER" — Vernon's home base of acoustic ballad jutting up against the electronic, noisy sound he's been edging closer to for years.
Judges Michael Lunn, Andrew Macrae and Kevin Zervos are to return judgement on the appeal which may include granting Jutting the opportunity for a new trial, but they did not give a time frame.
The Twelve Apostles on the coast of Victoria have long been a gem of Australia's tourism industry, with visitors flocking to catch a glimpse of the majestic limestone pillars jutting out of the waves.
Jutting was found guilty last year by a Hong Kong court of torturing and killing two Indonesian women, Sumarti Ningsih and Seneng Mujiasih, at his home in the city's Wan Chai district in 2014.
Having written about the Silver Gull before, I had always been intrigued by this odd hidden wonder jutting out onto a strangely deserted beach in New York City, a short drive from downtown Manhattan.
Dressed in blue jail scrubs with a small copy of the Constitution jutting from his pocket, Bundy repeated his assertions that federal ownership of lands settled and grazed by ranchers for generations was illegitimate.
Tyndall Air Force Base, which straddles a narrow spit of land jutting out into the Gulf, a dozen miles south of Panama City, "sustained extensive damage," a post on the base's Facebook page said.
At the corner of Flatbush and Tilden Avenues, where gravelly reggae voices will serenade you through car stereos, look up to see a jutting marquee, announcing an all-star lineup, of Brooklyn's largest theater.
A tiny, thumb-shaped peninsula jutting into the Persian Gulf, Qatar has catapulted from poverty to immense wealth in just the past three decades, thanks to natural-gas deposits under its desert and coastline.
More awkward still is the idea of your friends picking up their phones and watching your corpse's final minutes above ground over their crappy 3G connection, the blurry coffin jutting out behind those curtains.
Jutting received notice from his boss that his professional activities were being monitored, which he described as unjustified, and it was then that he started consuming heavy amounts of vodka before sleeping, Owen said.
Drop in price: 39%Median airfare: $339Cape Cod, a peninsula jutting out of Massachusetts, has everything from quaint fishing towns like Chatham and artsy, LGTBQ-friendly bastions like Provincetown, to moneyed hotspots like Hyannis.
The idealized versions of things that exist only in our heads, jutting out into our psyches just enough so that we see that they're there but not what they actually are, always seem perfect.
He described Jutting as the "archetypal sexual predator" who represented an extreme danger to women, especially in the sex trade, and cautioned that the possibility he would murder again if freed would be very likely.
The European Space Agency shared a surface view of a suns-set on Proxima b, with three stars near the horizon illuminating jutting rocks, rounded rocks, arcing rocks, and possibly some fog in the foreground.
In the police interviews conducted on November 2, 2014, a day after Jutting was arrested, he went into great detail over what had happened, politely relaying the course of events and appearing jovial at times.
"In a picture posted Thursday on Snapchat, the popular photo messaging application, three women are standing side-by-side, jutting their backsides to the camera," Carlos Andres López of the Las Cruces Sun-News explains.
Jutting out from the Chinese side of the river was an iron structure hanging in midair: the Broken Bridge, which was built in 1911 by Japan when it occupied Korea and this part of China.
Jones is a nervy, jutting actor, who comes at his scenes from surprising angles; you won't be able to quite figure out what he's getting at, but it's terrifying to watch him go about it.
Dallas-based artist Sergio Garcia, who had been experimenting with hyperrealistic silicone and fiberglass sculptures of body parts jutting from walls, brought two very different sets of limbs to SCOPE Art Fair 2015 in Miami.
In videoed police interviews shown on the fourth day of his trial for the murder of two Indonesian women, Jutting impassively described the paranoia he felt moments before calling police to come and get him.
After surrendering, Jutting gave police his phone as "evidence", which contained photographs as well as four hours of video footage chronicling his cocaine and alcohol fueled spiral into an abyss of sexual torture and killing.
"I accept this as a just and appropriate judgment," Mr. Jutting, 31, said in a statement that his lawyer read after the verdict was announced, according to a report in The South China Morning Post.
Mr. Jutting, who had worked for Bank of America in Hong Kong and studied at Cambridge University in Britain, killed the women at his high-rise in the Wan Chai neighborhood, a popular nightclub district.
With dark, piercing eyes, high cheekbones, a jutting chin and long raven hair, he was a paladin who defied authority and, in an era crowded with civil rights protests, spoke for the nation's oldest minority.
I thought about my own son when he was 7 — how he would scowl fiercely from a distance, arms folded, lower lip jutting out, until at last, he could relent, and limp dramatically to me.
Each square panel depicts wry amalgams of natural and human-made objects, such as a crystal shard with earmuffs or a geode dangling from a parachute with a cassette tape jutting out from the rock.
The animals, who normally roam free on a nearby headland jutting out into the Irish Sea, have instead wandered into Llandudno, where they have spent the past three days feasting on garden hedges and flowers.
CreditCreditMauricio Lima for The New York Times QUINTUCO, Argentina — The giant antenna rises from the desert floor like an apparition, a gleaming metal tower jutting 19803 stories above an endless wind-whipped stretch of Patagonia.
Amid the concrete, Ms. Halo was a burst of color in a tie-dyed purple blouse and baggy blue slacks, a pink cap pulled low on her head with six braids jutting out from underneath.
From the deck of a rented junk bobbing off Stanley Beach, I watched teams of men and women furiously paddle their brightly painted dragon boats, the carved wooden heads, teeth bared, jutting from the prows.
Shiv Shanti, located on a street corner, is one of the most impressive with its yellow-and-green color scheme and stack of "eyebrows," or concrete weather shades, jutting over the windows, a local adaptation.
Guayanilla also lost a tourist attraction called the Window of the Caribbean, a rock formation jutting into the sea that formerly featured a doughnut-like hole that provided a frame for the seascape behind it.
HONG KONG (Reuters) - Filming himself torturing and killing a young Indonesian woman, British investment banker Rurik Jutting veered between boasting, remorse and describing the pleasure he derived from sexually brutalizing the first of two victims.
Also known as "The Bolted Book," it did not feature traditional bindings but instead two aluminum industrial bolts and nuts that sandwiched pages together, their forms jutting out to prevent the tome from lying flat.
As tension builds, the gang — along with BB-8's new droid friend D-0 — gets together on an alien planet where they find the ruins of the Death Star jutting up like a mountain range.
"The land has been disappearing and some of the mangrove forests have collapsed," Sopheap said during an interview on the patio of her wooden home jutting into brackish water where a river flows into the sea.
The difference this time is that instead of infringing on the laptop's screen by jutting downwards, the Zenbook S13's notch is actually a small bump on the notebooks top bezel that also holds its webcam.
This is a gentle way of saying that some of them are focused on their clients' strength, endurance, and the progress of their individual goals while others just worship at the Church of Jutting Pelvic Bones.
The video evidence also showed Jutting telling police he was consuming 10 packs of cocaine a day - each costing HK$1,000 and that he ingested up to 20 grams of cocaine just before the second murder.
He has taken to repeating a catchphrase from the film "Uri", which portrays a commando raid he ordered against Pakistan in 2016 in response to a previous terrorist attack as a moment of chin-jutting grit.
On Tuesday, passers by walking along the Barreto Park Shoreline in the Bronx discovered the rest of Velazsquez's remains when they spotted a severed left leg jutting out of a bag beneath the Tiffany Street Pier.
Located on a parcel of land jutting out into the San Francisco Bay, the mammoth 167-year-old facility has a lonely and intimidating look from the outside -- and on the inside, it's just as forlorn.
Kissel's latest move comes the same week that British former Bank of America Merrill Lynch employee Rurik Jutting appealed against a life sentence handed down last year for murdering two Indonesian women he tortured and raped.
The gallery was as much an artwork as the pieces it displayed—she hung paintings at strange angles on huge jutting poles, jumbled in with sculptures and vitrines, so visitors could walk right round the exhibits.
It's where they fell in love as teenagers and promised each other that if they ever got married, they'd build a house near the town's emblematic lighthouse, which sits on a cape jutting into Atlantic waves.
The artist has perched a small flower vase on a ledge jutting out of his sculpture, and noticing this small detail quickly contextualizes the sculpture, revealing the abstraction as an inverted, fragmented vision of the vase.
He quoted Jutting as saying he was "96 percent heterosexual" after having a few experiences with other males including have mutual oral sex aged 16 with a friend and full penetration with another male at Cambridge.
Rurik Jutting, 31, a former Bank of America employee, had denied murdering Sumarti Ningsih, 23, and Seneng Mujiasih, 26, in 2014 on the grounds of diminished responsibility due to alcohol and drug abuse and sexual disorders.
Jutting, a former vice president and head of Structured Equity Finance and Trading (Asia) at Bank of America Corp, is charged with murdering Sumarti Ningsih, 23, and Seneng Mujiasih, 26, in his luxury high-rise apartment.
Owen detailed Jutting's stressful working life describing the start of a negative spiral after a complex tax product in Luxembourg Jutting worked on in 2012 which flagged him as "representing serious risk" to Bank of America.
The strip's bold aesthetic predated today's comics experiments by decades: Rodriguez depicts gritty Manhattan in jutting, inconsistently shaped panels; pasted-in newspapers punctuate realist backdrops while a single 28-panel page is tilted at 45 degrees.
On Palm Jumeirah, a man-made archipelago in the shape of a palm tree, with 17 fronds jutting into the Persian Gulf, the first homes — large waterfront villas with private beach access — were completed in 2007.
Jim—who's in his forties and lives in East Anglia, that little bobble jutting out the right-hand-side of the UK—supplies people who need it with high potency cannabis oil and other herbal medicines.
CreditCreditSam Hodgson for The New York Times The new building sticks out over the Boardwalk, jutting toward the water, its facade wrapped in shimmery aluminum panels that move, like schools of fish, with the ocean breeze.
The defense has said Jutting suffered sexual abuse as a teenager during his time at Winchester College, one of Britain's oldest and most prestigious schools, when he was forced to have oral sex on another boy.
The digits appear as wisps of steam rising from a coffee cup on the bright yellow awning, which doubles as a canopy over an unexpected patio, up a concrete ramp and jutting out into the sidewalk.
In the prince's castle in Act II, Ms. Opolais's Rusalka seems like a lost waif as a strange ballroom dance takes place around her, with the courtly participants going through all manner of angular, jutting movements.
One tax instrument in Luxumborg was flagged by internal auditors as a serious risk to the organization and Jutting was moved to another part of the bank before moving to Hong Kong, Owen told the court.
The defence has argued that Jutting felt huge stress during his working life, prompting him to binge on cocaine and alcohol which culminated in the killing and torture a year after he moved to Hong Kong.
Here, the galleries offered up chrome piping jutting out at indifferent angles, brutalist steel sculptures, and geometric knickknacks, so that the whole looked like an art and design atelier after everyone had left for the day.
The site's history is intertwined with the legend of Arthur, prompting the Earl of Cornwall to build a castle between 1230 and 1240, half on the mainland and half on a jagged headland jutting into the sea.
Owen said Jutting had been a victim of sexual assault during his teenager years at Winchester College, one of Britain's oldest and most prestigious public schools, when he was forced to perform oral sex on another boy.
Turning the hand crank jutting from the device's (likely wooden) frame spun the gears, which moved the hands on the dials — allowing the user to accurately predict eclipses and the passage of celestial bodies through the sky.
Tehran also posed specific challenges for blind people because of uncovered canals next to streets (to drain rainwater or water the trees) and aerial obstacles like construction material jutting out of transport or storefronts and tree branches.
"Your bare leg jutting out from the sheet / Without shame and in cold blood…My mouth is whispering in raptures / Celebrating you," she sings, continuing the exploration of their devoted father-daughter relationship that "Lemon Incest" started.
Rurik Jutting, 31, who has yet to enter a formal plea over the murders of two Indonesian women in 2014, looked dramatically different to earlier court appearances, mainly due to substantial weight loss and being clean shaven.
Where the river exits into the Gulf of Mexico in Plaquemines Parish, the land has been reduced to a narrow spit, improbably jutting into the open water like a knife balanced off the edge of a table.
CreditCreditTali Kimelman for The New York Times PUNTA DEL ESTE, Uruguay — President Trump's son Eric traveled in January to Punta del Este, a Uruguayan beach town on a spit of land jutting into the South Atlantic Ocean.
LONDON — For years, 30,000 red and white balloons flooded into the blue sky above Gibraltar each September, symbols of the joy and pride of the small community jutting into the sea as it celebrated its National Day.
Mr. Liu hopes, perhaps against hope, that he'll be able to make more money at a venue his truck will occupy in the future — a patch of landfill jutting out into Victoria Harbor called Golden Bauhinia Square.
The proposed base, rising on land reclaimed from Oura bay, with a dock and two 1,800-metre runways jutting 10 metres above the ocean, is supposed to check China's maritime expansion and maintain America's military primacy in Asia.
She dated abusive men, finished last in fitness pageants, spent hours staring in the mirror and obsessing about her jutting jaw, got scammed out of a bodybuilding trophy, and couldn't even complete her stint in the Peace Corps.
The microphone portion of the speaker is designed differently, too, jutting out from the top of it rather than lying flat like the Echo; Lenovo says this is for ventilation, to cool down the Intel Atom processor inside.
Prosecutor John Reading told the jury Jutting killed Ningsih because he realized she could have turned him into the police for torturing her and later killed Mujiasih because he lost his temper when she "did not obey him."
Video evidence shown in the courtroom showed Jutting telling police he was consuming 10 packs of cocaine a day - each costing HK$1,000 and that he ingested up to 20 grams of cocaine just before the second murder.
Named for the Spanish farallón, meaning a rocky pillar jutting from the sea, the Farallones were called "the devil's teeth" by sailors in the 1850s for their ragged profile and treacherous shores, the cause of many a shipwreck.
Jutting, a former Bank of America Corp employee, has pleaded not guilty to the 2014 murders but guilty of the lesser charge of manslaughter due to "diminished responsibility", citing his heavy drug and alcohol abuse and sexual disorders.
The court heard on Tuesday that Jutting called his boss at the Bank of America after the killings, before he called the police, and warned him that the bank's reputation was at risk, defense lawyer Tim Owen said.
A sculptural staircase, jutting provocatively from the side of the building, was designed to encourage students and faculty members to take the stairs to their work space instead of the shorter elevator route between front door and desk.
These were jaw-jutting moves—decisions made as if to prove to the world that for all the shortages we will face in the coming months, America still has plenty of brawn, bluster, and bullshit to go around.
It is the nation's third most populous state, with 21 million people, jutting out precariously into the heart of hurricane alley, amid rising seas, at a time when warming waters have the potential to bring ever stronger storms.
I was hiking with a friend along the sandstone cliffs of Royal National Park, south of Sydney, on a weekend, when we noticed a guy balancing precariously on a thin rock shelf jutting out high above the ocean.
When he wasn't welding small squares of dark metal into suave, junk-sculpture credenzas and wardrobes, Evans further rethought form and function with sideboards whose jutting carapaces of wood and metal might serve as models for climbing walls.
Jutting out beside it and toward the sea is a rectangular, 70-meter-long underground chamber, open at both ends and angled to capture the winter solstice, made of Cor-Ten steel used for the hulls of ships.
In 2001, a United States Navy reconnaissance plane made an emergency landing on Hainan, a Chinese island-province jutting into the South China Sea, after colliding with a Chinese Air Force jet whose pilot plunged to his death.
The PG-rated movie is a contemporary retelling of the King Arthur legend, in which a 12-year-old boy (Louis Ashbourne Serkis) finds the sword Excalibur jutting out of a lump of stone at a construction site.
The sharply angled hem of the gray pleats — jutting planes — evokes severity, while the black interior of a shallow, box-like form above it, which is mounted to the wall and open on the right side, invites inspection.
Jutting filmed himself torturing and killing one of his victims, part of mobile phone footage taken from four hours of recordings in which he veered between boasting, remorse and describing the pleasure he derived from sexually brutalizing the women.
HONG KONG (Reuters) - British investment banker Rurik Jutting was a narcissistic sexual sadist trying to cover a "fragile" shell after schoolboy abuse, according to his defense case against charges of murdering two Indonesian women in his Hong Kong apartment.
Jutting, a former Bank of America Employee who is in his early thirties, denied murdering Sumarti Ningsih, 23, and Seneng Mujiasih, 26, in 2014 on the grounds of diminished responsibility due to alcohol and drug abuse and sexual disorders.
Sound waves higher than 10 decibels are absorbed by pyramids and wedges jutting from walls, floor, and ceiling like stalagmites and stalactites inside Doug Wheeler's PSAD Synthetic Desert III, now open to the public at New York's Guggenheim Museum.
Loomo, which looks vaguely like Pixar's WALL-E , consists of a small platform flanked by two large wheels and divided by a knee-high vertical bar jutting from the middle, at the top of which is a small monitor.
A three-judge panel at the Court of Final Appeal did not grant Jutting leave for appeal, rejecting his laywer's argument that the trial judge had misdirected the jury over the defense of diminished responsibility, public broadcaster RTHK reported.
It stars Viggo Mortensen, who has both the looks (the piercing blue eyes and jutting Kirk Douglas chin) and the buff physique of a Marvel type, but would probably prefer slow death to putting on a cape and tights.
Jutting, a former vice president and head of Structured Equity Finance & Trading (Asia) at Bank of America in Hong Kong, had felt great pressure when his boss told him his professional activities would be monitored, his defense has said.
On this particular Saturday, he hit the gym, took a dip in the pool, sat for a while in the whirlpool, and then went for a walk on the beach past the rows of cabanas jutting toward the surf.
The jury was earlier shown footage that Jutting filmed himself during the sexual torture and killing of Ningsih over the course of three days, capturing his taunts and boasts as well as his remorse and moments of self-loathing.
Jutting, the grandson of a British policeman in Hong Kong and a local Chinese woman, had argued cocaine and alcohol disorders as well as personality disorders of sexual sadism and narcissism had impaired his ability to control his behavior.
The island, a scenic 4,000-square-mile patch of rolling forest and farmland jutting into the northern Atlantic Ocean, has only about 423,000 residents and has been losing well over 1,000 people a year for the last two decades.
Whether an overgrown street grid in Edgemere, Queens, where the homes were torn down for a development that never arrived, or a ridge of glacial moraine jutting from Manhattan, Workman makes New York, and its rough edges, look beautiful.
It would have been nice to enter one of the observatories, but after weeks of being immersed in astronomy, it was enough to stand on the mountaintop and gaze at the observatory domes jutting into the piercing blue sky.
A closer look at one of his pictures reveals minuscule details that intrude on the uniformity of a building's facade: laundry dangling from a window, poles jutting over a ledge, a child's flower-shaped windmill spinning below a grate.
Looks tend to be destiny for character actors, who are often cast for what their physicality, including their faces, suggests: the jutting brow that, however unfairly, telegraphs menace or the plump, roundness that conveys joviality but sometimes something sinister.
About two hours south of the San Diego airport, I arrived at the five-year-old resort known as Encuentro Guadalupe, which, from the approach, appears to be a space colony of metallic abodes jutting from a lunar mountain.
The jury of five men and four women listened closely as Reading presented his final arguments, giving several examples of Jutting acting rationally and calmly in between and during the killing of Sumarti Ningsih, 23, and Seneng Mujiasih 26.
Inside Hangar 1 was a Sky Dragon—cloud-white, a hundred and fifty-two feet long, with a pointy nose, four stabilization fins jutting from the rear, and a royal-blue gondola with a two-wheeled landing gear underneath.
Rurik Jutting, who is in his early 30s, a former Bank of America employee, had denied murdering Sumarti Ningsih, 23, and Seneng Mujiasih, 26, in 2014 on grounds of diminished responsibility due to alcohol and drug abuse and sexual disorders.
With super-yachts moored nearby, the party took place as usual in a marquee on the grounds of the Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc, an exclusive hotel on the Cap d'Antibes jutting into the Mediterranean along the coast from Cannes.
It's a dark twist on a refrain common in today's headlines, but until the creep's utility to the story gets activated deep in the third act, he's restrained to a subplot jutting out awkwardly from the rest of the film.
Seneng "I don't know why I chose her ... she was at that point simply prey" -- Jutting in police interviews, November 2 Jutting's first stop was a sex shop, then on the way home, he stopped off at a hardware store.
AT&T, looking to cut debt after last year's $85 billion takeover of Time Warner, plans to lease back the space at the tower, which has the highest outdoor observation deck in the Western Hemisphere jutting out from the 100th floor.
New figures obtained by This Week in Asia reveal that if – and it is a big if – the application by Jutting is successful, he will be the first convicted murderer to be transferred out of the Hong Kong penal system.
Sonically, it's all very Sam's Town, with Ronnie Vannucci Jr plugging away on the toms, Dave Keuning jutting in with some Edge-like arena guitars, and some high synths sitting on top of the mix thing like a layer of polish.
Rurik Jutting, 32, a former Bank of America employee, had denied murdering Sumarti Ningsih, 23, and Seneng Mujiasih, 26, in his luxury apartment in 2014 on the grounds of diminished responsibility due to alcohol and drug abuse and sexual disorders.
A vision of Sam's father, a TV producer with jutting 70s lapels, looms over her bed, assuring her that he has plenty of "irons in the fire"; Adlon's TV producer father, Don Segall, passed the same catchphrase down to her.
HONG KONG (Reuters) - Former British banker Rurik Jutting, who was jailed for life in Hong Kong last year for the gruesome murders of two Indonesian women he tortured in his luxury apartment, is planning to appeal, his lawyer said on Wednesday.
But the Celtics would be acquiring a borderline All-Star without going over the tax; Williams can, on paper, balance out their strengths and weaknesses, even if jutting him into how Stevens ideally wants to play wouldn't be the easiest task.
The two residential structures are in the shape of the letters V and M, with apartments running all the way through the arms of the buildings for light, and jagged, wedge-shaped balconies jutting out from the walls like spikes.
Dr Oliver Chan, a medical officer at the Department of Forensic Psychiatry, at Castle Peak Hospital, said he believed it would be hard for Jutting to resist cocaine but it would "not deprive him of his ability to control himself".
HONG KONG (Reuters) - British investment banker Rurik Jutting acted rationally before and after he killed two Indonesian women in his luxury Hong Kong apartment and had even telephoned his mother after killing the second woman, the prosecution said on Wednesday.
N.Y.C. Nature With the jutting jaw of a mob kingpin and the pinstripes of a Wall Street executive, striped bass swim through the brackish waters of New York Harbor like old-school New Yorkers — as if they own the place.
HONG KONG (Reuters) - Moments before he surrendered after killing a second victim in his Hong Kong apartment, British banker Rurik Jutting ingested up to 20 grams of cocaine and imagined police were behind the curtains, a court heard on Thursday.
Benioff pointed specifically to a scene in season one where Ser Gregor Clegane (also known as "The Mountain") kills Ser Hugh in a joust, and the viewer is treated to around 30 seconds of blood jutting from the defeated knight's throat.
As I petted him and felt the ribs jutting from his thin body, the woman insisted she fed the dog every day, except when it was raining, because she couldn't go out in the rain on account of her bronchitis.
The mill is a vast dystopian landscape, "a grisly amusement park," with chimneys jutting up at freakish angles, crumbling concrete, stairways to nowhere, gantry cranes, catwalks — and everything, even the workers in their jumpsuits and hard hats, is covered in dust.
Eighteen months after Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt imposed a land and sea blockade aimed at bringing Qatar to heel, this tiny, gas-rich strip of sand jutting into the Persian Gulf is still refusing to capitulate.
For spring 2017, he referenced priests, popes and Mafiosi, with silhouettes tugged tourniquet-tight or jutting boldly out, and bright-colored jackets cut from the same damask that covers walls at the Vatican, falling from wide, angular shoulders of linebacker width.
But Bryant moved past the notion that the split left rings on the table by pledging his life to the franchise and barging into a stratosphere of his own, with his jaw jutting out and face clenched in his signature fashion.
Mr. Hayes is making do by turning himself into a roving signpost, a kind of Pied Piper with a Warren button on his chest and a sign jutting out of his backpack on which he writes his message of the day.
Traveling by boat up Norway's west coast, he found his own Mont Sainte-Victoire: the big, startlingly rectangular headlands of the North Cape (NordKapp), jutting into the North Atlantic — and thought at the time to be the northernmost point of Europe.
Jutting, 31, a former Bank of America Corp employee, has denied murder in the 2014 killings on grounds of diminished responsibility, but pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of manslaughter in a case that has caught the attention of the world.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads Dre Britton, Structural Integrity, installation view (all photos by the author for Hyperallergic) BALTIMORE — The centerpiece of the back wall is all black, rectangular, with pole-like extensions jutting downward from each bottom vertex.
Lawyers for Jutting, the grandson of a British policeman in Hong Kong and a Chinese woman, had previously argued that cocaine and alcohol abuse as well as personality disorders of sexual sadism and narcissism had impaired his ability to control his behaviour.
"The last big iceberg to come off Larsen C was in 1988, but that was asection which was jutting out to sea quite strongly, whereas this chunk of icewill take a bite out of the main body of the shelf," he said.
On Sunday, a giant Ferrari flag is sure to be unfurled across the grandstand seats while hordes of red-shirted supporters will flood onto the track as soon as the race is over to celebrate beneath the podium jutting out over them.
In contrast, younger spectators reflected the tinny, chin-jutting nationalism that suffuses life in today's China, hailing Zhou as a symbol of Chinese national strength vanquishing foreign humiliation—as if this subtle, disappointing man were an aircraft-carrier or high-speed train.
The court previously heard that Jutting met Sumarti through an Internet forum and held her captive for three days in the last week of October 2014, during which he tortured, raped and killed her despite telling the Indonesian that he loved her.
But then he outlined how his brand of chin-jutting nationalism need not preclude the forming of useful coalitions, as strong, responsible and proudly sovereign countries work together to isolate rogue regimes like North Korea or Iran, in the name of self-defence.
They were surrounded by delivery boxes, oversize skeins of yarn, walls tacked with WWD covers, an old poster for a Mirò show, a few abstract paintings of indeterminate age and, in a corner, some large bamboo stalks jutting out of an oversize vase.
In the morning you see only the heads jutting forth like blackened teeth, but as the day goes on more and more of the rotten wood is revealed, you see the barnacles and other accruing life, something for a bird to sit on.
At the end of Episode 4 of Season 9, Rick rode off on his own to draw away a horde of zombies, until to be reared off his horse and find himself impaled on a piece rebar, jutting up out of his abdomen.
Jutting out a few inches from the wall, along the floor, is a series of foundation stones left visible by the architects who repurposed the building, most likely because constructing a new wall to conceal them would have made the passageway even narrower.
In the beige scrubland of the Nevada desert, with jagged mountains in the distance jutting up like the teeth of car keys and red-dirt berms all around, I could've squinted and imagined myself on a forward operating base somewhere in southern Afghanistan.
Will has a golf ball-sized lump sticking out of his shoulder, which is becoming a concern because he's not really sure what it is — or what might happen if he accidentally jams it against a nail jutting out of a wall.
There is a haunting painting of Celia's showing the parsonage as seen from the cemetery that stands adjacent to it, the house cut off by the graves with their awful jutting stones, so that it looks almost as though the dead are rising.
The continent was already half-submerged to start, but as it rumbled toward the Earth's mantle (the rocky inner layer of our planet), its top layer got peeled away, jutting up to become fodder for mountains in what are now 30 European countries.
The defense has called British experts in forensic psychiatry and psychology who have testified that Jutting has recognized disorders from cocaine and alcohol abuse as well as other personality disorders of sexual sadism and narcissism, which impaired his ability to control his behavior.
The prosecution has rejected this, stating Jutting was able to form judgments and exercise self control before and after the killings, filming Ningsih's torture and shooting hours of footage where he discussed the killings, binging on cocaine and his graphic sexual fantasies.
Far slimmer than he was at the time of his arrest, Jutting occasionally flicked through a set of papers in front of him, making notes as he listened largely impassively as his barrister, Gerard McCoy SC, argued the original trial had been unfair.
HONG KONG (Reuters) - Prosecution and defense lawyers used their closing arguments on Friday to try to convince a Hong Kong jury of the extent British banker Rurik Jutting was in control of his actions when he tortured, raped and killed two Indonesian women.
The glass-topped Vespa in the front window makes a better art installation than a table (the handles jutting through the glass are awkward), but its placement has the advantage of insulating you from the roar of any crowd and brushes with strollers.
Just as the shoulders (they stick out as a trend) at Stella McCartney, jutting forth geometrically in oversize tweed moto vests and atop otherwise no-fuss shell-pink frocks, were made to carry the call to upcycling arms woven through the work.
The victim's left foot was jutting out of a bag that also contained her left arm and was found underneath the Tiffany Street Pier; a second bag was empty; an unopened third bag contained her right arm and leg, the police said.
The crowds — myself included — were there to see the Pancake Rocks, 30-million-year-old limestone formations that look like stacks of flapjacks, jutting out of the turbulent sea and creating pockets of air that send ocean spray shooting into the sky.
Jutting appeared before the city's Court of Appeal in December to argue that he had not received a fair trial but judges on Friday upheld his two concurrent mandatory life sentences for torturing and killing two Indonesian women, Sumarti Ningsih and Seneng Mujiasih.
Jutting out from the wire shelves lie books about the African-American experience in the United States, and propped in the center of the wire cage are timid yellow heads carved with African shea butter with crosshatched mouths and deep, sad eyes.
HONG KONG (Reuters) - British banker Rurik Jutting calmly detailed to police his cocaine-fueled descent into a torture and killing binge that ended in the deaths of two Indonesian women in his luxury Hong Kong apartment, according to videos shown in court on Wednesday.
When describing the second killing in a video, Jutting explained how he met Mujiasih in a bar near his home and agreed to pay her HK$12,000 ($1,550) to go back to his apartment, just a few minutes walk from the city's red-light district.
Jutting, a Cambridge University graduate who previously worked at Bank of America Corp in Hong Kong, has been accused of murdering Sumarti Ningsih, 23, and Seneng Mujiasih 26, two years ago The women's bodies were found in his luxury high-rise Hong Kong apartment.
On April 6th their chin-jutting, finger-jabbing champion, President Donald Trump, responded to shocking images of children murdered by chemical weapons in Syria with punitive cruise missile strikes that, in the words of the White House spokesman Sean Spicer, included "a huge humanitarian component".
In the Armory Presents section, devoted to newer galleries, the Lower East Side's Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery may have the most dazzling booth, with glowing paper pulp paintings by David Scanavino and matching vinyl flooring that gives way to tall monoliths jutting toward the rafters.
A TV mounted on the wall should, theoretically, look gorgeous, but the tangle of cords jutting out of the back of the TV, pushing it away from the wall and then dangling down to wherever the cable box, PS4, and Wii U reside, is ugly.
In the early hours of Tuesday morning, October 27, Jutting slit her throat, He later told police he had thought about letting her go, in his more lucid moments, but in the end he killed her in the shower, her hands tied behind her back.
Jutting, a Cambridge University graduate who previously worked at Bank of America Corp in Hong Kong, has been accused of murdering Sumarti Ningsih, 23, and Seneng Mujiasih 26, two years ago The women's bodies were found in Jutting's luxury high-rise Hong Kong apartment.
The as-yet-unnamed hotel would have a large viewing platform on the top deck, which is also where guests would enter the building, and three floors of accommodation below, each of which would feature a balcony jutting out from the edge of the cliff.
The explosion on Black Tom Island, a 25-acre promontory jutting from Jersey City that was built from New Yorkers' garbage, registered an estimated 223 on the Richter scale — 21921 times more powerful than the collapse of the World Trade Center 29 years later.
Prosecutor John Reading called Kavin Chow, an associate consultant at the Department of Forensic Psychiatry at Hong Kong's Castle Peak Hospital, to state that Jutting had moments of sobriety in between the killings and should have been able to resist "the use of substance".
I was a little surprised that Apple chose, once again, to break some of its inferred design rules about clean lines and tolerances with another camera jutting out of the back of a slim device, this time the iPad, but the benefits are unmistakable.
The narrow sliver of concrete and its portable hoop came with specific challenges — duck low if you want to dribble to the right but avoid a collision with the electrical box jutting out from the window, for example — yet Mashour never dwelled on the setting.
He explained how Jutting was involved in a "battle of wills" with the auditor and was asked by his boss to "calm down, have a quiet year and was pushed to a different part of the business" before being sent to Hong Kong in 2013.
So do the Treibers, who spent time this summer paddling on the Sound in their new kayak and swimming in the Shore Acres pool, which "is at the tip of a peninsula jutting into the harbor, with the Sound on three sides," Mr. Treiber said.
Rick Owens sliced his pants even higher — grandpa-high — so that they pinched right under the ribcage, and Dior Homme showed a jacket that emulated the exaggerated, hip-jutting form of the brand's famous Bar silhouette for women, which Christian Dior introduced in 1947.
Latham had told the court on Monday that Jutting, who previously worked at Bank of America Corp, has recognised disorders from cocaine and alcohol abuse on top of his other personality disorders of sexual sadism and narcissism, which impaired his ability to control his behaviour.
HONG KONG (Reuters) - British investment banker Rurik Jutting was calm and aware of his actions when he killed two Indonesian women in his Hong Kong apartment, a prosecutor said on Tuesday, rejecting his defense that he had lost control due to drugs and sexual disorders.
Latham had told the court on Monday that Jutting, who previously worked at Bank of America Corp, has recognized disorders from cocaine and alcohol abuse on top of his other personality disorders of sexual sadism and narcissism, which impaired his ability to control his behavior.
I thought it was just that famous Rock — an unpopulated hunk of free-floating geology, which, if I'm being honest, I recognized mostly from the Prudential logo: that limestone protuberance at the mouth of the Mediterranean, that elephantine white molar jutting into the sky.
HONG KONG, Nov 4 (Reuters) - British banker Rurik Jutting needed the boost of cocaine to rape, torture and kill two Indonesian women in his luxury Hong Kong apartment and cannot shirk responsibility for their murder, prosecutors told a court on Friday in closing arguments.
My family and I were on a beach vacation, having driven down the coastal road from Melbourne around the edge of Port Phillip Bay to its western tip, where Queenscliff sits on a spur of land jutting out into the mouth of the bay.
It had silver-plated and gilded roses that quivered in performances, as did the metal butterflies that hovered over its flowers; the stone-encrusted headband was strewn with pearls that draped over her forehead and dangled to her shoulders from jutting swirls of filigree.
PAMPLONA, Spain (Reuters) - Dozens of half-naked protesters lay on the street with fake spears jutting from their backs on the eve of the Spanish festival of San Fermin on Friday, in a recreation of the technique used to weaken bulls in a bullfight.
It brings your attention to just one fairy chimney, a natural formation characteristic of the region — porous rocks jutting from the arid ground that were carved out and made into homes by generations dating back to before Christ, and even up until the 193s.
"Until a few years ago, most people saw the bubble period as a negative legacy, and it was considered quite tacky," said Ms. Masukodera, 21, wearing a tight blazer with jutting shoulder pads emblazoned with images of the Tokyo nightscape, paired with a miniskirt and gold jewelry.
HONG KONG, Oct 24 (Reuters) - Former British banker Rurik Jutting, charged with the double murder of two Indonesian women found in his luxury high-rise Hong Kong apartment two years ago, pleaded not guilty to murder but guilty to a lesser charge of manslaughter on Monday.
From August 28-29, attendees were delivered by kanalrundfart (canal boat) to an undeveloped peninsula jutting between the Baltic Sea and Atlantic Ocean, to explore the MAD5 theme of Tomorrow's Kitchen via two questions: What do we hope our kitchens will be like in the future?
That's because the small-town Michigan school has committed to spend $48 million to redesign the campus from the ground up with curved hallways to limit a shooter's line of sight and jutting barriers that can be used by students as cover to escape the incoming fire.
The prosecution rejected this, stating Jutting was able to form judgments and exercise self-control before and after the killings, filming his torture of Ningsih on his iPhone as well hours of footage in which he discussed the murders, binging on cocaine and his graphic sexual fantasies.
Stuart-Moore described Jutting, in strongly worded closing remarks at the end of the trial last year, as an "archetypal sexual predator" who represented an extreme danger to women, especially in the sex trade, and cautioned that it was possible he would murder again if freed.
Not to the clothes, necessarily — to the classic military trench jumpsuits in elaborate, sparkling brocade, splitting open with the emergence of a rounded belly covered in a bodysuit of roses, newsprint or branded logos; ripped apart by an oversized rump, or two jutting growths on either side.
The older SH makes wistful lists of the city's now-vanished detritus: "faded signs, tattered awnings, peeling posters and filthy bricks" on the old Upper West Side, and the peep shows and "silhouettes of naked women with jutting breasts and long legs" in the old Times Square.
HONG KONG, Nov 1 (Reuters) - British investment banker Rurik Jutting was calm and aware of his actions when he killed two Indonesian women in his Hong Kong apartment, a prosecutor said on Tuesday, rejecting Jutting's defense that he had lost control due to drugs and sexual disorders.
Below them, the table was laden with duck potpies, caviar and great loaves of pâté; lobster tails spilling from a ceramic shell nearly as large as the one that birthed Venus; lamb chops with the bones jutting out amid cracked-open pomegranates yielding glittering ruby seeds.
As we passed Three Sisters, a trio of rock formations jutting above the surface, we could see evidence of heavy spring rains: Uprooted timber was twisted against the upriver Sister as if huge water fowl had made a nest of trunks and branches, instead of twigs.
As we passed Three Sisters, a trio of rock formations jutting above the surface, we could see evidence of heavy spring rains: Uprooted timber was twisted against the upriver Sister as if huge water fowl had made a nest of trunks and branches, instead of twigs.
The prosecution rejected this, stating Jutting was able to form judgements and exercise self-control before and after the killings, filming his torture of Ningsih on his mobile phone as well as hours of footage in which he discussed the murders, bingeing on cocaine and his graphic sexual fantasies.
Smartphones have solved this problem with the controversial notch, but at CES 2180, we started to see a different approach: the neganotch, which instead of adding a jutting black bar into a screen, appends on top to house things like the camera and anything else that you'd need there.
At the very beginning/end of totality, you'll see brilliant red arcs of the sun's chromosphere, or lower atmosphere, just beyond the moon's advancing/retreating limb, or edge, and you may see some prominences — jets, arcs, or loops of red chromospheric gas — jutting off the edge of the sun.
The prosecution rejected this, stating Jutting was able to form judgments and exercise self-control before and after the killings, filming his torture of Ningsih on his mobile phone as well as hours of footage in which he discussed the murders, bingeing on cocaine and his graphic sexual fantasies.
Rory Scovel, a comic in his mid-30s with an insincere smile and a scraggly beard, bounded onstage, fist in the air, chin jutting out, jauntily nodding his head and making faces as if he were doing a guitar solo for the Rolling Stones at Madison Square Garden.
Jutting who previously worked at Bank of America Corp in Hong Kong, was accused in October 2014 after police found the bodies of two women, one inside a suitcase on his balcony and the other lying inside the apartment with wounds to her neck and buttocks, authorities said.
Another woeful pairing for no discernible reason other than their parity in scale places one of Schnabel's better tacky, figurative combine-paintings "The Exile" (1980) (a typical Neo-Expressionist aggressive gesture with jutting moose antlers) with the psychologically superior Cézanne painting of his fellow artist "Achille Emperaire" (1868).
In the stark, white-walled studio, runway outfits hang on a square brass rail, handwritten numbers indicating their show order — No. 5 is a cornflower-colored wide-cut shirt with jutting cuffs and a densely pleated skirt made for motion; No. 20, a desert-toned cocoon of a windbreaker.
Anyone who has ever driven on the New Jersey Turnpike knows that, at a certain point in the road, the entire Manhattan skyline appears to rise from the surrounding marshland like a close-yet-so-far Land of Oz, both tempting and terrorizing with its mysterious jutting cutouts.
Upon our plane's descent into Hong Kong, I looked out the window onto cargo ships slowly plying through gray-green waters, the shipping containers like so many primary-colored Legos stacked on their decks and could see the dark masses of the outlying islands jutting up from the water.
So one day I took my rod, walked a few blocks down to a little pier jutting into the harbor, and chatted a bit with the voluble neighborhood bait fishers about tides and what sorts of things fish get into beneath the surface of New York's great estuary.
Like most of the rest of the paintings and images imprinted on ceramic sculptures Amer has here, the figures in "Women in White" are seductively posed, hips jutting and breasts bared as they look toward the viewer in poses that seem like they could be inviting or challenging.
That same veneration is given to every single object on the pyramid, no matter how seemingly random: Swampdog's photograph of Dwayne Wade and Alonzo Mourning, Ahol's wisdom teeth, notes from ex-lovers, old ATM machines, life vests, a crisp suit jacket hanging from a jutting chunk of wood.
The ruins at Palmyra didn't really stand in desolate solemnity for 2,000 years until Isis came along to blow it up; until the late-1920s, most of the structures had long been toppled and buried, with the village of Tadmur built on its site and modern huts jutting against fractured colonnades.
"(These are) the narcissistic ramblings of Rurik Jutting, of the Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, newly soon to be unemployed and now a rapist and a murderer," he said in one of the many drug-fuelled, manic videos he made on his iPhone over the course of that shocking week.
Although the major facts of the case were agreed by both sides, Jutting had pleaded not guilty to murder, claiming diminished responsibility, saying his psychological issues affected his judgment at the time of the killings The following account is based on court documents and evidence and testimony given to the jury.
Wojnarowicz hovers like a fallen angel over Something Possible Everywhere: Pier 21983 NYC, 2053–2205 at 2205 Hudson Gallery in Tribeca, curated by Jonathan Weinberg and featuring the photographs of Andreas Sterzing, who documented the artists' takeover of this massive, ramshackle, abandoned shipping terminal jutting precariously over the Hudson River.
The teenage mob threw the couple into the back of a truck and took them to a school where they were beaten with military-style leather belts, the favorite punishment tool of Red Guards; a jump-rope twisted into a whip; and shoes with nails jutting out, Ms. Liu later said.
It steps things up with foot-wide Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2 tires, standard MagneRide shocks, more extreme tuning across the board, and a jutting chin splitter that produces downforce to squeeze the front tires into the tarmac and can take out someone's ankles if you're not careful with it.
Out came a procession of painters — imaginary doppelgängers of Élisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun, Marie Antoinette's favorite portrait painter and a woman who made her way in a man's world — in beige jackets and gray bloomers, the legs exaggerated to hoop-skirt size, their hair jutting back in towering cones.
He wasn't aware that there was a platform jutting out from the middle of the stage, so he came out for his first verse on "Clint Eastwood" as he usually does, ran past the band's frontman Damon Albarn, and barely got his first bar out before he fell off the side.
The origin of its name would quickly become apparent — from my position on the coastal road it was easy to see the distinct craggy peaks called the Twelve Apostles jutting up one after another, forming a long spine down the Atlantic side of Table Mountain National Park toward Hout Bay.
It takes a while (or at least took me a while) to realize that the white, gray, and gold, seemingly abstract form at the bottom of the oval is another falcon, with attenuated vertical gypsum strips jutting from its back and head, endowing it with a sort of magical energy.
Cocaine, vodka and porn "He is almost boasting about what he has done" -- Dr Richard Latham, forensic psychiatrist, at Jutting's trial In October 2014, Jutting lived in an expensive, stylish apartment in the heart of Hong Kong's Wan Chai, a busy commercial and residential area that's home to the city's red-light district.
But Jutting wasn't finished, the 31-year-old Briton whose mother was born in Hong Kong, then announced his intention to apply – as is his legal right – to serve his sentence in England under the Transfer of Sentenced Persons Agreement that Hong Kong signed with Britain a year after the 1997 handover.
True, the five primaries were held in the north-eastern states of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Rhode Island, Connecticut and Delaware, where chin-jutting, tell-it-like-it-is voters angry about globalisation outnumber the evangelical Christians and stern social conservatives who have elsewhere favoured Mr Trump's only serious rival, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas.
Despite the now ample body of evidence that Russian internet campaigns were a significant force in the 2016 presidential election, the story began well before Trump's presidency, when Russian trolls and commentators began drumming up the idea of ethnic unity with the Crimea, the strategic land jutting out into the Black Sea.
Migrants have been arrested while crossing into Canada from Champlain, N.Y.CreditCreditTodd Heisler/The New York Times CHAMPLAIN, N.Y. — Roxham Road is a quiet country road jutting off another quiet country road, where a couple of horses munch on soggy hay and a ditch running along the muddy pavement flows with melted snow.
While reporting on the large number of buried land mines still remaining in Vietnam's former DMZ, Istvan himself came very close to stepping on one; his guide tackled him from behind as he was walking and brought him to the ground just inches from where an unexploded mine was jutting from the earth.
As the sun set last Tuesday on Hotel du Cap Eden Roc, a cliffside hotel jutting out over the very edge of the Mediterranean, a barefoot Chris Martin, the Coldplay frontman, took the stage to play acoustic guitar and piano for some of the richest and most powerful media players in the world.
The device wrapped in the same soft-touch washable silicone you'll find in a premium vibe from the likes of Lelo, and it's shaped like many of the most popular vibrators built today, with a long dildo for insertion and another small component jutting out near the handle that's intended to stimulate the clitoris.
Well over life-sized, these sketches are the only works of Oehlen's in the show whose image does not justify the size: the jutting lines and insistent color blocks in works like "Untitled (Baum 64)," and "Untitled (Strassen)" are strengthened by their grandiosity, while the diaphanous line work of the sketches feels weighed down.
Read more: The world's first rooftop infinity pool with 360-degree views is set to be built on top of a skyscraper in LondonA gravity-defying pool could one day become a reality as part of a hotel jutting out from a cliff in Norway, although at the moment the hotel is just an idea.
When one thinks of the architecture of the Midwest, one thinks, of course, of the elegantly autocratic Frank Lloyd Wright and his Prairie School houses: With their tiers of low-pitched roofs, jutting eaves and bands of leaded-glass windows, these homes came to define organic Modernism and redefine the relationship between environment and habitation.
He began designing a life-size replica of a 159-foot-long 767-223ER, with an epoxy-resin charcoal-blackened exterior, which he planned to show someday at the Deichtorhallen museum in Hamburg, Germany, where its fuselage would command the entire central space, one wing jutting through the building's arched windows like a charred limb.
I'll admit, I was a little baffled when I took the plug out of the box, but the rigid bit jutting from the back allows you to flip between portrait and landscape mode, depending on the source on the other end (mobile versus another Portal device), which would otherwise appear with letterboxing on the sides.
The Armory Show, held on two cruise-ship piers jutting into the Hudson River, is the largest and loudest; uptown, at the Park Avenue Armory, is the statelier Art Show, mounted by an art dealers' professional association; and downtown are NADA and the Independent, trendier fairs with parallel but distinct approaches to young art.
But there was still room for chaos, the kind you couldn't find anywhere else in Texas: A little deeper in the neighborhood, beginning around Taft and ending around Crocker, were the blocks of gay bars and clubs lining the roads beneath the jutting tree branches, mostly dormant during the day and popping off into the evening.
In "Alexander Springs" (2018–19, oil on aluminum), the artist paints his wife breast-feeding her baby on the bench of a wooden deck jutting out over swampy waters and lush vegetation; in that tranquil setting, only the paddling of a rower in a small boat or the sounds of fluttering birds seem to stir the thick, humid air.
Is it possible to think of a weirder TV moment from this year than Megan Fox, looking over the data from an aerial survey she commissioned in an attempt to locate the burial site of Achilles, saying, "This strange shelf-like anomaly jutting out from the burial mound is consistent with the work of Ancient Greeks"?
Perched on a promontory jutting from the face of Mount Amiata, a volcanic peak in southern Tuscany with a purplish-blue cast, the 220-bedroom castle, thought to have been built on Etruscan foundations dating to the fourth century B.C., was all that remained of an 218th-century bulwark with medieval walls encircling a central stone-paved courtyard.
The diagonal driveway, the slant of the weathered white deck jutting in from the left, and the tilt of the two chairs convey the boisterous wildness of the world in full bloom, while the location of the objects suggests an underlying order; the world is somehow both structured and unfettered, and all the better for it.
Perpetually frowning in confusion, but hanging onto his dignity with the help of his smart uniform, neat moustache and jutting jaw, he keeps being called into his superiors' panelled offices for a dressing down, thus raising the question of why Mr Dujardin hasn't yet been cast as Inspector Clouseau in a Hollywood reboot of "The Pink Panther".
The fingerprint sensor is located in the middle of this, while the camera is located up and to the left corner, where it manages to occupy a smaller space than you've probably seen on smartphones in recent memory — and which doesn't include any kind of bump jutting from the phone, as Google was quick to point out in their presentation today.
Inside his dark grey Ford Fusion is a utility belt of tools: two smartphones clipped above the car's sat-nav and three dispatch radios running up to an antenna jutting out of the sunroof to increase their range, tuned to the frequencies of the FDNY, NYPD Special Operations Division (SOD), and the third swapping constantly to local precincts, the codes for which Adam has memorized.
On the beach, the estuary waters ran up across the flat sand, flooding the stale pools that had been left behind hours earlier in cracks in the jutting shelves of shale; any remaining families had retreated to a last redoubt, a bank of pebbles marked with a crusty high-tide line of dried seaweed, cracked plastic bottles, washed-white bones, driftwood, and faded crisp packets.
Two of the most enjoyable films I've seen are from South Korean directors, including "Okja," a pleasurably rambunctious, insistently political adventure from Bong Joon Ho. A sensational Tilda Swinton — leading with mad eyes and jutting teeth — stars as a corporate evildoer who tries to come between a fearless girl (a terrific An Seo Hyun) and her best friend, a genetically produced super-pig whom the baddies want to turn into meat.
And when beneath them appears a fantastical assortment of women in giant metallic crowns, like Aztec pyramids, above multilayered tank tops and intricately seamed robes in black and pink and mustard, royal exoskeletons gleaming with sequins, shoulders jutting up to the sky, handbags soaring from waists like sci-fi panniers, ruffles and weirdness all in one, it is as if you have gone over the rainbow to an alternate world.
When my father brought the mannequins into his bedroom, he arranged them as a couple: the female lounging in a beige armchair that matched her trench coat, her pale head obscured by a purple wig that had been trimmed into a French bob, and the male standing by the window in a blue pinstripe suit with the corner of a yellow silk kerchief jutting from its breast pocket.
Double sex-murderer Rurik Jutting – the Bank of America-Merrill-Lynch investment banker from comfortable middle England who was jailed for life by a Hong Kong court on November 225 – turned inhumanity into a sick art-form for the digital age when he tortured 22002-year-old Sumarti Ningsih, 23, and Seneng Mujiasih, 26, from Indonesia, then cut their throats before recording his thoughts about what he had done on his mobile phone.
The restaurant was near the hotel, at the tip of the little peninsula that formed the southern side of the harbor, and the street we walked along was like all the others in the old town, cobbled and lined on both sides with unpainted wooden houses in the National Revival style, two- or three-story buildings, oddly off-kilter and asymmetrical, with elaborate wooden beams buttressing upper floors jutting out over the foundations.
Rick Owens, fall 2019CreditCreditValerio Mezzanotti for The New York Times PARIS — Deep in the concrete bowels of the Palais de Tokyo, the modern art museum of Paris, down a plunging staircase with walls covered in angry graffiti, amid racks of clothes and roaming models (some of whom were sporting little horns jutting from their foreheads, or with flattened noses), the designer Rick Owens pshawed about current events and the state of the world.
In recent seasons, Mr. Kane has gone down something of a sex rabbit hole, a focus that veered into the sophomoric, but here it was subtle enough (Just ignore the "sexual cannibalism" T-shirt featuring a pair of preying mantises; the "Foreplay" sweats with two cheetahs) to provide an additive frisson to deconstructed lace boning that suggested skeletal structures as much as corsetry, jutting power shoulders and gray sweater dressing handcuffed in Swarovski.
In a series of 20033th-century discoveries, scientists had learned that ATP was the universal carrier of cell energy; that plants and animals created it naturally, although it could be made in a lab; and that the structure of the enzyme ATP synthase consisted of a rotating wheel, an attached axle jutting up from its center and at the top of the axle a fixed cylinder, each carrying its own sets of proteins.
Eventually, they landed on Timbuktu and Koro, a pair of patterns whose geometric shapes were inspired by the jutting silhouettes of Malian mosques, as well as two finely engraved rotary prints: Regency Swirl, which evokes the curlicues of wrought-iron fencing, and Stencil Leaf, whose densely packed fronds pay homage to the sprawling topiary at the Arts and Crafts-style garden of Hidcote Manor in Gloucestershire, England, close to where Lytle grew up.
Then that made her think about DNA engineering and harmonic convergence, and it all became a 3-D printed, laser-cut, algorithm-defined visual universe expertly balanced on the tightrope between creativity and technology: earth angels in filmy layers of organza printed with liquid clouds inspired by the artist and former NASA engineer Kim Keever; wings of midnight-sky plissé jutting from shoulders; anamorphic faces peeking out of swirling body topographies in layers of white.

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