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4 Sentences With "humanistic discipline"

How to use humanistic discipline in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "humanistic discipline" and check conjugation/comparative form for "humanistic discipline". Mastering all the usages of "humanistic discipline" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Macmillan describes Freud Evaluated as "a critical evaluation of Freud's personality theory". He maintains that "Freud's method is not capable of yielding objective data about mental processes nor of potential value for those seeking to turn psychoanalysis into an acceptable historical or humanistic discipline." He criticizes Freud's theories about neurosis. He also discusses the work of the neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot, the physician Josef Breuer, and the psychologist Pierre Janet.
A collection of some of Moore's essays has been published under the title Language, World, and Limits: Essays in Philosophy of Language and Metaphysics (Oxford: Oxford University Press). Moore also has a special interest in the work of Bernard Williams, his colleague at Cambridge about whom he has written extensively. After Williams’ death in 2003 Moore was appointed as one of his literary executors. He edited one of Williams’ posthumously published collections of essays, Philosophy as a Humanistic Discipline.
Hermeneutics is the philosophical theory and practice of interpretation and understanding. Originally hermeneutics referred to the interpretation of texts, especially religious texts. In the 19th century, Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768–1834), Wilhelm Dilthey (1833–1911) and others expanded the discipline of hermeneutics beyond mere exegesis and turned it into a general humanistic discipline. Schleiermacher wondered whether there could be a hermeneutics that was not a collection of pieces of ad hoc advice for the solution of specific problems with text interpretation but rather a "general hermeneutics," which dealt with the "art of understanding" as such, which pertained to the structure and function of understanding wherever it occurs.
Though she was involved with reforming mathematics education for high school and college students in New York, she didn't like panel discussions at conferences. Especially when she was meant to reply immediately to preceding remarks by fellow panelists. Anneli said she was a slow listener and reader. She believed her responses were “not ready for public consumption when my turn comes.” An insert from her writing at the Mathematics as a Humanistic Discipline Session stated: “I am convinced that the use of language- reading, writing, listening and speaking is essential part of learning anything, and especially mathematics.” Anneli knew from her experience as teacher, that students learn new material easily when they are able to connect to their past experiences or the outside world. She looked at the mandated syllabi from 6th-8th grade New York middle schools for “integrated math sequences” and she found that because so many topics covered, there was little time for students to connect mathematics outside of the classroom before they were tested. A keystone in Lax's work of reforming education was the emphasis on listening.

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