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81 Sentences With "intruded upon"

How to use intruded upon in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "intruded upon" and check conjugation/comparative form for "intruded upon". Mastering all the usages of "intruded upon" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Over the last decade, smartphone cameras have intruded upon every corner of life.
But even there, the mood is of dignity intruded upon rather than of outright victory.
This limitation highlights the judge's responsibility to the people whose privacy would be intruded upon.
Yet no Romantic excess or affect intruded upon the integrity and directness of his music-making.
I feel that my privacy is being unreasonably intruded upon, doing everyday things feel harder to face.
There are recipes for healing potions and written notices that one player has intruded upon another player's property.
Elsewhere, like in India, wild tigers face similar challenges as their natural territories are lost, degraded, and intruded upon.
Sotomayor's "hard question" about women "who would feel intruded upon" suggests she does not see the answer as clear cut.
A CIA assessment has reportedly concluded Russia intruded upon the 2016 campaign in an attempt to help Trump claim victory.
The political reaction Politics, of course, intruded upon the grief, in the form of dueling speeches by the presumptive 2016 presidential nominees.
"Should all the innocent home-school families, who do a great job, should they be intruded upon because of this family?" he said.
There are women "who would feel intruded upon if someone who still had male characteristics walked into their bathroom," Justice Sonia Sotomayor said.
"I want it to stay that way because I don't want anything about this to change or become too complicated or intruded upon."
I want it to stay that way because I don't want anything about this to change or become too complicated or intruded upon.
Arguments about whether an intrusion is actually taking place — and if so, who is the intruder and who is the intruded upon — are common.
In Manchester, that sense of safety was intruded upon, but to me, songs like "Cut to the Feeling" feel like a reminder of its power.
In America, where the wilderness is consistently and furiously intruded upon by invasive (human) species, the desert is one of the last relatively untouched refuges.
Duff's family did not consent to have their space intruded upon for photos, and she is protecting their right to privacy as well as her own.
Twenty minutes pass and he's still standing there—the 5-second loop that sounded hopeful at first has slowly been intruded upon by crackles and sinister feedback.
Just as the Europeans intruded upon the world of the native people of America, so did they sow disorder in the West African kingdoms, exploiting pre-existing ­rivalries.
He wasn't aloof or weird or a recluse, he was a cheeky scamp who wanted to do his thing and not be intruded upon, don't most people want that?
But there are other women who are made uncomfortable, and not merely uncomfortable, but who would feel intruded upon if someone who still had male characteristics walked into their bathroom.
The tightness of the framing shrinks the differences in age and era, adding to the intimacy of the moment — an intimacy that was preserved by DeCarava rather than intruded upon.
South Korea said its air force jets fired hundreds of warning shots to ward off a Russian military plane that intruded upon its territorial airspace, the first such encounter between the countries in decades.
"A foreign nation's diplomatic and political affairs is an inherently sensitive realm, which should not be lightly intruded upon by courts," Mitchell Kamin, of the firm Covington & Burling, said in a filing with Qatar's other attorneys.
Politics has increasingly intruded upon all realms of society, including sports and weather, and the proliferation of news sites which do provide a particular ideological perspective across a broad array of subjects suggests that such models work.
The federal government investigated the Baltimore police's activities between January 2010 and June 2015, and concluded that officers routinely violated black people's rights, intruded upon their lives, and racial bias pervaded "every stage" of BPD's enforcement activities.
But what about poor Susanna, whose idyllic bath is intruded upon by lecherous Elders who attempt to rape her, then falsely accuse her of promiscuity and establish a Kafkaesque trial in which they are the witnesses and judges?
Never mind the fact that vehicle occupants will find yet another part of their day intruded upon by blinking, button-pushing distractions, losing time they might have spent in quiet contemplation (or, sigh, looking at their own smartphones).
South Korea: Officials said their air force jets fired hundreds of warning shots to ward off a Russian military plane that intruded upon what South Korea considers its territorial airspace, the first such encounter between the countries in decades.
SEOUL, South Korea — South Korea said its air force jets fired hundreds of warning shots on Tuesday to ward off a Russian military plane that intruded upon what it considers its territorial airspace, the first such encounter between the countries in decades.
SEOUL, South Korea — South Korea said its air force jets fired hundreds of warning shots on Tuesday to ward off a Russian military plane that intruded upon what it considers its territorial airspace, the first such encounter between the countries in decades.
This déshabillé nirvana was not to be intruded upon by our photographer's camera lense, but here's a photo we managed to sneak (with people's faces blurred out) so you can get a sense of what loads of nude people walking around in mud looks like.
Just about every seat in the auditorium was taken, one of them by Edwin Meese, Attorney General under President Reagan, who was in the front row, and whose phone was almost certainly the source of a pleasant symphonic ringtone that briefly intruded upon the proceedings.
And just as Paglen's terrestrial work asks viewers to try to see the physical shape of the hidden world around them, his foray into extraterrestrial space is meant to draw attention to the way the heavens are increasingly intruded upon by man's best and worst intentions and the unintended consequences that go along with them.
But for all their possible clumsiness, when held against completed films, unfinished ones  can seem more animate, even electrified, in the sense that they seem to mime more faithfully the insecurity — the fluctuations, frustrations, and losses — of human experience, and also more feelingly attest to those specific instances when risk and catastrophe have intruded upon this very experience.
"I think it's more important that we get the person who's most capable of talking about the technical aspects of what they need to do to identify foreign money that may come in and what procedures, if any, need to be put in law that make sure elections are not intruded upon by foreign entities," Burr said last month.
"I think it's more important that we get the person who's most capable of talking about the technical aspects of what they need to do to identify foreign money that may come in and what procedures, if any, need to be put in law that make sure elections are not intruded upon by foreign entities," Burr was quoted as saying.
It's not hard to imagine a scene in Call Me by Your Name (23) in which Elio (Timothée Chalamet) and Oliver (Armie Hammer) transcend the chasms in their age and maturity levels to acknowledge their desires for one another by a fountain is suddenly intruded upon by a graphic that reads "22 feet away" over their respective heads, as they pas de deux around the fountain's base.
Portions of the rim are illuminated, however, and give the appearance of a worn formation that has been intruded upon by adjacent formations. The nearest craters of note to Sverdrup are de Gerlache to the east, and Shackleton at the south pole.
Antiair warfare also intruded upon her other major role at Okinawa, service in the ubiquitous antisubmarine screen. In providing protection from both submarines and aircraft, Beale divided her time between the gunfire support units and the ships that retired each night to safer waters some distance from the shores of Okinawa.
To the north the southern rim of the much larger crater Perepelkin is intruded upon by Shirakatsi, and the three form a brief, curving crater chain. To the southeast of Dobrovol'sky is the crater Volkov. It is named after cosmonaut Georgiy T. Dobrovolskiy, who died during the Soyuz 11 mission.
Weiss, Robert. Learning from Strangers: The Art and Method of Qualitative Interview Studies. The Free Press, 1994, pg. 123 On the negative end, the multiple-question based nature of interviews can lead participants to feel uncomfortable and intruded upon if an interviewer encroaches on territory that they feel is too personal or private.
This carried with it the right to a room at the college and regular salary. While continuing his studies, he taught Greek and philosophy, lectured on the New Testament and moderated daily disputations at the university. However, a call to ministry intruded upon his academic career. In August 1727, after completing his master's degree, Wesley returned to Epworth.
The room underwent a major architectural change in 1952. The northeast corner of the room was intruded upon by a dressing room which extended from the small bedroom to the east. Another closet extended from the west into the northwest corner of the room. To accommodate these spaces, the northern wall of the large bedroom was made convex.
The Alto Serra Branca Mine occurs where a granitic pegmatite intruded upon a biotite schist. There are many minerals found within this pegmatite. The main constituents are quartz, muscovite, microcline], and albite and amblygonite are common in smaller quantities. The minerals apatite, beryl, uraninite, and elbaite along with the tantalite group and other secondary uranium minerals are found throughout the mine.
Yet this eminent, superior personage was an habitual drunkard, an uncouth savage who intruded upon the hospitality of wealthy foreigners, and was not ashamed to seize upon any dish he took a fancy to, and send it home to his wife. It was his reckless drunkenness which ultimately ruined him in the estimation of Peter the Great, despite his previous inestimable services.
Bayer is a lunar impact crater located in the southwest section of the moon, to the east of the crater Schiller. The rim of Bayer is slightly worn by erosion, but remains well-defined. There is an inner terrace, but the outer wall is intruded upon by nearby impacts. The most significant of these is Schiller H, which forms a ridge attached to the northwest rim of Bayer.
Jerry manages to convince Glootie to take the app offline, showing their similarity in being unable to find a match. As Morty chastises Jerry about his decisions, Glootie puts an ad-wall on the app, leading Summer and everyone else to delete the app and resume their lives. Rick travels to a scenic, private lavatory. Discovering that it has been intruded upon, he tracks down the poop bandit, who is named Tony.
Dobrovol'sky is a small lunar impact crater on the Moon's far side. The northwest part of its rim is intruded upon by the somewhat larger crater Shirakatsi, and the outer rampart of that feature covers most of the interior floor of Dobrovol'sky. Very little of the original floor now survives, with a small section near the southern inner wall. The remainder of the crater rim is somewhat circular and only mildly worn.
A note of sadness, however, intruded upon the satisfaction usually associated with a homeward bound voyage. Of the four DesRon 32 ships that had accompanied her to the Mediterranean the previous fall, only three joined her in the return trip. A storm at Rhodes early in February had reduced Bache, her frequent comrade over the years, to an unsalvageable wreck. Beale and her depleted complement of traveling companions arrived back in Hampton Roads on 23 April.
Another organism, Chiroptella geikiensis, a species of the chigger family Trombiculidae was discovered on specimens of this bat. Illustration of "Rhinolophus aurantius". Gould and H. C. Richter, 1863 The colony may desert a site if intruded upon by visitors, the species is noted as even more susceptible to human activities near their roosts than other bats. Direct threats include destruction of habitat by mining, clearing for agriculture and pastoralism that results in the loss of food resources.
Indians friendly to the settlers resided in east Texas R E. Moore and Texarch Associates before the Kiowa, Apache and Comanche intruded upon their territory. Texas Beyond History These tribes hunted, farmed the land, and were adept traders. The Tawakoni Texas State Historical Association branch of Wichita Indians originated north of Texas, but migrated south into east Texas. From 1843 onward, the Tawakoni were part of treaties made by both the Republic of Texas and the United States.
What is today central Serbia was an important geo-strategical province, through which the Via Militaris crossed. This area was frequently intruded upon by barbarians in the 5th and 6th centuries. From the Danube, the Slavs commenced raiding the Byzantine Empire on an annual basis from the 520s, spreading destruction, taking loot and herds of cattle, seizing prisoners and taking fortresses. Often, the Byzantine Empire was stretched, defending its rich Asian provinces from Arabs, Persians and others.
Indians friendly to the settlers resided in East Texas R. E. Moore and Texarch Associates before the Kiowa, Kickapoo, Kichai, Apache, and Comanche intruded upon their territory. Texas Beyond History These tribes hunted, farmed the land, and were adept traders. By 1772, they had settled on the Brazos at Waco and on the Trinity upstream from present Palestine. The Tawakoni Texas State Historical Association branch of Wichita Indians originated north of Texas, but migrated south into East Texas.
Subsequently the police officers open fire on the dragon, and the dragon kicks one of them. Once again he hurries back to his lair, to later be intruded upon by soldiers and a tank. All of the soldiers open fire on the dragon with automatic weapons, and one fires consecutive rockets at him, causing the beast to lose an arm and leg. The tank then fires a shell directly at his head, causing it to explode.
As the system evolved, the courts (that is, citizens under another guise) intruded upon the power of the assembly. Starting in 355 BC, political trials were no longer held in the assembly, but only in a court. In 416 BC, the graphē paranómōn ('indictment against measures contrary to the laws') was introduced. Under this, anything passed or proposed by the assembly could be put on hold for review before a jury – which might annul it and perhaps punish the proposer as well.
Retrieved August 24, 2019. Watkins' new Chief of Staff Jim Joice termed any rumors regarding the reason for Watkins conduct at Fort Scott, "absurd." On October 23, 2019, about thirty House Republicans aggressively intruded upon that day's confidential hearing in a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) where Republican and Democratic congressional members had been taking testimony from Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Laura Cooper. Watkins was in the crowd of Republicans to follow Florida Representative Matt Gaetz to the hearing room.
According to Martu oral history, the initial conflict occurred after one of the white men approached Martu singing around a fire and was threatened with a spear. The second incident occurred after the fort was built and resulted in some of their men being killed. It has been suggested that the expedition may have intruded upon a ceremonial gathering. Beyond Weld Springs water was extremely hard to obtain, and by 4 July the team relied on occasional thunderstorms for water.
As a result, Justice Scalia asserted that the difference between "off the wall" surveillance and "through the wall" surveillance was non-existent because both methods physically intruded upon the privacy of the home. Scalia created a "firm but also bright" line drawn by the Fourth Amendment at the "'entrance to the house.'"Kyllo, 533 U.S. at 40. This line is meant to protect the home from all types of warrantless surveillance and is an interpretation of what he called "the long view" of the Fourth Amendment.
300px With the full crowd at every important match, and the architecture of the stands which are only four meters away from the pitch-lines, games of Montenegrin national team are playing in the highly-electric atmosphere. During the past years, Montenegrin FA is sanctioned by UEFA and FIFA in numerous occasions. In 2011, after the Montenegro-England match, Montenegrin ultras intruded upon the pitch. During the game, missiles and flares were hurled at goalkeeper Joe Hart while he was in front of Ultra Montenegro group.
Born in the Indian state of Kerala, Rimzon's artistic vocabulary finds root in symbols derived from the rural landscape of southern India: the village compound, the palm tree, the temple, the forest pathway and the handmade canoe. In Rimzon's drawings he develops the themes that are found in his sculpture. Charcoal and dry pastel is used with a simple grace of line to create an often eerie and evocative stillness. This pristine tranquility seems to be intruded upon by symbols such as the sword and the felled tree.
The city's first steamie, called The Washhouse, opened on the banks of the Camlachie Burn in 1732. An area of land, known as Fleshers' Haugh was purchased in 1792 by the city from Patrick Bell of Cowcaddens, extending the park to the east. A number of projects have been proposed through its history that would have intruded upon the Green. The steamship owner Henry Bell proposed building a canal from the Broomielaw to Glasgow Green with a quay terminal at the Green; this proposal was publicly condemned and never implemented.
The poems in this volume, like her poems in other volumes and contexts, contain universal identifications with ordinary objects. For example, "The Telephone" describes her relationship with an object, and how it has intruded upon the silence and solitude of her life. In this poem, which is three structured stanzas long, Angelou demands that the telephone ring, despite her resentment of its intrusion and her dependency upon it. She uses familiar and feminine metaphors, and themes also found in blues songs, such as the colors black and blue and weekend loneliness.
Inanimate Conversations (2002) portrays a one-eyed teddy bear and a doll, intruded upon by intense graffiti implying an absent child subject to such discussions;Kolva, Jeanne. "Picture Perfect," The Daily Targum, Inside Art, Jan 25, 1996. in I'm Not Home Please Leave a Message (1999), a boy lies on an adult bed next to an answering machine, surrounded by the searing, scrawled accusations of his separated parents. In other paintings, Tewes decorated rooms with Rorschach-style marks or camouflage, that critics like Artforum's Ingrid Schaffner suggested were metaphors for the home as a screen for projecting primal emotionsHumphrey, David.
Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne acknowledged that precedent surrounding sovereign immunity in the United States made the state's case difficult, but he said, "We're asking the 9th Circuit to take a second look." On April 11, 2011, the Ninth Circuit panel upheld the district court's ban on parts of the law taking effect, thus ruling in favor of the Obama administration and against Arizona. Judge Richard Paez gave the majority opinion in which Judge John T. Noonan, Jr. joined; Judge Carlos Bea dissented in part. Paez agreed with the administration's view that the state had intruded upon federal prerogatives.
The lawsuit named Albert Snyder, father of Matthew Snyder, as the plaintiff and Fred W. Phelps, Sr.; Westboro Baptist Church, Inc.; Rebekah Phelps-Davis; and Shirley Phelps-Roper as defendants, alleging that they were responsible for publishing defamatory information about the Snyder family on the Internet, including statements that Albert and his wife had "raised [Matthew] for the devil" and taught him "to defy his Creator, to divorce, and to commit adultery". Other statements denounced them for raising their son Catholic. Snyder further complained the defendants had intruded upon and staged protests at his son's funeral.
Shamont sees his brother in conversation with the Lady, and becomes jealous. Later the pair are intruded upon by the Duke's cousin, whose mentally disordered ramblings give the Soldier the impression that he's been insulted. Shamont is so distracted by his jealous imaginings that he fails to notice when the Duke is speaking to him; trying to catch his favourite's attention, the Duke touches Shamont with a riding crop. This is enough to provoke the most extreme reaction from Shamont's hypersensitive honour; convinced that he's been mortally insulted, Shamont vents his feelings and leaves the court.
The property has changed hands many times since the track's closure but it has never been developed. The old parking lot area is currently leased out (according to Ghost Tracks by SCCA historian Pete Hylton, the site is being used for leaf mulching) but the track area itself has only been intruded upon by a neighboring branch of the Patuxent River. Significant damage was done to the property by severe flooding in early 2008. None of the buildings (such as they are) appear to have been impacted, but further sections of the track surface were buried or washed out.
On 9 October, Kaul and Brigadier Dalvi agreed to send a patrol of 50 soldiers to Tseng Jong, the approach to Yumtso La, to occupy the position and provide cover before the rest of the battalion would move forward for the occupation of Yumtso La. On 10 October, these 50 Indian troops were met by an emplaced Chinese position of some 1,000 soldiers. The Chinese troops opened fire on the Indians believing that the Indians had intruded upon Chinese land. The Indians were surrounded by a Chinese positions which used mortar fire. However, they managed to hold off the first Chinese assault, inflicting heavy casualties.
In the past many critics of Scientology have claimed they were harassed by frivolous and vexatious lawsuits. Paulette Cooper was falsely accused of felony charges as she had been framed by the Church of Scientology's Guardian's Office. Furthermore, her personal life had been intruded upon by Scientologists who had attempted to kill her and/or draw her to suicide in a covert plan known as Operation Freakout brought to light after FBI investigations into other matters (See Operation Snow White). Original (PDF), 18M A prominent example of litigation of its critics is the Church of Scientology's $416 million libel lawsuit s:Church of Scientology v.
"If they want peace, they will have to expel all Christian women... from the city." Garrison, William LLoyd, The Liberator, November, 1853, cited in Religion and the Antebellum Debate Over Slavery, John McKivigan, Mitchell Snay University of Georgia Press, p. 187 The editor of the Virginia newspaper The Argus wrote that although the Norfolk community was reluctant to put a white woman in prison, 'there rose a righteous indignation towards a person who would throw contempt in the face of our laws, and brave the imprisonment for 'the cause of humanity' '. 'Let her depart hence with only one wish, that her presence will never be intruded upon us again.
Consistent with the U.S.'s policy of the last 60 years recognizing no state as having sovereignty over Jerusalem,Ariane de Vogue, Supreme Court strikes down law in Jerusalem passport case, CNN (June 8, 2015). Clinton's brief argued that "any American action, even symbolically, toward recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel" might have an influence on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. The Supreme Court subsequently struck down the passport law on separation-of-powers grounds, holding that Congress had intruded upon the president's constitutional power to recognize foreign states. During an interview while the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict was ongoing, Clinton said that Hamas had intentionally provoked Israel by firing rockets into that country.
Beginning in 2005, Schulz shifted to large-scale, intricate charcoal drawings composed of multiple sheets that she often tore, folded, bent and distressed, reshaping and disrupting the picture plane.Stein, Lynn and Daly Flanagan. 7: Out of this World, Nyack, NY: Rockland Center for the Arts, 2008. These black-and-white works drew on diverse imagery and extensive reading, and increasingly, linked personal experience to collective, often-traumatic experiences, such as 9-11, Hurricane Katrina, and the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. They employ a careful blending of charcoal and delicate erasure that interweaves vignettes of haunted landscapes and elegant interiors intruded upon by war and natural disasters amid the folded terrain, low relief and untouched voids of the paper.
The survey found that a road fragment could be considered historic if it was unpaved, that it is "long enough to evoke a sense of destination" where an observer at one end could not see the other end, and that the setting of the road had not been intruded upon with recent buildings or roads. When Minnesota became a territory in 1849, Henry Hastings Sibley lobbied the United States Congress for aid for building roads. Congress had supported road building in other territories, and they approved the Minnesota request for the purposes of defense, for benefit of the settlers, and to increase the value of the public lands to be sold to settlers. The Minnesota Road Act of July 1850 appropriated $40,000 to construct four military wagon roads and to survey a fifth.
On 14 February 2005, Rula Sa'd, the Director of Marketing and Promotions at the LBC acted in her role as "Director of the Academy" to announce to the contestants that Rafiq al-Hariri had been assassinated and that Lebanon was in mourning. This was one of the only instances in the show's history that a real-life event had intruded upon The Academy. Like other Lebanese channels, LBC suspended its regular programing to focus all attention on the aftermath of the assassination, including a ten-day hiatus of Star Academy. The show resumed on Friday, 25 February with an episode that critics deemed "The Patriotic Night" during which the contestants, along with Arab celebrities and contestants from past seasons came together and sung a number of patriotic songs in solidarity with the mourning nation.
A Tibetan independence rally outside the Chinese embassy in Paris (16 March) On Thursday, March 20 in Vienna, Austria, several Tibetans intruded upon the Embassy of China in Austria, taking down the Chinese national flag and damaging the Embassy facility. The Ambassador requested an urgent meeting with Foreign Affair Officers of Austria and protested at the inability of local police to protect the Embassy. Tear gas was deployed by local riot police in Paris, France on Sunday, March 16 where over 500 protesters gathered outside of Chinese embassy on Paris's chic avenue George V. A demonstrator managed to climb the building and removed the Chinese flag, replacing it with the Tibetan flag. 10 people were in police custody at the end of the demonstrations. Tibetans in Germany stormed the Chinese Consulate in Munich on Monday, March 17.
Thus, the duke considered withdrawing as a claimant to Monaco's throne (he had also been considered for the thrones of Lithuania and Alsace-Lorraine, although these monarchical opportunities never materialized), he did not choose to recognize Monaco's selected heir – perhaps unsurprisingly, since the 1918 law and treaty directly intruded upon his hereditary rights, excluding him from a throne for no personal act of dereliction on his part, and without compensation (cf. Prince Ingolf of Denmark). Despite the changed political reality, on the deaths of Wilhelm in 1928 and of his brother Karl in 1925 the official Journal de Monaco expressed grief at their passing, and detailed their funerals in Germany and the memorial services held for them in Monaco. In each case Prince Louis sent senior officials to represent him at his uncles' funerals in Stuttgart.
On the other side, Hammond (1982) argued the converse, wherein it was southward and eastward Illyrian expansions that intruded upon an originally Greek Epirus. Filos (2018) notes that due to the limitations of our linguistic knowledge of Epirus during the relevant period, which is entirely lacking except for the onomastic evidence of anthronyms, tribe names, and toponyms, any assumptions either way about which element (Illyrian, Greek) was intrusive is "tantamount to plain guesswork", but one may reasonably assume a degree of bilingualism did exist without positing which languages were specifically substrate, adstrate or superstrate. The distribution of epigraphic evidence would remain unequally distributed geographically; in later periods, sources still tend to come from Ambracia and Dodona, as well as Bouthrotos. The Corinthian and Elean colonies on the coast were gradually integrated into the emerging pan-Epirote political formations, resulting in increasing linguistic homogenization of the region.
In general, it is believed that the basin could have generated up to 60 billion barrels of petroleum. The petroleum exploration discovered that under the principal interval of source rock is a layer of sandstone approximately 100 metres thick with porosities reaching 30%. Up to now, very few sandstones with good reserve properties have been found in the succession of rifts below the interval of principal source rock, but very few wells have penetrated into this zone. The absence of high pressure in the basin suggests that whatever quantity of petroleum was produced could have migrated laterally and thus could be trapped in rift reservoirs developed below and to the side of the source rock and could function—given its low level of porosity—as a seal for the deeper rock and would only be cut on the borders where it is intruded upon by faults.
That June, Judge Jewett granted Tracy's motion to quash, without costs. The court held that only the district attorney could bring such an action to enforce the statute: > I am of opinion that by the terms and spirit of the statute under which this > proceeding has been had, no other than the district attorney of the county > of Genesee (in which the lands intruded upon are situated) could regularly > be a relator. The remedy for the act complained of is provided by the > statute, as well as the officers to carry it into execution. It is made the > duty of the district attorney to make complaint of all intrusions upon > Indian lands forbidden by the act, and from time to time to make inquiries > whether any persons other than Indians are settled upon such lands, and to > cause them to be removed in the manner therein prescribed.

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