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108 Sentences With "husbands and wives"

How to use husbands and wives in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "husbands and wives" and check conjugation/comparative form for "husbands and wives". Mastering all the usages of "husbands and wives" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Workers were the protagonists here, not hopeful husbands and wives.
"Japanese people don't really hug, even husbands and wives," she said.
They don t market families and husbands and wives no more.
What about the mothers and fathers, husbands and wives, brothers and sisters?
The pre-fame husbands and wives who seemingly vanished without a trace.
You got other militias, and husbands and wives, people coming from Oregon, Indiana.
Relations between husbands and wives have become more equal (though not equal enough).
"Sons and daughters, husbands and wives, neighbors and colleagues and friends," he said.
The photos, which show husbands and wives cuddling, kissing, and giggling, are incredibly heartwarming.
In Alabama, spousal privilege protects husbands and wives from implicating their spouses in court proceedings.
Not something that draws husbands and wives closer together but something that drives men and women apart.
"Hopefully, it'll start a conversation between women and men and husbands and wives," he told the paper.
We should want police officers to make it home safely to their husbands and wives, sons and daughters.
No surprise that husbands and wives who scored low on neuroticism were more satisfied with their sex lives.
This year's theme, "Partners," highlights art created by husbands and wives, artists and models, painters and their patrons.
When women do earn more, both husbands and wives seem uncomfortable — to the point of lying about it.
We all know fat people who have full lives and have children and husbands and wives and jobs.
GIULIANI: No concern about it- INGRAHAM: Husbands and wives don&apost have to agree on everything, by the way.
No developed country can shut the door on all refugees, all foreign husbands and wives, and all skilled workers.
But it's every bit as much about mothers and sons, husbands and wives, dreams, depression, Jewishness and language itself.
Only 215,210 are in refugee camps; the rest are looking for homes, jobs, husbands and wives throughout the country.
Cheating husbands and wives might be most common in Seattle, according to a report from infidelity website Ashley Madison.
Yet the pay gap between husbands and wives is biggest for those with higher education and white-collar jobs.
All these husbands and wives who travel will now have to spend time with the person they're married to.
They have lost their livelihoods and their citizenship; they have been separated from their husbands and wives and children.
In an exclusive supertease for the new season, emotions run high as husbands and wives confront their issues head on.
Among the usual throngs of travellers this December will be husbands and wives who are neither estranged nor living together.
"You'd be surprised — there's also husbands and wives who don't agree who they're going to vote on," Mr. Spencer said.
He carried the bodies, he's close with the families who have lost their sons and daughters and husbands and wives.
"Husbands and wives had different roles in different spheres, so that was the opposites-attract view of marriage," Mr. Wolfers said.
We cannot tolerate as a society the spilling of innocent, young, wonderful, vibrant, people — sons and daughters, even husbands and wives.
Our hearts are shattered for every family whose parents, children, husbands, and wives were ripped from their arms and their lives.
We cannot tolerate, as a society, the spilling of innocent, young, wonderful, vibrant people — sons and daughters, even husbands and wives.
We cannot tolerate, as a society, the spilling of innocent, young, wonderful, vibrant people, sons and daughters, even husbands and wives.
In some countries, such as Nepal and the Philippines, many husbands and wives live apart because one partner is working abroad.
They compared how often husbands and wives said they actually orgasm during sex to how often their partners think they orgasm.
Gilded, overstuffed chairs awaited them on stage; the audience was composed of Chinese entrepreneurs, husbands and wives, as well as children.
Mr. Saldaña and Ms. Delgadillo wanted to invite their extended family — the other parents, husbands and wives who had lost someone.
We cannot tolerate as a society the spilling of innocent, young, wonderful, vibrant people — sons and daughters, even husbands and wives.
"There were a lot of families with divorcing couples, sons fighting their parents, husbands and wives, grandmothers with grandchildren," Claudio said.
He cites the International HapMap project, which mapped genetic variations from thousands of people around the globe, including many husbands and wives.
Folks paired off: husbands and wives, mothers and daughters, female friends, dancing with each other, Johnnys leading and spinning around their Babys.
They were traditional and believed the Bible called men to lead, but also for husbands and wives to submit to one another.
"He hadn't gotten into police work to break up some dispute over butter between husbands and wives," Synder writes of one officer.
Meanwhile, I bear witness to the daily ruptures, the breaking of loving bonds between husbands and wives, parents and children, sisters and brothers.
She ignored pleas from parents and loved ones concerned about the worsening addiction of sons and daughters, husbands and wives, brothers and sisters.
Almost everyone knew someone else in the room, including husbands and wives, and many had family members with jobs dependent on the pipeline.
But people have met their husbands and wives growing up in Stuyvesant Town and forged lifetime friendships; some alumni take regular trips together.
It seems simple — a few doctors, a social worker, a psychiatrist, former patients and their husbands and wives, a conference room, pastries, coffee.
It is reliant on an arbitrary definition of what is productive, so it includes childcare by nannies but not by house-husbands and wives.
The battle against the heroin and opiate epidemic has claimed far too many casualties; our brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, sons and daughters.
Often, it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there - fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends.
Husbands and wives were prohibited from having sex; foods such as milk and cold cereal were outlawed; movies, television and the Internet were off limits.
Adams, who also published 10 novels, wrote with a rare frankness about mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, friends and paramours, working, loving and losing.
What if the husbands and wives and sons and daughters making final calls from doomed aircraft had not connected with the loved ones they sought?
These sons, daughters, husbands and wives are at increased risk of developing depression, as well as physical and financial difficulties, including loss of job productivity.
In newspapers and dinner table conversations, stories abound of husbands and wives filing fake divorces to get around stringent real estate purchasing restrictions for families.
The paper says that in American households with women breadwinners, both husbands and wives tend to lie about who makes more money, and by how much.
By shifting focus from the battlefield to the home front and back, he captured the total effect of war on armies and aristocrats, husbands and wives.
The surgical waiting room of our local University cancer hospital was full of husbands and wives, each wearing the same pallid frown that I was wearing.
Since spouses often discuss their work with one another, husbands and wives could end up knowing confidential information that organizations have a right to keep private.
These novels' meditations on family, on the inner lives of husbands and wives, were intended to burrow into truths beyond the chance meanderings of pop culture.
"We used to be kids hanging out then we're husbands and wives hanging out and now we're entering this next season of parents hanging out," Jeremy adds.
The Golden State Killer separated husbands and wives during his attacks and would force the woman from her bedroom to the living room, according to SF Gate.
Husbands and wives may allow their partners to fill the role of best friend, letting other relationships fall by the wayside (something I've tried to actively resist).
A century ago, the scientist Karl Pearson was studying cemetery headstones when he noticed something peculiar: Husbands and wives often died within a year of one another.
In 1992 they were photographed at a temple taking turns to pour holy water on one another from silver urns, a ceremony typically performed by husbands and wives.
And husbands and wives wake up wondering if their loved one is still alive, waiting months upon months to get a hug from mommy, a kiss from mommy.
Walking around the cemetery, brushing off the headstones, I tried to imagine the lives of those interred around me: parents and children, husbands and wives, pharmacists, shopkeepers and engineers.
How about the vast majority of husbands and wives, especially wives, who cannot abide the misery of their union but lack the funds to either solve or dissolve it?
Islamic bookstores selling titles like "300 Questions for Husbands and Wives" are sandwiched between boutiques stocking $35 abayas with embossed palm tree borders, and banks offering Shariah-based services.
"We used to be kids hanging out, then we're husbands and wives hanging out and now we're entering this next season of parents hanging out," Jeremy said at the time.
Married people are also just less willing to bone—husbands and wives were having sex just 55 times a year in 2014 on average, compared to 73 times in 1990.
Surely you've already met every one of the characters here, in domestic dramas, novels, even television series: those discontented husbands and wives, parents and children, all mired in stagnant lives.
Miller cited findings from a new Census Bureau paper — husbands and wives are lying about who makes more money when the woman is the primary breadwinner in an opposite-sex household.
And our country has suffered the death and injury of tens of thousands of our own sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, husbands and wives by waging this war in Iraq.
US Census Bureau analysis suggests the unsurprising result: the earnings gap between husbands and wives doubles in the three years around the birth of a child, and continues to grow after that.
We have met at Define American so many husbands and wives, wives who were married to Mexican immigrants who have crossed the border more than twice, so therefore they're banned for life.
Looking at data from the late 1980s and early 1990s, researchers found that the busiest husbands and wives -- those who spent more time on housework and paid work -- reported having the most sex.
The M.P.A.A.'s current rating system is a pale shadow of Hollywood's old Hays Code, the now-laughable list of rules that for years had onscreen husbands and wives sleeping in separate beds.
By measuring the birth location between husbands and wives and tracking that over time, they found that, unsurprisingly, before the Industrial Revolution most Americans married someone within six miles of where they were born.
In depicting Ally's marriage to an architect and engineer named Tom Cavendish, Moss raises significant questions about our modern sensibilities, our attitudes toward the competing pulls of work and love among husbands and wives.
"It's this notion of this growing equality between husbands and wives having this paradoxical effect of growing inequality across households," said Christine Schwartz, a sociologist who studies the topic at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
When their survey answers were compared to their income reported to the Internal Revenue Service, it was discovered that both husbands and wives were more likely to underreport the wife's earnings while overreporting the husband's.
"The data tells us that divorce cases where husbands and wives snatch children from each other are by no means in the minority," Yan wrote in an article posted on the court's website in March.
This isn't to say that his only interesting work belongs to this period, or that his movies from "The Purple Rose of Cairo" through "Husbands and Wives" can be watched today without queasiness or qualm.
What family caregivers do is extraordinary — adult children taking care of their parents, husbands and wives caring for their spouses, mothers and fathers caring for adult children, other family members, friends, and neighbors helping a loved one.
"I have been encouraged by the hope that my experience will in some way mark a step forward in the historic effort to establish real professional independence among working husbands and wives," she said at the time.
Many Turks — journalists, academics, Kurds and people accused of working for the exiled cleric Fethullah Gulen — live in exile, having lost their livelihoods and their citizenship, and having been separated from their husbands and wives and children.
While gender-equal marriages are becoming increasingly more popular as times change and women enter professions and positions that were once occupied by only men, there are still many marriages where husbands and wives assume traditional gender roles.
The room is crammed full of people who are here for sharia court: Husbands and wives, in-laws and parents, and uncles and neighbors sit on the floor in a room without furniture and talk about their problems.
Over Thanksgiving weekend, a country-club golfer captured the confusion by laughingly predicting a scenario involving tens of thousands of husbands and wives sitting down for dinner the night before the election, still unsure of how to vote.
Once the couples — 219 that day — reached their seats, the patriarch of the Maronite Church, dressed in crimson robes and gripping a scepter topped with a golden cross, led Mass and declared the whole lot husbands and wives.
What about the almost-romance between Mr. Allen's character in "Husbands and Wives" and a 21-year-old college student, the failure of which causes the man to regret ruining his marriage to a woman played by Ms. Farrow?
The answer, in a film like "Meyerowitz," is an ad hoc, ramshackle family that comes to terms with its own chaotic making, as husbands and wives and children come in and out of the picture but never really leave.
"This is a very a tight race that will divide Democrats and Republicans, the young and old, white, black and Hispanic voters — and husbands and wives — in the months ahead," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University poll.
But it's also reinforced by millions upon millions of routine encounters between everyday people — between husbands and wives, employers and employees, candidates for office and the people determining their "electability," village leaders guarding traditional norms and the young women who would challenge them.
The new event has brought pace, excitement and interesting partnerships, including brothers and sisters like Americans Becca and Matt Hamilton, and husbands and wives like Aleksandr Krushelnitckiy and Anastasia Bryzgalova who won bronze for Olympic Athletes from Russia with an 8-4 win over Norway.
"This is a very tight race, that will divide Democrats and Republicans, the young and the old, white, black and Hispanic voters — and husbands and wives — in the months ahead," Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll, said in a statement. Mrs.
"I get calls like this all the time," he told VICE, describing conversations with desperate husbands and wives who have been watching in abject horror as their joint checking accounts are drained, their garages are filled with piles of unsold merchandise, and their spouses become unrecognizable.
And you would have never guessed the six hopeful romantics – who have just met their husbands and wives for the first time after walking down the aisle at The Diplomat Resort and Spa in Hollywood, Florida – are just getting to know each other judging off their PEOPLE exclusive First Look wedding photos.
Sitting on a small stage at Arlington National Cemetery, he scanned the faces arrayed before him—the victims he'd come to know over years, relatives and friends of husbands and wives who would never grow old, college students who would never graduate, business travelers and flight attendants who would never come home.
" The Malleus is rife with obvious anxieties about female sexual desire—as folklorist Moira Smith notes in her paper, Penis Theft in the Malleus Maleficarum, "Many of the crimes (maleficia) attributed to witches concerned sexuality: copulation with incubus devils, procuring abortions, causing sterility and stillbirth, and impeding sexual relations between husbands and wives.
But there is a broader societal challenge: how to fit a social safety net built in the 1930s, when wives stayed at home and life expectancy was 20 years shorter, into a world in which husbands and wives must juggle work with the demand for care from their elders and their children.
Remember how, at one point in this show, it was a big deal that husbands and Wives don't have sex if the Wives are infertile, because non-procreative sex is verboten, so it was a big social taboo for them to touch or look at each other in any kind of vaguely suggestive way?
" Thomas Olp, of the Thomas More Society, a conservative public-interest law firm that filed the brief in concert with Missouri Right to Life and other anti-abortion groups, said: "Husbands and wives can divide up their property however they want, but embryos are living beings, so the legal standard has to be what's in their best interest.
The films, 90 minutes each, show husbands and wives discuss the practice of cutting together, "an important innovation in Sudan, where people can generally have difficulty discussing cutting openly when men and women are both present", and end with a scene involving approach to the ageing patriarch of the family: The team worked with Sudanese playwright and screenwriter Waleed Omer Babikir Alalf.
There is lots more to come over the festival's remaining days: Simon Stone's stage adaptation, for the Toneelgroep, of Woody Allen's "Husbands and Wives"; "Gardens Speak," a sound installation by Tania el Khoury in which Syrian graves tell the stories of their occupants; three new works from the Dutch National Ballet; and perhaps most fascinatingly, a one-off concert on Wednesday of the Syrian National Orchestra for Arabic Music, which brings these musicians, many in exile, together with the singer-songwriter Damon Albarn.

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