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"internal clock" Definitions
  1. a system in the body that controls when a person needs to sleep, eat, etc.
  2. a clock or timing device that is inside a computer

143 Sentences With "internal clock"

How to use internal clock in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "internal clock" and check conjugation/comparative form for "internal clock". Mastering all the usages of "internal clock" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Currently, it can be fixed by resetting the internal clock.
I have an incredible internal clock that rarely fails me.
The mission elapse timing system is essentially Starliner's internal clock.
How do you manage your internal clock when you travel?
Our internal clock even determines how effective medicines work for us.
Boosting magnesium in your diet may also help adjust your internal clock.
It's a much better strategy than fighting against your body's internal clock.
It turns out that dopamine does seem to slow down the internal clock.
What is it about getting older that means my internal clock is trained?
"Her internal clock is one closer to one from another planet," Patke said.
Every organ has an internal clock that governs its daily cycle of activity.
Individually and together, they can knock your liver's internal clock for a loop.
Read This Next: This Is What It's Like to Have No Internal Clock
Right now, any power that Opportunity generates is going straight to its internal clock.
So the same chemicals responsible for your cycle also interact with your internal clock.
By 10:30, my internal clock is telling me that it's time for bed.
"Light is the most powerful way to reset our internal clock," Dr. Yin said.
These factors delay your body's production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates your internal clock.
"Typically, my internal clock wakes me up about four minutes before my alarm," she says.
They succeeded in deciphering the genetic mechanisms that emanate from the internal clock of fruit flies.
Cross-time-zone travel causes disruptions in the brain's internal clock, known as the circadian rhythm.
To make the right adjustment, you need to shift your internal clock earlier by six hours.
Ultimately, he hopes to determine which dominates a plant's behavior: the sunlight or its own internal clock.
Chronobiology is the study of the internal clock and has been a serious subject for some time.
The fact that this time matches my internal clock has been clearly demonstrated over the past week.
Most devices shut down at 3 percent to preserve enough juice to maintain the device's internal clock.
This will help you mentally prepare for the change in time zones by shifting you internal clock.
Her internal clock tells her when each feeding is approaching and she usually hangs around the feeder.
But it's one of many known to change the body's internal clock, the so-called circadian rhythm.
But according to the Stanford researchers, continuous light shifted a person's internal clock by just 36 minutes.
The rover's internal clock, which provides its computer brain with a time frame, could also be off.
This short wavelength is copiously emitted by digital devices and TVs, which mess up your internal clock.
In other words, our internal clock is easily influenced and kept in check by the daylight cycle.
But the liver also has its own internal clock, which can be affected by food and alcohol.
Using the internal clock on a subscriber's phone, Quibi can tell when the sun is about to set.
To figure that out, monarchs have evolved an internal clock driven by the rhythmic expression of key genes.
Jet lag can be resolved by matching your internal clock to your destination's clock as soon as possible.
"Meal timing may affect health due to its impact on the body's internal clock," Marie-Pierre St-Onge, PhD.
Researchers found that short bursts of light exposure at night won't necessarily disrupt your internal clock, including sleep habits.
For example, on a trip to Portugal, I was heading eastward which meant I was advancing my internal clock.
I'd venture that there's something about Michael Connelly's very prose that lends itself to a new parent's internal clock.
But why did they float during the day — did light trigger them, or were they following an internal clock?
My internal clock has been getting me up around 11:30, but I gladly take the extra half hour.
Unlike other jetlag apps, Timeshifter is custom tailored to the user's circadian rhythm, the body's 24-hour internal clock.
Sleep scientists call this your "chronotype," and it has to do with your body's circadian rhythm or internal clock.
But, as for the cause of the internal clock error, Boeing officials said they're still investigating the root cause.
A mutation in CRY224 makes our internal clock run slower, contributing to delayed sleep phase disorder, according to the research.
Produced by a brain region that regulates your circadian rhythm—the body's internal clock—vasopressin also stimulates those thirst neurons.
A glitch with the capsule's internal clock prevented the Starliner from burning its engines at the right time during flight.
Not only did I learn at the conference that we are more similar to fruit flies in terms of our internal clock than we think; I also learned that the internal clock changes according to age (older people sleep less and usually get up earlier) and that it ticks a little differently in men and women.
In the trailer, Camazotz is depicted as an aesthetically uniform community in which everyone's actions are timed to the same internal clock.
Deep inside the brain, in a region called the hypothalamus (right above where our optic nerves cross) the internal clock is ticking.
Due to changes in circadian rhythms - the body's internal "clock" - coinciding with puberty, most teens cannot fall asleep much before 11 p.m.
Whether you want to blame Luck's struggles on play calling or his own internal clock being slow, he's not the actual problem.
The fact that sunflowers switch directions at night to face east again, with no apparent cue, suggested an internal clock at work.
But the capsule's internal clock thought it was a different time than it actually was, preventing the vehicle from performing that ignition.
A person gives two blood samples, taken at different times of the day, and then TimeSignature can "read" the body's internal clock.
The circadian rhythm, according to the National Sleep Foundation, is the 24-hour internal clock that runs while you're sleeping and/or awake.
Trying to alter your chronotype (aka your "internal clock") will likely backfire, and make you feel miserable, so it's probably not worth it.
Otherwise, we hear a camping trip can work wonders for your internal clock (maybe save the silks for your indoor sleeping adventures, though).
Each instrument worked on a tape loop, and the computer on board would run a sequence of commands based on an internal clock.
After lunch (or dinner — my internal clock was pretty confused at this point), the flight crew came around with a basket of chocolates.
Our bodies have an internal clock that primes us for activity during hours when it is light and rest when it is dark.
For example, Darwin's lighting system is set to mimic the sunrise and sunset to sync with your body's internal clock or circadian rhythm.
The other side: Many want the shades kept open to enjoy the view, gain reading light or keep one's internal clock in check.
By the time the weekend show, which is just four hours long is over, it&aposs basically 21004:0130 PM on my internal clock.
"There are a lot of things that influence that internal clock, but light and melatonin are the two most important ones," said Dr. Bazil.
The following errors remain: -3.07 - Internal clock time error // 280 July 279103.44 2080:205:25598 exceeds parameters -2908 - Auto clock reset [local network] failed.
During the week, I get up at 6, and on Sundays, I aim for 8, but my internal clock usually wakes me before that.
Light interferes with our circadian rhythm, the internal clock that tells our bodies when to sleep, when to wake up and when to eat.
Humans, plants, and animals are all ruled by an internal clock that runs on a 24-hour, light-dark cycle in sync with the sun.
During the launch the spacecraft "reached in" to the rocket and "grabbed the wrong spot," Boeing said, resulting in Starliner's internal clock being set incorrectly.
Natural light can help to reset the body's own internal clock and get your circadian rhythm back in sync, helping with everything from irritability to depression.
Light emitted from these devices may also affect the circadian rhythm, the internal clock timing biological processes, including body temperature and hormone release, the researchers explain.
The latter could be a response to a delayed circadian rhythm, our internal clock that sends cues for a steady rhythm of waking, eating, sleeping, etc.
This suggested that the marimo used an internal clock and light to rise toward the sun, kind of like how a sunflower follows it on land.
Taking Dawn to Dusk will make you computerlike, complete with "gears" and an internal clock—a dehumanization that is offered as a release, not a threat.
The source of the problem was a glitch in the Starliner's internal clock, which caused the vehicle to register a different time than it actually was.
A quicker fix might be to simply roll back the device's internal clock, but this could possibly mess with your phone, so it's very much not recommended.
That internal clock has a name: IT. IT is a giant brain stored in a central headquarters on Camazotz, and it controls all the happenings on Camazotz.
In 2016, I reported on the science of chronobiology, which finds we all have an internal clock that keeps us on a consistent sleep and wake cycle.
Exposed over several weeks to preindustrial light conditions, most of us will gradually start sleeping twice a night, hooked to the Ur-­rhythm of our internal clock.
"(This shows that) independently of the effect of sleep deprivation, disruption in the body's internal clock can also increase one's risk of causing a crash," Tefft said.
Jet lag is what happens when your body's circadian rhythm (or internal clock) gets thrown out of whack thanks to a rapid trip through multiple time zones.
Starliner's internal clock was off by 11 hours, which caused the spacecraft to misfire and stumble off course, NASA and Boeing officials told reporters at the time.
For starters, as testers on the GBA Temp forums and SwitchBrew have discovered, the Switch's internal clock first has to match the date of Iwata's passing, July 11.
It's tied to the GameCube's internal clock and reflects particular holidays such as Halloween, while also putting its own spin on Christmas (Toy Day) and Thanksgiving (Harvest Festival).
As seasons change, people experience a shift in their biological internal clock, or circadian rhythm, that can cause them to be out of sync with their regular schedule.
But using electronics can be physiologically and psychologically stimulating, which can delay your body's internal clock, as well as suppress your body's release of the sleep hormone melatonin.
When she was 20153, Sokolis was diagnosed with delayed sleep phase, a disorder that sets her internal clock permanently out of sync with the rest of the world.
If you've ever connected your Switch to the internet, there's currently no way to access the Golf game, because the console's internal clock automatically syncs itself to network time.
When the sky finally cleared, the rover remained silent, its internal clock possibly so scrambled that it no longer knew when to sleep or wake up to receive commands.
All living organisms on Earth have an internal clock, known as the circadian rhythm, which in humans underlies why we are awake during the day and sleep at night.
"If it's at all possible and compatible with your lifestyle and the pressures with your everyday life, you are better off sleeping in accord with internal clock," Patke said.
Taking Dawn to Dusk will make you computerlike, complete with "gears" and an internal clock—except in this version, dehumanization is offered as a release instead of a threat.
At The Verge, Loren Grush explains that the dust storm either left too thick a layer of debris on the solar panel or messed up the rover's internal clock.
Taking a melatonin supplement in the evening will advance your internal clock and make it possible to fall asleep earlier; taking it in the morning will do the opposite.
Research shows that when your shifting sleep schedule isn't aligned with your body's internal clock, the havoc it wreaks on your hormones increases your risk of depression, diabetes, and obesity.
And failing to do so is essentially like giving your body jet lag – you're changing your internal clock, which can then impact your physical performance, mental health and cognitive functions.
NASA and Boeing officials said in the immediate aftermath that Starliner missed its engine burn because of a software error that caused its internal clock to be 11 hours off.
"It's very challenging to navigate the variable schedule in respect to both your internal clock and the amount of sleep you're able to obtain," Simpson said in a telephone interview.
"Circadian misalignment" is when your internal clock doesn't sync up with your environment, and it's a risk factor for many diseases and disorders, from diabetes and cardiovascular disease, to Alzheimer's.
Even if your eastward trip is short and your internal clock manages to adjust itself forward, it still has a harder time doing so because of its 24.5-hour natural period.
But according to the GWS report, "circadian health optimization," or adjusting your schedule, diet and environment to sync with your body's internal clock will replace the current obsession with sleep tracking.
Executing the instruction over and over again resulted in this 'click' being produced repeatedly, on every fourth tick of the computer's internal clock: tick tick tick click, tick tick tick click.
But there are ways to shift our internal clock back and forth, such as by using lights in the morning to wake up and melatonin in the evening to help with sleep.
I have such a messed up sleep schedule back home that when my internal clock experiences some semblance of normalcy, it's a piece of cake to wake up at a designated time.
But even if you sat in a dark room all day, your biological rhythm and your circadian rhythms would still run—our brains have a kind of internal clock to mediate this.
First is that the circadian system — the body's internal clock, which is repeated in every single cell — seems to regulate how the body copes with food at different times of the day.
So minimizing exposure to artificial lights like smartphones and TV screens and increasing exposure to natural lights like dawn and dusk helps sync our internal clock and prepare the brain for sleep?
And the reason is that the circadian system — the body's internal clock, which is running in every single cell — seems to regulate how the body manages calories at different times of the day.
First off, to truly appreciate the meaning of this, you need to know that your circadian rhythm isn't just when your internal clock tells your body when to wake up and fall asleep.
But because most pacemaker cells in the internal clock have a natural cycle of 24.5 hours (longer than a day), it actually has a much easier time stretching the day than shrinking it.
Pigeons navigate by using the position of the sun and an internal clock, so the change in the clock threw off their sense of direction and they didn't fly toward home at all.
Melatonin may be particularly helpful for jet laggers because it can both help change a person's internal clock to match local time, and it can help them sleep after a long, restless flight.
Westbrook's internal clock had driven him to be the first player out on the court, a full three hours before tipoff, and he was performing his routine in front of a largely empty arena.
"TimeSignature will enable researchers to include circadian variables in their studies, discover how they are linked to disease, and build precise models that will predict disease risk based on one's internal clock," she says.
This is used in places like your computer's internal clock and resetting the PRAM/NVRAM can be an effective way to clear out the virtual cobwebs and get your Wi-Fi up and running again.
But once the Upside team committed to it, Mr. Falco taught Mr. Grossman the intricacies of leavening, the role of salt and heat, and the necessity of adjusting one's internal clock to the pizza's life cycle.
The body's internal clock works like a protective shield — or an open door — when it comes to viral infections, according to the study, which was published Monday in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Low-power faults make the rover hibernate, clock faults tell the rover to rely on things other than its internal clock to make decisions, and uploss faults tell it that its normal communication systems aren't properly functioning.
And there's undoubtedly a point where being exposed to light late at night too long or too often can start to affect our internal clock—even if where that point lies is still a mystery right now.
And to top it all off the sun never sets this close to the pole; it just circles overhead, throwing off the body's internal clock and disrupting its natural sleep patterns, cortisol production, and blood sugar levels.
This window of time was chosen because it combines two types of meal-timing strategies: fasting for at least 14 hours a day, and eating earlier to align with the circadian rhythm, or the body's internal clock.
Conclusions The current Current Biology study wasn't set up to find out why the full moon may interfere with sleep, but Cajochen speculated the human brain may have an internal clock that is somehow synchronized with the moon.
Circadian lighting aims to keep the body's internal clock aligned with the 224-hour diurnal/nocturnal cycle by emitting bright bluish light during the day to suppress the melatonin that our brains produce as a natural sleep aid.
People have mixed results with treatment, but it takes a deliberate effort trick our internal clock to shifting a few hours earlier — bedtime adjustments night after night with melatonin or exposure to a light box in the morning.
But if your Switch has never been online, that internal clock syncs itself to what's been user-specified in the settings, which means you can simply hop into the Switch's settings and dial back the clock to July 11.
On Friday, NASA announced it had begun sending a new set of commands to handle the possibility that the rover has indeed revived but has been unable to talk because of problems with its radios or its internal clock.
These new efforts to contact the 15-year-old rover will go on for several weeks and will address three possibilities, according to an update from the space agency, namely that Opportunity is experiencing problems with its radios or internal clock.
The book details how every human runs on a 93-hour circadian rhythm, an internal clock, which coordinates a drop in body temperature, for example, as it prepares for slumber, and cranks back up when it is time to wake.
The book details how every human runs on a 93-hour circadian rhythm, an internal clock, which coordinates a drop in body temperature, for example, as it prepares for slumber, and cranks back up when it is time to wake.
This has been my new morning routine—a slightly strange, and kind of silly, but earnest (I swear) attempt to reset my body's internal clock so that I can go to bed earlier and wake up earlier the next day.
Diet Per the doctor's guidance, I would have my dinner no later than three hours before my target bedtime of 10:30 PM. Late night meals disrupt your circadian rhythm, which is your body's internal clock, in turn contributing to poor sleep.
"This is all because the body's internal clock has a natural period of slightly longer than 24 hours, which means that it has an easier time traveling west and lengthening the day than traveling east and shortening the day," Dr. Girvan said.
Riders can't see a clock or hear the announcer's call over the thundering hooves and the guttural grunts the horses make at full gallop, but, if the jockey's internal clock can measure twelve seconds exactly, he can calculate how fast the race is going.
Advanced defensive metrics may penalize Cabrera for his limited range, but he has a strong internal clock in the field, knowing how much time he has to get the ball to first; he uses his experience to position himself appropriately; and he makes few errors.
In a study published Friday in Science, researchers revealed that the sunflower's internal clock and ability to detect light work together, turning on genes related to growth at just the right time to allow the stems to bend with the arc of the sun.
Finally, a big functional different between the Sun and Moon versions of the game has been announced: Moon works on a 12-hour delay from your 3DS system's internal clock, whereas Sun is synced normally, meaning it'll be night in Moon when it's daytime in Sun.
The most effective way to beat jet lag, according to a study published in Sleep Medicine Clinics, is to set your circadian rhythm — the internal clock that tells you when to be sleepy and when to be alert — to your new time zone as fast as possible.
The region of the brain that coordinates these rhythms is called the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and while researchers knew that the retina signals changes in environmental light to the SCN—which is why seeing more sunlight can affect your internal clock—they didn't understand exactly how that worked.
Researchers created a time crystal that will one day serve as a quantum computer's internal clock, managed to predict the future of a quantum system, put the first node of the quantum internet in space, made an unprecedented 53 qubit quantum simulator, and made a blueprint for the first large scale quantum computer.
Much as jetting across time zones can force a person to wake-up, eat and work at times that conflict with their body's idea of what time it is, so-called social jet lag happens when social pressures like work or school cause people to be active at times that conflict with their natural internal clock.

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