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173 Sentences With "interdependencies"

How to use interdependencies in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "interdependencies" and check conjugation/comparative form for "interdependencies". Mastering all the usages of "interdependencies" from sentence examples published by news publications.

We're simultaneously working to reduce the interdependencies in our overall infrastructure.
There are a few interdependencies and there are some things that run in parallel.
Yet these positive interdependencies also create risks in the event of a U.S. supply disruption.
The platform's optimal pricing structure recognises these interdependencies to bring both sides to the market.
Naturally, the scientists have developed a new and improved alternative capable of spotting missed interdependencies.
Additional CCP data will be collected through the year to quantify changes in central clearing interdependencies.
By chaining together previously independent parts of the production sequence, Harder had created new frustrating interdependencies.
There have been discussions from time to time about which processes run in parallel, where the interdependencies are.
"Any ring-fencing attempt that ignores ... global interdependencies is inconsistent with the reality of the 21st century," he said.
The interdependencies won't vanish, though — so expect more skirmishes like the one Apple fought with Google and Facebook last week.
There have been "discussions from time to time about which processes run in parallel, where the interdependencies are," Dickson said.
Interdependencies between component makers mean one small missing piece or stalled factory can grind the whole production system to a halt.
And there's so many interdependencies at companies that if you take two hours, then everyone else has to wait two hours.
But on the other hand, we need to stay calm and realize that there are more and more interdependencies between the global economies.
Do those who voted for him understand how many of their jobs depend on America being embedded in healthy interdependencies around the world?
The Department of the Treasury is examining the expanded role of CCPs and the complex interdependencies that link them to other financial institutions.
And so that's another thing I think is wrong in modern workplaces, is that there's far too many interdependencies between departments and people.
"The EU must take a broad and pragmatic view of the complexity of the Android ecosystem, interdependencies, and the relationship to Google's broader business model," says Wood.
Congress must push for a better understanding of the interdependencies of our critical infrastructure, as well as rapid reassessments based on the current and future threat environments.
It is, rather, an inherently nuanced intellectual task, one that calls for a deep and genuine appreciation of changing strategic interdependencies, and also of corresponding legal obligations.
They all should be networked into a confederation, harnessing the sea and sun — with joint commissions to manage water, energy and food security — that would create healthy interdependencies.
Today's archivists, a mix of professionals and committed collectors, are already unsure of how to handle emerging forms due to the complex interdependencies between software, hardware, servers, and networks.
His field's basic premise is that all of the interdependencies within complex systems result in various "tipping points" and non-linear responses that are difficult to describe using simpler mathematical models.
A large shopping mall, much like a traditional Main Street or downtown, is a complex series of interdependencies; everything you find in one depends, in some way, on the other parts of the mall.
Highlighting increased global interdependencies, Amazon sent an urgent email to suppliers this week about its midsummer mega sale Prime Day indicating it has begun worrying about inventory, the New York Times reported on Thursday.
As a society, we can no longer act as though married couples are the only people who need support for their caregiving obligations, from employer-provided healthcare for dependents to legal recognition of their interdependencies.
Now, along comes the G-20 Financial Stability Board's "Analysis of Central Clearing Interdependencies" that paints a dire picture of the fault lines apparent in regulators' own construct for preventing future crises, most notably with respect to central counterparties (CCPs).
However, the fragility of the alumina supply chain has been brutally exposed, serving as wake-up call for the aluminium sector and the U.S. and European governments, who received a short, sharp lesson in the multiple interdependencies of this previously uncontroversial commodity.
In many ways, the digital revolution and connecting of the planet represent our greatest opportunity for improving the quality of lives, achieving greater equality and driving economic growth on a global scale — while also making the world a safer, better place through increased interdependencies.
"Whether it is a hurricane in New Orleans or an [extreme heat event] in the Southwest, critical infrastructure systems are at risk for cascading failure in ways that are unpredictable and surprising due to their complex interdependencies and fragility to extreme conditions," the authors wrote.
"We're not only looking at coal, nuclear generation, we're looking at all generation and we're looking at how the grid comes together which is why my team has been focused on developing the North American resiliency model which is focused on understanding and highlighting the interdependencies of the different systems," he said.
In addition to accessing digital banking, most of us also have verified our identity through a plethora of services like Google, Facebook, Blizzard and the list goes on, through various means of identity verification that make up an interlinked web of interdependencies, where one of your identities vouch for your eligibility to access another service.
Were gui parasites any more or less than those six or so trees, behind us now, scuffling for nourishment from sky, ground, neighboring trees, rain, stars, those trees feeding on birds, mice, cows, insects, microbes feeding on them, up and down the food chain, Great Chain of Being, the latter chain a concept originating in the fifteenth century, popular through the eighteenth, that I had come across when I studied the birth of the English novel, both chains signifying the same grand plan and interconnection and infinite coupling and interdependencies and eating and being eaten necessary to create and sustain each moment, everyone, everything large and small, past, present, and future, Mr. Jackson, all of us parasiting our way through.
Netchain analysis builds on the phrases above and focuses mainly on all type of interdependencies.
Since the initial collaboration between the United Kingdom Universities, a number of Interdependencies have been discovered.
Specific networks with mainly horizontal interdependencies are sequentially arranged based on their vertical ties between firms in other networks.
In addition to capturing tasks and their interdependencies, models show which roles perform each task, and the tools, services and information they apply.
These three methods all raise hardware complexity. Before executing any operations in parallel, the processor must verify that the instructions have no interdependencies. For example, if a first instruction's result is used as a second instruction's input, then they cannot execute at the same time and the second instruction cannot execute before the first. Modern out-of-order processors have increased the hardware resources which schedule instructions and determine interdependencies.
Variations in the C-terminal region of each of their proteins suggest functional divergence between the Kai clock proteins, however there are critical interdependencies between the three paralogs.
Agnesium is a neologism coined to describe a powerful, efficient and effective organization as an entity.Introducing Organizational Behaviour and Management By David Knights, Hugh Willmott Agnesium is a combination of Agnes (Latin for powerful, efficient and effective) and the suffix -ium -ium (indicating a biological structure). The basic principle of Agnesium is that for complex structures/organizations there are many interdependencies between the members that are not known, understood or leveraged. By recognizing, understanding and leveraging these hidden interdependencies an organization can be proactive, adaptive and exploitive.
In robotics, GraphSLAM is a Simultaneous localization and mapping algorithm which uses sparse information matrices produced by generating a factor graph of observation interdependencies (two observations are related if they contain data about the same landmark).
At the fourth stage Graen and Uhl-Bien propose using a systems-level perspective to investigate how differentiated dyadic relationships combine to form larger, network systems. These networks are what make up an organization's "leadership structure", or the "pattern of leadership relationships among individuals throughout the organization". Graen and Uhl-Bien explain that the leadership structure emerges from the network of relationships and mutual dependencies that develop as organization members fulfill roles and complete tasks. Investigation at this stage analyzes task interdependencies and the quality of the relationships that develop due to these interdependencies.
Finally, the military system depends on the media for value inculcation and reinforcement, waging and winning conflicts, and specific organizational goals such as recruitment and mobilization. The media, in turn, depends on the military for access to insider or expert information. The consequences of all of these interdependencies, again, are alterations in media products that audiences consume. In this way, the system-level interdependencies control media products, the range of possible social uses for media, the extent to which audiences depend on the media to fulfill needs, and ultimately media effects on audiences.
Netchain analysis is a theoretical concept integrating supply chain management and network analysis which was introduced by Lazzarini, Chaddad and Cook in 2001. While supply chain analysis focuses on vertical and network analysis on horizontal inderdependencies across companies, netchain analysis incorporates both type of interdependencies into one concept. Netchain analysis emphasizes value creation and coordination mechanism sources corresponding to different kind of interdependencies. In practice, netchain analysis is often used in a more general way referring to the perspective that takes into account chain and network characteristics as well.
Here you can clearly see the interdependencies. Its no longer the case that risk and finance can be seen independent. The integration between finance and risk platforms may also relax different aspects like calculation or the integration of Data.
The most significant recent direction in managerial accounting is throughput accounting; which recognizes the interdependencies of modern production processes. For any given product, customer or supplier, it is a tool to measure the contribution per unit of constrained resource.
In the context of cyber-physical systems, resilient control systems are an aspect that focuses on the unique interdependencies of a control system, as compared to information technology computer systems and networks, due to its importance in operating our critical industrial operations.
The differences illustrate the interplay and interdependencies of A-level, B-level and C-level Activities, and the Bootstrapping effects (improved improvement). In all three, improvement to CIQ, CoDIAK, and Bootstrapping itself depends on a recursive application of B-level Activities and C-level Activities.
What MONU has been aiming at since the very beginning is exploring every kind of urban aspect, everything that appears around the city. The magazine was always intrigued to find out the hidden political, social and economic truths, formal realities and interdependencies in cities.
Since 2014, he holds a chair of Science, Technology and Society Studies at Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt. His main fields of research are the interdependencies between processes of technical and social changes facing global problems in health, nutrition, energy, mobility, demography and climate matters.
In order to direct attention appropriately, one must attend to relevant information, while neglecting irrelevant information to prevent becoming distracted. This mental effort theory proposed by Kahneman provides an overview of the influences and interdependencies of attention allocation, which is meant to supplement attention selection models.
Instead a civic consensus could also rest on binding commonalities such as shared interests, interdependencies, dependencies, opportunities for cooperation, a common history or common historical lessons.Michael Haus: Ort und Funktion der Religion in der zeitgenössischen Demokratietheorie. In: Michael Minkenberg (Hrsg.): Politik und Religion. Wiesbaden 2003, S. 49f.
The Estuary Education Network is working to advance estuary, climate & ocean literacy. Estuaries can be used as a powerful context to support learning about the interconnections and interdependencies between terrestrial and ocean systems, what important services they provide for humans, and how to restore and protect them.
Revised 17 July 2010. Retrieved 17 January 2010. This world perspective on oceanic currents demonstrates the interdependencies of transnational regions on circulating currents. Oceanic anoxic events or anoxic events (anoxia conditions) were intervals in the Earth's past where portions of oceans became depleted in oxygen (O2) over a large geographic areas.
1 Iansiti went on to define the roles required for a business ecosystem to be considered healthy, including Keystones that provide a foundation for connecting and supporting other organizations within the ecosystem. This field of strategy provides insights for industries in which interdependencies and engagement with customers and suppliers are critical.
Using this definition accessibility does not only relate to the qualities of the transport system (e.g. travel speed, time or costs), but also to the qualities of the land use system (e.g. densities and mixes of opportunities). It thus provides planners with the possibility to understand interdependencies between transport and land use development.
In some cases, tasks depend on each other. These interdependencies can be illustrated by a directed acyclic graph. Intuitively, some tasks cannot begin until others are completed. Assuming that the required time for each of the tasks is known in advance, an optimal execution order must lead to the minimization of the total execution time.
Coupling and cohesion are terms which occur together very frequently. Coupling refers to the interdependencies between modules, while cohesion describes how related the functions within a single module are. Low cohesion implies that a given module performs tasks which are not very related to each other and hence can create problems as the module becomes large.
Three kind of organizational interdependencies can be distinguished to examine the relationships of companies. Pooled interdependence is a mutual, weak and indirect connection of several entities. Sequential interdependence occurs, when the output of one unit is necessary for the next other unit to operate. Reciprocal interdependence combines pooled the previous two resulting in strong, direct relationships.
The second major group to develop were the plants. Attenborough's 1995 series, which is found on discs 3 and 4, featured groundbreaking timelapse photography which showed the lives of plants to be just as dynamic and dramatic as animals. Land plants evolved alongside the early insects, establishing complex interdependencies which eventually led to the emergence of flowering plants.
182 Following this approach, differences and consistencies in campaigning practices are consequences of common or diverse interdependencies between media, politics and individuals. If, e.g., people's needs are satisfied to the same extent and in the same way by media in two countries, media dependency theory expects these countries’ media to have a similar impact on people's voting decision.
Dye, K.M. and Conaway, D.S. (1999) 'Lessons learned from five years of application of the cogniscope', Approach to the Food and Drug Administration, CWA Report, Interactive Management Consultants, Paoli. The discovery of EPE led to the recognition that even with good intentions for participatory democracy, people cannot collectively take effective actions unless they change the paradigm for languaging and voting.Flanagan, T.R., and Christakis, A.N. (2010) The Talking Point: Creating an Environment for ExploringComplex Meaning, Information Age Publishing, Greenwich, CT. EPE is a negative consequence of phenomena such as spreadthink and groupthink. Effective priorities for actions that are dependent on recognizing the influence patterns of global interdependencies, are defeated by the EPE, when priorities are chosen on the basis of aggregating individual stakeholder subjective voting that is largely blind to those interdependencies.
Because of all the interdependencies, losing this asset is more than the loss of just one site. It means the loss of other sector capabilities. A possible mitigation action might be for Site A to go on backup power. An alternate action could be to pass complete control of Site A's functionality to another site, where redundancy has been previously arranged.
STARMAD computations are based on System Algorithms technique, additionally implementing all the design parameters interdependencies and automatically exchanging results throughout its sections. This allows to simplify and streamline the overall design process. This method is powerful, showing how performance varies with key parameters. Limitation is the assumption of having correctly identified what limits system performance, such as optical quality, pointing stability, etc.
To a lesser extent, media has established interdependencies with several other social systems. The family is dependent on media for inculcation and reinforcement of family values, recreation and leisure, coping with everyday problems of child rearing, marriage, and financial crises. On the other hand, the media is dependent on the family for consuming their media products. The same is true of media and religious systems.
Dr. phil. habil. Hanne Bergius, Her teaching concentrated on the interdependencies among the arts and on aesthetic transfer processes – for example, between Europe and Asia – to make students aware of the scope for interpretations between forms, functions, and levels of meaning in their international cultural and social-historical contexts. The point was both gaining theoretical knowledge and a path to designing and acting.
However, due to natural interdependencies local environmental pollution can be transformed into changes of the global system that affect other localities. Therefore, the Earth System Governance Project looks at institutions and governance processes both local and globally. What is Earth System Governance? The Earth System Governance Project is a scientific effort, but also aims to assist policy responses to the pressing problems of earth system transformation.
Selaouti, A; Knigge, J.; Nickel, R.: Simulative study of cause-effect interdependencies in tool logistics. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering 2010, Engineers Network-CPS, New York, 2010. An IPH development that has become part of business life is the logistics key performance indicator system developed in a research project called LogiBEST. The KPI system applies to procurement, production, and distribution.
In economics, an input–output model is a quantitative economic model that represents the interdependencies between different sectors of a national economy or different regional economies.Thijs Ten Raa, Input–Output Economics: Theory and Applications: Featuring Asian Economies, World Scientific, 2009 Wassily Leontief (1906–1999) is credited with developing this type of analysis and earned the Nobel Prize in Economics for his development of this model.
Probably the simplest netchain is the one examining buyer- supplier relationships. Traditional supply chain management focuses on sequential inderdependencies between a specific buyer and supplier, however the relationships among suppliers can be important as well. Usually, suppliers and buyers are connected via sequantial dependencies, whereas suppliers depend on each other reciprocally. Supplier associations and knowledge exchange groups provide good examples for reciprocal interdependencies among suppliers.
This knowledge is relatively easy to transfer. Architectural knowledge is the unique knowledge that the organization develops to coordinate the overall system and integrate its component knowledge. Since this knowledge is tightly tied with the organization history and identity, it tends to remain private. However, through interactions and informal contacts the firms within a cluster develop a "cluster level architectural knowledge" which oversees all their interdependencies.
First, the unitary method captures the added wealth and value resulting from economic interdependencies of multistate and multinational corporations through their functional integration, centralization of management, and economies of scale. A unitary business also benefits from more intangible values shared among its constituent parts, such as reputation, good will, customers and other business relationships. See, e.g., Mobil, 445 U.S. at 438–40; Container, 463 U.S. at 164–65.
Communications between computers and among humans permit knowledge ecosystems to be interactive and responsive within the wider community and within its subsystems. # Critical Interdependencies: Bray, David A., Croxson, Karen, Dutton, William H. and Konsynski, Benn, Sermo (2008). Sermo: A Community-Based, Knowledge Ecosystem. Oll Distributed Problem-Solving Networks Conference, February 2008 Organizational knowledge resides in a complex network of individuals, systems and procedures both inside and outside the organization.
Overseas Countries and Territories and Outermost Regions. Postcolonialism is a term used to recognise the continued and troubling presence and influence of colonialism within the period we designate as after-the-colonial. It refers to the ongoing effects that colonial encounters, dispossession and power have in shaping the familiar structures (social, political, spatial, uneven global interdependencies) of the present world. Postcolonialism, in itself, questions the end of colonialism.
Somerville ends the book with a discussion of "the distribution, condition, and future prospects of the human race".< Somerville emphasises the reciprocal dependencies in physical geography and the relationship between human beings and nature. In line with Victorian thinking, Somerville asserts the superiority of human beings, but maintains the interdependencies and interconnectedness of creation. Physical Geography sold more copies than any of her other books and earned Humboldt's admiration.
Who will manage which ecosystem? Will timber cutting in the forest degrade recreational fishing in the stream? These questions are difficult for land managers to address while the boundary between ecosystems remains unclear; even though decisions in one ecosystem will affect the other. We need better understanding of the interactions and interdependencies of these ecosystems and the processes that maintain them before we can begin to address these questions.
There are solutions based on artificial intelligence, which are characterized by much better efficiency in detecting money laundering, comparing to rule-based approach. Especially, deep neural networks are able to discover complex interdependencies between various activities performed to launder money. This translates into fewer false alarms and more accurate detection. In the near future, transaction monitoring systems will be based on machine learning rather than on rules and scenarios.
Evolutionary economics is part of mainstream economics as well as a heterodox school of economic thought that is inspired by evolutionary biology. Much like mainstream economics, it stresses complex interdependencies, competition, growth, structural change, and resource constraints but differs in the approaches which are used to analyze these phenomena.Geoffrey M. Hodgson (1993) Economics and Evolution: Bringing Life Back Into Economics, Cambridge and University of Michigan Press. Description and chapter-link preview.
The quality of a decision depends on the quality of the information to inform the decision. Quality in information is achieved when the information is meaningful and reliable, is based on appropriate data and judgment, reflects properly all uncertainties, biases, intangibles, and interdependencies, and the limits to the information are known. A wide variety of tools exist to improve the quality of the information used in the decision problem.
As a result of the interdependencies between P, A, and T and potential rebound effects, policies aimed at decreasing environmental impacts through reductions in P, A, and T may not only be very difficult to implement (e.g., population control and material sufficiency and degrowth movements have been controversial) but also are likely to be rather ineffective compared to rationing (i.e., quotas) or Pigouvian taxation of resource use or pollution.
Solutions to global issues generally require cooperation among nations. In their book Global Issues,Global Issues Hite and Seitz emphasize that global issues are qualitatively different from international affairs and that the former arise from growing international interdependencies which makes the issues themselves interdependent."Global Issues (2012), Foreword" It is speculated that our global interconnectedness, sometimes instead of making us more resilient, makes us more vulnerable to global catastrophe.
Blocks that have considerable interdependencies are re-arranged by the compiler to spread out the communications in order to avoid bottlenecking the transport. The effect of this change is to greatly increase the isolation of the individual functional units. EDGE processors are limited in parallelism by the capabilities of the compiler, not the on-chip systems. Whereas modern processors are reaching a plateau at four-wide parallelism, EDGE designs can scale out much wider.
Multi- stage continuous integration takes advantage of a basic unifying pattern of software development: software moves in stages from a state of immaturity to a state of maturity, and the work is broken down into logical units performed by interdependent teams that integrate the different parts together over time. What changes from shop to shop is the number of stages, the number and size of teams, and the structure of the team interdependencies.
The simplest situation is for companies to form a supply chain or network in which they are selling product to each other. The phrase netchain captures two main aspects of collaborations. Chain reflects the hard aspect, where products and money is flowing (chain) and network reflects the soft aspect, the network of people having informal relationships. The usual representation of netchains shows the horizontal and the vertical interdependencies across companies as well.
A label commonly applied to Bleibtreu-Ehrenberg is that of an "ethno- sociologist", even though that is not to limit her approaches exclusively to non-Western cultures. Her inclusion of ethnological, cross-cultural approaches serves as one device of many that she uses to globally study and analyze mankind's nature and nurture as well as the differences and interdependencies between the two, aiming for a global perspective also applicable in modern industrialized societies.
Symbolic needs are those constituted by communication (e.g., when a person says, "I need Brand X water" because advertisers have persuaded the person to interpret Brand X as better meeting the need for health than tap water). In both cases, human beings create interdependencies with others to fulfill biosocial and symbolic needs. They learn from language tutors the social system's assumptions about what needs are important and how needs should be communicated and satisfied.
The developing natural sciences were the causal lens through which he viewed and from which he wrote about the consequences on epistemology and the history of metaphysics. His book Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Science. The classical origins: Descartes to Kant (Oxford: Backwell, 1969) detailed interdependencies of philosophy, on one side, and on the other of practical and theoretical natural sciences. It influenced many scholars in their views about (the history of) science and philosophy.
Led by Professor Ian Marshall, the Centre is currently targeting the development of self-managing heterogeneous infrastructures for data gathering and analysis at a wide range of temporal and spatial scales for both science and industry. This experimental research is motivated by the need to characterise and model the non-linear interdependencies between dynamic natural processes and enable improved prediction of the impacts of factors such as climate change and changes in land-use.
The artwork attempts to relate the audience's complex interdependencies with larger cycles of time and the physical world, its structure a physical manifestation of interconnectedness, as every element effects every other. 1.8 premiered at the January 2016 Lumiere festival in London, where it was installed 180 feet (55 m) over the busy pedestrian area of Oxford Circus. Its first showing in the United States was at San Diego's Embarcadero Marina Park South for the 2016 Adobe MAX Creativity Conference.
In automatically linking all Space Mission aspects with their associated interdependencies, STARMAD is able to simplify an otherwise complex problem. It facilitates a fast and effective interaction of all disciplines involved, ensuring consistent, high-quality results. The software is an efficient working tool to ensure consistent end-to-end design of a space mission. The concurrent approach [3] M.Bandecchi, F.Ongaro, “The ESA/ESTEC Concurrent Design Facility”, Paper presented at 2nd European Systems Engineering Conference, Munich 13–15 September 2000.
The other track of activities is devoted to enhancing the quality of the interactions, interdependencies, relationships, affects, cooperation, and coordination of teams. The proponents of the model did not test its components or sequence of stages empirically but did confirm that the perceptions of team members concerning the performance processes of the team are perceived to include both team-centered and task-centered activities and that these perceptions seem to change over time as a result of team training.
Clarity of tasks, standardized and interoperable procedures, and clearly defined command relationships contribute to simplicity. # Economy is providing sustainment resources in an efficient manner to enable a commander to employ all assets to achieve the greatest effect possible. It is achieved through efficient management and discipline, prioritizing and allocating resources, and capitalizing on joint interdependencies. It can also be achieved by contracting for support or using host nation resources to reduce or eliminate the use of military resources.
Figure 2: Spatial Contextual (or Geographic) Awareness (Diagram after Li 2007) Geographic awareness, another term for spatial contextual awareness, clarifies the spatial and geographic aspects of context. Being more than simply present location, it must also include other dimensions and their interdependencies. Figure 2 shows Li's components of context awareness and overlays them on multiple geographic reference systems. To be effective, an LBS application must be able to operate in a heterogeneous space which includes different reference systems.
This information allows the creation of a genetic profile similarity network from a genetic interaction network. In a genetic profile similarity network, edges connect genes with similar interaction profiles. The result is a network consisting of clusters of genes that tend to be involved in the same biological process and where the connections between these clusters provide information about the interdependencies of these biological processes. This can provide a powerful tool for predicting the function of uncharacterized genes.
The disadvantages of having a judiciary that is seemingly too independent include possible abuse of power by judges. Self-interest, ideological dedication and even corruption may influence the decisions of judges without any checks and balances in place to prevent this abuse of power if the judiciary is completely independent.Warren, pp. 2–3. The relationship between the judiciary and the executive is a complex series of dependencies and interdependencies which counter-check each other and must be carefully balanced.
TRIPS Technical Overview The compilers examine the code and find blocks of code that share information in a specific way. These are then assembled into compiled "hyperblocks" and fed into the CPU. Since the compiler is guaranteeing that these blocks have specific interdependencies between them, the processor can isolate the code in a single functional unit with its own local memory. Consider a simple example that adds two numbers from memory, then adds that result to another value in memory.
Her book is the first ethnographic study of the Indian luxury fashion industry and is unique in its ethnographic focus on the Indian elites and the interactions between fashion designers and craftspeople. The book presents a class analysis focusing on understanding how social and economic inequality is reproduced through everyday encounters and practices within the complex networks and interdependencies of the Indian fashion industry. Kuldová is also the editor of a volume Fashion India: Spectacular Capitalism published in 2013 (Oslo: Akademika Publishing).
Berlin 1991, p. 29 Also in 1947 Markov received his habilitation (higher academic qualification), not from the University of Leipzig but from the University of Halle, 50 km / 30 miles to the north-west, where he briefly took a teaching professorship from April till November 1947. The topic of his dissertation was the "basics of Balkan diplomacy" and the various relationships and interdependencies between the Balkan states. Many years later, in 1999, the dissertation was published as a book by the university press.
Factor analysis aims to find independent latent variables. The theory behind factor analytic methods is that the information gained about the interdependencies between observed variables can be used later to reduce the set of variables in a dataset. Factor analysis is commonly used in biology, psychometrics, personality theories, marketing, product management, operations research, and finance. It may help to deal with data sets where there are large numbers of observed variables that are thought to reflect a smaller number of underlying/latent variables.
The research area Resources and Risks (B) focused in turn on different resources, their mining and recovery potential but also their sustainable utilization and possible occurring risks. It was divided into six research teams, that focused mostly but not exclusively on economic research ranging from topics such as fishery and the common pool problem to molecular interdependencies within marine organisms for medical research to resource deposits and their safe exploitation and even to submarine hazard research regarding earthquakes and tsunamis.
This is a list of global issues. Informally, a global issue is any issue (problem, risk) that adversely affects the global community and environment, possibly in a catastrophic way, including environmental issues, political crisis, social issues and economic crisis. Solutions to global issues generally require cooperation among nations. In their book Global Issues,Global Issues Hite and Seitz emphasize that global issues are qualitatively different from international affairs and that the former arise from growing international interdependencies which makes the issues themselves interdependent.
These consequences all hinge on interdependencies between individuals' decisions as to what preference to convey publicly. A person who hides his discontent about a fashion, policy, or political regime makes it harder for others to express discontent. One socially significant consequence of preference falsification is widespread public support for social options that would be rejected decisively in a vote taken by secret ballot. Privately unpopular policies may be retained indefinitely as people reproduce conformist social pressures through individual acts of preference falsification.
The Institute's research programme currently spans five areas: Democratic Transformations; Systemic Interdependencies: Nature, Technology, Society; Perceptions, Values, Orientation; Energy Systems and Societal Change; Governance for the Environment and Society. These research areas are supported in their work by a cross-cutting research area tasked with facilitating dialogue between science, policy-makers, and civil society actors. The IASS is a registered voluntary association under German law. The Institute's supervisory, governing, and advisory bodies are its General Assembly, Board of Directors and Advisory Board.
Wisnosky and Shunk developed a "wheel" to illustrate the architecture of their ICAM project and to show the various elements that had to work together. Wisnosky and Shunk were among the first to understand the web of interdependencies needed for integration. Their work represents the first major step in shifting the focus of manufacturing from a series of sequential operations to parallel processing. The ICAM program has spent over $100 million to develop tools, techniques, and processes to support manufacturing integration.
The group's framework is considered utopian, and Sociologists Without Borders takes the view that this is necessary in a world in crisis: wars, civil strife, diminishing environmental resources, epidemics, and the growing economic gap between the Global North and the Global South. What this pessimistic account leaves out, and what Sociologists without Borders stresses, is that there are growing interdependencies and solidarities around the world and these draw less from nation-states than they do from the capabilities and resourcefulness of ordinary people.
In strict definition, ASM differs from APM in two critical ways. # APM focuses exclusively on the performance of an instance of an application, ignoring the complex set of interdependencies that may exist behind that application in the data center. ASM specifically mandates that each application or infrastructure software, operating system, hardware platform, and transactional "hop" be discretely measurable, even if that measurement is inferential. This is critical to ASM's requirement to be able to isolate the source of service- impacting conditions.
Interdependencies of components within the resource/profit model The resource/profit model is a framework that illustrates the most important elements of operations management within a business environment. This structured approach of Byron J. Finch shows three major components of operations management (foundation for success, components of value and managing resources to create value) and how they relate to each other. When all elements consort well with each other, it will consequently lead to a financial success of a business.Finch, B.J. 2008.
The metra potential method (MPM) (Méthode des potentiels Métra) was developed by French researcher Bernard Roy in 1958Éléments de praxéologie : contribution à une science des actes, Victor Alexandre, Editions L'Harmattan, 2003 for the construction of the French paquebot France and of the first French nuclear power plant. MPM is a means of describing organizing and planning a project. It is an equivalent of the PERT method. Using summits for tasks and path for interdependencies between the different tasks, the solution is set are graphically.
The Ethiopian Foreign Minister Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stressed the mutual global interdependencies in all of these issues. Other participants included Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo, Smaїl Chergui, African Union Commissioner, former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and former German President Horst Köhler. Another Core Group Meeting was held in Beijing in November 2016. Key topics of the meeting were China's role in the international order, conflicts in the Asia-Pacific region and the geopolitical importance of the "New Silk Road".
Complexity is the “C” component of VUCA, that refers to the interconnectivity and interdependence of multiple components in a system. When conducting research, complexity is a component that scholars have to keep in mind. The results of a deliberately controlled environment are unexpected because of the non-linear interaction and interdependencies within different groups and categories. In a sociological aspect, the VUCA framework is utilized in research to understand social perception in the real world and how that plays into social categorization as well as stereotypes.
As an example, if there is a U.S. installation, Site A, located in a host nation. Site A is a tier 1 asset, meaning that if it fails, the Combatant Commands mission fails. Site A has mutual Global Information Grid Command Control (GIG/C2), information interdependencies with Sites B and C. In addition, other Defense Infrastructure sectors rely on Site A for mission capabilities. In this scenario, what could be the impact if the supply line to the commercial power plant that provides the installation's primary power is accidentally severed.
A significant change in resources or technology always means a significant change in time, and in the defense industry cost is often less important than time and may be dependent on time. :PERT, then, is developed around a time sequence flow diagram. MileStones representing important events in the life of the project are selected and linked graphically with arrows to portray interdependencies. Actual work activity is represented by the arrows joining the milestones, and the resulting flow diagram that is structured around these important events is called the PERT network.
The SSS project started after a Supercomputing Research Center (SRC) engineer, Ken Iobst, noticed a novel way to implement a parallel computer. Previous massively SIMD designs, like the Connection Machines, consisted of a large number of individual processing elements consisting of a simple processor and some local memory. Results that needed to be passed from element to element were passed along networking links at relatively slow speeds. This was a serious bottleneck in most parallel designs, which limited their use to certain roles where these interdependencies could be reduced.
The impact of the cultural level, which constantly affects people, is by no means limited to cultural events – i.e. to what is happening in organizations, in legislation, or in the mass media. Rather, the socio- cultural aspects essentially concern the way in which persons see and understand themselves, their fellow human beings, and the "world". This becomes particularly clear when considering the interdependencies of levels (a) and (c): If human beings want to understand themselves in their feelings, thoughts and actions, then they have to use the "cultural tools" of their social environment.
Howard Guttman argues that business organizations should abandon hierarchical models and move to what he terms the “horizontal, high-performance model.” In this model, decisions are made by teams composed of personnel from different functions within the organization. Guttman defines a high-performance team as a work-group that has reached agreement in five key areas: strategy; operational goals; roles and responsibilities; protocols, or ground rules; and business relationships/interdependencies. In such groups, there should be no leader per se; rather “every member of every team is a leader,” and each member holds the others accountable.
It was during this regime that money was borrowed from banks in the U.S. to fund projects like the factories and agribusinesses, which were powered by the hydroelectricity from the Péligre Dam. This regime set a precedent in which the economic interests of the elite are considered to be more important than the livelihoods of the poor, increasing the disparity and animosity between the two groups. The influence of neoliberalism continues to shape Haitian life, due to transnational economic interdependencies such as those that led to the building of the Péligre Dam.Aaron Lakoff, "Canada, Haiti, the UN", znet.
The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce is the host organization for the Hamilton Economic Summit — the city’s premier leadership initiative. The purpose of this award-winning summit is to help drive Hamilton forward as one of Canada’s top midsize cities measured by our ability to attract talent and investment. The summit works toward this long-term goal by hosting an annual gathering of community leaders and implementing select projects throughout the year. The Hamilton Economic Summit is anchored on the twin principles of collaborative leadership and community engagement and respects the interdependencies among people, planet and profit.
The term "complex interdependence" was claimed by Raymond Leslie Buell in 1925 to describe the new ordering among economies, cultures, and races. The very concept was popularized through the work of Richard N. Cooper (1968).With the analytical construct of complex interdependence in their critique of political realism, Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye explore how international politics forever changed due to the emerging complex interactions and interdependence among states. The theorists recognized that the various and complex transnational connections and interdependencies between states and societies increased, while military force and power balancing are decreasing but remain essential.
As the computer kernel grows, so grows the size and vulnerability of its trusted computing base; and, besides reducing security, there is the problem of enlarging the memory footprint. This is mitigated to some degree by perfecting the virtual memory system, but not all computer architectures have virtual memory support.Virtual addressing is most commonly achieved through a built-in memory management unit. To reduce the kernel's footprint, extensive editing has to be performed to carefully remove unneeded code, which can be very difficult with non-obvious interdependencies between parts of a kernel with millions of lines of code.
In planning and policy, a wicked problem is a problem that is difficult or impossible to solve because of incomplete, contradictory, and changing requirements that are often difficult to recognize. It refers to an idea or problem that cannot be fixed, where there is no single solution to the problem; and "wicked" denotes resistance to resolution, rather than evil. Another definition is "a problem whose social complexity means that it has no determinable stopping point". Moreover, because of complex interdependencies, the effort to solve one aspect of a wicked problem may reveal or create other problems.
This fragmentation may include the dividing of individual subjects, dividing students into grades, etc. Holism sees the various aspects of life and living as integrated and connected, therefore, education should not isolate learning into several different components. Martin (2002) illustrates this point further by stating that, "Many alternative educators argue instead that who the learners are, what they know, how they know it, and how they act in the world are not separate elements, but reflect the interdependencies between our world and ourselves". Included in this idea of connections is the way that the classroom is structured.
Economists have also started to look at cultural economics with a systems thinking approach. In this approach, the economy and culture are each viewed as a single system where "interaction and feedback effects were acknowledged, and where in particular the dynamic were made explicit". In this sense, the interdependencies of culture and the economy can be combined and better understood by following this approach. Said E. Dawlabani's book MEMEnomics: The Next-Generation Economic System combines the ideas of value systems (see value (ethics)) and systems thinking to provide one of the first frameworks that explores the effect of economic policies on culture.
This augmented reality provides an environment for learners to rely on each other for completing real world tasks in various roles such as investigators, scientists, and fantasy personas (alternate reality game). By designing learning projects that require role play and collaborative problem solving, CSCL builds positive identity and goal interdependence. Computer games can also be designed to promote positive interdependence by designing software tools that harness themes such as resource, role, and task interdependencies. A strategy for resource interdependence is to design learning games where no group member has all of the information to complete the task.
Under the definition that encapsulation "can be used to hide data members and member functions", the internal representation of an object is generally hidden from view outside of the object's definition. Typically, only the object's own methods can directly inspect or manipulate its fields. Hiding the internals of the object protects its integrity by preventing users from setting the internal data of the component into an invalid or inconsistent state. A supposed benefit of encapsulation is that it can reduce system complexity, and thus increase robustness, by allowing the developer to limit the interdependencies between software components.
The flagship academic programme at IIM Nagpur is the fully residential two-year Post Graduate Programme in Management. The programme is designed to create value-driven leaders who are equipped with a strong conceptual foundation and an analytical approach, while retaining touch with the socioeconomic milieu in which they will pursue their calling. The curriculum for PGP is an eclectic mix of courses that includes various disciplines and functions of management. The first year curriculum involves compulsory courses which provide students with the fundamentals and enables them to understand the interdependencies of systems in an organization.
This system combines distributed sensing (each plant is equipped with a sensor node monitoring its status), navigation, manipulation and wireless networking. A focus on the control system aspects of CPS that pervade critical infrastructure can be found in the efforts of the Idaho National Laboratory and collaborators researching resilient control systems. This effort takes a holistic approach to next generation design, and considers the resilience aspects that are not well quantified, such as cyber security, human interaction and complex interdependencies. Another example is MIT's ongoing CarTel project where a fleet of taxis work by collecting real- time traffic information in the Boston area.
Developmental lines is a metaphor of Anna Freud from her developmental theory to stress the continuous and cumulative character of childhood development. It emphasises the interactions and interdependencies between maturational and environmental determinants in developmental steps. The level that has been reached by the child on the developmental lines represents the result of interaction between drive and ego-superego development and their reaction to environmental influences; thus stressing the influence of the internal structures of the child as well as the environment of the child. An individual is understood to be capable of moving back along developmental lines as well as forwards.
This occurs, among other things, through the building block of social justice, which provides for a just verdict from a neutral court when there is a violation of the law, but also takes care of safeguarding the basic necessities of every person. The next building block falls under the heading of constructive conflict culture, which describes the capability for tolerance in a multi-cultural society and a willingness for compromise-oriented conflict solution. The last building block of the hexagon is interdependencies and control of emotion. The purpose of this building block is the mutual dependency among people and their control of themselves in conflict situations.
Integration of risk management in the whole company's business process becomes necessary. The ERM optimizes business performance by influencing different aspects like pricing and resource allocation. There are three major benefits connected to the use of the ERM approach and the CRO as liaison: Due to the fact that a CRO and an integrated team can better manage individual risks and interdependencies between these risks, the use of an ERM leads to an increased organizational effectiveness. Apart from this fact, a better risk reporting can be reached by prioritizing the content of risk reporting that should go to the different instances like the senior management or the board of directors.
In this case a traditional processor would have to notice the dependency and schedule the instructions to run one after the other, storing the intermediate results in the registers. In an EDGE processor, the interdependencies between the data in the code would be noticed by the compiler, which would compile these instructions into a single block. That block would then be fed, along with all the data it needed to complete, into a single functional unit and its own private set of registers. This ensures that no additional memory fetching is required, as well as keeping the registers physically close to the functional unit that needs those values.
Some games define various interdependencies between statistics of different categories, as well as within categories. The most common are: ; Prerequisite : Only if statistic A has a value of at least x, statistic B may exceed value y. (Where y is often 0 or none.) For example, a character class may require certain minimum attribute scores, or a spell may require a minimal level of magical talent. Learning some esoteric skill often requires knowledge of another one at an "expert" level or possession of a certain advantage: In GURPS Martial Arts, for example, "cinematic" or "mystical" martial arts abilities require a special advantage, Trained by a Master.
Moreover, Gozolchiani et al. presented the structure and evolution of the climate network in different geographical zones and find that the network responds in a unique way to El Niño events. They found that when El Niño events begin, the El Niño basin loses its influence on its surroundings almost all dependence on its surroundings and becomes autonomous. The formation of an autonomous basin is the missing link to understand the seemingly contradicting phenomena of the afore-noticed weakening of the interdependencies in the climate network during El Niño and the known impact of the anomalies inside the El Niño basin on the global climate system.
A child receiving malnutrition treatment in Northern Kenya The combination of direct and indirect deaths from malnutrition caused by unsafe water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) practices is estimated by the World Health Organisation to lead to 860,000 deaths per year in children under five years of age.Prüss-Üstün, A., Bos, R., Gore, F., Bartram, J. (2008). Safer water, better health – Costs, benefits and sustainability of interventions to protect and promote health. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland The multiple interdependencies between malnutrition and infectious diseases make it very difficult to quantify the portion of malnutrition that is caused by infectious diseases which are in turn caused by unsafe WASH practices.
Politainment, a portmanteau word composed of politics and entertainment, describes tendencies in politics and mass media to liven up political reports and news coverage using elements from public relations to create a new kind of political communication. Politainment, while outwardly emphasizing the political aspects of the information communicated, nevertheless draws heavily upon techniques from pop culture and journalism to make complex information more accessible or convincing and distract public attention from politically unfavorable topics. The interdependencies of politicians and media are known as the politico-media complex. Of doubtful virtue, declining amounts of content and substance can easily be compensated by giving news stories a sensationalistic twinge.
First local conversations are kept here and there by various actors in the course of their complementary activities. These will require the creation of ideal mutual obligations or transactions to stabilize the interdependencies between the actors involved in these negotiations and each bearing views and different values. These conversations and transactions they require are then translated into a discursive formation (a group of utterances) through an increase in generality (distancing) metacommunicationnal used to represent a plurality of voices and patterns like perspective and the will of one collective actor with its own identity. The discursive formation generated by metacommunicationnal distancing is then translated to give it an author, ie.
However, these digital control systems have often been integrated in phases to cover different aspects of an industrial operation, connected over a network, and leading to a complex interconnected and interdependent system. While the control theory applied is often nothing more than a digital version of their analog counterparts, the dependence of digital control systems upon the communications networks, has precipitated the need for cybersecurity due to potential effects on confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information. To achieve resilience in the next generation of control systems, therefore, addressing the complex control system interdependencies, including the human systems interaction and cyber security, will be a recognized challenge.
They further introduced linear subspace learning and imputation schemes for streaming tensors; online categorical subspace learning; and kernel-based nonlinear subspace trackers on a budget. Graphs underpin the structure and operation of networks everywhere: from the Internet to the power grid, financial markets, social media, gene regulation, and brain functionality. Whether graph edges capture physical interconnections or interdependencies among nodes or variables, learning a graph and carrying out inference of processes on a graph, are two tasks of paramount importance in data science, network science, and applications. Giannakis and collaborators established conditions to first identify topologies of directed graphs using sparse linear or nonlinear, and static or dynamic structural equation models.
The children grew up in a milieu of intellectual liberalism. The ideals of 1848 were celebrated: they were encouraged to shun group-think and work through issues for themselves Her father died in 1880 and after she reached adulthood she helped her mother to look after her parents' younger children: the siblings would retain close interdependencies throughout their lives till 1936 when her younger brother, the theologian Dr. Reinhold Planck, died, leaving Mathilde the only survivor of them all. Between 1884 and 1886 she studied at a teacher training college in Stuttgart, passing exams which qualified her to teach English, German and Mathematics. She taught at a private school in Stuttgart till 1899.
The term ultra-large-scale system was introduced in a 2006 report from the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University authored by Linda Northrop and colleagues.Ultra Large Scale Systems Website The report explained that software intensive systems are reaching unprecedented scales (by measures including lines of code; numbers of users and stakeholders; purposes the system is put to; amounts of data stored, accessed, manipulated, and refined; numbers of connections and interdependencies among components; and numbers of hardware elements). When systems become ultra-large-scale, traditional approaches to engineering and management will no longer be adequate. The report argues that the problem is no longer of engineering systems or system of systems, but of engineering "socio-technical ecosystems".
Topics of current interest include the process of microbial colonization, organism interdependencies, diversity and microbial evolution. This research includes consideration of microbial impacts on mineral dissolution and precipitation and the structure and reactivity of finely particulate nanomaterials and clays that are abundant and important in earth's near-surface environments. Research exploring microbial diversity and metabolic capacities draws heavily on genome-resolved metagenomic methods coupled to tools that provide insight into function in situ (proteomics, transcriptomics, and metabolomics). In fact, the Banfield lab led the first research that achieved reconstruction of draft genomes from shotgun sequence information (metagenomics, also described as community genomics) as well as the first community (meta)proteomic studies of microbial communities (2004 and 2005, respectively).
To fully unlock the complex nature of value cocreation within the society, S-D logic has recently introduced the concept of a service ecosystem (Lusch and Vargo, 2014, Vargo and Lusch, 2011). As actors specialize in providing ever more sophisticated configurations of applied resources for each other, the systemic dependencies and interdependencies among them result as the emergence of complex exchange systems (Chandler and Vargo, 2011, Vargo and Lusch, 2011). S-D logic uses the term 'ecosystems' to identify these systems because it denotes actor–environmental interaction and energy flow. More specifically, the term 'service ecosystem' is used to identify the particular kind of critical flow—mutual service provision (Vargo and Lusch, 2016).
Due to the strong interdependencies of vehicle and infrastructure parameters in high-speed rail technology, the G7 program first focused on the compatibility with other components like track, catenary, signalling, and train control. Sub-projects dealt with bridge design, improved pantograph design, and catenary in tunnels. Technologies used in high-speed line construction, including rails and catenary in tunnels, were adapted for use in conventional line upgrades, to enable the operation of KTX trains on such lines. The program also dealt with problems discovered during the operation of KTX-I trains, including a snaking movement of the articulated train around a speed of in winter, which was addressed by increasing wheel conicity.
Encapsulation also protects the integrity of the component, by preventing users from setting the internal data of the component into an invalid or inconsistent state. Another benefit of encapsulation is that it reduces system complexity and thus increases robustness, by limiting the interdependencies between software components. In this sense, the idea of encapsulation is more general than how it is applied in OOP: for example, a relational database is encapsulated in the sense that its only public interface is a Query language (SQL for example), which hides all the internal machinery and data structures of the database management system. As such, encapsulation is a core principle of good software architecture, at every level of granularity.
The game was praised for its lush graphics (realistic character models, detailed architecture and lush environments), liberal use of the movie soundtracks, massive world size, character customization, creative creature ecology, complex skill system, player economy interdependencies and its sandbox approach. Reviewers criticized the overwhelming complexity of the game, combat imbalances of the professions, bugginess and lack of quest content. The reviews for the first expansion, Jump to Lightspeed, praised the new space combat but criticized the ground game for its lack of sufficient improvement. The reviews for the second expansion, Rage of the Wookiees, lauded the new quest content for current subscribers but lamented the combat gameplay updates and the continued bugginess of the game.
Data center-infrastructure management (DCIM) is the integration of information technology (IT) and facility management disciplines to centralize monitoring, management and intelligent capacity planning of a data center's critical systems. Achieved through the implementation of specialized software, hardware and sensors, DCIM enables common, real-time monitoring and management platform for all interdependent systems across IT and facility infrastructures. DCIM products can help data center managers identify and eliminate sources of risk and improve availability of critical IT systems. They can also be used to identify interdependencies between facility and IT infrastructures to alert the facility manager to gaps in system redundancy, and provide dynamic, holistic benchmarks on power consumption and efficiency to measure the effectiveness of "green IT" initiatives.
Nicholas Kaldor, Baron Kaldor (12 May 1908 – 30 September 1986), born Káldor Miklós, was a Cambridge economist in the post-war period. He developed the "compensation" criteria called Kaldor–Hicks efficiency for welfare comparisons (1939), derived the cobweb model, and argued for certain regularities observable in economic growth, which are called Kaldor's growth laws.Kaldor, N. (1967) Strategic Factors in Economic Development, New York, Ithaca Kaldor worked alongside Gunnar Myrdal to develop the key concept Circular Cumulative Causation, a multicausal approach where the core variables and their linkages are delineated. Both Myrdal and Kaldor examine circular relationships, where the interdependencies between factors are relatively strong, and where variables interlink in the determination of major processes.
The consideration of the malicious actor and cyber security are not directly considered, which might suggest the definition, "an effective reconstitution of control under attack from intelligent adversaries," which was proposed. However, this definition focuses only on resilience in response to a malicious actor. To consider the cyber-physical aspects of control system, a definition for resilience considers both benign and malicious human interaction, in addition to the complex interdependencies of the control system application . The use of the term “recovery” has been used in the context of resilience, paralleling the response of a rubber ball to stay intact when a force is exerted on it and recover its original dimensions after the force is removed.
Mbawemi Women's group making beeswax candles in Malawi The research project of bees, biodiversity and forest livelihoods in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve began on 1 June 2006. This-three-year project was funded under the UK Government-funded Darwin Initiative to study the interdependencies between bees, biodiversity, and forest livelihoods in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve of the Western Ghats, India. The project was implemented locally by the Keystone Foundation, working in partnership with local indigenous communities and Forest Department staff, and three UK-based partners: Professor Janet Seeley, The School of Development Studies, University of East Anglia; Dr. Nicola Bradbear, Bees for Development; and Professor Simon Potts, The Centre for Agri-Environmental Research, University of Reading.
Peres, Muller and Mahajan suggested that diffusion is "the process of the market penetration of new products and services that is driven by social influences, which include all interdependencies among consumers that affect various market players with or without their explicit knowledge". Eveland evaluated diffusion from a phenomenological view, stating, "Technology is information, and exists only to the degree that people can put it into practice and use it to achieve values". Diffusion of existing technologies has been measured using "S curves". These technologies include radio, television, VCR, cable, flush toilet, clothes washer, refrigerator, home ownership, air conditioning, dishwasher, electrified households, telephone, cordless phone, cellular phone, per capita airline miles, personal computer and the Internet.
Survivability and Recovery of Process Control Systems Research This project builds on an earlier I3P project in control-systems security to develop strategies for enhancing control-system resilience and allowing for rapid recovery in the event of a successful cyber attack. Business Rationale for Cyber Security This project, an offshoot of an earlier study on the economics of security, addresses the challenge of corporate decision-making when it comes to investing in cyber security. It attempted to answer questions such as, “How much is needed?” “How much is enough?” “And how does one measure the return on investment?” The study includes an investigation of investment strategies, including risks and vulnerabilities, supply-chain interdependencies and technological fixes.
Paweł Jędrzejko's research interests include literary and cultural theory, history of literature, comparative cultural studies, translation theory and philosophy. Departing from the assumption of the aporetic (ontic/discursive) character of reality, Jędrzejko fosters research penetrating the common grounds of human cognitive experience and creative activity and focusing upon the complex interdependencies between individual awareness of the worldmaking power of language and the shape of daily interpersonal and intercultural relations. The areas of his particular interest include the philosophy of friendship, the philosophy of existence, the history of 19th century American literature, the literary philosophies of the "American Renaissance" the oeuvre of Herman Melville, postcolonial and post-dependence theories, as well as translation theories.
The amount of parallelism that can be extracted in superscalar designs is limited by the number of instructions that the scheduler can examine for interdependencies. Examining a greater number of instructions can improve the chance of finding an instruction that can be run in parallel, but only at the cost of increasing the complexity of the scheduler itself. Despite massive efforts, CPU designs using classic RISC or CISC ISA's have plateaued at about three or four functional units . Additional performance can be wrung from systems by examining the instructions to find ones that operate on different types of data and adding units dedicated to that sort of data; this has led to the introduction of floating point units and, more recently, single instruction, multiple data (SIMD) units.
So one must begin with understanding those objective interdependencies which by necessity shape and socialise human beings, i.e. those social relations which people as social beings must enter into, regardless of what they may think or wish. In this context, the young Vladimir Lenin commented: In fact, Marx devotes a great amount of attention in Das Kapital to explaining why economic relations appear in human consciousness in the way that they do, and why they might appear in a different way than they really are. Another sort of criticism, from economists, consists of the observation that processes of distribution (of products and income) can to a considerable extent develop independently or autonomously from what happens in production, with the aid of a developed credit system.
According to Pinker, rape, murder, warfare and animal cruelty have all seen drastic declines in the 20th century. Pinker's analyses have also been criticized, concerning the statistical question of how to measure violence and whether it is in fact declining. Pinker's observation of the decline in interpersonal violence echoes the work of Norbert Elias, who attributes the decline to a "civilizing process", in which the state's monopolization of violence, the maintenance of socioeconomic interdependencies or "figurations", and the maintenance of behavioural codes in culture all contribute to the development of individual sensibilities, which increase the repugnance of individuals towards violent acts. Some scholars disagree with the argument that all violence is decreasing arguing that not all types of violent behaviour are lower now than in the past.
He helped to advance the exact quantification of logic trees with a myriad of basic events via binary decision diagrams (BBD) and the modeling of human (crew)-system- interactions during accident scenarios by accident dynamic simulator (ADS) and discrete dynamical event trees (DDET). His reflections of limitations of PSA, based on "lessons learned from Fukushima disaster", gained international recognition. More recently, a project has been started to complement PSA by precursor analysis based on simplified generic models and data and by making use of a curated comprehensive open database with more than one thousand events which has been established for open online use. # He has pioneered the modeling and simulation of complex, widely ramified critical infrastructure networks and their interdependencies, turning them into "systems-of-systems", e.g.
The I=PAT equation has been criticized for being too simplistic by assuming that P, A, and T are independent of each other. In reality, at least seven interdependencies between P, A, and T could exist, indicating that it is more correct to rewrite the equation as I = f(P,A,T). For example, a doubling of technological efficiency, or equivalently a reduction of the T-factor by 50%, does not necessarily reduce the environmental impact (I) by 50% if efficiency induced price reductions stimulate additional consumption of the resource that was supposed to be conserved, a phenomenon called the rebound effect (conservation) or Jevons Paradox. As was shown by Alcott, despite significant improvements in the carbon intensity of GDP (i.e.
Elias' theory focused on the relationship between power, behavior, emotion, and knowledge over time. He significantly shaped what is called process or figurational sociology. Due to historical circumstances, Elias had long remained a marginal author, until being rediscovered by a new generation of scholars in the 1970s, when he eventually became one of the most influential sociologists in the history of the field. Interest in his work can be partly attributed to the fact that his concept of large social figurations or networks of interdependencies between people explains the emergence and function of large societal structures without neglecting the aspect of individual agency. In the 1960s and 1970s, the overemphasis of structure over agency was heavily criticized about the then-dominant school of structural functionalism.
In a move that would be influential for future anthropology, they focused on kinship as the key to understanding political organization, and emphasized the role of the 'gens' or lineage as an object of study. Contemporary political anthropology can be traced back to the 1940 publication African Political Systems, edited by Meyer Fortes and E. E. Evans-Pritchard. They rejected the speculative historical reconstruction of earlier authors and argued that "a scientific study of political institutions must be inductive and comparative and aim solely at establishing and explaining the uniformities found among them and their interdependencies with other features of social organization". Their goal was taxonomy: to classify societies into a small number of discrete categories, and then compare them in order to make generalizations about them.
He describes the struggle resulting from population growth: "It is the doctrine of Malthus applied with manifold force to the whole animal and vegetable kingdoms." He discusses checks to such increase including complex ecological interdependencies, and notes that competition is most severe between closely related forms "which fill nearly the same place in the economy of nature". Chapter IV details natural selection under the "infinitely complex and close-fitting ... mutual relations of all organic beings to each other and to their physical conditions of life". Darwin takes as an example a country where a change in conditions led to extinction of some species, immigration of others and, where suitable variations occurred, descendants of some species became adapted to new conditions.
Continuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring System is a process management and quality management concept, which offers companies "quick wins" benefits, which enable them to produce high quality products with shorter lead-time. A CIFMS is not a general software application that can be readily used for any given manufacturing company, it is a uniquely designed system specifically tailored to a given company guided by a method. Therefore the most crucial process in developing and implementing an efficient CIFMS is selecting a design method which brings forth a multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDM) problem with varied degrees of interdependencies among the decision components.NB : the MCDM problem can be formulated so as to minimize the distance between a facility and a given set of points.
Srivastava employed a team of core architects to visually map out the entirety of the Windows operating system, and to proactively work towards a development process that would enforce high levels of code quality, reduce interdependencies between components, and in general, "not make things worse with Vista". Since Microsoft decided that Longhorn needed to be further componentized, work started on the Omega-13 series builds where they would componentize existing Windows Server 2003 source code, and over time add back functionality as development progressed. Future Longhorn builds would start from Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 and continue from there. This change, announced internally to Microsoft employees on August 26, 2004, began in earnest in September, though it would take several more months before the new development process and build methodology would be used by all of the development teams.
In finance, systemic risk is the risk of collapse of an entire financial system or entire market, as opposed to the risk associated with any one individual entity, group or component of a system, that can be contained therein without harming the entire system.Banking and currency crises and systemic risk, George G. Kaufman (World Bank), Internet ArchiveWhat is systemic risk anyway?, Gerald P. Dwyer It can be defined as "financial system instability, potentially catastrophic, caused or exacerbated by idiosyncratic events or conditions in financial intermediaries".Systemic Risk: Relevance, Risk Management Challenges and Open Questions , Tom Daula It refers to the risks imposed by interlinkages and interdependencies in a system or market, where the failure of a single entity or cluster of entities can cause a cascading failure, which could potentially bankrupt or bring down the entire system or market.
Such techniques often employ aspects of systems thinking to help community members better appreciate and deal with the complex interdependencies and conflicts that arise between stakeholder views. As the community becomes more effective in the process of dialog, it may become more self-aware, and this ‘systemic’ heightening of awareness may lead to additional emergent properties which in turn may further increase the overall level of understanding and quality of the community response. Within a cooperative community, the catalysts for the emergent understanding are the insights gained through inspirational learning and the abstract concepts learned through experiential learning. Educational approaches aimed at managing the critical learning process through the application of the Miller / Bawden Quadrants have been used in a number of different domains, most commonly those in which a wide variety of stakeholders are forced to formulate strategies dealing with limited natural resources.
Fluctuations of OPEC net oil export revenues since 1972, showing elevated inflation-adjusted levels during 1974–1981 and 2005–2014 Petrodollar recycling is the international spending or investment of a country's revenues from petroleum exports ("petrodollars"). It generally refers to the phenomenon of major petroleum-exporting nations, mainly the OPEC members plus Russia and Norway, earning more money from the export of crude oil than they could efficiently invest in their own economies. The resulting global interdependencies and financial flows, from oil producers back to oil consumers, can reach a scale of hundreds of billions of US dollars per year – including a wide range of transactions in a variety of currencies, some pegged to the US dollar and some not. These flows are heavily influenced by government-level decisions regarding international investment and aid, with important consequences for both global finance and petroleum politics.
The ultimate aim is to transform the entire region into a zone of secure sovereign countries, sharing viable market economies, enjoying open and responsive systems of government, and to maintain strong links and interdependencies with the Euro-Atlantic community, with the prospect of further extending and consolidating the area of freedom, security and stability on the whole shore of the Black Sea and beyond. On 5 June 2006, Bucharest hosted the summit launching the Black Sea Forum for Dialogue and Partnership that brought together Heads of State and Government, Ministers and other high representatives of the Black Sea countries, as well as senior officials of the European Union and NATO, European countries and the United States, regional and international organisations. The Forum was also attended by representatives of NGOs, think-tanks, academic and research institutions, the civil society and business associations and companies from the region and the Euro-Atlantic community.
In 1976 the Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group started as a joint research project of scientists for the Swedish University of Uppsala, the British University of Bath and University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, the French Ecole Superieure de Commerce, Lyon (now EMLYON Business School), and the German Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. The IMP Group (2010) explained: > The first IMP Group research project was developed on the basis of empirical > observations which did not fit into the mainstream economic theories’ > assumption about an atomistic market: Industrial marketing and purchasing > appeared to take place within stable, long-term business relationships. But > why do companies develop these interdependencies? What benefits could > outweigh the drawbacks of being dependent on others? These and other related > research questions have triggered a large number of empirical studies over > the past three decades of the “doing of business”, carried out by increasing > numbers of researchers.
Whether for interpolation, denoising, or extrapolation, their innovation accounts for dynamic and/or nonlinear interdependencies of nodal processes. These are instrumental in practice to predict partially observed dynamic processes over communication networks; to estimate IP traffic and map anomalies in such networks; to infer functions over brain networks, as well as regulatory processes by leveraging genetic perturbations on gene networks; and even track cascades over social networks under smooth or switching dynamics. To cope with large-scale graphs, they further developed canonical correlation analysis tools for graph data; data adaptive active sampling strategies; node embeddings with adaptive similarities; and random walk driven adaptive diffusions that can outperform state-of-the-art graph convolutional neural networks. Giannakis and collaborators have also contributed to the resurgence of artificial intelligence (AI), and specifically to the areas of crowdsourcing, ensemble learning, interactive learning, and the associated performance analyses.
He also authored several books on music theory and the history of Polish music, and is known for the development of the theory of sonology. Chomiński's Chopinological works are characterised by an holistic treatment of the musical work, typical of this scholar, involving such aspects as the analysis of texture and colouring, often overlooked in earlier musicological research, and the examination of interdependencies between the various elements in a work. In his first published book on Chopin's music, employing his own creatively modified version of the Erpf-Riemann method, he carried out an analysis of the Preludes, demonstrating the cyclical character of Op. 28 and drawing attention to such aspects as the common motivic material integrating the work. In his monograph of the Chopin sonatas, he defended the C minor Sonata, pointing out its logical construction and unity of expression, characteristic of Chopin's sonatas, and also the Cello Sonata, which he regarded as an important stage in the later development of this form.
The high altar The south aisle of the nave looking west Two people stand out in Ely Cathedral's eighteenth century history, one a minor canon and the other an architectural contractor. James Bentham (1709–1794), building on the work of his father Samuel, studied the history of both the institution and architecture of the cathedral, culminating in 1771 with his publication of The History and Antiquities of the Conventual and Cathedral Church of Ely. He sought out original documents to provide definitive biographical lists of abbots, priors, deans and bishops, alongside a history of the abbey and cathedral, and was able to set out the architectural development of the building with detailed engravings and plans. These plans, elevations and sections had been surveyed by the architect James Essex (1722–1784), who by this means was able to both highlight the poor state of parts of the building, and understand its complex interdependencies.
Lewis Thomas put fastidiousness and the challenge of culturing isolates into logical context in his 1974 book Lives of a Cell: "It has been estimated that we probably have real knowledge of only a small proportion of the microbes of the earth, because most of them cannot be cultivated alone. They live together in dense, interdependent communities, feeding and supporting the environment for each other, regulating the balance of populations between different species by a complex system of chemical signals. With our present technology, we can no more isolate one from the rest, and rear it alone, than we can keep a single bee from drying up like a desquamated cell when removed from his hive." One of the logical corollaries of this passage is that the inseparability of many species from their native ecological contexts is quite natural and reflects only the ubiquity of interdependencies in ecological systems—not any weakness, frailty, stubbornness, or rarity of any species.
Before these methods and techniques are discussed in detail a definition of an enterprise architecture is given: :An Enterprise Architecture is a strategic information asset base, which defines the mission, the information necessary to perform the mission and the technologies necessary to perform the mission, and the transitional processes for implementing new technologies in response to the changing mission needs. This definition emphasizes the use of the architecture as a rich strategic information source for the improvement of business processes and development of needed information systems. If defined, maintained, and implemented effectively, these institutional blueprints assist in optimizing the interdependencies and interrelationships among an organization's business operations and the underlying IT that support operations. Having read the definition of functional software architecture at the beginning of this entry we can see a functional software architecture as a type of enterprise architecture that can be used as a rich reference for the development of an integrated information system.
In December 2003, Allchin enlisted the help of two other senior executives, Brian Valentine and Amitabh Srivastava, the former being experienced with shipping software at Microsoft, most notably Windows Server 2003, and the latter having spent his career at Microsoft researching and developing methods of producing high-quality testing systems. Srivastava employed a team of core architects to visually map out the entirety of the Windows operating system, and to proactively work towards a development process that would enforce high levels of code quality, reduce interdependencies between components, and in general, "not make things worse with Vista". These things, in conjunction with the fact that many of Microsoft's most skilled developers and engineers had been working on Windows Server 2003, led to the decision to "reset" development of Longhorn, building on the same code that would become Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1, instead of the older Windows.NET Server Release Candidate 1 (Build 3663).
The role and responsibilities of diplomats has changed dramatically in recent years and has become something more than the diplomacy of states and governments.Siracusa, J.M., Diplomacy: a very short introduction, Oxford University Press, 2014 Globalisation, international trade developments, and our increasing interdependencies – not to mention dramatic shifts in the balance of power – mean that today’s diplomat needs to have at his/her finger tips a vast amount of knowledge and an array of skills that is unprecedented.Barston, R.P., Modern Diplomacy, Routledge, 2014 This requires a new way of thinking about how to train diplomatsMifsud J., Diplomacy & Development in a Global Environment; Speech given at The Organization of American States, November 2013 Designed with the working professional in mind, the Professional Doctor of Diplomacy programme is especially designed to align professional competence with academic principles and to develop transferable skills to meet the needs of today’s diplomat. The aim of the taught doctorate in diplomacy is to find fresh approaches of integrating professional practice and academic knowledge, and to produce a qualification which, whilst being equivalent in status and challenge to a PhD, is more appropriate for working professionals and those pursuing professional rather than academic careers.

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