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373 Sentences With "it is accepted"

How to use it is accepted in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "it is accepted" and check conjugation/comparative form for "it is accepted". Mastering all the usages of "it is accepted" from sentence examples published by news publications.

TORPEDOS isn't much used, but it is accepted by some dictionaries.
Mullen says the resignation is not final until it is accepted by the school board.
If it is accepted, these married men would not be the first to serve as Catholic priests.
"It is accepted that teachers will get very, very close to students as they become mentors," he said.
Now it is accepted that a certain amount of friction is the guardian of freedom in a democracy.
While co-determination has plenty of critics inside Germany, it is accepted by almost every German political party.
It is accepted that con artists, pickpockets, and other unsavoury types will gravitate towards new arrivals at a destination.
And traditional Medicare doesn't limit access to doctors or hospitals either, as it is accepted by nearly every one.
It is accepted wisdom in India that the brightest students go to the IITs and the second-best to American universities.
Across disciplines, a basic scientific principle is that multiple teams should independently verify a result before it is accepted as true.
"Performance art was, for about 40 years, rejected, subverted by galleries and museums alike, and today it is accepted," he said.
The news has spread across the island, where it is accepted or disputed, cheered or mocked, depending on the audience receiving it.
It said eventual resources from the deal, if it is accepted, would be used to pay suppliers in the Alto Sertão III complex.
Medicaid covers an estimated 70 million Americans, and often gets a bad rap in Washington because it is accepted by fewer health care providers.
Petland maintains that it has systems in place to ensure every animal's well-being once it is accepted into its stores for future purchase.
While criminalized under domestic penal codes, espionage is not explicitly proscribed under international law; rather, it is accepted as a reality of international relations.
"If a man can go topless and it is accepted in society, that same privilege should be given to a woman," Mr. Richards said.
Once it is accepted that the untreated seriously mentally are more violent, the key fact is that 28503 percent of them go entirely untreated.
"The only way EntoMilk can truly make a difference and reduce the pressures of traditional dairy is if it is accepted and consumed on a global scale."
A lie forcefully told and often repeated is better than truth — it is accepted as an act of faith, which is better than a point of fact.
While it is accepted that there will always be this fight between the poachers and the gamekeepers, equally there has to be some respect from both sides too.
It is accepted that coal consumption is likely to drop in the coming decades, to virtually nothing in Europe and North America, and will even start to decline in Asia.
"The Turkish proposal worked out together with Germany and the Netherlands still needs to be rebalanced so (it is) accepted by all 28 member states and EU institutions," Tusk said.
In progressive political circles, particularly outside oil and gas producing states, it is accepted that a fracking boom is an unmitigated environmental disaster, but others see a more complicated and nuanced picture.
If people receive information that conflicts with their social identities, they will often reject that information, even if it is accepted or offered by witnesses, experts or institutions unaffiliated with either side.
If it is accepted and the law is amended, companies making an initial public offering in Tel Aviv could choose English, while those already listed would need board and shareholder approval to switch languages.
Yet even in an environment where it is accepted that the authorities will control what information is made public, the public grows skeptical about the competence of a government that systematically hides bad news.
There is a higher likelihood of reversal when a case is accepted by the Court – it is accepted for a reason and, for any circuit, it is not good news to end up on the docket.
There is still some scepticism in the market over whether OPEC will cut output further, although it is accepted that the group is keen to support prices, with many analysts expecting an extension of existing cuts.
There is still some scepticism in the market over whether OPEC will cut output further, although it is accepted that the grouping is keen to support prices, with many analysts expecting an extension of existing cuts.
There is still some market scepticism over over a deepending of cuts, though it is accepted that the producer group is keen to support prices, with many analysts expecting an extension of the existing supply pact.
On that subject, Japan has been fairly accommodating to bitcoin as an asset — it is accepted fairly widely by retailers — but, like most other countries, its position on ICOs is less clear, particularly if and when tokens fall under securities laws.
There has been some debate as to the effect these restrictive laws have had on the homicide rate, but generally it is accepted that the laws, while not the only factor, have had a strong influence in driving down these homicides.
They will have their own spooks in their embassies abroad, and it is accepted that if you expel such officers, your diplomats and spooks will in turn be expelled, as indeed happened on March 17th when Russia kicked out 23 British diplomats.
Vipin Narang, a nuclear affairs expert at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, added that North Korea is also buying time to continue to expand and improve its missile and nuclear force, and negotiate the terms by which it is accepted as a nuclear weapons power.
"I think it is accepted now at an EU level and certainly I agree with it that the UK are very unlikely to seek an extension to the transition period," Simon Coveney told a news conference for his Fine Gael party ahead of a Feb.
But it is accepted wisdom in Washington that entities probably linked to the Russian state but with plausible distance from official channels have infiltrated US computer systems and facilitated the leak of embarrassing emails Recent reports of email infiltration include former secretary of state Colin Powell.
"North Korea wants to do two things, it seems to me: first, buy time to continue to expand and improve its missile and nuclear force, and negotiate the terms by which it is accepted as a nuclear weapons power," said Vipin Narang, a nuclear affairs expert at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
To the Editor: Re "In Russian City, Making Asbestos Great Again" (news article, April 9): It is accepted in the scientific community that (white) chrysotile, the form of asbestos mined in the Russian city of Asbest, is a less potent carcinogen than the other two common forms of asbestos, brown and blue.
But what many experts wonder today is whether there are large parts of the electorate who just no longer care, whether anti-intellectualism and a disdain for expertise has created an electoral climate where it is accepted as legitimate to make pointed arguments about other countries without really knowing much about the facts on the ground.
Interestingly, while tapping to pay with your credit/debit card is an established behavior in the U.K. and Australia (more than 203 percent of the market uses this method on a weekly basis), consumers in those markets have yet to fully transition their contactless payment behaviors from their credit/debit card to their smartphone, even though it is accepted almost universally in their country.
That we're now in the midst of a sixth extinction, as the title of Elizabeth Kolbert's best seller has it, is accepted by those not in denial, and the best we can say about the Anthropocene is that we've matured enough as a species that we no longer need the intervention of a god, an asteroid or belligerent aliens to bring about the end of the world.
The calculation, they explain in a paper published in the European Journal of Physics, was not intended to besmirch Feynman's reputation, but rather to point out that many numbers scientists accept as fact have murky origins, and really ought to be re-verified from time to time:Scientists must to a large extent rely on the validation of other fellow's work, and it happens to be a psychological default condition among many (scientists), that if a famous peer has publicly announced a result, it is accepted at face value.
It is accepted that there is no generalized reverse anomeric effect.
It is accepted as a species by Josef Grieshuber and Gerardo Lamas.
It is accepted in philosophy and science that omnipotence can never be effectively understood.
It is accepted that the Jews and the Samaritans are descendants of the ancient Israelites.
In Christian countries and cultures, cremation has historically been discouraged, but now in many denominations it is accepted.
Glassman also described a fourth member of this group, A. brejinhoensis, and it is accepted by Govaerts and Dransfield.
These criteria vary by test and assignment. It is accepted in a few other states as a credential for teaching.
Like the Jesuits, Trinitarians also pledge not to seek promotion within the Church hierarchy. If promotion is offered, however, it is accepted.
So, a proposition is true for a person if and only if it is accepted or believed by that person (i.e., "true for me").
It is accepted that Gafurov has reestablished the school of Marxist opera critic in Russian. Gafurov awkwardly believes that opera should be the working class art.
Taken further to the Trikaya doctrine, it describes how the Buddha exists. In this philosophy, it is accepted that Buddha exists in more than one absolute way.
In the third reading working body and assembly vote on the bill as a whole. If it is accepted the bill is sent to the President to sign it.
It is subject to ongoing revision. No lay person is expected to know all the complexities of the tax laws. It is accepted that people will act on the advice of professionals and that the advice will often turn on the meanings to be given to provisions in the Act that are open to various interpretations. Furthermore, it is accepted that one may legitimately structure one's affairs so as to minimize tax liability.
It is accepted in the SAT and AP exams (without a QWERTY keyboard) but not in the ACT, IB or British GCSE and A level. The body color is grey.
P2PI is a new investment option and although it is accepted in many states, some state U.S. Securities And Exchange Commission (SECs) have not allowed for this type of lending.
It is accepted that staff training in physical interventions can increase carer confidence.Cullen, C. (1992). Staff training and management for intellectual disability services. International Review of Research in Mental Retardation.
Being in a transition region, this will not take long. If the new path still connects A to B it is accepted, otherwise it is rejected and the procedure starts again.
However, it is accepted that NSAIDs prevent closure of the fetal ductus arteriosus, which happens during the later stages of pregnancy. Because of this, ibuprofen should be avoided after 30 weeks gestation.
The name is recorded in the majority of Byzantine sources as "Leukousia", and it is accepted in literature that the name "most probably" derives from the Greek phrase "leuke ousia" ("white estate").
See also; South Sudan and the Commonwealth of Nations South Sudan has applied for full membership of the Commonwealth. If and when it is accepted, South Sudan will become the newest Commonwealth republic.
14-15 If it is accepted that King Gwrfoddw of Ergyng (see below under children) is Amlawdd's son, there would be a logic to Amlawdd also having been a king in the Ergyng or Herefordshire area.
3, p.96. Timber Press, Oregon. Today it is accepted, however, that both descriptions are variations of L. bicolor that coexist due to its wide dispersion and multiplicity of populations.Govaerts, Rafaël et al: World Checklist of Orchidaceae.
Piozzi, Sir John Hawkins and Mr. Boswell. It is accepted as Temple's work by Thomas Crawford. He preached against bull- baiting. Anti-religious views and a Socinian tendency expressed privately to Boswell in the late 1760s later dropped away.
In 1984, MFÖ would release their first LP Ele Güne Karşı Yapayalnız which turned out to be a big hit. Though, it is accepted MFÖ is officially established in 1971 when Özkan Uğur first played with Mazhar and Fuat.
As Pfeffer turns in his final report to close the film, it is accepted by his superior apathetically, as Austro-Hungarian politicians and military have already decided the assassination of the Archduke would be used as a pretext for an attack on Serbia.
Pain is often regarded as the fifth vital sign in regard to healthcare because it is accepted now in healthcare that pain, like other vital signs, is an objective sensation rather than subjective. As a result nurses are trained and expected to assess pain.
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) It is accepted by some authorities as Juncus lescurii.Juncus lescurii. Jepson eFlora. It is native to the western coast of North America from British Columbia to California, where it grows in freshwater and salt marshes, and near sand dunes.
Since the office's inception, only two Directors have been dismissed: William S. Sessions by President Bill Clinton in 1993, and James Comey by President Donald Trump in 2017. It is accepted that the holder of this post serves at the pleasure of the President.
The man and the lion (disputing) is one of Aesop’s Fables and is numbered 284 in the Perry Index. Aesopica An alternative title is The lion and the statue. The story’s moral is that the source of evidence should be examined before it is accepted.
It is accepted by all parties that Iraqi officials visited Niger in 1999. > > b. The British Government had intelligence from several different sources > indicating that this visit was for the purpose of acquiring uranium. Since > uranium constitutes almost three-quarters of Niger's exports, the > intelligence was credible.
It has been re-branded as More Rewards. It is accepted at all of the chain's stores and at all Petro- Canada gas stations (it was announced that this arrangement will end on July 31, 2020), Jim Pattison Auto Group locations, Accent Inns and Panago Pizza.
With the advent of molecular techniques this classification has undergone major revision. An analysis of small subunit (SSU) rRNA sequences indicated that they share a common ancestor with the Dikarya. Nowadays it is accepted that Glomeromycota consists of 4 orders. Several species which produce glomoid spores (i.e.
Since then, ships such as the , , , , , and have been named for people still alive at the time. The U.S. Navy generally announces the name of a ship some time before it is launched, and well before it is accepted for purchase and commissioned into active service.
The Grass languages are a group of languages in the Ramu language family. It is accepted by Foley (2018), but not by Glottolog. They are spoken in East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea, with a small number of speakers also located just across the provincial border in Madang Province.
In October 2015, North Yorkshire County Council included the reopening in its Strategic Transport Prospectus which was submitted to Transport for the North. In February 2016 the County Council included it in its Local Transport Plan, but it is accepted that it is unlikely to happen until after 2030.
Helcogramma shinglensis is a species of triplefin from the genus Helcogramma. It has been recorded only from the Gulf of Mannar in the eastern Indian Ocean. It is accepted as a valid species by Fishbase but the Catalog of Fishes treats this taxon as synonymous with Helcogramma obtusirostris.
Since it is accepted that ion suppression has the potential to affect the other analytical parameters of any assay, a prudent approach to any LC-MS method development should include an evaluation of ion-suppression. There are two accepted protocols by which this may be achieved, described as follows.
All genius meets with extreme resistance before it is accepted as truth. In the case of Galileo, it was the mere hypothesis that the Earth revolved around the Sun. The notion was considered heretical and blasphemous by scholars and clergy alike. Much was done to destroy Galileo's reputation.
Today, it is accepted that megalosaurids existed at least as a group of basal tetanurans, due to the fact that they have more derived taxa than ceratosaurs and that the name Megalosauridae should represent this group. Megalosauridae also has priority over Torvosauridae under ICZN rules governing family names.
Discospermum sphaerocarpum is a small tree of family Rubiaceae that is endemic to Sri Lanka. Sometimes due to various classifications it is accepted that the plant is also found in India. In Sri Lanka, this endemic species is commonly known as Tricalysia dalzellii in text books and field guides.
This scandalized many critics at the time; today it is accepted practice to do so in film versions of Shakespeare plays to an even greater degree than Welles did, as Jean-Luc Godard did in his highly unusual and controversial King Lear, and as Peter Greenaway did in Prospero's Books.
Female homosexuality is less explicitly accepted in many of these cultures, while in certain countries and in certain social status it is accepted, they do not enjoy the acceptance similar to that of other Western countries.Forsloff, Carol. "Gay Hispanics Struggle to End Sex Stereotypes." Gay Hispanic Struggle to End Sex Stereotypes.
While genetic influences are important to understanding obesity, they cannot explain the current dramatic increase seen within specific countries or globally. It is accepted that calorie consumption in excess of calorie expenditure leads to obesity; however, what has caused shifts in these two factors on a global scale is much debated.
First, the event instance is received when it is accepted and waiting for processing (e.g., it is placed on the event queue). Later, the event instance is dispatched to the state machine, at which point it becomes the current event. Finally, it is consumed when the state machine finishes processing the event instance.
ASPCA: "Complete Guide to Cats". Chanticleer Press, 1999 In GCCF (Governing Council of the Cat Fancy), the Burmilla is considered part of the Asian group. It is accepted in FIFe as the Burmilla. Only the Shaded Silver and Silver Tipped varieties have been recognized in FIFe, CCCA, ACF and CFA as the Burmilla.
380) list the Didache among apocrypha. (Rufinus gives the curious alternative title Judicium Petri, "Judgment of Peter".) It is rejected by Nicephorus (c. 810), Pseudo-Anastasius, and Pseudo- Athanasius in Synopsis and the 60 Books canon. It is accepted by the Apostolic Constitutions Canon 85, John of Damascus and the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.
Scallop height tolerance help us in measuring the quality of free-form surface. Selection of proper topology result in minimum path length. In CAM software choosing NURBS to create surface is considered to be good method for presenting surface as it is accepted by both IGES and STEP files of CAM software.
Environmental information includes information about air, water, soil, land, flora and fauna, energy, noise, waste and emissions. Environmental Information also includes information about decisions, policies and activities that affect the environment.Guide to the Environmental Information Regulations from It is accepted by the UK Government that most maps will contain environmental information.
If it is accepted that Sepiidae cuttlefish are a kind of squid, then the squids, excluding the vampire squid, form a clade as illustrated. Orders are shown in boldface; all the families not included in those orders, except Sepiadariidae and Sepiidae are in the paraphyletic order "Sepiida", are in the paraphyletic order "Oegopsida".
When a team is delivering speech, the other team can do the point of information by standing up and exclaiming a short interjection. The speaker can decide to accept or reject it. If it is accepted, the point of information can be said. Otherwise, the person making the points of information must sit down.
The prayer is included in some editions of the Greek Septuagint. For example, the 5th century Codex Alexandrinus includes the prayer among fourteen Odes appearing just after the Psalms.NET Bible It is accepted as a deuterocanonical book by Orthodox Christians. The prayer is chanted during the Orthodox Christian and Byzantine Catholic service of Great Compline.
125 It is accepted, moreover, that Maturidi had two principal teachers, namely Abū Bakr al-Jūzjānī and Abū Naṣr Aḥmad b. al-ʿAbbās al-ʿIyāḍī (d. ca. 874–892), both of whom played significant roles in the shaping of Maturidi's theological views.Ulrich Rudolph, Al-Māturīdī and the Development of Sunnī Theology in Samarqand, trans.
11 If fertilisation has already occurred, it is accepted that there > is an anti-implantation effect,12,13 > Levonorgestrel (LNG). The precise mode of action of levonorgestrel (LNG) is > incompletely understood but it is thought to work primarily by inhibition of > ovulation.16,17 > Ulipristal acetate (UPA). UPA’s primary mechanism of action is thought to be > inhibition or delay of ovulation.
In some countries, such as the UK for instance, the dualist view is predominant. International law is only part of British national law once it is accepted in national law. A treaty :"has no effect in municipal law until an Act of Parliament is passed to give effect to it." In other countries this distinction tends to be blurred.
"Christian statement of faith that is the only ecumenical creed because it is accepted as authoritative by the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, and major Protestant churches." Nicene Creed Encyclopædia Britannica. 2007. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. From its beginning the Unification movement has claimed to be Christian and has tried to promote its teachings to mainstream Christian churches and organizations.
If we considered that any one of them were senseless, unmeaning, insignificant, we should at once in ordinary usage and in education disavow and disallow it. As it is, accepted idiom may unconsciously either illuminate or contradict experience. We speak, for instance, of going through trouble or trial; we never speak of going through well-being. That illuminates.
Due to these morphological traits, Nqwebasaurus is thought to have been a herbivore. It is not known conclusively whether Nqwebasaurus had feathers. However, as more basal theropod species, especially those on the evolutionary line to birds, had feathers it is accepted that Nqwebasaurus was likely at least partially feathered or had a feather coat for thermoregulation.
It is the rise of women's theory in socialist and capitalist countries as women ready themselves for the final battle. Li also viewed women's studies and gender studies as two distinct categories. Li's differentiation of Chinese feminism and Western feminism is predicated on the cultural norms. In Chinese culture, it is accepted that gender is a social construct.
These include Garth George, a conservative Pakeha columnist, Rawiri Taonui, a Maori academic, and John Armstrong, a mainstream political columnist. It is accepted wholeheartedly by some of the people it describes, but others object to the term, considering it to be racist or otherwise offensive.Misa, Tapu. "Ethnic Census status tells the whole truth", New Zealand Herald, 8 March 2006.
The City Card is a non-contact type IC card Transit card similar to the Yikatong card in Beijing. It is accepted in subway, light rail, bus, ferry and taxi transport. Since 28 December 2006, City Card has been accepted on the Metro Line 1. City Card holders can enjoy a discounted fare during transfers between modes.
Group members produce the arrangements that this orchestra performs. Anyone is allowed to submit an arrangement, however each piece is run through a critique and voted on by the group’s music committee (consisting of the music director, the orchestra conductors, choral conductor, and the vice president) before it is accepted and put into the program for a given semester.
Lawn jockey, or Jocko, or Groomsmen: an often diminutive statuette of a black horse attendant dressed in slave clothing, also called a Jocko. Groomsmen were often used as hitching posts. The origin of the groomsman is disputed, but it is accepted that they originated in the U.S. South. No longer as common since the civil rights movement.
Therefore, in general, it is accepted that vimentin is the cytoskeletal component responsible for maintaining cell integrity. (It was found that cells without vimentin are extremely delicate when disturbed with a micropuncture). Transgenic mice that lack vimentin appeared normal and did not show functional differences. It is possible that the microtubule network may have compensated for the absence of the intermediate network.
On 13 November 2019, according to the Guardian, the Supreme Court ruled that "applying a 14% housing benefit reduction to a man, referred [sic] only as RR, was a breach of his right to home under the Human Rights Act. RR’s partner is severely disabled so 'it is accepted' that the couple need an extra bedroom for her medical equipment, Lady Hale said".
340 Irrespective of when Nagavarma II lived, it is accepted that few scholars in the history of Kannada literature made important contributions in as many subjects as he did.Narasimhacharya (1988), pp. 19, 64–65,Rice E.P. (1921), p. 34 His writings on grammar, poetry, prosody, and vocabulary are standard authorities and their importance to the study of the Kannada language is well- acknowledged.
The Feeler is symbol about understanding the human. It is accepted today that feelings like anger, hatred, animosity, love have biochemical representations in the brain. The Feeler symbol of Üsküdar University represents activating nice feelings and maintaining good feelings instead of malicious ones. Those who can generate awareness about feelings are the lucky ones who can feel "The Feeler" and the life alike.
Unlike the creeds of major organized religions, the setting out of Humanist ideals in these Manifestos is an ongoing process. Indeed, in some communities of Humanists the compilation of personal Manifestos is actively encouraged, and throughout the Humanist movement it is accepted that the Humanist Manifestos are not permanent or authoritative dogmas but are to be subject to ongoing critique.
The distinctive claim of verificationism is that the result of such verifications is, by definition, truth. That is, truth is reducible to this process of verification. According to perspectivism and relativism, a proposition is only true relative to a particular perspective. Roughly, a proposition is true relative to a perspective if and only if it is accepted, endorsed, or legitimated by that perspective.
After discussing this with friend and high- ranking German official Rolf Schiedermair, Riisnæs reported the incident to the police. It is accepted that Riisnæs had few personal reasons to do so, however, considering the possible political implications the message had to be sent. Platou tried to avoid the whole issue by resigning, but was nonetheless apprehended by Nazi authorities.Ringdal, 1991: p.
While it is accepted by modern critics that the name was originally Oldcastle in Part 1, it is disputed whether or not Part 2 initially retained the name, or whether it was always "Falstaff". According to René Weis, metrical analyses of the verse passages containing Falstaff's name have been inconclusive.René Weis (ed), Henry IV, Part 2, Oxford University Press, 1997, p.37.
It happens so often that it is accepted as a routine part of life. Women assume they can't do anything about it. The only ones with protection are those whose husbands or fathers are themselves in positions of power. The North Korean government rejects the human rights abuse claims, calling them "a smear campaign" and a "human rights racket" aimed at government change.
The term Neo-Theosophy is a term, originally derogatory, used by the followers of Blavatsky to denominate the system of Theosophical ideas expounded by Annie Besant and Charles Webster Leadbeater following the death of Madame Blavatsky in 1891. This material differed in major respects from Blavatsky's original presentation, but it is accepted as genuinely Theosophical by many Theosophists around the world.
Dhammaloka's was born in Monkstown, County Dublin in 1856 and given the name Laurence Carroll. He reportedly gave at least five names for himself including Laurence Carroll, Laurence O'Rourke and William Colvin. On occasion he used the nom de plume "Captain Daylight". It is accepted that he was Irish, almost certainly born in Dublin in the 1850s, and emigrated to the United States, possibly via Liverpool.
They were possibly aligned in relation to a temple, and excavations have examined evidence for two temples.Roman Maryport - Roman Temples Project The 2011 excavation season revisited a site where 17 altars were found in pits in 1870. The circumstances of the altars' deposition have been reinterpreted and it is accepted that they were re-used in the foundations of a late-Roman building.Robson, Ian.
LTD has been correlated with spatial learning in rats, and it is crucial in forming a complete spatial map. It suggested that LTD and LTP work together to encode different aspects of spatial memory. New evidence suggests that LTP works to encode space, whereas LTD works to encode the features of space. Specifically, it is accepted that encoding of experience takes place on a hierarchy.
In Judaism, the perspective on birthday celebrations is disputed by various rabbis, although today it is accepted practice by most of the faithful.Reb Chaim HaQoton: Happy Birthday! April 17, 2007 In the Hebrew Bible, the one single mention of a celebration being held in commemoration of someone's day of birth is for the Egyptian Pharaoh which is recorded in . Rabbi Moshe Feinstein always acknowledged birthdays.
It is accepted that only after 5 years of such training would the trainees achieve a superior level of professional competence. Graduates can enter general practice or pursue a specialist M.D.S. degree after gaining one to two years of working experience. Before the dental school was established in the University of Hong Kong (in 1980), most of the practicing dentists obtained their dental degree from the Philippines.
Greek triptych c. 1550, with the Three Holy Children in the left panel. The Prayer of Azariah and the Song of the Three Holy Children () is a lengthy passage that appears after Daniel 3:23 in some translations of the Bible, including the ancient Greek Septuagint translation. It is accepted as canonical scripture by Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christians, but rejected by Protestants.
The lifestyles of the Lahauli and Spiti Bhot are similar, owing to their proximity. Polyandry was widely practiced by the Lahaulis in the past, although this practice has been dying out. The Spiti Bhot do not generally practice polyandry any more, although it is accepted in a few isolated regions. Divorces are accomplished by a simple ceremony performed in the presence of village elders.
Foot, 2011, p. 30 Edmund I, the future king who was a son of Edward's third wife, Eadgifu, was born in 920 or 921, so Ælfflæd's marriage must have ended in the late 910s. According to William of Malmesbury, Edward put aside Ælfflæd in order to marry Eadgifu, a claim which Sean Miller viewed sceptically,Miller, Edward the Elder but it is accepted by other historians.
The most important member of the class is Sulfur Black 1. It is produced by the reaction of 2,4-dinitrophenol and sodium sulfide in hot water. Like many sulfur dyes, details on the chemical reactions are poorly understood. It is accepted that the sulfide reduces the nitro groups to aniline derivatives, which are thought to form indophenol-containing intermediates that are further crosslinked by reaction with sulfur.
Pieter Bruegel Children's Games (1560) Children's entertainment is centred on play and is significant for their growth. Entertainment is also provided to children or taught to them by adults and many activities that appeal to them such as puppets, clowns, pantomimes and cartoons are also enjoyed by adults. Children have always played games. It is accepted that as well as being entertaining, playing games helps children's development.
Older libraries are usually converted by closing up air flow openings and installing fire doors, alarms and sprinklers. Air conditioning reduces the mold problems. These are all essential parts of new library design. There is no recovery possible if a book is burnt so it is accepted that a better solution is to put out the fire with water and then dry out the books.
The evolutionary origin of the vertebrate dentition remains contentious. Current theories suggest either an "outside-in" or "inside-out" evolutionary origin to teeth, with the dentition arising from odontodes on the skin surface moving into the mouth, or vice versa. Despite this debate, it is accepted that vertebrate teeth are homologous to the dermal denticles found on the skin of basal Gnathostomes (i.e. Chondrichtyans).Martin et al.
At the same time as the investigations using arthritic rats, studies were published showing that birds with gait abnormalities self-select for a diet that contains the painkiller carprofen. In 2005, it was written "Avian pain is likely analogous to pain experienced by most mammals" and in 2014, " is accepted that birds perceive and respond to noxious stimuli and that birds feel pain".
Emertonius was first described by George and Elizabeth Peckham in 1892. It was variously treated as a synonym of Myrmarachne or a separate genus from 1978 onwards. Jerzy Prószyński revalidated the genus in 2018, and it is accepted by the World Spider Catalog . When included in Myrmarachne, it was placed in subfamily Salticinae (clade Salticoida, tribe Myrmarachnini) in Maddison's 2016 classification of the family Salticidae.
As Persuasion is Austen's last completed novel, it is accepted as her most maturely written novel, showing a refinement of literary conception indicative of a woman approaching forty years of age. Her use of free indirect discourse in narrative was in full evidence by 1816. Persuasion has been the subject of several adaptations, including four made-for-television adaptations, theater productions, radio broadcasts, and other literary works.
Furthermore, all truths are questionable. Pointing out the unreliability of truth, which is often accused as "having tendency of relativity and nihilism", the theory flatly refuses the uniformity and regularity of history, emphasizing the irregularity and inconstancy of truth and toppling the notion that history progresses in a linear order. The practice of genealogy is also closely linked to what Foucault called the "archeological method:" > In short, it seems that from the empirical observability for us of an > ensemble to its historical acceptability, to the very period of time in > which it is actually observable, the analysis goes by way of the knowledge- > power nexus, supporting it, recouping it at the point where it is accepted, > moving toward what makes it acceptable, of course, not in general, but only > where it is accepted. This is what can be characterized as recouping it in > its positivity.
Sales tax is a part of government revenue and is normally a consumption tax applicable to sales of goods & services. It is accepted by the government to collect the sales tax by the retailer and further deposit it to the government. A sales tax typically applies to the sale of goods, and sometimes also to the sales of services. The tax is applied at the point of sale.
Klein is best known for his speech to the Clothing Workers, where he said the following: Klein's words are often summarized as "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win", and misattributed to Mahatma Gandhi and to Arthur Schopenhauer as "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident".
The new synthesis combines elements from both schools on this issue. In the new synthesis, output gaps exist, but they are the difference between actual output and efficient output. The use of efficient output recognizes that potential output does not grow continuously, but can move upward or downward in response to shocks. Fifth, it is accepted that central banks can control inflation through the use of monetary policy.
Parent-to-child aggression among Asian American parents: Culture, context, and vulnerability. Journal of Marriage and Family, 68(5), 1261–1275. Retrieved Use of violence within parenting is common in many Asian cultures, including China, Pakistan, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam. Outside of Asia, violent parenting is recognized as child abuse, but is considered parental devotion within cultures where it is accepted.
It is accepted that the three major animal ANTP-class clusters, Hox, ParaHox, and NK (MetaHox), are the result of segmental duplications. A first duplication created MetaHox and ProtoHox, the latter of which later duplicated into Hox and ParaHox. The clusters themselves were created by tandem duplications of a single ANTP-class homeobox gene. Gene duplication followed by neofunctionalization is responsible for the many homeobox genes found in eukaryotes.
106-107; Oram, p. 83. Earlier theories involved conflating two persons generally now seen as distinct: Máel Coluim MacHeth and Máel Coluim mac Alaxandair, an illegitimate son of Alexander I.Barrow, p. 51; MacDonald, pp. 75-81. Even when it is accepted that Máel Coluim MacHeth was the son of Áed of Ross, this has raised further questions concerning the background of the kindred and the nature of their claims.
If it is accepted that this Máel Coluim and the son of Alexander I are not one and the same, Máel Coluim MacHeth appears in 1157, when it is said that he was reconciled with the king, Malcolm IV. It appears that he was restored to the mormaerdom of Ross, which he held until his death in around 1168.Duncan, pp.71-72; Grant, p. 106; MacDonald, p. 79.
John Mercer, in his 1973 book on Fuertevenrura, says that the locals killed "fifty[pirates] on the spot". This would challenge Glas's claim that 200 to 300 attacked on the second time. Whatever the actual number, it is accepted that the second attack was put down with far more brutality and less pity. It would seem that all involved were killed, with no prisoners taken like on the first attack.
As used in food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and soap, benzaldehyde is "generally regarded as safe" (GRAS) by the US FDA and FEMA. This status was reaffirmed after a review in 2005. It is accepted in the European Union as a flavoring agent. Toxicology studies indicate that it is safe and non-carcinogenic in the concentrations used for foods and cosmetics, and may even have anti- carcinogenic (anti-cancer) properties.
He is found by Maud Neal and her father, who are passing in an auto, and they take him into their home. There he revives, but the shock has affected his memory, and he is unable to recall anything of his past life. The kindly Neal secures him employment, and as time passes Logan falls deeply in love with Maud. He finally proposes to her and it is accepted.
Bhattan de Savaiye (), also known as Bhatt Bani, is a name given to 123 Savaiyas composed by various Bhatts, which are present in Guru Granth Sahib, scripture of Sikhs. According to various scholars, these Savaiyas are eulogies of first five Gurus of Sikhism. Generally, it is accepted that there were 11 Bhatts whose hymns are present in Adi Granth, but controversy still exist that there are 12 or 17.
The Kenite hypothesis supposes that the Hebrews adopted the cult of Yahweh from the Midianites via the Kenites. This view, first proposed by F. W. Ghillany, afterward independently by Cornelis Petrus Tiele (1872), and more fully by Bernhard Stade, has been more completely worked out by Karl Budde;Joseph Blenkinsopp, op. cit., pp. 132-133. it is accepted by H. Guthe, Gerrit Wildeboer, H. P. Smith, and G. A. Barton.
Cases also display oligoclonal bands in the cerebrospinal fluid. The disease is heterogeneous and the lesions do not always comply with the requirements for multiple sclerosis diagnosis (dissemination in time and space). In these cases it is only possible to speak about tumefactive demyelination (TD). In general, it is accepted that the two main causes of pseudo-tumoral lesions are Marburg multiple sclerosis and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM).
Changing the natural features of rock is often frowned upon, but in many parts of the world it is accepted to some extent. In some areas, "chipping" of the rock with a chisel or similar tool to create a hold that did not exist naturally is considered acceptable. This is particularly true in some quarries as well as some European crags. However, at many other areas, local ethics absolutely forbid this.
In Malaysia, tipping is not the norm and is not expected for any service. Instead restaurants can add a service charge of 10% to the bill."Practical information about Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia", Meet The Cities In Malaysia the people are familiar with tipping, so if a person does leave a tip then it is accepted and appreciated. Tips, when given, usually take the form of rounding up the bill.
Genetic isolation can happen in a variety of different ways. There are many ongoing, current research projects evaluating how various species have diverged through the process of genetic isolation, the giraffe, Giraffa camelopardalis, being one example. Giraffe are recognized to have nine separate subspecies, each varying in their coloration and patterns. After much research, it is accepted that genetic isolation is at fault for allowing the G. camelopardalis species to diverge.
The term Neo-Theosophy was coined by Ferdinand T. Brooks around 1912. This term used by the followers of Helena Blavatsky to denominate the system of theosophical ideas expounded following the death of Blavatsky in 1891. This material differed in major respects from Blavatsky's original presentation, but it is accepted as genuinely Theosophical by many Theosophists around the world. Daryl S. Paulson associates "Neo-Theosophy" with Alice Bailey.
Whilst it is accepted that the Irish word 'Carraig' means rock, there is some debate as to the meaning of 'Bhrachai'. It is thought the word could be a personal name, as it is mentioned in the pre-Norman genealogy of the Cineal Fhearghasa, and could be an ancestor of the McFall sept. Machtochair, in his book Inishowen, Its History, Traditions and Antiquities says Carraig Bhrachai means 'The Friars Rock'.
It is accepted that God is invisible, however Luther posed God as an actively hiding who can use this hiding to reveal himself. This distinction which permeates his theology has been the subject of wide interpretation, leading to controversy between theologians who believe the terms to be either antithetical or identical. These two conflicting strands of thought present the main problem when interpreting Luther’s doctrine of the Revealed God.
Studies of ethnicity in the Carolingian Empire have been largely limited. However, it is accepted that the empire contained within it major ethnic groups such as Franks, Alemanni, Bavarians, Thuringians, Frisians, Lombards, Goths, Romans and Slavs. Ethnicity was just one of many systems of identification in this period and was a way to show social status and political agency. Many regional and ethnic identities were maintained and would later become significant in a political role.
122 It is accepted by historians that Philip was indeed an ethnic Arab.Perry Anderson, Passages from Antiquity to Feudalism (London: NLB, 1974), 87–88. He was the son of a local citizen, Julius Marinus, possibly of some importance.Meckler, Philip the Arab Allegations from later Roman sources (Historia Augusta and Epitome de Caesaribus) that Philip had a very humble origin or even that his father was a leader of brigands are not accepted by modern historians.
Tenrikyo followers vary in their understanding of this creator, from the early understanding of spirit (kami, god/deity) through the underlying natural causality (Tsukihi, moon-sun) and eventually to an understanding of a parental relationship between the creator and themselves (oya, parent). This progression of understanding is a key teaching of Tenrikyo, where it is accepted that everything must proceed "step by step" -- by small stages of understanding instead of by great leaps of faith.
Various claims and counter-claims have been put forward about the bust, from its being an outright forgery to being a genuine 16th-century piece (albeit not by Leonardo). Scientific examination has been inconclusive and unhelpful in dating the bust, although it is accepted as having at least some connection with Lucas. The bust remains on display in what is now the Bode Museum labelled "England", "19th Century" with a question mark.
It is accepted by historians that "Henry Every" was the pirate's real name, given that he used this name when he entered the Royal Navy. As this was prior to the onset of his piratical career, he would have had no need for an alias; he used the name "Bridgeman" only after committing piracy. Every may have been a cousin of the well-known Every baronets, though this has not been proven conclusively.
The importance of the khyal's content is for the singer to depict, through music in the set raga, the emotional significance of the khyal. The singer improvises and finds inspiration within the raga to depict the khyal. The origin of Khyal is controversial, although it is accepted that this style was based on dhrupad and influenced by other musical traditions. Many argue that Amir Khusrau created the style in the late 14th century.
The monastery then remained in the hands of the federation of Columban churches who regarded Colmcille as their spiritual mentor. The year 546 is often referred to as the date that the original settlement was founded. However, it is now accepted by historians that this was an erroneous date assigned by medieval chroniclers. It is accepted that between the 6th century and the 11th century, Derry was known primarily as a monastic settlement.
In addition, rabbinic authorities have expressed in responsa their concern that widows be allowed to remarry, both for their own moral benefit and for the sake of the Jewish population.E.g., Terumat ha-Deshen 211 Today it is accepted that deaths of old husbands (over age 70) or deaths of husbands caused by an obvious accident are not reasons to define a woman as a katlanit. Unnatural causes, though, may activate the rule.
Schaefer in particular has questioned how robust the claimed alignments in the Caracol are.Schaefer 2006a:42–48Schaefer 2006b Because of the wide variety of evidence, which can include artefacts as well as sites, there is no one way to practice archaeoastronomy.Iwaniszewski 2003 Despite this it is accepted that archaeoastronomy is not a discipline that sits in isolation. Because archaeoastronomy is an interdisciplinary field, whatever is being investigated should make sense both archaeologically and astronomically.
It is accepted by all parties that Iraqi officials visited Niger in 1999. b. The British Government had intelligence from several different sources indicating that this visit was for the purpose of acquiring uranium. Since uranium constitutes almost three-quarters of Niger's exports, the intelligence was credible. c. The evidence was not conclusive that Iraq actually purchased, as opposed to having sought, uranium and the British Government did not claim this. d.
The formation was first described by V.C. Kelley and Caswell Silver in 1952 and assigned to the now-obsolete Magdalena Group. Bachman and Myers criticized its definition in 1975, but it is accepted by Kues and Giles. In 2016, Lucas et al. recommended that the local names Green Canyon Group, Arrey Formation, Apodaca Formation, Mud Springs Group, Fra Cristobal Formation, and Chuchillo Negro Formation be abandoned in favor of the Red House Formation.
All proposals must first be introduced in the small body of the committee. If a draft proposal is accepted by the small body, it is then passed on for voting in the large body. A proposal is only considered adopted if it is accepted by both bodies. Any decision of both the large or small body may only pass if it has the support of a supermajority consisting of 75% of the respective body's members.
Imagine two equally matched sides each with two infantry and two armoured divisions. Now visualize a straight defensive line with the two infantry and two armoured divisions, deployed equally along the length of the line. Hypothetically the attacker can win by concentrating his armour at one point (with his infantry holding the rest of the line). Traditionally it is accepted that a defending force has a 3:1 advantage over an attacker.
For example, "Name of Old Paulian (C90U)" denotes this Old Paulian graduated Form Six Upper from SPI Secondary in 1990. "Name of Old Paulian (C90)" denotes this Old Paulian graduated from SPI Secondary in 1990. It is accepted the absence of "U" generally mean the Old Paulian graduated Form Five from SPI Secondary. The Paulian community is currently looked after by its alumni association with strong ties to both SPI Primary and SPI Secondary.
2500-1900 BC. In its earliest phases it is accepted that the settlement receives its formal planning and that consequent stages extended the plan over time. Even though the excavators have cut a number of deep trenches into the lower levels, the uncovered area was too limited to study the spatial sharing of craft activities. In the middle of the third millennium BC, at the beginning of the mature Indus phase, the site was abandoned. There was limited reoccupation.
While published as fiction, generally, it is accepted to be the biography of stock market whiz, Jesse Livermore. The book has been reprinted in almost every decade since its original publication in 1925, the latest put out by John Wiley & Sons in hardcover and a paperback edition in 1994 that remains in print. It has been translated into the Chinese, German, French,"Mémoire d'un spéculateur",, translation by Éric Pichet Polish, and Italian languages, amongst others.
An advanced form of the game is used as part of the training for the grade of Internal Adept. According to Myatt, he invented the game in 1975. The Order promotes the idea that "Dark Gods" exist within the acausal realm, although it is accepted that some members will interpret them not as real entities but as facets of the human subconscious. These entities are perceived as dangerous, with the ONA advising caution when interacting with them.
Formal mechanism 300px The mechanism of the DAINV reaction is controversial. While it is accepted as a formal [4+2] cycloaddition, it is not well understood whether or not the reaction is truly concerted. The accepted view is that most DAINV reactions occur via an asynchronous mechanism. The reaction proceeds via a single transition state, but not all bonds are formed or broken at the same time, as would be the case in a concerted mechanism.
Another version assumes that it originated from the ancient city of Kyllene of Pelloponesos (Greece) from where the first inhabitants of the village came. However, this does not seem very probable if it is accepted that the village was named Kourion or Korineon during ancient times. #. A third version contemplates that the village took its name due to standing in a valley. In reality, however, the village is built upon a steep slope of the Arames Mountain.
In the days in which NMO was considered a kind of MS (optic-spinal MS), the four clinical types model on widespread usage, and it was nevertheless unable to yield any clue about all the important differences. Currently it is accepted that the "types" are not exclusive. The standard course of the disease presents three different clinical stages. A preclinical or prodromal stage, also termed RIS (radiologically isolated sindrome), a relapsing stage and finally a progressive stage.
Cape Legoupil is a cape at the northeast side of the entrance to Huon Bay, Trinity Peninsula, Antarctica, terminating in Schmidt Peninsula. It was discovered by a French expedition under Captain Jules Dumont d'Urville, 1837–40, and named for artist Ernest Goupil, who died on the expedition. The incorrect form Legoupil has been used so extensively that in this special case it is accepted. It is the site of the Chilean research station Base General Bernardo O'Higgins Riquelme.
Tea is served in "kamar baareek" ("narrow-waist") glasses with sugar and Persian sweets. When entertaining dinner guests at home, it is seen as discourteous to serve just enough food, so food is prepared in large quantities. An important Persian practice is taarof (ritual politeness) where if a person is offered food or drink, they will initially politely decline. Only after the host has offered repeatedly, it is accepted and that is to avoid appearing greedy.
In recognition of this fact, for example, preeminent Old English scholar Michael Alexander has chosen the title "Wulf" for his own reproduction of it in The Earliest English Poems (Penguin, 1973). It has also been known to be titled simply as Eadwacer. The title Wulf and Eadwacer, however, though apocryphal, has gained such widespread acceptance over time that in the majority of texts it is accepted regardless of the treatment of the titular name(s) and character(s).
The genus Junxattus was first published in 2012 by Jerzy Prószyński and Christa L. Deeleman-Reinhold, with the single species Junxattus daiqini. In 2015, Junxia Zhang and Wayne Maddison rejected the genus, placing the species in Laufeia. The genus was re-validated by Prószyński in 2019, and it is accepted by the World Spider Catalog . Prószyński and Deeleman-Reinhold placed the genus in the subfamily Euophryinae, equivalent to the tribe Euophryini in Maddison's 2015 classification of the family Salticidae.
Duncan appears to have been tánaise ríg, the king in waiting, so that far from being an abandonment of tanistry, as has sometimes been argued, his kingship was a vindication of the practice. Previous successions had involved strife between various rígdomna men of royal blood.Duncan I as tánaise ríg, the chosen heir, see Duncan, The Kingship of the Scots, pp. 33–35; Hudson, Prophecy of Berchán, pp. 223–224, where it is accepted that Duncan was king of Strathclyde.
This furthered Sergius' formula in realms of both Chalcedonian and Monophysite practice.Ekonomou 2007, 97-98 It can be argued that Hominus did not quite understand the point of Sergius' formula, but it is accepted that he supported it regardless.Runciman, 56-58 Still, the Ecthesis was not well received by all Chalcedonians; Sophronius viewed it poorly, to the point that he published a decree against it.Rose 1857, 9-12 Emperor Heraclius too was hesitant to sign off on Sergious' work.
In 1925, a collection of Albasini's personal letters to Michaela Loforte, a lover who would later refuse his marriage proposal, were compiled by his nephew Luís Albasini and published posthumously by Nicanor da Silva under the title O Livro da Dor ("The Book of Pain"). Its literary value is disputed, however it is accepted as one of the earliest Mozambican works, paving they way for future Mozambican writers such as Rui de Noronha and João Dias.
Soviet society Zinoviev considered the first fully subordinate ideology. It was contained not only in the official doctrine, but primarily in daily activities, turning people into active, active participants in ideological performances (Michael Kirkwood). Belief in ideology is not required, it is accepted on the basis of rational calculation (Claude Schwab). Ideology reduces a person to a function, social morality turns into a pseudo-moral or false moral, in a completely conformist communist society there is no trust.
An invitation to treat (or invitation to bargain in the United States) is a concept within contract law which comes from the Latin phrase invitatio ad offerendum, meaning "inviting an offer". According to Professor Andrew Burrows, an invitation to treat is: > " expression of willingness to negotiate. A person making an invitation > to treat does not intend to be bound as soon as it is accepted by the person > to whom the statement is addressed."Burrows, A. (2009).
It was assumed for a time that much in the manner that copper and tin were not local products, ivory was not a direct export for Bokoni. Presently, it is accepted that there were considerable populations of elephants in the area, leading to considerable coastal trade in the 1600s. Ivory from elephants would have been traded for such materials as cloth and beads. Their role in various trade networks may have led to pressures from outside groups attempting to absorb Bokoni.
Teeline is a shorthand system developed in 1968 by James Hill, a teacher of Pitman Shorthand. It is accepted by the National Council for the Training of Journalists, which certifies the training of journalists in the United Kingdom. It is mainly used within the Commonwealth, but can be adapted for use by Germanic languages such as German and Swedish. Its strength over other forms of shorthand is fast learning, and speeds of up to 150 words per minute are possible,
At present it is accepted that the Guan people can be found in twelve (12) regions in Ghana: Oti, Northern, North East, Savannah, Bono, Ahafo, Central, Western North, Western, Eastern, and Brong Ahafo Regions. They are very tolerant and live as commoners in their various environment. They speak the languages of the major ethnic group where they are found natively and speak their distinct languages at home. Nawuris are Guan-speaking; the Gonjas are not part of the Guan speaking people.
Toward the end of > his life, it brought him confidence. Gauss's God was not a cold and distant > figment of metaphysics, nor a distorted caricature of embittered theology. > To man is not vouchsafed that fullness of knowledge which would warrant his > arrogantly holding that his blurred vision is the full light and that there > can be none other which might report the truth as does his. For Gauss, not > he who mumbles his creed, but he who lives it, is accepted.
It is accepted that tengkolok was made as early as Malacca Sultanate. Before that time, commoners were obliged to cover their head or to tie their long hair, becoming neater and tidier when seeking an audience with sultan. Malaccan Malays managed to use a long rectangular cloth, folded and tied into a kind of neat headgear, to wear it in formal affairs. This cloth-tying became more beautiful as the time goes, modified and adapted depending on the status of its wearer.
This monetary card is intended for passengers who want more flexibility for their transport options. It is accepted on buses, ferries, and SuperVia trains but it is only accepted on subways if the RioCard (Bilhete Único) is activated. Express cards are available for purchase at Itaú locations, banks, pharmacies, and online. Cards come pre-filled with either R$40 or R$80 and value can be re-added online on a card with a zero balance or with insufficient funds for passage.
The process of analogical inference involves noting the shared properties of two or more things and from this basis inferring that they also share some further property: :P and Q are similar in respect to properties a, b, and c. :Object P has been observed to have further property x. :Therefore, Q probably has property x also. Analogical reasoning is very frequent in common sense, science, philosophy, law, and the humanities, but sometimes it is accepted only as an auxiliary method.
Sphrageidus xanthorrhoea is a moth of the family Erebidae first described by Vincenz Kollar in 1848. It is found in India, Sri Lanka, Java and Indonesia. It was once classified under the genus Euproctis, where it is accepted in some countries. The caterpillar is known to feed on agricultural crops like Gossypium, Helianthus annuus, Lagerstroemia indica, Oryza sativa, Panicum maximum, Pennisetum americanum, Phaseolus lunatus, Ricinus communis, Saccharum officinarum, Sorghum bicolor, Vigna unguiculata, Andropogon sorghum, Tamarix dioica, Cajanus cajan, Eleusine coracana and Coffea.
If the latter, this would mean one Marcus Durmius was his father, known to have been a mint official c. 19 BCE; it is commonly agreed that there is some relationship between Quadratus and the mint official. Although it is accepted that Quadratus had at least one child—the wealthy Ummidia Quadratilla, memorialized in one of Pliny the Younger's letters—not only is the name of his wife unknown, but also whether Quadratus had married more than once.Syme, "The Ummidii", p.
The classic example is that of the non-avian dinosaurs. While the non-avian dinosaurs of the Mesozoic died out, their descendants, birds, live on today. As of now it is accepted that modern birds evolved from Archaeopteryx, a small dinosaur with flight feathers from the Mesozoic period. Many other families of bird- like dinosaurs also died out as the heirs of the dinosaurs continued to evolve, but because birds continue to thrive in the world today their ancestors are only pseudoextinct.
Mudéjar did not involve the creation of new structures (unlike Gothic or Romanesque), but reinterpreting Christian styles through Islamic and Jewish influences. The dominant geometrical character, distinctly Islamic, emerged conspicuously in the accessory crafts using cheap materials elaborately worked – tilework, brickwork, wood carving, plaster carving, and ornamental metals. Even after the Muslims were no longer employed, many of their methods and decorative styles continued to be applied to Spanish architecture. It is accepted that the Mudéjar style was born in Sahagún.
In February 2016 the County Council included it in its Local Transport Plan, but it is accepted that it is unlikely to happen until after 2030. The Harrogate to Northallerton line has been identified by Campaign for a Better Transport as a priority 1 candidate for reopening. In 2019, the English Regional Transport Association proposed a re-opened railway between Harrogate and Northallerton would cost £40 million and attract 2,700 passengers per day. These figures were based on a single track railway.
Jointness is a neologism coined by the United States Armed Forces to describe cross-service cooperation in all stages of the military processes, from research, through procurement and into operations. Today, it is accepted by many advanced militaries. Jointness is aimed at satisfying the requirements for increasing efficiency and economizing the military budget. "Jointness" has been defined as "the integration of the strengths of at least two limbs of the military in a coordinated effort to achieve a common goal".
Because they are associated with the oral region of the conodont animal, it is accepted that conodont elements are used in the acquisition of food. Two primary hypotheses have arisen as to how this is accomplished. One hypothesis proposed that elements acted as support structures for filamentous soft-tissues. These small filaments (cilia) would be used to filter small planktonic organisms out of the water column, analogous to the cnidoblast cells of a coral or the lophophore of a brachiopod.
Open posting permits less rigorous items as well. The derisive term for this on MetaFilter is NewsFilter (or similar -Filter names for specific news topics, e.g. IraqFilter). Nevertheless, it is accepted that some discussion of current events and politics in particular is inevitable, and a certain level is tolerated. If more than one post is made about a news topic, the extras are often deleted and discussion is redirected to the "canonical" post about the topic, usually the first one made.
The Amish are aware of the advantages of exogamy, but for religious reasons, marry only within their communities. The majority of Amish accepts these as (God's will); they reject the use of preventive genetic tests prior to marriage and genetic testing of unborn children to discover genetic disorders. When a child is born with a disorder, it is accepted into the community and tasked with chores within their ability. However, Amish are willing to participate in studies of genetic diseases.
Both methods required arduous work done with a bow drill, with time and effort being determined by hardness of abrasive, from ground sand (quartz) to corundum. Although the geographic origin of dzi beads is uncertain, it is accepted that they are now called "Tibetan beads," just like "Tibetan coral," which also came to Tibet from elsewhere. Tibetans cherish these beads and consider them hereditary gems. In this way they have survived thousands of years, being worn by hundreds of individual people.
The existing theory on knight-service was enunciated by Mr Round in English Historical Review, vi., vii, and reissued by him in his Feudal England (1895). It is accepted by Pollock and Maitland (History of English Law), who discuss the question at length; by Mr JF Baldwin in his Scutage and Knight-service in England (University of Chicago Press, 1897), a valuable monograph with bibliography; and by Petit-Dutaillis, in his Studies supplementary to Stubbs' Constitutional History (Manchester University Series, 1908).
The specific sequence of events is disputed, but it is accepted that riots started after Abdulla al- Qusaibi (an agent of Ibn Saud and a pearl merchant) had accused a Persian shopkeeper of stealing a watch from his house. The matter was then taken to Mohammed Sharif who defused the situation by paying the cost of the watch. Few moments later, 2 Persians approached Sharif with injuries allegedly inflicted by Najdis. News reached the market and soon Persians and Najdis were clashing with each other.
Achet, Berlin 2001, , page 87–89. It is accepted amongst a number of Egyptologists that Hudjefa I had to share his throne with another ruler although it is unclear as to who that ruler was. Later king lists such as the Sakkara list and the Turin Canon list the kings Neferkara I and Neferkasokar as his predecessors and king Khasekhemwy as immediate successors. The Abydos list skips the rulers Neferkara I, Neferkasokar and Hudjefa I completely and name a king Djadjay (identical with king Khasekhemwy).
After Darwin, the idea of evolution was more accepted and Geoffrey's idea of homologous structures was more accepted. The second major argument is that of the Scala Naturae (scale of nature) versus the phylogenetic bush. The Scala Naturae, later also called the phylogenetic scale, was based on the premise that phylogenies are linear or like a scale while the phylogenetic bush argument was based on the idea that phylogenies were nonlinear and resembled a bush more than a scale. Today it is accepted that phylogenies are nonlinear.
Instructions given or positions taken by the president of the church can be changed by a future president of the church because of the Latter-day Saint belief in "continuing revelation." It is accepted that a church president will occasionally revise or clarify instructions of past church presidents. One apostle of the church counseled to "beware of those who would pit the dead prophets against the living prophets, for the living prophets always take precedence." Not everything said by the prophet is considered to be doctrine.
One of the most notable characteristics of the school, is the availability of a German Abitur-based high school diploma program, with most lessons taught in German. It is accepted by both Germany and Uruguay universities as a valid high school certificate. It is a trilingual, bicultural baccalaureate, teaching German, Spanish, and English classes, and teaching culture (Geography, history, traditions, etc.) of both Germany and Uruguay. It is considered more challenging than the standard program, and admission to it is dependent on grades and language skills.
Wave picking is used to support management and workers via a warehouse management system (WMS) in several ways, to support the planning and organizing of the daily flow of work of a warehouse or distribution center. Wave picking is an application of short-interval-scheduling. Managers, using a WMS, may assign groups of orders into short intervals called "waves", to initially simulate the flow for the day, consistent with the order departure plan and available labor. When the plan is satisfactory, it is accepted.
It is accepted by Schoch et al. that this mechanism is evident in many places on the Giza Plateau. One proponent of the haloclasty process is Dr James A. Harrell of the University of Toledo, who advocates that the deep erosion crevices were caused by the haloclasty process being driven by moisture in the sand that covered the carved rock for much of the time since it was exposed by quarrying. Lal Gauri et al.Gauri, K. Lal; Sinai, John J.; Bandyopadhyay, Jayanta K. (1995–04).
G B Buckley, Fresh Light on 18th Century Cricket, Cotterell, 1935 This was the result of a challenge by Slindon, published in the Daily Advertiser on Mon 29 June, to play five of any parish in England, for their own Sum. The announcement advised interested parties: If it is accepted of by any, they are desir’d to go to Mr Smith, who has Orders to make Stakes for them. The three Newland brothers all played. "Mr Smith" was George Smith, keeper of the Artillery Ground.
After the election has been held and the votes counted, the Returning Officer declares the result of the election to the electoral college. Thereafter, he/she reports the result to the Central Government (Ministry of Law and Justice) and the Election Commission of India and the Central Government publishes the name of the person elected as Vice President, in the Official Gazette. The Vice President may resign his office by submitting his resignation to the President. The resignation becomes effective from the day it is accepted.
Although the official grade listing dates The Pepperbox to the early 18th century, it is accepted that the tower was built in 1606 by Giles Eyre of Brickworth House, hence the alternate name "Eyre's Folly". Eyre is known for being the father of settler John Eyre and grandfather of Giles Eyre, a judge. The original purpose of the tower is unknown. One story is that Eyre was envious of the surreal Longford Castle, built by Sir Thomas Gorges, and built the Pepperbox to overlook the castle.
Red Donald's older brother was Black John (Iain Dubh) (d 1822), who also held the Boreraig tack. The MacCrimmon brothers had their most formative years during the Disarming Act. Today it is accepted that these MacCrimmon brothers were sons of Malcolm (Calum), son of Pàdraig Òg, who were both pipers to the chiefs of MacLeod and who also held land from them. Red Donald and Black John's father and paternal uncle (Donald Ban) both piped for the Government forces in the 1745–46 Jacobite Rising.
132; Martyrologium Romanum (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2001 ) His successor was Zosimus. It is accepted that the canon of the Bible was closed c. 405 AD by Pope Innocent, when he sent a list of the sacred books to a Gallic bishop, Exsuperius of Toulouse,Text and translation of the list identical with that of Trent (which took place more than 1000 years later),Matthew J. Ramage, Dark Passages of the Bible (CUA Press 2013 ), p. 67Lee Martin McDonald, Formation of the Bible (Hendrickson Publishers 2012 ), p.
Since 1972 (, , and ), it is accepted that glucocorticoid-induced death of lymphocytes is a form of apoptosis. In 1978, and presented a paper revealing that glucocorticoid-induced DNA degradation in rat lymphoid tissue, thymus, and spleen occurred in a specific pattern producing fragments of DNA that were electrophoretically similar to those observed after treatment of chromatin with microccoccal nuclease, which indicated internucleosomal cleavage pattern of DNA degradation occurred during apoptosis. CODEN: DANAAW, CAN 90:115643 AN 1979:115643 CAPLUS (Copyright 2003 ACS)Chemical Abstracts v.
Without this, we fall back to the simplistic view, which is "I am right and you are wrong and you do what I say." (This is usually called moral absolutism). This kind of assertion, backed by force, is the basis of much authority and it leads to violence very often. So much so that it turns out not to be the simplest way to live among humans in the long run, even if it is accepted by small groups (say a whole family) in the short run.
The observed specimen is assumed to be female based on similarities to the female specimens of the genus Apalonychus. She was trapped in the resin produced by Hymenaea protera, now also extinct. The amber was previously dated to Oligocene or Eocene, but these datings are since considered incorrect, and it is accepted that the amber was formed between late Early Miocene and Middle Miocene (15–20 million years ago). The amber came from Dominican Republic, probably from the mountain range north of Santiago de los Caballeros.
Because the treatment is essentially for a risk, rather than for provable disease, it is accepted that a proportion of patients who receive adjuvant therapy will already have been cured by their primary surgery. Adjuvant systemic therapy and radiotherapy are often given following surgery for many types of cancer, including colon cancer, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and some gynaecological cancers. Some forms of cancer fail to benefit from adjuvant therapy, however. Such cancers include renal cell carcinoma, and certain forms of brain cancer.
A single wicket cricket match between five players of Slindon against five of Dartford at the Artillery Ground on 6 July was the result of a challenge by Slindon, published in the Daily Advertiser on 29 June, to play "five of any parish in England, for their own Sum". The announcement advised interested parties: "If it is accepted of by any, they are desir'd to go to Mr Smith, who has Orders to make Stakes for them".Ashley-Cooper, p.51.McCann, p.37.
The hypothesis is that chromatin-DNA interactions are guided by combinations of histone modifications. While it is accepted that modifications (such as methylation, acetylation, ADP-ribosylation, ubiquitination, citrullination, and phosphorylation) to histone tails alter chromatin structure, a complete understanding of the precise mechanisms by which these alterations to histone tails influence DNA-histone interactions remains elusive. However, some specific examples have been worked out in detail. For example, phosphorylation of serine residues 10 and 28 on histone H3 is a marker for chromosomal condensation.
It will be seen as a tree whatever the pattern of inspection. In fact there is little or no evidence for what might be termed a canonical scanpath, or "right way of looking", for a given object. Obviously, particular words convey particular meanings, but the fact that the medium (printed text) is spatially extended means that these meanings can be allocated to specific locations in space. The problem of multiple simultaneous representations disappears once it is accepted that their "simultaneity" is spatial, rather than temporal.
Construction did not commence until 1840 when Hobler recorded in his diary laying the foundation stone. It appears that during the delay Robertson was replaced as architect by John Verge. So closely does the house resemble Verge's work in its planning and detailing that it is accepted that it is the work of the premier architect, John Verge. Before Hobler could finish the house, he had fallen prey, as so many of his contemporaries had, to the financial depression of the early 1840s which devastated the colony.
The historian G.L. Harriss suggested that it was possible that the affair resulted in the birth of Edmund Tudor. Harriss wrote: "By its very nature the evidence for Edmund Tudor's parentage is less than conclusive, but such facts, as can be assembled, permit an agreeable possibility that Edmund ‘Tudor’ and Margaret Beaufort were first cousins and that the royal house of ‘Tudor’ sprang in fact from Beauforts on both sides." Despite the statute it is accepted that Catherine married Owen at some unknown later date.
The earliest known botanical specimens of A. terminalis were collected by Scottish botanist Robert Brown at Port Lincoln, South Australia in the first few days of March 1802. He described and named the species in his 1810 "On the Proteaceae of Jussieu". An explicit etymology for the specific name terminalis was not given, but it is accepted that it is from the Latin terminus ("end"), and refers to the fact that flowers occur at the ends of branches. In 1856, Carl Meissner published a putative variety, A. terminalis var.
The SI unit of volume is the cubic metre (m3) the volume equivalent to the space occupied by a cube with sides of one metre. However, the litre, one of the oldest metric units, having been formally defined in 1795 as the volume occupied by a cube with sides of one tenth of a metre (making it equal to 0.001 m3, or 1 dm3) is in widespread use. The litre is not technically part of SI, but its use is sufficiently widespread that it is "accepted for use within SI".
Jesus Outside the New Testament: An Introduction to the Ancient Evidence Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.. p. 177–118 Christopher M. Tuckett states that if it is accepted that death narrative of Sanhedrin 43a refers to Jesus of Nazareth then it provides evidence of Jesus' existence and execution.In The Cambridge Companion to Jesus by Markus N. A. Bockmuehl 2001 p. 123 Andreas Kostenberger states that the passage is a Tannaitic reference to the trial and death of Jesus at Passover and is most likely earlier than other references to Jesus in the Talmud.
It also offers an optional direct writing test. It is accepted by all four-year colleges and universities in the United States as well as more than 225 universities outside of the U.S. The main four ACT test sections are individually scored on a scale of 1–36, and a composite score (the rounded whole number average of the four sections) is provided. The ACT was first introduced in November 1959 by University of Iowa professor Everett Franklin Lindquist as a competitor to the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)."ACT Assessment", Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2007.
It is from this period that the Syrian vs Assyrian controversy arises. Today it is accepted by the majority of scholars that the Medieval, Renaissance and Victorian term Syriac when used to describe the indigenous Christians of Mesopotamia and its immediate surrounds in effect means Assyrian. The question of ethnic identity and self-designation is sometimes connected to the scholarly debate on the etymology of "Syria". The question has a long history of academic controversy, but majority mainstream opinion currently strongly favours that Syria is indeed ultimately derived from the Assyrian term Aššūrāyu. pp.
It was subsequently discovered that the cylinder was around 28 parts per million too large and thus, during this time, a litre was about 1.000028 dm3. Additionally, the mass–volume relationship of water (as with any fluid) depends on temperature, pressure, purity and isotopic uniformity. In 1964, the definition relating the litre to mass was superseded by the current one. Although the litre is not an SI unit, it is accepted by the CGPM (the standards body that defines the SI) for use with the SI. CGPM defines the litre and its acceptable symbols.
The predominantly Muslim population supported Muslim League and Pakistan Movement. After the independence of Pakistan in 1947, the minority Hindus and Sikhs migrated to India while the Muslim refugees from India settled in the Rawalpindi District.Troubling historical roots Kashmir and other areas arrived in Rawalpindi.Residents of Auqaf houses threaten siege of parliament While it is accepted that population of urban Rawalpindi has been transformed since independence, the rural population in the Kahuta, Kallar Syedan, Kotli Sattian, Gujar Khan and Murree Tehsils still comprise overwhelmingly of the tribes referred to in 1901 census.
The namesake of the castle, zafra, is a somewhat contested term linguistically. It is accepted that the word entered Spanish from Arabic, but there is some disagreement about the precise origins of the word and its significance in Spanish. In Spanish speaking countries the word zafra refers to the late summer or early autumn harvest of crops such as sugarcane, a staple brought from Arab lands. Some believe the term is derived from the Arabic zāfar or zafariya meaning "harvest time", while others believe the term derives from saʼifah meaning "gathering time".
Radio pulsars (rotation-powered pulsars) and X-ray pulsars exhibit very different spin behaviors and have different mechanisms producing their characteristic pulses although it is accepted that both kinds of pulsar are manifestations of a rotating magnetized neutron star. The rotation cycle of the neutron star in both cases is identified with the pulse period. The major differences are that radio pulsars have periods on the order of milliseconds to seconds, and all radio pulsars are losing angular momentum and slowing down. In contrast, the X-ray pulsars exhibit a variety of spin behaviors.
According to Brigham Young and the endowment ceremony, Adam was identified as the biblical archangel Michael prior to his placement in the Garden of Eden. While the identity of Adam as Michael is accepted by the LDS Church, the pre-existent godhood of Adam/Michael is now repudiated by the LDS Church, but it is accepted by some adherents of Mormon fundamentalism. According to this interpretation of Young's teachings, Michael was a god who had received his exaltation. He took Eve, one of his wives, to the Garden,.
While there he met and afterward married Miss Sarah Ann Brown, who was born in Connecticut May 25, 1811; she was the daughter of Rufus Brown, one of the earliest settlers of the city of Chicago. (8). Although held responsible for the defeat, it is accepted by many historians that both Bailey and Stillman may have been unfairly blamed for the disastrous battle which was due more to the unclear orders given by Governor John Reynolds whose actions may have been politically motivated.Miller, Richard Lawrence. Lincoln and His World.
Henderson (1995) recognised A. speciosa and A. spectabilis, considering the latter to either be an acaulescent form of A. speciosa or a hybrid between A. microcarpa and it. Govaerts and Dransfield accepted A. spectabilis, but Glassman considered it a dubious taxon. Attalea vitrivir was recognised as a distinct species by Michael Balick and coauthors;Balick et al.. 1987, Anderson and Balick 1988 Glassman and Govaerts and Dransfield concurred, but Henderson considered it part of A. speciosa. Glassman also described a fourth member of this group, A. brejinhoensis, and it is accepted by Govaerts and Dransfield.
African elephants form the genus Loxodonta, a widely accepted taxon. In biology, a taxon (back-formation from taxonomy; plural taxa) is a group of one or more populations of an organism or organisms seen by taxonomists to form a unit. Although neither is required, a taxon is usually known by a particular name and given a particular ranking, especially if and when it is accepted or becomes established. It is very common, however, for taxonomists to remain at odds over what belongs to a taxon and the criteria used for inclusion.
At the age of 25 in 1932, Prebil began working at the Radium Institute in Paris under the tutelage of Marie Curie. Three years later, in 1935, at the age of 28, she would become the first woman in Great Britain to receive a PhD in nuclear physics. It is accepted that Leigh-Smith defended her thesis in London, however it is currently unknown from what university she was granted her degree. Dr. Alice Leigh-Smith was also involved in the use of radioactive substances as a treatment for cancer.
The vanquishers of the Hungwe fall under the sweeping name "Mbire". It is accepted that it was the Mbire who were the authors of the Mutapa Empire just as the Rozvi Empire which was decimated by the different Nguni clans that went through the place where there is the Rhodesia during the Mfecane wars. These Nguni clans were the Ndebele who presently possess southwest Zimbabwe, and the Shangane clan in the southeast of Zimbabwe. The Hungwe it is said settled in Zimbabwe for likely a few hundred years before the Mbire showed up.
Further evidence to corroborate hemangioblasts come from the expression of various genes such as CD34 and Tie2 by both lineages. The fact that this expression was seen in both EC and HPC lineages led researchers to propose a common origin. However, endothelial markers like Flk1/VEGFR-2 are exclusive to ECs but stop HPCs from progressing into an EC. It is accepted that VEGFR-2+ cells are a common precursor for HPCs and ECs. If the Vegfr3 gene is deleted then both HPC and EC differentiation comes to a halt in embryos.
The Minister of the Interior, et al. It is accepted to give all the newly established councils a four-year trial period before elections are held. According to the amendment to the Regional Councils’ Law passed in 2009, that period can be extended by the Israeli Ministry of Interior indefinitely. Following a decision taken by the Kneset’s Interior Committee in 2010 to force the government to present a detailed timeline for the council’s development the date for the first elections in the Abu Basma Regional Council was set as 2012.
As Rougon's power has grown, so has hers, until she has influence at the highest level and on an international scale, including as the Emperor's mistress. Now having the upper hand, she is able to punish Rougon for his refusal to marry her. To silence political and personal opposition, Rougon decides to submit his resignation to the Emperor, confident that it will not be accepted. However, it is accepted, and Delestang is made Minister of the Interior, the implication being that both actions are founded on Clorinde’s authority over the Emperor.
In higher education, new research provides the most desired quality of evidence, if this is not available, then existing forms of evidence should be used. It is accepted that research provides the greatest form of knowledge, in the form of quantitative or qualitative data. Research students are highly desired by various industries due to their dynamic mental capacity. Research students are commonly sought after due to their analysis and problem-solving ability, interpersonal and leadership skills, project management and organisation, research and information management and written and oral communication.
The Fijian race origins have many different lines passed down through oral traditional story or in relics of songs and dance, the most practical is found oral history. In myth it is accepted by most Fijians that their origins are found through the Kalou Vu Degei. An alternative tale from times past was published in the first part of the 19th century by Ms. Ann Tyson Harvey. This tells of Lutunasobasoba, supposedly a great ancestral chief and a brother of Degei II, whose people came to settle Fiji.
He makes them an offer to loot the houses of each victim and take as much as they can carry. Titus Pullo gets the order to kill Cicero, but Vorenus insists on "no looting on this name" to show some respect. He also asks the gang leaders about what to do with the expected wealth, and proposes to distribute fish and bread to the people as a gesture of good will by the collegium. After some debate (and Memmio speaking in favor of the proposal) it is accepted.
One of the concerns that arises in international surrogacy arrangements is the rights of the surrogate mother, especially when it comes to informed consent and exploitation. It is accepted that in no circumstances should the surrogate mother be forced by the intended parents or anyone else to enter into a surrogacy arrangement.Richard Blauwhoff and Lisette Frohn International Commercial Surrogacy Arrangements: The Interests of the Child as a Concern of Both Human Rights and Private International Law. In all cases, there should be informed consent before the surrogacy arrangement can proceed.
Palaeohatteria was first described and named by Carl Friedrich Heinrich Credner in 1888 and the type species is Palaeohatteria longicaudata. The generic name is derived from Greek παλαιός (palaios) "old, ancient", and from Hatteria, a proposed common name and generic name (like Rhynchocephalus) to the Tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus). Credner considered it to be an ancient relative of "Hatteria". Baur (1889), who considered the name Sphenodon to be valid for Tuatara (while "Hatteria" is a junior synonym, as it is accepted today), claimed that the name Palaeohatteria should be also invalid.
It was exhibited for a time in McKenzie Bridge, Oregon before the animal was sold to a man named Alfred Bayne. As late as 1981, scientist were being asked to identify small bear tracks in the Fort Rock area to determine if they were made by lava bears. Today, it is accepted that lava bears are actually common American black bears. It is also generally acknowledged that all of the animals that were killed or captured between 1917 and 1934 were either black bear cubs or small adults stunted from malnutrition.
It has an absolute magnitude of 4.0, which makes it likely to be a dwarf planet, and it is accepted as a dwarf planet by some. It is expected to be about half the size of Sedna and similar in size to Huya. Its surface is thought to have a pink tinge, resulting from chemical changes produced by the effect of radiation on frozen water, methane, and carbon dioxide. This optical color is consistent with formation in the gas-giant region and not the classical Kuiper belt, which is dominated by ultra-red colored objects.
The 2003 match between Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar had a 15-second rest period after each fall, regardless of how it occurred. Should the match result in a tie, sudden death overtime may be requested by either wrestler as a plot device, and it is accepted or rejected by either an opponent or an authority figure. After Shawn Michaels and Kurt Angle tied 2–2 in a 30-minute iron man match, Michaels begged Angle to go sudden death, but Angle walked off. Sudden deaths are especially common in title matches.
Charles was probably born in Haarlem, since Ampzing included him, but this is not totally certain. It is accepted that he lived in Haarlem up until 1628, the year of publication of Ampzing's book. Ampzing wrote a whole verse of poetry about him: (And would I hereby deem de Hooch worthy) (of enhancing his dignity with praise?) (Do you want to see ruins, true to life?) (You recognize his mastery and refinement.) After his Haarlem period he moved to Utrecht, where he died 2 July 1638 leaving underage children.
In Canada and the United States, adolescent sexuality is often presented negatively; the concern is that opening up these topics with teenagers will encourage them to partake in those activities. Researchers suggest the western European way of approaching sexual health, in which it is accepted that teenagers will have sex. They focus sexual health information on teaching the values of responsibility and respect for themselves and others, along with techniques of safety and pleasure. Researchers also suggest that Canada should consider factors unique to its rural and aboriginal populations.
Since part of the population of Senegal is not completely sedentary, it is accepted that some semi-permanent or semi-nomadic camps or groupings of families may be assimilated into villages. The creation of a new village is accomplished in several stages. A rural council or departmental development committee can make a proposal, followed by an ordinance of the regional governor on the proposal of a prefect, which must finally be approved by the Minister of the Interior. The directories of villages, updated after each census, are prepared by arrondissements.
A brief discussion is contained here in order to describe how iptables may be used to configure a Linux firewall. netfilter provides a state-full packet filter which can be configured according to network interface, protocol, source and/or destination address, source and/or destination port and the state of the packet. A network packet traverses several chains between the time it is received by a network interface and the time it is accepted by the host or forwarded to another host. The common chains are INPUT, OUTPUT and FORWARD.
Ford's Chapel (his first stop because it was a day's horseback ride from his home), State Line, Blue Springs, Jordan's Camp Ground, Hunt's Spring (now Huntsville First Methodist) and Lebanon (now Latham Memorial, Farley). The records only mention four or five months of work on the circuit. It is accepted as a fact that Richard and Betsy Ford became good friends of Rev. Gwinn and that their home just west of this spot became a Methodist Society meeting place, and that he used it as headquarters when he came from Nashville to his circuit.
Iraqi explains in the Lammat, Ibn Arabi's Sufism through the love symbology." He quotes from Saed Nafisi's ‘Introduction’ to the ‘Kullyat Iraqi’-‘Generally it is accepted that Iraqi wrote Lammat following the ideas of Ibn Arabi, but Iraqi himself says differently. He writes in the beginning of the Lammat that he has written this book in the manner of ‘Swaneh’ of Ahmad Ghazali.’ Baljit Singh further refers to Dr Nasrullah Pourjavadi, a scholar on Ahmad Ghazali and writes, "It was Ahmad Ghazali who first of all saw the Divine as love and founded the Sufi Metaphysics of Love.
Germanicus is painted as a competent leader able to handle the masses whereas Tiberius is indecisive and envious. Despite the poetics attached to Germanicus by ancient authors, it is accepted by historians such as Anthony Barrett that Germanicus was an able general. He fought against the Pannonians under Tiberius, quelled the mutiny in the Rhine, and led three successful campaigns into Germania. As for his popularity, he was popular enough that the mutinous legions of the Rhine attempted to proclaim him emperor in AD 14; however, he remained loyal and led them against the German tribes instead.
Although the reasons for the lack of participation of women are multifaceted and are not fully understood, it is accepted that they partly stem from the perceived image of the field, a lack of understanding of what work in the field consists of, and a lack of encouragement. Correspondingly, many institutions (both ones that are independently organized and ones that are funded by the Government of Canada through universities) have come into existence to inform and encourage potential computing students. As well, many universities and other organizations offer gender-specific scholarships in attempts to increase enrollment numbers.
For the subject of the poet, it is accepted by most scholars to identify with Vikidzzo Kornaros of Jacob, brother of the Venetian author Andreas Kornaros. Vicentzos, according to archival sources, was born in 1553 and died in 1613 or 1614. Based on this evidence, it is concluded that Erotokritos was written between 1590 and 1610. [10] On the Italian model on which Kornaros was based, the various adaptations of the French work stand out from the study of two, one of 1543, and one of Angelo Albani's diameters, entitled Innamoramento de due fidelissimi amanti Paris en Vienna, 1626.
Riding pony is a horse show classification used to refer to certain types of ponies. Competition is divided into sections based on height and type, and include being judged under saddle in standard pleasure horse classes, as well as in related events such as sidesaddle or in-hand. Riding ponies were originally developed in the United Kingdom and are now bred all over the world. Generally speaking, where the term "riding pony" is used in a competition schedule it is accepted as referring to ponies shown under saddle on the flat, as hunter ponies and driving ponies have separate classes.
This is often followed by a smile and usually a smile from the receiver if it is accepted or approved by them, sometimes combined with blushing if they are embarrassed. A smile from the receiver sometimes—but not always—indicates (sexual) interest in the winker. For example, in the Wodaabe tribe in the Niger area, someone who wants to engage in sexual activities can wink at a person. If the person continues to look at them, they will slightly move their lip corner, showing the way to the bush the person is expected to have sex with them in.
The Welsh Corgi is thought to be one of the parent breeds of the Lancashire Heeler. The origin of breed are unknown, however it is accepted that a type of Welsh Corgi was used to drive livestock to the north west of England from Wales. In the Ormskirk area, a type of black and tan terrier called the Manchester Terrier was introduced which resulted in what is now known as the Lancashire Heeler. The breed has been known in its home county for over a hundred and fifty years as a general purpose farm dog, capable of both ratting and herding cattle.
Whilst the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle assigns these events to 827, the lunar eclipse referred to in the same entry occurred in the winter of 828-29, and it is accepted that the correct year for Eanred's meeting with Egbert is 829. thereby, at least temporarily, extending Egbert's hegemony to the entirety of Anglo-Saxon Britain. Roger of Wendover states that Eanred reigned from 810 until 840, the twelfth-century History of the Church of Durham records a reign of 33 years, and a recently discovered coin of Eanred has been dated to c. 850 on stylistic grounds.
With no accurate data on the origin of the Pocras, the study of ethnolinguistics has deduced a history based on the fact that the dominant language family of the Pocras language was Proto-Aymara or "Ara". All the regional languages of coastal origin are accepted as "Aka" and those of Andean (sierra) origin as "Ara". Given that the Pocras linguistic origin is "Ara" (Aymara), it is accepted that the Pocras are of mountain origin."Aka", or Arawak languages, originates in the coastal region, and its current version is called by the name "Akaru" in the Peruvian department of Lima.
Thorp T-211 Sky Skooter on display at the IndUS Aviation booth at Sun 'n Fun 2006 ;SkySkooter (T-111) :The SkySkooter is based on the T-111 with an Jabiru 2200 engine and is accepted as a light-sport aircraft. ;Thorpedo (T211) :The Thorpedo is based on the Thorp T211 with a lighter Jabiru 3300 engine and it is accepted as a light-sport aircraft. ;Certified T211 :This aircraft is an FAA certified Thorp T211, similar to the original model and has a Continental O-200A engine. It is available in two variants, one with VFR avionics and another with IFR equipment.
The C.I.P. Decisions are updated, modified and published every one or two years in the form of a Comprehensive Edition of Adopted C.I.P. Decisions, Texts and Tables in the form of CD-ROM containing Portable Document Format documents. Part of the Decisions, Texts and Tables are also available on-line on the C.I.P. website. Official C.I.P. decisions regarding pressure are specified in the unit bar. Though the bar is not a SI unit like the pascal, nor a cgs unit, it is accepted for use with the SI by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Of course a very important issue arises from this, which is that what constitutes a good or acceptable justification varies from context to context. Even if it is accepted that rationality must be expanded to include normative and evaluative dimensions, it is not clear what it is that makes a speech act justified, because it is unclear what constitutes a good reason. It must be understood that there are different kinds of reasons in relation to the different validity dimensions. This is apparent, because what defines a validity dimension are the procedures of justification that are unique to it.
Although it is accepted that a growing economy is financially beneficial towards the inhabitants, there are social problems such as drug and alcohol abuse brought on by temporary financial stability. There are also concerns related to employment, with older mines in the area having a high turnover rate and difficult working conditions. For the Inuit, there is also a concern with the separation and disappearance of the traditional subsistence culture by working in a mine or for a government corporation. Further challenges exist as the Indigenous groups in Northern Canada are faced with possible transition from a traditional life.
In Mexico's northern border area and major tourist zones, it is accepted as if it were a second legal currency. Many Canadian merchants close to the border, as well as large stores in big cities and major tourist hotspots in Peru also accept U.S. dollars, though usually at a value that favours the merchant. In Cambodia, U.S. notes circulate freely and are preferred over the Cambodian riel for large purchases, with the riel used for change to break 1 USD. After the U.S. intervention of Afghanistan, U.S. dollars are accepted as if it were legal tender.
Tattvartha Sutra (also known as Tattvarth-adhigama-sutra or Moksha-shastra) is an ancient Jain text written by Acharya Umaswami (Umaswami), sometime between the 2nd- and 5th-century AD. It is one of the Jain scriptures written in the Sanskrit language. The term Tattvartha is composed of the Sanskrit words tattva which means "reality, truth" and artha which means "nature, meaning", together meaning "nature of reality". The Tattvartha Sutra is regarded as one of the earliest, most authoritative texts in Jainism. It is accepted as authoritative in both its major sub-traditions – Digambara and Śvētāmbara – as well as the minor sub-traditions.
It is accepted by many philosophers that Hartshorne made the idea of perfection rationally conceivable, and so his contribution to the ontological argument is deemed to be valuable for modern philosophical discussion. It has been said that Hartshorne has placed an interesting emphasis on affirming that the God who loves the creation also endures suffering. In his theological thought the centrality of love is very strong, particularly in his interpretation of God, nature and all living creatures. Hartshorne is also appreciated for his philosophical interest in Buddhism, and in stimulating others in new approaches to inter-religious co-operation and dialogue.
Pub: Macmillan and co. 1885. May be downloaded from No doubt largely because of his influence, various authors supported the term, either as such, or as the slightly older "Urochordata", but this usage is invalid because "Tunicata" has precedence, and grounds for superseding the name never existed. Accordingly, the current (formally correct) trend is to abandon the name Urochorda or Urochordata in favour of the original Tunicata, and the name Tunicata is almost invariably used in modern scientific works. It is accepted as valid by the World Register of Marine SpeciesTunicata World Register of Marine Species.
The Common Application. The advantage of the Common Application is that it is the same for numerous colleges, and can save time and trouble for a student. It is accepted at 488 colleges out of several thousand, but only a third of the 488 use it exclusively, meaning that two-thirds allow an applicant to submit either the Common Application or the school's specific application form. According to Hernandez, many admissions officers complain that the Common Application stifles creativity and encourages "dull responses," and she recommends that students use the college's particular application when there is a choice.
Though it is accepted by scholars that his tomb is in Kafr Yasif, where some assume to have identified it, his burial place is traditionally said to be near the Talmudic sage Rabbi Akiva in Tiberias, northern Israel. It is noteworthy that there are many scholars who make some comparison between the Ramchal and Rabbi Akiva. Some believe that the Ramchal is actually a Gilgul (reincarnation) of Rabbi Akiva. Probably also because Kafr Yasif is now an Arab town while Tiberias is Jewish, the Tiberias tomb is the destination of almost all of the pilgrims seeking his final resting place.
Conversely, he used the term greater black magic in reference to changes in the subjective universe of the magician, allowing them to realize their self in accordance with the principle of Xeper. Among Setians it is accepted that there may be changes in the objective universe as a result of greater black magic, but such effects are considered secondary to the impact that they have upon the subjective universe. Within the Temple, rituals are typically known as "workings", and are most often carried out alone. Stressing the religion's individualist nature, there are no rituals that are specifically prescribed by the Temple.
The iconography of both the late Byzantine, typified by the unknown artist responsible for the Cambrai Madonna, and 14th century successors such as Giotto favoured showing the Madonna in a monumental scale, and it is accepted by art historians that van Eyck absorbed these influences, though when and through which works is disputed. It is believed that he had direct exposure to them during his visit to Italy, which occurred either in 1426 or 1428. Van Eyck's two panels carried forward the habit of reproduction and were themselves frequently copied by commercial workshops throughout the 15th century.Jolly (1998), p.
After learning Louisette is getting a divorce, they waive their claims. Although Child's book is rejected by Houghton Mifflin, it is accepted and published by Alfred A. Knopf. Julie Powell – 2002 In 2002, Julie Powell (Adams) is a young writer with an unpleasant job at the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation's call center, where she answers telephone calls from victims of the September 11 attacks and members of the general public complaining about the LMDC's controversial plans for rebuilding the World Trade Center. She is discontented with this, and is disheartened at watching her acquaintances succeed in their own professions.
DNA Master is a free software tool that students can download on a windows computer that utilizes the programs GLIMMER, GeneMark, Aragorn, and tRNAscan-SE to auto-annotate a genome that is uploaded as a FASTA format file. Since this is done by a computer algorithm that only uses three programs and may not be as updated as the online versions, each suggested gene has to be confirmed by student annotations.These go through several rounds of peer- review before it is accepted to be reviewed by experts from PhagesDB, then it can be submitted to GenBank.
He has indicated that a combination of tax increases and spending cuts will be required. All of these issues would be addressed under the aegis of a fiscal reform commission. Rationing by price means accepting that there is no triage according to need. Thus in the private sector it is accepted that some people get expensive surgeries such as liver transplants or non life-threatening ones such as cosmetic surgery, when others fail to get cheaper and much more cost effective care such as prenatal care, which could save the lives of many fetuses and newborn children.
Although it is accepted that Christians represent the majority of the population of Burundi, there is no consensus about the exact size of the population that they represent. The United States Department of State estimated in 2010 that 75 percent of Burundians are Christian of which 60 percent are Catholic and 15 percent Protestant. According to the Pew Research Center from 2010, the number of Christians represents 94.1 percent of the national population of whom 73 percent are Catholic and 20 percent Protestant. Burundian Christians are divided into separate Churches, often very small in size, which differ by religious belief.
Justiniani, Justini, Leonis novellae constitutiones. The Novellae were fundamental to the teaching of law on the continent at this time, and a new edition was badly needed. Scrimgeour used his contacts with the French ambassador to Venice to gain access to the important Bessarian codex there, and his edition was well received by contemporary lawyers. The period between 1558 and his last visit to Italy in 1564 represents the most energetic part of Scrimgeour's activity in another capacity, that of book collector; it is accepted that the greatest part of the Greek, Latin, and Hebrew manuscripts of the Fugger collection were gathered by Scrimgeour, who frequently travelled between Augsburg and Italy.
Rather than there being a predisposition for tribal structures, the Berber's survival strategy in the face of foreign occupation was to figuratively retreat into their own way of life through their enduring tribal networks.Laroui, The History of the Maghrib (1970, 1977) at 64-66. On the other hand, as it is accepted and understood, tribal societies in the Middle East have continued over millennia and from time to time flourish.Philip S. Khoury and Joseph Kostiner, "Introduction: Tribes and the Complexities of State Formation in the Middle East" at 1-22, in Khoury and Kostiner, Tribes and State Formation in the Middle East (Univ.of California 1990) at 1-22.
Though many myths and legends relate to the emergence of Faskari, it is accepted that its origin came from famous Arab migrants Gido and Wari transient from Alkalawa (Gobir) to Zaria who came and settled among the Mafaskara (meaning the firewood choppers, people who were then into pagan practices). The town of Faskari possibly dates back to 1778. It was later built into a more civilized community by one of the descendants of Kaura Kuren Gumaru, during the reign of Muhammed Bello, the Emir of Katsina from 1844 to 1886. Faskari became a Local Government Area in May 1989, carved out of Funtua Local Government Area.
Each Latter-day Saint is expected to use personal revelation to determine how best to apply gospel principles and the commandments in his or her life in a path toward perfection. It is accepted that not all members will agree on how to interpret the same scripture; rather, each person is responsible to determine how it should be interpreted for himself or herself. For example, the dietary code called the Word of Wisdom contains the statement "And again, hot drinks are not for the body or belly."D&C; 89:9 Church leaders later clarified the words "hot drinks" to mean coffee and tea.
The 1601 Act stated that charities for the benefit of the "aged, impotent and poor people" had an appropriate purpose; it is accepted that these may appear individually. A charity does not have to be for the benefit of people who are both poor, impotent and aged to be valid, only one of them.Edwards (2007) p.212 "Poverty" is a subjective term, and in Re Coulthurst,[1951] Ch 661 Sir Raymond Evershed indicated that it should be treated as such; "poverty, of course, does not mean destitution... it [means] persons who have to 'go short'... due regard being had to their status in life and so forth".
Schabacker; Jones, 59 The attribution of either panel to an original by van Eyck is usually not contested; while it may be doubted whether either copy was completed until one or two generations after his early death c. 1441, it is accepted that neither is a forgery or wishful thinking. Art historians broadly consider it likely that both were copied from a single source, that is, one is not a copy of the other, and that both originate from roughly the same period. Van Eyck's original was atypically daring and unusually erotic for a painting of the 1420s – early 1430s when it was presumably completed.
As there is no definitive date of when Dyer turned professional and many fights in the early 20th century were poorly recorded, the boxing record associated with Dyer is incomplete. His total bouts and results presently stand, as listed by Boxrec, as 72 fights, of which 44 were wins (14 by knockout), 20 losses (4 by knockout), 6 draws and 2 'no contests'. It is accepted that this list is incomplete and more bouts could be added in future, or changed. One commonly held misconception connected to Dyer is that he holds the second longest unbeaten record of fights of any boxer in world history, after fellow Welsh fighter Jimmy Wilde.
His student Arend Heyting postulated an intuitionistic logic, different from the classical Aristotelian logic; this logic does not contain the law of the excluded middle and therefore frowns upon proofs by contradiction. The axiom of choice is also rejected in most intuitionistic set theories, though in some versions it is accepted. In intuitionism, the term "explicit construction" is not cleanly defined, and that has led to criticisms. Attempts have been made to use the concepts of Turing machine or computable function to fill this gap, leading to the claim that only questions regarding the behavior of finite algorithms are meaningful and should be investigated in mathematics.
Since it has no substantial stem or stern posts those parts of the boat would have to be reinforced by the introduction of substantial aprons and breasthooks, perhaps augmented by sacrificial stem and stern posts between which the unsupported hull planking could be sandwiched. Using these techniques, perhaps better understood as a result of technological transfers from architectural woodworking, shipwrights were able to extend the hulk in size until it rivaled and surpassed the cog. Because of their widespread use by the Hanseatic League and English documents regarding trade, it is accepted by scholars that the hulk was predominantly a cargo vessel. It is also possible that hulks served as warships.
It is accepted that feedback, if presented at the correct time and in the correct quantity, plays a great part in the learning of new skills and the enhancement of performance. Recent research, however, has shown that the more objective or quantitative the feedback, the greater effect it has on performance. However, in order to gauge the exact effect of feedback alone, complete control conditions would be needed in order to minimise the effect of other external variables, which is by definition impossible in real competitive environments. This experimental design is also made more difficult because working with elite athletes precludes large numbers of subjects.
Studies have shown that long-term spacing effects are prevalent in learning and produce significant learning gains, particularly when the spacing gaps are on the order of days or weeks. Although it is accepted that spacing is beneficial in learning a subject well and previous units should be revisited and practiced, textbooks are written in discrete chapters that do not support these findings. Rohrer conducted a two- part study in 2006 where students were taught how to solve math problems. In part 1, students either used mass or spaced practice, and spaced practice showed significant improvement over mass practice when tested one week later.
However, they hesitated to accept it for various reasons, including the fact that it required a modification of the accepted Standard Model. They first pointed at the solar model for adjustment, which was ruled out. Today it is accepted that the neutrinos produced in the Sun are not massless particles as predicted by the Standard Model but rather mixed quantum states made up of defined-mass eigenstates in different (complex) proportions. That allows a neutrino produced as a pure electron neutrino to change during propagation into a mixture of electron, muon and tau neutrinos, with a reduced probability of being detected by a detector sensitive to only electron neutrinos.
To support this, he displayed the Flora bust among a selection of Lucas's lesser work – this exhibition rather backfired, however, as it showed that Lucas had been regularly making wax sculptures inspired by the great works of previous times. Various claims and counter-claims have been put forward about the bust, from its being an outright forgery to being a genuine 16th-century piece (albeit not by Leonardo). Scientific examination has been inconclusive and unhelpful in dating the bust, although it is accepted as having at least some connection with Lucas. The bust remains on display in what is now the Bode Museum labelled "England", "19th century" with a question mark.
The disease scroll (Yamai no soshi, late 12th century) depicts a woman moneylender with obesity, considered a disease of the rich. Obesity in developed countries is correlated with economic inequality While genetic influences are important to understanding obesity, they cannot explain the current dramatic increase seen within specific countries or globally. Though it is accepted that energy consumption in excess of energy expenditure leads to obesity on an individual basis, the cause of the shifts in these two factors on the societal scale is much debated. There are a number of theories as to the cause but most believe it is a combination of various factors.
During the next two centuries, inhabitants dedicated themselves more to agriculture and neglected their earlier naval tradition. Scarcity of accurate historical documents and an almost complete silence covering the events on the island in the early Middle Ages are trustworthy signs of a great autonomy of Lastovo in that period. Lastovo may have at times come briefly under various rulers from the 7th to 13th centuries, whether Byzantine, Dukljan or Narentine, however, it is accepted that Lastovo generally recognised the Croatian kings as its nominal and natural rulers. In 1185 the Hvar diocese is formed of which Lastovo is mentioned as having been part.
Reputation is also how others know and perceive you as an individual. While image only moves (when transmitted and accepted) from one individual cognition to another, the anonymous character of reputation makes it a more complex phenomenon. Reputation proceeds from the level of individual cognition (when is born, possibly as an image, but not always) to the level of social propagation (at this level, it not necessarily believed as from any specific agent) and from this level back to individual cognition again (when it is accepted). Moreover, once it gets to the population level, reputation gives rise to a further property at the agent level.
By modern standards his flight time was minimal, but in 1909 he had accumulated enough to become an instructor. On his first flight he took off, maintained straight and level flight, albeit briefly, and landed safely. His crash landing on his second flight, when he tried to retrieve his hat which was blown off, demonstrated what a momentary lack of attention could cause while flying a Wright Model A. It is accepted by Australian historiansThe Powerhouse Museum is the major branch of the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences in Sydney. First Powered Flight in Australia- Episode 4 « Inside the collection – Powerhouse Museum.
Civil law jurisdictions - in very general terms - tend to regulate the content of the insurance agreement more closely, and more in the favour of the insured, than in common law jurisdictions, where the insurer is rather better protected from the possibility that the risk for which it has accepted a premium may be greater than that for which it had bargained. As a result, most legal systems worldwide apply common-law principles to the adjudication of commercial insurance disputes, whereby it is accepted that the insurer and the insured are more-or-less equal partners in the division of the economic burden of risk.
The Middle Mississippian vessels are believed, through petrographic analysis, to be brought from the American Bottom to Salt Lake Coulee through a series of exchange networks. It is not known whether the Late Woodland inspired artifacts had been there prior to the Middle Mississippians' arrival or if the site served as a point of cooperation. Nonetheless, it is accepted that the interaction resulted in the creation of hybrid vessels. Another theory of site's purpose had it be the grounds for a peaceful feast between the Mississippians and the Late Woodland society, which would ultimately be unsuccessful as evident by the lack of additional prominent Mississippian sites in the region.
It is accepted generally, though, that repressive treatment toward Chinese were practised by both Filipinos and Spaniards together with Japanese immigrants and Americans during the colonial period. After independence in 1946, Chinese quickly assumed some of the top posts in finance and business. There were several setbacks, however, such as immigration policies deemed unfair toward migrants from China during President Ramon Magsaysay's term, as well as the limiting of hours for studying Chinese subjects in Chinese schools throughout the country, as promulgated by President Ferdinand Marcos. In some ways, the Philippines is a surprisingly homogeneous society considering its multiplicity of languages, ethnicities and cultures.
Since characterisation and the choice of law rules were operating inflexibly, the solution has been to allow the growth of judicial discretion within both parts of the system. Hence, most legal systems have opted for what English law calls the proper law approach: the identification and application of the law that has the closest connection with the cause(s) of action. It is accepted that the words have the same apparent spirit as the older approach, which requires some caution in their evaluation. In theory, flexibility will preserve an international outlook and multilateral approach by the courts and in most places, the results are encouraging.
However, the key evidence, a thirteenth-century account by Ibn Diḥya, in which an Arab diplomat Al-Ghazāl ("the gazelle") is dispatched to a pagan court during the reign of Abd-ar-Raḥman II, has been shown neither clearly to refer to Vikings nor probably even to have happened.Pons Sanz, S. M., ‘Whom did al-Ghazal meet? An exchange of embassies between the Arabs from al-Andalus and the Vikings’, Saga-Book, 28 (2004): 5–28. It is accepted, however, that in the tenth century the Jewish Hispano-Arabic merchant Ibrahim ibn Yakub Al-Tartushi travelled to the Scandinavian trading town of Hedeby in Schleswig.
In the early 1800s, E. amylovara was the first bacterium that could be used in experiments to demonstrate that it did indeed cause disease in plants. It is accepted that this destructive crop bacterium had initially originated in North America. Today, E. amylovara can currently be found in all the provinces of Canada, as well as in some parts of the United States of America; states include Alabama, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin. Other American countries of its occurrence include but are not limited to Mexico and Bermuda.
The origins of the name "Carr Hill" are subject to speculation. In the 18th and 19th centuries the village was usually referred to as Carr's Hill,Whellan, 1848, 803 a possessive form suggesting that, like Deckham, the name stems from a notable family in residence.Some authors have suggested that the name may relate to a John Carr of Dunston Hill, but it is accepted that there is little supporting evidence. See Proctor, 2006: 31 at para.1 and Manders, 1973: 337 It is more likely however that the name was taken from the Scottish Gaelic carr, meaning "rocky shelf".Proctor, 2006: 31 at para.
In August 1980 he published an expanded 5th edition of the book retitled as Notes on Rubik's "Magic Cube". It included the results of his correspondence with other "cubologists", and included details on monotwists, U-flips, Cayley graphs, and wreath products. The book contained his own "step by step solution" for the Cube, and it is accepted that he was a pioneer of the general Layer by Layer approach for solving the Cube. If you managed to solve the Cube using his method then Singmaster suggested that you should: The book also contained a catalogue of pretty patterns including his "cube in a cube in a cube" pattern which he had discovered himself "and was very pleased with".
The Charles Blaskowitz Chart of Narragansett Bay published July 22, 1777 at Charing Cross, London The first visit by Europeans to the bay was probably in the early 16th century. At the time, the area surrounding the bay was inhabited by two different Indian tribes: the Narragansetts occupied the west side of the bay, and the Wampanoags lived on the east side, occupying the land east to Cape Cod. It is accepted by most historians that first contact by Europeans was made by Giovanni da Verrazzano, an Italian explorer who entered the bay in his ship La Dauphine in 1524 after visiting New York Bay. Verrazzano called the bay Refugio, the "Refuge".
Customers can use Canadian Tire money to buy anything in the store. (Older coupons state that they are redeemable at Canadian Tire stores and gas stations; however, coupons produced during at least the last 15 years lack this wording and are therefore redeemable in the stores only.) It can also be used to cover the sales tax on the purchases, since it is accepted as cash after the taxes are calculated. Also, even if a purchase was made entirely in these coupons, it is also considered as a cash purchase and more coupons will be calculated and paid out. In Ontario, the Retail Sales Tax law and Bulletins state that the "coupon must be reimbursed by the franchisee".
If it is accepted that a large part of demand variability in high volume products can be substantially caused by sales and ordering process artifacts then analysis and leveling can be attempted. The use of long delay supply chains to reduce manufacturing costs often means that production orders are placed long before customer demand can be realistically estimated. The much later arrival of forecast product demand volumes makes demand leveling irrelevant since the issue has now switched to disposal at best price possible products that are already created and possibly paid for. Demand leveling has only proven possible where build times have been made relatively low and production has been made relatively reliable and flexible.
Cf. Bichir (1976) 146-8 However, it is uncertain whether this term constitutes reliable evidence that the Dacians were still a major force at this time. Zosimus is regarded as an unreliable chronicler by a single scholar and has been criticised by one scholar as having "an unsurpassable claim to be regarded as the worst of all the extant Greek historians of the Roman would be tedious to catalogue all the instances where this historian has falsely transcribed names, not to mention his confusion of events...".Thompson (1982) 446 It is accepted that the Zosimus quote proves the continued existence in 381 of the Dacians as a distinct ethnic group.
The lineages are termed B/Yamagata/16/88-like and B/Victoria/2/87-like viruses. The quadrivalent influenza vaccine licensed by the CDC is currently designed to protect against both co-circulating lineages and has been shown to have greater effectiveness in prevention of influenza caused by Influenza B virus than the previous trivalent vaccine. Further diminishing the impact of this virus, "in humans, influenza B viruses evolve slower than A viruses and faster than C viruses". Influenzavirus B mutates at a rate 2 to 3 times slower than type A. Nevertheless, it is accepted that Influenza B virus could cause significant morbidity and mortality worldwide, and significantly impacts adolescents and schoolchildren.
The Certificato di Conoscenza della Lingua Italiana (Certificate of Knowledge of Italian Language), or CELI, is an internationally recognized qualification of the Italian language destined for foreigners wanting to validate their relative Italian fluency, offered by the Università per Stranieri di Perugia. It is accepted as an official qualification notably by the Italian Ministry of Education and Research and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It is one of the qualifications used by foreigners to get entrance into any Italian university or higher education institution. The CELI qualification represents one of the many Italian Language Examinations and is often taken by applicants with immigration, work and study needs or for pure passion.
It is accepted that Armenia became the first country to adopt Christianity as its state religion. Christianity became the official religion of Armenia in 301, when it was still illegal in the Roman Empire. According to church tradition, the Armenian Apostolic Church was founded by Gregory the Illuminator of the late third – early fourth centuries while they trace their origins to the missions of Bartholomew the Apostle and Thaddeus (Jude the Apostle) in the 1st century. Although it has long been claimed that Armenia was the first Christian kingdom, according to some scholars this has relied on a source by Agathangelos titled "The History of the Armenians", which has recently been redated, casting some doubt.
In Christian countries and cultures, cremation has historically been discouraged, but now in many denominations it is accepted. The Roman Catholic Church permits ordinary cremation of bodies as long as it is not done in denial of the beliefs in the sacredness of the human body or the resurrection of the dead. Islam forbids the cremation of any living being as it does not fit in line with the teachings of respect and dignity to be handed to any living being. When alkaline hydrolysis was proposed in New York state the New York State Catholic Conference condemned the practice, stating that hydrolysis does not show sufficient respect for the teaching of the intrinsic dignity of the human body.
The only four recorded events above a 6.0-magnitude (Mw) are the tall Koyna Dam in India and the Kremasta Dam in Greece which both registered 6.3-Mw, the high Kariba Dam in Zambia at 6.25-Mw and the Xinfengjiang Dam in China at 6.1-Mw. Disputes have occurred regarding when RTS has occurred due to a lack of hydrogeological knowledge at the time of the event. It is accepted, though, that the infiltration of water into pores and the weight of the reservoir do contribute to RTS patterns. For RTS to occur, there must be a seismic structure near the dam or its reservoir and the seismic structure must be close to failure.
Owing to its flamboyant virtuosity and its expressiveness, the work has long been thought to have been painted by Giovanni Domenico's father, Giovanni Battista, but since 1939, it is accepted as an early masterpiece by the younger Tiepolo. On account of the stylistic resemblances with Giovanni Battista's paintings, it is thought that it was painted shortly after his death, i.e. 1770, when Giovanni Domenico was still carrying his father's mantle while beginning to develop his own, more realistic and even naturalistic style (here visible in the trompe-l'œil basket at the lower edge of the painting). The painting was bought in 1898 by Wilhelm von Bode from the Florentine art dealer , and entered the collections in 1900.
It is accepted that there is a greater cost involved in the initial setup, but thereafter the performance is in line with the standard loci method. The purported advantage is to create towns and cities that each represent a topic or an area of study, thus offering an efficient filing of the information and an easy path for the regular review necessary for long term memory storage. Something that is likely a reference to the "method of loci" techniques survives to this day in the common English phrases "in the first place", "in the second place", and so forth. The technique is also used for second language vocabulary learning, as polyglot Timothy Doner described in his 2014 TED talk.
Commonly known as the porcupine banksia, Banksia lindleyana was first published by Carl Meissner in 1855, based on material collected by James Drummond in 1850–1851 near the lower Murchison River. Meissner did not give an etymology for the specific epithet, but it is accepted that the name honours John Lindley. Initially, Meissner's only comment on the affinities of the species was that When he published his taxonomic arrangement of Banksia the following year, in B. ser Salicinae on account of its linear leaves with grey undersides, positioning it between B. cylindrostachya and B. marginata. When George Bentham published his arrangement in 1870, he abandoned Meissner's series, which were based on leaf characters and therefore unacceptably heterogeneous.
Of the 50,000 deaths which John Blacker attributed to the Emergency, half were children under the age of ten. The lack of food did not just affect the children, of course. The Overseas Branch of the British Red Cross commented on the "women who, from progressive undernourishment, had been unable to carry on with their work".. Disease prevention was not helped by the colony's policy of returning sick detainees to receive treatment in the reserves,: "It is accepted policy that cases of pulmonary tuberculosis be returned to their reserve to avail themselves of the routine medical control and treatment within their areas". (The quote is of the colony's director of medical services).
For the anthropologist, of the analysis of the compilations of folklore it is deduced that the conception of the tradition and the traditional thing is a recent historical invention fixed in a canon built culturally from the romanticism and has strong ideological implications. The anthropologist Díaz Viana denounces the current acculturation when it is accepted without criticism by the overmodernity – technological fetishism and logic of economic progress – that inevitably distances us from the human reality. He also criticizes some proposals to protect the rural environment: a conservationist model of nature, landscapes and countryside that has left the people who still live in it as figurines dams on postcards that some administrations keep there only to be visited.
Pop singer Britney Spears promoting an exclusive version of the game in 2012 Twister, much like its counterpart the hula hoop, was one of the many toy fad phenomena that came about in the second half of the 20th century. Microsoft Encarta labels Twister as being an "industry phenomenon" that "briefly captures the public's imagination, and sells in the millions". Being one of the earliest toy fads and a "national craze for a short time," Twister was a game that was able to bring all age groups together, whether children or adults. Twister, being both globally spread and highly popular, is unlike other games of its stature in the sense that it is accepted by all social classes.
Regulatory approval for an indication requires a body of evidence that costs money to assemble, and as with evidence-based medicine generally, the desire for a vast, high- quality evidence base is an ideal that real-world practice can only aspire to and further approach, rather than completely match; there may not be enough resources to test every drug for every possible or logical indication to an exhaustive degree. Regulation of therapy freedom thus takes an approach in which anything not explicitly forbidden is allowed rather than an approach in which anything not explicitly allowed is forbidden, and it is accepted that drugs may be used in off-label ways as long as a competent professional prescribes them.
If the t-statistic is larger than a predetermined value, the null hypothesis is rejected and the variable is found to have explanatory power, with its coefficient significantly different from zero. Otherwise, the null hypothesis of a zero value of the true coefficient is accepted. In addition, the Chow test is used to test whether two subsamples both have the same underlying true coefficient values. The sum of squared residuals of regressions on each of the subsets and on the combined data set are compared by computing an F-statistic; if this exceeds a critical value, the null hypothesis of no difference between the two subsets is rejected; otherwise, it is accepted.
Settlers from this area would be allowed to establish the boundaries of the land they were "squatting" on for about three dollars an acre. It is recorded in the Madison County Courthouse, Huntsville, AL that Richard Ford went to Nashville in June 1810 and bought his land. It is accepted as being true that the Fords allowed these two and one-half acres to be used as a summer campground for the Methodist. It is also believed that several Bush-Arbors were built and used for summer revivals. By 1815 there was an established Methodist congregation large and strong enough to start a church building, which was completed by 1819 at this place.
By giving one destroys those acquisitive impulses that ultimately lead to further suffering. Generosity is also expressed towards other sentient beings as both a cause for merit and to aid the receiver of the gift. In Mahayana Tradition it is accepted that although the three jewels of refuge are the basis of the greatest merit, by seeing other sentient beings as having Buddhanature and making offerings towards the aspirational Buddha to be within them is of equal benefit. Generosity towards other sentient beings is greatly emphasised in Mahayana as one of the perfections (paramita) as shown in Lama Tsong Khapa's 'The Abbreviated Points of the Graded Path' (Tibetan: lam-rim bsdus-don): In Buddhism, giving of alms is the beginning of one's journey to Nirvana (Pali: nibbana).
It is accepted that events such as national days are marked by parades by other organisations, religious and otherwise, such as the Scouts and the Boys' Brigade—but apart from one-off anniversaries such as centenaries, that tends to be the limit of such activity. This is in stark contrast to Orange Walks which—in some areas of Glasgow—can be seen and heard almost every day during parts of the summer months. Consequently, and also due to disproportionate costs, initiatives have been introduced to the Glasgow City Council to restrict the number of marches. This disconnect between the frequency of Orange walks and wider societal norms has caused the walks to be more broadly criticised as incitements to hatred and violence.
Unlike other Academy Awards, the International Feature Film award is not presented to a specific individual (although it is accepted on-stage by its director), but is considered an award for the submitting country as a whole. Over the years, the Best International Feature Film Award and its predecessors have been given predominantly to European films: out of the seventy-two awards handed out by the Academy since 1947 to foreign language films, fifty-seven have gone to European films,Europe's tally includes 14 nominations and four wins for the U.S.S.R. and its successor states. It also includes five Special/Honorary Awards: two won by Italy, two won by France and one shared between them for The Walls of Malapaga (1949).
When Turner began working on Black Devil Doll From Hell, he initially intended the story to be one of several featured in the anthology film Tales from the QuadeaD Zone. The short was turned into a feature-length film after Turner noted that the script had grown too long to be part of an anthology. Turner wrote the script over a period of three and a half days, however filming took place over several years on a budget of about $10,000. Most of the film's budget went towards paying the cast and crew involved with the film, as Turner was unaware that it is accepted practice for some performers and crew to work for free when making an independent film.
The Gulf of Aqaba is situated along the southern portion of the Dead Sea Transform (DST) fault zone, a transform fault that forms the barrier between the African Plate and the Arabian Plate (Arabian-Nubian Shield). The left-lateral strike-slip fault connects the spreading center that forms the Red Sea in the south with the East Anatolian Fault in Turkey in the north. Although there is much that is not known about the DST, it is accepted that its transform motion began around 12–18 million years ago. Geologist A. M. Quennell, who is credited with first recognizing the movement along the fault in 1958, estimated the total displacement to be while a similar study that included more regional influences resulted in an estimated slip of .
All vessels have an international duty to give reasonable assistance to other ships in distress in order to save life, but there is no obligation to try to salve the vessel. Any offer of salvage assistance may be refused; but if it is accepted a contract automatically arises to give the successful salvor the right to a reward under the 1989 Convention. Typically, the ship and the salvor will sign up to an LOF agreement so that the terms of salvage are clear. Since 2000, it has become standard to append a SCOPIC ("Special Compensation – P&I; Clubs") clause to the LOF, so as to circumvent the limitations of the "Special Compensation" provisions of the 1989 Convention (pursuant to the case of The Nagasaki Spirit).
While the age of the midden and rock paintings is at present unknown as no archaeological investigation has been conducted, it is accepted that the site was regularly used by the Aboriginal people of the local area as they travelled between sites of ceremonial importance and sources of food and water that changed with the seasons. It is thought that the warmer months were spent nearer the coast and the cold months of winter were spent further inland. Throughout Australia traditional Aboriginal people practised art making in the places on their land that they visited in their seasonal travels. Rock art includes engraving, painting using ochres and charcoals, hand printing and stencilling of hands, feet and objects such a boomerangs, small animals kangaroo paws etc.
The policy Labor takes into an election campaign is determined by the Cabinet (if the party is in office) or the Shadow Cabinet (if it is in opposition), in consultation with key interest groups within the party, and is contained in the parliamentary Leader's policy speech delivered during the election campaign. When Labor is in office, the policies it implements are determined by the Cabinet, subject to the platform. Generally, it is accepted that while the platform binds Labor governments, how and when it is implemented remains the prerogative of the parliamentary caucus. It is now rare for the platform to conflict with government policy, as the content of the platform is usually developed in close collaboration with the party's parliamentary leadership as well as the factions.
Bauer did not publish an illustration of the species and his original field sketches are lost, but William Westall appears to have incorporated it into two of his field sketches, and certainly included it in the foreground of one of the oil paintings that he later worked up for the Admiralty. Brown formally described and named the species in his 1810 On the Proteaceae of Jussieu. He did not identify a type specimen, but the one specimen in his collection has since been formally declared the lectotype for the species. He also did not explicitly give an etymology for the specific epithet, but it is accepted that the name derives from the Latin verticillatus ("whorled"), in reference to the whorled leaf arrangement.
The 2000 graphic novel JLA: Earth 2, by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely, introduced a version of Earth-Three that inhabited the antimatter universe of Qward. This anti- matter Earth, which acted as a twisted mirror to the mainstream DC Earth and whose humans had their hearts on the right sides of their bodies, was ruled by the sinister Crime Syndicate of Amerika. It had several superheroes, but all died because in the anti-matter reality evil holds greater sway than good and tends to win (a meta-commentary by writer Grant Morrison on the fact that in the main DC Universe, it is accepted that good tends to triumph over evil). The anti-matter reality's Alexander Luthor regularly opposes the CSA.
Dürer presents his mother with a stark realism that at first view might seem cruel or grotesque if he had not left behind written record of his affection. Her face is emaciated to the point of appearing skeletal, her skin deeply wrinkled and shadowed, her eyes almost detached and her face seemingly looking up towards a void of despair. Yet his written record about both his parents are deeply compassionate, sympathetic and caring and it is accepted that the portraits are sensitive studies of the ravages of old age and illness on human flesh. While Dürer forensically detailed the effects of aging on others, he was less inclined to record its work on his own body; his last full self- portrait was completed in 1500.
A regular language is star-free if and only if it is accepted by an automaton with a finite and aperiodic transition monoid. This result of algebraic automata theory is due to Marcel-Paul Schützenberger. In particular, the minimum automaton of a star-free language is always counter-free (however, a star-free language may also be recognized by other automata which are not aperiodic). A counter-free language is a regular language for which there is an integer n such that for all words x, y, z and integers m ≥ n we have xymz in L if and only if xynz in L. Another way to state Schützenberger's theorem is that star-free languages and counter-free languages are the same thing.
The land at "Waingrif" (Waingroves) was donated by Ralph fitzStephen to the Knights Hospitaller in the early 12th century. The "deed of gift" cites the date 1147, however another document reveals contact between the Abbot of Darley Abbey and the Knights Hospitaller, with regards to Waingroves, as early as 1121. The land was donated for the foundation of a preceptory of the Knights Hospitaller (a preceptory is a monastic establishment for one of a number of orders of monastic knights), however there is dispute as to whether one was ever constructed. Of those that believe a preceptory did exist, it is accepted that it only had a very short life: founded around 1147 and "supplanted" by another Hospitaller Preceptory in Derbyshire -Yeaveley Preceptory.
Modern commentators say that the decision by the judge not to award the money to the plaintiffs was based at least partly on public policy; should he have done so it would have created precedent that would risk crew members blackmailing captains into giving them more money. It is accepted that the decision would likely be different if it was made in modern times, because of the doctrine of economic duress it would be difficult for such blackmail to be enforced in court.Poole (2004) p.125 In Hartley v Ponsonby[1857] 7 E&B; 872 it was held that where a remaining crew were required to do something extra, beyond the scope of their contracts (which unlike in Stilk did not require performance in all emergencies) that the promise of extra pay could be enforced.
As for the third question, the court found nothing in logic or law to militate against acceptance of the notion that an extant right may be transferred to another forthwith despite its being subject to a condition. It is accepted law that a contingent right is capable of immediate transfer. The fact that the right may in time turn out to be worth little, or less than the parties anticipated, does not detract from this proposition; the requirement that the object of a cession be certain did not mean that the money value of the ceded right had to be precisely calculable when the transfer of that right occurred.352E-E/F, 352F/G-G, 352H/I-I. The dictum in Tuckers Land and Development v Strydom1984 (1) SA 1 (A).24E-25B.
The adult jaguar is an apex predator, meaning it is at the top of the food chain and is not preyed upon in the wild. The jaguar has also been termed a keystone species, as it is assumed that it controls the population levels of prey such as herbivorous and granivorous mammals, and thus maintains the structural integrity of forest systems. However, accurately determining what effect species like the jaguar have on ecosystems is difficult, because data must be compared from regions where the species is absent as well as its current habitats, while controlling for the effects of human activity. It is accepted that mid-sized prey species undergo population increases in the absence of the keystone predators, and this has been hypothesized to have cascading negative effects.
The Freedom Pass is valid at all times on London Underground, London Overground, Bus, Tram, and Docklands Light Railway services in Greater London (until January 2009 the pass was only valid on weekdays from 9:00). It is accepted at most times on many rail services in and outside Greater London that are within London fare zones 1-9. Outside Greater London the card can be used in England (but not Scotland or Wales) wherever and whenever the English National Concessionary Bus Travel Scheme applies, and allows free travel on any local bus route; while some operators may extend validity, travel on working days before 9:30 and after 23:00 is not otherwise included. Most previous Freedom Passes expired on 31 March 2015, and were automatically renewed until 2020.
The Second Council of Ephesus was a Christological church synod in 449 AD convened by Emperor Theodosius II under the presidency of Pope Dioscorus I of Alexandria. It was intended to be an ecumenical council, and it is accepted as such by the miaphysite churches but was rejected by the Chalcedonian dyophysites. It was explicitly repudiated by the next council, the Council of Chalcedon of 451, recognised as the fourth ecumenical council by Chalcedonian Christians, and it was named the Latrocinium or "Robber Council" by Pope Leo I. The Chalcedonian churches, particularly the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox communions, continue to accept this designation, while the Oriental Orthodox repudiate it. Both this council and that at Chalcedon dealt primarily with Christology, the study of the nature of Christ.
The Commission held that the Church was not established for the advancement of religion because although "it is accepted that Scientology believes in a supreme being," the "core practices of Scientology, being auditing and training, do not constitute worship as they do not display the essential characteristic of reverence or veneration for a supreme being." The Segerdal definition of "a place of religious worship" still applies to registrations of such places. The court found that in order to be registered, the principal use of the place would have to be religious, regardless of how heavily (or little) it was used for that purpose. As Julian Rivers points out, the law "assumes that religious and non-religious uses are easy to disentangle", which may not always be the case.
The last head of the council was Rahamim Yona,PM Netanyahu meets with Negev Bedouin mayors MFA, November 3, 2011 preceded by Amram Qalaji. The council had the highest rate of unemployment in Israel. A 2011 audit by State Comptroller Micha Lindenstrauss revealed failures of local authorities. It is accepted to give all the newly established councils a four-year trial period before elections are held. According to the amendment to the Regional Councils’ Law passed in 2009, that period can be extended by the Interior Ministry indefinitely. Following a decision taken by the Knesset’s Interior Committee in 2010 to force the government to present a detailed timeline for the council’s development the date for the first elections in the Abu Basma Regional Council was set as 2012.
Others, including 20th-century theologians Metropolitan Hierotheos (Vlachos) of Naupactus, Fr. John S. Romanides, and Fr. George Metallinos (all of whom refer repeatedly to the "Eighth and Ninth Ecumenical Councils"), Fr. George Dragas, and the 1848 Encyclical of the Eastern Patriarchs (which refers explicitly to the "Eighth Ecumenical Council" and was signed by the patriarchs of Constantinople, Jerusalem, Antioch, and Alexandria as well as the Holy Synods of the first three), regard other synods beyond the Seventh Ecumenical Council as being ecumenical. From the Eastern Orthodox perspective, a council is accepted as being ecumenical if it is accepted by the Eastern Orthodox church at large—clergy, monks and assembly of believers. Teachings from councils that purport to be ecumenical, but which lack this acceptance by the church at large, are, therefore, not considered ecumenical.
People usually self-diagnose Morgellons based on information from the Internet and find support and confirmation in online communities of people with similar illness beliefs. In 2006, Waddell and Burke reported the influence of the Internet on people self-diagnosed of Morgellons: "physicians are becoming more and more challenged by the many persons who attempt self-diagnosis on-line. In many cases, these attempts are well- intentioned, yet wrong, and a person's belief in some of these oftentimes unscientific sites online may preclude their trust in the evidence-based approaches and treatment recommendations of their physician." Vila-Rodriguez states that the Internet promotes the spreading and supporting of "bizarre" disease beliefs, because "a belief is not considered delusional if it is accepted by other members of an individual's culture or subculture".
GM Sveshnikov in 2005 Known as one of the most outspoken and controversial grandmasters on the circuit, Sveshnikov has in recent years been linked with player revolts over the handing in of gamescores. It is accepted practice that players submit copies of their gamescores to tournament organisers and these games later appear on the internet, in books, magazines and in database programs. Whilst the benefits to the development and popularisation of chess are obvious, Sveshnikov insists that it is not in the best interests of chess professionals to allow this to continue."Evgeny Sveshnikov turns sixty", ChessBase, 2010-02-13 Most fundamentally, it is very difficult for chess players to earn a living; he speaks of many chess players in Russia and the Baltic States suffering severe depression and in some cases committing suicide.
Globally in a poll by the 'Edelman Trust Barometer', out of the 13,200+ people polled, 67% agreed that "The government’s highest priority should be saving as many lives as possible even if it means the economy will recover more slowly"; that is, life should come before livelihood. For India, the poll showed a ratio of 64% to 36%, where 64% of the people agreed that saving as many lives as possible was a priority, and 36% agreed that saving jobs and restarting the economy was the priority. As many people are going homeless and jobless it is accepted for the government to provide job for those people. Government of india as taken many steps towards this they have make a new economic policy with would help the middle and low class of the country.
Boundaries may exist between objects before the entity lays claim to them, (that is, if it intends to lay claim to them.) Breach of these boundaries constitute theft. A hypothetical entity empowered to lay claim upon any object can also approach a grey area between legitimate possession and theft if its possession of an object is not clearly defined, that is, if this entity itself has doubts as to whether it possesses the object in question. Boundaries exist in empirical reality because people and things obviously do not melt together upon touching. While some systems of thought would contest this even on a limited level, and there are counterexamples, especially when dealing with ideas, in general, it is accepted that boundaries exist at least in some areas of consensus reality.
The bezoar ibex is found in the mountains of Asia Minor and across the Middle East. It is also found on some Aegean islands and in Crete, where it is accepted that the goats constitute relict populations of very early domestic animals that were taken to the Mediterranean islands during the prehistoric period and now live as feral populations. The bezoar ibex, if not the sole progenitor of the modern domestic goat, is at least its main progenitor.A Natural History Of Domesticated Mammals By Juliet Clutton-Brock, Natural History Museum (London, England) Edition: 2, illustrated, revised Published by Cambridge University Press, 1999 , 978-0-521-63495-3 The archaeological evidence traces goat domestication as far back as 10,500 years Before Present, and DNA evidence suggests 10,000 years BP.
To establish the offence, the claimant must prove beyond reasonable doubt that the act or words complained of have an inherent tendency to interfere with the administration of justice. The inherent tendency test has been held to be justified by the small geographical size of Singapore, the fact that there is no jury system and that judges have to decide both questions of law and fact, and that the test renders proof of damage to the administration of justice unnecessary. Although Singapore law does not set out the sanctions that may be imposed for contempt of court, it is accepted that the courts may impose reasonable fines and imprisonment. To decide what punishment is appropriate, the culpability of the offender and the likely interference with the administration of justice are considered.
When this commitment happens, they tend to follow the same trends as a group and when one member introduces a new idea or product, it is accepted more readily based on the previous trust that has been established. It would be beneficial for companies to develop partnerships with social media sites to engage social communities with their products. # Social proof – To receive positive feedback, a company needs to be willing to accept social feedback and to show proof that other people are buying, and like, the same things that I like. This can be seen in a lot of online companies such as eBay and Amazon, that allow public feedback of products and when a purchase is made, they immediately generate a list showing purchases that other people have made in relation to my recent purchase.
Achallader Castle was built near the northern end of Loch Tulla, close to the Bridge of Orchy, sometime in the 16th century and added to over the decades by various Clans; mainly the McHoughtons, of which Jimmy McHoughton is the youngest generation. It is accepted that the Fletcher's, known then as Macinleister "were the first to 'raise smoke and boil water' on the Braes of Glenorchy" although the MacGregors were also a ruling Clan of the area in the 15th century. Sir Duncan Campbell of Glen Orchy acquired the castle and surrounding lands through his treachery and betrayal of the Chief of the Mcinleisters in 1587. It is said that when the Fletchers owned Achallader, Sir Duncan Campbell - known as Black Duncan - ordered an English servant (or soldier) to pasture his horse in the Fletchers’ corn.
Although the truth effect has been demonstrated scientifically only in recent years, it is a phenomenon with which people have been familiar for millennia. One study notes that the Roman statesman Cato closed each of his speeches with a call to destroy Carthage ("Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam"), knowing that the repetition would breed agreement, and that Napoleon reportedly "said that there is only one figure in rhetoric of serious importance, namely, repetition", whereby a repeated affirmation fixes itself in the mind "in such a way that it is accepted in the end as a demonstrated truth". Others who have taken advantage of the truth effect have included Quintilian, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Marcus Antonius in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. The truth effect plays a significant role in various fields of activity.
It is accepted as ecumenical by the Eastern Orthodox Church alone, however the Eastern Orthodox do not give it a number, but rather count it as a continuation of the sixth council. The Catholic Church does not accept the Quinisext Council,Schaff's Seven Ecumenical Councils: Introductory Note to Council of Trullo: "From the fact that the canons of the Council in Trullo are included in this volume of the Decrees and Canons of the Seven Ecumenical Councils it must not for an instant be supposed that it is intended thereby to affirm that these canons have any ecumenical authority, or that the council by which they were adopted can lay any claim to being ecumenical either in view of its constitution or of the subsequent treatment by the Church of its enactments."Encyclopædia Britannica "Quinisext Council". Encyclopædia Britannica.
In the context of secular struggles caused by the non-separation of church and state, his style of street preaching caused him persecution and ridicule, but also a group of followers who decided to call themselves "Canutos," or "Followers of Canut." In the early twentieth century, a writer and anarchist, Jose Santos Gonzalez Verades, described police officers arresting a group of evangelicals preaching and singing their way into prison, proclaiming themselves to be Canutos. Although this term has been extended to all members of evangelical churches, whether of not they are followers of Canut of Bon, on occasion, the term is used to refer to any very religious person who effusively professes his or her religion in public. Some sectors of the evangelical cult reject this nickname and consider it burlesque, but it is accepted by the vast majority of evangelicals.
Modern scholarship has cast serious doubts on several of these claims, since agriculture was practiced in the Americas well before the emergence of Christianity in the Old World, and Mayan crosses have been found to have a very different symbolism from that present in Christian religious traditions. According to Pre-Columbian myth, Quetzalcoatl departed Mexico in ancient times by travelling east across the ocean, promising he would return. It is accepted that the Aztec emperor Moctezuma Xocoyotzin believed Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés (who arrived in what is today Mexico from the east) to be Quetzalcoatl, and his coming to be a fulfillment of the myth's prophecy. Fringe theories suggest that Quetzalcoatl may have been a Christian preacher from the Old World who lived among indigenous peoples of ancient Mexico, and eventually attempted to return home by sailing eastwards.
In general, it is accepted that for a Jewish divorce to be effective the husband must hand to the wife, and not vice versa, a bill of divorce called a get, while witnesses observe. Although the get is mainly used as proof of the divorce, sometimes the wife will tear the get to signal the end of the marriage and to ensure it is not reused. However, from ancient times, the get was considered to be very important to show all those who needed to have proof that the woman was in fact free from the previous marriage and free to remarry. In Jewish law, besides other things, the consequences of a woman remarrying and having a child while still legally married to another is profound: the child would be a mamzer, an "estranged person" to be avoided.
The same year, 107 BC, Cleopatra Selene was probably married off to the new king, her younger brother, Ptolemy X. In 103 BC, Ptolemy IX was fighting in Judea. The queen mother feared an alliance against her between Ptolemy IX and his friend Antiochus IX of Syria, who was fighting a civil war with his brother Antiochus VIII; this led her to send troops to Syria. Cleopatra III and Ptolemy X conquered Ptolemais, and according to Justin, the king, shocked by his mother's cruelty, abandoned her and ran away; Cleopatra III then decided to marry Cleopatra Selene to Antiochus VIII, as a step to bring Antiochus VIII to her side in order to counter an alliance between Ptolemy IX and Antiochus IX. If it is accepted that Cleopatra Selene married Ptolemy X, then Cleopatra III divorced her from him after he deserted.
In the History of Mesoamerica, the stage known as the Paleo-Indian period (or alternatively, the Lithic stage) is the era in the scheme of Mesoamerican chronology which begins with the very first indications of human habitation within the Mesoamerican region, and continues until the general onset of the development of agriculture and other proto-civilization traits. The conclusion of this stage may be assigned to approximately 9000 BP (there are differences in opinion between sources which recognize the classification), and the transition to the succeeding Archaic period is not a well-defined one. Its starting-point is a matter for some contention, as is the more general question of when human habitation in the Americas was first achieved. It is accepted by a significant number of researchers that the peopling of the Americas had occurred by c.
The song contains the line "What makes the Hottentot so Hot?" a phrase that is now considered an offensive term for the Khoikhoi tribe of Africa. The term is not censored for broadcast or in reproductions, though, as it is accepted as an anachronism. Two portions of the song were cut for reasons of time: a brief middle stanza in which the other characters echo the verse that preceded it and Lahr first proclaims himself "Monarch of all I survey" (a line repeated later in the song), and the final stanza which ended with the Lion proclaiming "If I...were...king!" (two versions were recorded: one where Lahr himself unsuccessfully tries to hit the high note on the final word, and instead does so in his character's trademark growl; the other has the final high note powerfully delivered by soprano Georgia Stark, who was paid $25 for her involvement).
Former Soviet intelligence officer Sergei Tretyakov claimed that, under the directions of Yuri Andropov, the KGB invented the concept of "nuclear winter" in order to stop the deployment of NATO Pershing II missiles. They are said to have distributed to peace groups, the environmental movement and the journal Ambio disinformation based on a faked "doomsday report" by the Soviet Academy of Sciences by Georgii Golitsyn, Nikita Moiseyev and Vladimir Alexandrov concerning the climatic effects of nuclear war.Pete Earley, "Comrade J: The Untold Secrets of Russia's Master Spy in America After the End of the Cold War", Penguin Books, 2007, , pp. 167–77 Although it is accepted that the Soviet Union exploited the nuclear winter hypothesis for propaganda purposes, Tretyakov's inherent claim that the KGB funnelled disinformation to AMBIO, the journal in which Paul Crutzen and John Birks published the 1982 paper "Twilight at Noon", has not been corroborated .
Copper is toxic to the ovum and > sperm and thus the copper-bearing intrauterine device (Cu-IUD) is effective > immediately after insertion and works primarily by inhibiting > fertilisation.9–11 A systematic review on mechanisms of action of IUDs > showed that both pre- and postfertilisation effects contribute to > efficacy.11 If fertilisation has already occurred, it is accepted that there > is an anti-implantation effect,12,13 > Levonorgestrel (LNG). The precise mode of action of levonorgestrel (LNG) is > incompletely understood but it is thought to work primarily by inhibition of > ovulation.16,17 > Ulipristal acetate (UPA). UPA’s primary mechanism of action is thought to be > inhibition or delay of ovulation.2 > Can LNG ECPs cause an abortion? > LNG ECPs do not interrupt an established pregnancy or harm a developing > embryo.15 The evidence available to date shows that LNG ECP use does not > prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine lining.
It is accepted that the Kasagala Raja Maha Vihara was constructed during the Anuradhapura era in the reign of King Kavan Tissa (205–161 BC). But it is also believed that the Vihara was begun with planting of one of 32 saplings of the sacred Sri Maha Bodhi (Dethispala Bodhi Tree) in this land with patronage of King Devanampiya Tissa (307–267 BC) in the third century B.C. According to the chronicles King Kavantissa (205–161 BC) has constructed several buildings there and later they were further renovated and expanded with adding new features by King Dappula I (661-664) and King Vijayabahu I (1055-1110 AD). During the reign of King Kirti Sri Rajasingha (1747 – 1780 AD), a gilt Buddha image and temporalities were donated to the temple and had conducted a Dalada Perahera (a pageant) as a tribute to the Tooth Relic of Buddha.
Although it is accepted that Betws RFC was in existence some years before the 1890s, the first hard evidence that the club existed was through an Amman United fixture card dating from 1903 and so this was the date taken as the birth of the club. There is also little known about the club until after the Second World War. The club was certainly up and playing in the late 1940s and officially reformed in 1953. As members of Llanelli & District they soon became successful and a decade later they had added 11 district titles. The 1959/60 season saw the club record a treble when they claimed the League Championship Challenge Shield, Open Cup and Lady Howard Cup and the continued success was evident in 1967/68 when they retained the Open and Lady Howard Cups supposedly from the season before. There was then a barren period until the 1992/93 season, when the club claimed the Doreen Rogers Cup and Section B Championship.
Despite the height analysis by Cuitiño, scholars around the world generally accept that Gardel was born in 1890 in Toulouse, France, based on a verified contemporary birth certificate signed by his mother, rather than the second one that Gardel ordered to be made in Buenos Aires in 1920 when he was 29 years old. The Toulouse birth certificate was verified by a research team in 2012. Scholars such as Vanderbilt University history professor Simon Collier, University of Belgrano agriculture history professor Osvaldo Barsky and Uruguayan history professor Jorge Ruffinelli from Stanford University write about the birthplace dispute and how Gardel must have been born in France. It is accepted that Gardel was raised in Buenos Aires from an early age, and that he falsified his birthplace documents in 1920 to avoid problems with the French military, because he was a French citizen by birth but he failed to register for World War I as required.
The premier of the Bengal provinces, A. K. Fazal-ul-Haque, who was not in the All India Muslim League, was quite convinced in favor of separation. The idea was more vividly expressed by M. A. Jinnah in an article in the London weekly Time & Tide on 9 March 1940. Jinnah wrote: > Democratic systems based on the concept of homogeneous nation such as > England are very definitely not applicable to heterogeneous countries such > as India, and this simple fact is the root cause of all of India’s > constitutional ills……If, therefore, it is accepted that there is in India a > major and a minor nation, it follows that a parliamentary system based on > the majority principle must inevitably mean the rule of major nation. > Experience has proved that, whatever the economic and political programme of > any political Party, the Hindu, as a general rule, will vote for his caste- > fellow, the Muslim for his coreligionist.
Davis v R (1998) 100 A Crim R 573, Court of Criminal Appeal (NSW).Edwards v R [1973] AC 648, Privy Council (on appeal from Hong Kong). If proven by the defence where there is a charge of murder, the jury will be directed to reduce the offence to manslaughter..... If prior to or at the time of the committal proceedings an offender enters a plea of guilty to the lesser offence of manslaughter on the grounds of provocation, and it is accepted by the Crown, they are entitled to a discount on their corresponding sentence.... However, this is not the case in Victoria, Tasmania or Western Australia - the Crimes Act 1958 (Vic), in Section 3B, states: In assessing guilt for murder, the intention in the precise method in which death occurred is irrelevant as long as the requisite mens rea and actus reus is satisfied. The relevant actus reus for murder is where an act (or omission) has caused death.
A nested word automaton has a finite number of states, and operates in almost the same way as a deterministic finite automaton on classical strings: a classical finite automaton reads the input word w = w_1\cdots w_\ell from left to right, and the state of the automaton after reading the jth letter w_j depends on the state in which the automaton was before reading w_j. In a nested word automaton, the position j in the nested word (w,↝) might be a return position; if so, the state after reading w_j will not only depend on the linear state in which the automaton was before reading w_j, but also on a hierarchical state propagated by the automaton at the time it was in the corresponding call position. In analogy to regular languages of words, a set L of nested words is called regular if it is accepted by some (finite-state) nested word automaton.
Sacred Books of the East, Vols. 12, 26, 24, 37, 47, translated by Julius Eggeling [published between 1882 and 1900] B. N. Narahari Achar also notes several other estimations, such as that of S.B. Dixit, D. Pingree, and N. Achar, in relation to a statement in the text that the Krittikas (the open star cluster Pleiades) never deviate from the east; Dixit's interpretation of this statement to mean that the Krittikas rise exactly in the east, and calculated that the Krittikas were on the celestial equator at about 3000 BCE, is a subject of debate between the named scholars; Pingree rejects Dixit’s arguments. S.C. Kak states that a 'conservative chronology places the final form of the Satapatha Brahmana to 1000-800 B.C.E... [although on] the other hand, it is accepted that the events described in the Vedas and the Brahmanas deal with astronomical events of the 4th millennium [i.e. 3,000] B.C.E. and earlier'.
Cited in In "Rethinking 'moral panic' for multi-mediated social worlds", Angela McRobbie and Sarah Thornton argued "that it is now time that every stage in the process of constructing a moral panic, as well as the social relations which support it, should be revised." Their argument is that mass media has changed since the concept of moral panic emerged so "that 'folk devils' are less marginalized than they once were", and that 'folk devils' are not only castigated by mass media but supported and defended by it as well. They also suggest that the "points of social control" that moral panics used to rest on "have undergone some degree of shift, if not transformation." The British criminologist Yvonne Jewkes has also raised issue with the term 'morality', how it is accepted unproblematically in the concept of 'moral panic' and how most research into moral panics fails to approach the term critically but instead accepts it at face value.
Group of Royal Artillery Sergeants at the Cavalry Barracks, Waterford, c1900 (National Library of Ireland) There were two set of barracks in Waterford: the infantry barracks on the North side of Barrack Street and the artillery barracks on the South side. It is not known when the infantry barracks were established but it is accepted that the artillery barracks were built in the aftermath of the Irish Rebellion and completed at the end of the 18th century. During the First World War the artillery barracks, at that time known as the cavalry barracks, served as the 1st cavalry depot providing accommodation for the 5th Royal Irish Lancers, the 9th Queen's Royal Lancers, the 12th Royal Lancers, the 16th The Queen's Lancers, the 17th Lancers and the 21st Lancers. During the Irish Civil War the barracks were seized by the anti- treaty forces; however in the ensuing battle there were many direct hits from gunfire.
The Moors and Christians Festival of Alcoy, in honor of Saint George was declared of International Tourist Interest in 1980 and is the origin for all the Moors and Christians festivals celebrated in the Valencian Community. In 1276, different historical figures related to the various Muslim uprisings taking place in the region led to Saint George being recognized as the patron of Alcoy, who is attributed to the intervention in a battle to defend the population who were under attack by the Muslims. It was in this battle when the Muslim leader Al-Azraq is reputed to have been killed and the place where the battle took part is now called The Ravine of the Battle in Spanish Barranco de la Batalla. Today it is accepted that the Moors and Christians festivities has a marked and established three-day structure, but it is generally not known what the evolution of a festivities has been, which was originated in a strictly religious commemoration.
The lack of other documentary material leaves different opinions and speculations about the settlement's origin, name and population. It is accepted by some scholars that the village was populated by Bulgarian boyars that came from the westernmost parts of the Second Bulgarian Empire after Ivan Asen II of Bulgaria's important victory over the Byzantines near Klokotnitsa on 9 March 1230, when the tsar conquered "the land of the Albanians" (зємѧ арбанаскѫѫ). This assumption is supported by 19th century notes from Georgi Rakovski and other scholars, but by no direct evidence or contemporary source. The Nativity of Christ church in Arbanasi, 16th - 17th century The earliest written document that marks the beginning of Arbanasi's history is a royal decree by the Ottoman sultan Suleiman the Magnificent from 1538, according to which the sultan offered the lands of the modern localities of Arbanasi, Lyaskovets, Gorna Oryahovitsa and Dolna Oryahovitsa to his son-in-law Grand Vizier Rustem Pasha as a gift.
See Errington v Errington [1952] 1 KB 290 and Daulia Ltd v Four Millbank Nominees Ltd [1978] Ch 231 Otherwise an offer may always be revoked before it is accepted. The general rule is that revocation must be communicated, even if by post,Byrne v Van Tienhoven (1880) 5 CPD 344 although if the offerree hears about the withdrawal from a third party, this is as good as a withdrawal from the offeror himself.Dickinson v Dodds (1876) 2 Ch D 463 Finally, an offer can be "killed off" if, rather than a mere inquiry for information,Stevenson, Jacques & Co v McLean (1880) 5 QBD 346 someone makes a counter offer. So in Hyde v Wrench,(1840) 3 Beav 334 when Wrench offered to sell his farm for £1000, and Hyde replied that he would buy it for £950 and Wrench refused, Hyde could not then change his mind and accept the original £1000 offer.
In their experiments, they did both an epigenetic and a genetic analysis of the survivin gene promoter region in AML patients and compared the observations to what was seen in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) that have been shown to express no survivin. Assuming that the molecular mechanism of survivin re-expression in cancerous cells is at the transcriptional level, the authors decided to look at particular parts of the promoter region of survivin in order to see what happens in cancer cells that does not happen in normal cells that causes such a high level of survivin to be expressed. With regards to an epigenetic mechanism of survivin gene regulation, the authors measured the methylation status of the survivin promoter, since it is accepted that methylation of genes plays an important role in carcinogenesis by silencing of certain genes or vice versa. The authors used methylation specific polymerase chain reaction with bisulfite sequencing methods to measure the promoter methylation status in AML and PBMCs and found unmethylated survivin promoters in both groups.
Bacurius () was a Roman general and a member of the royal family of Iberia (modern Georgia) mentioned by several Greco-Roman authors of the 4th and 5th centuries. It is accepted, but not universally, that all these refer to the same person, an Iberian "king" or "prince", who joined the Roman military ranks. Scholarly opinion is divided whether Bacurius can be identified with one of the kings named Bakur (), attested in medieval Georgian annals, who might have taken refuge in territories obtained by the Eastern Roman Empire during the Roman–Persian Wars that were fought over the Caucasus.. Ammianus Marcellinus, Tyrannius Rufinus, and Zosimus report that Bacurius was "king of Iberians", but Gelasius of Caesarea does not call him king, but merely scion of the kings of Iberia. Bacurius was a tribunus sagittariorum at the Battle of Adrianople with the Goths in 378 and then served as dux Palaestinae and comes domesticorum until 394, when he became magister militum and commanded a "barbarian" contingent in Emperor Theodosius I’s (r.
He did not designate a type specimen (a specimen to be representative of the species) for the species, but the one specimen in his collection has since been formally declared the lectotype for the species. He also did not state the etymology of the specific epithet, but it is accepted that the name derives from the Ancient Greek sphaera- ("round"), and carpos ("fruit"), in reference to the shape of its infructescences. In Brown's arrangement of the genus, B. sphaerocarpa was placed between B. pulchella and B. nutans in taxonomic sequence; that is, an order that places related taxa next to each other. No subdivision of the genus was given, other than to separate a single distinctive species into a subgenus of its own. Swiss botanist Carl Meissner published a more detailed arrangement in 1856, placing B. sphaerocarpa in section Eubanksia because its inflorescence is a spike rather than a domed head, and in series Abietinae, whose members have inrolled leaf margins with no, or only very fine, serrations.
Lord Phillips, Lady Hale, Lord Mance, Lord Clarke and Lord Kerr held that the school had directly discriminated on grounds of race. Lord Clarke wrote, > "I do not accept they were not considering M’s ethnic origins or making a > decision on ethnic grounds....As I see it, once it is accepted...that the > reason M is not a member of the Jewish religion is that his forbears in the > matrilineal line were not Orthodox Jews and that, in that sense his less > favourable treatment is determined by his descent, it follows that he is > discriminated against on ethnic grounds....The question is, in my > opinion...whether it is discrimination on ethnic grounds to discriminate > against all those who are not descended from Jewish women."Full Supreme > Court judgment Lord Hope and Lord Walker held there had been indirect discrimination on grounds of race. Lord Hope wrote that identifying the school's admission criteria as racial, rather than religious, was to confuse the effect of this unequal treatment with the grounds for the treatment; he and Lord Walker said that the school's admission policy nonetheless put certain Jews at a disadvantage.
1866 factory results from Canada Farmer Grist and flour mills, furniture factories, carriage and wagon factories, tanneries and shoe factories, foundries producing farm equipment, and knitting mills were all becoming commonplace in the county by the 1850s,Directories and ads for these businesses can be found in Shenston's Oxford Gazetteer (1852) and Sutherland's County of Oxford Gazetteer (1862) available online but the real revolution in manufacturing activity came in the 1860s, with the arrival of cheese factories. It is accepted that the first cheese factories in Canada were established in Oxford County, although there is still some controversy about which one was the very first. Officially the title is given to Harvey Farrington for a factory in Norwich township opened in 1864, but it is likely his was preceded by the factory operated by Andes Smith in the same township. To display his accomplishments, Smith manufactured a 4,000 pound cheese, believed to have been the biggest ever made, which was exhibited at the New York State Fair in Utica and then the Provincial Exhibition in Toronto in 1865, but the fate of that monster foretold Smith's doom.

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