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"hypermnesia" Definitions
  1. abnormally vivid or complete memory or recall of the past

22 Sentences With "hypermnesia"

How to use hypermnesia in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "hypermnesia" and check conjugation/comparative form for "hypermnesia". Mastering all the usages of "hypermnesia" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The question of hypnotic hypermnesia in therapy is still open.
The anatomical or physiological basis of hypermnesia remains most incompletely understood.
If the personal memory be over-excited, exalt, we have hypermnesia.
The purpose of this study is to find out whether repeated recall will produce hypermnesia.
Analyses for hypermnesia over the interviews found only that children still reported more corrects than errors.
The phenomenon of hypermnesia is one that continues to be examined, particularly in terms of its generalization.
The hypermnesia of the dream and the resort to infantile material have become main supports in our theory.
Under the hypermnesia explanation, the design of the present study merely promotes the increasingly accurate recall of genuinely experienced events.
The hypermnesia and amnesia existing for the client suffering PTSD symptoms are also considered to be similar to hypnotic phenomenon.
Can one pardon this hypermnesia which a priori indebts you, and in advance inscribes you in the book you are reading?
We would expect that an effect of hypermnesia would be demonstrated, despite Krizan and Marmolejo's 2001 conclusions to the opposite effect.
Can one pardon this hypermnesia which a priori indebts you, and in advance inscribes you in the book you are reading?
Hypermnesia is an improvement in memory that occurs with related attempts to retrieve previously encoded material. Hypermnesia is the net result of reminiscence and forgetting, such that the amount of reminiscence must exceed the amount of forgetting resulting in a net improvement overall. Ballard was the first to observe hypermnesia using a multiple recall task in 1913, the same task with which he discovered reminiscence. After asking young school children to memorize poetry, he initially retested their recall abilities 2 days later only to discover that the class improved by 10 percent over the initial recall level.
The research so far has been focusing on visual stimuli and the depth of the processing as key factors of the development of hypermnesia.
Hypermnesia is a psychological effect, which explains the fact that pictures tend to be remembered better over time whereas words are more easily forgotten.
By the way, a simple explanation of hypermnesia is that at the end of the first 10-minute recall period, the rate of recall is quite low, but it isn't zero.
One suggestion is that pictures and high imagery words enhance hypermnesia, speculating that this nature of stimuli is more recognizable and hence less susceptible to forgetting. The second suggestion is Roediger's level of recall hypothesis claiming that any variable that produces greater levels of depth processing lead to greater hypermnesia. A 1991 study by Otani and Hodge suggests that hypermnesia does not occur with recognition but is found in cued recall experiments, showing that the improvement in memory performance is due to an increased rate of item recovery facilitated by relational processing. Relational processing can be made easier with well-categorized stimuli and helps to increase the availability or retrieval cues that in turn help to generate the to-be-remembered items.
Erdelyi, M. H. (1996). "The recovery of unconscious memories:hypermnesia and reminiscence". (pp. 11-13). United States of America: University of Chicago Press Hypermnesia was not considered a phenomenon until the mid-1970s, when Erdelyi and his associates completed further testing. Two suggestions have been offered to explain the increases in net recall over testing.
These possibilities included some sort of freudian splitting of the ego which could have resulted in hypermnesia hysteria. While Magnani rejected these notions, he never allowed them to be properly explored. Once relocating to San Francisco, Magnani picked up painting, which he had no formal training in. His first painting was of his childhood home in Pontito.
Children at any age may be stronger in language or in mathematics, but very rarely in both. Autistic children are no different. A rare example of a child with multiple savant tendencies is a case study of a thirteen year old girl. Pacheva, Panoy, Gillberg, and Neville discovered this young woman has not only hypercalculia abilities, but also showcases hyperlexia, and hypermnesia capabilities.
Research shows that these children tended to internalize their problems. Further investigation proffers the suggestion that this internalization is due to social and language impairments. Many children on the autism spectrum with different savant perceptions such as hypercalculia, hyperlexia, and semantic hypermnesia tended to internalize their problems. These children were more likely to experience anxiety, low self-esteem, perfectionism and struggles in their social life.
Solomon Shereshevsky, a stage memory-artist (mnemonist) with a condition known as "hypermnesia", is described by the Russian neuropsychologist Alexander Luria in his book, The Mind of a Mnemonist,Маленькая Книжка О большой Пяти by Alexander Luria which some speculate was the inspiration for Borges's story. Luria discusses explicitly some of the trade-offs--hinted at by Borges--that come with supernormal memory power. (Further Skywriting on this topic.) British-American neurologist and writer Oliver Sacks cites Luria's book as the inspiration for his own book Awakenings, which is dedicated to Luria. Sacks also mentions Borges' Funes in his book, The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, at the end of Chapter 13 entitled, "Yes, Father-Sister" and in other chapters.

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