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8 Sentences With "inkiest"

How to use inkiest in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "inkiest" and check conjugation/comparative form for "inkiest". Mastering all the usages of "inkiest" from sentence examples published by news publications.

But there's always one bright spot even in the inkiest sea of darkness, and that bright spot is usually Bill Murray.
In an OLED TV, every single pixel of that 4K (3,840 x 2,160) resolution screen can light itself up and shut itself off, creating the darkest, inkiest blacks possible.
The hot new shit in television tech, HDR screens display a seemingly infinite range of color with razor-sharp contrast and insane detail—even in the inkiest shadows and brightiest brights.
Shooting in 35-millimeter black-and-white film, Mr. Garrel fills the wide screen with a ravishment of tones, from inkiest black to crystalline white and every imaginable gray in between.
Even if you've been holding out on the really dark darks, opting for earthy terracotta or red-wine burgundy instead, the newest trend in nail art will make you finally reach for your inkiest lacquer.
This episode is at its inkiest when Duncan Todd returns to the story, sitting in his Las Vegas office and telling Anthony Sinclair the best way to get rid of Dougie (by manipulating Duncan's rivals, the Mitchums).
The latest crop of primers range in colors and purposes so vast — we're talking the inkiest of blacks, starkest of whites, bright yellows, and more — that we're not quite sure where to turn when selecting the right eyeshadow base for our skin tone and desired look.
When it was revealed this year that the British sculptor Anish Kapoor had secured the exclusive use in the art world of a material called Vantablack, a substance blacker than the inkiest black ever dreamed of by Manet or Ad Reinhardt, it led to some grumbling among colleagues.

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