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14 Sentences With "jerk back"

How to use jerk back in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "jerk back" and check conjugation/comparative form for "jerk back". Mastering all the usages of "jerk back" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Let them bite you and don&apost pull away, don&apost jerk back.
We also have advice about how to deal with jerks, without being a jerk back.
We also have advise about how to deal with jerks, without being a jerk back.
Rather, they move in tandem, a choreographed dance that brings them together, and pulls them apart, only to jerk back, like magnets.
With this pass, you'd have license to be a jerk back without feeling bad about it for the rest of the day.
When I went to shake someone's hand at a party, I instinctively scanned their arm for the tiniest jerk back, a moment of hesitation.
The Earth and Mars happen to have days of very similar lengths, which is why, if it were not for the Moon, the Earth's axis would jerk back and forth as Mars's does.
Richard holds Osarobo's elbow from below and sees the scars on this arm that the arm's owner is trying to control, the hand is prepared to jerk back at any moment, the hand is afraid, the hand is a stranger here and doesn't know its way around.
Both are killed. But their bodies suddenly jerk back to life as they're taken over by the white circles, which are actually extraterrestrials. The woman's face is badly cut from smashing into the windshield and the man's left arm has been torn off. When they exit the wrecked car, the male alien, Hauron (Jason Jackson), leaves his severed arm behind.
He was almost 7 years old and a strong contender to win the title again. He was also a fan favorite. Long John was certain to be a world champion bull contender again this year. On Saturday, March 11, in the Verizon Arena, during the PBR Bad Boy Mowdown, in North Little Rock, Arkansas, it took Bruiser 6.49 seconds to jerk back toward the right in order to rip Joao Ricardo Viera's rope out of his left riding hand.
Kramer and Newman try selling Jerry's old records to a used record store but are not satisfied when the owner offers them a very small amount, as the records are all by obscure artists and of minimal interest. Fields tells Jerry he is throwing away of some of his "junk", including some old records. When Jerry invites Kramer and Newman to come pick them up, Fields gets upset at their frantic intrusion and bites Kramer's arm, causing him to jerk back and launch his dentures into the sink. They are promptly destroyed after George (visiting to meet the housekeeper) turns on the garbage disposal, mistaken for a light switch.
Heavy or light traffic within the ride system can cause speed variations as the vehicles try not to enter the specified safety distance between one another. On busy days, each vehicle may slow to a crawl at intervals within the ride path in order to allow the vehicle ahead to gain distance, then suddenly jerk back into higher speed. Because of these unexpected variations in speed, the soundtrack to the ride is not of a specific length, in fact, each scene of the attraction has a pre-selected score to play which is already of a certain length. If the vehicle finds itself remaining in one scene for an extended period of time, the score will play in full or until the vehicle leaves the scene.
Simplified schema of basic nervous system function: signals are picked up by sensory receptors and sent to the spinal cord and brain, where processing occurs that results in signals sent back to the spinal cord and then out to motor neurons The simplest type of neural circuit is a reflex arc, which begins with a sensory input and ends with a motor output, passing through a sequence of neurons connected in series. This can be shown in the "withdrawal reflex" causing a hand to jerk back after a hot stove is touched. The circuit begins with sensory receptors in the skin that are activated by harmful levels of heat: a special type of molecular structure embedded in the membrane causes heat to change the electrical field across the membrane. If the change in electrical potential is large enough to pass the given threshold, it evokes an action potential, which is transmitted along the axon of the receptor cell, into the spinal cord.
Hanging is an ancient mode of execution which was a part of the Roman law (crucification for execution), Anglo-Saxon laws, English Laws and well as German Laws. Hanging as a punishment was a prevalent and standard mode of execution until the abolition of capital punishment in Great Britain in 1965. This traditional method of execution may involve suspending the victim from a gallows or crossbeam until death occurs of asphyxiation, or it may be that the condemned person stands on a trapdoor and when the trap is released he falls several feet until stopped by the rope tied around his neck or a knot in the noose helps jerk back the victim’s head sharply enough to break the neck. In India, as per the current position of law, capital punishment is awarded only in the ‘Rarest of the rare cases’ and the primary mode of execution as given under Section 354(5) of the Criminal Code of Procedure, 1973 is ‘Hanging by neck till death’.

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