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34 Sentences With "hollows out"

How to use hollows out in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "hollows out" and check conjugation/comparative form for "hollows out". Mastering all the usages of "hollows out" from sentence examples published by news publications.

He strives for no moral greatness which hollows out his claims as a reformer.
Player 2 lurches forward as rusty steel hollows out his chest cavity, bursting his inner organs.
To this day, he feels restless in tight places, and his favorite season is winter, which hollows out the landscape.
It hollows out the middle class, which leads to bankrupt towns, feeds the angry politics of those who feel cheated, and underpins the rise of demagogues.
It could also end up being another behemoth that hollows out legacy businesses and takes over the way Facebook and Uber have cannibalized the media and transportation fields.
When the top layer of lava cools and hardens, it creates a cave that lava can flow through for months before it trains and hollows out, becoming a tube.
"President Trump is not making anyone more secure with a budget that hollows out our economy and endangers working families," Nancy Pelosi, House minority leader (D-California), told reporters Thursday.
Basically, their work hollows out the structure of sugar crystals so that they dissolve more quickly, in effect fooling your tastebuds into thinking that they're consuming more sweet stuff than they are.
And government aid certainly does not strengthen communities and families: If Americans have learned anything about the federal welfare system, it is how effectively it undermines family structure and hollows out communities.
The film's vilification obscured how effectively its over-the-top satire ridicules the seriousness of the Disaster Movie's artistic pretensions, trafficking in the genre's clichés while it bludgeons their self-seriousness and hollows out their meanings.
And for two, it hollows out the job economy, where if everything can be TaskRabbited — I don't know if that's a verb — you create, you know, not enough regulatory structure, not enough rights for workers, you don't get regulated enough.
But when a prion comes into contact with its healthy counterpart, it somehow forces the normal protein to become a copy of itself, sparking a chain of infection that over years, sometimes decades, hollows out the brain, causing it to resemble an overused sponge.
In "Interior of an Inn" (1861-62), for instance, a lantern at the top of a flight of stairs hollows out a dim view down a hallway, catching a feather duster (are they duck feathers?) and a few pairs of shoes in its light.
Conrad creates antihero shows, about bad people who do bad things, but he roots them in an overall thesis about how America creates those bad people and why they're a logical outcome of a system that hollows out social institutions in the name of making more and more money.
On my marking crew, I have a guy that leaves trees with cavities for wildlife like bats and birds, and a guy that prefers to leave certain species like the American basswood, which readily hollows out to make an animal habitat as well as producing a small edible seed for birds.
Miller was unwilling to assign blame, but his comments revealed both concern and regret: California is not yet as socially and economically stratified as South Africa or Latin American countries, but one does feel the growing divide between the highly educated, wealthy, upper class and the growing underclass, while the formerly dominant middle class hollows out.
Overwintering takes place in either the stem or leaf mine. In spring, the larvae continues mining the stem, and hollows out leaves from the inside.
P. egregia hollows out a cavity in bull kelp holdfasts, usually on exposed rocky coasts, from low intertidal to shallow subtidal zones. Found from Cook Strait south to Stewart Island.
As it feeds, it hollows out the tarantula, up to the bases of the spider's hairy legs. At the beginning of this invasive assault, the tarantula finally expires. This entire process from egg to fifth instar takes around 35 days total.
The 8:1 resonance hollows out another Kirkwood gap at 1.9 AU. There cannot be any habitable planets in this system. Also, observation has ruled out planets heavier than 0.7 Jupiter mass with a period of one year or less.
The main host plants are willow (Salix species) and occasionally aspen (Populus tremula) and other poplar (Populus species). Larvae can be found on small isolated moorland bushes. ; Pupa Before pupation the larva hollows out a recess. The pupa is dark purple-brown and pupation takes place in a tough cocoon constructed from a mixture of chewed wood-pulp and silk.
A "D-handle" fixed-base router A router is a hand tool or power tool that routs (hollows out) an area in hard material, such as wood or plastic. Routers are mainly used in woodworking, especially cabinetry. Usually they're handheld or fastened, with the cutting end up, in router tables. The hand tool type of router is the original form.
Breeding takes place in the late spring and there is a single generation. The female chews a hole in the stem of a grass plant and deposits a single egg inside. The developing white, legless, larva hollows out the inside of the stem and feeds around the root crown. The plant often wilts, and can be distorted, weakened or even killed by the actions of adults and larvae.
The larvae then seek out a male digger bee onto which a few beetle larvae climb, clinging to the bee's hairs. In due course this male mates with a female bee and the beetle larvae transfer to her. She hollows out chambers in walls and cliffs, provisioning each with nectar, and laying an egg in each, which floats like a raft on the surface of the honey. She then seals the chamber.
"Exploring the Big South Fork." Norris: Mountain Laural Place. Due to the substantial amount of annual rainfall of the region and the action of the Cumberland River and surrounding tributaries the water acts to erode the softer Mississippian rock composed of limestone, shale, and calcareous sandstone from beneath the much harder and erosion resistant capstone composed of Pennsylvanian sandstone. Flowing water hollows out the softer layers beneath and forms waterfalls and gorges.
Sites located near water sources are preferred and many nests are found at the end of branches suspended over water. Due to their longer breeding season, southern parulas frequently raise two broods, as opposed to northern ones who raise only one. The female hollows out a clump of vegetation in the moss and proceeds to fill the cavity with vegetation fibers, animal hair, grass, or pine needles. These nests average in outside diameter.
This subterranean termite causes extensive damage in houses to wooden structures, as well as feeding on paper, cloth and other cellulose-containing products. It gains entry to buildings through timber in contact with the ground, creating galleries along the grain of the wood. It hollows out the timber, leaving a thin external layer intact and plastering the interior surfaces with excreta. It also creates mud tunnels along surfaces, and sometimes creates hanging, stub tunnels, a particular characteristic of this species.
The adults emerge from their over-wintering chamber in old sunflower stumps in May or June and feeds on sunflower leaves, doing no significant damage. When ready to breed, the female chews a hole in the base of a sunflower stem and inserts a single egg, protecting it with frass. The larva feeds inside the stem and when fully developed descends to the base of the plant and hollows out a chamber in the woody tissue. It is this excavation that weakens the stem.
Typically, a call begins with a rattle of clicks about 0.1 seconds apart, like a slowly played güiro or a thumbnail run over the teeth of a comb, followed by a short series of brief croaks. Where a number of calling males compete, the calls rise in pitch, volume, and speed. It is an active opportunistic predator, readily feeding on moderately sized invertebrates such as crickets, but also attacks small reptiles, mammals, and amphibians, including smaller members of its own species. When it occupies streams and ditches, the Cape river frog prefers deep ponds such as occur below inlets and races where the turbulent flow hollows out convenient shelters.
The blue spruce is attacked by two species of Adelges, an aphid- like insect that causes galls to form. Nymphs of the pineapple gall adelgid form galls at the base of twigs which resemble miniature pineapples and those of the Cooley's spruce gall adelgid cause cone-shaped galls at the tips of branches. The larva of the spruce budworm eat the buds and growing shoots while the spruce needle miner hollows out the needles and makes them coalesce in a webbed mass. An elongated white scale insect, the pine needle scale feeds on the needles causing fluffy white patches on the twigs and aphids also suck sap from the needles and may cause them to fall and possibly dieback.
James Shikwati, a Kenyan economist, has argued that foreign aid causes harm to the recipient nations, specifically because aid is distributed by local politicians, finances the creation of corrupt government such as that led by Dr Fredrick Chiluba in Zambia bureaucracies , and hollows out the local economy. In an interview in Germany's Der Spiegel magazine, Shikwati uses the example of food aid delivered to Kenya in the form of a shipment of corn from America. Portions of the corn may be diverted by corrupt politicians to their own tribes, or sold on the black market at prices that undercut local food producers. Similarly, Kenyan recipients of donated Western clothing will not buy clothing from local tailors, putting the tailors out of business.
However, the Statute upon which the autonomy was effectively based fell short of many Sardists' expectations. Upon viewing the draft of the Statute, Lussu's laconic comment was «this autonomy might as well fit into the family of federalism like a cat into the lion's». The lawyer Gonario Pinna went as far as stating «the form of autonomy being currently promulgated is far from providing the island with a serious and organic capacity of self-rule, but rather hollows out its fundamental principles and shall lead to harsh disappointments whenever translated into practice».Statuto Sardo commentato, Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, 1998, Arti Grafiche Pisano The Psd'Az suffered another serious split in July, when Lussu left and founded the short- lived Sardinian Socialist Action Party.
This series does include some of the Sufi proverbs and lore which appear in previous Jack Flanders series, but also much of the humor. There are some characters from previous adventures, aside from Jack: Madonna Vampyra, Old Far Seeing Art and Wham Bam Shazam, back from a stint at the Cordon Bleu cooking school in Paris; Chief Wampum and Doctor Mazoola play important roles behind the scenes. Characters new to this series include Madame Trunknose, who talks to crows, Lady Pompon and her niece Evie, who are working on Lady Pompon's memoirs, the Mask Maker who carves masks and hollows out a giant mushroom to create a cottage, and an operatic diva, Madama Maltzo Paltzo, who discovers that the spaces within the walls form a marvelous concert chamber.
View on the Haut-Ribeaupierre castle (642 m high) and the village of Ribeauvillé from the rock of the Peace of Udine, 902 m high The peak of the mountain, situated opposite to the Haut- Koenigsbourg, in the massif des Vosges, separates the valley of Ribeauvillé from the val de Lièpvre on a surface of about 800 hectares.Le Taennchel sur Wikimapia On the north-east of the Taennchel hides the village of Thannenkirch, and south from the mountain can be reached the old glass arts of the Ribeaupierre which overhang the rocky blocks of the Mittelberg (about 600 metres), the Venuskopf and the Schelmenkopf (905 m). The Taennchel is one of the summits which, from west to east, make up the continental divide between the basin of the Liepvrette up north and the one of the Strengbach down south. It's a huge mountain, its sides are widely open and strongly backed up on the side of the valley of the Liepvrette, while on the opposite side towards Ribeauvillé, it hollows out vertically in a grandiose cirque around the small twin valleys of the Big and Little Glass Art.

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