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15 Sentences With "in actual life"

How to use in actual life in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "in actual life" and check conjugation/comparative form for "in actual life". Mastering all the usages of "in actual life" from sentence examples published by news publications.

In actual life, the arrow line between cause and effect is blurred.
Candace dives in again though when she asks Matthew over to see what he's like in actual life.
As in actual life, it can sometimes be difficult to tell whether something crucial is happening, or nothing at all.
They found that when someone's heart stopped on TV, that person was far more likely to recover than they would be in actual life.
Jill Promoli, a mom and photographer, pointed out, "The more we encourage this nonsense, the greater the distrust in our experts," and in actual life-saving interventions, like vaccines.
It means "to swoop down on a prey." "Dumaguit" means, therefore, "it snatched its prey". The serpent, the devil, is our old enemy which must always be under control by the ministers of the Lord. For our purpose here, there is no better symbol for the checking of the devil's activities than the serpent's defeat by its mortal enemy in actual life, the secretary bird.
Royyala Naidu operates Naidu Industries and the Agro Diamond Financing company in disguise. On the other hand, DJ decides to take on Royyala Naidu in his mission but does not know who he is in actual life. The rest of the story is how DJ uses Royyala Naidu's son Royyala Avinash (Subbaraju), who suffers with histrionic personality disorder, and through him, DJ destroys Royyala Naidu's corrupt business empire, thereby rescuing the Agro Diamond scam victims.
The clinical significance of this work is uncertain. Toxicity testing is limited and safety for the human consumer has not been adequately demonstrated. TA-65 was shown to improve biological markers associated with human health span through the lengthening of short telomeres and rescuing of old cells, although the significance of these findings in actual life expectancy is unknown. Publications in high-impact peer-reviewed journals are lacking however, and much of the online documentation supporting its use is sponsored by its manufacturers.
Posing this change, D. Shyam Babu, a Dalit researcher-journalist, in collaboration with Khare, assembled a cluster of autobiographic narratives to show how, in actual life, one still encountered caste inequalities in India.Edited with D. Shyam Babu: Caste in Life: Experiencing Inequalities. Pearson, Delhi: 2011. Among Khare's professional contributions, two broad areas stand out, one relating to the interdisciplinary initiatives and organizations developed mostly at or from University of Virginia, and the other in starting and establishing the International Commission on Anthropology of Food.
For a bibliography of Reuter's works see :de:Fritz Reuter#Werke. Fritz Reuter's gravesite in Eisenach. The novel From My Farming Days Ut mine Stromtid (3 volumes) is by far the greatest of Reuter's writings. The men and women he describes are the men and women he knew in the villages and farmhouses of Mecklenburg, and the circumstances in which he places them are the circumstances by which they were surrounded in actual life. Ut mine Stromtid also presents some local aspects of the revolutionary movement of 1848.
350 The young woman here could be responding to that image, her conscience pricked by something outside of herself. Hunt intended this image to be The Light of the World's "material counterpart in a picture representing in actual life the manner in which the appeal of the spirit of heavenly love calls a soul to abandon a lower life."Hunt p.429 In Pre-Raphaelitism and the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood Hunt wrote that Peggotty's search for Emily in David Copperfield had given him the idea for the composition and he began to visit "different haunts of fallen girls" looking for a suitable setting.
The types of ideals dealt with during the history of philosophy have varied widely over the many centuries, many conceptions existing of what moral idealism actually is and how it gets applied in actual life experiences. From the far distant history to today, multiple philosophers have remarked that human beings appear to, by instinct, behave in a matter with few if any ideals and even general morals of whatever kind. The works of British thinker David Hume, for instance, explicitly declared people to be inherent "slaves" to their passions. When articulating a particularly nuanced theory of morality, Hume's writings labeled it folly to emphasize what people hopefully wish to achieve and additionally argued that enforcing ideals without proper grounding in practical, already existing mores undermines society itself.
The ideal adherent was intended to develop equanimity, or Hishtavut in Hasidic parlance, toward all matters worldly, not ignoring them, but understanding their superficiality. Hasidic masters exhorted their followers to "negate themselves", paying as little heed as they could for worldly concerns, and thus, to clear the way for this transformation. The struggle and doubt of being torn between the belief in God's immanence and the very real sensual experience of the indifferent world is a key theme in the movement's literature. Many tracts have been devoted to the subject, acknowledging that the "callous and rude" flesh hinders one from holding fast to the ideal, and these shortcomings are extremely hard to overcome even in the purely intellectual level, a fortiori in actual life.
The ideal adherent was intended to develop equanimity, or Hishtavut in Hasidic parlance, toward all matters worldly, not ignoring them, but understanding their superficiality. Hasidic masters exhorted their followers to "negate themselves", paying as little heed as they could for worldly concerns, and thus, to clear the way for this transformation. The struggle and doubt of being torn between the belief in God's immanence and the very real sensual experience of the indifferent world is a key theme in the movement's literature. Many tracts have been devoted to the subject, acknowledging that the "callous and rude" flesh hinders one from holding fast to the ideal, and these shortcomings are extremely hard to overcome even in the purely intellectual level, a fortiori in actual life.
The Country Wife, produced in 1672 or 1673 and published in 1675, is full of wit, ingenuity, high spirits and conventional humour. King Charles, who had determined to bring up his bastard son, the Duke of Richmond, like a prince, sought as his tutor a man as qualified as Wycherley to impart a "princely education", engaging him in 1679 and it seems clear that, if not for Wycherley's marriage, the education of the young man would actually have been entrusted to him as a reward for having written Love in a Wood. Wycherley's efforts to bring to the Duke of Buckingham's notice the case of Samuel Butler shows that the writer of even such plays as The Country Wife may have generous impulses, while his defence of Buckingham, when the duke in his turn fell into trouble, show that the inventor of so shameless a fraud as that which forms the pivot of The Plain Dealer may in actual life possess that passion for fair play which is seldom believed to be an English quality. But among the "ninety- nine" religions with which Voltaire accredited England there is one whose permanency has never been shaken -- the worship of gentility.

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