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86 Sentences With "human weakness"

How to use human weakness in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "human weakness" and check conjugation/comparative form for "human weakness". Mastering all the usages of "human weakness" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Buffett joked that he isn't immune to this human weakness.
The human weakness, taking their sweet time wading through the resstop sewers.
They simply exploited human weakness, design weakness, policy failures and unpatched software.
Human weakness cannot simply be eradicated, although measures can be taken to reduce it significantly.
The need to give and receive love is unfortunately an extremely easy human weakness to exploit.
" The author, Peter Goodman, wrote about the ways he and his wife regularly save one another from "basic human weakness.
Your character is far from the toughest vampire in Seattle, but they're still a powerful monster that lives by exploiting human weakness.
It's a job that relies on people skills and social engineering, and relies on the most reliable vulnerability of all: Human weakness.
At one level, it's difficult to reconcile his health problems, and the very human weakness they reflect, with his powerful public image.
Like any awards, the Grammys reflect the biases of the people who take part in it, a human process beset by human weakness.
The only power that really matters is her willingness to see a man in all his human weakness, and refuse to look away.
Mr Wolff's muckraking skills, cattiness, cynicism and feel for human weakness, especially among the rich and famous, make him well-qualified for the job.
All of this has fed a tissue of fear and disquiet easily exploited by the esteemed leader, whose instincts are above all for human weakness.
The root causes here are a little more ambiguous, a cocktail of design flaws, human weakness and the development of self-awareness and free will.
Now, Arizona State University researchers are throwing yet another morsel of data onto the pile of research corroborating human weakness in the face of sweets.
But with its focus on failed fathers and broken families, dangerous radicals and social breakdown, human weakness and alien inscrutability, the version we got was recognizably Spielbergian.
But this "rationalization" account, though compelling in some contexts, does not strike us as the most natural or most common explanation of the human weakness for misinformation.
Even those whom Mr Sardo describes as "more tolerant of human weakness and less hypocritical about the relationship between sex and politics" were indignant about Mr Berlusconi's affairs.
It almost seems as if the Gospel writers wanted to emphasize these inadequacies, wanted to root an entire religion in the very human weakness that so appalled Nietzsche.
Human weakness Both the Area 1 report and the latest DOJ indictments show that for well-resourced hackers like those working for state-sponsored groups, cyber espionage can sometimes be absurdly simple.
Most of the prison system could be green zones if Montgomery would change its views on a few things like rehabilitation over punishment, human potential over human weakness, and dignity over exploitation.
"The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still purely primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty childish," Einstein writes.
And in a country like the United States — with its optimistic culture and commercially driven health care system — this all too human weakness can, and does, lead to grotesque overtreatment of very sick people.
And America's supposed decline becomes its finest hour, because we came together to say "no" to those who would prey on our human weakness and instead chose leadership that serves, helping us look up, not down.
But after 45 years of steadily turning him into a superhuman figure, perhaps people are ready for Lee to become something else: An extraordinary young man who still inspires millions despite his share of human weakness.
One strong step forward would actually be to embrace that sense of fallibility, and give Negan a backstory where some personal, human weakness led to the black-and-white moral certainty he follows in the post-apocalypse.
The second, even more important reason why these awful acts of exploitation should not come as such as shock is that they are the products of a particularly dangerous kind of opportunity -- the kind that opens up when overwhelming human desperation meets ordinary human weakness.
Along similar lines, back in 2013, the Times columnist Ross Douthat warned that what he might call vice, when allied with the profit motive, can have disastrous and unforeseen consequences: Liberals especially, given their anxieties about inequality, should be attuned to the way that some liberties can grease the skids for exploitation, with a revenue-hungry state partnering with the private sector to profiteer off human weakness.
The greatest danger from a man so unerring in his detection of human weakness, so attuned to the thrill of cruelty, so aware of the manipulative powers of entertainment, so unrelenting in his disregard for truth, so contemptuous of ethics and culture, so attracted to blood and soil, was always that he would use the immense powers of his office to drag Americans down with him into the vortex.
They leaned heavily on what Davis calls the "fact room" (his term for the Clinton war room), and every official was required to go through it and its array of lawyers before going on TV. They had a rule that anyone who went on to TV must challenge directly anyone who tried to conflate the issue of "personal mistakes involving human weakness" (Clinton's intimate relationship with Monica Lewinsky) with the abuse of presidential power.
The tabloid cover stories that butter the bread of publisher Sid Hudgens (a wonderfully wormy Danny DeVito) are set-up jobs between himself, snitches, and cops; police captain Dudley Smith (James Cromwell) tells rising young officer Ed Exley (Guy Pearce) that he has "the eye for human weakness, but not the stomach," before rattling off a checklist of how far a real cop has to be willing to go (planting evidence, unapologetic brutality, shooting unarmed suspects).
But in a paragraph that hardly seems friendly to transgender identity or gender affirmation surgery, the pope argued against a world where "human identity becomes the choice of the individual, one which can also change over time": It needs to be emphasized that "biological sex and the socio-cultural role of sex (gender) can be distinguished but not separated"… It is one thing to be understanding of human weakness and the complexities of life, and another to accept ideologies that attempt to sunder what are inseparable aspects of reality.
After a period in Spain he is given a second chance and becomes a missionary to India, where he again risks becoming involved with a rich local woman but this time escapes. The book contains the classic Cronin features of human weakness and failure with ultimate redemption.
Humanities International Complete, 2009. Print. There is also "relatively little of the platonic idealism that fills such works as Spenser's Amoretti in which the poet's love for his lady lifts him above human weakness to contemplation of the divine".Sonnets of Shakespeare. Masterplots, Fourth Edition [serial online].
He also suffers from a pathological fear of death, which he regards as a shameful and ignominious human weakness. According to Rowling, his Boggart would be his own corpse. Rowling also said that the difference between Harry and Voldemort is that Harry accepts mortality, and thus Harry is, in the end, stronger than his nemesis.
In the Idylls, Arthur became a symbol of ideal manhood who ultimately failed, through human weakness, to establish a perfect kingdom on earth.See and for analyses of The Idylls of the King. Tennyson's works prompted a large number of imitators, generated considerable public interest in the legends of Arthur and the character himself, and brought Malory's tales to a wider audience.See, for example, .
Silveira was appointed provincial superior of India in 1555. The appointment was approved by St. Ignatius Loyola a few months before his death. Gonçalo's term of government in India lasted three years. He used to say that God had given him the great grace of unsuitability for government — apparently basing this on a certain want of tact in dealing with human weakness.
Shinsengumi leader Hijikata Toshizō was the model for Shinomori's character. Nobuhiro Watsuki based Shinomori on Hijikata Toshizō, the deputy Leader of the Shinsengumi. There are most certainly versions of Hijikata portrayed in books and fiction; Aoshi grew out of the Hijikata who killed his gentler feelings and buried his human weakness. Watsuki describes himself as a fan of the other version of Hijikata.
DC Alfred Lines, known simply as 'Tosh', was the heroic failure of Sun Hill. He was an instinctual officer, a decent man who understood human weakness because his home life was a happy, difficult, muddle-and-make-do existence. But no superintendent would ever dream of transferring him. He could smell a liar, and his clear-up rate was the best in CID.
The Mayor attempts to suffocate Buffy, but he is stopped by Angel and leaves. In a dream, Faith tells Buffy that "human weakness never goes away, even his". When Buffy wakes she approaches her friends, ready to go to war with the Mayor. In the library, Buffy finishes detailing a plan and the gang agree the plan is crazy, but is their only option.
Metaphor of human weakness is expressed in the presentations of animals which, like in fables, reveal the identity of human characters. He pulled out the monsters of his life abyss and placed them on the canvas raw. This contour of his soul in the claws of absurd is created in pain, momentarily and expressively. He embodied all his conflicts in united forces which emerge from the abyss of wandering souls.
Sigmund Freud saw human weakness and helplessness as a fundamental force behind the establishment of religion,S. Freud, Civilization, Society and Religion (PFL 12) p. 203 a view which might seem to draw support from the Inglehart–Welzel thesis that links the insecurities of traditional economies to a search for spiritual certainty, the affluence of modernisation to a declining stress on religion.R. F. Foster, Luck of the Irish (2008) p.
Speaking any idle words would have been seen as offensive. The performance of Ordo Virtutum would be a chance to use the human voice as a vessel for praise. The play was seen as a spiritual celebration and the joy of overcoming human weakness. A moment of religious celebration, at the consecration of an abbey, would have allowed the women to enjoy the joy of music while still worshiping God.
While humankind took the office of priesthood in their weakness, Jesus holds the position with an indestructible power that overcomes the weakness of humanity as described throughout the book of Hebrews.see , , , , ; ; , , , and . As High Priest, Christ became one with humanity in human weakness, offered prayers to God, chose obedience through suffering, and sympathized with the struggles of humanity. The atoning death of Christ is at the heart of His work as High Priest.
In this tale Lem puts forth the idea that what is perceived a human weakness is in fact an advantage over a perfect machine. Pirx defeats the robot because a human can hesitate, make wrong decisions, have doubts, but a robot cannot. , "Lem on Film". In: Polish film critic Krzysztof Loska thinks that the film adaptation unduly shifted Lem's original focus on the definition of humanity to the trope of robot rebellion.
Cortana also appears in the novelization of Combat Evolved, Halo: The Flood, and the following novels Halo: First Strike and Halo: Ghosts of Onyx, as well as the animated series Halo Legends and live-action television series Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn. She is also a main character in "Human Weakness", a short story written by Karen Traviss for the Halo Evolutions anthology that details Cortana's time in the clutches of the Gravemind.
Egyptologists have long debated the degree to which the pharaoh was considered a god. It seems most likely that the Egyptians viewed royal authority itself as a divine force. Therefore, although the Egyptians recognized that the pharaoh was human and subject to human weakness, they simultaneously viewed him as a god, because the divine power of kingship was incarnated in him. He therefore acted as intermediary between Egypt's people and the gods.
Moved by a Christian awareness of human weakness, Spanish artists often painted pictures of beggars, cripples and idiots. Here the young Neapolitan vagabond seems to be making game of his own infirmity; he is also careful to inform us, by means of the scrap of writing he holds, that he is dumb as well as crippled, because he appeals to the charity of the passer-by with that card written in Latin.Cf. M. Scholz-Hansel, ibid., p.89.
In The Alchemist, Jonson unashamedly satirises the follies, vanities and vices of mankind, most notably greed-induced credulity. People of all social classes are subject to Jonson's ruthless, satirical wit. He mocks human weakness and gullibility to advertising and to "miracle cures" with the character of Sir Epicure Mammon, who dreams of drinking the elixir of youth and enjoying fantastic sexual conquests. The Alchemist focuses on what happens when one human being seeks advantage over another.
In John (18:1–11), Jesus does not pray to be spared his crucifixion, as the gospel portrays him as scarcely touched by such human weakness. The people who arrest him are Roman soldiers and Temple guards. Instead of being betrayed by a kiss, Jesus proclaims his identity, and when he does, the soldiers and officers fall to the ground. The gospel identifies Peter as the disciple who used the sword, and Jesus rebukes him for it.
15 it is a staged spectacle acting out society's basic concepts of good and evil, of 'Suffering, Defeat and Justice'.Barthes, Mythologies, p.19 The actors pretending to be wrestlers, like characters in a pantomime, portray grossly-exaggerated stereotypes of human weakness: the traitor, the conceited, the 'effeminate teddy-boy'. The audience expects to watch them suffer and be punished for their own transgressions of wrestling's rules in a theatrical version of society's ideology of justice.
The ensuing confrontation with the Avengers leads to Ultron inadvertently merging with his maker, transforming the two into a human/machine hybrid. The resulting creation playing on Hank's self-loathing of his own human weakness causes an acceptance of this new state. He is defeated when Starfox's powers force Ultron to love himself, causing the part of Ultron that is now Hank to accept his old weakness and flaws while the villain has a mental breakdown and flees into space.Avengers: Rage of Ultron.
He is depicted with a skeletal appearance, a result of testing his serum on himself. Dr. Death joins forces with the Riddler to try to seize control of Gotham City during a super-storm. Batman Vol 2 #26 In Batman #29 (2014), it is revealed that Hellfern created his bone serum in an attempt to eliminate human weakness. This was motivated by the death of his son, a soldier who had been sent to locate the missing Bruce Wayne overseas.
Upbuilding Discourses in Various Spirits, > Hong p. 144 The first type of double-mindedness, that of willing for the sake of reward or out of fear of punishment, is akin to the distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic values. The second type of double-mindedness, that of willing only to a certain degree, is akin to distraction or half-hearted willing. Each type of double-mindedness is a human weakness and an obstacle to an individual pursuit of greatness and strength towards willing and reaching the Good.
AllMusic said that it combines the mid-tempo grooves of South of Heaven with "manic bursts of aggression" à la Reign in Blood. Allmusic also said that when writing the album's lyrics, Slayer "rarely turns to demonic visions of the afterlife anymore, preferring instead to find tangible horror in real life—war, murder, [and] human weakness. There's even full-fledged social criticism, which should convince any doubters that Slayer aren't trying to promote the subjects they sing about."Huey, Steve [ "Seasons in the Abyss – Slayer"]. AllMusic.
Dhirubhai built his company through outstanding abilities and drive on many fronts; as an innovative financer, a determined leader, an astute marketer of his products and as a forward looking industrialist. He was a jolly man, with good sense of humour, and always ready to take risk and challenges. In Spite of having number of cases against him, he was never afraid rather he tackled them gallantly. The dark side of his abilities was an eye for human weakness and a willingness to exploit it.
The appeal to emotion is in contrast to an appeal to logic and reason. Authors R. Malcolm Murray and Nebojša Kujundžić distinguish "prima facie reasons" from "considered reasons" when discussing this. An emotion, elicited via emotive language, may form a prima facie reason for action, but further work is required before one can obtain a considered reason. Emotive arguments and loaded language are particularly persuasive because they exploit the human weakness for acting immediately based upon an emotional response, without such further considered judgment.
Ibsen biographer Robert Ferguson argues that the play is funny because it is liberated from Ibsen's later famous preoccupation with the power of symbol and making every line relevant to the main issue. As Ferguson says, "This is Ibsen's most Holbergian play, a comedy on human weakness which does not, like some of his later plays on weakness, end in the punishment of the weak."Ferguson, Robert, "Green in the Buttonhole, The League of Youth", Henrik Ibsen, A New Biography. Richard Cohen Books, London, 1996, 152.
The Washington Post critic said that he "can't remember a better Ariel," and that Morgan's portrayal was "mysterious, in a way I've never quite experienced before — also wonderfully vulnerable". From 2013 to 2014, Morgan made his West End debut as Skinny Luke in Jez Butterworth's dark comedy Mojo at the Harold Pinter Theatre. Radio Times described Morgan's performance as "an accomplished study in human weakness ... played with precision and pathos." In 2017, Morgan returned to London theatre, appearing in Branden Jacobs-Jenkins' Gloria, a comic drama.
Some rabbis have commented on the proximity of the narrative of the tabernacle with that of the episode known as the sin of the golden calf recounted in . Maimonides asserts that the tabernacle and its accoutrements, such as the golden Ark of the Covenant and the golden Menorah were meant as "alternates" to the human weakness and needs for physical idols as seen in the golden calf episode.Maimonides (Rambam) Rabbi Mosheh ben Maimon (c. 1190) Delalatul Ha'yreen (Arabic), Moreh Nevukhim (Hebrew), Guide for the Perplexed, Part 3:32, Part 11:39, Part 111:46.
In a way, Pirx is as an ordinary "working man" who unlike traditional heroic space pilots has little if anything heroic about him. He sometimes finds himself in extreme situations, which he overcomes mostly through ordinary common sense and average luck. In particular, in the story The Inquest, Lem puts forth the idea that what is perceived a human weakness is in fact an advantage over a perfect machine. In this tale Pirx defeats the robot, because a human can hesitate, make wrong decisions, have doubts, but a robot cannot.
As is evident, the addition of the prologue radically alters the significance of events in Eden. Rather than emphasizing a fall of human weakness in breaking God's command, Sethians (and their inheritors) emphasize a crisis of the Divine Fullness as it encounters the ignorance of matter, as depicted in stories about Sophia. Eve and Adam's removal from the Archon's paradise is seen as a step towards freedom from the Archons. Therefore, the snake in the Garden of Eden becomes a heroic, salvific figure rather than an adversary of humanity or a 'proto-Satan'.
J. Franklin, The Science of Conjecture: Evidence and Probability Before Pascal, pp 97-100 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001). Pascal coined the famous maxim that purity of intention may be a justification of actions which are in themselves contrary to the moral code and to human laws, and its general tendency is to find excuses for human weakness. Escobar's doctrines were also disapproved by some conservative Catholics, however he was very appreciated by the mainstream. Molière subjected Escobar to ridicule in his customary witty style, and Escobar was also the target of criticism by Boileau and La Fontaine.
When Christ dies as a human being, he demonstrates his divinity as God—he raises his own body. God's power is found in human weakness—the form of a servant transforms into the form of the Lord—revealing not inferiority but true divinity and equality. It is as the crucified one that glory is both received and revealed—the same glory which he shared with the Father from all eternity, by which there is no other. This revelation, the cornerstone of all Christian theology, through which God is made known, is located solely on the Cross.
In the latter interpretation, the queen's answer reveals her determination not to let the wound opened by the killing of her father be healed through a ritual act, thus openly displaying her thirst for revenge. The episode is read in a radically different way by Walter Goffart. According to him, the whole story assumes an allegorical meaning, with Paul intent on telling an edifying story of the downfall of the hero and his expulsion from the promised land, because of his human weakness. In this story, the skull cup plays a key role as it unites original sin and barbarism.
Through human weakness and wilfulness it was corrupted in the course of time; polygamy destroyed its unity, and divorce its indissolubility. Christ restored the original idea of human marriage, and to sanctify more thoroughly this institution He raised the marriage contract to the dignity of a sacrament. Mutual rights and duties were secured to husband and wife; mutual rights and duties between parents and children were also asserted: to the former, authority to govern and the duty of training; to the latter, the right to parental care and the duty of reverence. Christ instituted his church to continue his mission to men.
The priest then recites a prayer for the dead person, one version of which is a variant of the second of the two "prayers of absolution" mentioned above. In the official English translation it asks: "Forgive whatever sins he/she committed through human weakness and in your goodness grant him/her eternal rest." The priest concludes the service with the formula, "In peace let us take our brother/sister to his/her place of rest", and the body is taken out of the church to the accompaniment of the singing or recitation of a vernacular version of In paradisum.
A student of espionage with a profound insight into human weakness and fallibility, highly sagacious and incredibly perceptive, he is very conscious of the immoral, grisly and unethical aspects of his profession. At the same time he works to inculcate loyalty and discipline into his pupils, and a sense of moral obligation to the espionage service, and to the country. Smiley has no patience with the political niceties of Whitehall and their distaste for classical espionage tactics, including bribery, blackmail, and turning enemy agents into British double agents. On the other hand, he is not one of the "hawks" who are given to the sharp, militaristic attitudes of "the Cousins".
The way that such church law is legislated, interpreted and at times adjudicated varies widely among these three bodies of churches. In all three traditions, a canon was initially a rule adopted by a council (From Greek kanon / κανών, Hebrew kaneh / קנה, for rule, standard, or measure); these canons formed the foundation of canon law. Christian ethics in general has tended to stress the need for grace, mercy, and forgiveness because of human weakness and developed while Early Christians were subjects of the Roman Empire. From the time Nero blamed Christians for setting Rome ablaze (64 AD) until Galarius (311 AD), persecutions against Christians erupted periodically.
As stated in the title, the pope encourages for active individual involvement in seeking help of the Holy Spirit, when faced with challenges brought by or enhanced by media communications, i.e. Strive for power, wealth, birth of conflicts and rivalries, and human weakness. The modern gadgets and technology is growing in a rapid paste, and reaching the nations ever so deeply in forming people's minds today. John Paul II warns that although the spread and the growth of media is to be praised, on the other hand, it has taken away the relationship individuals had that was between mind and mind, and heart and heart.
When Héctor José Cámpora assumed the presidency of Argentina on May 25, 1973, Cuba sent a wave of diplomats and official delegates to Argentina, proposing that was the time to resume cultural interchanges with the Argentine government. However, the Argentine intelligence services distrusted the real motives for the influx of the Cubans. It was then that an analyst in the Secretariat discovered a human weakness in the Cuban delegates: their extreme sensitivity for blonde women that stood out. The Café La Biela in the neighbourhood of Recoleta was a common place for the Cubans to be spotted hunting for their female counterparts by SIDE agents.
For a heart so feeling as yours this was the severest of trials, > and nothing but time can bring consolation under circumstances so > afflicting. Strength of mind in enfeebled by griefs of this nature; but, my > friend, one ought not to suffer it to be entirely extinguished, for it is > the duty of a sensible man to cherish the heavenly fire with which we are > endowed by Providence. Despite moral philosophy I weep with you, and glory > in the human weakness of mingling my tears with those of a friend I so > tenderly love. My dear Charles ought, ere this, to have received my answer > to the touching letter he wrote.
Societies have varied in their attitudes and cultural standards regarding public intoxication, historically based on the relationship between religion and drugs in general, and religion and alcohol in particular. In some instances, consumption of a mind-altering substance has formed the basis of religious or other socially approved ceremonies and festivals. In others, intoxication has been stigmatized as a sign of human weakness, of immorality, or as a sin. Secular approaches may also vary, having less inherent opposition to drugs but acknowledging that these may affect the inhibitions that help to keep socialized individuals from breaking prevailing social taboos which may or may not have been expressly criminalized.
He did not ratify them, and they were deeply unpopular in Italy. Nonetheless, he was criticized, most unusually, by the Liber pontificalis for not signing them: > He [Emperor Justinian II] despatched two metropolitan bishops, also sending > with them a mandate in which he requested and urged the pontiff [John VII] > to gather a council of the apostolic church, and to confirm such of them as > he approved, and quash and reject those which were adverse. But he, > terrified in his human weakness, sent them back to the prince by the same > metropolitans without any emendations at all.Davis, R. The Book of Pontiffs: > the ancient biographies of the first ninety Roman bishops to AD 715.
The reforming churches believe that human weakness is naturally drawn to a form of false religion that is worldly, pompous, ritualistic, anthropomorphic, polytheistic, and infected with magical thinking and legalism, and that values human accomplishment more highly or more practically than the work of God (divine grace) is valued. Given the chance, people will substitute the sort of religion they naturally prefer, over the Gospel (see also Cafeteria Christianity). The Hebrew Bible contains multiple episodes of backsliding by the very people who first received God's revelation; to the Protestant mind, this shows that teaching the Gospel is a strait and narrow path, one that requires that natural religion be held in check and that God's grace, holiness, and otherness be rigorously proclaimed.
She instinctively dislikes the blind obedience of the Orthodox women and their insistence that her skepticism towards misogynistic religious rules is something to be overcome, but also wonders if her skepticism is human weakness holding her back from supernatural truth. Rosa also realizes that her international, upper-class upbringing has alienated her from the sensibilities and concerns of average suburban Americans, like her roommate. Rosa feels guilty for looking down on "normal" girls, at least until she finds her roommate cheating on her fiance with Lenny. Back at work, Rosa vetoes a dance routine at the after-school program for being too explicit, and Raphael and the girls make fun of her prudishness and suggest it is because she is Jewish.
Alternatively, a state may take the view that even though people may have ordinary levels of courage, they may nevertheless be coerced into agreeing to break the law and this human weakness should have some recognition in the law. A mutant of duress involves hostage taking, where a person is forced to commit a criminal act under the threat, say, that their family member or close associate will be immediately killed should they refuse (commonly known as a Tiger kidnapping). This has been raised in some cases of ransom, where a person commits theft or embezzlement under orders from a kidnapper in order to secure a family member's life and freedom. However, duress is not a complete defense to all crimes.
Thus each man, in his > suffering, can also become a sharer in the redemptive suffering of > Christ.Salvifici Doloris §19 > Those who share in Christ's sufferings have before their eyes the Paschal > Mystery of the Cross and Resurrection, in which Christ descends, in a first > phase, to the ultimate limits of human weakness and impotence: indeed, he > dies nailed to the Cross. But if at the same time in this weakness there is > accomplished his lifting up, confirmed by the power of the Resurrection, > then this means that the weaknesses of all human sufferings are capable of > being infused with the same power of God manifested in Christ's Cross. In > such a concept, to suffer means to become particularly susceptible, > particularly open to the working of the salvific powers of God, offered to > humanity in Christ.
He did keep a pet, a sixteen-year-old wire-haired terrier called Wuffles. It is said that Wuffles is the only living creature Lord Vetinari actually cares about (unless Ankh-Morpork is considered a living creature, to be thought of as "Morporkia", a nod to "Britannia"). Wuffles has been described as very elderly in two books that take place many years apart. In the novel Making Money, it is shown that Wuffles has, at some recent point, died; reinforcing Vetinari's affection for the dog is the rumor that every week he makes a short (and via a different path) walk to Wuffles' small grave in the palace grounds, every time leaving a dog biscuit, though this may be entirely untrue, or may simply be done to add a layer of apparent human weakness to those seeking one.
It > was preoccupied with daily life, with the characters of the street, or > characters of an obtuse nature, and with scenes depicting the emotions, > stresses or potential perversions lying within each of us. The artists, > while portraying their ideas in aesthetically different ways, shared a > desire to convey the moving nature of their subject matter in an > understandably vivid manner. A philosophical acceptance of human weakness > was an important characteristic of superhumanist art, but humour, cynicism, > pessimism and anger were also present, along with an almost sad observation > of the human condition, emotions which were the driving forces behind some > of the movement's most striking imagery. In 1981, Treadwell's stand at the FIAC (Foire Internationale d'Art Contemporain) at the Grand Palais in Paris was deemed "deplorable and very popular" by Richard Shone in The Burlington Magazine.
Critic Bosley Crowther, film critic for The New York Times, liked the screenplay, the message of the film, and John Ford's direction, and wrote, "John Ford has truly fashioned a modern Odyssey—a stark and tough-fibered motion picture which tells with lean economy the never- ending story of man's wanderings over the waters of the world in search of peace for his is harsh and relentless and only briefly compassionate in its revelation of man's pathetic shortcomings. But it is one of the most honest pictures ever placed upon the screen; it gives a penetrating glimpse into the hearts of little men and, because it shows that out of human weakness there proceeds some nobility, it is far more gratifying than the fanciest hero-worshiping fare." Crowther, Bosley. The New York Times, film review, "The Long Voyage Home, Magnificent Drama of the Sea," October 9, 1940.
'Emma Short, 'Oedipussy at Liverpool Playhouse', Manchester Salon The play was reviewed by Libby Purves in The Times, 'Stephan Kreiss the German is a manic Oedipus while Park, Petra Massey and the Spaniard, Aitor Basauri, dart through the other parts, making the most of the pillared set's narrow entrances to get props and headdresses stuck....Below the fluff of hilarity, the tragic core is never obliterated....When Oedipus's blinded eyes fall in long red ribbons, the coda 'The gods will have their way' is delivered flat, unexpectedly powerful....Some people will never 'get' Spymonkey. That is their loss. This is not just inventive comedy but an affirmation of all human weakness, enhanced by their maturity, two heavy accents, and the barking-mad fearlessness of Petra Massey, a woman who will do anything – anything! – that truly serves a joke or story, with or without clothes on. Joyful.
Robert Louis Jackson wrote that Chekhov may have changed the story's title from its first publication (when it was called "In the Evening") to its second "not simply because the story moves from darkness to light ... but because with respect to the essential lessons of life he believed that the human being is an eternal student, forever failing, forever drawing a deep spiritual breath, and forever restarting the journey". Different aspects of the story within the story resonate with the student and the widows, according to David Weiss. For Ivan, "it's Peter's failure, his denials, his weakness that matter" while to Vasilisa and Lukerya, "it's the way he suffers for his failures, failure despite his good intentions, good intentions undone by fear and human weakness". Jackson wrote that Vasilisa and Lukerya are the story's true heroes, since "in the most essential terms of human experience they have kept the faith: theirs is the light of the biblical 'burning bush,' and they have kept the fires burning".
The church, true to her commission, has always asserted the unity and indissolubility of marriage, the relative rights and duties of husband, wife, and children; she has also maintained that, the natural contract in marriage having been raised to the dignity of a sacrament, these two are henceforth one and the same thing so that there cannot be a marriage contract amongst Christians which is not a sacrament. Hence, while admitting the right of civil authority to regulate the civil concerns and consequences of marriage, the church has always claimed exclusive authority over the marriage contract and its essentials, since it is a sacrament. The encyclical shows by the light of history that for centuries the church exercised, and the civil power admitted, that authority. But human weakness and wilfulness began to throw off the bridle of Christian discipline in family life; civil rulers began to disown the authority of the church over the marriage tie; and rationalism sought to sustain them by establishing the principle that the marriage contract is not a sacrament at all, or at least that the natural contract and the sacrament are separable and distinct things.
In justification of this position, Pope Paul VI said: > Responsible men can become more deeply convinced of the truth of the > doctrine laid down by the Church on this issue if they reflect on the > consequences of methods and plans for artificial birth control. Let them > first consider how easily this course of action could open wide the way for > marital infidelity and a general lowering of moral standards. Not much > experience is needed to be fully aware of human weakness and to understand > that human beings—and especially the young, who are so exposed to > temptation—need incentives to keep the moral law, and it is an evil thing to > make it easy for them to break that law. Another effect that gives cause for > alarm is that a man who grows accustomed to the use of contraceptive methods > may forget the reverence due to a woman, and, disregarding her physical and > emotional equilibrium, reduce her to being a mere instrument for the > satisfaction of his own desires, no longer considering her as his partner > whom he should surround with care and affection.
So we are in Salihli and watching life before the advent of the Greek Army. Central role played by the family of Michael Anastasiadis or Sarris, a middle-aged notable and a banker of Salihli with a charming, clever and cheated 35-years-old wife and four children (3 girls and 1 boy), madly in love with the 16-years-old Tarsi, a beautiful gazelle who refuses to marry the son of wealthy Turkish businessman, for whom she worked, and enchants everybody with her provocative teen flesh. In the meantime, we are watching the raids of the Turkish gendarmerie and terror they caused to the Greeks, the close relationship of Turks and Greeks as long as the one was not feeling threat from the other, hidden hopes for better days, the every day misdeeds caused by the human weakness and often leading to unexpected misery, mainly focusing on the guiltiness and the passion of Sarris for the 16 years old Tarsi. Then the novel described the pleasant (initially) life during the Greek occupation and the contact of the Minor Asian Greeks with the Greek soldiers who occupied Salihli to get up to the Destruction of Smyrna.

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