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139 Sentences With "ice packs"

How to use ice packs in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "ice packs" and check conjugation/comparative form for "ice packs". Mastering all the usages of "ice packs" from sentence examples published by news publications.

She has ice packs around her knees to regulate her temperature.
I mean, yesterday, I had to put ice packs on my face.
Organizers also handed out water and ice packs to athletes and spectators.
Organisers also handed out water and ice packs to athletes and spectators.
Some of our picks have built-in ice packs or insulated containers.
The ice packs could be reused, or snipped, drained, rinsed, and recycled.
And what she had to say was... well, get your ice packs ready.
Frantic neighbors tried to lower their body temperatures using ice packs, Dobbs said.
Dr. Joe had ice packs, water bottles, and battlefield wisdom for them all.
IceWraps Reusable Gel Ice Packs With Cloth Backing (5-pack), $12.99, at Amazon
After practice, students pile into the nurse's office for ice packs and bandages.
Pull out any ice packs, which you may not need at the moment.
Check Hungryroot&aposs FAQ section for how to recycle ice packs and liners.
I lay out ice packs for them to lay near if they need to.
Before that, I lived on the couch covered in heating pads and ice packs.
For now, I've settled on taking acetaminophen and keeping ice packs handy for relief.
It's in a giant box with a styrofoam cooler inside and two ice packs.
Larger ice packs at the bottom will keep small chunks of ice cooler for longer.
The ingredients are individually packaged in plastic and stay cold thanks to several ice packs.
They placed athletic wraps and tape, along ice packs and hockey sticks on their porches.
Complaints were treated with ice packs or bandages jury-rigged from tape and paper strips.
The mucus then gets shipped off (typically on ice packs) to a lab for testing.
And when the ice packs fail me, extra contouring has become my next line of defense.
Despite the gauze and ice packs wrapped around her head, she still looks pretty freaking good.
But not even surgery was enough to stop Bunner from attending with bandages and ice packs.
I stash the styrofoam thing in my closet and pop the ice packs in the freezer.
We can only hope that husband John Legend is administering hourly ice-packs and arnica applications.
Our freezer was like the Portokalos' Windex-filled pantry, except it was brimming with ice packs.
Freezing ice packs and preparing coolers to store food can help keep things fresh for longer.
The discount includes ice packs, batteries, flashlights, coolers and items worth up to $750, such as portable generators.
The network also reported that neighbors were seen trying to cool the twins' body temperatures with ice packs.
After that, I pack my pump bag (clean pump parts, bottles, ice packs) and leave around 53:25.
The woman with the clipboard, Aditi Naik, placed them in a plastic foam box filled with ice packs.
That might mean keeping your lunch at your desk in a mini-fridge or insulated bag with ice packs.
Use ice packs to keep turkey breasts cooler at the start of the roast and juicer throughout the cooking.
He wore ice packs on his knees as he bobbed his head to music that pumped through his headphones.
Other over-the-counter products, such as Band-Aids, sunscreen, or ice packs, can be submitted without a prescription.
With crates equipped with fans, ice packs and a water bottle, they arrived in New York at 9 a.m.
When the dentist removes your wisdom teeth the day of a Beyoncé concert, you get your ice packs in formation.
Reusable ice packs are allowed, and visitors can ask for free ice at food and beverage stands, the company said.
It can also mean the application of ice packs to reduce swelling or pain on a part of the body.
Screw-cap ice packs and downhill-mountain-biking pads, 'cause they're small and light and they can fit under your clothes.
"So they have a lot of ice packs with them - and I hope the government has a better strategy," she added.
Luckily, there are numerous ways to treat and soothe your skin, from good ol' aloe vera to (gently) applying ice packs.
Have a few ice packs ready to go — just store them in the back of the freezer, out of the way.
Tokyo organizers are evaluating heat-fighting measures from mist sprays and ice packs to shaded rest areas and tents at security checkpoints.
Tokyo organisers are evaluating heat-fighting measures from mist sprays and ice packs to shaded rest areas and tents at security checkpoints.
All orders are packaged in attractive white cartons with ice-packs to preserve the cheeses' temperatures, so you have no worries there.
I ended up buying Band-Aids for blisters, along with an Ace bandage and ice packs to wrap my knees after running.
Nearly all coronavirus tests performed across the country had to be shipped to the CDC labs in Atlanta, Georgia on ice packs.
You spend the next two hours fetching ice packs for her and simultaneously telling your boss how you just love working weekends.
I took it on day trips, storing it under direct sunlight in 80-90-degree weather, with both ice chunks and ice packs.
"Our Chicago fire department will often pack a patient's neck, armpits and groin in ice packs" to target major blood vessels, Dresden said.
"Somehow, Mark got ahold of my breast pump — in a bag with all the milk, ice packs in there, and s—," she explains.
Now, we can only hope he has plenty of ice packs and is receiving comforting "sorry about your penis" cards from loved ones.
That said, I just stuck in a couple of small ice packs I'd gotten from a delivery box and they worked just fine.
Supportive pillows, mini ice packs, and straws were just a couple of things that made my life a lot easier after my septoplasty.
My thighs are pretty skinny and I found there was enough room to adjust the ice packs to just where I wanted them.
He gave them gifts, invited them to his house, and brought them ice packs and wiped away the blood when they were injured.
Some use pineapple cookie jars and boxes to store I.V.F. medications, and ease the pain of daily injections with pineapple-shaped ice packs.
Still, she weaned herself off pain medication after just two days, opting instead for ice packs and, on occasion, a shot of tequila.
Hospitals prepare ice packs and heat wards, water stations are set up on street corners, and temples, mosques, and malls double as cooling centers.
Olympics organisers plan to take steps to deal with the heat, including shaded rest areas, tents at security checkpoints, mist sprays and ice packs.
With just two ice packs at the bottom of the box, the amaranth greens didn't stand a chance, and everything else was similarly lukewarm.
The rest of the evening continued in an endless loop of ice packs, Aquaphor, hydrocortisone cream, and this savior aloe mask from S.W. Basics.
Remember when you were a kid and accidentally hurt yourself playing, but your frugal parents didn't want to waste money on actual ice packs?
"Post show routine: ice bath for 5-10 min, hot bath for 20, then compression suit packed with ice packs for 20," she said.
Olympics organizers plan to take steps to deal with the heat, including shaded rest areas, tents at security checkpoints, mist sprays and ice packs.
Tim and Hannah's refrigerator consists of a cooler and ice packs, which, in the winter, they easily refreeze by keeping the water packs outside.
Amid the brilliant diversity of power wheelchairs, service dogs, canes and ice packs, it's easy to see that we matter just as we are.
The drones can hold just over five pounds of vaccine, ice packs and a temperature monitor to prove the vials stayed cold in flight.
He was covered with ice packs, laid on a stretcher and sent to a nearby hospital, where he received 4 liters of IV fluids.
Aaron Gordon sat slouched in front of his locker, immobile as ice packs worked on his body following yet another loss earlier this season.
Frida Mom sells a range of postpartum products, including peri bottles and ice packs that every new mom needs in her arsenal after giving birth.
You know, like the cookies 'n cream ice cream bars in the freezer that they bought instead of ice packs to soothe an old injury.
In 2012, passenger Amy Strand was held up at security because she had ice packs for her breast milk, but her milk bottles were empty.
Authorities allege that Asa tried to revive his girls in a kiddie pool, and that neighbors reportedly tried to cool the twins using ice packs.
Still, on really hot summer days it's hard for me to go to the grocery store without insulated bags and tons of ice packs. 7.
Other ideas already tried out at other events include vapor sprays, shaded or air-conditioned rest areas and the distribution of water and ice packs.
Other ideas already tried out at other events include vapor sprays, shaded or air-conditioned rest areas and the distribution of water and ice packs.
If you&aposre worried about ordering food when you might be out of town, just know these ice packs stayed frozen for almost 48 hours.
On Thursday, temperatures also reached 90 degrees, leading the family members to consistently apply ice packs and fan the 68-year-old to keep her cool.
Fellow product reviewer Adrienne So says it keeps things cold longer than most, with ice packs lasting about 10 hours in 80- to 90-degree sunlight.
While waiting for help, first aid should include cooling the victim, moving to a cooler place, and ice packs under the arms and on the groin.
These days modern pampered players plant themselves in a courtside chair and gesture for drinks, ice-packs, bananas, towels, new rackets and anything else they may need.
The EPO was mailed using several courier services and accompanied by ice packs that aimed to give clients a "false impression" of pharmaceutical-grade safety, police said.
Inside the box is a layer of biodegradable recycled denim insulation, which keeps your meals fresh, and two big ice packs, which can also eventually be recycled.
Ice packs are filled with a non-toxic gel, and thermal liners are made of 100% recyclable poly film and post-industrial/pre-consumer 100% recycled cotton.
Most of the options (investing in refrigerated trucks, coolers, ice packs and more) are costly, and new and old companies alike are finding themselves burdened by operational costs.
Joy's vaccines were tucked into Styrofoam containers along with ice packs and a temperature logger as they zipped 25 miles above the ground in the small unmanned craft.
With only a single set of ice packs, it can store 300 doses of vaccines -- enough to serve a community of 6,000 -- and stay cold for over a month.
However, Gaga posted photos on Instagram of herself in both ice and hot baths, as well as a compression suit filled with ice packs, in an attempt to recover. 
"While the turkey is still in the fridge, apply ice packs to the turkey breasts, so they're a colder temperature than the rest of the bird," said Tony Seta.
She was so dazed that she covered her home in sticky-note reminders: Bring the pump to work, the nipple protectors, the ice packs to keep the milk cold.
Mbandaka, a city of perhaps 53 million where four cases have emerged, has two more freezers, a 300-liter one for ice packs and a 600-liter one for vaccine.
Doctors literally cool down patients with ice packs, chilled water pads, cold intravenous saline solutions, or use a product called RhinoChill, in which controlled coolant is inhaled by a patient.
At home it can be done with cool baths, cold compresses, ice packs and things of that sort to certain parts of the body [like your head, neck and armpits].
They give me ice packs for under my armpits, wheel me off on a stretcher and park me under an EXIT sign where various machines are beeping at different rates.
Grocery providers have grappled with the expense of packaging delicate produce and meats in ice packs and dispatching fleets of company-owned vehicles from distribution centers staffed around the clock.
After performing, Gaga takes an "ice bath for 5-10 min, hot bath for 20" and then sits in "a compression suit packed with ice packs for 20" more minutes.
Cryotherapy—The thinking behind cryotherapy is that, if ice packs help reduce muscle pain after workouts, then so will stripping down and standing in a booth in sub-freezing temperatures.
They were joined by employees from the nearby Starbucks, who, after seeing the crash, rushed out with first aid kits, water and ice packs for the wounded, according to CNN affiliate WPIX.
"Ice packs are put under the groin, under the armpits, under the neck and the person is sprayed with water as fans run air current across them to maximize evaporation," he said.
When police arrived on the scene, the father, who was arrested, was trying to revive them in a kiddie pool and neighbors were using ice packs, trying to lower their body temperatures.
So nursing, laundry, trying to fix myself a sandwich (a feat which I find nearly impossible) and sitting on ice packs, is how I piece together the slow urgency that is each day.
Every summer for the last five years, Chinese cargo ships have maneuvered through the ice packs off Russia's shores — a new passage that officials in Beijing like to call the Polar Silk Road.
This child who once clung to my chest like a barnacle now lounges across the couch, a rope of hair swung over her shoulder, ice packs tied to each knee after track practice.
If there were less packaging and it could be either picked up in a store or shipped without the ice packs, I'd have fewer hangups and use it occasionally to try some new dishes.
But, Cortney says Kramer flipped out and began cussing her out, pushing her around the home and then started grabbing various household items to throw at her ... including ice packs and their knife block.
WHO is using two freezers capable of getting below -86 degrees C in Kinshasa, the country's capital, to store vaccine and freeze the PCM ice packs, along with a power source and a generator.
Otherwise, without any ice or ice packs, bottled beverages stayed cold for a few hours and still cool for a while after that, which is not bad at all for a little lunch box.
Because of timing issues, Botox was decided that day as the treatment of choice for the two nervous men, who both sat with round, pink ice packs by their eyes to numb their skin.
Theories abound, and I've tried most of them, like attaching ice packs to the breasts to slow down the cooking or cutting out the backbone and flattening the bird (a technique known as spatchcocking).
Before one of these, they had the runners first precool their skin by thrusting an arm into a vat of cold water and also donning cooling vests and athletic underwear fitted with ice packs.
Place cold compresses or ice packs wrapped in a towel on your pulse points, such as your wrist, ankles, behind the knees, and neck, and it will cool down your whole body, Dr. Hollingshaus says.
Pros: Can be worn in a number of ways, offers both compression and cold therapyCons: Hat doesn't cover the top of your head, ice packs need to be cold or frozen before a migraine hits
Once Yoshi saws off the head, he pulls out a pair of ice packs from inside the fish and the crowd's eyes pop in surprise, a moment that Way equates to a Christmas morning unwrapping.
If they receive a question like the one above, they explain that if mourners want to hold a vigil at home, ice packs or dry ice might be required to help preserve the loved one's remains.
Most customers, however, are making orders in the $75 to $100 range, buying items like mushrooms, meats, and oils and vinegars, Purkayastha says, all of which are boxed up in perishable shipping containers with ice packs.
My symptoms often included daily migraines that grew with intensity, which meant that I would often be in a completely dark, isolated room, with no light and no sound, and with ice packs completely surrounding my head.
An agent informed her that she could not travel with the ice packs unless it was accompanied by breast milk and directed her to a public restroom to pump into the bottles before she was allowed through.
"Every Tuesday, as I was going out to the recycling bin, I had at least 12 to 15 little plastic bags, ice packs and another cardboard box, and that just felt like it wasn't sustainable," he said.
Luckily, her dad knows the importance of good mangoes, and not only mailed them to her overnight, but also packaged them in a styrofoam container packed full of ice packs so they'd still be as fresh as possible.
Or you could slip ice packs inside your pillows to provide more of a chill, just make sure they don't leak, says Daniel Barone, MD, assistant professor of neurology at the NYP/ Weill Cornell Center for Sleep Medicine.
He had already purchased nail polish remover, batteries, ice packs, and nails in order to build the bomb, according to the affidavit, and had printed out maps of the church that he'd marked up to plot his entrance and escape route.
Like grownup meal delivery services, parents simply select a plan on the Yumi website, a chef prepares the food in the Yumi kitchen and then the meals arrive in an insulated container, along with ice packs to keep it fresh.
I would say 80 percent of that weight was packaging: enormous ice packs, some sheets of grass (?), and plastic wrapping for every single ingredient — right down to the quarter cup of flour I was provided for rolling out premade pizza dough.
This seemed to allow Amazon to cut down slightly on the weight of ice packs and a bit of that cooler-esque insulating material—no foam, yes sliver bubble wrap—but it's more of a step in the right direction than a panacea.
BOSTON — Carmelo Anthony stood to the side of the court at TD Garden on Wednesday morning, ice packs taped to his knees, and readied himself to talk about yet another flare-up, and another meeting, with Phil Jackson, the president of the Knicks.
Here are our top picks for the best soft coolers you can buy:Best soft cooler overall: Yeti Hopper M30Best soft cooler for ice packs: Polar Bear H2OBest soft cooler for capacity: IceMule ProBest budget-friendly cooler: AO Canvas CoolerUpdated 10/29/2019 by Owen Burke: Updated prices, links, and formatting.
New findings in both fields has put the two on a collision course, and something of a scientific consensus: The ability to induce true hibernation is better in just about every sense than putting a bunch of ice packs on a human, which is what we still do in many cases today.
As an experiment to see how cold the Daytrip would get, and stay, I sent a friend home with a couple of pints of ice cream surrounded with cheap ice packs and by the time they got home from a 30-minute subway ride, they were desperately rushing to their freezer to salvage it.
Checklist: Diapers (plan for the flight plus two hours); wipes (plus plastic bags to store the soiled ones); pacifiers (extras for when the first three are lost); two outfit changes (because accidents happen); formula or breast milk kept cool with portable ice packs; sippy cups; a changing pad; bottles; waterproof bibs; blankets and teething gear.
Pros: Sturdy, stain-resistant, magnetic seal, adjustable closure, easy to cleanCons: Still need some sort of cooling agent to keep things truly cold, perhaps price (but again, how many $20 lunch bags might you buy in a lifetime?)Buy the Yeti Daytrip from Yeti for $79.99Buy Yeti Ice ice packs from Yeti for $14.99-$29.99 (depending on size)
Mr. Klika throws in pita bread, hummus, and deli meats so he doesn't even have to make sandwiches in the morning (on hot days, the ice packs feel refreshing on the face, too.) Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, nuts, fruit, hard-boiled eggs, and sweet potatoes will also feed you and your young athlete without weighing you down.
While he spent much of his time sleeping, reading science fiction and watching every one of the Star Wars movies again (he is a self-proclaimed sci-fi geek), he would also exercise his body in any way possible by lifting empty delivery bags or ice packs like they were hand-held weights, simply in order to prove that he could lift something.
At least once a month she would be hit by a three-day intractable migraine impervious to every medication, and would spend 72 hours in darkness, shuddering with agony, fighting nausea, eking out a precious few minutes of half-relief from heat or ice packs every now and again, gutting it out for what felt every time like an eternity.
If you don't have a mini-fridge, I suggest a cooler with ice packs — something to keep the milk close to your bed so you don't have to worry about adding an extra step and therefore giving your baby more of an opportunity to get more awake and upset because he or she has to wait for their milk longer.
But that packaging—the gobs and gobs of packaging all four companies used—the four sprigs of parsley in a tiny coffin of plastic, the dime bags of rice flour, the little jars with a tablespoon of mayo, everything but the sturdiest of ingredients in some sort of plastic something, all sitting on top of those pounds and pounds of ice packs, all encased in that "disposable cooler" made of some typically non-recyclable foamy substance and encased in silver bubble wrap?

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