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140 Sentences With "irrational fear"

How to use irrational fear in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "irrational fear" and check conjugation/comparative form for "irrational fear". Mastering all the usages of "irrational fear" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Just like there's a name for the irrational fear of balloons, or an irrational fear of chins, there's a name for the irrational fear of washing or bathing: ablutophobia.
What will you accomplish if you quiet this irrational fear?
The Irrational Fear of Nothing from Paul Trillo on Vimeo.
Arachnophobia is defined as having an irrational fear of spiders.
In it, Lawrence got very real about her biggest irrational fear.
But that irrational fear is, in itself, a form of prejudice.
We have now entered the territory of irrational fear of change.
So humans' irrational fear of sharks is really emotionally not statistically driven.
The irrational fear of anxiety disorders was once probably useful and lifesaving.
The irrational fear that comes with cutting your hair is pretty universal.
And I wanted to, but I was paralyzed by an irrational fear.
The alternative is appealing to voters' bigotry, populist nationalism, and irrational fear.
We cannot let irrational fear and hate mongering rule our immigration policy.
After 9/11, there was an understandable — but irrationalfear of flying.
Well, when it comes to actual phobias, it's by definition an irrational fear.
One is this irrational fear that they will be blamed and they're innocent.
Fear, especially irrational fear, plays a big part in catastrophizing, researchers have found.
As time progressed, my trypophobia—an irrational fear of hole clusters—only grew worse.
For anybody who lives in a city, range anxiety is mostly an irrational fear.
As Ms. Tien's closing sentence entreats, can't love (and objective facts) dispel irrational fear?
I think everyone should play it, unless you have an irrational fear of Tingle.
Do you have an irrational fear of making (or, more specifically, failing at) pie crusts?
Given the current state of EV technology and infrastructure, it's not an entirely irrational fear.
Since AirPods were first announced, there has been an almost irrational fear of losing AirPods.
Obviously, that's an irrational fear, since these things were designed to take blows from longswords.
All I know is I've recently developed an irrational fear of opening my Google Alerts.
But typically, we can dismiss this as an irrational fear and move on with our lives.
I know it's an irrational fear, and I feel like even knowing this helps me some.
Trump's wall is about an irrational fear of outsiders -- but it's about more than that, too.
I was developing an intense, irrational fear of vomit and I had no idea what to do.
Enthusiastic because I now respected the seriousness of the virus without living in irrational fear of it.
I just started noticing that I always have this sense of impending doom, this weird irrational fear.
I expect that we will agonize about using them, out of both legitimate caution and irrational fear.
Around 2-3% of people in developed countries have clinical aviophobia: an intense and irrational fear of flying.
Being best friends and all, these guys clearly knew that their friend holds an irrational fear of heights.
The same irrational fear that drove my evacuation from Indonesia in 2001 is driving the current political climate.
"The Wall" gave him a solid image to evoke as he stoked an irrational fear of undocumented immigrants.
And my lingering, irrational fear of Stack's voice is a testament to how terrifying that unknown can be.
" In a statement denouncing those comments, McKinnon, 37, said Hood has "expressed an irrational fear of trans women.
As President Obama has found, there is little that policymakers can realistically do about society's irrational fear of terrorism.
The answer, as is perhaps obvious, is the ideological insistence on renewables and an irrational fear of nuclear power.
This is the power of an irrational fear fantasy—the more imagination you have, the deeper you can go.
The irrational fear of "white genocide" isn't merely a motif of modern white supremacy -- it is modern white supremacy.
I hovered alone at the edge of the group, overcome with irrational fear — what if Sandler didn't recognize me?
"Rattlesnakes are an absolute necessity for the ecosystems, and people have an irrational fear about them," a company spokesman said.
They do not address the systemic social, economic, political and personal drivers of racism, xenophobia and irrational fear of otherness.
New York magazine gathered some scientific explanations for nyctophobia, or the irrational fear of night or darkness to the layman.
Blame it on my irrational fear of getting a tapeworm, but I tend to stock up on vegetarian items first.
I should visit him, I thought, then had an irrational fear that my parents — both long gone — would be angry.
Shortly after its publication, someone tweeted me, asking whether I had heard of trypophobia, or, an irrational fear of hole clusters.
If horror movies have given you an irrational fear of creepy dolls, you might want to avoid air travel in Thailand.
As someone who suffers from an irrational fear of being covered in sticky stuff (long story), this scores big for me.
Which is why this irrational fear of supporting federal legislation similar to the aforementioned state reforms is all the more baffling.
Fear of the dark is regarded as an irrational fear, often only attributed to children but also valid for some adults.
The fear that trans women will 'take over' sport is an irrational fear of trans people — the very definition of transphobia.
Below is the typical line of questioning and assertions by opponents whose concerns stem from misinformation and irrational fear of change.
I have this irrational fear that maybe I'll just make kinda what I've made before if I'm doing it right now.
"Essentially, that irrational fear may result in patients not agreeing to something that is in their best interest," Steele added by email.
In a recent PEOPLE "One Last Thing" feature, the Elementary star revealed that her last irrational fear was boarding a cruise ship.
And we can say that's an irrational fear and they shouldn't be worried about it but there they are, they feel it.
For example, people with an irrational fear of insects are often instructed to hold a bug in their hands during behavioral therapy.
A lesser-known corollary to this phenomenon is the "panic cycle" that occurs when innovative new technologies strike irrational fear into people's hearts.
Gorka's work does not indicate an irrational fear of Islam, but rather a rational interest in understanding what America's foes claim to believe.
"Waste" is a word that he uses ruefully and frequently, as befits a man who lives in irrational fear of the poor house.
Referred to as paraskavedekatriaphobia or friggatriskaidekaphobia (depending whom you ask), it is simply an irrational fear of Friday the 13th, and nothing else.
As a practicing internist, I understand the irrational fear a patient may have of putting a manufactured protein into his or her body.
"There is a bit of irrational fear — 'Oh, well I don't want to make Trump mad' — it depends on what you do," he said.
The most common are specific phobias, in which people develop an irrational fear of a situation or an object, such as heights or spiders.
One person might come down with "cyberchondria," or the irrational fear of some phantom illness; conversely, another might let a real illness go untreated.
Love addiction is a desperate need to find someone to love that&aposs fueled by the irrational fear of being alone or being rejected.
But she won't even try it, because she has an irrational fear of being murdered in the woods, like in an '80s slasher flick.
Contempt for and irrational fear of a religious group cannot be squared, Chief Judge Roger Gregory wrote, with the First Amendment's bar on religious discrimination.
Its popularity ebbs and flows, but we'd argue that this is the year fringe is back for good — irrational fear behind the cut be damned.
Hatred of racial or sexual minorities is irrational; fear of people who can melt steel with their eyes or shape-shift is kind of understandable.
Chambers will most certainly be a cause of more people not signing up to be donors because of the irrational fear around a paranormal heart.
Feeling unsafe at a big gathering used to be more of an irrational fear, Chloe Carmichael, PhD, a psychologist in New York City, told Health.
Growing up, my brothers and I often teased my mom for having what we thought was an irrational fear of being identified as a Jew.
Men have this irrational fear of anything they perceive as better—which in their eyes means anything bigger than their penis—at pleasing their partner.
If your irrational fear is of judgment or discomfort from others, say hello to the person in front of you in line at the coffee shop.
A few months ago, I wrote a story on Reddit's r/claustrophobia—a subreddit devoted to the irrational fear of enclosed spaces, like elevators and tunnels.
If you've ever walked down a flight of stairs, you probably also share an irrational fear of falling down with an crowd of people watching you.
The country star, 44, who just released the first country visual album, Love and War, admits sometimes he has an irrational fear when it comes to travel.
And after we smash it, we have to wage a permanent campaign against the irrational fear that made it possible, so that we never build it again.
If you've ever held an irrational fear, you know how much it sucks: Full-on panic washes over just thinking about a common place, situation, or object.
One in ten people suffer from anxiety in Britain, which is a condition characterized by many medical professionals as an irrational fear of events that have uncertain outcomes.
In fact, the worst times in history have always been preceded by a period when hatred, bigotry and cruelty have been normalized, with pure, irrational fear as motivation.
Many people who buy guns are simply racked with an irrational fear, one of several concocted and promoted by the N.R.A.: fear of crime or fear of government.
If care is delayed as a result of irrational fear, or stigma exacerbated, or resources diverted from needed treatments to unnecessary hazmat responses, more lives will be lost.
The fear of the future is the same sort of irrational fear that made medieval Germans put sculptures of mythical creatures on the western facade of their cathedrals.
"To protect our democracies, we have to fight against the ever-growing virus of fake news, which exposes our people to irrational fear and imaginary risk," Macron said.
"To protect our democracies, we have to fight against the ever-growing virus of fake news, which exposes our people to irrational fear and imaginary risk," he said.
I steer clear of eyelash curlers out of (maybe irrational) fear, so I need a brush that will give me some lift, and this one does that, as well.
I had an irrational fear of getting pregnant or contracting an STI in college, which would lead me to obsessively Google scary scenarios à la Hannah in episode two.
Wilson Sonsini's Chandler told me that the footnote should help alleviate the "irrational fear" that forum selection provisions for Securities Act claims will lead to mandatory shareholder arbitration clauses.
It&aposs a desperate need to find someone to love that&aposs fueled by the irrational fear of being alone or being rejected, according to The Ranch Treatment Centers.
Phobic disorders, as experts call them, include social anxiety disorder (essentially a fear of interacting with others), as well as specific phobias, like an overwhelming and irrational fear of spiders.
I am not jealous of other females, and I'm very confident in my appearance and abilities, so I'd say that I was developing an irrational fear of infidelity or abandonment.
This is partially due to my aversion to letting my hair touch the subway (another irrational fear) coupled with the fact that I was working out three days a week.
The image text questions whether anyone has been directly impacted by the outbreak and blames the media for instilling irrational fear and exerting its power to shut down "America" ( here ).
You're not totally sure of the downsides here, but you're left with a lingering sense of dread, some heinous imagery burned into your psyche, and an irrational fear of large birds.
Eco-left lawmakers and two governors have been so consumed with an irrational fear of fossil fuels that they have put Xcel's profits ahead of low-income ratepayers and consumer choice.
I will instead let the irrational fear (and more rational arguments) defend me from the dark technological future Apple has created, the future that I did not ask to live in.
But Miller's book provided a brilliant picture of an aspect of our country's past — one dominated by class inequality, labor strife, and irrational fear of terrorism — that is still relevant in 2016.
Homophobia, they pointed out, was not precisely equivalent to an irrational fear of snakes or heights, and the emotions associated with it were more likely to be anger or disgust than fear.
Were it not for the irrational fear of being buried alive, George Washington wouldn't have requested his corpse be kept on his deathbed for three days, or Schopenhauer on his for five.
I had this irrational fear—it's quite hard to describe—but I took loads and loads of ecstasy and smoked loads of weed, and I think it was the beginning of schizophrenia.
Some speculated that Fields' irrational fear of danger facing the future of the white race motivated his actions, perfectly illustrating how the myth of white supremacy deludes resentful whites into acts of violence.
A phobia is an irrational fear, but the horrors perpetrated by the violent Islamists are all too real as are the attempts by their allies to bring customs abhorrent to free people here.
My dogs are often a lot more entertaining than my kids, who spend a lot of time doing homework and don't have an irrational fear of Amazon boxes, large bags, or the wind.
America's exceptional image in the world includes a strength based on open engagement and confidence -- in our values and ideals -- which were betrayed by the irrational fear Trump demonstrated with his executive order. 2.
We asked Parkinson and Neal Barnard, founder and president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, to reveal the health scares that strike the most irrational fear into the hearts of misinformed people everywhere.
Yu Yongding, a scholar at the China Academy of Social Sciences and former central bank adviser, said on Tuesday that China should overcome the "irrational fear" of allowing the Chinese yuan to float freely.
Bone conduction completely lives up to its promise here, and it makes a big difference if you're, say, cycling in the city and have an irrational fear of getting run over by a truck.
These white conservatives whose immigration stance is influenced by a desire to slow decline in their group's share of the population rather than due to an irrational fear of outgroups, feel accused of racism.
The learning machines of tomorrow have much to offer, but we must earn that future by replacing any irrational fear with continued research and development, driven by our very human desire to improve and innovate.
On the way home, I grab plums, random groceries, and pork roast to make in our Instant Pot (it's our first time ever using it, and I have an irrational fear that it will...explode?).
While there are many problems with the pressure to "eat clean," one of the biggest issues is this irrational fear it creates about what you're supposed to leave out of a clean diet: processed foods.
And there is every indication that it will keep him there, especially as he continues to transform that seething, irrational fear about an increasingly diverse America into policies that feed his supporters' worst racial anxieties.
But they've affected me to the point where a liberal white friend recently told me I was being too radical because I said a police officer's irrational fear should not be prioritized over a man's life.
First off, yes it may be an irrational fear, but these things could get knocked over at ANY MOMENT, and if you are the poor bastard stuck inside, you will be quite literally covered in shit.
If those stories gave you a surge of panic as you remembered your own close call (sound off in the comments!), you could probably use a warm bath of science and data to soothe your irrational fear.
Claudio Marenzi, head of fashion at the industrialist lobby Confindustria, said the textile and clothing sectors were taking a battering, with international buyers pulling their orders out of an irrational fear that the product might be infected.
That's why the American left wing says they're fighting fascists; they believe that this ridiculous, irrational fear is being deliberately stoked and used as a stalking horse for actual, outright, white-supremacy fascism of the National Socialist variety.
A look at the history of the behavior of its members and councilors also does not allay suspicions that in its marrow, it is indeed a racist organization that appeals to a base and irrational fear of the other.
Claustrophobia, the "irrational fear of being shut in, or fear of enclosed spaces, such as elevators and tunnels," is believed to affect roughly five to seven percent of the world's population, with an even smaller amount actually seeking treatment.
I know Kurtz is mistaken because I've battled an irrational fear of black men that has, misleadingly, been only attributed to white or other non-black people: Scott was in fact killed by a black officer in Charlotte last week.
No, those troops are being sent to gin up your irrational fear before the midterm elections because Trump is convinced the best way to motivate his base is to turn vulnerable brown and dark-skinned people into the perpetual boogeyman.
Some mental health experts have even said it's possible Goldberg has a love addiction, or a desperate need to find someone to love that's fueled by the irrational fear of being alone or being rejected, according to The Ranch Treatment Centers.
Second irrational fear: maybe a criminal or an enemy will make a copy of my face using a 3D printer (they're more affordable than ever before, guys!) Maybe this will become a hot new crime wave: look for friendly drunk girl.
Black thought's primary contribution to the academy and to American society is the richness and precision with which it describes our worst demons to us, while offering a vision of how we might each save our democracy from the ruin of irrational fear and hatred.
And while the design is likely to appeal to photography fans, some social media users say it is triggering their trypophobia -- an intense, irrational fear of small holes and clusters of circles and bumps, such as those in a honeycomb, lotus flower or bubble bath.
" In response to Charles Blow's argument that "Many people who buy guns are simply racked with an irrational fear, one of several concocted and promoted by the N.R.A.," Jacqueline wrote in October: "I'm not sure that the fear I have for my life is irrational.
This difference between irrational fear and it's just a spider, according to an in-press paper in the journal Biological Psychology, is enough for those in the first camp to dramatically overestimate the size of spiders—in some cases even imagining them to be larger than butterflies.
LG: Right, one of the things — this is maybe an irrational fear — but one of the fears I had when I got my family member a Chromebook recently was I also gave her a thumb drive with a video on it that I had made for her.
And while it's true that the Democrats' irrational fear of nuclear power has contributed to the destruction of the environment, let's not forget that it was the Republicans who were all too happy to exploit that aversion to safe, clean energy in pursuit of a fossil fuel wasteland.
But the lie is so mesmerizing, it takes off like a wildfire, so that the irrational fear that someone might vote who shouldn't means that hundreds of thousands who should can't cast ballots, in part because of the increase in voter ID laws across the country in recent years.
Mr. Gribkoff acknowledges the irrational fear of Muslims; if people would properly inform themselves about the true threats to American lives — which include our own health issues, as Dr. Ahmad stated — rather than play into the fear-mongering media, they would understand just how irrational their fear of Muslims is.
But underlying all the blood and gore, Goldberg&aposs unhealthy fixation on those he loves might be attributable to a surprisingly common condition called love addiction — a desperate need to find someone to love unconditionally fueled by the irrational fear of being alone or being rejected, according to The Ranch Treatment Centers.
And I more or less woke up worried that I had a concussion, [so I] made a scheduled post for when people would be waking up Sunday morning… I was already falling asleep and was panicking… I did wake up with very large bruises and a headache, and I've always had this irrational fear of concussions.

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