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81 Sentences With "jokesters"

How to use jokesters in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "jokesters" and check conjugation/comparative form for "jokesters". Mastering all the usages of "jokesters" from sentence examples published by news publications.

It would show that we're just jokesters, and who wants to attack jokesters?
But Roberts says his girlfriend wasn't too upset with the jokesters.
On Monday those jokesters seriously channeled our emotions and sounded the appropriate alarms.
Meanwhile, some of French theater's best-known jokesters are tackling questions of public importance.
And then, of course, VICELAND has the true jokesters—Desus Nice and Kid Mero.
"Besides being brilliant, [Lumsden] is one of the biggest jokesters in the industry," says Goldfarb.
Then there were a couple jokesters in the crowd who provided a smidge of comic relief.
As for those jokesters in "Dumbo," anyone who bullies a baby elephant is no friend of mine.
Of course there's a third camp: the jokesters who can always find the humor in almost any situation.
Coyotes can be good jokesters and so can I. Once I start joking I am on a roll.
Jokesters on Reddit aren't the first to think of the tactic of literally taking Thanos down from within.
Photos and tales of sinister jokesters are popping out on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, fueling panic as Halloween approaches.
The idea that the FCC is now engaging in witch hunts of anti-Trump jokesters is a convenient falsehood.
But it didn't take long for the internet's visual jokesters and yuck-em-ups to push the image even further.
And for a smallish group of Twitter jokesters, Favstar had a much more important function than being an analytics service.
Going about business as usual, the jokesters rounded out the look with requisite hard hats, neon vests and work boots.
Soco FSI from Asheville, N.C. said: I am most like a Coyote, they are cunning, not to pretty and jokesters.
Jokesters quickly counter-posted a cascade of mockingly accelerated footage, including a lightning-fast bullock cart zooming along a dirt track.
There's a pair of young jokesters up to no good in Daly City, California, according to an incriminating post on Nextdoor.
I can't blame the jokesters for crudely pointing out that it looks like Russell could be…well…literally kissing Ciara's butt.
We had come with her friend, Mariangela Fugliuolo, a tour guide, and their two boyfriends, Alessandro and Marcello, delightful jokesters both.
But that isn't all there is on O FUCC IM ON THE WRONG PLANET, Jones and Black tend to be jokesters too.
But it fostered a whole industry of mirth populated with cultural figures from hack jokesters to respectable writers slumming it as humorists.
And as some jokesters have pointed out, the whole situation sure does make it seem like Elon Musk is building his own Batcave.
Savin-Williams himself studied homosexuality in teenagers and noticed "jokesters" skewing research results in another study, reported by the LA Times in 2014.
Perhaps more surprising, though, is that The Young Pope doesn't much resemble the Poochie-like impression many online jokesters have had going in.
The couple welcomed twins Ella and Alexander last June, and the actor has taken to fatherhood — and raising the next generation of jokesters.
Another key fact of life in Houston this week: In the face of the unrelenting disaster, we are still a city of jokesters.
Its outrageous holiday sweaters, jumpsuits, and ski suits make memorable gifts for the jokesters and party animals in your life (plus they're really comfortable).
One thing the jokesters can agree on is their love of one particular '80s movie when it comes to their favorite space-adventure film.
But in practice, these imported jokesters often seem to pander to their liberal audiences -- and that typically means unleashing vile attacks on the Trump administration.
Last week, the jokesters over at Little Debbie, beloved maker of American confections, posed something of a threat in the form of... uh, a tweet.
The less dependent a hostile ship on what U.S. Navy jokesters call the Mark I Eyeball, the less impactful strobe weapons meant to disorient vision.
According to a video the jokesters posted to YouTube, they came up the scheme as a way of claiming a Golden Camera award for their show.
I've attended Gridiron dinners through the years where politicians and jokesters entertained each other; their barbs and interactions never reached the level to which Wolf sank.
The system is designed to filter out fake announcements, jokesters, pranksters and other non events, so first responders aren't wasting their time chasing rumors of non-events.
But as a public service, and inspired by the many jokesters of Twitter, we're proud to present a list of reaction memes that also feature Robert Redford.
Most of these jokesters were late baby boomers and Gen X-ers, people who were raised by television and pop culture and could see all the seams.
Instead, the jokesters over at Reddit posted an entire thread of redacted text from the supposed Snowden in response to questions about security, the presidential election and other subjects.
Reporters and internet jokesters alike took time Friday to poke fun at White House press secretary Sean Spicer's upside-down American flag pin, visible at the daily press briefing.
But when officials looked at the footage, they found images of jokesters dressed as a gorilla, a coyote and a dog, authorities said in a Facebook post on Monday.
For decades, the Friars Club has been America's temple of comedy, a fraternity of jokesters and others who relish the rimshot and proudly regard bad taste as a core virtue.
Some predicted the debate would be a slam dunk for Hillary Clinton, with Twitter jokesters saying her debate preparation would be to catch up on "Luke Cage" and other TV series.
In New York a monthly event called Punderdome features jokesters with pseudonyms such as "Punder Enlightening", "Jargon Slayer" and "Words Nightmare" who compete over the course of four increasingly absurd rounds.
Even though the former U.S. president cannot legally run in the two-round April-May election as a foreigner, the jokesters online petition has been signed by more than 40,000 people.
The parking spot mural tradition offers a unique canvas for young artists (who just got their license!) and meme-obsessed jokesters to embellish one of the few objects of high school ownership.
From the glowing orb in Saudi Arabia, to those bizarre photos of the Trump family at the Vatican, it seems like the entire Trump presidency is going to be fodder for photoshop jokesters.
Absurdist CGI jokesters are everywhere these days, from Albert Omoss to Cool 3D World, but way back in 2011, no one made the internet laugh harder with 3D animated weirdness than David Lewandowski.
But the theory has become a bizarre meme over the past several days, as jokesters make clearly ridiculous claims about antifa bogeyman, only to have them co-opted as evidence of a terrorist plot.
The media has developed a predilection to pounce on reports of clowns behaving badly, while movies like "The Devil's Rejects" and comic books like "A Cotton Candy Autopsy" presented children's jokesters as secret hellions.
Somehow, a few practical jokesters convinced local news outlets -- and thousands of people -- that 2628s rap-metal innovators Limp Bizkit was prepped to play a show tonight at a gas station in Dayton, Ohio.
There was excitement when Lucasfilm announced "Solo: A Star Wars Story" back in 2015, and fascination when the company said it had hired the "Lego Movie" jokesters, Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, to direct.
Sure enough, he came back and it was phenomenal; the guys loved it immediately and you know, the three of us are such jokesters anyway that we like to have fun when we're shooting videos.
Between Melania's constant rejection of her husband's hand in Israel and Rome, to the completely surreal orb photo in Saudi Arabia, this trip has been red meat for the internet's jokesters and yuck-em-ups.
" In recent days, the #MatildaChallenge has been trending on Twitter, with jokesters from all over the world sharing videos to the platform of themselves "using" telekinesis in an ode to the hit 1996 children's fantasy flick "Matilda.
The four jokesters pled guilty to two counts of "using threatening, abusive, or insulting words or behavior with intent to cause fear of, or provoke unlawful violence for their involvement in the two hoaxes," as the BBC reported.
But it's not hard to draw parallels anyway, and to do so requires evaluating South Park as one of a whole bunch of jokesters who set out to lampoon American society by poking it in the eye, and then smiling.
As far as the Grammys are concerned, what was once the (perceived) provenance of drunken heshers with long greasy hair and crass jokesters has now been overtaken by clean-cut music theory obsessives who haul around seven-string guitars and really like jazz.
They brought their album as evidence against Park's alleged North Korean alliances in an attempt to prove that the Bamseom Pirates' and their associates were essentially jokesters saying whatever they could to show what they perceived as the farcical nature of South Korea and North Korea.
As many as 50,103 people could descend on the towns of Hiko and Rachel, Nevada, for two Area-51 themed events starting September 19, and the influx of alien enthusiasts and internet jokesters could completely overwhelm the tiny towns and the secretive Air Force base nearby.
As confusion grows about the veracity of Ward's tweet, some commenters have wagged their fingers in the face of would-be jokesters claiming there's just no room for parody in a world that's so eager to buy into fake news if it seems to discredit someone they already hate.
KINDERGARTNER&aposS FRUSTRATION WITH FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL GOES VIRAL Though the titular character, played on the silver screen by Mara Wilson, could use telekinesis to pull pranks and hijinks on those who wished her ill, real-life #MatildaChallenge jokesters rely on friends, hidden from the camera, to "magically" move around nearby objects.
A recent report by a blue-ribbon Royal Commission, Whither Our Canadian Drollery, recommends intercepting Canadian comics bound for Los Angeles and New York at the border and examining their brains, in the hope of uncovering a "humor gene" that can be sold to the Americans so they can start growing their own damn jokesters.
Good cranks punch up at the powers that be who are tied to phone lines and public relations expectations—whether it's Russian jokesters tempting professional oil industry shill Rick Perry with a made-up pig turd fuel, or an anonymous saint spicing up C-SPAN with lyrics to the theme song of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
Cutting back and forth in time, while draping every manner of philosophical digression upon the armature of his characters' lives, Mr. Bellow conjured both the busy mental life of his heroes — men who live, quite willfully, in their heads — and their daily, creaturely existence, their hectic encounters with tempestuous women, fast-talking pitchmen, professional jokesters, bumblers, bureaucrats and poseurs.
Still, he insists, "Some jokes remain inescapably Jewish," like the ones about schlemiels (who spill soup) and schlimazels (on whom they spill it), or about mothers who are "disapproving and difficult" but also "overly loving and protective" — a theme, he notes, that has been explored at great length by celebrated Jewish jokesters like Philip Roth and Bruce Jay Friedman.
The event, titled "Toy to the World," was paired with a Toy Drive for Children's Hospital. Over 130 different comedians performed and the event was live-streamed over the internet. The Laugh Factory held this record until April 15, 2015, when the record was broken by jokesters at The East Room in Nashville, Tennessee.
She has been cast in No Solicitors' as Nicole Cutterman 'and Night Wings as Audrey. In 2014, Kim has been cast as April in After The Harvest in which she's also a producer. She's also producing the horror film The Jokesters. She starred as the lead in the Emily Stone short film/book trailer which was released in October.
George - Maran Varthalitis also argues that, if we extend the mysterious notion of "mass poisoning", we are talking about the deception of public opinion. The poisoning overrides the rudimentary rumour, even though it uses the same methods. It is not a fraud, although it contains deception and falsehood. It is not a hoax, even though its subordinates are enjoying the results as much as jokesters.
In many Native American and First Nations mythologies, the Coyote spirit (Southwestern United States) or Raven spirit (Pacific Northwest) stole fire from the gods (stars, moon, and/or sun). Both are usually seen as jokesters and pranksters. In Native American creation stories, when Coyote teaches humans how to catch salmon, he makes the first fish weir out of logs and branches. Wakdjunga in Winnebago mythology is an example of the trickster archetype.
Some of the many recurring and regular characters in The Simpsons. Along with the Simpson family, The Simpsons includes a large array of characters: co- workers, teachers, family friends, extended relatives, townspeople, local celebrities, and as well as fictional characters. The creators originally intended many of these characters as one-time jokesters or for fulfilling needed functions in the town. A number of them have gained expanded roles and subsequently starred in their own episodes.
In 2000 Kalvik also scored a hit with a version of Andersson's song Tröstevisa, performed as a duet with Swedish singer CajsaStina Åkerström. Kalvik is also an avid painter. In 1998 the comedy program Åpen post featured a segment called "Finn Kalvik-nyhetene", Finn Kalvik news, where jokes were made about Kalvik. The segment caused mental distress for Kalvik, and the jokesters Harald Eia and Bård Tufte Johansen had to apologize publicly (via the show's producer, Lars Hognestad).
This led to increased attention for the station, but not all of it was favorable. Many listeners in outlying suburbs complained that they could not pick up the games, which had previously been on the stronger signal of WPHT (the weak signal also was a favorite of pundits and jokesters, one of which quipped that WPEN stands for "We Practically Emit Nothing"). Although Greater Media had plans to improve WPEN's signal, they could not be implemented during the term of the contract. The Phillies returned to WPHT for the 2005 season.
There may also be other cowboys as well, however, they are insignificant. Their role in the play is as energetic jokesters, who obey the orders of Cavalo Marinho, and are meant to arouse the audience with laughter and remarkable dancing. The Vaqueiros tend to mainly mock the roles of authority in the play such as the Cavalo Marinho, Doctor, priest, and Capitão do Mato (police). Lastly, Mateus tends to be decorated with many noisy bells hanging from his clothes, and Birico will typically wear a mask, while both carry whips in hand.
Some scholars consider the play to be a reenactment of the mismanagement by the Spanish of Alta California that allowed it to be easily taken by the United States. Don Quixote then is a California Hidalgo, transformed into a Mexican American, who rides through stolen lands believing he is a Spanish saviour with the duty to redress the wrongs of his people. The final defeat and imprisonment of Don Quixote at the hands of the jokesters is a symbolic death to Ruiz de Burton's aristocratic heritage and her land rights.
4×10, 7×17, 8×20, and 12×20 inches are the most commonly used of these formats. However, specialized large format banquet cameras were often used for this purpose. They rotated on a stand while exposing the film in a pass from one edge to the other. Jokesters often took advantage of this by getting on the end of the line of people being photographed and then running behind the group of people and standing on the other end of the line so that they show up on both ends of the resulting picture.
Ben Dixon is a character based on Hayao Kakizaki of the original Japanese series, The Super Dimension Fortress Macross. Ben, along with his best friend Max Sterling, become rookie wingmates under the command of newly promoted Lieutenant Rick Hunter, forming the Vermilion Squadron with Roy Fokker. He and Roy are fellow jokesters and often team up to tease Rick over the love triangle he's involved in with Lin Minmei and Lisa Hayes. Ben is killed when a malfunction of the SDF-1's defenses causes them to explode.
An equally named program was broadcast by another SBS affiliate station in Miami: WXDJ-FM (El Zol 95.7), a fact that raised confusion among some listeners in both markets until March 2003. The hosts of El Vacilón Miami were Enrique Santos (a former police officer turned funny man) and "The Professor" Joe Ferrero, both of Cuban-American descent. Early producer of the show Alberto Sardinas also joined the team at the time. The two jokesters achieved national and international notoriety when on June 18, 2003 they prank-called Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez, which brought them plenty of press.
Anatoly Yagudaev was a member of the Artists' Union of the USSR, Honored Art Worker of Dagestan, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the Republican Prize of Gamzat Tsadasa (Dagestan). Yagudaev’s two works created from bronze were: "Portrait of Doctor of Philology Kamil Khanmurzaev" (1964) and "Jokesters" (1985). They were presented in the State Tretyakov Gallery and also 27 works were in the collection of Dagestan Museum of Fine Arts named after Patimat Gamzatov. Other locations to find the master's works are streets and squares decorated in the cities of Makhachkala, Buynaksk, Izberbash and Aktau, and in the villages of Dylym and Agvali.
In her theater production, Don Quixote de la Mancha, the character of Don Quixote is seen by many scholars to be a stand-in for Ruiz de Burton herself. Quixote is interpreted as a California Hidalgo who has been tricked and conquered by jokesters (standing in for squatters) who faked having aristocratic lineage. Don Quixote's character is transformed from a Hidalgo into a Mexican-American, who rides through stolen lands believing that he is a Spanish savior who must right the wrongs that have injured his people and end the enchantment imposed by the occupiers. In the conclusion, Quixote is deemed a criminal, and ends up a displaced Californio, disgraced, lower-class, and with no one to defend him.
Many scholars interpret Ruiz de Burton's rewriting Cervantes' novel, Don Quixote de la Mancha, as an effort to reclaim her cultural heritage on California lands. Ruiz de Burton spent roughly the last twenty years of her life fighting legal battles to assert her right to her family's land in California, but her efforts proved to be futile in the face of the American concept of Manifest Destiny which gave legitimacy to the squatters who had settled on her lands and the racism towards non-white residents in the US. In the novel, Don Quixote pursues a life of knight errantry, roaming the land seeking chivalrous adventures in an attempt to maintain the culture of his nostalgia. Many scholars read Quixote's character in Ruiz de Burton's play as being the author herself, a California Hidalgo out to defend the fading culture of the Hacienda life. The play concludes with Quixote defeated and shamed, conquered by jokesters who profess aristocratic lineage.

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