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16 Sentences With "importunately"

How to use importunately in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "importunately" and check conjugation/comparative form for "importunately". Mastering all the usages of "importunately" from sentence examples published by news publications.

How realistically, how importunately, how pitifully she took form before him!
Yet it haunted him, though at rare intervals, and not importunately.
Not the less, however, came this importunately obtrusive sense of change.
Year by year the government grows more importunately parental, the citizenry more obediently childish.
His advice was never asked, and, when obtrusively and importunately offered, was coldly received.
But she had only meant it for that evening, and he had gone on importunately.
They, however, importunately demanded a treaty from the United States government in return for their loyalty.
Being asked importunately I thought to myself, 'Lord is giving me a chance to preach the gospel.
Georges was in high favor with the khan, and was importunately urging the condemnation of his rival.
I gave a clasp-knife to the chief, when another of the party most importunately demanded a tomahawk.
Secrets the bark and bud scales hide have been revealed to those who have patiently and importunately inquired.
He was constantly being invited to the house, and then pressed importunately by all three to stay the night there.
Her last thought as she fell into a dreamless slumber was a prayer for the two for whom she had been so importunately pleading.
I'd been dreading an importunately male, grandstanding performance, a clunkingly authored doc that turned out to be too much about the presenter than its ostensible subject.
Other women have induced premature labour by rupture of the membranes or by prostaglandin suppositories or both Feldman F D, Hamilton J C (2006) Serial factitious disorder and Munchausen syndrome by proxy in pregnancy. International Journal of Clinical Practice 60: 1675-1678.. These extreme cases illustrate the strong wish that some women have to bring pregnancy to an end; occasionally they importunately demand premature delivery, whatever the risk to the infant.
He was a younger son of a family living at Cleve Prior in Worcestershire. At the age of 15 he entered the service of Sir Francis Bacon, and later acted as his seal-bearer or secretary. When Bacon became lord chancellor, Bushell accompanied him to court. Bacon instructed Bushell on minerals, by his account;In a treatise Mr. Bushell's Abridgment of the Lord Chancellor Bacon's Philosophical Theory in Mineral Prosecutions (London, 1650), and in the Extract by Mr. Bushell of the Abridgment [of Bacon's Theory], printed for the Satisfaction of his Noble Friends that importunately desired it (London, 1660).

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