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56 Sentences With "instantiating"

How to use instantiating in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "instantiating" and check conjugation/comparative form for "instantiating". Mastering all the usages of "instantiating" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Yet attempts to avoid racism have a treacherous way of instantiating racist frameworks and ways of thinking.
While this helped with encapsulation, it caused slowdowns by instantiating what gradually became a god object any time data was needed from persistent storage.
I could say that it is precisely by my own lights that the experience of being them would be better, and that there would be at least enough overlap with them that they are instantiating my values and desires but have a better experience than I do.
The full Esterel language also has statements for declaring and instantiating modules, for variables, for calling external procedures, and for valued signals.
When we speak of an individual having a property we nominalize the predicate expressing the property we take to be constitutive and ascribe the instantiating properties to the individual thus created.
The definition of a composite service contains an implicit directed graph of inner service dependencies. The runtime environment for SOP can create an execution graph based on this directed graph by automatically instantiating and running inner services in parallel whenever possible.
Many imperative languages (e.g. C) make a distinction between statements and definitions, with a statement only containing executable code and a definition instantiating an identifier, while an expression evaluates to a value only. A distinction can also be made between simple and compound statements; the latter may contain statements as components.
Other implementations like PyYaml are lazy and iterate over the next document only upon request. For very large files in which one plans to handle the documents independently, instantiating the entire file before processing may be prohibitive. Thus in, occasionally one must chunk a file into documents and parse those individually.
Programs are made up of a number of tasks. A task is bound to a particular processor, which may be different from that of the instantiating task and which may host many tasks. All system resources are owned and managed by tasks. Intertask communication is primarily provided by synchronous message passing and four associated primitives.
The partitioning procedure identifies the process of spatial separation of the coupled problem into multiple partitioned subsystems. Information is exchanged through either ad-hoc interfaces or via intermediate buffer governed by a master algorithm. Master algorithm (where exists) is responsible for instantiating the simulators and for orchestrating the information exchange (simulator-simulator or simulator-orchestrator).
For example, if a DLL introduces a new class and the DLL is closed, further operations on instances of that class from the main application will likely cause a memory access violation. Likewise, if the DLL introduces a factory function for instantiating dynamically loaded classes, calling or dereferencing that function after the DLL is closed leads to undefined behaviour.
Thus "x = 3 → x = 3" is a tautology by virtue of being an instance of the abstract tautology "P → P". All occurrences of the instantiated variable must be instantiated with the same proposition, to avoid such nonsense as P → x = 3 or x = 3 → x = 4. Propositional calculus restricts attention to abstract propositions, those built up from propositional variables using Boolean operations. Instantiation is still possible within propositional calculus, but only by instantiating propositional variables by abstract propositions, such as instantiating Q by Q→P in P→(Q→P) to yield the instance P→((Q→P)→P). (The availability of instantiation as part of the machinery of propositional calculus avoids the need for metavariables within the language of propositional calculus, since ordinary propositional variables can be considered within the language to denote arbitrary propositions.
When instantiating one of the standard containers, the allocator is specified through a template argument, which defaults to `std::allocator`: namespace std { template > class vector; // ... Like all C++ class templates, instantiations of standard library containers with different allocator arguments are distinct types. A function expecting an `std::vector` argument will therefore only accept a `vector` instantiated with the default allocator.
NET Remoting runtime over `Channel` objects, that encapsulate the actual transport mode, including TCP streams, HTTP streams and named pipes. As a result, by instantiating proper `Channel` objects, a .NET Remoting application can be made to support different communication protocols without recompiling the application. The runtime itself manages the act of serialization and marshalling of objects across the client and server appdomains. .
This group consists of ‘Relation’, and ‘Relation Type’ for expressing declarative knowledge, and ‘Function’ and ‘Function Type’ for expressing procedural knowledge. This group is to express qualitative and quantitative relations among the various instances stored in the knowledge base. While instantiating the predicates can be characterized by their logical properties of relations, quantifiers and cardinality as monadic predicates of these predicate objects.
PL/SQL is the extended SQL language used by Oracle Database. PL/SQL is available in Oracle Database (since version 7), TimesTen in-memory database (since version 11.2.1), and IBM DB2 (since version 9.7). O-PL/SQL allows the definition of classes and instantiating these as objects, thus creating user-defined datatypes as writing constructors, beyond using Java in stored procedures and triggers.
Initial approaches relied on the results of Herbrand and Skolem to convert a first-order formula into successively larger sets of propositional formulae by instantiating variables with terms from the Herbrand universe. The propositional formulas could then be checked for unsatisfiability using a number of methods. Gilmore's program used conversion to disjunctive normal form, a form in which the satisfiability of a formula is obvious.
However, things instantiating the perfection of are said to be different on account of their . The possession of is what makes things unique and distinct from all other things. Thus, in what actually exists as a subsisting extramental thing, there is an "essence" which makes the thing what it is (a horse, for example), and the which makes the thing a real, individual, existing thing. Aristotle didn't have the notion of .
If some particular a has a non-symmetric relation R to another particular b, then R (a, b) differs from R (b, a). It may be the case that R (a, b) obtains in the world but R (b, a) does not. Without states of affairs instantiating the particulars and universals (including relations), we cannot account for the truth of the one case and the falsity of the other.
Though a powerful language, Pd has certain limitations in its implementation of object-oriented concepts. For example, it is very difficult to create massively parallel processes because instantiating and manipulating large lists of objects (spawning, etc.) is impossible due to a lack of a constructor function. Further, Pd arrays and other entities are susceptible to namespace collisions because passing the patch instance ID is an extra step and is sometimes difficult to accomplish.
Constructors, used to create instances of an object, may also be overloaded in some object-oriented programming languages. Because in many languages the constructor's name is predetermined by the name of the class, it would seem that there can be only one constructor. Whenever multiple constructors are needed, they are to be implemented as overloaded functions. In C++, default constructors take no parameters, instantiating the object members with their appropriate default values.
What follows is a description of the class-based subset of object-oriented design, which does not include object prototype-based approaches where objects are not typically obtained by instantiating classes but by cloning other (prototype) objects. Object-oriented design is a method of design encompassing the process of object-oriented decomposition and a notation for depicting both logical and physical as well as state and dynamic models of the system under design.
Traditionally, there was very little in the way of time zone support for JavaScript. Essentially the programmer had to extract the UTC offset by instantiating a time object, getting a GMT time from it, and differencing the two. This does not provide a solution for more complex daylight saving variations, such as divergent DST directions between northern and southern hemispheres. ECMA-402, the standard on Internationalization API for JavaScript, provides ways of formatting Time Zones.
Some programmers use anonymous functions to encapsulate specific, non- reusable code without littering the code with a lot of little one-line normal functions. In some programming languages, anonymous functions are commonly implemented for very specific purposes such as binding events to callbacks, or instantiating the function for particular values, which may be more efficient, more readable, and less error-prone than calling a more-generic named function. The following examples are written in Python 3.
In case of SoC designs, bus encoding schemes can be best implemented in RTL by instantiating dedicated encoders and decoders over the bus. Another way it could be implemented is by passing hint to the synthesis tool either as a trace of the simulation or by using synthesis pragma to define the type of encoding needed. On board, a small low power IC can be deployed in between the master and slave modules on the bus to implement the encoding and decoding functions.
Edmund is the second child to enter Narnia in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, where he falls under the White Witch's spell from eating the Turkish Delight she gives him. Instantiating that book's Christian theme of betrayal, repentance, and subsequent redemption via blood sacrifice, he betrays his siblings to the White Witch. But he quickly realizes her true nature and her evil intentions, and is redeemed by the sacrifice of Aslan's life. He is named King Edmund the Just.
However, the structure of a PL/SQL package does not resemble the basic Object Pascal program structure as implemented by a Borland Delphi or Free Pascal unit. Programmers can define public and private global data-types, constants, and static variables in a PL/SQL package.Oracle documentation "Private and public items in PL/SQL" PL/SQL also allows for the definition of classes and instantiating these as objects in PL/SQL code. This resembles usage in object-oriented programming languages like Object Pascal, C++ and Java.
Giordano Bruno introduced in his works the idea of multiple worlds instantiating the infinite possibilities of a pristine, indivisible One. Bruno (from the mouth of his character Philotheo) in his De l'infinito universo et mondi (1584) claims that "innumerable celestial bodies, stars, globes, suns and earths may be sensibly perceived therein by us and an infinite number of them may be inferred by our own reason." Teaching this was among the charges the Inquisition made against him.Luigi Firpo, Il processo di Giordano Bruno, 1993.
In this example, the title has been given a default value, while the position has not. The optional init-keyword syntax allows the programmer to specify the initial value of the slot when instantiating an object of the class. In languages such as C++ or Java, the class would also define its interface. In this case the definition above has no explicit instructions, so in both languages access to the slots and methods is considered `protected`, meaning they can be used only by subclasses.
In object-oriented programming languages that do not support higher-order functions, objects can be an effective substitute. An object's methods act in essence like functions, and a method may accept objects as parameters and produce objects as return values. Objects often carry added run-time overhead compared to pure functions, however, and added boilerplate code for defining and instantiating an object and its method(s). Languages that permit stack-based (versus heap-based) objects or structs can provide more flexibility with this method.
Continuous deployment (CD) is a software engineering approach in which software functionalities are delivered frequently through automated deployments. CD contrasts with continuous delivery, a similar approach in which software functionalities are also frequently delivered and deemed to be potentially capable of being deployed but are actually not deployed. In an environment in which data-centric microservices provide the functionality, and where the microservices can be multiply instantiated, CD consists of instantiating the new version of a microservice and retiring the old version as it has drained all the requests in flight.
Vanada is Torke's first example of this approach, and the composer has consistently used it since. Torke was influenced by Milton Babbitt's time- point system in his composition of Vanada, but added four extra notes to create a piece with a time signature, rather than using or time which is normal for Babbitt's system. Torke was also influenced by pop musician Madonna's 1983 self-titled album, including the song "Physical Attraction". Vanada has been described as instantiating a "metallic sound world", similar in character to the work of the Dutch, minimalist composer Louis Andriessen.
An example for instantiating SwingWorker 3 is shown below: SwingWorker worker = new SwingWorker() { public Object construct() { ... //add the code for the background thread } public void finished() { ... //code that you add here will run in the UI thread } }; worker.start(); //Start the background thread The `start()` method executes the code added in the construct() method in a separate thread. To be alerted when the background thread finishes, one need only override the `finished()` method. The `construct()` method can return a result which can later be retrieved using SwingWorker's `get()` method.
A hierarchical model is built-up from basic models, by instantiating basic models, providing suitable values for the model parameters, and by connecting model connectors. A typical example is the following electrical circuit: model Circuit Capacitor C1(C=1e-4) "A Capacitor instance from the model above"; Capacitor C2(C=1e-5) "A Capacitor instance from the model above"; ... equation connect(C1.pin_p, C2.pin_n); ... end Circuit; Via the language element annotation(...), definitions can be added to a model that do not have an influence on a simulation.
Instantiating a symbolic solution with specific numbers always gives a numerical solution; for example, gives (that is, ), and gives . The distinction between known variables and unknown variables is generally made in the statement of the problem, by phrases such as "an equation in and ", or "solve for and ", which indicate the unknowns, here and . However, it is common to reserve , , , ... to denote the unknowns, and to use , , , ... to denote the known variables, which are often called parameters. This is typically the case when considering polynomial equations, such as quadratic equations.
In the above UML class diagram, the `Client` class that requires `ProductA` and `ProductB` objects does not instantiate the `ProductA1` and `ProductB1` classes directly. Instead, the `Client` refers to the `AbstractFactory` interface for creating objects, which makes the `Client` independent of how the objects are created (which concrete classes are instantiated). The `Factory1` class implements the `AbstractFactory` interface by instantiating the `ProductA1` and `ProductB1` classes. The UML sequence diagram shows the run-time interactions: The `Client` object calls `createProductA()` on the `Factory1` object, which creates and returns a `ProductA1` object.
CloudCommand Enterprise is a Wi-Fi system that consists of Wi-Fi access points that can be deployed, secured and managed via a cloud-based management interface. This approach, which does not require wireless controller hardware, is ideal for deployments with a high-density of mobile users, such as hotels, restaurants, shopping centers, schools, conference centers, assisted living facilities, and Multi-Dwelling Units (MDUs) such as apartment buildings. This method of instantiating a wireless network does not require onsite wireless LAN controller hardware; as the access points are managed via the cloud network. Ostensibly this reduces equipment costs and eases management.
One of the earliest proponents of the computational theory of mind was Thomas Hobbes, who said, "by reasoning, I understand computation. And to compute is to collect the sum of many things added together at the same time, or to know the remainder when one thing has been taken from another. To reason therefore is the same as to add or to subtract."Hobbes, Thomas "De Corpore" Since Hobbes lived before the contemporary identification of computing with instantiating effective procedures, he cannot be interpreted as explicitly endorsing the computational theory of mind, in the contemporary sense.
Drag and Drop (DnD) is GameMaker's visual scripting tool. DnD allows developers to perform common tasks (like instantiating objects, calling functions, or working with files and data structures) without having to write a single line of code. It remains to be largely aimed at novice users. While historically DnD remained fairly limited in what can be comfortably done with it, GameMaker Studio 2 had seen an overhaul to the system, allowing more tasks to be done with DnD, and having it translate directly to code (with an in-IDE preview for users interested in migrating to code).
A copy constructor is a constructor which takes a (single) parameter of an existing object of the same type as the constructor's class, and returns a copy of the object sent as a parameter. Other programming languages, such as Objective-C, have class methods, which can include constructor-type methods, but are not restricted to merely instantiating objects. C++ and Java have been criticized for not providing named constructors--a constructor must always have the same name as the class. This can be problematic if the programmer wants to provide two constructors with the same argument types, e.g.
It is not a 'model', but a framework for weighting terms using probabilistic methods, and it has a special relationship for term weighting based on notion of eliteness. Term weights are being treated as the standard of whether a specific word is in that set or not. Term weights are computed by measuring the divergence between a term distribution produced by a random process and the actual term distribution. Divergence from randomness models set up by instantiating the three main components of the framework: first selecting a basic randomness model, then applying the first normalization and at last normalizing the term frequencies.
COM is a language agnostic binary standard that can be developed in any programming language capable of understanding and implementing its binary defined data types and interfaces. COM implementations are responsible for entering and leaving the COM environment, instantiating and reference-counting COM objects, querying objects for supported interfaces, as well as handling errors. The Microsoft Visual C++ compiler supports extensions to the C++ language referred to as C++ Attributes.Microsoft MSDN: C++ Attributes Reference These extensions are designed to simplify COM development and remove much of the plumbing code required to implement COM servers in C++.
However, the clock gating logic will change the clock tree structure, since the clock gating logic will sit in the clock tree. Clock gating logic can be added into a design in a variety of ways: # Coded into the register transfer level (RTL) code as enable conditions that can be automatically translated into clock gating logic by synthesis tools (fine grain clock gating). # Inserted into the design manually by the RTL designers (typically as module level clock gating) by instantiating library specific integrated clock gating (ICG) cells to gate the clocks of specific modules or registers. # Semi-automatically inserted into the RTL by automated clock gating tools.
Tensilica Instruction Extension refers to the proprietary language that is used to customize Tensilica's Xtensa processor core architecture. By using TIE, the user can customize the Xtensa architecture by adding custom instructions and register files, instantiating TIE Ports and Queues for multiprocessor communication, and adding pre-configured extensions (such as Tensilica's DSP). Software applications can greatly benefit from properly targeted user-defined instructions, while TIE ports and TIE queues facilitate multiprocessor communication by adding separate input and output interfaces to the processor core. Using the TIE language and Xtensa Xplorer toolkit, the generation and verification of the instructions used to extend the processor ISA are automated.
It is clear that the interesting questions about the attributes and the relations come after the instantiation questions, and so the query generator aims at instantiating as many objects as possible. Instantiation questions are composed of both the existence and the uniqueness questions, but it is the uniqueness questions that actually instantiate an object if they get a positive response. So if the query generator has to randomly pick an instantiation question, it prefers to pick an unpredictable uniqueness question if present. If such a question is not present, the query generator picks an existence question such that it will lead to a uniqueness question with a high probability in the future.
They are part of the class of electrons because they are electrons. In Armstrong's view, nominalisms can also be criticised for producing a blob theory of reality. Objects have structure: they have parts, those parts are made of molecules, which are in turn made up of atoms standing in relation to one another, which are in turn made up of subatomic particles and so on. Blobbiness also threatens Platonic universals: a particular instantiating a universal in a world of Platonic universals becomes a matter of the blob- particular having a relation to a universal elsewhere (in the Platonic heaven, say), rather than having an internal relation in the way that a chemical element does to a constituent atom.
Paul Tillich, Systematic Theology (Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1951) 236ff. Furthermore, it can be argued that for the notion of aseity not to be logically circular or inconsistent, the supposed entity to which it applies would have to be identified with its properties, instead of instantiating, exemplifying or having its properties, and would therefore be a nonsentient force or potential of indeterminate vitality (see Monad). This, however, seems to contradict the notion that God is a person or a causal agent, for what person or agent can also be a property (or complex of properties)?Richard M. Gale, On the Nature and Existence of God Schopenhauer attributes Aseity (self-dependent) to will, as the only being by and of itself, apart from causal relationships.
Central to Armstrong's philosophy is the idea of states of affairs ("facts" in Russell's terminology): in Sketch for a Systematic Metaphysics, Armstrong claims that states of affairs are "the fundamental structures in reality". A state of affairs roughly put is an instantiation of a particular and a universal: a state of affairs might be that a particular atom exists, instantiating a universal (say, that it is of a particular element, if chemical elements are ultimately accepted as part of Armstrong's universals). The particulars in Armstrong's ontology must have at least one universal—just as he rejects uninstantiated universals, he also rejects "unpropertied particulars". Armstrong argues that states of affairs are distinct things in ontology because they are more than the sum of their parts.
Aquinas saw that in any subsisting extramental (existing outside the mind) thing, one finds a couplet of metaphysical principles: one is the "essence" which makes the thing to be what it is, the other is the which gives the thing and its "essence" actual existence. The observation that individual things display instantiations of a particular "essence" led Aquinas to postulate that what gives actual existence to a thing and to its "essence" – the – is unique, in the sense that the perfection of cannot be said to be common in the way an "essence" is said to be common. Things instantiating the essence of (being like a horse), for example, are said to be similar because of their . The essence of is what makes horses the same under a common category.
One motivating application of propositional calculus is the analysis of propositions and deductive arguments in natural language. Whereas the proposition "if x = 3 then x+1 = 4" depends on the meanings of such symbols as + and 1, the proposition "if x = 3 then x = 3" does not; it is true merely by virtue of its structure, and remains true whether "x = 3" is replaced by "x = 4" or "the moon is made of green cheese." The generic or abstract form of this tautology is "if P then P", or in the language of Boolean algebra, "P → P". Replacing P by x = 3 or any other proposition is called instantiation of P by that proposition. The result of instantiating P in an abstract proposition is called an instance of the proposition.
Social systems of every ideological persuasion, from Marxism to syndicalism to the American Dream, have attempted to achieve a successfully functioning classless society in which honest, productive manual labourers can have every bit of social status and power that honest, productive managers can have. Humans have not yet succeeded in instantiating any such utopia, but some social systems have been designed that go far enough toward the goal that hope yet remains for further improvement. Rail track construction, Kansas, USA, 1974 Road construction by women in Myanmar, (2019). At its highest extreme, the rationalised distortion by economic elites produces cultures of slavery and complete racial subordination, such as slavery in ancient Greece and Rome; slavery in the United States; or slavery under Nazism (which was defeated in 1945).
In class-based programming, a factory is an abstraction of a constructor of a class, while in prototype- based programming a factory is an abstraction of a prototype object. A constructor is concrete in that it creates objects as instances of a single class, and by a specified process (class instantiation), while a factory can create objects by instantiating various classes, or by using other allocation schemes such as an object pool. A prototype object is concrete in that it is used to create objects by being cloned, while a factory can create objects by cloning various prototypes, or by other allocation schemes. Factories may be invoked in various ways, most often a method call (a factory method), sometimes by being called as a function if the factory is a function object (a factory function).
The continuum of the spatial dimension is a three dimensional axes composed of distinct ordered points. Suppose absolute succession of points along a dimension corresponds to direct contact of parts. According to a moderate formulation of connection, composition is instantiated by two objects separated by a countable number of discrete points (x), where (x) need not be one, but cannot be unbounded. Unfortunately, even the more moderate formulation is untenable. Criticizing the possibility of bounding degree, Sider (2001) takes as given these premises: (1) On a continuum of discrete points, if there are both instances of both composition and not, then the series of points instantiating composition (e.g. (1, 2, 3, 4)) is continuous with any series not (e.g. (5, 6, 7)). (2) There is no principled way determine a cutoff for composition along such continuums (no non-arbitrary way to determine between (1, 2, 3) and (1, 2, 3, 4)).
Integra; Sharing Live Music Technologies Accessed on 18 May 2015 Most of the development resources in Integra 1 were devoted to exploring ways to describe audio processing setups, and store audio processing parameter state in an implementation-independent manner. This resulted in the development of libIntegra a library originally written in C. libIntegra is capable of de-serialising XML files used to describe audio module interfaces, reading and writing module state, instantiating modules within a given audio module host via a 'bridge' architecture, and presenting an external API to its functionality.Bullock, J. and Frisk, H.; 2007; libIntegra: a system for software-independent multimedia module description and storage; Proceedings of the 2007 ICMC; ICMA, Copenhagen, Denmark. Accessed on 8 May 2015 In the final year of the Integra 1 project, several GUI prototypes were developed for the Integra Environment by the Integra Canadian partner CIRMMT.
Bruno's true, if partial, vindication would have to wait for the implications and impact of Newtonian cosmology. Bruno's overall contribution to the birth of modern science is still controversial. Some scholars follow Frances Yates in stressing the importance of Bruno's ideas about the universe being infinite and lacking geocentric structure as a crucial crossing point between the old and the new. Others see in Bruno's idea of multiple worlds instantiating the infinite possibilities of a pristine, indivisible One, Bruno (from the mouth of his character Philotheo) in his De l'infinito universo et mondi (1584) claims that "innumerable celestial bodies, stars, globes, suns and earths may be sensibly perceived therein by us and an infinite number of them may be inferred by our own reason." a forerunner of Everett's many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.Max Tegmark, Parallel Universes, 2003 While many academics note Bruno's theological position as pantheism, several have described it as pandeism, and some also as panentheism.
In object-oriented programming, a class is an extensible program-code-template for creating objects, providing initial values for state (member variables) and implementations of behavior (member functions or methods). In many languages, the class name is used as the name for the class (the template itself), the name for the default constructor of the class (a subroutine that creates objects), and as the type of objects generated by instantiating the class; these distinct concepts are easily conflated. When an object is created by a constructor of the class, the resulting object is called an instance of the class, and the member variables specific to the object are called instance variables, to contrast with the class variables shared across the class. In some languages, classes are only a compile-time feature (new classes cannot be declared at run-time), while in other languages classes are first-class citizens, and are generally themselves objects (typically of type or similar).

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