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140 Sentences With "hucksters"

How to use hucksters in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "hucksters" and check conjugation/comparative form for "hucksters". Mastering all the usages of "hucksters" from sentence examples published by news publications.

All good hucksters know emotion and perceptions can trump facts.
It's also a nefarious world of online hucksters and frauds.
Congregations were told that many businesspeople had behaved like gamblers and hucksters.
According to Politico, Koch once called Trump "one of the great hucksters."
The social media age has turned the best of us into internet hucksters.
Those who do so are grifters, con artists, hucksters, charlatans, hustlers or fraudsters.
Remember social media before the trolls and fake-news hucksters took it over?
Many people with winning personalities are, in fact, hucksters, con men, manipulators and deceivers.
For example, one set of hucksters created a small business selling posts on Harvard.
Opinion Don't dismiss them as hucksters promoting self-help books and dubious mushroom coffee.
You might also argue that collectively, we're getting better at spotting hucksters and frauds.
The printing press empowered reformers; it also empowered hucksters, war profiteers, terrorists, and bigots.
London is gambling the health of all its trading and geopolitical relationships on the dubious claims of a bunch of serially disproven political hucksters and is drifting into territory that no-one, said hucksters included, seem to have a clue how to navigate.
"Fox should not be using Sharpton or Jackson or these other race hucksters," he said.
These hucksters, either "stupid or dishonest," lie to voters about the elites betraying them and conservatism.
With so much money circulating through English football, hucksters are bound to give it a try.
There did not seem to be a single statesman in attendance, only hucksters and petty tyrants.
As Trump himself has shown, when a party has been hollowed out, the hucksters rush in.
Don't dismiss the podcast bros merely as hucksters promoting self-help books and dubious mushroom coffee.
Back in the 1800s, the falls had become a mob scene of hucksters and industrial activity.
What is it about conservative audiences that makes them so susceptible to fear-mongering hucksters like Limbaugh?
Hucksters sometimes dunk Chinese imports in dirty water to pass them off as used ones from Europe.
All hucksters are eventually revealed as such, and when they are, it's their targets who seek justice.
My grandfather warned about hucksters spouting populist themes but manipulating people and institutions to achieve the opposite.
As a showman, Mr. Brown has none of the smarminess of Las Vegas prestidigitators or carnival hucksters.
Even worse, many weight loss hucksters overcomplicate the very simple truths we know about eating for health.
The three-chambered reactor Davis ended up with seemed to do what all those hucksters had only promised.
And one of the facets of the early internet, there's a lot of con men and hucksters. Right.
"Now is a good time because it's scattered all the hucksters and scenesters," he said during the panel.
Houston has long revered larger-than-life oil wildcatters, Astrodome-size building hucksters and Right Stuff space heroes.
And I believe many of these "canned" messages come from honest to goodness business people — not hucksters or scammers.
He descends from the lineage of the Know-Nothings, the doomsayers and the fabulists, the nativists and the hucksters.
Unscrupulous hucksters learned early on that sex, violence, bigotry, profanity, vulgarity, misogyny, racism and deceit sell pop-culture products.
The last time association health plans expanded, they were magnets for hucksters who would collect premiums and then vanish.
Rock and grunge took an inevitable dive when hucksters like Bush and Live took over alt-rock in 21998.
Geologists were paid to tout gigantic deposits; stock was sold back East; boomtowns sprang up; the hucksters cashed in.
From Trump to Theranos, the main story line of the 2010s was the ascendance of scammers, hucksters and fakery.
Fake-news hucksters, political Newspeakers, subversive reality-hackers, trickle-down deconstructionists–they're clogging the Internet with a miasma of disinformation.
In their heyday members of the merchant class were considered grubby hucksters—at least by Europe's medieval nobility and clergy.
Hucksters, seeding narratives that are simple, neat, and wrong, exist on every frequency of the political spectrum, if not equally so.
And like public health threats of the past, there are plenty of hucksters trying to sell "natural" remedies for Zika online.
It starts by not treating online disinformation campaigns that only serve the best interests of hucksters and frauds as genuine controversy.
Though he belongs to a "colorful tradition of American hucksters, seekers, and strivers," Merlan ultimately sees the logic in his scheme.
Even when ad placements are automated, companies still have the power to control whether neo-Nazis or fake news hucksters profit.
That means any match-up, even one where the Rogue should be favored, can go south if the Burgles and Hucksters whiff.
They soon plow a chunk of that into the Bitcoin circus, where they encounter shameless hucksters, hapless computer geeks and shadowy criminals.
It attracted hucksters and manipulators, in the media and in the activist sphere, and embraced a cast of unconventional and unqualified candidates.
That means they are not only deluded but unchecked, beyond the influence of any moderating force, easy prey for demagogues and hucksters.
A clown car that sits both serious technologists and bona fide hucksters, the cryptocurrency realm is extremely attentive to Mark Zuckerberg's new play.
The one thing we do know, racial hucksters do not have the answers to prevent another weekend just like we saw in Chicago.
The flip side of this freedom, of course, is the risk that charter schooling will serve as a beacon to hucksters or mediocrities.
The decline in morale intersected with a growing trade in heroin, sold in vials of white powder purveyed by roadside hucksters outside bases.
There were scoundrels and hucksters, booms and busts, senseless killing in sublime landscapes and a tragic belief in the inexhaustible bounty of nature.
NO SUNSCREEN FOR THE DEAD (Morrow/HarperCollins, $26.99) finds Serge on a mission to rescue retirees from the hucksters who prey on them.
"Over the past several years, we've increasingly seen hucksters and criminals profit from reselling telephone services to American consumers without their consent," Pai said.
It's a bit shocking to consider just how much influence Fortnite holds, and the strange, cottage industry of hucksters it's left in its wake.
It's irrelevant if this or his subsequent support for right-leaning libertarian hucksters like Scott Adams and Jordan Peterson were genuine or performance art.
There are the hucksters and the tricksters, the bon vivants thriving on naive capital, the idiot clowns cloaked in their own compelling pitch decks.
They were ripped off by fast-talking health insurance hucksters; it was clear this was the health care challenge of the day for seniors.
Online, an army of braying hucksters — digital-branding specialists, celebrities in the middle of breakdowns, the president — saw away at my capacity for complex thought.
The state's allure — peddled first by visionaries and hucksters, most famously in the Great Florida Land Boom of the 1920s — is no less potent today.
You will encounter his ilk — losers, strivers, hucksters and dreamers — in the novels of Saul Bellow and the stories of Franz Kafka and Isaac Bashevis Singer.
By putting the progressive kumbaya mentality above the safety of the LGBT community, these people are either hucksters, clueless, suffering from Stockholm syndrome or all three.
But throwing out the credit system without a replacement would reopen the system to hucksters preying on students and bilking the federal loan guarantee, she said.
They also help to combat a real problem with pseudoscientific solutions and hucksters making false claims about other brain training products that have come onto the market.
He ends with a warning to the shills, hucksters, con-men, snake oil salesman and celebrities that have been pitching coin offerings as way to get rich.
Ms Konnikova tells of hucksters masquerading as doctors, royals or moguls, all armed with a gifted imagination, a silver tongue and an ability to size people up.
It could best be described as a sad buffet of conspiracy theorists, bigots, doomsday prophets, and old school religious hucksters—all of whom have something to sell.
But there's a story here that goes deeper than Moore, or even Trump; it's about the whole G.O.P.'s preference for hucksters over experts, even partisan experts.
For decades serious musicians have mocked it as the discordant, breathy, vulgar voice of peasants, clowns and fairground hucksters: an endlessly jovial or sentimental repertoire of folksy tunes.
But it's certainly no coincidence that the race haters, immigrant bashers and religious hucksters who've been at the fringe for some time are all in for Donald Trump.
Indeed, 25.6 million Americans fell prey to hucksters in between 2011 and 2012, based on the most recent data from the Federal Trade Commission's survey on consumer fraud.
Speculation, trying to make money from the oft-inexplicable ups and downs of the "crypto casino," is boring and breeds scams, hucksters, bad faith, fraud and outright robbery.
Now that conspiracy theories have been converted into pure entertainment, with no pretense of conviction, they have been infused with plausible deniability, for hucksters and for platforms, too.
It also risks degrading the Democratic Party — helping elevate shameless hucksters who know nothing about policy but are willing to spread misinformation in the service of gaining power.
For every epidemic, you'll find someone trying to make a quick buck, and now some hucksters are capitalizing on the Zika scare by flooding the market with "lifesaving" swag.
What can regular users, civic-minded voters with earnest political values, do to keep from getting rolled by the online leviathan or the hucksters swimming around inside of it?
Magic Wand plays the most like a traditional video game of the stable, and as such it's an ideal starting point in The Catamites' world of hucksters, gadabouts and rogues.
But if you're an average person looking to keep your wallet safe from hucksters selling useless, novelty CBD products, you should probably wait to see how the science turns out.
What will Trump's chairman-of-the-board lack of interest in details — and susceptibility to hucksters and extremists — look like when and if he becomes leader of the free world?
Yet the psychosis and breakdown he described are even truer of Mr Trump's politics and the proliferation of hucksters, conspiracy theorists and strange ideologues it has ushered into American public life.
In a British political landscape dominated by hucksters, authoritarians, isolationists and delusionals he is that rare thing: a moderate, decent political leader who speaks his mind and is not obviously incompetent.
On Facebook, though, hucksters can take their manipulation to the next level because the company gathers so much data about people and allows advertisers to target messages based on that data.
His struggle shows how difficult it is for a community targeted by disinformation, hyperpartisan hucksters, and overseas scammers to mobilize platforms, government agencies, and its own members to address the threats.
In a city crowded with peddlers and performers, there are few hucksters more maligned than pedicab drivers, who have been thoroughly regulated and zoned after reports of collisions and price gouging.
Keen to hawk their wares within its bounds are the country's biggest businesses and its most outrageous hucksters (including one entrepreneur arrested for painting stray dogs and selling them as pedigree chums).
Fargo, see, is ultimately a series about the death of capitalism, where the only people who can profit are con men and hucksters, who see the world for what it really is.
Twitter is rife with #Resistance hucksters and scammers, but the majority of these bottom feeders merely live in the shadow of the undisputed kings of anti-Trump grift, Ed and Brian Krassenstein.
This new media world is filled with hucksters who prosper by peddling conspiracy theories and then hawking wares to monetize the fear, from gold coins to freeze dried foods for survivalist redoubts.
For example, investigations by BuzzFeed and the Guardian found that a group of cynical Macedonian hucksters had created dozens of right-wing news sites that publish low-quality pro-Trump news stories.
AcronymsThere's a loose divide among health hucksters: those that want their "treatments" to appear more ancient and storied than they actually are, and those that want their miracle cures mistaken for actual science.
We're not looking for celebrities dipping their toes into the cannabis industry (yes, we're well aware of Miley Cyrus's cannabis café) or hucksters seeking to make a fast buck on the CBD craze.
But we're also seeing — at CES and elsewhere — the usual parade of hucksters and carnival barkers who are happy to add just two letters to their vocabulary in the hope that it will improve sales.
"Culture now lives almost entirely under the rubric of consumption," Mr Scott says, and it is the critic's job to step in to protect the audience from the hucksters, the frauds and the sell-outs.
In its two weeks of existence, Damn Daniel—a 30-second compilation of Holz half-sarcastically complimenting his friend Daniel Lara's clothing—inspired corporate bandwagon-jumping, eBay hucksters, fan fiction, fan tattoos, and an Ellen segment.
Prosperity preachers are often dismissed by mainstream theologians as pompadoured hucksters (think Oral Roberts, a pioneering televangelist) or as near-heretics, for suggesting that believers can achieve God-like powers over their own health and wealth.
After the second world war all the world seemed to have become America once more, only this time the savages were not survivors from an almost vanished past but the brash hucksters of an emerging present.
It's not that people were so exemplary in years past — think of ye olde hucksters, snake-oil salesmen and "The Wizard of Oz" — but there weren't as many avenues for letting our dark sides run wild.
"The church of Jesus Christ ought to be the last people to fall for hucksters and demagogues," Moore wrote in Onward: Engaging the Culture Without Losing the Gospel, a book he had just published at the time.
It's heartbreaking to say, but this past Sunday shows that brain-dead argument perpetrated by brain-dead hucksters and embraced by brain-dead people is serving its purpose, by deflecting attention away from the protest's original meaning.
He's one of the eight children of famed Atari (and Chuck E. Cheese) creator Nolan Bushnell, and has spent his life literally growing up around games, gaming, and the wild world of amusement parks, carnies, hucksters and showmen.
It can't be any of his sycophants in conservative media who've already tethered their fates to their orange-hued messiah, exposing themselves as pockets-out hucksters who pawned their conservative compass for a ride on the gilded Trump Train.
The job of New York attorney general over the past two decades has proved to be a launching pad for aspiring politicians who used their legal authority to go after Wall Street hucksters, corrupt politicians and real estate scofflaws.
Both seminars made it clear out of the gate that the expo was dedicated to, first and foremost, bullshit and stupidity, a convention comprised of Coen Brother–type idiots and hucksters spewing out meaningless drivel of empty rhetoric and inflated numbers.
" But beyond this grimy passel of hucksters and third-rate Hannity knockoffs, there has been a small number of conservative experts and thinkers—that is, people with graduate degrees—who have dutifully trotted out ersatz intellectual defenses of "reopening America.
In short, we are letting the race hucksters make a three ring circus of our lives, our communities and our relationships with each other and we have become willingly audience members pinned to our sides to exit from the show.
They're both hucksters selling dangerous snake oils to the American public, obvious frauds who have yet to be cast out of normal society thanks to the mainstream frameworks in which they operate: for Trump, the political arena; for Oz, the medical establishment.
This "funny" guy is unlikely to be persuaded by Brooks's remaining argument, which is true enough—Clinton is a competent politician who is more likely to have a real legislative legacy—but spruced up with the irritating lingo of Silicon Valley hucksters.
Dorsey has much to apologize for, including Twitter's reluctance to kick hucksters, Nazis, and harassers off its platform; the ease with which Russian agents gamed the platform during the 2016 election; and the often inexplicable changes it frequently makes to its service.
Several cryptocurrency projects have been shut down by regulators; apparent hucksters have been arrested; and a plan to transform Puerto Rico with cryptocurrencies has been criticized as nothing more than a bid to take advantage of the island's status as a tax haven.
By mapping the lawful neutrals and chaotic evils D&D-style alignment onto sports-ethics-as-portrayed-by-pundits, you seem to mostly end up with a whole lot of of the kind of respectability politics peddled by hucksters like Charles Barkley and Jason Whitlock.
The situation exposed black families to hucksters who peddled homeownership through contracts for deed, in which a home seller gives a buyer a high-interest loan, coupled with a pledge to turn over the deed after 20 to 40 years of monthly installment payments.
On the economics front, his administration has been a revolving door for hacks and hucksters who are skilled at media manipulation and addicted to opportunism, but who would wash out at a major automaker in a matter of months when forced to deal with the managerial challenges.
But the world we live in is far from ideal, so it makes perfect sense that the otherwise selfless system of product reviews has been co-opted by hucksters, frauds, and people who will lie to strangers in exchange for a $5 deposit into their PayPal account.
I didn't realize then that government is the only tool available to level the playing field, and by succumbing to the decades-long GOP crusade to vilify our own government and institutions, we end up powerless against business interests, polluters and hucksters determined to loot the country.
Even though many of the original moon truthers who appeared on TV talk shows and documentaries throughout the '250s and early 22010s are now dead, there has to be a new generation of hucksters on the most conspiracy theory-friendly platform of the 266st century, right?
Botangle, the first startup Finman launched, had as many as 20 developers around the world working on it, and is what provided his entrée into the semi-rarified world of hucksters, hipsters, self-promoters, writers, entrepreneurs, inventors and the internet-famous that comprise the TED-talk-circus-circuit.
VICE caught up with Jacobson to talk about why Cooper's book is so popular in the subcultures of prison and hip-hop, whether Cooper's radio show set the stage for modern hucksters like Alex Jones, and how much of our unhinged discourse can really be attributed to one man.
To understand what these hucksters were up to, you'd have to understand their faith, and so, Yahweh forgive me, here's a summary: Both Dr. Jeffress and Pastor Hagee subscribe to versions of "Dispensationalism," which maintains that the history of the world is divided into—wouldn't you know it?
Roger Cohen People ask, and it's a reasonable question, why everyone's so angry, why they're voting against their own-self-interest, even electing hucksters like Donald Trump who never really had anything but mean little thoughts and now says he'll clean the swamp as he replenishes it daily.
She's Krystal Stubbs, a young mother working a minimum wage job in a dingy water park near Orlando, surrounded by the hucksters and victims of the local cultlike multilevel marketing (MLM) pyramid scheme, FAM (which stands for Founders American Merchandising and is a parody of the real-life company Amway).
Attention Donald Trump voters: this is what happens to a country that falls for hucksters who think that life can just imitate Twitter — that there are simple answers to hard questions — and that small men can rearrange big complex systems by just erecting a wall and everything will be peachy.
But it's even more of a problem when individuals then take their diagnosis and try to treat themselves without consulting a doctor—and there are plenty of hucksters out there who will take your money for those treatments, promising the world and delivering a bag of crushed up bark and wasps.
But as John Oliver's 21989 segment on modern "prosperity gospel" hucksters and the recent news of televangelist Jesse Duplantis asking—and likely convincing—his followers to buy him a fourth $25 million private jet, it's clear that large swaths of America have yet to lose faith in these airwave evangelists.
Nichols says that blacks and whites now each believe they're an endangered species, which, he says, is just fine with the racial hucksters — including people like Trump on one side, and some of the BLM extremists on the other — who are using this for their own political gain said Nichols.
This tends to leave Congress members dangerously dependent on lobbyists (or at times pure hucksters) for analysis, which fuels public contempt of Congress, which makes it all the more unthinkable for Congress to try to vote itself the extra money for staff and expertise building that could fix the problem.
Though the impeachment affair is today sometimes remembered as being the product of a "vast right-wing conspiracy" (to quote Hillary Clinton) or a bunch of hypocritical Republican hucksters getting fake-outraged over a blowjob, Clinton wasn't impeached for sexual transgressions as such, and no one forced him to repeatedly lie in public.
By focusing his rhetorical firepower largely on minority faiths that have grown in size and influence in the United States over the past 60 years — displacing the old Protestant monopoly — Mr. Trump is stoking a tribal hostility toward those who worship differently, one that hucksters have seized on throughout history to infect and co-opt America's faith communities.
"Were Donald Trump to show up in Washington as president of the United States (with Corey Lewandowski as his chief of staff), he would fit in perfectly with the Beltway culture — a culture that rewards hucksters, cynics, and ego-maniacs who have long ago sold their souls for a shot at power and perks," she adds.
But wait, there's more, as TV hucksters say: To make it easier for this Taiwanese company to build what is promised as one of the largest economic development projects in United States history — a $10 billion operation supposedly three times as large as the Pentagon — the company will be exempt from the state environmental requirements that other companies have to follow.
All of them or just ... No, not all of them, because to your point earlier, there are a lot of hucksters and people that are just taking advantage, but there's an emerging class of five or six that really are — and this is kind of goofy to say — but kind of blue-chip ones in this space, and there will be more.
When you let your campaign be managed by hucksters and shills, when you allow your every word and gesture to be scripted and focus-grouped and choreographed, how can you be seen as anything other than a robot, a mechanical puppet programmed by technicians who created you in the image that would bring them—and those who paid for your campaign—the greatest profit?
Watching the four episodes together — and seeing Goldblum in conversation with sneaker promoters, a purveyor of highbrow ice cream, a mystical big-wave surfer or a promoter of eco-friendly technologies (and eliminator of jobs) at Levi-Strauss — you might decide that "The World According to Jeff Goldblum" is really a show about hucksters, and that the host is someone who appreciates, and knows, a good hustle.
Somewhere during primary season in 210, it began to dawn on us en masse that social-media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit—the kinds of places liberal utopians and Silicon Valley hucksters had long assured us would be magical boons to an "open society" and the progressive cause—had morphed into far more potent delivery systems for intolerance, terrorism, white supremacy, and right-wing fake news.
This, combined with deep surveillance-based profiling, enormous scale, automation, lack of sufficient human oversight and a tendency to react to public relations crises instead of making proactive changes helps to explain why, during the 2016 presidential race, the site was swamped with misinformation and outright fraudulent fake news, with actors ranging from foreign troublemakers to make-a-buck hucksters to ideologically motivated political groups.
And yet they persist, each in turn earning shoutouts and name-checks in the impeachment hearing, a clear indication that Trump's GOP has become increasingly divorced from reality, its collective brain rotted by years of elevating as its national voices a rotating series of hucksters, grifters, con artists, fraudsters, and masters of malarkey—most of them more interested in personal profit than democratic political institutions.
Here are a few words that are peppered throughout Roger Goodell's letter to owners about the protests during the national anthem that continue to be willfully misconstrued by disingenuous hucksters: Here are a few words that do not appear anywhere within the commissioner's letter, nor do they appear in any statement made by any team or owner since this all began: Colin Kaepernick has repeatedly said why he began protesting.
Hucksters infected 1.7 million computers with malware that remotely directed traffic to "spoofed" websites — "empty websites designed for bot traffic" that served up a video ad purchased from one of the internet's vast programmatic ad-exchanges, but that were designed, according to the indictments, "to fool advertisers into thinking that an impression of their ad was served on a premium publisher site," like that of Vogue or The Economist.
The leading intellectuals of today are hucksters and opportunists who, far from being honest, misrepresent their own credentials — sometimes by calling themselves "philosophers," without being philosophers; or by trading on novels they have written, without ever having written a good one; or by saluting the grandeur of the French past, as if they had a right to do so, when, in reality, their own heritage might be that of a Jewish immigrant from Poland or North Africa.
Rather, the rise of the far-right is the result of a deliberate organizing effort by a small coterie of uber-wealthy industrialists and financiers; the gradual, bipartisan destruction of the New Deal welfare state; the neoliberalization of the postwar economy, with formerly well-paid, unionized employment morphing into gig-ified precarity; and a demographic shift that left many white Americans feeling culturally marginalized, allowing shrewd hucksters to exploit their resentments for electoral and financial gain.

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