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993 Sentences With "joke about"

How to use joke about in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "joke about" and check conjugation/comparative form for "joke about". Mastering all the usages of "joke about" from sentence examples published by news publications.

I joke about the streets, I joke about addiction, I joke about abuse and rape and homelessness and mental illness.
And he made a joke about that, like it was something to joke about.
Suggesting a joke about Caitlin Jenner is automatically transphobic is like suggesting a joke about Bill Cosby is automatically racist.
Although I do want to qualify that when I mean fair, I don't mean one joke about them, one joke about them.
It became a joke about how idiots on the internet will do anything, a joke about how offline adults will panic about everything.
"Suggesting a joke about Caitlyn Jenner is automatically transphobic is like suggesting a joke about Bill Cosby is automatically racist," Gervais tweeted early on Tuesday.
I do strongly believe you can joke about anything but I also believe there's a right way and not the best way to joke about things.
I do strongly believe that you can joke about anything, but I also believe that there's a right way and not a best way to joke about things.
She has also made space for female comedians who want to joke about motherhood the same way so many men, perhaps most famously Louis CK, joke about fatherhood.
"Suggesting a joke about Caitlin Jenner is automatically transphobic is like suggesting a joke about Bill Cosby is automatically racist," he tweeted, invoking the name of the disgraced comedian.
" That's the biggest joke about "Sex and the City.
What to like, what to hate, what to rage about, what to listen to, what band to like, what to buy tickets for, what to joke about, what not to joke about.
But I did joke about his grandiosity plenty of times.
"You don't joke about calling black men 'boys,' " he added.
We all joke about it with you all the time.
Another joke about Wolf Blitzer appeared to anger the crowd.
It is like that old joke about Brezhnev and Eisenhower.
Donald Trump couldn't handle us making a joke about him.
I can't wait to see what he'll joke about tomorrow.
" Then the two men joke about Jesse Jackson's "Rainbow Coalition.
Not some other joke about tiny hands or marketing tricks.
There's an old joke about Cruz being the Zodiac killer.
I don't really joke about things that people can't help.
I wrote this GREAT joke about bees getting yeast infections.
VICE: Is there a right way to joke about rape?
But Rubio's joke about Trump being "flexible" made the night.
There was inevitably a joke about Anthony trending on Twitter.
K: Let me tell you my joke about R's actually.
But yeah, also this one's a joke about tax fraud.
" He even dropped in a joke about his "beautiful hands.
Hillary Clinton: Uhhh, want to hear a joke about Snapchat?!
Twitter users were quick to joke about the uncomfortable interaction.
We started to joke about writing a book called 'Mrs.
"He made some sort of joke about it," Thornberry said.
Burr makes a joke about how small that device is.
Maybe they aren't beautiful, but we just joke about that.
It's fun to joke about, because it's just so preposterous.
Another tells the Reverend a dirty joke about the organ.
Sometimes people joke about frightening issues because they are insensitive.
And I used to joke about how easy it was.
Anthony makes a joke about Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
It's not even worth making a "thin gruel" joke about.
"Want to hear a joke about Darío?" asked the waitress.
Maybe you two have an inside joke about Orbit gum.
Then he made the joke about attacking the roast chicken.
The second is a dubious dirty joke about Marilyn Monroe.
This is likely a joke about his insatiable equine appetite.
This is not something that I'm making a joke about.
Then, we make social commentary or a joke about it.
Conservatives even like to joke about their inclination toward pessimism.
It's easy to joke about entire pages that are redacted.
The company even made a joke about its troubles on stage.
She's willing to joke about her persona and her husband's, too.
He also couldn't refrain from making a bad joke about it.
But I do think you can make a joke about anything.
He even tweeted his own joke about it on Friday morning.
The phenomenon is real, guys, and there's nothing to joke about.
He then quickly made a joke about the New York Knicks.
Mark Warner, tweeting a joke about the so-called secret society.
Leaders say they now criticise, rather than joke about, domestic violence.
The developers will make a joke about it in-game tomorrow.
Generally speaking, it's a terrible idea to joke about rape kits.
He made an awkward joke about Donald Trump wetting his pants.
But rest assured, we wouldn't joke about such a serious matter.
Later, he would joke about her quick marriage to Kris Humphries.
Insert an 'under the sea' joke about that at your peril.
At the same event, Haley made an "Indian" joke about Sen.
For years afterward he would joke about his failed presidential ambitions.
Trump did, reportedly, make a joke about you talking too long.
We made a joke about going there when everybody was home.
Does it offend you when people joke about Tourette in general?
Yes, just like Melania Trump, and yes, she'll joke about that.
Would he make a joke about her new album's release date?
Their deadpan style made this joke about diversity in Hollywood stick.
She said Ms. Warren would joke about her friend's Democratic leanings.
Totally. When I get upset, I like to joke about it.
To joke about rigging an election is not a laughing matter.
He'd joke about that, too, when he was telling his wife.
Insert joke about laughing all the way to the bank here.
The clip features an extended "joke" about Chinatown and Chinese food.
He also said "FFFF" was an inside joke about Squi's stutter.
If brands joke about depression on Twitter, where will they stop?
In fact, there's an old family joke about my reading addiction.
FB: What kind of joke about the opioid crisis does work?
Pete did crack a joke about moving back in with mom.
That, alongside the joke about Sean Penn he was pretty much legally required to do after the events of Saturday night and a not terrible joke about the Golden Globes being fixed, was pretty much it.
Another example is Pepe the Frog, in which an ironic joke about an awkward frog became a joke about that frog being ironically anti-Semitic, and then eventually that frog became a mascot for the alt-right.
Furthermore, according to ITV, she makes a joke about President Donald Trump.
When you joke about the other, I want to talk about that.
Biden went on to make a *second* joke about inappropriate touching pic.twitter.
Rodriguez made a joke about drinking aged rum during Castro's mourning period.
Of course, everyone couldn't help but joke about our newest Washington sinkhole.
They even manage to squeeze in a joke about poor old Vine.
At least you can make a hot girl summer joke about it!
"We joke about this now, but it really was true," Schultz said.
An image on a T-shirt is not something to joke about.
I joke about needing a massage, but no one takes the bait.
And there is a truly stunning joke about the Ku Klux Klan.
He wasn't the only one to joke about the situation on Thursday.
I joke about this all the time—I don't have any talent.
That's a joke about all the owls that arrive with said Slytherins.
Judd Apatow made an unfortunate joke about President Trump over the weekend.
Or the kind who likes to joke about having sex with you.
Why not make a joke about abortion (gasp!) or menopause (double gasp
Londoners take pride in, and sometimes joke about, showing fortitude during adversity.
So Chris Sullivan [who plays Toby] and I always joke about it.
Pete Davidson: XXX Joke About Ariana GrandeG-Eazy & Halsey: Officially Back Together?
Don't think trauma is something to make fun of or joke about.
Did Hannah just make a joke about her husband's range on defense?
KS: Why did you make such a bad joke about your PC?
Now, you just need to come up with a joke about that.
When my friends would come over we would joke about it too.
Jimmy Fallon made the joke about daylight saving time, not Jimmy Kimmel.
My wife and I don't joke about how great we are anymore.
He was making a joke about Hillary deleting all of those emails.
You have put weight on, so therefore I can joke about it.
The problem with the recording led to a joke about Powell's appointment.
Obama would later joke about that moment on Ellen DeGeneres's talk show.
It wasn't one or two people who made a joke about Trump.
First, she made a funny joke about Legend "healing perfectly" post-delivery.
Its cosmic resonance runs deeper than a boring joke about the weather.
Well, the Buffalo Bills lineman is finally ready to joke about it.
"We like to joke about how we should rename them dungeon bunnies."
But a joke about murder just doesn't play well, especially not now.
He ends up in prison for cracking a joke about the dictator.
We joke about sex because it's difficult for us to talk about.
But I didn't know how to joke about what happened to Lydia.
"We joke about it, but in Maine, everybody knows everybody," she said.
Some joke about it; some frown and don't want to discuss it.
Elizabeth Banks left jaws hanging with a recent joke about Prince Andrew.
But then I asked myself: Why would he joke about Kobe dying?
Some aspects of this situation, though, are too painful to joke about.
A joke about sex after divorce was too explicit to be funny.
The ruble is falling faster than i can joke about it. vvp.
I could make a joke about Amazon Fire TV...but I won't.
He's going to make a joke about the Russian investigation, isn't he?
We all joke about having "me" time, but what is that, really?
A lot of stuff is hard to even make a joke about.
It's hard not to joke about Oldenburg giving the Whitney a headache.
On Tuesday, Barr had apologized "for making a bad joke" about Jarrett.
" Booker said it was inappropriate to "joke about calling black men boys.
I was trying to think of a joke about popping a wheelie.
But it's still a good thing to joke about, ready or not.
You can be both a serious conspiracy theorist and joke about it.
It's this example that PewDiePie hones in on in his apology: I do strongly believe that you can joke about anything, but I also believe that there's a right way and not the best way to joke about things.
When he cracked a joke about Nikita Khrushchev, his government ministers chuckled obediently.
There's an enjoyable but not overplayed running joke about the game's nonsensical rules.
The joke about ad tech is: There's very little tech in ad tech.
Like, you wouldn't tell a joke about sex at any family-friendly event.
There we swap yarns, discuss politics, and joke about the good old days.
As of now, I think you should be able to joke about anything.
Dan and I joke about which bodily functions we haven't made movies about.
A week after a White House aide made a cruel "joke" about Sen.
"We still joke about that call to this day," Mr. Bond said, laughing.
So he decided to make a casual little joke about it this morning.
"The joke about wine and whisky is that they're 'semi-liquid,'" said Waltzer.
Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin: even to joke about them is in poor taste.
The over 5-minute interview closes with a joke about Clinton's email controversy.
Still, Kimmel's got a joke about Weinstein as promised (skip to 3:50).
He even made the perfect joke about little Situations running around the house.
In 2015, a clip of Esposito performing a joke about menstruation went viral.
Didn't anyone at that Tupperware party understand your joke about tuna noodle casserole?
Republican senators privately joke about Trump's substance-free phone calls to pitch them.
For Rob Szczerba, it was a joke about a new ice cream flavor.
I happily joke about my current boyfriend's lack of interest in my interests.
Not even Ariana Grande could pull of this awkward joke about The Weeknd.
Pete has and will always joke about his life, with or without her.
"We used to joke about the number of copies it sold," he said.
Lyrics in the songbook joke about the extermination of Jews in gas chambers.
There was also a joke about dead bodies piling up after Hurricane Maria.
In 2013, Justine Sacco foolishly tweeted a tasteless joke about Africa and AIDS.
When Jonah comes back, the guys in the store joke about what happened.
He quickly disrobes as Kardashian makes a joke about her brand-loving family.
"You don't joke about calling black men 'boys,' " said Booker, who is black.
We've turned stale and nasty old stereotypes into something to joke about, right?
"I feel so guilty," Steere read, trying out a joke about his dog.
It was not the first time Duterte has made a joke about rape.
Luke Bryan is happy to crack a joke about his sizable trophy collection.
Plus, he didn't want to hear her nine minute joke about Greek mythology!
Then he told a joke about theme-park attractions with excessively convoluted backstories.
I am beginning to bore myself with the following joke about the fireplace.
"Ron Johnson used to joke about being the prince of darkness," Sykes recalls.
One day, she made a joke about the black people on the show.
We'd joke about what the country under Wilders would look like, for example.
We see squalid conditions, riots, and security guards who joke about shooting detainees.
A recent "Saturday Night Live" sketch also included a joke about the practice.
It's deflection, and it's self-protective to then make a joke about it.
I felt like making a light-hearted joke about literally fighting the hurricane.
I made a dad joke about not lighting up, but Sebastian wasn't laughing.
When they left, applications in hand, someone made a joke about ex-cons.
"Sometimes I'll joke about horoscopes with my friends," Mr. Yu, a Pisces, admitted.
"I would never joke about something like that, madame," she told me, offended.
We joke about last night and I apparently owe him three wishes now.
Once in a while, however, he made a joke about doing just that.
But that's our first and last bad joke about the game's modern excess.
If you cross him, he'll joke about slipping ice-nine into your food.
Insert your own joke about yet another reason to hate the DMV here.
It's something that people can joke about and also have heated discussions about.
Sonia Denis, whose standup is often described as "confessional," follows up a joke about visiting a therapist because she's been having suicidal thoughts with a joke about wanting to disappear into a world inhabited only by straight white male comedians.
Call it the dick joke divide: People would rather joke about penises than vaginas.
People joke about it, but I'm the hardest-working man in show business, maybe.
Davidson slipped in a joke about his split at the beginning of his appearance.
Jimmy Kimmel's Emmys joke about Johnnie Cochran has enraged a famous lawyer Johnny mentored.
Little SimzIs it too late to make a joke about The Sims expansion pack?
Maybe it's just a throwaway joke about how Seymour put him up for adoption.
I tried one this morning and it captioned it with a joke about Tuesday.
Best guess: This is an inside joke about the Cult of the Dead Cow.
People even joke about Jingwang Weishi on Weibo, China's heavily censored answer to Twitter.
You can watch Martin and Rock joke about Bezos at the two-minute mark.
"Everybody begged me to do a joke about that song," host Jamie Foxx said.
Vanity Fair, Graydon Carter, did a joke about Donald Trump's hands 25 years ago.
I constantly joke about becoming a vegetarian because I'm too lazy to prepare meat.
"He's having me say 'monkey' and...joke about someone's nickname being monkey," Tyler said.
But at least Caitlyn and Blac didn't joke about the crime like some people.
Why did Donald Trump joke about grabbing women "by the pussy" back in 2005?
Every election cycle, voters disappointed by the outcome joke about moving across the border.
Caitlyn Jenner is taking Ricky Gervais' controversial Golden Globes joke about her in stride.
Aside from the occasional joke about headgear, braces rarely make an appearance on television.
Breitbart thought it had nailed a joke about the impending end to net neutrality.
New backlash after a writer&aposs controversial joke about MS-13 gangs and Republicans.
Like Buster Keaton, Burckhardt wants to joke about a disaster with a straight face.
Someone made a joke about turning the lights off, and I'm glad they didn't.
She also cracked a joke about folks telling her to stick her hand in.
Sometimes he'd swivel around and joke about who he'd have in his [future] Administration.
That's short for "fresh off the boat," a phrase used to joke about immigrants.
Cedric Richmond (D-La) related an off-color joke about President Trump's senior advisor.
During breakfast Buff made a sexist joke about women that mentioned his own wife.
Rob has yet to post any response to his sister's joke about his tattoo.
He did not mention Clinton's joke about Palin, the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee.
Arthur C. Brooks THERE'S an old joke about two comedians sitting in a rowboat.
Locals joke about how different Bozeman and its environs are from the rest Montana.
Could they shelve a knock-knock joke about "Interrupting Donald Trump" for another night?
The world of late-night television also seized the opportunity to joke about drugs.
Ansari were the host, he wouldn't want to do some joke about Indian people
And they asked me if I was going to make a joke about it.
No doubt, though, we'll hear at least one joke about venturing into the trenches.
In Cookie Clicker, that was employed in service of an absurdist joke about cookies.
Because he just made a dad joke about how Daly looks like Charlie Chaplin.
We joke about this thing being our baby because it takes our full attention.
I always joke about how we'll all never reach the end of the feed.
Members of his own party routinely dismiss his ideas and joke about his ineptness.
When someone makes a joke about "Wrong Direction," I can't just let it go.
But for now, it looks like the old joke about Apple's "innovations" still stands.
"We always joke about who my mom and dad would cheer for," Marissa said.
Speaking of Trump, how about Jimmy Kimmel's joke about ABC's new slogan, "Forward Together"?
Brad Pitt's acceptance speech included an awkward joke about Prince Harry leaving the UK.
Spence can also now joke about his own, more life-threatening slip in February.
Maher also made headlines last month when he appeared to joke about Trump's assassination.
Although he can joke about it now, Ma says the continued rejection was painful.
It's both an extended joke about making money online and a functioning, moneymaking app.
AB: We used to joke about getting nosebleeds if we went above 14th Street.
Do you think it's a more perilous time for comedians who joke about politics?
The South Carolina Republican made the remark as part of a joke about Sen.
Not only does she never joke about her husband; she is entirely self-serious.
There's the world's most random joke, about the Oberlin a-cappella group the Obertones.
FB: Are there things in the news that you feel you can't joke about?
"You don't joke about calling black men 'boys,'" Mr. Booker said in a statement.
That's what we joke about but I don't think either of those things are happening.
If she had made a joke about the situation, it would have been even better.
David Foster Wallace told the joke about the two young fish out for a swim.
One day he made a random joke about our block being a giant drunk-tank.
Judging by his tweets, Trump is still treating global warming as something to joke about.
Make sure not to joke about it because that could add to their social anxiety.
And haircare line It's a 10 made a joke about "four years of bad hair."
It's like making a joke about Muslims not eating pork or Jews not eating shellfish.
It's like that old joke about God and the flood victim up on his roof.
Trump, by contrast, tried to make a joke about how he would "back" the CIA.
It&aposs funny to joke about it, but it&aposs not funny in another way.
Characters joke about Narnia while exiting wardrobes and reflect on Alice when plummeting through space.
Before the date, her date had made a joke about going to the Renaissance Faire.
In response, Legend commented, "He is me," which prompted Teigen to joke about being unfaithful.
Her joke about keeping her nonwinning streak notwithstanding, I want her to win this year.
Statements like that certainly paint the episode's joke about spousal rape in a new light.
For every shootout, a joke about vaginas that makes MI6 agent Sebastian (Sam Heughan) blush.
I love that you can joke about it and give us all a good laugh!
But it still seems mildly inappropriate to even joke about spanking your teenage daughter. Outrageous?
Eventually, her act takes a turn for the better with a joke about Abe's penis.
The president just made a joke about Samsung's ongoing exploding-phone problem during a speech.
After a joke about people running for office being "no-brainers," he got mock-serious.
The moment Mark Zuckerberg tries to make a joke about privacy and nobody laughs: pic.twitter.
Do you go rogue and make a joke about how you, like Garfield, hate Mondays?
Willis, a politics writer, thought he'd make a Harry Potter joke about President Trump's family.
Rubio responded with this joke about Trump: "Well he's very flexible, so you never know."
Trump even found time for an awkward joke about the cost of NATO's new headquarters.
Anyone in any kind of position of power deserves to have a joke about them.
At best, Davidson's joke about messing with his girlfriend's bodily autonomy was in bad taste.
"The Last Original Pirate"—that was a joke about it being a Streets cover album.
Where someone can feel comfortable making a death joke about a man battling brain cancer?
Apparently, Musk wanted to tweet a joke about AI, but Grimes had already made it.
All it took was one "very off-hand" joke about the Kardashians in late 2011.
C.K. made one joke about men being "the worst thing that ever happens" to women.
McDonald's quickly followed up their gaffe with a joke about not having had enough caffeine.
Ocasio-Cortez began with a joke about conservative media coverage of her recent salon visit.
Neither McCain nor Domenech had responded to Oliver's joke about them as of Monday morning.
"We joke about it all the time," said the officer who is based in Japan.
Jada Pinkett Smith is brushing off Chris Rock's joke about her at this year's Oscars.
Cedric Richmond (D-La.) for making a suggestive joke about White House counselor Kellyanne Conway.
No matter how many times you joke about free stuff, you're never getting complimentary chips.
There's a pretty great joke about why he can't get an audition for Hamilton, though.
"Donald Trump couldn't handle us [The Daily Show] making a joke about him," Stewart said.
A. The headlessness in the beginning was sort of a joke about the French Revolution.
He opened with a raunchy joke about oral sex, and the room immediately tightened up.
Fox & Friends has spent years being the punch line of every joke about Fox News.
I am truly sorry for making a bad joke about her politics and her looks.
Non-consensual sex is rape and it is never funny or appropriate to joke about.
He softened a joke about racism, he said, because of Black Lives Matter, for instance.
I'd make a joke about the pope being next except … it just wouldn't be funny.
It's timeless but still weaves in a joke about Kendall (Jeremy Strong) stealing Juul pods.
My college-educated friends were horrified, wondering how I could joke about such terrible racism.
She had toyed with making a joke about the commissary, but thought better of it.
And wake us he did, at six-thirty, with another joke about the magenta line.
At one point, a supposedly self-deprecating joke about his Las Vegas debacle fell flat.
The president of Iceland ignited an international debate with a joke about pineapple on pizza.
Sure, that the President is able to joke about his appearance is a good thing.
Netflix has made it chill for companies to joke about sex, at least on Twitter.
Stanford Law School professor Pamela Karlan made a joke about Barron's name during her remarks.
I'll have a joke about this after I'm 100 percent sure he's spending his life.
We can't be sure, but we sure are paranoid, and we often joke about it.
It came from my dating experience, this feeling that I joke about in the book.
"He needs a lot of prayer," one says, before making a folksy joke about his.
Iggy made it clear she's supporting Nick -- but also cracked a joke about the situation.
I miss being able to call and, you know, make a joke about politics, frankly, anything.
Clinton cracked a joke about it that referenced Mitt Romney's infamous "binders full of women" statement.
Long, 26, expresses concerns over getting engaged so quickly after he cracks a joke about proposing.
But how long does someone get to joke about endorsing Nazism before they're officially a Nazi?
There were Arrested Development's Burger King conversations, and 30 Rock's joke about product placement for Verizon.
Sure, friends, we can make a joke about this being the best goal of 2017 here.
I tend to use humor, so I'll make a joke about being the only woman there.
We joke about how it must be proportional to the cost of cocaine in those cities.
Speaking of canned, what was the joke about Bernie Sanders being a fan of medical marijuana?
They reportedly hit it off after they both made the same nerdy joke about artificial intelligence.
After all, in normal times, the deputy attorney general doesn't joke about secretly recording the president.
Though she didn't mention Chelsea specifically during the show, she did joke about her parenting struggles.
Seeing these two women joke about "Megabus specials" and "siddity snacks" over popcorn and pricey wine?
"Why is it that when we talk and joke about this, it is OK?" he said.
He not only delivered a joke, but he told a self-deprecating joke about his age.
Turner then used the funny moment to crack a joke about herself and her drinking habits.
When hosting the Oscars five years ago, Seth MacFarlane made a bold joke about Harvey Weinstein.
And how does a powerful man make a joke about the corruption of other powerful men?
We're expected to never be offended by or frightened of our peers who joke about rape.
He also made an uncomfortable joke about Jada Pinkett-Smith's decision to boycott the awards show.
We made fun of IVF, because you have to joke about it or else you cry.
But ahead on "MediaBuzz," the late-night host who totally botched a joke about Jonah Goldberg.
We could make a joke about Americans not knowing anything outside of America, but we won't.
"BUT DONT TEST ME." The social media star then took time to joke about the clip.
In one, the former chief financial officer appeared to joke about those who died in Maria.
He made a decent joke about how Bernie Sanders would make a good president—of Sweden.
We joke about that a lot in the writers' room how hard it is for Miguel.
That's a terrible thing because it's actually happened recently, so I shouldn't even joke about it.
Somewhat unsurprisingly, Trump's tweet gave rise to the same joke about Trump's previous comments on women.
So many women are trying everything they can to conceive and then you joke about this?
She will accept drinks from strangers who don't ask first, and make a joke about it.
Previously, he said, he used to joke about being under surveillance, but never really believed it.
Achuk still uses that iPhone 20103, and says his friends joke about how outdated it is.
A few hours after the hearing, Hutchins resurfaced online tweeting out a joke about his arrest.
"First, please understand that I did not intend to make a joke about race," he wrote.
Rogen may giggle and joke about sex and drugs, but he can't help being smart, too.
For ten minutes, there's an ongoing joke about this toy playing music in this guy's ass.
Why is a "joke" about violence bother people more than actual violence committed against a woman?
" Asked how she was managing, she made her joke about drinking "my fair share of Chardonnay.
" But as soon as he tells a joke about Jews, the cry goes up, "anti-Semitic!
Trump on Tuesday used the pardoning ceremony to also joke about recent electoral recounts in Florida.
Think about this: Sadler felt comfortable enough in a meeting to voice this "joke" about McCain.
" Magness also said Salazar would "'joke' about using liposuction or removing your appendix for weight loss.
He and his wife used to joke about the name whenever they went for a drive.
Mr. Carlin also told a joke about a fart so potent it blew up an airplane.
He appeared to make an off-color joke about an old house of his in Scranton.
James Charles, another beauty influencer, used to joke about such things because he was considered untouchable.
It's like the old joke about a couple that parks their car on a dark street.
One tweet asks Spicer Greene if alluding to violence against women was something to joke about.
Tommy asks me if I've bought my Powerball ticket yet and we joke about the odds.
The pair then shared a joke about a problem they both believe they have: the media.
The anecdote started as a joke about tattoos: "I got a Harry Potter tattoo," Davidson began.
But clearly he's secure enough in his relationship with Kourtney to joke about it these days.
The "Scrubs" star made a joke about not knowing anything about hockey and wished Kade well.
That same year, during a speech, Payne made a joke about Malik's departure from the band.
Others find the pain so enduring that they can't bring themselves even to joke about it.
There are callbacks and fan service — the running joke about Murphy's chain of unreliable assistants returns.
The host Michael Che made a joke about it after six awards, James Corden after nine.
She looks at me, her nose is red, and I resist making a joke about Rudolph.
Jimmy Fallon got into the seasonal spirit with a joke about an egregious sort of generosity.
But that's like the joke about the optimist who's fallen out of a 100-story building.
I joke about the early days of Epic [but] everybody there was really passionate about shooters.
" During the cast announcement on "Good Morning America on Wednesday, Bergeron cracked a joke about Spicer.
A raunchy joke about actress Judi Dench's bizarre turn in Cats drew both cringes and delight.
"Logan Lucky" sticks to the "Oceans" template so faithfully that someone makes a joke about it.
Even on the team bus, you have to be very, very careful what you joke about.
He even managed to work in a joke about being under contract for three more years.
Mr. Fleming recounted an old joke about a man who complains that the turr is tough.
My husband and I used to joke about our embryos (or "embabies," as some call them).
They are not really interested in hearing doctors joke about the drinking they did last night.
" He is known to joke about his friendship with Graham, sometimes dubbing him his "illegitimate son.
Former MLB manager Ozzie Guillen, who is from Venezuela, used to "joke" about being considered Mexican.
The Nobel money: Have you started spending it I've made a kind of joke about that.
"With the Trocks, if you messed up, you could make a joke about it," he said.
Denmark fired back with a joke about how Sweden has a lot of laws and rules.
"It's so funny because we always joke about this — we literally spend every moment together," Bristowe gushed.
What started as a joke about the detergent balls being mysteriously appetizing has officially gone too far.
But there's an old joke about two barefoot guys in the woods who come across a bear.
DiMarco , 26, called out Cook, 46, after the comedian made an insensitive joke about the deaf community.
Havard later told The Times-Picayune that his amendment was intended as a joke about government overreach.
"My kids always joke about how there was never any great food in my home," she says.
Or, alternatively, when Ben Stiller makes a joke about Khloé Kardashian's love life on Saturday Night Live.
They joke about the best way to kill him...and then, that's exactly how he dies. Gulp.
We joke about it on air, but the main thing is, it's a great time for fellowship.
I don't laugh or make a joke about what I say that's hurtful or mean or ugly.
Kjellberg also makes a joke about genocide, referencing the multiple controversies he's had over anti-Semitic content.
Protesters share articles and joke about fraternities on a private Facebook group with more than 200 members.
Days after raising eyebrows with a campaign trail joke about attending a "public hanging," Mississippi Republican Sen.
It's a joke about ruthlessly doing the job — embracing the tactic fully, even into a fake front.
"They can joke about traffic, but they can't talk about what happened to these women?" she asked.
That Robin Williams told a joke about President Obama, the "antichrist," and committed suicide two weeks later.
As stocks rolled lower during the afternoon, Trump appeared to make a joke about the market drop.
Sometimes we joke about it saying our followers just think we are Zara customer service or something.
In the piece published in Rolling Stone, Hart also defended his joke about having a gay son.
A joke about traffic plus the fowl/foul pun does not a good joke make, President Obama.
" The insider added, "Khloé isn't dating, but at least she's able to talk and joke about dating.
She Instagramed a message exchange with a friend in which they joke about national "Mean Girls" Day.
Abdul-Jabbar kicked off his speech with a joke about Trump, to which the crowd laughed lightly.
It wasn't weird that someone's boss made a joke about having a boner in front of me.
Reviewers often joke about 'hand feel,' but it really does feel like a great device to hold.
Then, he went on to joke about his life changed once he started doing America's Got Talent.
Should I make a joke about it or just apologize for the disgusting thing that just happened?
It's like that bad joke about modern art: You could have done that—yeah, but you didn't.
On Tuesday, she seemed to be in better spirits and even cracked a joke about the incident.
Comey made a joke about it to lighten the mood and called his office to get confirmation.
First, there was the contestant who cracked a joke about "going Black" on After the Finale Rose.
I'm shaped like a capital P… I can joke about myself before you ever joke with me.
TV Guide encouraged folks to raise a glass every time someone made a joke about the nomination.
Not because he made a great joke about it, but, presumably, because they had been there themselves.
I wasn't like, 'Build a cupboard on this set for me to make a joke about Potter.
"We're calling in particular to women," said Leclerc, adding a joke about where humans could go next.
Have you ever heard the joke about how the black guy always dies first in horror movies?
Real Housewives Of Atlanta's Kim Zolciak isn't making Twitter laugh with her latest joke about her daughter.
After making a "joke" about how anti-Trump protestors don't have jobs — crass assumptions about economic troubles!
The messages are filled with misogynistic and homophobic obscenities, as well as a joke about hurricane victims.
According to data from Twitter, Perry's most retweeted tweet was an unfortunate joke about suicide in 2012.
Sigler also said that she and Appleby joke about their resemblance when they run into each other.
And her joke about ex-boyfriends is a crowd-pleaser in Los Angeles and the Midwest too.
The standard joke about the Nobel Prize in Literature is that it's a prize for Estonian poets.
In an exclusive behind-the-scenes video from the shoot, the pair joke about their extravagant costumes.
"Would he have made such a joke about African-Americans or Jews?" he asked me, in Mandarin.
Trump did make it to the Sunday event, where he made an awkward joke about the rain.
After Jenner made a joke about him holding hands with Hemsworth on the beach, Cyrus jumped in.
"God forbid kids use political slogans to make a joke about beating a team in football."—Rep.
Mr. Wilmore concluded the ceremony with a joke about the prominence of black authors among the winners.
The old joke about the lifecycle of a Hollywood star applied to Silicon Valley: What is Bitcoin?
I make a lame joke about it and for the first time, the doctor cracks a smile.
Remember the old joke about only needing to watch the last five minutes of any NBA game?
As director Spiff TV explained to Billboard, it's kind of an inside joke about their mistaken ethnicities?
Klausner took to Twitter to joke about the 19-year-old's appearance during Saturday's Kids' Choice Awards.
Sometimes people joke about issues that are actually frightening, as a way to whistle past the graveyard.
Catching up on their adult lives, the pals joke about marriage, jobs, and Ben's drastically altered appearance.
The staff in my office joke about which of our windows would be most auspicious for jumping.
White Collar Watch There is an old joke about an executive looking to hire a new accountant.
Nicola Kilner, the chief executive of the skin-care company Deciem, has a joke about last year.
Colin Jost, the co-anchor of "Weekend Update," began that segment with a seeming joke about emoji.
While people joke about Winnipeg's winters, the city is strong enough that it can laugh at itself.
"It had become a bit of a running joke, about the ever-expanding mandate," Mr. Carroll said.
There's an old joke about Steve Jobs, that he never wore a suit because he hated buttons.
It&aposs a thriller that fails to inspire real tension when its actors joke about the plot.
He also said it was his birthday and cracked a joke about treating himself to a beer.
Bonus points if someone makes a joke about "everything being a trilogy these days" and blames Aeschylus.
Over all, he tends to respond cheerfully to the pseudoholiday, sometimes with another joke about his name.
Which is sort of like the joke about the food being terrible and the portions too small.
At least the Rock makes a joke about the back side of the water, so that's something.
The latest is about a woman surviving typhus, in part thanks to a joke about flying squirrels.
Mr. Bezos is one of the few chief executives who joke about how much money they've lost.
Kelly made a joke about having done so as well and it was positive, the source said.
That's why when they joke about death, it can come across like a friend's sharing intimate secrets.
Johnny Depp's "joke" about it being time to assassinate a president again is merely the latest example.
That joke about Chicken Street, referencing a shopping hub in Kabul, was as old as I was.
Its not his to joke about, and parents who lost their children at the concert are upset.
Ted Cruz — teamed up in the first minute of the Republican debate to joke about his absence.
Anyway, he sits, makes a joke about the smoke, yells "GET TO DER CHOPPAEURGH!" and we're underway.
"Got on the same piss cycle as me one day, made weak joke about Brexit, BEN," &c.
He also described how another guide told his group a joke about former President George W. Bush.
Also, there is a joke about spanakopita in My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2, because why not?
Every year at this dinner somebody makes a joke about BuzzFeed, for example, changing the media landscape.
What about ... I'm going to have to make a joke about not fake news, but alternate facts.
We joke about how real life is pro wrestling, but this is your Trumpian 2018 in microcosm.
During a Monday monologue, Daily Show host Trevor Noah made a joke about France's World Cup victory.
We do not need to be able to joke about the patriarchy in order to discus sociological norms.
The biggest revelation of the evening came when Rinna's joke about putting Xanax in her smoothies came up.
He was a "disgruntled customer" who couldn't take a joke about a previously stolen bike, detectives told Brackman.
Donald Trump, speaking Wednesday to Christian conservatives, made a joke about kicking non-Christians out of a rally.
And one commonly uttered joke about the holiday is that it was sponsored by people who sold neckties.
Some tried to joke about it, while others (like me) just tried to think about something, anything else.
I often joke about shoving the phone up my ass, but have not, because I am a coward.
During an interview to promote the festival, though, Alex Pall reportedly made an insensitive joke about Chinese culture.
She also followed up those tweets with a joke about her chances of even getting a nomination now.
" It was just a joke about that, where Spamley finally said "No, no, I mean go with Gord.
Still, the rest of the internet isn't letting the opportunity to joke about this again pass it by.
Ryan Reynolds (left) and Hugh Jackman (right) joke about "Deadpool 2," and a future collaboration in May 2018.
In extracts of web chats published by a Korean broadcaster, the men joke about drugging and raping women.
He's trying a joke about how, normally, when we think of inflation, it carries a negative economic connotation.
I've also struggled to take the work I do seriously and not joke about it being a hobby.
Here's a funny Twitter joke about that:Amazon confirmed the Bloomberg report just minutes after it hit the web.
Perhaps it's because an office joke about emoji fosters the sense of community companies seeking retention yearn for.
She also used her opening monologue as an opportunity to deliver a thinly-veiled joke about Melania Trump.
Inevitably, there were clunky moments as well, including a poorly conceived joke about Bill Cosby attending the ceremony.
There's some snide joke about dating a celebrity, making Davidson and Colin Jost (boyfriend of Scarlett Johansson) blush.
" He repeatedly tells a joke about the difference between locusts and regulators: "You can't use pesticide on regulators.
Even if it's just making a joke about a guy sliding in at the last minute, say something.
During Saturday Night Live's premiere, Davidson made a joke about Grande that rubbed some people the wrong way.
Both players, who joke about sharing a "bromance," were vying for a chance to win Super Bowl MVP.
And these days, no two exes know how to joke about their relationship better than Silverman and Kimmel.
When asked if that was a joke, she responded that "Russians are not allowed to joke about Putin."
Justin Bieber can joke about it now ... driving over a photog is so a thing of the past.
" Reynolds, then making a joke about the size of his manhood, added, "And I have very small hands.
Caitlyn Jenner: Won't Attend Son's WeddingNOFX Makes Distasteful Joke About Vegas Massacre Drake & Pusha T: Explosive Blackface Diss
They know I use it for medicine, but they also make the odd joke about my 'pointless weed.
According to GOP sources, Trump cracked a joke about McCarthy's Russia quip and the room erupted in laughter.
After known introvert Erika makes a joke about her own vagina, the conversation with Lisa should be over.
The singer is facing backlash after making a joke about former President Barack Obama during an Instagram Live.
So I made a joke about politics that broke the ice and gave us something to talk about.
Kanye West Kanye's descent has reached Shakespearean levels of tragedy and isn't even fun to joke about anymore.
While Louis laughs at Dan's joke about his own girlfriend, if you think about it, it's pretty dark.
The Federal Communications Commission has initiated an investigation of Stephen Colbert after a controversial joke about Donald Trump.
So when Google employees hear the joke about it looking like a giant air freshener, they own it.
So naturally, Reynolds made a joke about a tryst between his wife Blake Lively and the Wolverine star.
Further, the sources said these faculty members would then return to the department and joke about it openly.
He also made a joke about the team visiting less than a week before Donald Trump takes office.
Ricky Gervais had a few more choice words to add to his never-ending joke about Caitlyn Jenner.
Even Mr. Sanders, who takes politics more seriously than most, couldn't resist cracking a joke about their partnership.
I've been writing a joke about Hollywood that it is like having a friend with a drinking problem.
Roseanne Barr is apologizing for tweeting a racially charged "bad joke" about Valerie Jarrett, saying she's leaving Twitter.
On Tuesday, CNN reported that Kelly Sadler, the White House aide accused of making a joke about Sen.
She makes a joke about Plaxico Burress shooting himself in the leg and then references Kung Fu Panda.
Blind, burrowing amphibian named after President Trump C'mon, you really think we're gonna make a joke about this?
A joke about the actresses' dominance even worked its way into a "Westworld"-themed sketch on Sunday night.
Unsurprisingly, the costume immediately spurred controversy, because it's a tacky failure of a joke about a violent crime.
But Davidson's joke about Crenshaw—he called him a "hitman in a porno movie"—was in bad taste.
I haven't seen Hamilton yet, so is this mop thing an inside joke about something from the musical?
I'm kind of nodding innocently while Dad tells a joke about a shunt radiator and a kinetic interceptor.
We can joke about it, but it must be really hard to hear your son sing about that.
Colbert made an oral sex joke about Trump and Putin during a scathing diatribe against the U.S. president.
People joke about belly button fluff and some decorate this part of their body with piercings and jewels.
Let's avoid the obvious joke about "maintaining peace and stability" in one of the world's most violent regions.
While hosting "Saturday Night Live" in November of 2019, Styles made a joke about Malik's leaving the band.
The situation has gotten so bad that women have taken Twitter to complain and to joke about it.
The Supreme Court will finally rule on DACA; Trump and Putin joke about Russia meddling in US elections.
I would transform rural Ontario into a socialist hotbed, one joke about my sad childhood at a time.
The best she can manage is a mumbled joke about how boring the sex part of pornography is.
He recounted a joke about Mr. O'Rourke wanting to cross the border to "welcome" the migrants in Mexico.
Last week, a second video was released, in which Ms. Hyde-Smith appeared to joke about voter suppression.
One night, he heard a man joke about dousing the entrance to the local mosque with pig's blood.
The shirt displayed a crude joke about Hillary Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, and pictures of both women's faces.
" — STEPHEN COLBERT "It's like that joke about the guy who jumped off the skyscraper — you know that joke?
In fact, Brown even cracked a joke about how Max's mom was the best QB he ever had.
Because if they truly accepted queer sexualities as normal and natural, there would be nothing to joke about.
Also covered: the dicey subject of when it's too soon to joke about a tragedy like 9/11.
In one, a joke about adding his accolade to his Tinder profile and a quip about foot fetishes.
If you want to joke about Martin Scorsese's cinematic output on Twitter, do so at your own peril.
"To joke about that is to belittle all of us and that is unacceptable," she wrote on Twitter.
There is a maypole, which the Swedes like to joke about as a phallic symbol, because it is.
"You shouldn't make a joke about kidnapping regardless of what it is," one person told CNN affiliate WOIO.
"We always used to joke about treating marijuana with fluids and Doritos and Pink Floyd," Dr. Wismer said.
Trump's joke about Sessions comes at the end of a tense week between the president and attorney general.
Jason Whitlock, who you may remember for once tweeting a racist joke about Jeremy Lin's penis, is another.
Mr. Bruce, who was criminally prosecuted for telling a joke about Eleanor Roosevelt's breasts, would surely be banned.
Some athletes joke about taking "vitamin I," or ibuprofen, to blunt the pain of strenuous training and competitions.
Osman Pashayev, a Ukrainian journalist reportedly also on the list, cracked a joke about his status on Facebook.
In February, Kramer publicly apologized to Caussin on Instagram after making a joke about his infidelity on her podcast.
Photo: Sam Rutherford (Gizmodo)I have a friend who often likes to joke about the pointlessness of dual cameras.
In response, Legend, 40, commented, "He is me," which prompted Teigen to joke about her fidelity to her husband.
Here's what happened: I was improvising in another scene, and I made some joke about having a heart attack.
But worst of all he's never made a self-referential joke about "The Cory Hotline" episode of The Simpsons.
Schroepfer was a little, seemed a little ... PK: He did a good joke about being a ... A robot, yeah.
LOS ANGELES — Tweeting a joke about the Islamic State (ISIS) is never a good idea, especially if you're famous.
Gyllenhaal even recently appeared to joke about the whole thing when he confirmed he was playing Mysterio on Instagram.
Ah, but that's a joke about Trump's inefficacy, and those are verboten with the possible coup on the table.
Randazza impersonated Eric Cartman from South Park and repeated that character's joke about Jews knowing where gold is hidden.
Just after getting the job, for example, she made a joke about gender-neutral bathrooms that many found offensive.
The joke about Cracker Barrel is that it's exactly what it sounds like: a container for backward white people.
In it, Lovato laughs when her mom makes a joke about everyone in Rio having Zika, according to E!
He used to joke about other players who had girlfriends down the street in apartments close to their wives.
The couple's officiant couldn't help but joke about the flower girl drama after Rossum finally got to the altar.
While some might joke about husbands gaining sympathy weight with their pregnant wives, that isn't really what "dadbod" connotes.
" Zachary decided that he knew his brother and brushed it off, since the pair "would always joke about stuff.
However, they did laugh at Brad Pitt's joke about Harry leaving the UK at the BAFTAs earlier in January.
ARCHITECTS JOKE about three certainties in life: death, taxes and big building projects coming in late and over budget.
Jenner and Tyler took to Twitter to joke about the dating rumors, which probably means they're not actually dating.
The off-color joke about Trent occurred during a season 10 episode of Flipping Out, which documented Monroe's birth.
At the arrival at the Great West Door, the Queen appeared to joke about it with the welcoming clergy.
At one point, Newell makes a pointed joke about how Rick and Morty Season 3 was at least confirmed.
The two joke about running off and starting a family together, but the next day Frank is gone again.
It didn't even occur to us that people would think this is a joke about how women can't drive.
There's an old joke about an optimist who fell off of the observation deck of the Empire State Building.
Late Sunday, Musk teased "important news," only to tweet out an April Fools' Day joke about Tesla going bankrupt.
Even Trouble had a coat, and that is not a joke about the fur that he was born with.
It's a world where queer women can joke about period sex, and Black women can riff on Stacey Dash.
Instead, they took to their Facebook group to joke about what some see as a lack of company perks.
And during our interview the founders joke about having created a "maximal viable product" rather than the usual MVP.
"Because it's a serious matter, we don't want to make too much of a joke about that," he said.
What started as a joke about having Black History Month every month turned into something more serious and intentional.
Johnny Depp is apologizing for his joke about assassinating President Trump, saying he didn't mean any harm by it.
"Every few months we'd joke about joining forces, but it was always kind of tongue-in-cheek," Tublin says.
One of El Chapo's lawyers made a joke about doing the moonwalk as he shuffled out of the courtroom.
H: When we're handling art at the gallery, we sometimes joke about whether this situation is "Art Handler" material.
Legend also managed a joke about the whole thing — since he is, of course, a social media black-belt.
It's a joke about the sense of dysphoria many experience watching the specter of Trump ascending to the presidency.
He complimented Kimmel on his opener, and even made a joke about that snafu over the Best Picture win.
Ostensibly, she could have been my roommate, cracking an off-color fart joke about Moses and the Red Sea.
NOFX thought it would be "hilarious" to joke about the October 64 shootings while on stage in Las Vegas.
Dave Cook Insert your own joke about a knackered banger being banged about by a couple of knackered bangers.
Being a woman with IBS who has to work in a man's world, who might even joke about it?
If this was 2010, I might even make a joke about how Drake broods more than Edward from Twilight.
They themselves would NEVER joke about…well, anything, probably, but certainly not something as sacred as Time With Ben.
Apart from the stray swastika and joke about "fapping," the dialogue surrounding "Jackson Hole Town Square" is pretty good.
It helps to have someone else there with me so we can joke about it or return the stares.
Have you heard the joke about the elderly rabbi who tries to settle a bitter dispute between two men?
"You don't joke about calling black men 'boys,'" Cory Booker said in a statement, calling on Biden to apologize.
In October 2016, Cyrus confirmed that the pair were engaged once again by cracking a joke about her ring.
"Actually, I'm the first one to tell the joke about the clouds that are following me around the world."
"He adds: "I joke about this, but I speak more to my investors than I speak to my wife.
Franken began with a joke about the out-of-touchness of conservative New York Times opinion columnist David Brooks.
But that didn't stop an online outcry by many who slammed him for appearing to joke about someone's suicide.
"Jokes are not inherently Islamophobic or hateful and this includes Boris Johnson's joke about the burqa," the statement read.
The "Master of None" star makes a joke about recently being mistaken for another Indian-American comic, Hasan Minhaj.
Another moment, similarly impossible to distill, details the political significance of a widely shared joke about a lost goat.
I mean, who else could turn a depiction of the martyrdom of Saint Vitale into a joke about weed?
Instead, she made a joke about trying to work quickly because she could see how full my bladder was.
"Actually, I'm the first one to tell the joke about the clouds that are following me around the world." 
"We kind of joke about how in the early days you were kind of stress eating desserts," Burke said.
Fans of the show often joke about how large Monica's apartment was, but the kitchen was actually quite small.
She had made a rather tame joke about drag queens on a "Saturday Night Live" special the night before.
Maybe by now they're all getting some sleep, and they joke about the time nobody could remember Kate's name.
It's no wonder that the joke about men being unable to ask for directions never gets old for women.
Is there a whale in the background that is tagged as Amanda, as a cruel joke about her weight?
She told a new joke about #MeToo and got a laugh, though she wasn't sure she could trust it.
Mr. Bloomberg knew his last debate performance was bad enough that he had to make a joke about it.
If there's an event or a tragedy that's too fresh in people's minds to joke about, I get it.
First and foremost, it gave people from every band of the political spectrum something relatively innocuous to joke about.
Maybe Gillette is really good with data mining and they know I joke about being younger than I am.
The four chapters that track the changing seasons are a sly joke about the weather, which is always perfect.
Maybe Gillette is really good with data mining and they know I joke about being younger than I am.
"I am prepared for that," said Biden, before cracking a joke about how often the president has attacked him.
They say he allegedly made a racially insensitive joke about the KKK and marijuana, while sharply criticizing the NAACP.
I barely remember what I ended up saying—I know I made at least one joke about the Repentagon.
We joke about artists that almost seem like they music-design for bopping down the produce aisle at Wegmans.
For more than a year, there's been a running joke about how Trump doubles as his own communications director.
These costs are nothing to joke about in light of the current health of the city's public pension funds.
Andrew Yang likes to joke about being a math guy, and right now, the numbers are on his side.
The sketch also contains a good and suitably filthy joke about receiving a long voicemail from a masturbating O'Reilly.
Is there not one brilliant, satiric mind out there capable of crafting a single reasonable joke about Tim Apple?
Here's a few of them: There were many more important things to worry about than the 21st season of South Park, but longtime fans were weary of where the once-marginalizing, now pronouncedly mainstream bellwether for what we joke about and how we joke about it would go in an ever-persnickety 2017.
As we like to say at the office, we don't joke about astrology, but we do make astrology-based jokes!
It's only when Dany makes a joke about Jon's height (+5) that the two women kind of hit it off.
Is there a different man in private that we just never see, aside from the occasional joke about his coiffure?
In the messages, Lai makes a disparaging joke about President Barack Obama and says he hates basketball player LeBron James.
Any joke about Donald Trump or any person on his staff bothers him, and in the most predictable of ways.
Plenty of graduates joke about the old days when they survived on macaroni and cheese or crackers for a week.
And how can the people implementing that policy on the ground hear sobbing children and joke about what's going on?
" Morgan went as far as to joke about the allegations against Louis C.K. and Harvey Weinstein, saying, "I embraced it.
Cruz tried to "calm" Trump's interruptions by telling him to breathe, resulting in a weird Rubio-inspired joke about yoga.
We all joke about it (or, at least those of us who still have the humor of 10-year-olds).
It's almost like this old joke about the optimist who thinks that we live in the best of all worlds.
Of course, the joke about using everyday objects as Lush bath bombs has been circulating social media for several years.
Even the way people talk and joke about and meme the various players feels like a part of a show.
While they might joke about needing a date and wanting a solution to loneliness, there's a nugget of truth there.
This means Brady was completely game to joke about winning the Super Bowl well before the game was actually played.
While McAvoy didn't address his divorce, he did joke about often portraying an Englishman on screen – despite being from Scotland.
Environment Secretary Michael Gove was forced to apologize Saturday after he attempted to joke about Weinstein during a radio interview.
Becca, who is clearly not interested in babysitting two grown men, makes a joke about it and brushes it off.
In addition to championing breastfeeding, Jameson has also used social media to joke about its challenges in the early stages.
Rock's next big miss came via an uncomfortable joke about child labor, told at the expense of three Asian children.
He posted an edited version of his time at E3 on YouTube that includes a joke about the Twitch suspension.
" He continues, "Michaela and I have a running joke about who has more closed set days in a given season.
Northern newspapers were as likely to joke about Ku Klux Klan members as to critique the violence they were committing.
" As one anonymous blogger put it, "It is not a joke about how she's drunk and about to be raped.
People often joke about some games being little more than an interactive movie, but in this case, that's absolutely true!
Depending on the country, the characters eat different food, joke about different things, complain about different trends sweeping their city.
Are we just supposed to say "Black Mirror" or do we have to try to make a joke about it?
Mr. Baker makes a mean "joke" about Aaron never joining a sorority before his anger really comes to the surface.
Trump cracks a joke about Mitt Romney, who's been telling reporters that The Donald needs to release his tax returns.
In Industrial Era trade shows people fainted from the excitement of electricity; today they use electricity to joke about fainting.
And, while we're at it, it's decidedly tasteless to joke about drugs when overdose-related deaths are on the rise.
" "You're funny, Scott," Jenner says, before cracking a joke about his giant flatscreen TV: "You think that TV's big enough?
The lawmaker is just the latest to joke about the word, which went viral after many speculated about its meaning.
Most recently, special assistant and communications aide Kelly Sadler stepped down three weeks after a making a joke about Sen.
They definitely orchestrated this entire skit just so they could get in a joke about a "star war", didn't they?
President Obama couldn't resist cracking a joke about one of his favorite movies during a speech in Lake Tahoe, Nev.
From Donald Trump's dominance to Chris Christie's facial expressions, there was plenty to panic and joke about throughout the night.
Maybe Marshmello is trying to remind us what really matters at music festivals by making a joke about onstage gimmicks.
Watters said last week the remark was "in no way a joke about anything else" following criticism it was vulgar.
Keep your cutesy symbol of cisnormative, white normative, made-a-supposedly-subversive-joke-about-sexual-assault accessories off her head.
Discussions of staff reduction have ramped up after it leaked that a staffer made an off-color joke about Sen.
Chris Christie invoked Mr. Wolf, from the movie "Pulp Fiction," in a joke about the scheme, a former aide said.
Tom Brady appeared to joke about Patriot's owner Robert Kraft's prostitution scandal in a clip from a new Netflix show.
" Old NSA hands used to joke about their employer's secrecy by saying that its initials stood for "No Such Agency.
In 29, we have to remind our President that it's never ok to "joke" about killing LGBTQ Americans...or anyone.
Popular sitcom "Friends" had to remove a scene in which Chandler makes a joke about a bomb on a plane.
When the duchess' engagement to Prince Harry was announced in 2016, he took to Twitter to joke about the news.
During the campaign he made a nauseating joke about gang rape and spoke of using death squads to keep order.
"Khloé isn't dating, but at least she's able to talk and joke about dating," a source told PEOPLE in April.
Crown Prince Mohammed's joke about the Hariri crisis comes amid ongoing uproar over the death of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
Although Nanjiani didn't appear in the movie, strangers called him "Kumar" so often that he wrote a joke about it.
"You think that's a funny topic to joke about?" asked Shane Vogt, one of the lawyers for the former wrestler.
So, a joke about Hillary Clinton as a dog is the one documented time on the web where Trump laughs.
Active investing "is analogous to the joke about how good the technology is on new airplanes these days," he writes.
" A headline in Gawker read "Hillary Clinton Tries to Prove She's Not Racist with Awkward Joke About 'Colored People Time.
You can joke about eating cake for breakfast all you want, but I was actually doing that once a month.
Among other things, Trump made a joke about how the Democratic National Committee could have used Akamai's help on cybersecurity.
He was, however, still making the same joke about giving an award to whoever had traveled the farthest to volunteer.
A typical 90-minute episode might veer wildly from a report on rice shortages to a joke about face cream.
Another fella sauntered over with a "take my wife" Borscht Belt best-left-unshared joke about a woman named Laverne.
Even when England lost the toss on which goal to use, he said he was able to joke about it.
As a kid, I couldn't even make the joke about reading the articles, because I didn't know there were any.
In one example, Favreau explains a joke about a regulation involving "spilled milk" that fell flat in Obama's 2012 address.
It was something he always had the presence of mind to joke about — part of what I liked about him.
GROSSMAN By the way, the most famous joke, about "the horse walks into a bar" does not exist in Hebrew.
"That etching fell right into the old joke about tourists in the museum looking at their guidebooks," Dr. Mathews said.
Instead, she blames herself and makes a joke about it, which is much easier for the viewing public to swallow.
Franken, then a writer on the show, was quoted as suggesting a joke about raping "60 Minutes" correspondent Leslie Stahl.
When she tells a joke about how out of shape Americans are, she's giving British fans exactly what they want.
"The next day, I walked into my office and made a joke about spending too much on shoes," she said.
I don't mean just President Trump — President Barack Obama once made an offensive joke about the Special Olympics (he apologized).
Like, you write a joke about one thing Trump's done and then 20 seconds later, he's done something even worse.
"Under zero circumstances is it ever appropriate to joke about police officers committing murder," she said in an emailed statement.
Yet the 31-year-old has teased her fans nonstop since, even using memes to joke about the missing album.
Still, fans on Twitter were quick to joke about the potential of boating first-round draft picks to the stage.
McKinnon's concluding joke about "$800 from an immigrant and stay-at-home-mom named Melania," however, was a funny line.
For a long time, when most people heard "German fashion," the stock response was a joke about sandals and socks.
For the third straight year, the ABC awards show took time out to make a joke about the controversial name.
Ariana Grande has addressed her fans' concerns over a joke about the Manchester attack made by her fiancé Pete Davidson.
But sometimes principles blind reason, and sometimes deleting a joke about the KKK isn't censorship, it's doing the right thing.
When I meet Peter, we joke about the tan lines around his eyes; obviously he's been taking the advice seriously.
Lorelai and her daughter Rory, the two titular Gilmores, reference David Bowie, Sonic Youth, and joke about the Menendez brothers.
I created a joke about my anxiety, my depression, and my bipolar debating the best way to spend the night.
There is no sense of threat associated with Jeong making a joke about how white people have dog-like opinions.
But when it's over, we laugh and joke about it, and we make fun of whoever was transporting that prisoner.
I made a joke about "War Games," but that was the visual of an entrepreneur or a hacker or computer person.
A source told PEOPLE that reports that Davidson was scrapping future plans to joke about his breakup on SNL were false.
The hashtag # is trending on Twitter today as users join in to brag, or joke, about misstatements on their job applications.
Also ... Kim says she cracked a joke about Khloe to President Trump to break the ice during the Oval Office meeting.
Big deals happen two days before, there's no one left and someone makes a joke about filling time during the show.
It's a serious thing to joke about, but at the same time, a lot of artists use humor in their music.
So I told a joke about how when Donald makes it to heaven, Moses will stand there and part his hair.
This movie sees no reason that it should make a joke about how you have seen the fake dating trope before.
If you work in technology there's often a joke about someone tripping over the power cord whenever a server goes down.
Mark Zuckerberg's joke about Facebook's privacy scandals during the company's F8 developer conference didn't land well, CNBC's Jim Cramer said Wednesday.
Or you could even just joke about how they looked like a natural elephant tamer on their recent trip to Thailand.
Last Tuesday, Jimmy Kimmel made a joke about the Easter Egg Roll, which is traditionally put on by the First Lady.
"YES: Donald Trump Jr. Makes Casual Joke About Gas Chambers!" the Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi website, enthused after his comments.
Online, someone might joke about Elizabeth Warren's PLAN for her love life, and Elizabeth Warren might call to work it out.
This excerpt is a joke about beauty with a Halloween twist, because our constructors are forever full of tricks and treats.
Joined by two more Handmaids, they sit around and joke about their dire circumstances as if it were any other day.
He then lightened things up with his impersonation of President Trump and a joke about New York being a Red State.
Players and fans also took to social media to weigh in and joke about one of the game's most intense moments.
Young women aren't just being pulled into Fortnite by way of prom invitations they'll joke about 10 years from now, either.
The situation becomes urgent when Heidi makes a joke about Titanic Rising and Walter has no idea what she's talking about.
The former president, who spoke last, began his tribute with a joke about the boxing legend's plans for his own funeral.
Since the panel, mmDust initially doubled down on his comments, only to joke about them and eventually apologize in a Twitlonger.
But it's also dangerous to joke about mental health and post photos of self-harm and cutting — even if they're fake.
" Fleury continued with a joke about her sexual fantasy involving Hill: "We would meet up in a hotel room at night.
For Mutko's 57th birthday last year, Putin gave him an English phrase-book, an affectionate joke about Mutko's heavily-accented English.
According to EW, that doesn't stop the ongoing joke about the Disney movie Frozen that will pop up in Deadpool 2.
No one seemed to nail a really good joke about the situation but the general strangeness of the situation was enough.
A joke about the Oscar statuette being the perfect man for the moment ("no penis at all") felt a little stale.
The 70-year-old GOP nominee offered a lighthearted joke about Melania's controversial speech at the Republican National Convention this summer.
Seth Moulton, who joined in on a Twitter joke about how he's indistinguishable from some of the other white men running.
They were obviously caught in the heat and passion of that moment, but I think they can joke about it now.
Drake's own fans joke about his lack of varied subject matter; one Twitter user made a bingo card for Scorpion lyrics.
I saw on supervising producer Mike Hollingsworth's Instagram that he wrote the joke about the sex bugs at the grocery store.
The idea that a joke about sexual assault was lazy or bad or offensive was not in the realm of possibility.
You'd think that kind of horrific security breach would prompt some soul-searching, but [insert joke about soulless taxman here] nope.
"I am truly sorry for making a bad joke about [Jarrett's] politics and her looks," Barr said in her official apology.
Hilariously, the actor stayed in character and cracked a joke about having his on-screen fiancée be engaged to someone else.
" Williams joke about her son, adding, "Young Kevin, he really doesn't care about much of anything … you know, jerks at 18.
There, he neglected to bring up his history, though he did, according to Vulture, tell a joke about a rape whistle.
But it's also full of subtle self-mockery, like the running joke about how the creature will only have two eyes.
Look, maybe it's not super great to joke about dying when you've witnessed a huge portion of your friends being slaughtered.
While other White House officials signal to Washington elites at parties that they "get the joke" about Trump, Pence never does.
Last year I tweeted a joke about "Antifa Supersoldiers" and the resulting meltdown by conservative media got me banned from Twitter.
I've been doing this joke about the San Bernardino thing, like they were here for six months, and they just waited.
In one, Christian Sobrino Vega, then Puerto Rico's chief financial officer, appeared to joke about those who died in Hurricane Maria.
It's something Hozoji and Stearns would joke about as they clambered back onto the boat's cramped deck, replaying the near-miss.
But once Jeong landed a perfect joke about Asian accents, the theater erupted with laughter—and I let my guard down.
Spade's clearly still in pain, but had it in him to joke about his first interaction with cops after the crash.
" Even Andy has a mean joke about the SUR alum, saying, "I'm the only guy who hasn't had sex with Kristen?
What will people say when the below image goes from a joke about the future to the reality of the present?
Elon Musk is so hot as a businessman, he can joke about getting into the flamethrower biz ... and instantly make millions.
Gervais' former, mildly edgy joke about terrible behavior was transformed into an opportunity for Gibson to deny the event even happened.
The third star: NBC Sports Boston – Their twitter account decided to make a joke about the Blackhawks playing at Notre Dame.
He and his partner went on to joke about how I could probably "use a drink" once everything was cleared up.
LG: Somebody told me they really liked your joke about "Intel inside" when they told you about the Intel barf bags.
Pete Davidson got stern with a heckler, who made an insensitive joke about Mac Miller during his comedy show Monday night.
A joke about Hollywod's penchant for cosmetic surgery turned into a bit (ha ha) about Gervais' privates during his opening monologue.
"First in war, first in peace, and last in the American League," went the old joke about baseball in the capital.
There's an old economics joke about three guys sitting in a jail cell together, asking what the others are in for.
Brian Dunkleman, the co-host with Ryan Seacrest for the first season, returned to joke about being the show's Pete Best.
Bob Corker of Tennessee, who recently cracked a joke -- well it was sort of a joke -- about a presidential competency test.
A contestant in the Miss Massachusetts pageant dropped out in response to a pageant host's joke about the "Me Too" movement.
It's to everyone's passively racist uncle who pouts that he can't tell that great joke about picking cotton during Thanksgiving anymore.
It's a refreshing concept and the two work wonderfully with each other as they joke about their relationship and forthcoming baby.
Hyde-Smith's joke about attending a public hanging if invited by a supporter became public November 11 and quickly went viral.
Someone is selling a $500 Silicon Valley investor 'starter kit' as a joke about how venture capitalists all dress the same
Sanchez has been on such a tear that his teammates openly joke about how high their expectations for him have reached.
Matchbox Twenty singer Rob Thomas was booed for making a racist joke about Aboriginal Australians during a concert on Saturday night.
Hart, who just had his third child, used his 6-minute opening monologue to fire off joke after joke about parenthood.
Bharara sprinkled the hour-long speech with humor, including a joke about the size of the crowd clearly aimed at Trump.
Our critics weigh in on Chris Rock and the Oscar whiteout, and the host's joke about Asians is provoking a backlash.
Last week I made a joke about how few registered Republicans there are in Washington D.C., and apparently some were offended.
For most, it's no more than a fantasy, something they joke about with friends after a long day at the office.
I used to joke about his "ticking biological clock" and how he told me he wanted to have kids by 30.
Rock made a joke about how he didn't want PUSHA-T to diss him, and then got a bit more serious.
And then triple platinum was just a joke about where we were in our career, we hadn't even made gold yet.
I love those memes where meme makers started making memes about themselves — like, kids who joke about being professional meme makers.
What a perfect joke about the silliness of band names and the currency and self-importance of being in a band.
Several minutes later, Biden made another joke about the accusations, when he welcomed a male child onstage, according to the Times.
Brzezinski responded Thursday morning by tweeting a photo in reference to a popular joke about the size of Trump's hands. pic.twitter.
In her Netflix stand-up special, "Growing," Amy Schumer makes a warm joke about the newly enlightened culture around sexual harassment.
But Trump's most notable comments came during an attack on a female senator that included a joke about the #metoo movement.
One joke about it is plenty; two is diminishing; three plus two speeches and a song is nearly a comedy killer.
Nathan Lane accused Weinstein of assaulting him at Hillary's 53rd birthday party after he made a joke about Rudy Giuliani's combover.
Quicksilver (Evan Peters) even cracks a joke about the X-Men "doing space missions now," something missing from the other trailers.
Bernie Sanders made a joke about about Republicans at Sunday's Democratic debate that the audience cheered, but maybe they shouldn't have.
They joke about their age difference — when she teases him for being a cradle robber, he calls her a grave robber.
He knew Trump would be tuned in, and we've seen Trump continue to joke about Russian election interference since that interview.
Occasionally the subject of whether I had children would come up, and I'd make a joke about probably having a bunch.
That concept is something that also resonated with my close friend [the artist] Dave Choe, so we always joke about that.
I have had some men say, 'No, you shouldn't joke about men, you should make your show less feminist, more egalitarian.
At the 2016 Golden Globes ceremony, Gervais's opening monologue included a joke about Caitlyn Jenner that many viewers read as transphobic.
It was a joke about a trans person, but the joke had nothing to do with that aspect of her existence.
But Bong used the opportunity to make a gentle joke about American audiences' reticence to watch movies that aren't in English.
There is a family joke about a stubborn mood ring given to Mr. Casey in the 1970s: It never changed colors.
After years of complaining about commentators talking about her hairdos, she did an about-face and began to joke about it.
People often joke about fiber's magical ability to keep things (ahem) moving, but ingestable roughage does much more than relieve constipation.
Hosts would joke about the lack of ads but also told fans why advertising would eventually become necessary to generate revenue.
When Mr. Ahn made a joke about immigrant parents and the excruciating burden of their expectations, many in the room laughed.
Fortunately, it doesn't appear anybody was hurt by the runaway beast ... and Stark was able to joke about it all afterward.
Or that if comedians want to joke about rape, they should write their jokes very carefully because rape is very horrible.
They joke about and roll their eyes at him and make excuses for him, rather than speaking up or stepping in.
"At times, Jany Leveille would laugh and joke about dying in Jihad as would Subhanna Wahhaj," according to the court document.
Musk reportedly reached out the singer after discovering she had already made the same joke about an AI theory on Twitter.
Karlan excoriated Trump (later apologizing for making a joke about his son Barron after some all-too-expected outrage from Republicans).
Some stranded passengers turned to social media to find out more, provide updates, vent their frustrations and joke about the delay.
Trump proceeded to joke about Russians being spotted in states that he won during the 2016 presidential election, including West Virginia.
He said, 'If you want people to forget that you were jerking off, just make a joke about kids getting shot.
"As a Native, Trump's tweet was equivalent to making a 'joke' about 9/11, Pearl Harbor or the Holocaust," she said.
When the interviewer made a joke about de Armas "screaming at people" in a short skirt, the actress responded with sarcasm. 
"I've never really watched 'Everybody Loves Raymond' but whenever there's a joke about a nagging wife or whatever, we're like, "Raymond!
The two men never met in person, although they had a running joke about his getting a haircut, Mr. Artyomenko said.
Aside from the occasional good-natured joke about my shortcomings, the lads I play with are generally incredibly respectful towards me.
Ricky Gervais used part of his Golden Globes opening monologue to joke about Leonardo DiCaprio&aposs penchant for dating younger women.
None of this is to suggest that we should take Depp's joke about assassinating President Trump to be a genuine threat.
Originally it was my little joke about Elizabeth Gaskell, but there are jokes that are too insider for a children's book.
She loves to joke about all things bodily and will talk about alien life, scatology, politics, and painting in equal measure.
After giving the required "We can't let bad behavior slide anymore," line in his opening and a flat joke about how the Oscar statue keeps his hands where they belong, the rest of the show was filled with yet more stale food delivery stunts and an ongoing bizarre The Price Is Right joke about a jet ski.
From where I stand, Levine popped this photo into one of Twitter's filters and thought to make a funny joke about it.
My friends still joke about how the only thing they think of when they hear it is how shitty my car was.
Donald Trump made a risqué joke about the sex life of the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia to his widow, Maureen.
It's funny that you mentioned Raw, because you guys have a running joke about trying not to say things that are problematic.
And this trailer contains traces of that sentiment, from a joke about the women's friendships to how comically awful Marnie has become.
Jamie Foxx made a super timely joke about Black History Month and white chicks ... which we're sure Katie Holmes is gonna love.
The hashtag started as a joke about a bullied YouTube star before another YouTuber turned it into the Twitter shut down hoax.
And I remember one of my -- one of my buddies made a joke about should Charles go on Dancing with the Stars.
And -- and like -- like, you know, I&aposd killed my mother and -- and we came to joke about this over the years.
"For anyone to joke about this situation is disgusting and I think he should publicly apologize for it," she told the Mirror.
"We laugh at things that other people wouldn't joke about - it's our way of surviving very sensitive and difficult issues," he says.
While a Leo may crack a joke about someone passing schwag around the party, they will partake and have a good time.
MTV News adds that the now-deleted photo even included a joke about his hair-care routine, mentioning Mane and Tail shampoo.
For every distinctive idea, there's a generic joke about how science teachers are socially maladroit geeks, or high school girls are catty.
It's unfortunate that a joke about Trump's accent roped in comments of homophobia, racism, and sexual assault, mainly because of the irony.
A future mafia run by stereotypically greedy jews, for example, could only work as a joke about the fictitious creators' blind spots.
We joke about how if you can chop up an onion for dinner, you can squeeze a lime, it's not that hard.
He reportedly edited one joke about his fake "25,000 square-foot penthouse atop [a] solid-gold space station" to 50,000 square feet.
It's a confirmation that Trump, at the very least, finds it perfectly acceptable to joke about and make light of such violence.
A couple of red carpets ago, there was a certain TV host who made an ill-timed joke about Zendaya's faux locs.
With the exception of our president, who had just tweeted a joke about genocide, this wasn't an especially bad weekend in America.
It's fun to joke about consumer companies relying on their archrivals, but the incident comes at a particularly challenging time for Huawei.
They joke about Western teachers' inability to pronounce their names, and about being embarrassed when they brought pungent homemade lunches to school.
He consulted with Mr. Plotnick about blocking, and on the spot rewrote a joke about a dummy landing splat on the stage.
Obama himself cracked a joke about getting Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland confirmed through a "Red Wedding"-style political takeover in 2016.
The $420 share price cutoff he suggested was, in part, a joke about weed meant to impress his girlfriend, the musician Grimes.
The ring leader, a tall blonde, makes a joke about the missing girls, comparing them to the "dead" town of Wind Gap.
After being introduced by former Miss Universe Alicia Machado at the rally, Clinton cracked a joke about Trump finding fault with her.
THERE IS AN old Army joke about a sergeant-major who asks his platoon whether any of them are interested in music.
Of course, Saint's grunt didn't sound anything like the noises seals make — something his mother appeared to joke about in her video.
According to Page Six, Brzezinski and Scarborough appeared to joke about alleged romance rumors between the two co-hosts on-air Thursday.
The comments are notably conciliatory — though Greene prefaced his comments with a subtle joke about "having a lot of thoughts" on Fortnite.
But just because she's happily standing by her man doesn't mean Kardashian can't joke about her husband's controversial return to the spotlight.
Things were going mostly OK. I did a joke about how a mother abandoned her eight-year-old kid during a tsunami.
On Monday we all made the same joke about how we hoped P.K. Subban would grab the trophy and dance with it.
Parents used to joke about offspring being valuable for exemptions, but, in reality, my two daughters actually have a dollar value: $21,2600.
Actor Mark Ruffalo sent a political message to his Twitter followers with a joke about the next film in the "Avengers" franchise.
Farhad: I was just trying to think of a snappy joke about Brexit, but I'm too worried about a global financial apocalypse.
George's initial default was to joke about it -- saying it's must-see TV like the Super Bowl -- but then it turned serious.
Comedy fans unable to stomach one more joke about the president now have a way to separate their laughs from their politics.
Many chastised the company for making a joke about the worst attack on U.S. soil since Pearl Harbor was bombed in 1941.
"It's the difference between a drunk uncle telling a knock-knock joke about Mexicans at Thanksgiving versus Mark Twain," Mr. Joyce said.
During that time, we ran into a fellow parent, a mother of two children, and Stacy made a nervous joke about it.
When Rachel says, "You need to get over me," it's both a wry joke about tragic romances, and an actual tragic romance.
On Tuesday, Thornberry said he had no inside information on Mattis's fate and instead pointed back to Mattis's joke about the reports.
And then, Craig made a funny little joke about how Apple should add even more to iTunes like a calendar and email.
Barr, 65, then apologized "for making a bad joke" about Jarrett, who is black and was born in Iran to American parents.
Was someone going to pop out and make a terrible joke about it not being a gouda day for the boys' team?
Noah can be seen making a joke about Aboriginal women in the video, which was first shared by Australian photographer, LaVonne Bobongie.
TOTAL RECALL Quiz time Actress Emma Stone yelled out this when Sandra Oh made a joke about "whitewashing" at the Golden Globes.
After all, the long-standing joke about Washington has always been that the city runs on lots of talk and little action.
Doctors frequently joke about the annual "wellness" lectures at our various institutions that advise us to avoid burnout by practicing self-care.
But there was that PR person, Justine Sacco, who had tweeted out a bad joke about AIDS and traveling to South Africa.
She is so unplugged, she said, her friends sometimes joke about sending their children to her to keep them off their devices.
As a longtime cannabis consumer, and being an expert in etiquette, people would always joke about me writing a book about cannabis.
When I was teaching, I learned the lesson; I had just started teaching in 1983 and I made a joke about it.
It's so infuriating when I'm flirting with a guy, and, out of nowhere, he just makes a joke about my skin color.
Was supposed to be joke about royals vs circus animals in posh clothes but interpreted as about monkeys & race, so rightly deleted.
At cocktail hour, expatriate wives morbidly joke about having an emergency stash of cash at home in case their husbands suddenly die.
They then apologized to each other, and went on to joke about the size of their respective vaginas and struggles with incontinence.
She set a brazenly attention-getting tone from the start with an obscene joke about why women prefer slot machines to men.
Mr. Abbott made a remark at a gun range in Austin last month that some interpreted as a joke about shooting reporters.
"Here I see a lot of comedians make a joke about the president," said Mr. Kazadi, whose relatives still live in Congo.
Both of us have been awkwardly invited into opportunities to "joke" about Asian and Aboriginal people by white people here in Australia.
"We had an ongoing joke about him cutting chairs and saving $20 in the back room," Jenkins says, laughing along with Pine.
And, thanks to the hostless ceremony, Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel were able to make a joke about Alexa taking their jobs.
The "Friends" actress who played Ross and Rachel&aposs baby has referenced a joke about the show to mark the new year.
"I don't think we are ever going to be on a unity ticket; we joke about it all the time," he said.
"It's not fun to joke about those things in July, but I do know there is no vehicle over there," Meadows said.
When Mac starts dating a transgender woman, the gang call her a slur instead of her name and joke about her genitals.
"You'd probably hear a joke about being able to Google people's property values with ease," he said of his stand-up routines.
Eventually the author comes to question his prehab creation: I made a dad joke about not lighting up, but Sebastian wasn't laughing.
Presidents don't go out and constantly "joke" about invading countries, or about their economic policies, or about their political opponents being terrorists.
Domestic violence is nothing to ruin a man's life over, the idea seems to be, but even a joke about political violence?
Johnny Depp apparently didn't learn a damn thing from Kathy Griffin ... he just went and made a joke about killing President Trump.
But he is then talking about poisoning dogs so I think you need a change, you can't make a joke about that.
READ: Clinton approves of Obama's WHCD joke about her Trump said Monday that he had plenty of foreign policy experience from his business.
The Double Dutchess singer looked visibly uncomfortable but remained professional, even when Williams made an odd joke about Duhamel no longer being attractive.
My guess there is that the parallels between Twisty and the Zodiac Killer come back into play with a joke about Ted Cruz?
Sometimes, sorting through our closet can feel overwhelming (there's a reason so many joke about having a packed wardrobe, but nothing to wear).
Talking Points Memo's Josh Marshall calls these people "dignity wraiths," part of a running joke about how Trump has dominated the Republican party.
Demi Moore made an eyebrow-raising joke about how her ex-husband Bruce Willis got cast in one of his career-defining roles.
" We always joke about how, in a Jennifer Aniston movie, she walks into her nice apartment building and the doorman's like, "Hi, Mrs.
The legendary actor was having none of Morgan's antics on Saturday when the news anchor tried to make a joke about his name.
They&aposve made a joke about the shooting of these people and they said, ah, well, at least they were country music fans.
Corinne adds Tori cracked a joke about not wanting to head straight home ... and then there was the "naked" hands quip about Tori.
Instead, it asks invitees to "gather round"—a joke about the impressively circular Steve Jobs Theater that the event will be held at.
There are some topics that presidents should just not joke about publicly lest they make allies nervous or embolden adversaries, Litt told Reuters.
He briefly appeared on the show in April to joke about Ellen's ongoing retweet challenge to a teen who requested free chicken nuggets.
In this trailer he falls backward into a pool in slow motion, for me, and for a meta joke about the original Baywatch.
That's another potentially powerful development, but it mostly surfaces via a couple of throwaway lines, and one joke about LeFou's Gaston-whispering talents.
"I am truly sorry for making a bad joke about her politics and her looks," she wrote before announcing she was leaving Twitter.
It was, for all intents and purposes, the most low-stakes TV contest ever to occur, a joke about a funny TV trend.
She was just clapping back at people who were commenting on her tan and hair and wanted to make a joke about it.
THERE IS an old joke about a new arrival in Hell, who is given the choice by Satan of two different working environments.
And if you do, watch what you say about it—a joke about horse-penis sausage recently got a guy deported from Kyrgyzstan.
But Washington insiders think standing at a podium and saying all this calmly is professional, and telling a joke about it is cruel.
Pete Davidson is taking all the heat for his terrible "joke" about wounded veterans ... and somehow no one is blaming it on 'SNL.
The running joke about men not being able to use both "heads" at once was literally true with me for a few months.
Second of all, you're likely all-too-familiar with "Justice for Barb," the online campaign/joke about the dearly-departed Stranger Things character.
The man in front of her, a guy with a terrible mustache and a plaid shirt, makes some stale joke about peeing fast.
"My girlfriend and I were fooling around on the couch or something and she made a joke about a horse," says another moderator.
The actor shared on Twitter that his now-canceled adult comedy series about Deadpool was set to feature a joke about the singer.
Step seven: A funny thing happened on the way Whatever the annoyance, make a joke about it, even if it's a bad one.
One dark net neutrality joke about the alt-right news site Breitbart as the only site with video capabilities picked up some steam.
WH official's alleged joke about McCain sparks backlash A White House official reportedly mocked John McCain's health; Bryan Llenas reports on the reaction.
There's also an ongoing joke about a fake crowdfunding service called Quickstarter, and, at one point, the game spoofs the Ace Attorney series.
I did a very mild joke about Donald Trump in Portland, Oregon, and a guy threw a bottle of beer at my head.
Samba returned to England with Plymouth, where he would joke about his Championship Manager fame with another of the game's legends, Bojan Djordjic.
Trebek, who is known for his straight-faced but witty banter with contestants, made a joke about his vow to survive the disease.
Apart from a weak, instantly dated joke about Twitter, the comedy is lively and rambunctious, and it works well to establish the characters.
He started off with some lame cliché joke about how the bachelor party was crazy and that they'd never talk about it again.
Still, Kondabolu found it necessary to back off at times, cutting short a joke about white people not liking being called white people.
After making a joke about Deadpool being nominated for a People's Choice award, things became heated between the actor and Britain's favorite bear.
A Democratic congressman has apologized for making a lewd joke about White House adviser Kellyanne Conway's now-infamous Oval Office couch picture. Rep.
The couple announced their pregnancy as only they could, with a kind of gross but ultimately anodyne joke about how babies are made.
Older desi, not just me and Shanker but Kondabolu's own parents (who joke about his "Apu hair") see Apu as a minor inconvenience.
As the panel wrapped up, Prince Mohammed decided to make a joke about allegations he kidnapped Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri last year.
Years later, after a stint with the Wings, Shand came to know Howe fairly well, and they used to joke about the play.
" From the Valley to the White House The joke about Garcetti's background at City Hall is that the mayor is "1/8 everything.
After the initial shock at the president's betrayal of the his country wore off, Twitter did what Twitter does best: joke about it.
" That comment drew fire from Booker, who demanded Biden apologize and admonished him by saying, "You don't joke about calling black men 'boys.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Thursday made an awkward joke about "chlorinated chickens" while meeting with Vice President Mike Pence in London.
We take the joke about Rabbit Angstrom's missing "Å" to be obvious lunacy; but what if our character is deadly serious about it?
In Kiev recently, a working mother told me the joke about how Ukrainians are raised by same-sex couples: their mothers and grandmothers.
THERE IS AN old joke about a new arrival in Hell, who is given the choice by Satan of two different working environments.
Rather than joke about the headlines of the day, Handler will be looking at wider, broader topics ... and then presumably joking about them.
He responded with joke about the growing piles of dead bodies at the morgue in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria in September 2017.
They used it to joke about other historical events that Trump certainly did not attend, and also to show off their Photoshop skills.
"It's illegal to talk about abortion, it's practically illegal to have an abortion, now it's illegal to even joke about abortion," says Veronica.
Like the old joke about one hiker saying to another, "I don't have to outrun the bear — I only have to outrun you"?
Example: in olden times, I would be a jester who was famously slaughtered after making a mean joke about the town's beloved pig.
Schumer eventually let her followers know that her thigh-gap joke was not aimed at Swift, but was just a joke about herself.
I posted a throwaway joke about buyer's remorse, and within an hour someone had messaged me asking if I wanted to sell it.
You know, people have been sort of making a joke about Google Plus; nobody used it, and by the way, nobody used it.
Using large text and sing-songy interstitials, Wurtz is a man who doesn't love capitalization but loves a good joke about ancient civilization.
No, not a cheap joke about Brexit — yesterday it announced a three-year regulatory review to "pave the way for self-driving cars".
" In the process, she resembles her mother who liked to joke about her own terminal disease, "Dying isn't the end of the world.
A pair of elegant black pumps with rosy interiors and deliberately bumpy surfaces are a flinty joke about gender roles, sex and mortality.
While discussing said movie later on, you joke—well, sort of jokeabout how you hated something about it; was it the experience?
It recasts the events of his life as the exploits of a drug-addled sociopath desperately recycling the same joke about answering machines.
He encouraged the parents to meditate to reduce their stress and at one point made them laugh with a joke about lottery numbers.

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