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52 Sentences With "instantiates"

How to use instantiates in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "instantiates" and check conjugation/comparative form for "instantiates". Mastering all the usages of "instantiates" from sentence examples published by news publications.

After all, it's bipartisanship that instantiates a policy win into permanence.
Having a chip that instantiates the idea in hardware gets around that.
As enacted, the Act instantiates several changes to music copyright in the US, especially as regards streaming music services.
The composition of Newton's portrait is rooted in Western visual tradition but instantiates power through a fantastical staging that complicates what is expected through its deliberate presentation.
Our current data flow looks something like this: A background Service subscribes to an RxStore which lazily instantiates a network client and downloads fresh data in JSON.
The viewer would be forced to physically encounter and negotiate the spectacle of violence, which the work instantiates not only in its overall form, but also in the bright red resonance between the festive ribbons (accompanied by some chains) and the bloody heads.
Airport shuttles seem to be the perfect use case for these early instantiates of air taxi services, as they greatly reduce travel times at peak hours, and also cater to clientele who are likely frequent travelers and can either expense or afford the ~$200 trips.
I identify with these places and people, and it instantiates my fantasy: as much as I fundamentally know I can't actually go to Skyrim or Hyrule, The Beatles: Rock Band's opening salvo of recognizable things assures me that here, in my very own world, magic happens.
It's an asymptotic relationship, the Zeno's Paradox of gameplay, a kind of mathematical anomaly where this monstrous organ of organized knowledge instantiates itself in the hands of runners and chases the most efficient confluence of time and space to render a complex game into a finite state machine.
The assumption of Western objectivity is not only divorced from the material conditions in which those objects have come to be "owned" by Western knowledge – knowledge informed by a history of contact on unequal terms  – but it also instantiates the exceptionalism with which Western cultures have felt entitled to the final, objective say on other cultures.
Cosmopsychism hypothosizes that the cosmos is a unified object that is ontologically prior to its parts. It has been described as an alternative to panpsychism, or as a form of panpsychism. Proponents of cosmopsychism claim that the cosmos as a whole is the fundamental level of reality and that it instantiates consciousness. They differ on that point from panpsychists, who usually claim that the smallest level of reality is fundamental and instantiates consciousness.
Symbolic structures are signs which may be instantiated by tokens. They have the property to stand for something beyond themselves. An example is the physical pattern "apple", which instantiates the "APPLE" symbolic structure.
NET code. This tool recognizes template classes which is not exported from the C++ DLL and instantiates the template class and export it in a supplement DLL and the corresponding C++ interface can be used in .NET.
You might say a rose bush instantiates these three types, or embodies these three concepts, or exhibits these three properties, or possesses these three qualities, features or attributes. Property types (e.g. "height in metres" or "thorny") are often understood ontologically as concepts. Property instances (e.g.
In order for the running program to bind objects to one another, the objects must possess compatible interfaces. For example, class `A` may delegate behavior to interface `I` which is implemented by class `B`; the program instantiates `A` and `B`, and then injects `B` into `A`.
Fractional numbers? If the input numbers, i.e. the domain of the function computed by the algorithm/program, is to include only positive integers including zero, then the failures at zero indicate that the algorithm (and the program that instantiates it) is a partial function rather than a total function.
The simplest example of a factory is a simple factory function, which just invokes a constructor and returns the result. In Python, a factory function `f` that instantiates a class `A` can be implemented as: def f(): return A() A simple factory function implementing the singleton pattern is: def f(): if f.obj is None: f.obj = A() return f.
As of ES6, JavaScript has direct constructors like many other programming languages. They are written as such class FooBar { constructor(baz) { this.baz = baz } } This can be instantiated as such const foo = new FooBar('7') The equivalent of this before ES6, was creating a function that instantiates an object as such function FooBar (baz) { this.baz = baz; } This is instantiated the same way as above.
The conceptual schema is a combination of concepts and facts of what is possible, necessary, permissible, and obligatory in each possible world. The set of facts instantiates the conceptual schema by assertion to describe one possible world. A rule is a fact that asserts either a logical necessity or an obligation. Obligations are not necessarily satisfied by the facts; necessities are always satisfied.
The field surveyId is used as the primary key. This definition is loaded by a central component in OFBiz called the entity engine. The entity engine instantiates a corresponding business object. The purpose of the entity engine is to manage transactional properties of all business objects and interact with various persistence mechanisms such as Java Database Connectivity, Enterprise JavaBeans or even some legacy system.
Every usage of an array or struct type instantiates a new concrete type, or reuses a previous instantiated type. Array element types and struct element types are parameterized types, which are used to instantiate the corresponding generic type. All this is usually built-in in the compiler and the syntax differs from other generic constructs. Some extensible programming languages try to unify built-in and user defined generic types.
It is both a relation of subordination, and a relation of opposition. In a pair of concepts united by this relation, there is one which is hierarchically superior, called the "dominant" concept, and another which, although hierarchically inferior, is ontologically superior, called the "recessive" concept. Florian shows that every important concept of philosophy belongs to a pair which instantiates recessivity. He analysed several dozens of such pairs, writing for each term practically a micro-monograph.
It is possible that an argument that denies the antecedent could be valid if the argument instantiates some other valid form. For example, if the claims P and Q express the same proposition, then the argument would be trivially valid, as it would beg the question. In everyday discourse, however, such cases are rare, typically only occurring when the "if-then" premise is actually an "if and only if" claim (i.e., a biconditional/equality).
The common way to make computer programs is to use a compiler to translate source code (written in some symbolic language) to machine code. The resulting executable is typically fast but, because it is specific to a hardware platform, it isn't portable. A different approach is to generate instructions for a virtual machine and to use an interpreter on each hardware platform. The interpreter instantiates the virtual machine environment and executes the instructions.
Each of the Star Wars characters instantiates one of the archetypes in Joseph Campbell's Hero's journey, with Luke Skywalker symbolizing the Hero archetype. As such, he is a formulaic, relatable protagonist who encounters the basic struggle between good and evil in the same way as other heroic figures such as Harry Potter, Bilbo Baggins, and Jesus Christ. Luke's central dilemma is the ongoing war between good and evil, both externally and internally.
Generally speaking, the paradox instantiates the problem of determining the status of ungrounded sentences that are not inconsistent.Herzberger, H. (1970), 'Paradoxes of grounding in semantics', The Journal of Philosophy 67, pp. 145–167 More in particular, the paradox presents the challenge of expanding one’s favourite theory of truth with further principles which either express the symmetry intuition against possibilities 3. and 4.Priest, G. (2005), 'Words without knowledge', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 71, pp. 686–694.
Class templates are really meta-classes: they are partial abstract data types that provide instructions to the compiler on how to create classes with the proper data members. For example, the C++ standard containers are class templates. When a programmer uses a vector, one instantiates it with a specific data type, for example, int, string or double. Each type of vector results in a different class in the compiler's object code, each one working with a different data type.
The trigger causes the environment to instantiate a context object. The type of object is chosen according to the kind of use case that will ensue, based on information about the trigger or the system state or both. For example, a cash machine might have separate Context classes for money transfer, withdrawal, deposit, balance inquiry, and so forth. Once the environment instantiates the Context object, it invokes its trigger method to start the use case enactment.
Scala Coroutines FAQ Scala Coroutines rely on the `coroutine` macro that transforms a normal block of code into a coroutine definition. Such a coroutine definition can be invoked with the `call` operation, which instantiates a coroutine frame. A coroutine frame can be resumed with the `resume` method, which resumes the execution of the coroutine's body, until reaching a `yieldval` keyword, which suspends the coroutine frame. Scala Coroutines also expose a `snapshot` method, which effectively duplicates the coroutine.
NET Remoting makes a reference of a remotable object available to a client application, which then instantiates and uses a remotable object as if it were a local object. However, the actual code execution happens at the server-side. A remotable object is identified by Activation URLs and are instantiated by a connection to the URL. A listener for the object is created by the remoting runtime when the server registers the channel that is used to connect to the remotable object.
William Gibson, author of the Agrippa poem, pictured in Paris on his 60th birthday, May 17, 2008. The construction of the book and the subject matter of the poem within it share a metaphorical connection in the decay of memory. In this light, critic Peter Schwenger asserts that Agrippa can be understood as organized by two ideas: the death of Gibson's father, and the disappearance or absence of the book itself. In this sense, it instantiates the ephemeral nature of all text.
As discussed in the previous section there is an implicit ordering in the question space, according to which the attribute questions come after the instantiation questions and the relationship questions come after the attribute questions, once multiple objects have been instantiated. Therefore, the query engine follows a loop structure where it first instantiates an object with the existence and uniqueness questions, then queries about its attributes, and then the relationship questions are asked for that object with all the previously instantiated objects.
Composite elements, which maintain a list of child objects, typically iterate over these, calling each child's `accept` method. The client creates the object structure, directly or indirectly, and instantiates the concrete visitors. When an operation is to be performed which is implemented using the Visitor pattern, it calls the `accept` method of the top-level element(s). When the `accept` method is called in the program, its implementation is chosen based on both the dynamic type of the element and the static type of the visitor.
Noting the alignment between these two perspectives, Hayles uses How We Became Posthuman to investigate the social and cultural processes and practices that led to the conceptualization of information as separate from the material that instantiates it.Hayles,Posthuman', 2. Drawing on diverse examples, such as Turing's imitation game, Gibson's Neuromancer and cybernetic theory, Hayles traces the history of what she calls "the cultural perception that information and materiality are conceptually distinct and that information is in some sense more essential, more important and more fundamental than materiality."Hayles, Posthuman,18.
The United Soybean Board (USB), is the governing body that instantiates the U.S. commodity checkoff program for soybeans It is made up of 73 volunteer farmer-directors who oversee the investments of the soybean checkoff on behalf of all U.S. soybean farmers. The soybean checkoff is a congressionally- mandated assessment on soybeans, whose proceeds are used to fund soybean research and promotion efforts. The checkoff is managed by the United Soybean Board under the supervision of the United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Marketing Service. In 2014, the checkoff was $109.1 million.
The Factory object has a CreateInstance method, which can create instances of an object given an interface GUID. This is the same process internally used when creating instances of registered COM components. If the created COM object instantiates another COM object using the generic CoCreateInstance API, it will try to do so in the usual generic way, using the registry or manifest files. But it can create internal objects (which may not be registered at all), and hand out references to interfaces to them, using its own private knowledge.
In computer networking, the Message Session Relay Protocol (MSRP) is a protocol for transmitting a series of related instant messages in the context of a communications session. An application instantiates the session with the Session Description Protocol (SDP) over Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) or other rendezvous methods. The MSRP protocol is defined in RFC 4975.RFC 4975, The Message Session Relay Protocol (MSRP), B. Campbell (Ed.), R. Mahy (Ed.), C. Jennings (Ed.), The Internet Society (September 2007) MSRP messages can also be transmitted by using intermediaries peers, by using the relay extensions defined in RFC 4976.
'Niles, Susan A. (2007). 93 Today, "khipu" is regarded as a powerful symbol of heritage, only 'unfurled' and handled by 'pairs of [contemporary] dignitaries,' as the system and its 'construction embed' modern 'cultural knowledge.' Ceremonies in which they are 'curated, even though they can no longer be read,' is even further support for the case of societal honor and significance associated with the quipu. Even today, 'the knotted cords must be present and displayed when village officers leave or begin service, and draping the cords over the incoming office holders instantiates the moral and political authority of the past.
For, at the same time, this slanted road has the opposite qualities of ascent and descent. According to Heraclitus, everything is in constant flux, and every changing object co- instantiates at least one pair of opposites (though not necessarily simultaneously) and every pair of opposites is co-instantiated in at least one object. Heraclitus also uses the succession of opposites as a base for change: > Cold things grow hot, a hot thing cold, a moist thing withers, a parched > thing is wetted. (DK B126) As a single object persists through opposite properties, this object undergoes change.
Many of his most important papers in philosophy of language, epistemology, philosophical logic, meta-ethics, and the interpretation of Wittgenstein have been collected in two volumes published by Harvard University Press. In epistemology, Wright has argued that G. E. Moore's proof of an external world ("Here is one hand") is logically valid but cannot transmit warrant from its premise to the conclusion, as it instantiates a form of epistemic circularity called by him "warrant transmission failure".C. Wright (2002). “(Anti-)Sceptics Simple and Subtle: G. E. Moore and John McDowell,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 65: 330–348.
This is unsatisfactory though because it fails to exclude extraordinary objects such as the table, the air molecules, and the dog's nose as he begs for food. It seems that it is necessary to redefine connection as some degree of proximity between parts within a whole . By abandoning the extreme of direct contact, any account of connection acquires the burden of defining what degree of proximity instantiates composition. It will not do to leave specification of degree for future theorists if one cannot even show it is possible to provide such a determination in a principled manner.
Developers may further specialise the procedural logic of the selected templates and link templates together by using action diagrams. The tool then automatically instantiates the specialized templates over the data model and generates high-level language code in RPG or COBOL without any further developer intervention. It also generates the SQL or DDS code to define the necessary database tables and views. Synon kept precise productivity metrics during the internal development of its SMA accounting system. In total, 2,385 days of effort were expended on development and QA over a 14-month period, which resulted in the creation of 2.42 million lines of HLL code (excluding comments) in 2,081 programs.
The Predication of Saint Paul In addressing the Problem of Universals, Aristotle established a kind of predication where universal terms are involved in a relation of predication provided some facts that are expressed by ordinary sentences hold. It is also argued that the particular instantiates or participates in the universal, hence, universals may be needed for the predication of relations. Predication is also used to explain the indeterminacy of mass terms. When mass terms are treated as predicates, indeterminacy is demonstrated when the terms are applied to combination of quantities by being portions of such combinations as well as to quantities that are qualified in other ways.
" Likewise, emotions are commonly thought of as discrete and distinct -- fear, anger, happiness -- while affect (produced by interoception) is continuous. The theory of constructed emotion suggests that at a given moment, the brain predicts and categorizes the present moment via interoceptive predictions and the emotion concepts from one's culture, to construct an instance of emotion, just as one perceives discrete colors. This process instantiates the experience of "having an emotion". For example, if someone's brain predicts the presence of a snake as well as the unpleasant affect that would result upon encountering a snake, that brain might categorize and construct an experience of "fear.
A haecceity or individual essence is a property that only a single object instantiates. Ordinary properties, if one accepts the existence of universals, can be exemplified by more than one object at a time. Another way to explain a haecceity is to distinguish between suchness and thisness, where thisness has a more demonstrative character. David Lewis gives the following definition of a haecceitistic difference: “two worlds differ in what they represent de re concerning some individual, but do not differ qualitatively in any way.” (Lewis 1986:221.) CT does not require distinct worlds for distinct possibilities – “a single world may provide many possibilities, since many possible individuals inhabit it” (Lewis 1986:230).
VMAC uses a function, called VHASH (also specified in this document), as the keyed hash function H and uses a pseudorandom function F whose default implementation uses the AES block cipher. VMAC allows for tag lengths of any 64-bit multiple up to the block size of the block cipher in use. When using AES, this means VMAC can produce 64- or 128-bit tags. The theory of Wegman-Carter MACs and the analysis of VMAC show that if one "instantiates" VMAC with truly random keys and pads then the probability that an attacker (even a computationally unbounded one) produces a correct tag for messages of its choosing is less than 1/260 or 1/2120 when the tags are of length 64 or 128 bits, respectively.
Kleene's recursive realizability splits proofs of intuitionistic arithmetic into the pair of a recursive function and of a proof of a formula expressing that the recursive function "realizes", i.e. correctly instantiates the disjunctions and existential quantifiers of the initial formula so that the formula gets true. Kreisel's modified realizability applies to intuitionistic higher-order predicate logic and shows that the simply typed lambda term inductively extracted from the proof realizes the initial formula. In the case of propositional logic, it coincides with Howard's statement: the extracted lambda term is the proof itself (seen as an untyped lambda term) and the realizability statement is a paraphrase of the fact that the extracted lambda term has the type that the formula means (seen as a type).
In her interdisciplinary paper "The Internal Description of a Causal Set: What the Universe Looks Like from the Inside", Markopoulou instantiates some abstract terms from mathematical category theory to develop straightforward models of space-time. It proposes simple quantum models of space-time based on category-theoretic notions of a topos and its subobject classifier (which has a Heyting algebra structure, but not necessarily a Boolean algebra structure). For example, hard-to-picture category-theoretic "presheaves" from topos theory become easy-to-picture "evolving (or varying) sets" in her discussions of quantum spacetime. The diagrams in Markopoulou's papers (including hand-drawn diagrams in one of the earlier versions of "The Internal Description of a Causal Set") are straightforward presentations of possible models of space-time.
For example: "bicycle" represents a type: the concept of a bicycle; whereas "my bicycle" represents a token of that type: an object that instantiates that type. In the sentence "the bicycle is becoming more popular" the word "bicycle" represents a type that is a concept; whereas in the sentence "the bicycle is in the garage" the word "bicycle" represents a token: a particular object. (The distinction in computer programming between classes and objects is related, though in this context, "class" sometimes refers to a set of objects (with class-level attribute or operations) rather than a description of an object in the set, as "type" would.) The words type, concept, property, quality, feature and attribute (all used in describing things) tend to be used with different verbs. E.g. Suppose a rose bush is defined as a plant that is "thorny", "flowering" and "bushy".
In 1971, John O'Keefe and Jonathon Dostrovsky reported the discovery of place cells in the rat hippocampus—cells that fire action potentials when an animal passes through a specific small region of space, which is called the place field of the cell. This discovery, although controversial at first, led to a series of investigations that culminated in the 1978 publication of a book by O'Keefe and his colleague Lynn Nadel called The Hippocampus as a Cognitive Map (a phrase that also appeared in the title of the 1971 paper)—the book argued that the hippocampal neural network instantiates cognitive maps as hypothesized by the psychologist Edward C. Tolman. This theory aroused a great deal of interest, and motivated hundreds of experimental studies aimed at clarifying the role of the hippocampus in spatial memory and spatial navigation. Because the entorhinal cortex provides by far the largest input to the hippocampus, it was clearly important to understand the spatial firing properties of entorhinal neurons.
Part of the goal of Latinxfuturist works is situating people of color as the protagonists in the representations of what our world could be. Montgomery goes on to comment, “The whole world has a future, yet ‘Sleep Dealer’ is one of the first science fiction films largely set in the underdeveloped parts — a milestone in film history.” The placing of bodies of color within a pre-existing system is part of the rebellion against hegemonic colonial narratives with which Latinxfuturism contends. The other Latinxfuturist path is creating alternative systems that people of color exist in without the restraints of the present reality. In Aimee Bahng’s book Migrant Futures, she points out that “Sleep dealer argues for and instantiates the production of alternative futures that fight against not only obsolescence but also obfusciations of the past that paved the way for the colonization of the future.” That is to say, sleep dealer not only criticizes the current system but works to deconstruct the narrative mechanisms that uphold colonial influences. Sleep Dealer contributes to the Latinxfuturist works that try to represent people of color as well as reimagine a future without the colonialist androcentric oppressive forces that mark today’s society.
Concretely speaking, the collective published a number of texts, including three manifestos; organized and effectuated a series of projects, including four group exhibitions and large-scale urban interventions; and founded the Ecole Sociologique Interrogative. Their activity instantiates an early moment in the history of what would be called in the mid-1990s relational art or socially-engaged art but also connected with a number of artistic tendencies of the 1970s, such as conceptual art, performance art, and institutional critique. For example, the Collective's two-week intervention in the southern French town of Perpignan in July 1976, entitled "Study and Animation of Perpignan" began with a study of the conditions and needs of neighborhoods in Perpignan by a thirty-person, interdisciplinary team and then led to dozens of direct interventions, which included pop-up exhibitions, screenings, interviews, parties, and a multi- neighborhood photograph swap, all aimed to, as the press release notes, “bring together different neighborhoods [. . .], which although geographically close remain distant at the level of social communication.” After setting out four principles—critique, communication, intervention, and pedagogy—the group proposes sociological art as means to overcome the divide between “a quasi- scientific approach to the environment and a lived connection established among individuals [. . .

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