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"immediacies" Antonyms

4 Sentences With "immediacies"

How to use immediacies in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "immediacies" and check conjugation/comparative form for "immediacies". Mastering all the usages of "immediacies" from sentence examples published by news publications.

We treat the immediacies of illness — antibiotics for pneumonia, inhalers for asthma — but good health requires much more than medications.
He powerfully conveys the prolific immediacies of the disaster: how loud the earthquake was; how, although frightened, he knew that his wife and small son were not going to die ("a kind of reptilian optimism"); the odors of the aftermath (not, he writes, of decomposing bodies but, more banally, of "piss and shit").
As reward for their services the Chichimeca-Cuauhtinchantlacas (the mapmakers' ancestors) were given the title of teuchtli and allowed to settle in the immediacies of the mountain range of Amozoc-Tepeaca, where after surveying the valley they founded Cuauhtinchan (Reyes, 1977; Yoneda, 2005). Additionally, the Map tells the story of the tensions between Cuauhtinchantlacas and Popollocas, their claims to the lands of the alteptl of Cuauhtinchan, and their ultimate defeat by the Mixteca Lord 13, who pursued and killed Teuchtlecozauhqui (Kirchhoff et al.
In Volume V, Campos notes that "in effect the Generals Castilla and Franco celebrated an interview about the international matter, aboard the Peruvian steamer Tumbes, and as a result, on November 8, 1859, the Peruvian army made up of 5,000 men disembarked and took up positions in the haciendas of Mapasingue, Tornero, and Buijo, in the immediacies of Guayaquil. The occupation was explained as a guarantee that Ecuador would fulfill its promises to Peru." In Loja, Manuel Carrión Pinzano proposed that the four governments vying for control of Ecuador select a representative to negotiate a settlement with Castilla. On November 13, Cuenca was forced to recognize Guillermo Franco's government in Guayaquil; Franco thus became Supreme Chief of Guayaquil and Cuenca.

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