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33 Sentences With "integrality"

How to use integrality in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "integrality" and check conjugation/comparative form for "integrality". Mastering all the usages of "integrality" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Note that transitivity of integrality above implies that if B is integral over A, then B is a union (equivalently an inductive limit) of subrings that are finitely generated A-modules. If A is noetherian, transitivity of integrality can be weakened to the statement: :There exists a finitely generated A-submodule of B that contains A[b].
The basic idea behind LP decoding is to first represent the maximum likelihood decoding of a linear code as an integer linear program, and then relax the integrality constraints on the variables into linear inequalities.
For a polytope described by linear inequalities, when the polytope is non-integral, one can prove its non-integrality by finding a vertex whose coordinates are not integers. Such a vertex can be described combinatorially by specifying a subset of inequalities that, when turned into a system of linear equations, have a unique solution, and verifying that this solution point obeys all of the other inequalities. Therefore, testing integrality belongs to the complexity class coNP of problems for which a negative answer can be easily proven. More specifically, it is coNP-complete.
Like the Essence-Energies distinction for example. Though Lossky did pursue a position of reconciliation based on mutual cooperation between East and West. Lossky taught this co-operation as organic and or spontaneous order, integrality, and unity called sobornost. Sobornost can also be translated to mean catholic.
For example, see Goemans' and Williamson's semidefinite programming-based Max-Cut approximation algorithm.) The challenge in the first step is to choose a suitable integer linear program. Familiarity with linear programming is required, in particular, familiarity with how to model problems using linear programs and integer linear programs. But, for many problems, there is a natural integer linear program that works well, such as in the Set Cover example below. (The integer linear program should have a small integrality gap; indeed randomized rounding is often used to prove bounds on integrality gaps.) In the second step, the optimal fractional solution can typically be computed in polynomial time using any standard linear programming algorithm.
The purpose of this analysis is either a quantified proof of correct model choice and integrality of experimental data acquired or such analysis can serve as an instrument for the detection of non-identifiable and sloppy parameters, helping planning the experiments and in building and improvement of the model at the early stages.
For p-adic curves the analogue of complex conjugation is the Frobenius endomorphism, and the analogue of the quasi-Fuchsian condition is an integrality condition on the indigenous line bundle. So p-adic Teichmüller theory, the p-adic analogue the Fuchsian uniformization of Teichmüller theory, is the study of integral Frobenius invariant indigenous bundles.
In 2015, the network implemented further content edits, removing scenes incorporating forms of physical violence or situations of a sexual nature or incorporating substance use involving minors on some of its telenovelas and anthology serials (such as La Rosa de Guadalupe and Como Dice el Dicho), regardless of the integrality of such depictions to the episode's plotline.
A closer look at the Health section, ( article 196 to article 198) of the Constitution, shows that five basic principles have been established that guide the legal system in relation to SUS. They are: universality ( article 196 ), integrality ( article 198 - II), equity ( article 196 - " universal and equal access "), decentralization ( article 198 - I) and social participation ( article 198 - III ).
However, the Frankl–Rödl graphs provide the only known instances of vertex cover for which the integrality gap can be as bad as two.; . Frankl–Rödl graphs have also been used to study semidefinite approximations for graph coloring. In this application, in particular, researchers have studied graph 3-colorability in connection with the Frankl–Rödl graphs with parameter .
Hirzebruch and Borel had proved the integrality of the  genus of a spin manifold, and Atiyah suggested that this integrality could be explained if it were the index of the Dirac operator (which was rediscovered by Atiyah and Singer in 1961). The first announcement of the Atiyah–Singer theorem was their 1963 paper. The proof sketched in this announcement was inspired by Hirzebruch's proof of the Hirzebruch–Riemann–Roch theorem and was never published by them, though it is described in the book by Palais. Their first published proof was more similar to Grothendieck's proof of the Grothendieck–Riemann–Roch theorem, replacing the cobordism theory of the first proof with K-theory, and they used this approach to give proofs of various generalizations in a sequence of papers from 1968 to 1971.
The vertex cover problem involves finding a set of vertices that touches every edge of the graph. It is NP-hard but can be approximated to within an approximation ratio of two, for instance by taking the endpoints of the matched edges in any maximal matching. Evidence that this is the best possible approximation ratio of a polynomial- time approximation algorithm is provided by the fact that, when represented as a semidefinite program, the problem has an integrality gap of two; this gap is the ratio between the solution value of the integer solution (a valid vertex cover) and of its semidefinite relaxation. According to the unique games conjecture, for many problems such as this the optimal approximation ratio is provided by the integrality gap of their semidefinite relaxation.
Another consequence of the above equivalence is that "integrality" is transitive, in the following sense. Let C be a ring containing B and c \in C. If c is integral over B and B integral over A, then c is integral over A. In particular, if C is itself integral over B and B is integral over A, then C is also integral over A.
A few years later, he published the work for which he is best remembered, his investigation into what are now called Chevalley groups. Chevalley groups make up 9 of the 18 families of finite simple groups. Chevalley's accurate discussion of integrality conditions in the Lie algebras of semisimple groups enabled abstracting their theory from the real and complex fields. As a consequence, analogues over finite fields could be defined.
Founded in 1982, Colegio Los Nogales, a bilingual Colombian private, non-profit, coeducational, day school that teaches students from pre-kindergarten through eleventh grade. Its students are recognized for their strong values and their integrality, as well as their outstanding performances on Colombia´s high school exit exam, known as the ICFES. Its mission is to "Formar integralmente ciudadanos ejemplares, comprometidos con Colombia y líderes en el servicio a una sociedad cambiante, global y pluralista".
Ukrainian philosopher Julia Shabanova wrote that, in modern interpretations of the Theosophical doctrine, one can come across the concept of "philosophy of Theosophy." In accordance with this logic, Theosophy should contain, in addition to philosophy, other aspects and manifestations. The specificity of Theosophy is "integrality of the theoretical & practical [approach], metaphysical & existential [points of view], transcendence & immanence, universal & particular, epistemology & ontology." The Theosophical object of knowledge, as well as philosophical one, is "universal, essential, ultimate" one.
Lossky was one of the preeminent Russian neo-idealists of his day. Lossky's Гносеология or gnosiology is called Intuitivist-Personalism and had in part adapted the Hegelian dialectical approach of first addressing a problem in thought in terms of its expression as a duality or dichotomy. Once the problem is expressed as a dichotomy the two opposing ideas are fused in order to transcend the dichotomy. This transition is expressed in the concept of sobornost, integrality or mystical communal union.
Aspirants were provided with typescript lectures ("sutras") on metaphysical topics, using idiosyncratic terms like "integrality" and "partitivity." A system of alms provided for funds to be remitted back up the same chain down which these instructions descended. Organizational titles and pseudonyms in the U.B. were generally taken from Sanskrit. Few U.B. writings have become accessible to non-members, but those that have, taken with Jones' writings in the U.B. vein, suggest that their doctrines involved a baroquely intellectualized form of sentimental monotheism.
Although this bound is fixed-parameter tractable, its dependence on the parameter is higher than might be desired. More complex kernelization procedures can improve this bound, by finding smaller kernels, at the expense of greater running time in the kernelization step. In the vertex cover example, kernelization algorithms are known that produce kernels with at most 2k vertices. One algorithm that achieves this improved bound exploits the half- integrality of the linear program relaxation of vertex cover due to Nemhauser and Trotter.
So far, tradition has almost always been to show online the filming of a masterclass for students in the classroom or on the stage. iClassical Academy departs from this in order to have the masterclasses divided into tutorials as well as a separate performance of the student. Their focus is on the teaching part instead of showing a masterclass in its integrality. The motivation is that online teaching according to iClassical Academy should have a different scope that is more focused on the viewer at home.
Many LP products include extensions to the MPS format. The free format MPS allows for long names and more accurate data by allowing fields to exceed the columns defined by the original standard, and apply whitespaces as separators instead of fixed column positions (note that this makes some MPS files that included whitespaces as part of names to be no longer valid). Some extensions include adding new kind of data to the MPS file (e.g. sections to include objective sense, integrality requirements, quadratic data or advanced MIP modelling constructs).
In a 1906 article in The Independent,The Rock Island argus of 22 June 1906 reproduced the integrality of the article published by Sinclair in The Independent of 14 June 1906. Sinclair outlined a plan for a home colony located within one-hour of New York City. Following the model proposed by Charlotte Perkins Gilman in her book The Home, Sinclair sought "authors, artists, and musicians, editors and teachers and professional men" who wanted to avoid the drudgeries of domestic life. A farm community would be established that would generate its own meat, milk and produce.
Several deep theorems, such as the Hirzebruch–Riemann–Roch theorem, are special cases of the Atiyah–Singer index theorem. In fact the index theorem gave a more powerful result, because its proof applied to all compact complex manifolds, while Hirzebruch's proof only worked for projective manifolds. There were also many new applications: a typical one is calculating the dimensions of the moduli spaces of instantons. The index theorem can also be run "in reverse": the index is obviously an integer, so the formula for it must also give an integer, which sometimes gives subtle integrality conditions on invariants of manifolds.
In discrete optimization, a special ordered set (SOS) is an ordered set of variables, used as an additional way to specify integrality conditions in an optimization model. Special order sets are basically a device or tool used in branch and bound methods for branching on sets of variables, rather than individual variables, as in ordinary mixed integer programming. Knowing that a variable is part of a set and that it is ordered gives the branch and bound algorithm a more intelligent way to face the optimization problem, helping to speed up the search procedure. The members of a special ordered set individually may be continuous or discrete variables in any combination.
A second proof comes from the infinite product for Ep(x): each exponent -μ(n)/n for n not divisible by p is a p-integral, and when a rational number a is p-integral all coefficients in the binomial expansion of (1 - xn)a are p-integral by p-adic continuity of the binomial coefficient polynomials t(t-1)...(t-k+1)/k! in t together with their obvious integrality when t is a nonnegative integer (a is a p-adic limit of nonnegative integers) . Thus each factor in the product of Ep(x) has p-integral coefficients, so Ep(x) itself has p-integral coefficients. The (p-integral) series expansion has radius of convergence 1.
If one further required that each node must be active continuously for 1 time unit (without switching it off and on every now and then), then traditional graph vertex coloring would provide an optimal schedule: first the nodes of color 1 are active for 1 time unit, then the nodes of color 2 are active for 1 time unit, and so on. Again, at any point in time, the set of active nodes is an independent set. In general, fractional graph coloring provides a shorter schedule than non- fractional graph coloring; there is an integrality gap. It may be possible to find a shorter schedule, at the cost of switching devices (such as radio transmitters) on and off more than once.
In terms of representation theory, what has happened is that the two conjugate 2-dimensional spin representations of the spin group SU(2) = Spin(3) (as it sits inside the 3-dimensional Clifford algebra) have tensored to produce a 4 dimensional representation. The 4 dimensional representation descends to the usual orthogonal group SO(3) and so its objects are tensors, corresponding to the integrality of their spin. The 4 dimensional representation decomposes into the sum of a one-dimensional trivial representation (singlet, a scalar, spin zero) and a three-dimensional representation (triplet, spin 1) that is nothing more than the standard representation of SO(3) on R^3. Thus the "three" in triplet can be identified with the three rotation axes of physical space.
His 1828 review of Pushkin's poetry, written in purple prose and entitled "Some Observations about the Character of Pushkin's Poetry", contained the first in-depth assessment of Eugene Onegin. Later, Kireyevsky would exchange letters with Pushkin and publish his works in his short-lived periodical "Yevropeyets" (The European). After having been refused by his cousin, Kireyevsky set out for Europe, where he attended the lectures of Schelling, Schleiermacher, Hegel, and Michelet. During his travels, he perceived the rotten foundations of Western society, based on individualism, which he would later contrast with the integrality (sobornost)Kireyevsky's definition of sobornost: "The sum total of all Christians of all ages, past and present, comprise one indivisible, eternal living assembly of the faithful, held together just as much by the unity of consciousness as through the communion of prayer".
Hong Kong: Centre of Buddhist Studies, University of Hong Kong, 2015, pp. 177–201. These authors describe specifically Vajrayana modes of the four smṛtyupasthānas, which have been adapted to the Vajrayana philosophy. These four "mantric" smṛtyupasthānas described by Mipham as summarized by Dorji Wangchuk as follows: > (1) Contemplating (blo bzhag pa) the physical bodies of oneself and others > as being characterized by primordial or intrinsic purity (dag pa), on the > one hand, and by emptiness (stong pa nyid), freedom from manifoldness (spros > bral), great homogeneity (mnyam pa chen po), and integrality (zung du ’jug > pa), on the other, is called kāyasmṛtyupasthāna. (2) Transforming > “conceptual constructions whose occurrence one feels/senses (or is aware > of)” (byung tshor gyi rtog pa) into gnosis characterized by great bliss (bde > ba chen po’i ye shes) is called vedanāsmṛtyupasthāna.
Avner Magen (March 30, 1968 – May 29, 2010) was an associate professor of computer science at the University of Toronto whose research focused on the theory of metric embeddings, discrete geometry and computational geometry. He completed his undergraduate and graduate studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and received his Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2002, under the supervision of Nati Linial.. He held a postdoctoral fellowship at NEC Research in Princeton, New Jersey, from 2000 until 2002. He joined the University of Toronto in 2002, first as a postdoctoral fellow, and then as an assistant professor in 2004. He was promoted to associate professor in 2009.. His major contributions include an algorithm for approximating the weight of the Euclidean minimum spanning tree in sublinear time, and finding a tight integrality gap for the vertex cover problem using the Frankl–Rödl graphs.
One of the key observations of Kirillov was that coadjoint orbits of a Lie group G have natural structure of symplectic manifolds whose symplectic structure is invariant under G. If an orbit is the phase space of a G-invariant classical mechanical system then the corresponding quantum mechanical system ought to be described via an irreducible unitary representation of G. Geometric invariants of the orbit translate into algebraic invariants of the corresponding representation. In this way the orbit method may be viewed as a precise mathematical manifestation of a vague physical principle of quantization. In the case of a nilpotent group G the correspondence involves all orbits, but for a general G additional restrictions on the orbit are necessary (polarizability, integrality, Pukánszky condition). This point of view has been significantly advanced by Kostant in his theory of geometric quantization of coadjoint orbits.
In 1956, while the 3rd Foreign Infantry Regiment (3e R.E.I), was engaged in combat during the Algerian War, the 3e R.E.I dispatched one of its 3 battalions to constitute a marching battalion which took garrison and stationed on the « la grande île », Madagascar. This battalion was named the Foreign Legion Battalion of Madagascar, (B.L.E.M). Following the cease fire and the accords of Evian in 1962, the integrality of the 3rd Foreign Infantry Regiment 3e REI leaves Algeria and regroups at Madagascar, on and around the Diégo Suarez base. In the following years, the 4th combat company of the 3rd Foreign Infantry Regiment (then, 2nd company after being changed in 1956), periodically conducted exercise drills or nomadizations on the Comores, also was seen parading on the islands and particularly in February 1965 at Moroni in presence of the regimental commander and the music band of the 3rd Foreign Infantry Regiment.
The Purépecha flag emerges as a symbol of union and identity with all the Purépecha people, seeking at the same time the organization and struggle of the Purépechas against the new forms of domination and exploitation that constantly attack indigenous and tribal communities. And as a tribute to all the uncles who have fallen by the front of the Purépecha traditions and for the integrality of the communal lands, especially the natives murdered on November 10, 1810 in Colima City by the breeders and white guards of Quiroga, the painter José Luis Soto González designs and paints the purépecha flag that is also part of the p'urhépecha flag making ceremony in the Michoacán community of Santa Fe de la Laguna, in Quiroga municipality, from Monday November 17, 1980 to date. In the recent year, the Purepecha flag that appeared in 1980 emerged with great force. It is a civil insignia that retakes the colors of the flag and that begins to have a strong presence in the Michoacán, especially in those who speak the Purepecha language.

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