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8 Sentences With "Japanimation"

How to use Japanimation in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "Japanimation" and check conjugation/comparative form for "Japanimation". Mastering all the usages of "Japanimation" from sentence examples published by news publications.

A two-night retrospective last weekend packed Carnegie Hall with local Japanimation fans and visiting tourists, all of us eager to watch Mr. Hisaishi lead the Hollywood Film Music Orchestra and Choirs through excerpts.
As with a few other Japanese words, such as saké and Pokémon, English texts sometimes spell anime as animé (as in French), with an acute accent over the final e, to cue the reader to pronounce the letter, not to leave it silent as English orthography may suggest. Prior to the widespread use of anime, the term Japanimation was prevalent throughout the 1970s and 1980s. In the mid-1980s, the term anime began to supplant Japanimation; in general, the latter term now only appears in period works where it is used to distinguish and identify Japanese animation.
The Tokyopop version ran in Mixxzine. Daily pages from the Tokyopop version ran in the Japanimation Station, a service accessible to users of America Online. The Tokyopop English-language manga went out of print on May 2, 2005. Del Rey Manga later acquired the rights to the series, and published eight volumes following the kanzenban release.
Daily pages from the Tokyopop version ran in the Japanimation Station, a service accessible to users of America Online. The Tokyopop English-language manga went out of print on May 2, 2005. Del Rey Manga later acquired the rights to the series, and published eight volumes following the kanzenban release. Kodansha Comics later republished the volumes in North America between 2011 and 2012.
Japan was notably prolific and successful with their own style of animation, which became known in the English language initially as Japanimation and eventually as anime. In general, anime was developed with limited-animation techniques that put more emphasis on the aesthetic quality than on movement, in comparison to US animation. It also applies a relatively "cinematic" approach with zooming, panning, complex dynamic shots and much attention for backgrounds that are instrumental to creating atmosphere. Anime was first domestically broadcast on TV in 1960.
In particular, the conservative association Familles de France started a media polemic about the undesirable contents, such as violence, portrayed in the Club Dorothée, a kids' TV show. By this time, a generational conflict had arisen between the young fans of "Japanimation" (in use until anime became mainstream) and the older Japoniaiseries (a pejorative pun for Japonaiseries, literally "Japanese stuff" and "niaiseries", "simpleton stuff"). Ségolène Royal even published a book, Le Ras le bol des bébés zappeurs in which manga are described as decadent dangerous and violent. She hasn't changed her position on that topic yet.
The four reviewers of Electronic Gaming Monthly scored the 3DO version a 6.125 out of 10. They praised the animation and imagination of the full motion video but concurred that the stages are much too easy and that the gameplay does nothing to differentiate itself from previous games in the Dragon's Lair genre. One of them summarized that "Strahl is intended for two specific types of people: those who enjoy FMV games and those who like watching Japanimation." GamePro gave it a negative review, criticizing the unoriginal gameplay and visuals and the fact that the different endings are acquired simply by playing the stages in different orders.
In a review of the film, Dann Gire of the Daily Herald said that "nothing feels more desperate than a movie that tries to extort emotions from young viewers. That happens in the animated Pokémon 4Ever, in which colorful characters stand around crying over the shriveling corpse of a magical creature called Celebi. The movie has emotional warmth of tin foil, mainly because it never establishes connections among the characters, or between the characters and viewers". Tenley Woodman of the Boston Herald said that "Fans 4Ever would be a more appropriate title for the film because Pokémon enthusiasts likely will be the only ones satisfied by the fourth big-screen installment of this Japanimation craze".

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