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204 Sentences With "jibe with"

How to use jibe with in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "jibe with" and check conjugation/comparative form for "jibe with". Mastering all the usages of "jibe with" from sentence examples published by news publications.

But the results jibe with previous work on the topic.
How does that jibe with an intense desire to win?
But what does jibe with the standard Republican Party platform here?
Premiums can feel incongruous if they don't jibe with the nonprofit's mission.
Those results at the district level jibe with the broader competitiveness statewide. Sen.
None of these positions jibe with the stated philosophy of the party leader.
Does that jibe with anything we've seen in the past or common sense?
Such public affirmations of traditional domesticity certainly don't jibe with life chez Trump.
Some of Kavanaugh's Yale classmates said that it didn't jibe with his character.
But fairness wouldn't jibe with the story's plans for Marlo, much less enlightenment.
But how does that jibe with what I saw at the opera house?
You can also program its dialogue and appearance to jibe with your company's vibe.
And then, there are many hair types that don't jibe with this "miracle" product.
But it doesn't jibe with what I know about our show, so you recover.
Her pink obsession and designs didn't jibe with the look Fossil was going for.
That world full of possibilities doesn't jibe with Mr. Trump's world full of danger.
Neither particularly jibe with Eddy Cue's whole, "We're not after quantity, we're after quality" spiel.
But they do jibe with some other indicators showing inflation is rising beneath the surface.
The survey suggests, however, that agents' attitudes do not necessary jibe with the president's claims.
I never believed them, because they didn't jibe with my experiences as a child psychologist.
The results also jibe with some of Kaplan and Harris's past work on religious beliefs.
How does that jibe with this book, which suggests people can take control of their future?
Neither side is expected to accept a lower court decision that doesn't jibe with its stance.
But the DOJ's decision to block AT&T's Time Warner acquisition didn't jibe with that narrative.
Mike: Honestly, this kind of idealism seems to jibe with my limited experience with security engineers.
These findings jibe with the research of Robin Dunbar, a professor of evolutionary psychology at Oxford.
Does this surprising secret identity jibe with what we know from Moore and Gibbons's original book?
That doesn't jibe with anything Garland puts on the screen about Lena's final confrontation with her double.
She calls herself "antisocial," though the adjective didn't jibe with her warmth and animation in that company.
This sort of talk didn't jibe with the impressions of some of those who had met Legan.
The trouble with all these theories, however, is that they don't jibe with the age of the star.
What she means is that the inhaler doesn't jibe with the characterization of Naz as a coldblooded murderer.
That isn't likely to jibe with a president who doesn't appear to appreciate any limitations to his power.
Still, they jibe with what Tiffany Zhong, who became a venture capitalist as a teenager, found in 2014.
Sometimes I try something and it doesn't jibe with my style, so I have to lay it aside.
He realizes that her image-driven tactics don't jibe with his "I'm just trying to stay real" credo.
And who ignores expert opinions based solely on the fact that they don't jibe with his own view.
However, if the findings don&apost jibe with your personal taste in music, don&apost sweat it too much.
So will Connor S.'s penchant for all things adventurous and fear-inducing jibe with Hannah's naturally nervous energy?
But a majority of the justices seem sceptical that Texas's standards for measuring intellectual disability jibe with their precedents.
How does Disqus's professed commitment to eradicating hate speech jibe with the prevalence of hate speech on its platform?
That would make sense and jibe with the show's strategy of taking on subjects that are very nearly historical.
Still, the HomePod's slow start would seem to jibe with news that the product failed to meet Apple's expectations.
What's weird is that other choices around 2049's production and promotion seem to jibe with the original's vision.
The purchase application numbers don't seem to jibe with a new survey showing increased optimism for homebuying among renters.
Those statistics jibe with more recent data from Carl Chinn, a church-security consultant based in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Trump claimed footage of the event did not jibe with the number of people he saw from the stage.
Kelly's defense -- and defensiveness -- simply doesn't jibe with what we know of the timeline of events surrounding Porter's firing.
His whole approach just didn't jibe with the reality I knew at home, or anywhere else for that matter.
Those observations jibe with the findings of a large-sample, multistate poll conducted by BlackPAC, first highlighted by the Atlantic.
Over several months of dating, Orenstein detected that her paramour had some political leanings that didn't jibe with her own.
Some top restaurants in New York are now changing this custom to jibe with the new economics of minimum wage.
But the amount of control she feels she possesses over her life doesn't quite jibe with the reality of it.
He wants to filter intelligence — on the most serious of national security issues — that doesn't jibe with his personal narrative.
Dr. Langsrud says that you should wash your sponge after each use, which doesn't quite jibe with Dr. Egert's study.
The move seems to jibe with Trump's disregard for outlets that don't cover him as he would like to be covered.
The storage is, as always, the eye-wateringly expensive upgrade that doesn't really jibe with the cost of the actual components.
President Donald Trump's robust economic growth projections in the new budget proposal don't jibe with reality, CNBC's Jim Cramer said Tuesday.
These results jibe with those of previous studies that have linked classical music (played  outside  the womb, not intravaginally) to infant stimulation.
Still, that "conscience" line didn't quite jibe with the rest of the speech, which was about Cruz's broad ideological agreements with Trump.
Plepler had ideas about technology and international expansion that didn't jibe with Stankey's vision, according to a person familiar with the matter.
One Trump official said it did not "jibe" with the Trump White House's goals on climate change, a source told the Post.
This finding seems to jibe with Dr. Brown's research, suggesting that the less men risk emoting verbally, the more appealing they appear.
"The Real Housewives of Toronto" producers allegedly dumped one of their cast members when her pregnancy didn't jibe with their shooting schedule.
This could be helpful if the embarrassing music you listen to in private doesn't exactly jibe with the persona on your public profile.
Rilke's flowery — and daresay twee — verses do not jibe with today's tastes for cut-and-dry clarity, blasé irony, and Tweet-able brevity.
His findings — based on the general characteristics of the Model 3 that Tesla has released — generally jibe with estimates by some Tesla observers.
Pew's results jibe with other reports this season that have traced the ebb of retail cash from brick-and-mortar to the web.
I know that statement doesn't seem to jibe with the steady stream of bad news and cynicism we're fed on television and Twitter.
How does that jibe with this idea of what we're currently going through, that it feels like people are being forgiven too easily?
But his continuing search for zénitude does not necessarily jibe with the prickly attitude that has helped propel him to his biggest triumphs.
Todd: I'll admit I couldn't jibe with the doctor's story, but I couldn't quite put my finger on why until you brought it up.
The floor was redesigned a year ago to jibe with the working environment software engineers expect: open plan with no offices or assigned desks.
Chase has used the same mindset to apply growth-based tactics to social-justice causes, some of which wouldn't typically jibe with GOP principles.
If clients don't think they jibe with the Homepolish designer, they notify the queen bee and — as simply as swiping on Tinder — are rematched.
Over the years, Pollan's critics have argued that his farmer's market-driven food evangelism doesn't jibe with the financial realities of low-income Americans.
Trump tweeted out a call for more spending on health care, which doesn't really jibe with his budget's proposed massive cuts to Medicaid spending.
Editorial Observer There is something particularly Orwellian about accusing a librarian of hate crimes because books under her care don't jibe with government propaganda.
But in the case of the 24th District, the party's priorities do not always jibe with the interests of those closer to the scene.
That word, which the New York Times used in a front page headline on Sunday morning, just doesn't jibe with their "stiff upper lip" mentality.
"I know that statement doesn't seem to jibe with the steady stream of bad news and cynicism we're fed on television and Twitter," he said.
Quinn recommends that families look for online resources that jibe with their kids' interests, otherwise the sheer number of them out there can be overwhelming.
" Such comments seem a matter less of false modesty than of existential necessity, and jibe with her definition of herself: "I'm a pretty antisocial Socialist.
But they jibe with some politicians' sense that voters may indeed be more receptive, or at least less resistant, to lesbians than to gay men.
For example, your parents may be too ill to care for your older children or your sister's parenting style might no longer jibe with yours.
"He knows that projects which may have put Qatar on the map did not always jibe with the local population," said a Western diplomat in Doha.
It's an ambitious dream to be sure, and one that won't jibe with everyone, but it's an idea worth exploring just to see where it goes.
Louis-Dreyfus noted that it wouldn't really make sense to make jokes about Trump or Clinton, since that wouldn't jibe with the reality of the show.
A chest that was yours as a child, for example, may not jibe with a child's tastes of the moment, but it has a deeper value.
This is sure to cause grumbling on Capitol Hill that McConnell is coordinating with the President in a way that doesn't jibe with his Senate duties.
There's plenty about "Star Wars" that doesn't jibe with Buddhism, not least the fact that Darth Vader -- the supreme personification of evil -- is an avid meditator.
That doesn't jibe with another figure though: 19 percent of women and about 8 percent of men said they weren't exclusively attracted to members of another gender.
Unfortunately, Trump's willingness to ignore the conclusions of experts because it doesn't jibe with what he wants the truth to be isn't isolated to just the climate.
"It didn't jibe with a lot of the goals I had for myself professionally," says Hay, who bussed tables at the legendary restaurant Chez Panisse during college.
That doesn't jibe with her original "it's a privilege" response, but what is clear is she's doing her best to be the Miss USA everyone can like.
He could have pretended he was a national progressive hero — but it's hard to make that jibe with a reluctant politician who's always had a local focus.
But it doesn't quite jibe with the report that includes San Antonio as one of Irving's four requested landing sites and perhaps the one he most prefers.
"Apparently that mainstream economic analysis had to be purged because it basically didn't jibe with the Trump team's patter," Wyden said at a Senate Finance Committee hearing.
M.D.: You once told me that you thought Will Ferrell's "backhandedly affectionate" portrayal of W. helped sway the 2000 election, even though that didn't jibe with Ferrell's politics.
But his new plan doesn't exactly jibe with the Department of Education's current stance on student loan debt — it's more in line with, say, progressive Democrats like Sen.
Which wouldn't be a problem if Melania's version of her visit were rooted in reality, but her take doesn't exactly jibe with the real lives of Saudi women.
It's a shocking scene to watch — and it's one that churns up all those old urges to jibe with a pushy crew while making your own boundaries clear.
That does jibe with another component of the Fannie Mae survey, which found an increase in the share of respondents saying they weren't worried about losing their jobs.
His truth may not jibe with Kanye's truth, but their warts-and-all openness makes them relatable to their massive audiences in ways tales of pushing weight don't.
The initial copy comes directly from AccuWeather; it's largely rewritten to fit into the fixed five-line box of text — and to jibe with New York Times style.
Those kind of behaviors, combined with the cases where many more accusers come forward after the first one, seem to me to jibe with the life-course persistent idea.
The filmmaker wanted him to design a pair of sneakers that would jibe with the hoverboard-riding future of 2015 envisioned by Back to the Future II. **His solution?
How do you know when you've found a guy you jibe with well enough to enter into the initial stages of what could end up being a lifelong bond?
I'm guessing the players association will discover more than a few things with this new policy that don't jibe with the last collective bargaining agreement, signed in August 2011.
People who are interested in a topic have already formed opinions of their own and are likely to discredit any source that does not jibe with the historical record.
Sanders and his supporters have accused the DNC of running a rigged nomination process intended to snuff out candidates whose views don't jibe with those of the Democratic establishment.
The company "may not jibe with the stronger economy I've been talking about, but the company is a standout performer and the device stocks are red hot," Cramer said.
With Trump in town for the Republican convention last week, Portman, who is supporting Trump, was asked by reporters how his position on free trade could jibe with Trump's.
But he adds it's unlikely that sponsored Sussex content would resemble your typical #ad—promos for weight loss teas and hair gummies don't exactly jibe with the royal brand.
Still, Mnuchin's sanguine outlook on the situation doesn't jibe with any of these reports, and his ignorance of the major near-term impact is somewhat ridiculous, given the numbers.
"This idea that America is somehow on the verge of collapse, this vision of violence and chaos everywhere, doesn't really jibe with the experience of most people," the president said.
While that doesn't totally jibe with Airbnb's "100 percent verified" goal, Chesky says the company eventually wants to get to a point where the company can verify new listings immediately.
While widespread Internet and email use has made Americans more vulnerable to problems like hacking and identity theft, Trump's view of computers doesn't seem to jibe with that of most Americans.
The weakest parts of the book have him proclaiming a humble altruism that simply doesn't jibe with the more complicated (and, frankly, more interesting) person he otherwise reveals himself to be.
The problem with all of that is simple: There are any number of elements of the story the Saudis are telling that have either changed or don't jibe with known facts.
But the portrait of national abortion rights organizations as having become complacent, especially during the Obama presidency, does not at all jibe with my years of experience working for such organizations.
"It's hard not to wonder how those cuts jibe with the president's often repeated pledge to invest in infrastructure," said Brian Turmail, a spokesman for the Associated General Contractors of America.
But that doesn't jibe with the evidence accumulated over the last year, which suggests that sexism was rife in the Texas Tech biology department, especially among some of its most senior faculty.
"White nationalism is more the idea that whites should dominate," he said, that the culture should dominate and policies that jibe with the idea should be supported, such as opposing nonwhite immigration.
Twitter might consider adding premium subscription features to TweetDeck, but likely won't charge all users because the reduced access wouldn't jibe with what Twitter wants to be, according to COO Anthony Noto.
Make it Suck Less: SuperFeet Insoles Run Pain ReliefIf you're running in shoes that don't jibe with your feet, you're more likely to use bad running mechanics, which can lead to pain.
Essentially, we're starting to build unrealistic expectations for a tech-driven nirvana that doesn't clearly jibe with the realities of the modern world, particularly in the time frames that are often discussed.
An intelligence analyst's job is to present unvarnished analysis and to flag issues that may not be on the President's radar, even if they don't jibe with his views or campaign promises.
Garrett's reelection race presents banks and investors with a fascinating—and excruciating—moral dilemma: Do they follow their financial interests and continue supporting a chairman whose antiregulatory views largely jibe with their own?
The workers' accounts jibe with stories from detained advocates in other incidents and follow an established pattern of Chinese police interrogation, according to Patrick Poon, a Hong Kong-based researcher at Amnesty International.
The findings of the University at Buffalo seem to jibe with an MIT study earlier this year that found false news stories were 70 percent more likely to be retweeted than true stories.
"This idea that America is somehow on the verge of collapse, this vision of violence and chaos everywhere, doesn't really jibe with the experience of most people," Obama said at the White House.
For Clinton, the challenge ahead is deciding whether cloaking herself in the conventional mantle of experience and sobriety distinguishes her from Trump but might not jibe with public anger at the Washington establishment.
So the different stances and voices in the market do make people confused, no matter whether Saudi and Russia's actions jibe with their words, this kind of news drew the ire from Iran.
That said, it could just be that Glover and his brother's vision for Deadpool didn't jibe with Marvel's long-term plans for the companion film series, the sequel for which comes out in May.
" During a White House news conference with the president of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, Mr. Obama said that any "vision of violence and chaos everywhere doesn't really jibe with the experience of most people.
While "Deadpool" doesn't exactly jibe with Disney's conservative image, CEO Bob Iger calmed fans' fears last year by assuring them that the franchise would remain the R-rated exception to the superhero movie rule.
I believe that statements on the controversy that begin, "I believe Blasey," or "I believe Kavanaugh" — because they jibe with personal experience or align with a partisan motive — are empirically worthless and intellectually dishonest.
The same "post-work society" described by technorati might also jibe with, though not completely fulfill, a Marxist prescription for labor in which workers aim to free themselves from the tyranny of the job market.
Now word comes, specifically from 9News's Mike Klis, that Talib has told those close to him that he accidentally shot himself, which doesn't quite jibe with his earlier story of being too drunk to remember.
The poll's findings jibe with other exit polls that showed health care played a key roll in the election of Northam over Republican nominee Ed Gillespie, by a margin of 5913 percent to 45 percent.
Mr. Trump's stance, expressed in a Twitter post, does not necessarily jibe with the positions of the Republican Party and the National Rifle Association, whose endorsement Mr. Trump frequently boasts about on the campaign trail.
If there's a problem with the portrayal, it's that Wilson radiates an intelligence and pragmatism (as she always does) that don't entirely jibe with what we're seeing — how could Alison have been fooled so completely?
And though Graham's centrist leanings on immigration don't jibe with Trump's hard-line politics, his growing closeness to a president he once openly loathed may prove the best hope for reform in the Trump era.
But McConnell's concern about the AMP bill increasing the deficit doesn't seem to jibe with the fact that he just led the fight to pass a tax bill that increases the deficit by $1.5 trillion.
This implies that the fact-checkers may have less and less influence over time, as more and more citizens encounter fact-checks that don't jibe with their preconceived notions, until the whole exercise becomes pointless.
She also has occasionally spoken out when her take doesn't necessarily jibe with that of the President's -- be it about cyberbullying, which television news channel she prefers or how she feels about NBA superstar LeBron James.
The president's comments jibe with a report posted by South Korean newspaper Munhwa Ilbo, which, citing an unnamed South Korean official, said North and South Korea would announce a peace treaty at the summit next week.
"Madoff" is Mr. Dreyfuss's show, though, and while the charismatic character he puts on screen, generous and loyal to a fault, may not jibe with our impression of the real Mr. Madoff, he's fun to watch.
Trump's Administration is working to dramatically roll back the regulatory state, as well as a host of grant programs that either don't jibe with Trump's policy positions or that the White House believes to be unnecessary.
I think, to me, the premise of the app became a window for exploring that fierce desire to connect and to jibe with our partner – and, of course, how heartbreaking it is when you just can't.
That belief would jibe with action in the bond market, where traders have pushed the 10-year note to around 2.45 percent, a level it last was in early 2018 before an inflation scare took root.
The early ethos of the gay rights movement, which gave rise to the chant "we're here, we're queer, get used to it!" doesn't jibe with now avoiding places that restrict lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights.
John Seago, legislative director at the powerful anti-abortion group Texas Right to Life, told CNN that while the Austin measure might comply with the letter of Texas law, it doesn't exactly jibe with its intent.
While its format may jibe with those of its more glamorous rivals, its rhythms, language and production values are far closer to those of the abundant reality crime shows on channels like A&E and Investigation Discovery.
This seems to jibe with testimonies by Thompson, who told Ultimate Guitar in 2015 (partially archived here) that Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich was adamant about turning down the bass in his drums and in the overall mix.
If more and more creators walk away from Twitter and similar platforms, it'll be a potent demonstration of how the promise of the social web — openness and accessibility — cannot jibe with the artist's need to work things out.
The medium doesn't jibe with unresolvable issues, like holiday malaise or the meaning of life, and even if A Charlie Brown Christmas has a happy ending, what sticks with you is its sense of a very gray December.
As you fill in the rest of the grid you'll see that they're all straightforward, short phrases or terms, but they don't cooperate with the down entries running through them, nor do the circles jibe with the entries.
The changes glaciologists expect around Larsen C jibe with a bigger-picture pattern of ice retreat across the peninsula, including earlier calving events at the neighboring ice shelves Larsen A and B, which scientists have attributed to rising temperatures.
If this were a very faithful adaptation of the campy TV series she'd be right at home, but in the context of the film she's quite over the top and doesn't really jibe with the rest of the movie.
As executives tell investors what they intend to do with their tax savings and their spending plans are tabulated into neat charts and graphs, the reports jibe with what most experts said would happen: Companies are rewarding their stockholders.
These stories did not jibe with numbers put forth by the city attesting to the progress it was making getting through its enormous backlog of repairs; but as the federal investigation also indicates, some of these numbers were manipulated.
Kelton responded to Summers' jibe with a Twitter video clip from the U.S. TV sitcom "Happy Days" famous "jumping the shark" episode in 1977, which has come to connote the moment when an established phenomenon crosses into absurdity or irrelevance.
It just doesn't jibe with all the quantitative evidence from surveys of Trump voters, and it doesn't explain why this seemingly economic-driven revolt is coming at a time when the economy is doing better than it's done in a decade.
The story here may not entirely jibe with history, but it stands as an indictment against media-frenzy snap judgments of complicated stories, and it suggests that there's a lot more to any tabloid tale than what the headlines suggest.
Quantum particles don't follow any of the physical laws that jibe with our common sense — they can appear and reappear in different locations without traveling the distance between, and can exist in a state of "superposition," holding multiple values simultaneously.
He had chosen the video, an episode from an Emmy-winning series that featured a Christian climate activist and high production values, as a counterpoint to another of Gwen's objections, that a belief in climate change does not jibe with Christianity.
Those moves jibe with a series of changes CNN made to its own House ratings on Thursday -- with a handful of Democratic incumbents moving off the competitive list entirely and several Republican incumbents -- including New York's Claudia Tenney in more trouble.
Israel's leaders and public are deaf to warnings by US officials and the remnants of the Israeli "peace camp" that the status quo is not tenable, because such warnings don't jibe with their experience: For Israel, the occupation has no downside.
But as George Washington University's John Sides has noted, this narrative is hard to jibe with the Index of Consumer Sentiment, a long-running measure of America's feelings about the economy, which has fully recovered to its pre-recession levels.
While the moves come amid pressure from the U.S. on trade, some analysts point out how such changes help China achieve its own development goals, which may not jibe with the vision many foreign organizations have for a more market-oriented system.
He also says the experiment was never intended to be tested broadly, which doesn't quite jibe with the existence of a FAQ about a pilot program taking place in several countries around the world, but either way the ads should be gone.
I asked for more information on what exactly in the rules did not jibe with the FTC's; "the data security restrictions," according to an FCC representative, although that doesn't narrow it down much, since much of the rule is dedicated to that topic.
"This idea that America is somehow on the verge of collapse, this vision of violence and chaos everywhere, doesn't really jibe with the experience of most people," Obama said at a White House news conference after meeting with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto.
Philadelphia's epic frontcourt logjam—Noel, Okafor, Joel Embiid, Dario Saric, and Ben Simmons—doesn't jibe with the NBA's positional direction, making it hard to envision a scenario where more than two of those players can be on the floor at the same time.
The lower homicide numbers are still preliminary — and include one announced on Wednesday night — but they jibe with large drops in killings in major cities like Chicago and Detroit, while contrasting with sizable increases in killings in smaller cities like Charlotte and Baltimore.
"This idea that America is somehow on the verge of collapse, this vision of violence and chaos everywhere, doesn't really jibe with the experience of most people," Obama said during a press conference in the White House East Room alongside Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto.
"This idea that America is somehow on the verge of collapse, this vision of violence and chaos everywhere, doesn't really jibe with the experience of most people," Obama said during a press conference in the White House East Room alongside Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto.
But there comes a point where Roy and Sarah's actions and motives in the present just don't seem to jibe with what little we know about the past, and where the mystery of how Alton happened distracts from the mystery of what he's becoming.
"There is a practical puzzle of how a role like this would jibe with the existing cabinet members whose job is to work on the economy," said Austan D. Goolsbee, an economic adviser to President Obama and a professor at the University of Chicago.
Jeffrey L. Bewkes, the Time Warner chief executive, dismissed those fears when we spoke Friday, saying that they don't jibe with the company's business imperatives: to offer the most channels for the best price, and to have its own channels as widely distributed as possible.
Peter Layton, a fellow at the Griffith Asia Institute and former Royal Australian Air Force pilot, said Russia's denials of violating South Korean airspace didn't jibe with data provided by Japan on the A-50s flight path, which showed it maneuvering around the islands.
But Katrina Pierson, a spokesperson for the Trump campaign and an omnipresent figure on cable news this election, thinks she's cracked the case: Leeds is lying, she insists, because her story doesn't jibe with Pierson's personal knowledge of the development of the American aerospace sector.
The climate projections are fairly standard, climate scientist Charles Curry of the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium (PCIC) in Victoria, Canada, and jibe with another recent study by Curry's team of increased future flood risks on Canada's Fraser River, which empties into the Pacific Ocean at Vancouver.
How Centineo pulling a James Bond-lite on a gun runner will jibe with the film's promised "love story" is unclear, but if Condor isn't too busy, I vote we reunite the couple and make them the next Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan for the action set.
Shell-shocked investors anxiously await Trump's next bombshell, as the leader of the free world's style of "governance by impulse" doesn't jibe with the specter of a trade war with China nor a proxy fight with Russia, both of which the president has made jarring actions on.
However, the CBC PAC's endorsement of Capuano didn't exactly jibe with a sense of pride in Pressley's candidacy and an anticipation among members that, if elected, she'd be a dynamic and experienced leader in Washington, according to interviews with top staff and other aides close to black lawmakers.
Since the Hawks have Millsap's Full Bird Rights and can give him a larger contract in years and dollars than anyone else, what Schlenk was really saying is that sacrificing an open cap sheet to bring back a 224-year-old doesn't jibe with where the Atlanta is headed.
On Tuesday, the comedian D. L. Hughley posed a question on Twitter to people who cheered Mr. Cosby's sentence while discounting the accusations against Judge Kavanaugh: Ms. Smith, the jewelry designer, allowed that her satisfaction with Mr. Cosby's sentence might not jibe with her support of the judge.
But there's also just an innate cheerfulness in both the song, with its bouncy chorus and ska-ish guitar upstrokes, and rosy-cheeked lead singer Steve Harwell — a man who got to Guy Fieri's look years before Guy Fieri — that seems to jibe with the hyper-cynical natives of weird Twitter and YouTube.
Reporters back in New York, however, knew that the president's call for an end to "sources" — meaning anonymous sources leaking damaging details of his campaign's relationship with Russian officials — did not jibe with his onetime role as a no-fingerprints gossipmonger, trumpeting his business dealings and romantic life in late-night phone calls.
When he gets extras, or stuff that doesn't really jibe with his personal preference for G4 Cubes, 20th Anniversary Macs and Macintosh Portables, they go up on eBay, which is where you can get that Woz Cinema Display for $400, or a Lisa 2 prototype packed into a Lisa 1 chassis for almost $99,999.
He can only summon the courage to do it after winning a prestigious academic award, and though his dad tells David, "I love you more than I love my own life," he also reiterates that his son's lifestyle doesn't jibe with his own beliefs and that the revelation does, in fact, change something about their relationship.
"With side effects ranging from hair loss and tooth loss to chronic pain, severe bleeding, miscarriages and even death, the benefit risk profile touted by Bayer simply didn't jibe with the data that was pouring into the F.D.A. from both patients and physicians," said Ms. Tomes, who has done pro bono work for an Essure patient advocacy group.
The insistence by Camille's mother, Adora, that Camille shield her from talk of the investigation — particularly her announcement in last week's episode that she was going to treat her adult daughter's reporting trip like a summer vacation — is the ultimate testament to the determination of Wind Gap residents to ignore facts that don't jibe with their preferences.
Graham's painting at the Whitney is called "Kali Yuga," which Wikipedia says is "the last of the four stages the world goes through as part of the cycle of yugas described in the Sanskrit scriptures […] The 'Kali' of Kali Yuga means 'strife', 'discord', 'quarrel' or 'contention,'" a definition that seems to jibe with the mood among artists of the postwar period.
Here are the foods that jibe with the CaitlinLifestyleYouAreWhatGoesInYourMouthTM plan: Acceptable foods: • Kale 
• Dandelion root 
• Locally sourced millet 
• Farm-raised (preferably where the animal is raised on an organic diet as well) duck 
• Truffles 
• Kombucha (made within hours of consuming it) 
• Arame (a sea vegetable collected off the coast of Japan — should be easy to find at your local market) 
• Hemp milk 
Interestingly, it would seem that Hotel Tonight's core function of filling unsold hotel rooms doesn't quite jibe with Airbnb's focus on community and experiences, a point the Journal seemed to indicate may have been a point of contention for Airbnb's leadership:Talks between Airbnb and Hotel Tonight, described by one of the people as informal, have gone cold though they could come back to life.
While the idea of the bumbling neophyte president carelessly ordering a doomed military raid over appetizers may jibe with many people's preexisting fears about Trump, the bottom line is that if the operations plan for the raid was really that flawed, then the blame for the Yemen raid lies primarily at the feet of the nation's military planners, not the new commander in chief.
They didn't jibe with my impression of the writer's appearance as taken from a photograph on the cover of the 1955 paperback edition of "Notes of a Native Son," which I owned and treasured when I was a teenager, and a copy of which you'll find on display toward the start of the exhibition "God Made My Face: A Collective Portrait of James Baldwin" at David Zwirner.
And while ESPN reports that Rhodes did cover Nelson at times in the first half, the assertion that a switch occurred in the first quarter does not necessarily jibe with the stats: While it is hard to believe that an NFL coaching staff wouldn't realize for an entire half that one or more of its players was ignoring instructions, the Vikings as a group do seem confused lately.
That might be seen as a drop in the bucket compared to larger and more carbon-intensive industries—one recent United Nations estimate said worldwide air travel produced 900 million tons of C02 in 2018—but critics say that the film and TV industry, which is full of outspoken progressives concerned about climate change, are producing an unacceptable amount of waste that doesn't jibe with the perception of the business.
Publicly available information on Simmons's life after 1973, when he left the Navy, reveals a certain sort of aimlessness that doesn't jibe with a career in the C.I.A. He worked as a headwaiter at Pisces, a nightclub in Georgetown, and as a manager for Making Waves, an adult-entertainment hot-tub complex in College Park, Md. He played semipro football for the Baltimore Eagles and, in 1978, was invited to try out with the New Orleans Saints.

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