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10 Sentences With "hypos"

How to use hypos in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "hypos" and check conjugation/comparative form for "hypos". Mastering all the usages of "hypos" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Turns out that she's something of a serial hat-knocker-offer (her hypos must be getting the upper hand of her): She is the Robspierre of be-cheese-heading. Ruthless.
Noti told me in an interview that most of the hypos Volokh laid out in his article "aren't covered by the statute" because the law already contains an exception for volunteer services to a campaign — information that is offered voluntarily and that you otherwise can't ascribe value to.
Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people's hats off — then, I account it high time to get to internet as soon as I can.
Since the drink now includes artificial sweeteners, guidelines have been amended to state that Lucozade should not be used to treat diabetic hypos.
The subjects also carefully documented the incidence of any symptomatic hypoglycaemic episodes ('hypos'), whether mild (sweating, dizziness), moderate (nausea, vomiting), or severe (requiring assistance). The results seem encouraging. HbA1c levels in Group A dropped significantly from 7.2% to 6.4% after lessons with the diabetes simulator (p = 0.01). No significant changes in HbA1c were observed in the control group (Group B) between baseline (7.1%) and the end of the control lessons (7.0%).
Levine claims his team had been thinking about making another game in the same vein since they produced System Shock 2. In his narration of a video initially screened for the press at E3 2006, Levine pointed out many similarities between the games. There are several comparable gameplay elements: plasmids in BioShock supplied by "EVE hypos" serve the same function as "Psionic Abilities" supplied by "PSI hypos" in System Shock 2; the player needs to deal with security cameras, machine gun turrets, and hostile robotic drones, and has the ability to hack them in both games; ammunition conservation is stressed as "a key gameplay feature"; and audio tape recordings fulfill the same storytelling role that e-mail logs did in the System Shock games. The "ghosts" (phantom images that replay tragic incidents in the places they occurred) from System Shock 2 also exist in BioShock, as do modifiable weapons with multiple ammunition types and researching enemies for increased damage.
The number of 'hypos' decreased significantly from 31 to 14 in Group A (p = 0.03) after AIDA lessons, but did not change significantly in Group B from baseline (n = 20) to after the control lessons (n = 22). Full details of the study and the results can be found in the medical / diabetes literature. The study authors concluded that "larger trials involving more patients in more centres are clearly needed, but this proof-of-concept (pilot) study does demonstrate the feasibility of using a prospective randomised controlled trial approach for the evaluation of educational diabetes simulation software such as AIDA".
Treatment of the periodic paralyses may include carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (such as acetazolamide, methazolamide or dichlorphenamide), taking supplemental oral potassium chloride and a potassium-sparing diuretic (for hypos) or avoiding potassium (for hypers), thiazide diuretics to increase the amount of potassium excreted by the kidneys (for hypers), and significant lifestyle changes including tightly controlled levels of exercise or activity. However, treatment should be tailored to the particular type of periodic paralysis. Treatment of periodic paralysis in Andersen-Tawil syndrome is similar to that for other types. However, pacemaker insertion or an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator may be required to control cardiac symptoms.
Legal expert systems are specifically designed to teach an area of law and are useful for pedagogical purposes. Ashley's work was mainly concerned to build tools to help students understand legal reasoning.Zeleznikow, J. and Hunter, D., Rationales for the Continued Development of Legal Expert Systems, (1992), 3, J.L. & Inf. Sci. 94 Explanation and argument are the bases of the case method used in many professional schools in the U.S., first introduced by the Dean of the Harvard Law School, Christopher Columbus Langdell in 1870. The case method focuses on close readings of cases and principles; it involves students in pointed Socratic dialogue and makes strong use of hypotheticals (“hypos”).
There are a few main genetic traits, Hypomelanism and Translucents, which refer to traits physically displayed by the dragon. Hypomelanism (or Hypos) tend to have more vibrant coloration and lighter colors, as well as very light brown/, see-through claws. Translucents (or Trans) have a slightly opaque quality to their skin, making their colors seem stronger, and also have black eyes. There are also “Leatherbacks” (reduced scale texture to give a smoother skin), “Silkbacks” (Highly reduced scale texture and very soft outer skin) and “German Giants” (noticeably larger than your average bearded dragon) Silkbacks in particular require special care as they have far more delicate skin and as such require different UV and humidity requirements.

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