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107 Sentences With "jefes"

How to use jefes in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "jefes" and check conjugation/comparative form for "jefes". Mastering all the usages of "jefes" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Curioso que los jefes contraten a semejantes restauradores, a lo mejor se tendrían que restaurar los jefes que los contratan ¿No?
Los autores compararon a 279 jefes de gobierno electos con los 261 candidatos a los que vencieron y que nunca llegaron a ejercer como jefes de gobierno.
Entonces ¿por qué tantos gerentes y jefes tiránicos suelen ascender en las organizaciones?
Deberá, para empezar, consolidar su poder dentro del peronismo: gobernadores, jefes sindicales, sectores económicos, caciques varios.
His tomb is surprisingly modest for the narco once known as 'jefe de jefes' or 'boss of bosses'.
The tequila jefes flew about 50 staffers down south for the company's holiday party at El Dorado Royale resort in Cabo.
In 2002, Argentina introduced the Jefes Programme, which offered a job to the head of every household and paid a basic wage.
Los veintiocho jefes de Estado tendrían que aceptar retrasar la fecha límite, y algunos de ellos ya se mostraron renuentes la última vez.
Los veintiocho jefes de Estado tendrían que aceptar retrasar la fecha límite, y algunos de ellos ya se mostraron renuentes la última vez.
La semana pasada, los jefes de Santos le dijeron que no fuera más a trabajar hasta nuevo aviso, sin ofrecerle continuar pagando su salario.
"Los Jefes" offers a range of sandwiches and burgers, including the chimi (350 pesos), a Dominican-style hamburger with coleslaw, "pink sauce" and caramelized onions.
En las ciudades fronterizas, los jefes de sector se vuelven personajes famosos y figuras de autoridad, e incluso pronuncian informes sobre el estado de la frontera.
Este domingo los Patriotas buscarán mantener su racha ganadora —es la octava ocasión consecutiva que aparecen en una final de conferencia— al enfrentarse a los Jefes.
Jefes participants worked on local community projects such as building and maintaining schools, hospitals and community centers; baking, sewing clothing, and recycling; and repairing sewers and sidewalks.
Siguió pasando con todos los demás jefes de Estado hasta llegar a Macri, quien comenzará a recorrer los mismos pasillos de los tribunales que trasegaron sus antecesores.
Las redacciones de los diarios, transformados en medios digitales, tienen pantallas donde los jefes pueden seguir al segundo —al segundo— la cantidad de personas que cliquea cada artículo.
Muchas de las personas que trabajan detrás de las máquinas de coser están de manera ilegal en el país y no es probable que discutan con sus jefes.
En esta primera etapa del proceso judicial, el testigo estrella ha sido Jesús Zambada García, quien durante años fungió como uno de los principales jefes de logística de Guzmán.
Los líderes locales, conocidos como dons (jefes), se volvieron increíblemente poderosos conforme sus conexiones profundas con Estados Unidos, Canadá y el Reino Unido permitieron que sus empresas criminales se volvieran transnacionales.
Los líderes locales, conocidos como dons (jefes), se volvieron increíblemente poderosos conforme sus conexiones profundas con Estados Unidos, Canadá y el Reino Unido permitieron que sus empresas criminales se volvieran transnacionales.
Dak and Ezekiel Elliott were at Dos Jefes in Dallas on Saturday night (don't worry, they didn't have a game on Sunday) ... and were hanging out with a group in an upstairs area.
Desde que llegó a la judicatura en 1994, Bonadio vio el ascenso y ocaso de casi una decena de presidentes argentinos, además de innumerables jefes de Gabinete y ministros, mientras él seguía en su despacho.
Led by Arturo Beltrán-Leyva — nicknamed "El Jefe de Jefes" or The Boss of Bosses — the gang splintered away from Chapo and declared all-out war, starting with an ambush that killed one of Guzmán's sons.
En este pueblo de El Salvador, miembros del Ejército asesinaron a casi mil personas en 1981; ahora, un tribunal salvadoreño reabrió el caso y llamará a testificar a los jefes militares involucrados y a los sobrevivientes.
Episode 7: "Jefe de Jefes" Here, we arrive at an illusion-shattering episode, especially for those of us who still considered Rafa charming, Felix admirable, and Don Neto a sweet old man (yes, I'm talking to myself).
Ramírez dice que el cartel le hace diversas demandas a los alcaldes como, por ejemplo, tener influencia en los contratos para proyectos de construcción o el derecho a decidir el nombramiento de los jefes de la policía local.
Varios estudios han demostrado que la disponibilidad que mostramos para cumplir con ciertas responsabilidades puede jugar en nuestra contra: si se trata de ascensos laborales, puede que los jefes o jefas de la oficina lo perciban como desesperación.
Los defensores del trabajo en multitud ven un futuro brillante, un mercado laboral sin fronteras ni jefes en el que los creadores y los realizadores de tareas se encuentren en la intersección de la oferta y la demanda.
Ya tiene un primer ministro judío, Volodímir Groysman y, si permanece en el cargo después de que Zelenski tome juramento, Ucrania será el único país aparte de Israel donde los jefes de Estado y de gobierno son judíos.
Las imágenes circularon en la mañana del jueves 29 de agosto: Iván Márquez, uno de los jefes guerrilleros que negociaron con el gobierno colombiano el final a medio siglo de guerra incruenta, anunciaba su decisión de retomar las armas.
Los Potros de Indianápolis buscarán frenar a la ofensiva casi imparable de Patrick Mahomes, de los Jefes de Kansas City, y los Patriotas de Tom Brady irán contra los Cargadores en su primera temporada como equipo de Los Ángeles.
He and Paulina have a background in playing in different bands, like latin funk and hip hop influenced Beat Buffet and the short lived psychedelic folk project Jefes del Desierto, respectively; but growing up, they had never thought about working together.
Como sea que sea, los dos jefes y sus negociadores llevan dos meses discutiendo quién tiene que ceder más en lugar de discutir en qué pueden ponerse de acuerdo, cómo hacerlo; ya han conseguido hartar a casi todo el mundo.
"Hablamos de la urgente necesidad de tener el fortalecimiento de la CPI para investigar lo que está ocurriendo en Venezuela; el presidente [francés, Emmanuel] Macron apoyó la denuncia que se interpuso con otros jefes de Estado contra Nicolás Maduro", afirmó el mandatario colombiano.
Durante años, los máximos líderes milicianos y jefes de los partidos sunitas y chiitas han manipulado las identidades sectarias y tribales de las bases para consolidarse en el poder y convertirse en los agentes que deciden quién obtiene los empleos y los contratos.
Ahora, el mayor estudio estadístico realizado sobre el tema, que analizó elecciones realizadas en 17 países de 1722 a 2015, descubrió que quienes fueron electos jefes de gobierno vivieron 2,7 años menos y experimentaron un riesgo de muerte prematura 23 por ciento más alto que los candidatos derrotados.
En el programa en el que aparecí con Nunes, le dije al aire que el suyo había sido un acto de cobardía, porque nunca pediría una investigación como esa de los millones de parejas heterosexuales en las que ambos padres trabajan, incluyendo a sus propios jefes y colegas.
Casi a diario, Trump se enfurece y les dice a sus 58 millones de seguidores en Twitter que el fiscal Robert Mueller está en una "cacería de brujas" y ha adoptado el lenguaje de los jefes de la mafia al llamar "ratas" a quienes cooperan con los abogados.
Este fue el mensaje que dio Juan Guaidó —a quien Estados Unidos y varias decenas de países reconocen como presidente encargado de Venezuela—, a jefes de Estado y dignatarios extranjeros en el transcurso de estas últimas semanas, tras desafiar con valentía una prohibición de viajar impuesta por Maduro sin fundamento legal.
Zambada, quien fungió durante años como uno de los principales jefes de logística de Guzmán, es el testigo estrella de la primera fase del juicio y ha probado tener conocimiento sobre las finanzas y las estrategias del Cártel de Sinaloa para pasar las drogas, también acerca del uso habitual de violencia y sobornos que, según él, involucran a altos funcionarios y presidentes mexicanos.
In their initial season (2014–15), the Jefes went 20–20 in the regular season and finished tied for 6th place under head coach Daniel Jaule. The team also had two players selected for the All-Star game: Rayes Gallegos and Jordan Glynn. With the 7th-place finish the Jefes qualified for the playoffs and lost to the Pioneros in the quarterfinals 4–1. For their second season the Jefes had Francisco Olmos Hernández as head coach.
Correcaminos. After graduating from St. Francis College, Cannon agreed with Overtime International Sports to represent him as he looked to FIBA Europe for a team to sign with. Cannon ended up signing with the Jefes de Fuerza Lagunera of the Mexican National Professional Basketball league. The Jefes were in their second year in the league. Cannon made his debut on November 26, 2015, the 11th game of the season for the Jefes and scored 19 points and grabbed 9 rebounds in a game that they lost 78–91.
Abd al-Rahman III did not send an army and only several local Berber jefes offered some resistance which was ineffective.
In Argentina, since the 1813 law in which ranks where divided into three groups, Oficiales generales, oficiales jefes y oficiales (general officers, lead officers, and officers), the rank of Sargento Mayor was part Oficiales jefes (lead officers), intermediately above Capitán (and officer) and intermediately below Teniente Coronel (Lieutenant Colonel), with the latter below Coronel (Colonel), from where a promotion lead to the Oficiales Generales (General officers).Historia de los Grados Militares. Sergio Toyos. p. 5.
The Most Illustrious (Spanish: Ilustrísimo Señor (male) or Ilustrísima Señora (female), literally "Illustrious Sir/Mister") is an honorific prefix that is traditionally applied to certain people in Spain and certain Spanish-speaking countries. It is a lower version of the prefix The Most Excellent (Excelentísimo/a Señor/a), and was traditionally applied to non-Grandee titled nobles in Spain, but is now used for a series of other offices.Los subsecretarios, secretarios generales, directores generales, secretarios generales técnicos, los secretarios generales y jefes de Gabinete Técnico de las Delegaciones del Gobierno, los subdelegados del Gobierno, los delegados insulares del Gobierno, el interventor general de la Administración del Estado, los jefes superiores de Administración Civil y asimilados y los delegados regionales y provinciales de los distintos Ministerios. Todos ellos por ser jefes superiores de Administración, art.
Since his first game, Cannon become a starter for the Jefes and averaged 30.4 mpg, 13 ppg and 8.2 rpg, which were 3rd in the league. On February 21, 2016, Cannon scored a career high 32 points and grabbed 7 rebounds against Fuerza Regia de Monterrey. During his time with the Jefes, Cannon gained the moniker El Cañón (The Cannon). Prior to his arrival, the team was 3–7 and had since gone 14–9 until they were forced to forfeit their last 6 games due to not meeting roster regulations because of player suspensions.
Países , Cumbres Iberoamericanas de Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno. Accessed on line October 22, 2007. but not the Portuguese-speaking African countries. The prefix Ibero- and the adjective Iberian refer to the Iberian Peninsula in Europe, which includes Portugal and Spain.
El General Joaquín Crespo y los jefes de la Revolución Legalista, by Arturo Michelena. Joaquín Crespo was President 1884–1886 and 1892–1898. Guzmán Blanco decided to retire to Paris in 1887 at the age of 59. He died there in 1899.
International Relations , Andorran Chamber of Commerce. Accessed on line October 22, 2007.I Cumbre Iberoamericana de Jefes de Estado y Presidentes de Gobierno, Cumbres y Conferencias Iberoamericanas, Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura. Accessed on line October 22, 2007.
The Jefes de Fuerza Lagunera is a Mexican professional basketball team based in Torreón, Coahuila, Mexico. The team is a member of the Liga Nacional de Baloncesto Profesional (LNBP). The team was founded in 2014 and plays their home games in the Auditorio Municipal de Torreón.
344, Alcalá 2001, p. 57 terminated in April 1944.having to report to a police station every 15 days, Santa Cruz 1979, p. 228 Still head of Requeté structures he tried to prevent their disintegration.1944 regional requete jefes still reported straight to Zamanillo, Villanueva Martínez 2003, p.
87, available here and SardáEl Siglo Futuro 09.02.87, available here with venerating letters and in 1886 the press reported him as one of "jefes del integrismo catalan".La Unión 07.04.06, available here; as late as 1893 he was still referred to as die-hard Integrist, El Heraldo de Madrid 27.02.
Torreón's professional basketball team, Jefes de Fuerza Lagunera, play in the Municipal Auditorium, which seats approximately 3,000 people. They are members of the LNBP (Liga Nacional de Baloncesto Profesional) which is considered to be the top basketball league in Mexico. Former NFL placekicker and Super Bowl XXI champion, Raul Allegre, is a Torreón native.
Though Valiente and Sentís were dubbed "jefes nacionales carlistas", in fact it was Carlos Hugo and his entourage who were pulling the strings;Lavardin 1976, p. 199 they considered the time ripe for purging the party executive from the Traditionalists. Riding another wave of structural remodeling, in 1965 they abolished the role of Secretary General altogether.Caspistegui Gorasurreta 1997, p.
The first summit, held in 1991 in Guadalajara, Mexico, was attended by the governments of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Spain, Uruguay and Venezuela. Andorra joined in 2004.Países , Cumbres Iberoamericanas de Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno. Accessed on line October 22, 2007.
Jefe de Jefes ("Boss of Bosses") is the title of a studio album released by Regional Mexican band Los Tigres del Norte. This album became their first number-one set on the Billboard Top Latin Albums, and received a nomination for a Grammy Award for Best Mexican/Mexican-American Album and Regional Mexican Album of the Year at the Lo Nuestro Awards of 1998.
96, Rodón Guinjoan 2016, p. 280 Dismissal was disguised as sort of an honorary retirement and Sentís was invited to take part in the meeting of Carlist jefes with Don Javier in Puchheim.García Riol 2015, p. 50 The claimant addressed Sentís with an effusive letter, thanking him for great contribution and vaguely suggesting the need to make room for the young;García Riol 2015, p.
In Argentina, successive administrations have used a variety of passive and active labour market interventions to protect workers against the consequences of economic shocks. The government's key institutional response to combat the increase in poverty and unemployment created by the 2001 crisis was the launch of an active unemployment assistance programme called Plan Jefas y Jefes de Hogar Desocupados (Program for Unemployed Heads of Households).
4 However, it seems that at this role he did not meet expectations; in 1964 Palomino was noted struggling to sort things 1964 Palomino kept corresponding with local jefes on financial issues, Vázquez de Prada 2016, p. 234 In 1965 he was eventually appointed the carlist jefe in all of Andalusia;Montejurra I/7 (1965), p. 4; Montejurra I/12 (1965), p. 20.
The Victorian state government has offered the similar Drought Employment Program since 2016. The United Kingdom's New Deal was similar to Australia's program, though more focused on young people. It was in place from 1998 to 2010. The Argentine government introduced the Jefes de Hogar (Heads of Households) program in 2001 to combat the social malaise that followed the financial crisis in that year.
366 and he surely attended the 1947 gathering of regional jefes, the first one after 1937.Martorell Pérez 2009, p. 321 In 1951 he managed to publish El tradicionalismo político español y la ciencia hispana,Bueis Güemes 2015, p. 62 the study completed in 1938; until today it is considered one of the most in-depth lectures of Traditionalism and perhaps the most important Solana's contribution to both Traditionalism and Carlism.
His highest success was the song Esta tu canción. Between 1966 and 1970, Contreras sang in a Portuguese tourist ship while also recording additional songs. During the 1970s he recorded an anthology with Daniel Santos and toured The Americas and Spain. He last settled in Medellin, where during the 1960s, he and Daniel Santos were called "Los jefes" (the chiefs) by their fans in bars and clubs of downtown Medellin.
He did away with the practice of the Díaz government, which appointed local political bosses (jefes políticos), and instead set up a system of independent municipal authorities. State elections were free and fair. He was concerned about the improvement of education, establishing new schools and workshops. An important step was the creation of a federal department of labor, limited the workday to 10 hours, and set in place regulations on women's and children's labor.
Zapatista Jefes in a restaurant. The Liberation Army of the South (, ELS) was a guerrilla force led for most of its existence by Emiliano Zapata that took part in the Mexican Revolution from 1911 to 1920. During that time, the Zapatistas fought against the national governments of Porfirio Díaz, Francisco Madero, Victoriano Huerta, and Venustiano Carranza. Their goal was rural land reform, specifically reclaiming communal lands stolen by hacendados in the period before the revolution.
Díaz replaced a number of independent regional leaders with men loyal to himself, and quelled discontent by coopting political "outs" by making them intermediaries with foreign investors, allowing their personal enrichment. To further consolidate state power, Díaz appointed jefes políticos ("political bosses") answerable to central government, who commanded local forces. The policies of conciliation, cooptation and repression allowed the regime to maintain order for decades.Katz, "The Liberal Republic and the Porfiriato", pp. 81-83.
The band released the original album Sex y Rock & Love in 2010. In 2013, the band recorded the concert album Otra sensación Concierto electroacústico, featuring mariachi-rock versions of classical guitar themes and guest musicians. In 2014, they released a double- album in the US and Canada, Los jefes del rock mexicano volume 1, with compiled material and the unplugged Otra Sensacion concert. The album is considered the most representative record of the indie Latin movement.
The War of the Supremes (Spanish: Guerra de los Supremos, also called the Guerra de los Conventos) was a civil conflict in Republic of the New Granada (present-day Colombia) from 1839 to 1842 caused by the ambitions of various regional leaders (gamonales) to seize power and depose President José Ignacio de Márquez. It was called the War of the Supremos because of the participation of General José María Obando and other revolutionary gamonales who called themselves jefes supremos (supreme chiefs).
González Calleja 1998, p. 502 Requeté stagnated further on in 1916–1919, as in terms of popular mobilization Carlism was increasingly outpaced by the Conservatives.González Calleja 1998, p. 502 At the outbreak of the Mellista crisis in 1918 Llorens seemed disoriented;as the Valencian Jefe Regional he sent out a questionnaire sounding the opinion of provincial jefes, Juan Ramón de Andrés Martín, ', Madrid 2000, , p. 162 since 1914 at odds with the Carlist king, accused of abuse of power and sidetracked,Aróstegui 2013, p.
199 In debate over a monarchical alliance Alier sided with opponents of any deal with the Alfonsinos,Vallverdú i Martí 2008, p. 188 though it seems that his position was highly influenced by a grand 1934 meeting of all regional and provincial jefes Alier, Sivatte and the Catalan Requeté commander José Cunill voiced clearly against any alliance with the Alfonsinos, Vallverdú i Martí 2008, p. 185 When enforcing this strategy he had to confront local fronda, headed by Joaquín Bau,Vallverdú i Martí 2008, p.
476 De Prado remained suspicious about the prince, his entourage, and their new ideas, Márquez de Prado first met Carlos Hugo in 1962. He concluded that the prince was unstable, had little if any public experience, no firm religious education, did not like history, did not know Carlism, did not know how to deal with people and the local Carlist jefes, and that in general, he was of "much smaller format" than his father, Vázquez de Prada 2016, p. 160 while Requeté gradually supported Traditionalist orthodoxy.
In 1953, during the government of Manuel A. Odría, Vargas Llosa enrolled in Lima's National University of San Marcos, to study law and literature. He married Julia Urquidi, his maternal uncle's sister-in-law, in 1955 at the age of 19; she was 10 years older. Vargas Llosa began his literary career in earnest in 1957 with the publication of his first short stories, "The Leaders" ("Los jefes") and "The Grandfather" ("El abuelo"), while working for two Peruvian newspapers.The newspapers were El Mercurio Peruano and El Comercio.
43 her father, Tirso de Olazábal, was leader of Gipuzkoan Carlism and one of national party jefes. The couple settled at the estate carved out from the Olazábal holding in Saint-Jean-de-Luz, in the French province of Labourd just 8 km from the Spanish frontier.his father-in-law, heavily involved in Carlist conspiracy against the Madrid government, preferred to live in France rather than to face administrative harassment in Spain Julio and Vicenta had no issue. Many Urquijo's relatives made their names in politics.
It was common for the wealthy patrónes to pay the tax for the Mexican Americans, then order them to vote for the candidate the bosses supported. The most noteworthy aspect of the Valley's political culture was extensive corruption and voting fraud.Caro 1990 p. 182-183 To back up their rule, the jefes often appointed their pistoleros (gunmen) as deputy sheriffs who ensured that farmers and workers voted the "right" way by handing out ballots that had already been marked, which they would then place in the ballot boxes.
Each year, the committees meet and discuss their fields. The findings are then brought to the yearly PREPLAN where the member countries decide on what topics will be discussed for implementation in the Conference of the Chiefs of the American Air Forces (Conferencia de los Jefes de las Fuerzas Aéreas Americanas, CONJEFAMER). During the years that an exercise will take place, named COOPERACIÓN, there are three planning meeting prior to the exercise. If time permits, there will be a fifth meeting (the exercise counting as one) to compile all the lessons learned.
321 who was assisted by Zamanillo. Caspistegui Gorasurreta 1997, p. 158. At one point it seemed that even San Cristobál might get involved; in 1972 Fal Conde corresponded with San Cristobál on re-establishing Carlist structures based on a Requeté organization, Caspistegui Gorasurreta 1997, p. 180 In 1973 the Comisión Permanente of Junta Nacional de Jefes de Requetés, led by de Prado, other signatories included Hermenegildo García Llorente, José María Vázquez de Prada Juárez, Luis Ulloa Messeguer, Antonio Fernández Cortés and Federico Ferrando Sales, García Riol 2015, p. 323.
106-110; for overview of fragmentatin of the Catalan Carlism in the 1940s see Joan Maria Thomàs i Andreu, Carlisme barceloní als anys quaranta: "Sivattistes", "unificats", "octavistes", [in:] L' Avenç: Revista de història i cultura 212 (1997), pp. 12-17 The Catalan jefe insisted that Junta de Jefes Regionales y Provinciales formally demands that Don Javier sorts out the 11-year-old regency puzzle, possibly by calling a grand Carlist assembly, but Fal thwarted this attempt and watered down the ultimate message.Alcalá 2001, p. 71, Vallverdú 2014, p.
He joined the Ecuadorian Ministry for Foreign Affairs. From 1976 to 1979 he was director of the National Board of Planification and Coordination. From 1979-1981 he was Under Secretary of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From 1980 to 1982 he was ambassador in Montevideo and Permanent representative to the Latin American Integration AssociationLa elección de las autoridades del Comité de Representantes para el año 1982 recayó en los siguientes Jefes de Representación acreditados ante la Asociación: Presidente: - Embajador Eduardo Santos Alvite, Representante Permanente: compare: Síntesis ALADI.
274–75 When Alfonsist and Liberal press cheered anticipated demise of conflict-ridden Carlism, many party members earlier demonstrating unease about Don Jaime started to have second thoughts.Andrés Martín 2000, pp. 158–59 Vázquez de Mella, conscious of his strong position among MPs and local jefes, responded with a call to stage a grand assembly, hoping that the party heavyweights would help him regain control. Some scholars claim that at that point he already acknowledged that the struggle to control Jaimist structures was pointless; they interpret his appeal as decision to walk out and build a new party.
267 – and ensure passage to Traditionalist, corporative system, with dynastical question parked in 1914 de Mella published his program for united Right, with declared objectives transition from liberal democracy to corporative, regionalist monarchy, Pedro Carlos González Cuevas, El pensamiento socio- político de la derecha maurista, [in:] Boletín de la Real Academia de la Historia 190/3 (1993), p. 410 Though in 1914 provincial jefes were largely left free to conclude any electoral alliances that might produce best possible results,Andrés Martín 2000, p. 73 Vázquez de Mella and Maura kept working that they took form of Carlist-Maurist accords.
To her second point (it was also made by Kleinpenning) they replied: > [T]here was nothing normal about the postwar era, least of all the > birthrate. In a population with four or five times as many women as men and > with a male occupying army present, birthrates not only could but must have > been higher than under normal circumstances. Thus any back-projected > corrections derived from a supposedly "normal birthrate" in the 1880s yield > nothing but weak speculations. They cannot negate the 1870 findings of the > jefes, who had no reason to doubt the tragic scene unfolding before them.
In 1995, Tejano musicians dominated the year-end chart with eight best-selling albums in the top ten; most of these were Selena. Seven different Tejano singers ranked within the top ten of the best-selling albums of 1996. Following this, the only performers of Tejano music that appeared in the top ten were Selena and Intocable; whose albums IV (1998) and Contigo (1999) ranked tenth in their respective years. Los Tigres del Norte placed a total of eight albums within the top ten including Jefe de Jefes, which is one of the best-selling Latin albums in the United States.
Laguneros was founded in 2018 and joined the Liga Nacional de Baloncesto Profesional for the 2018–19 season, joining to Huracanes de Tampico and Leñadores de Durango as expansion teams. The team chose purple, black and white as their colors and the nickname Laguneros, which is the demonym for people from the Comarca Lagunera, a region in the states of Coahuila and Durango, that would roughly translate into "people from the lagoons". Previously, the Laguna region had professional basketball representation in the LNBP with two teams: Algodoneros de la Comarca and Jefes de Fuerza Lagunera, both teams played in the city of Torreón.
Lynch's mission, which infuriated Lima, was allowed by international law at the time. The Chilean historian Barros Arana cites Article 544 of Johann Caspar Bluntschli's Le droit international codifié,: : "Bluntschili (Derecho internacional codificado) dice espresamente lo que sigue: Árt. 544. Cuando el enemigo ha tomado posesión efectiva de una parte del territorio, el gobierno del otro estado deja de ejercer alli el poder. Los habitantes del territorio ocupado están eximidos de todos los deberes i obligaciones respecto del gobierno anterior, i están obligados a obedecer a los jefes del ejército de ocupación." and Villalobos cites Andres Bello's Principios del derecho Internacional.
Known as "El Padrino" (The Godfather) and "El Jefe de Jefes" (The boss of bosses) was born in 1946,and is the founder and former leader of the Guadalajara Cartel, the first mexican cartel ever established. He had strong ties with the Cali Cartel and Escobar's Medellin Cartel as he distributed drugs for them. He controlled almost all of the drug trafficking in Mexico and the corridors along the Mexico–United States border in 1970s and the 80s. Until the end of the 1980s, Guadalajara Cartel headed by Félix Gallardo was one of the most powerful cartels in the world.
One after another the Santanderista leaders in the provinces revolted: Manuel González in Socorro, José María Vezga in Mariquita, Juan José Reyes Patria in Sogamoso and Tunja, Padre Rafael María Vásquez in Vélez, Francisco Farfán in Casanare, Salvador Córdova in Antioquia, Francisco Carmena in Ciénaga and Santa Marta, Juan Antonio Gutiérrez de Piñeres in Cartagena, Lorenzo Hernández in Mompós and Tomás Herrera in Panama. The rebel leaders declared their provinces sovereign states separated from Nueva Granada. They assumed the title of jefes supremos (supreme heads) of their provinces. The revolt had now changed from a religious uprising in a single province to a national conflict over federalism.
A Spanish police report concluded that the bomb could have been manipulated by unidentified persons in Ifema (in Spanish, "pudo ser manipulada por personas no identificadas en el Ifema"), which was the Madrid exhibition center where objects found in the trains were temporarily stored. While DNA from an unidentified male was found on or in the bag, Spanish police asserted that the 'chain of custody' was unbroken.Los jefes policiales encargados del 11-M afirman que la bolsa bomba siempre estuvo bajo control · ELPAÍ and the PP leader, Mariano Rajoy, asserted in March 2006 that he had no doubts about the validity of this police exhibit.
40, Subsequent to Victoriano Huerta's coup against Madero, Montaño fought against Huerta and eventually became a member of the Zapatista ruling military junta, which was presided over by Emiliano Zapata and also included Eufemio Zapata, Genovevo de la O, Felipe Neri,[Amador Salazar, and Manuel Palafox (who acted as the secretary).Frank McLynn, "Villa and Zapata: A History of the Mexican Revolution", Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2002, pg. 185, In December 1914, Montaño accompanied Zapata to the first meeting with Pancho Villa at Xochimilco where he gave the welcoming speech and introduced the two jefes to each other. In early 1917 Montaño came into conflict with some of the other Zapatista generals.
443 It is not known why he decided not to renew his mandate in the 1916 campaign. Initially Domínguez Romera was to be substituted as Jaimista candidate by Joaquín Argamasilla, but in unclear circumstances the latter was replaced by Domínguez Arévalo. Argamasilla stroke back with a pamphlet, lambasting alleged alliance with the liberals and charging his substitute with flexibility bordering opportunism."este señor hubiera logrado el apoyo de los elementos independientes del mismo modo como ha conseguido la ayuda fervorosa de los jefes liberales de Navarra sin tener por eso la desgracia de ser sospechoso entre los suyos", quoted after Jesús María Fuente Langas, Elecciones de 1916 en Navarra, [in:] Príncipe de Viana 51 (1990), p.
In the 30-member party top body, Junta Superior, around one third were leaning towards Mellismo,Cerralbo, de Mella, Manzarassa, Olazabal, Solferino, Ampuero, Comín and Iglesias including regional jefes of Vascongadas, Catalonia and Valencia.respectively Olazabal, Solferino and Simó As de Cerralbo re-organized the national executive forming 10 dedicated sections, Mella monopolized the ones of propaganda and press while other Mellistas dominated in electoral and organization comisión de propaganda he was one of 3 members, the 2 others, Iglesias and Simó, also were clear Mellistas. In comisión de prensa he was also one of 3 members, with Joaquín Llorens his opponent and marqués de Torres Cabrera in-between, Fernández Escudero 2012, p.
In May 2002, Noemí Rial was called by Argentine Labor Minister Graciela Camaño to be her Labor Secretary. Thus, she became the first Argentine woman to hold this position La Abogada Noemí Rial fue designada Secretaria de Trabajo, Diario ‘La Nación’, 8 de mayo de 2002. In the midst of Argentina’s worst financial and socio-economic crisis, with unemployment rates of up to 22%, both women helped the Duhalde administration implement the largest social contingency plan ever set up by a South American country: the Jefes y Jefas de Hogar Program, reaching more than two million persons. Since May 2003 she has been working with Minister Carlos Tomada at Argentina’s Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security.
197 The same year de Prado asked Valiente to consolidate his own powers; some considered it a preemptive strike inspired by Zamanillo, who was already expelled from the Comunión. in late 1963 Márquez de Prado asked Valiente that local requeté jefes be appointed directly by Delegación Nacional de Requetés (it is not clear what was the mechanism of their appointments before). The Navarrese jefé Astraín claimed that Zamanillo was the true author of the concept, and warned Valiente that in Navarre there already was "Consejo del Requeté", bent on confronting political Comunión structures, Vázquez de Prada 2016, p. 190 The Requeté was still officially represented in Junta Nacional Caspistegui Gorasurreta 1997, p. 80-81.
Following 25 years of withdrawal into and privacy, he died in 1965 some were sidetracked to marginal roles by political opponents;Fernando Vázquéz Ramós, Agustín Telleria Mendizabal, Ramón José Maldonado y Cocat, Eustaquio Echave Sustaeta and Elías Querejeta Insausti held key positions of either civil governors or provincial FET jefes, but outmaneouvred into other positions of minor or nil political importance some were totally ousted e.g. Luis Ventallo Vergés was appointed the first Nationalist civil governor of Lerida shortly following conquest of the province in April 1938. He immediately run into conflict with the military alcalde of Lerida and was ousted in August 1938, not to assume any political job in the future.
Anti-Diaz newspaper, Regeneración, the official publication of the Mexican Liberal Party (PLM) Díaz created a formidable political machine, first working with regional strongmen and bringing them into his regime, then replacing them with jefes políticos (political bosses) who were loyal to him. He skillfully managed political conflict and reined in tendencies toward autonomy. He appointed a number of military officers to state governorships, including General Bernardo Reyes, who became governor of the northern state of Nuevo León, but over the years military men were largely replaced by civilians loyal to Díaz. As a military man himself, and one who had intervened directly in politics to seize the presidency in 1876, Díaz was acutely aware that the Federal Army could oppose him.
25, available here and expulsed those who accepted invitation to Asamblea Nacional Consultiva;this, for instance, was the case of Esteban Bilbao he failed to prevent further defections,e.g. this of Joaquin Bau and other "jefes naturales", Josep Carles Clemente Muñoz, Raros, heterodoxos, disidentes y viñetas del Carlismo, Madrid 1995, , 9788424507077, p. 191 though he managed to avert spontaneous insurgency this in Seo de Urgel in 1928, Clemente 1995, p. 191, on other plans of terrorist actions against the dictatorship see also Clemente 1999, pp. 73-74 The political bewilderment of Dictablanda seemed to offer new opportunities for an increasingly marginalized Carlism and there are some indications that the party considered taking part in “controlled” elections, planned (and eventually abandoned) by general Berenguer.
México: El Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto ofrece comida a jefes de Estado en Chapultepec (in Spanish) In March 2013, Sahrawi Foreign Affairs Minister Mohamed Salem Salek visited Mexico and met with his counterpart José Antonio Meade at the headquarters of the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 2014, a Mexican delegation made up of Deputies, paid a visit to the Sahrawi refugee camps in Tindouf Province, Algeria. A second Mexican delegation paid a visit to the Sahrawi refugee camps in Tindouf Province, Algeria in January 2017.Acciones de Política Exterior en África, Medio Oriente y Asia Central: Profundización y Diversificación (in Spanish) In December 2018, Sahrawi President Brahim Ghali paid a visit to Mexico to attend the inauguration of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
The naming of José Rondeau as Supreme Director ended this Triumvirate. From October 1815 to 1816 he was designated Captain of the Port of Buenos Aires.Prefectura Naval Argentina - Historia - Primeros jefes de la Prefectura (accessed 2016-07-18) From 1817 to 1820 he served as Minister of War and Navy for the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata, during the governments of Juan Martín de Pueyrredón, José Rondeau and Juan Pedro Aguirre y López. After the Battle of Cepeda in February 1820, Irigoyen was named Governor-Mayor of Buenos Aires (9 February to 11 February), but because of the dissolution of the Directorate and the formation of provincial governments, he was posted as provisional governor of the newly created Buenos Aires Province until the assumption of Manuel de Sarratea.
Fuentes, Piqueras 2003, p. 520 At that time Carlism, already increasingly marginalized in Spanish politics, was also paralysed by conflict between the Carlist king and the top Carlist ideologue, Juan Vázquez de Mella. When de Mella was expulsed in 1919 and left to build his own branch of Traditionalism, lots of party leaders, regional jefes (including Simó Marín in Valencia) and otherwise distinguished figures decided to join the secessionists; Don Jaime was left with very few recognized personalities by his side.Francisco Martín Melgar (Conde de Melgar), Joaquín Lloréns Fernández, Tomás Domínguez Romera (Conde de Rodezno) and Miguel Junyent i Rovira were probably the most experienced and distinguished loyalists Impressed by Selva, who since 1918 appeared as marqués de Villores, the Carlist king entrusted him with leadership and re-organisation of the Valencian Carlism.
The letter as such was inconclusive and did not point to any would-be successor of Don Alfonso Carlos. In terms of resolving the issue Junyent discouraged staging a grand Carlist meeting as he feared chaos and fragmentation; he rather suggested a meeting of regional jefes, Vallverdú i Martí 2008, p. 278 yet since 1932 the fronde against him was on the rise, including booing at party rallies.El Siglo Futuro 30.06.32, available here His chief opponents, Conde de Valdellano and José María Cunill Postius, charged him with "concomitancia con los partidos liberales", "colaboracionismo con la política liberal"Alcalá 2001, pp. 23-24 and "servilismo hacia los liberales";Vallverdú i Martí 2008, pp. 136-137 further charges included Junyent's Catalanism and poor results in 1932 elections.Vallverdú i Martí 2008, p.
18, available here Privately he used to meet a longtime Valencian Carlist leader, Manuel Simó Marín, at meetings of Colegio San José associates;Oro de Ley 13.05.17, available here perhaps most importantly, his motherpaternal grandfather of his mother, José María Cucaló y Gozalvo, was member of Junta Superior Gubernativa during the First Carlist War, got his landholdings expropriated and spent the rest of his life on exile in France, Antonio Caridad Salvador, Cabrera y compañía. Los jefes del carlismo en el frente del Maestrazgo (1833-1840), Zaragoza 2014, , pp. 559-560, genealogy in José María Cucaló de Montull Gozalbo entry at Geneanet service, available here and his wifeCaridad Salvador 2010, cuadro 60; in the town of Sueca the family animanted the local Carlist centre, see El esplendor de la familia Baldoví, [in:] Levante-EMV 16.10.
S. M. Jaime III The most immediate task faced by de Villores was reconstruction and consolidation of the movement, shattered by defections to the Mellistas. Trying to rebuild local structures of the party, at that time also known as Comunión Legitimista,Jacek Bartyzel, Karlizm, [in:] haggard website here he shuttled across the country promoting new local and regional jefes. However, at the beginning of his tenure he suffered a heavy blow by failing to prevent the closure of El Correo Español. The daily, established back in 1888, was a semi-official and most effective Carlist public tribune, its editorial board decimated during the Mellist crisis.its editor-in-chief, Miguel Fernández Peñaflor, joined the Mellistas and left the editorial board in 1919, see Agustín Fernández Escudero, El marqués de Cerralbo (1845-1922): biografía politica [PhD thesis], Madrid 2012, p.
His men reclaimed control over El Correo EspañolAndrés Martín 2000, p. 146 and he replaced San Escartín with former germanophile politicians who seemed pro-Mellistas but turned loyal to the royal house, first Pascual Comín and then Luis Hernando de Larramendi.Andrés Martín 2000, p. 146, Canal 2000, pp. 274-5 When Alfonsist and Liberal press cheered anticipated demise of conflict-ridden Carlism, many party members earlier demonstrating unease about Don Jaime started to have second thoughts.Andrés Martín 2000, pp. 158-9 Vázquez de Mella, conscious of his strong position among MPs and local jefes, responded with a call to stage a grand assembly. Though he explicitly referred to Carlism and Traditionalism, some scholars claim that at that point he already acknowledged that the struggle to control Jaimist structures was pointless; they interpret this appeal as decision to walk out and build a new party.Andrés Martín 2000, p.
Engonga was born in Torrelavega, Cantabria. During his career, spent mainly in Spain's lower leagues but also comprising three La Liga matches, one for Real ValladolidEl Valencia gana sin convencer (Valencia win but do not convince); Mundo Deportivo, 16 December 1991 and two with Racing de Santander,El Racing frena al Sevilla (Racing halt Sevilla); Mundo Deportivo, 18 October 1993 Meho Kodro ejecuta a un Racing ambicioso (Meho Kodro executes ambitious Racing); Mundo Deportivo, 25 October 1993 he retired as a footballer in 1999, aged only 30. Shortly after, Engonga took up coaching, managing for a brief period Equatorial Guinea,“Nos trataron como jefes de Estado” (“We were treated like heads of State”); Diario AS, 21 October 2003 which featured former fellow professionals in Spain Rodolfo Bodipo and Benjamín Zarandona. Subsequently, he served as technical assistant to his brother Vicente when the latter was in charge of the national team.
The Convention of Aguascalientes was a major meeting that took place during the Mexican Revolution between the factions in the Mexican Revolution that had defeated Victoriano Huerta's Federal Army and forced his resignation and exile in July 1914. The call for the Convention was issued on 1 October 1914 by Venustiano Carranza, head of the Constitutional Army, who described it as the Gran Convención de Jefes militares con mando de fuerzas y gobernadores de los Estados ("Great Convention of Commanding Military Chiefs and State Governors") and seen as "the last attempt to create unity among the revolutionaries."Friedrich Katz, The Secret War in Mexico, Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1981, p.267. Its first sessions were held in the Chamber of Deputies in Mexico City, but were later transferred to the city of Aguascalientes, whence its name came, where it met from 10 October to 9 November 1914.
152-153 No nationally recognized Carlist leader joined Sivatte,the ones with most prestigious standing were general Alejandro Utrilla Berbell, a very active Navarrese priest Bruno Lezáun, and two provincial Carlist jefes, the Biscay one Pedro Gaviria and the Canarian one Luis Doreste Morales. Others to be noted were a poet Martín Garrido Hernando, a Catalan priest, former chaplain of Don Javier Jaime Suriá, the Diez-Conde sisters, collaborating with Sivatte since the Frentes y Hospitales years, former Aragón Carlist leader Carlos José Ram de Viu (conde de Samitier), an Andalusian carloctavista, during the Republic exemplary case of a Carlist proletarian worker Gínés Martínez, theorist and economy professor Carles Feliu de Travy and Sivatte’s son-in-law Ignacio de Orbe Tuero (baron de Montevilla), Alcalá 2001, pp. 118, 152-5. Since the late 1960s key Sivatte’s collaborators were Juan Casañas Balsells and José María Cusell, see César Alcalá, Juan Casañas Balsells, [in:] Tradición Viva blog, available here though some like Joaquín Baleztena voiced their support.
The insurgents' hope, in taking both the executive and legislative authorities prisoner, was to create a power vacuum that would force a new political order. Almost at the same time, the Captain General of the Third Military Region, Jaime Milans del Bosch, joined the coup with a revolt in Valencia, ordering tanks to be brought out onto the streets and declaring a general state of emergency in an attempt to convince other senior military figures to align with him in supporting the coup. At 21:00 that evening, the Interior Ministry announced that, under the instructions of King Juan Carlos I, a provisional government would be formed with the undersecretaries of different ministries in order to ensure State government in alliance with the Assembly of Military Chiefs of Staff (Junta de Jefes del Estado Mayor). The coup was vehemently condemned by member countries of the EEC, especially since Spain was in preliminary negotiations for membership (eventually joining in 1986).
296-297 Until the mid-1940s among vaguely specified personal político some 6,6% were Traditionalists; there is no similar statistics available for the remaining 30 years.Marín Corbera 2013, p. 278 No definite statistics is available for top posts within FET; in the very initial period Carlists made up some 22-24% of the party executive Consejo Nacional, in the first FET Consejo Nacional, appointed in October 1937, the Carlists took 12 out of 50 seats but since the early 1940s their share of seats remained in the range of 5-10%;in the 3rd Consejo Nacional, at that time composed of 100 members, there were 7 Carlists, Stanley G. Payne, The Franco Regime, Madison 2011, , p. 238 it climaxed to 13% in 1958. in 1958 there were 22 individuals related to Carlism sitting in Consejo Nacional, at that time a 150-member body Initially they held 29% of provincial FET jefaturas9 out of 31; for Republican-held provinces there were no FET jefes appointed, Payne 2000, p.
Another breakup within the movement, the Mellista secession, devastated Carlism, with a huge number of leaders and regional jefes joining the breakaways.Blinkhorn 2008, p. 11 In the traditional stronghold, Navarre, the policy of short-lived pivotal alliances – even with the Liberalsfollowing some local defeats in December 1915, the Jaimistas sealed an agreement with the Mauristas and the liberals during partial elections to Diputación Foral in Estella in February 1916, Jesús María Fuente Langas, Elecciones de 1916 en Navarra, [in:] Príncipe de Viana 51 (1990), p. 950 – bewildered the electorate, and Carlism lost its grip on the province.Elena Floristan Imizcoz, María Luisa Garde Etayo, El manifesto constitutivo de la Alianza Foral (1921), [in:] Principe de Viana 49 (1988), pp. 147–154 Basque and Catalan movements were assuming increasingly cautious policy towards Carlism.Carlist alliances with Nationalists, like Solidaritat Catalana with the Catalans or Alianza Foral with the Basques, were usually short-lived and caused controversies, see Jesus Maria Fuente Langas, Los tradicionalistas navarros bajo la dictadura de Primo de Rivera (1923–1930), [in:] Príncipe de Viana 55 (1994), p.

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