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"have at" Definitions
  1. (intr, preposition)
  2. to make an opening attack on, esp in fencing

975 Sentences With "have at"

How to use have at in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "have at" and check conjugation/comparative form for "have at". Mastering all the usages of "have at" from sentence examples published by news publications.

More than half of over-70s have at least two and a quarter have at least three.
In Jordan 243% of houses have at least two people per room, and 29% have at least four.
Roughly 80 percent of older Americans have at least one chronic condition, and more than three-fourths have at least two.
By 2021, companies with boards of five directors must have at least two women, and companies with six-member boards must have at least three women.
These figures show 71% of all teams globally have at least one woman and 66% of teams in the U.S. have at least one person of colour.
About 663% of Americans age 266 or older have at least one chronic condition, and 284% have at least two, according to the National Council on Aging.
Some stats: 71 percent of all teams at Atlassian have at least one woman and 66 percent of U.S.-based teams have at least one person of color.
There are 254 districts in which the Democrats have at least a 20% shot, and a whopping 277 in which they have at least one-in-ten odds.
Many Republicans, in other words, have at least a few strong disagreements with conservative economic policy, and many Democrats have at least a few strong disagreements with cultural liberalism.
Even as Americans live longer than ever before, about 85 percent of older adults have at least one chronic disease, and more than three-quarters have at least two.
" He continued, "I feel like I have at least.
Nearly a third of refugees have at least one degree.
How much fun can they really have at this point?
Many have at least one relative in the armed forces.
I would have at least like screamed [or] cried. Nothing.
You can have at a sloth sanctuary in Rainer, Oregon.
The Clippers have, at minimum, a dozen competent NBA players.
But their relations with Kenyans have, at times, been tense.
Unilever would have at least a willing buyer in Kraft.
You know, like the ones you probably have at home.
Hawley's endeavors have at least caught the tech industry's attention.
Zach Woods: Yeah, like the stuff they have at Brookstone.
Have at least three years' worth of expenses saved up.
Women should have at least 3 months for maternity leave.
BONUS: Gotta have at least one burger on Memorial Day.
DeAngelo is known to have at least two adult children.
You still have at least 2 years to meet someone.
Markle and Amber have at least this much in common.
About 30 percent of Americans have at least one tattoo.
Ten Twins have at least 10 home runs this season.
" He added, "I have, at times, for stretches of time.
We have at most 20 years to change our ways.
Many organizations control what people can have at their desks.
That's a good kind of rule to have at work.
Founders must have at least 10% equity in the company.
A candidate must have at least 30 points to apply.
"It's the mentality they have at the plate," Miller said.
We have at least 40 million people who are underinsured.
And if Dry January works for you, have at it.
These usually have at least a tenuous tie to spirituality.
"Right now, that is what we have at the V.A."
Thirteen of the companies have at least one female founder.
I personally have at least three fanny packs at home.
Remember that cables have at least two wires in them.
"You're all I have at this point," she told them.
The talent we have at the company is very strong.
But all have at least one thing in common: ActBlue.
"Those are good to have at your fingertips," she says.
It does have at least one fox, though, and groundhogs.
A third of families have at least one unemployed member.
What other medical conditions might I have at that point?
" He went on, "My attitude is: have at it, dude.
They could have at least come up and said hi.
In France, protests against Uber have at times turned violent.
B ilal : Dad, what could I even have at home?
These are survival skills I didn't have at his age.
We have at least one promising report from the states.
How many more years did he have, at this point?
"It's a tool I have at my disposal," he said.
Now they have at least the beginning of an answer.
Trump and Roberts have at times had a difficult relationship.
Its own wealth clients typically have at least $50 million.
Fliedner responded, "Have at it," and things ballooned from there.
Chronic migraine sufferers have at least 15 migraine days per month.
"You should have at least eight months," says the financial expert.
They have at least one thing in common: they're all white.
How much slime do you have at your house right now?
Thankfully for Muppet fans, we now have at least one: Kernit.
But issues surrounding gender have at times been just as toxic.
Lastly, have at least one witness on hand at the burial.
Open up his raw, and let the world have at it.
Let us all appreciate the peace that we have at present.
If you have at least two, you're considered to have PCOS.
Kevin appears to have at least 2 boats on the lake.
I'd assumed someone his age would have at least had one.
A: I couldn't choose one thing; I have at least seven!
Workers have, at times, pushed back against the company's productivity requirements.
She's in stark contrast to what we have at the moment.
Local leaders have at times struggled to earn the community's trust.
They're slower than the Comcast internet connection I have at home.
You'll still have at least 20 years to rebuild your savings.
Some, however, have at least jumped onto the idea in jest.
It's unclear what roles Noah and Walrath will have at Oracle.
But we do have at least some info to go on.
Security forces have at times used live ammunition to disperse demonstrations.
Look at the problems so many teams have at quarter back!!
Have at least that much on-field impact for gosh sakes.
Of those, it said, about 680 have at least 30,000 cycles.
Those borrowers have at least 20 percent equity in their homes.
So why not just let them have at it like rabbits?
There should have at least been a reference to True American.
The documents show that have at least $240 million in assets.
The Nets may have at least two cornerstones already onboard. 16.
All states have at least one; California has the most (53).
Foreign professionals, however, have at times complained about rigid visa policies.
Deploying proven tactics is the best shot you have at winning.
Send to: Any connections you have at companies you're interested in.
It will have at least 10 stocks, but could contain more.
Today, one-third of American homes have at least one cat.
The revelations have at times proved unsettling for the Justice Department.
In fact, most of them have at least one furry friend.
European operators, though, have at least three good reasons to object.
Shouldn't schoolchildren have at least the same privacy rights as soldiers?
"That's something we didn't have at the old house," she says.
Things that have at least echoes of the old Cold War.
The majority have at least some college education under their belts.
Hundreds more communities have at least some publicly owned broadband infrastructure.
Mr. Kabila "will have at least two levers," the diplomat said.
All we have at this point is hope and each other.
All we have at this point is hope and each other.
But they have at times struggled to attract top-tier candidates.
By 282, it is expected to have at least 23,800 students.
It's a feeling she wants Costa Ricans to have at home.
I have at times, but they are few and far between.
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Disney does have at least one thing going for it: content.
If $4,000 is what you call affordable, then have at it!
We have at least three more years left of his presidency.
All of our friends have at least one of her rings.
I think we have at least three: ritual, horror, and comedy.
All of these storylines have at least some truth to them.
If you want to take on big retailers, have at it.
Her strong stances have at times opened her up to criticism.
"I have at least three years left, maybe five," he said.
Some families have at least reached tent camps for displaced people.
I want -- and that's what we have at a record level.
The simplest pass-through structure you can have at our size.
Around 38 percent of adults have at least a bachelor's degree.
The Taliban have -- at the time of writing -- yet to answer.
Nearly all United seats have at least 31 inches of pitch.
Security forces have at times used live ammunition to disperse protesters.
But, Uber's investments have at times veered far afield from transportation.
But DeGeneres felt she needed to have at least one item.
"You have at least 3 million innocent people there," Trump said.
"I had to have at least one more job," she said.
AK: How many members does iQiyi have at the moment then?
Seven scorers have at least 15 goals, paced by Kane's 29.
Ten of its peers have at least three directors of color.
More than half (53.5 percent) have at least a bachelor's degree.
Only 19 teams, they say, have at least a 1 percent chance of reaching the College Football Playoff — and only 14 of those 19 teams have at least a 1 percent chance of actually winning it all.
North Korea is widely believed to have at least several nuclear weapons.
Since then, some comedians have at times come to be taken seriously.
That means I likely have at least one terrified student in class.
To make the list, companies have to have at least 75 reviews.
We have at least New York and London ready-to-wear shows.
What kind of employees do they wish to have at their company?
AgoriaSeems like a bad fear to have at a music festival tbh.
Recent conventions have at least been scripted to be relentlessly on-message.
Delilah will have at least one girl to hang out with, though.
This is one plate we're eager to have at the dinner table.
This means we will have at least one meal a day covered.
EA will have at least one, maybe two games to show off.
All three have at some point advocated for regime change in Iran.
If you're on AT&T, T-Mobile, or Sprint, have at it.
Products such as sugar and baby formula have at times been unavailable.
She says that he could have at least sent them a text.
Both officers have at least 10 years of employment with the department.
Just think of all the fun you'll have at Disrupt London 2016.
Still, live video isn't the worst thing to have at your disposal.
Now they are saying they will have at least 2900 billion dollars.
Four-fifths of its districts have at least one palliative-care service.
Most Americans, 71 percent, have at least one credit card, though, CreditCards.
The vast majority of companies now have at least two independent directors.
They could have at least lit them on fire while they hanged!
Again, this isn't a feature that existing services have at the moment.
I drink a bottle of water I have at work with it.
"Those are the indications that we have at this time," she added.
The Germans have at least given them a word for it: Schadenfreude.
Onscreen fables usually have at least a hint of whimsy and wonder.
Donaldson became the 38th active player to have at least 200 homers.
The monthly meetings and disclosures have at times helped prompt GM recalls.
Sometimes we do not even hire the talent we have at home.
Encouragingly, nations have at times judged the benefits as warranting the costs.
Safety procedures appear to have at least partially worked to protect staff.
Likewise, we have at times needed myths and legends about miraculous rejuvenation.
But if you like getting rid of things, well, have at it.
And 30 states have at least one senator who caucuses with Democrats.
But the two men do have at least one thing in common.
Forty Republican incumbents have at least three of the six risk factors.
States are no longer required to have at least two navigator groups.
Now look at what you have at 46 Across: IHAV[EAR]EMYKEYS.
I will fight the darkness with everything I have at my disposal.
We might have at some point, but I couldn't tell you when.
Among those who have at least graduated from college, Jones fared better.
The kids take the bag to the table and have at it.
And Trump's own words and policies have at times fanned the flames.
So if you want to rant, then have at it on Twitter.
"It's cheerfully trashy, and if that's up your alley, have at it."
We all have, at some point—probably many, many times—done something.
The startup is working with companies that have at least 5,000 employees.
Mr. Dershowitz's style and points of view have at times drawn criticism.
"The anger I have at the system really motivates me," she continued.
"They need to have at least 60% alcohol in them," Schaffner said.
So what we have at this point is the industry's self-regulations.
This is a judgement-free zone, so let's all have at it.
Ms. Ballard specializes in weddings that have at least one Jewish partner.
You are married, I know you have at least one beautiful daughter.
Each day on the scooter, I have at least two almost-accidents.
Always have at least one person with binoculars on the lookout, too.
The special counsel is the best option we have at this point.
" He answered, "I think we'll have at least a good five years.
At the plate, the Mets have at least seen progress from Cespedes.
Try to have at least something vegetarian at the table, and 2.
It's said to have at least around 80,000 fighters in the Levant.
Both have at least $2400 million more on hand than their challengers.
Around one in two Australians have at least one parent born overseas.
So I'm saying, whatever you have at home, take it out. O.K.?
The Trump and Obama administrations have at least one thing in common.
Additionally 70 percent of incarcerated children have at least one psychiatric disorder.
Instead, they have at times stonewalled, claimed executive privilege, and ignored subpoenas.
And 'opting out' is an option you have at other websites, too.
They're essential conversations for all of us to have, at any age.
If pajamas in the daytime make you feel better -- have at it.
And then what you have at the next level is the persuadables.
" "I have at least 10, 12 - 12 people that want it badly.
There's SB6190 I think is the one I have at my house.
Anyway, the box set will have at least three LPs—maybe more.
Children must have at least one Colombian parent to qualify for citizenship.
Gunter agrees with the authors' recommendation to have at least two cups.
We've got-- at Berkshire we have at least a half a dozen businesses.
CNN said that both nights will have at least 2 top-tier candidates.
I think she'll have at least a few in the 67,000 Gillette Stadium.
Finally, the excellent Meridian sound system is a must-have at only $360.
Both players have at least one point in all seven games this season.
That's too much for this gal, but have at it, you crazy kids!
But I have at least four people I would love to collaborate with.
There is only one thing Joe Jonas needs to have at his wedding.
If those spinoff Amazon businesses are really damn good, have at it, baby.
Clients need to have at least $25,000 to invest in order to participate.
Sanders's campaign will have at least one precinct captain at every caucus site.
I want to continue making movies that have at once depth and entertainment.
Republicans have, at this point, considered a wide array of Obamacare repeal plans.
And the gift was something you likely have at home yourself: an apron.
That's really important for us and the ideology we have at the Studio.
"They have at least one petrol station in Pyongyang, perhaps two," Cockerell said.
The maneuvers have at times come as combat escalated in Ukraine and Syria.
The people who've hurt them have at long last started facing some consequences.
Which might make you wonder: What rights do I really have at school?
Odds are you have (at least) one striped shirt hanging in your closet.
Of these global companies, 6,791 (22016 percent) have at least one female founder.
Something that I always have at home always, always, always is fresh lemon.
The only requirement now is that channel owners have at least 100,000 subscribers.
Whether I win this Challenge or not, what I have at home invaluable.
Of these global companies, 8,821 (16 percent) have at least one female founder.
The hopes that many had for the tribunal have at times been disappointed.
What kind of destructive power would a President Trump have at his fingertips?
Simply cover yourself in paint and have at it atop the oversized canvas.
Most states have at least some voting restrictions for people convicted of felonies.
Fortunately, we have at our disposal a tool of tremendous power: Big Data.
Hopeful nominees must have at least one first-choice vote to be eligible.
Could you even guess how many pairs of sunglasses you have at home?
It's where I have at least a chance to create something worth creating.
"I like to have at least one or two females sponsored," he says.
Half of start-ups in Silicon Valley ... have at least one immigrant founder.
We have at least four years of very hard work ahead of us.
To wit: The first real look we have at the movie looks incredible.
"We are going to throw everything we have at these attempts," she said.
Every state should have at least 20 days of early in-person voting.
Cillizza: You have, at least, six GOP Senators expressing concern about the legislation.
It's so important to have at least some social interaction among remote workers.
Should there be some of the same responsibilities that you have at Vox?
To be eligible for the ranking, companies must have at least 4013 employees.
But Mrs Clinton's team have at least started to ask the right questions.
But they're only eligible to sell if they have at least 10,000 shares.
Consider that I have at my disposal the Focal Elear, the Beyerdynamic T5p.
Democrats have at least one Republican on board with the bill in Sen.
"We have at least legal security," said the city's economy minister Frank Horch.
And the gift was something you likely have at home yourself: an apron.
If anyone has a better suggestion than truth and reconciliation, have at it.
Self-defense may have at first seemed utilitarian within the boundaries of the
With the limited data we have at this time, that doesn't seem likely.
The report estimated the city would have at least 14 days of blackouts.
The Times recently estimated his companies have at least $650 million in debt.
One in four women will have at least one abortion in their lives.
I have at this point become close with the head of the business.
Two-thirds of all households in the United States have at least one.
"We have at least four votes in the Senate doing something," Israel said.
About 133 million people now have at least one card with a balance.
If I were still alive, I think, I'd have at least visited California.
"I always start with whatever ingredients I have at the time," she said.
Most working professionals have at some point found themselves stuck in a rut.
This "virtually indestructible" Bluetooth speaker is a must-have at their next party. 
Investors must have at least $5 million in liquid net worth, he said.
And if you don't have at least five seasons, we can't sell them.
It varies depending on what idea or sketch I have at the beginning.
Answer this: How many IP addresses do you have at home right now?
A girl's gotta have at least some closet space to call her own.
If you want to drown in statistics, graphics, and choices, have at it.
But it does appear to have at least moderated their reach a bit.
Finally, we will have at our disposal additional revenues from unleashing American energy.
They have at least 11 American cured heritage-breed hams on the menu.
At the same time, rebel groups have at times prevented them from leaving.
And what we have at the end of it all is a legacy.
Whether they change the outcome, the students have at least changed the debate.
That's because we have at least one patient at our hospital with coronavirus.
What they have at the office they can have in their living room.
He's got stuff in his repertoire that you just don't have at 19.
Black Cube's many deceptions have at times caused some confusion for its operatives.
If you take prescription medicine, have at least a week's worth on hand.
My beat is among the more unusual ones we have at The Times.
He's one of the best we have at staying in the strike zone.
What recourse do Mr. Pompeo and the State Department have at this point?
But his public statements have at times appeared at odds with those policies.
"We could have at least an agreement among ourselves fairly quickly," he added.
Even generators for large facilities usually have at maximum fuel for 72 hours.
Most of Amazon's competitors have, at most, two plan options: free and paid.
She will also have at least one primary challenger in businessman Daniel McCarthy.
Then, I like to have at least an hour free of social media.
People don't realize the impact that this is going to have at retail.
A 2011 study suggested that 41 percent of us have at least one.
In fact, all her best friends have at least a decade on her. 
The retirements have at times surprised Republican operatives -- coming with little advance notice.
They're going to resort to some old tricks they have at times used.
Mayor Bill de Blasio's duties and dreams have, at times, been at odds.
Or maybe it's just that I have, at long last, come of age.
Indians have at times seemed fond of kicking their leaders to the curb.
If you want to be a judgemental piece of shit, have at it.
Denise (83) MUNCHIES: Hi Denise, what beer do you always have at home?
If you wanna sit here and watch TV with me, let's have at it.
It started with the momentum we usually have at the end of open enrollment.
Any battery pack you buy nowadays should have at least one USB-C output.
From this immense collection that you have at home, what is your favorite object?
"On a normal week, I'm going to have at least three headaches," she said.
But don't you have at least a shred of affection for Maguire's emo Peter?
Only 10 other Tigers have at least that many RBIs in a Detroit uniform.
If you&aposre not ideologically driven to eviscerate the society, then have at it.
Indeed, anti-abortion ballot measures have at best a mixed history in recent years.
On any given day, I have at least nine makeup products on my face.
Image: HuluWe all have at least one show that we watched as a mistake.
But his questions have at times prompted Trump to account for his administration's actions.
It's now estimated to have at least 250,000 members across the U.S. and Canada.
To me, an old-school Florida joint should have at least three essential qualities.
Freelance journalists are required to have at least 15 years of experience to qualify.
Now it seems that the parties have, at long last, finally completed their negotiations.
Meanwhile BlackRock's proxy voting guidelines urge companies to have at least two women directors.
Men think they need to have at least three wives to earn eternal salvation.
Overall, about 15% of Americans have, at one point, used an online dating site.
Meanwhile, the Avengers have at least tacit support from some locals in the delta.
Wherever they are, even small fintechs have at least two advantages over bigger rivals.
Both men have, at different times, enjoyed status as the bishop of Short Creek.
We have at least 11 million people in this country that came in illegally.
That means an alert driver may have at least attempted to swerve or brake.
It was representative of the dreams or nightmares you might have at the time.
Moira is away in Bosnia and the kids have at her wig wall basically.
You have to sweep out all the possible range you have at your disposal.
As a result, most proportional systems have at least three major parties, often more.
"We often have at least a conversational relationship with the other agent," said Beacher.
It's a wonderful way to utilize the entire frame you have at your disposal.
That's a conversation that Thaler and Sunstein have at best started to engage with.
It's hard not to have at least a little sympathy for the team here.
Usually when you're going good, you have at least two of your pitches going.
Your device needs to have at least 50 percent battery, or be plugged in.
Large businesses, which have at least 500 employees, expanded their head count by 1683,000.
Of note: Six out of 10 U.S. adults have at least one chronic condition.
The company reportedly told web publishers they have "at least six months" to prepare.
Check it out ... YG gives 'em 3 rules before letting them have at it.
But with such a big change, you likely have at least a few questions.
You have AT&T, Time Warner stock up in response to this as well.
Avid gamers have at least 22005 news ones to look forward to in 22012.
If you want to build your own VR64, by all means, have at it.
"We give the very best information that we have at the time," Sanders said.
The only rule I have at practice is to be done at 1 p.m.
That would have at least been kind of clever, although somewhat hard to eat.
They aren't that old and have at least one dominant go-to offensive option.
There's good news: most Americans still have at least some confidence in our elections.
The movie presumes you have at least a passing knowledge of the wizarding world.
But they have at least one shared mission: confirming a bevy of federal judges.
Bellies, hip bones, fingers, lips—you have at least one of those things, probably.
The three companies have at one point or another mentioned growing their apparel businesses.
Other targeted GOP senators have at least $1 million when they started 2019: Sen.
"Ripasudil is a great drug that we have at Phase 3," Saunders told Cramer.
"I have at least 10, 12 — 12 people that want it badly," Trump said.
Most TVs released in the last couple of years should have at least one.
Whatever influence the president may have at times wielded over the economy is diminishing.
All of the candidates described here have at least a few things in common.
Mr. Buffett did concede that his tax payments have, at times, been much smaller.
The U.S. auto company plans to have at least 15 models ready by 2025.
Senior officials have at times highlighted the topic but preparations are still behind schedule.
"The Libyan model isn't a model that we have at all," Trump said Thursday.
Four other states — Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia and North Carolina — will have at least 85033.
Supporters believe they have at least 85033 backers for the criminal justice bill. Sen.
I know I have at least three dead pairs of headphones in my house.
Airlines basically have at least four ways for passengers to bring animals on flights.
I have at least a hundred boxes of books and magazines in the basement.
Foreign companies have at times dealt with the controls detailed in the new law.
Children spend most days at school — and typically have at least one meal there.
After all, self-made millionaires tend to have at least three sources of income.
I think we have, at least in the theater of war, breakfast taco supremacy.
We probably have at least 5 of them stocked in our closet right now.
I could have at least lied and said I was caught up at work!
I bought one, the same watch we sell today, which I have at home.
"I'm proud of the credit card products we have at Wells Fargo," Sloan responded.
Now "accredited investors" who have at least 10,000 shares will be eligible to sell.
Chances are you have at least one friend who's joined the cult of coconut.
Black people have suddenly become a must-have at high-profile British awards shows.
That way, you'll always have at least one meal you to fall back on.
They have at least 22 more episodes to put everyone where they want them.
They still have at least 14 years to worry about them falling off completely.
I start earlier at Coach than I have at any of my previous positions.
We still have at least 24 hours of critical fire weather ahead of us.
It does not have at its disposal the greatest hothouse of talent in Europe.
Every little bit helps, and I'm throwing any extra I have at this balance.
Cox and many other volunteers are constructing masks using materials they have at home.
It all depends on the information they have at that time, once he's identified.
Whose interests are they going to have at heart when they get into office?
Almost a third of adolescents have at least one moderate or severe chronic condition.
Both of the ones I have at home are attached to Apple TV consoles.
They could have at least used a megaphone to say, 'This is what's happening.
In that situation, the Packers have at least a puncher's chance: about 8 percent.
Food companies will have at least two years to remove them from their products.
All of us have, at one point, experienced our share of rejection or loneliness.
They also take on social media celebrities who have at least a million subscribers.
The second floor would house any guests and would have at least 5 bedrooms.
I recognize that it's important to have at least some stress in high school.
"We certainly have at least another campaign in us after this one," he said.
"We give the very best information that we have at the time," Sanders replied.
Anyway, Mr. Mueller appears to have at least some evidence of an underlying offense.
You know, they could have at least spent a year teaching English in Bangladesh.
Nine players have at least 22011 points, and four rookies have 22016 or more.
Trump's efforts meant to help urban areas have at times helped his political allies.
And all of her patients, Dr. Eckstrom said, have at least one chronic condition.
At first glance, Mirror looks like any other mirror you might have at home.
Better to have at least 221 solvent and competitive clubs than just a handful.
But victims' advocates say the Saints have at least created the appearance of impropriety.
That percentage chance is quite similar to what the polls have at this time.
We're much more likely to have at least some success with simple and cheap.
But the president's team knows he will have at least one eye on Washington.
But Pelosi does still have at least one card, and she should play it.
There's a freedom here that you wouldn't have at Bloomberg or CNBC ... editorial freedom.
Republicans have, at most, three truly endangered seats right now (Arizona, Nevada and Tennessee).
Analysts said that Japan may have at first chosen to avoid provoking Mr. Trump.
Democrats can do this by using all the authority they have at their disposal.
What assurance did you have at the time that your identity would stay anonymous?
That's a just cause, even if the protesters have at times resorted to violence.
Mexico's detention centers have at times reached triple, quadruple and even quintuple their capacity.
Other leaders he's served with have at least "called ahead of time," Schumer said.
Currently, you&aposll need to have at least 1,000 followers to access the feature.
TAYLOR If there's Facebook, we probably would have at least checked each other's status.
In this long-running feud, both companies have at times come out on top.
And the Knicks — whatever other problems they have at the moment — no longer are.
And can anyone prevent senior officials from misusing information they have at their fingertips?
Mexico's detention centers have at times reached triple, quadruple and even quintuple their capacity.
"But one thing assured: This is the only option we have at this point."
But you've got to have at least one book by someone that you trust.
Proposed Channel bridges have, at various times, been dismissed as possible threats to navigation.
I think 85 percent or so of Americans have at least an ear piercing.
They're going to make it, so Jon and Ramsay Bolton can have at it.
Inner strength is found in the security you have at home and with family.
In eastern Ukraine, attempts to deny Russia's involvement have at times bordered on the absurd.
Within a group, most adult females have, at any given moment, a single, dependent calf.
In January, Hurd told PEOPLE that the couple needed one must-have at their reception.
And that's something we did not have at the beginning of the year at all.
You want to have at least three months' worth of cash to cover necessary expenses.
I have no idea how many I own, but I have at least fifteen boxes.
Wednesdays tend to be calmer than the other meeting-heavy days I have at work.
Elsewhere, Kansas and Missouri have at least 50 percent of the state in drought conditions.
The impact you can have at Facebook is hard to replicate anywhere else, he says.
The put-upon people have spoken, and they have at long last drawn the line.
But if this is where it is and she thinks it's cute, have at it.
First, the laptop needed to have at least a 00073th generation Intel processor or newer.
Most huge bands have at least one song that everyone loves, but they fucking hate.
We have, at times, been disengaged and at times, we sought to dictate our terms.
After 2000 weeks of traveling, you should have at least 210 smurfs in your employment.
All now have at least four, the previous maximum per side in any CSL game.
You should have at least two or three inches of hair left at the ends.
Wall Street's biggest banks have at least one thing to be thankful for in 2016.
This is a car, though, and cars inevitably have at least one dopey physical control.
Unloved asset classes have at least one charm—they tend to sell at a discount.
I have at least 250 pairs in the house right now, and that's just sneakers.
More than a third of households have at least one person living by informal vending.
We're sure she'll be relieved to have at least two fewer existential questions to ponder.
It hopes to have at least one deal in hand before year-end, Purgason said.
And what business does an audio guide salesperson have at a United Nations cocktail hour?
Now to figure out what to do for the next hour I have at work.
We're the only ones who haveat least in the political space — this particular model.
They have to release the best possible product they have at the optimal market timing.
It was to the point where I'd have at least two [emotional breakdowns] a week.
You could have at least made one of those games a dungeon crawler for laughs.
Most animals have at least a semblance of an adult-like body when they're young.
UNLIKE invertebrates, most of which have at least four eyes, vertebrates usually have only two.
Of those 54 firms, 20103, or 44 percent, have at least one female investing partner.
I chatted with Alexander Liegl, who may just have at least part of the answer.
For Trump, the golf trips have at their heart two key issues: hypocrisy and ethics.
Teams that have at least three turnovers in a game are 3-40 this season.
Many systems already have at least some autonomous capabilities, including drones and missile defense networks.
Foreigners outside the United States have, at best, limited rights to sue in U.S. courts.
I'd bet the vast majority of us have at least one cherished memory like that.
It was feasible that, financially speaking, Democrats would have at least parity with the Republicans.
It's nice to have at least one rock of stability in this topsy-turvy world.
This last large, chlamydia-free population could be the best hope koalas have at rebounding.
Hosts of these homes are also supposed to have at least a 4.8 guest rating.
Every town, even the smallest, seemed to have at least one such water-storage system.
But couldn't they have at least made those hot rods look like they were moving?
If you've ever considered wearing coloured contacts to change up your look, have at it.
While Chinese leaders have at times sounded cooperative, their actions have told a different story.
You have, at that point, lost the plot or forgotten the entire point of plot.
I had no clue what we were going to have at the end of it.
One-quarter of U.S. households now have at least one piece of smart home gear.
PDVSA's cash-flow problems have at times left it unable to pay for sufficient diluent.
If you know someone who is heavily tatted, chances are they have at least one.
Japandroids have, at long last, dropped Near to the Wild Heart of Life and YOOOOOOOOO.
Here they are taking part in a session on the challenges they have at home.
If you want to glue a fake baby hand to your fingers, have at it.
It's likely that all other older buildings there have at least been damaged, he said.
Showing people that here are people that have, at least, this common belief with you.
Mr. Cruz appeared to have at least several backers among the 28 delegates elected there.
One day, I handed them the house kit and let them have at it, unsupervised.
"  "If they want to focus on petty attacks, that's fine, let them have at it.
Since that disastrous campaign, the Republicans have at least talked about reconnecting with African-Americans.
Already, 70 plus percent of Americans have at least one chip card in their wallet.
They have at times disagreed on tactics or practices in this regard, such as Sen.
The job typically requires you to have at least a high school diploma or equivalent.
What wouldn't change was the inscription in the skullcaps they would have at the wedding.
This is a 3-paragraph redaction that appears to have at least one sub-heading.
The Democratic Party is going to throw everything they have at defending Tim Kaine's seat.
The report did not specify what roles the sports stars would have at the event.
Thousands of children have, at some point, been separated from their families amid the chaos.
The Warriors have exactly five players who don't have at least one glaring defensive weakness.
KELLY: Let me just set the record, and then you guys can have at it.
Nearly 103 percent of families receiving Medicaid have at least one family member who works.
Republicans have, at this point, firmly discredited Democratic moderates and their promises of technocratic compromises.
Almost 70% of students who earn Bachelor's degrees have at least some student loan debt.
Try to have at least two different backups — you don't want to lose your data.
It can be multiplied effortlessly in as many devices as we have at our disposal.
"We can't be happy if we don't have at least one deep connection," he says.
We'll do what we can do with the knobs and technology we have at hand.
You have to make the most out of the ones you have at that moment.
But, those who made that leap have at least one thing in common: they dominated.
Additionally, to qualify, entrepreneurs must have at least 15 percent ownership of their respective company.
Every batch of Newmojis seems to have at least one distraught image in the bunch.
What annoys me sometimes is perhaps the lack of education that people have at it.
You have to have at least technological optimism, think that things are going to progress.
Check out our guide to the best emergency kits you can have at the ready
Gail: Amy Klobuchar might have at least a modest hope for a No. 2 slot.
A majority of Democratic primary voters have, at least for now, lined up behind Biden.
FameBit requires that a YouTube user have at least 5,000 subscribers to join its marketplace. 
Most kits have at least two genetic targets, to improve the reliability of the result.
He would have at least one chance to speak, and they wonder why he hasn't.
Many dramas have at least one character who's saddled with the dull brunt of exposition.
Or, do you really not know how much discretionary income you have at any time?
What's more, these grant recipients will also have to have at least one discounted plan.
In fact, of all our newborn children, 42 percent have at least one foreign parent.
Also, they must have at least 400 donors each in at least 20 different states.
Each job had to have at least 30 reviews to be considered for the list.
And then have at all that we've got: save, cook, share, organize, make notes, repeat.
I have, at this point, seen every listing in my price range, with no luck.
Even if you're having a "meh" week, we have at least two reasons to smile.
The more hotspots we have at one time, the higher the demand for these resources.
Courts have, at times, disagreed with the office's legal interpretations — and their rulings take precedence.
I know dozens of women who have at least emailed the list or received it.
Vendors and merchants likely have at least some items still in stock in Amazon warehouses.
The articulation that the animators have at their disposal is, yeah, the word is radical.
When it comes to emails, a majority of users have at least one email address.
"If the Democrats want to play politics on this, let's have at it," Harris said.
Each place needed to have at least 1,000 participants to be ranked in the report.
And Congress would have at least 30 days to vote on any changes he sought.
Many legal experts think the case should have, at minimum, had its day in court.
The plan is to have at least one potential vaccine in clinical trials by June.
You now need to have at least 40 total credits to qualify for retirement benefits.
Suddenly, there were N.B.A. message boards and Reddit posts where fans could have at it.
He will have at least one more before making a rehab start in the minors.
"We'll definitely have at least one more location, if not two or three," he said.
China's failures on the coronavirus are distracting us from the mess we have at home.
Wireless chargers have at least one induction coil inside, which creates an alternating electromagnetic field.
A new Prime Minister would have at least some chance of making progress on Brexit.
After all, the more Uncle Sam takes, the less you&aposll have at your disposal.
Even if he lacked litigation experience, Blackman said he could have at least faked it.
Arizona will have at least one Democratic senator and probably a Democratic governor next January.
It&aposs recommended that entrepreneurs have at least 70% profit to keep their business healthy.
Such a rule is designed to make sure bills have at least some bipartisan support.
There is not a single square that doesn't have at least one event penciled in.
In it, four characters gather in a big rambling house and have at each other.
Every shul should have at least an armed guard, and several qualified people with firearms.
I think you need to have ... How many employees did they have at the time?
With so many strengths, Crown Shy must have at least one thing wrong with it.
But I still have at least, hopefully, another good 15 years here at Spencer Stuart.
Take this simple-looking chicken pot pie that we have at the restaurant [for example].
They can be passed quickly, and they have, at least thus far, withstood legal challenge.
New Life Baptist Academy's 20 teachers also have at least five loaded handguns among them.
Look, if anybody still wants to dispute the science around climate change, have at it.
Half of Texans below the age of 65 have at least one pre-existing condition.
But America's chief executives have at times "performed unevenly in living up to those inspiring words".
The only thing she doesn't haveat least, not yet — is a go-to drink order.
But it is a thing and if you don't want Twitter FOMO then have at it.
Baked Vodka Salmon Odds are you'll already have at least one of these ingredients on hand.
Communities in sprawling, resources-rich PNG have at times opposed decisions made by the central government.
That could have at least recouped her legal fees, and those that Kleiner demanded she cover.
"The camera tech uses the best of the camera tech we have at Qualcomm," Madhavapeddy said.
So, what do the Google calendar, daily cards and secretary's schedule page have at that time?
Many scary movies have at least one scene where someone — or something — emerges from the fog.
I'd hope you have at least one clever friend or relative who can help you brainstorm.
If these negotiations have achieved little else, they have at least united us in fraternal dismay.
Fujimori's party, Fuerza Popular, would have at least 71 of 130 seats in Peru's unicameral Congress.
"If they want to do that with their net neutrality repeal, have at it," she said.
All modern GPUs have at least one temperature sensor, but EVGA is well exceeding that norm.
Yes — the closest thing to responsibility that I have at age 00 is my pet fish.
Those facilities are said to have "at most two weeks' worth of materials and components" necessary.
In 2017, a channel must have at least 10,000 lifetime views in order to be eligible.
I mean, first of all, doesn't it look like something you'd have at a quality restaurant?
It's the most open door — the biggest way to escape — that you have at the time.
It included 1,011 adults ages 23 and up who have at least $10,000 in investable assets.
It's a war between people who have, at various times and in various ways, been dispossessed.
The Democratic nominee's day-to-day feuds with Trump have at times obscured her own message.
Have at least a few quality photos on hand that you can use on dating apps.
If we was to have at least one month, three weeks off, it would be easier.
That's a great person to have at his side when he's traveling," he told "Power Lunch.
Republicans, on the other hand, have at least 35 seats to defend, including four toss-ups.
In India, on the other hand, officials have at times brutally punished those who defecate outside.
Harris and Klein and Sullivan have, at this point, spilled plenty of words limning their disagreements.
Israel says its forces have at times come under gun or grenade attacks during the protests.
Consumers often buy multiple packs of EpiPens to have at home, school, work and their care.
I would have liked to have at least seen USB-C here, and more design changes.
You probably have at least one friend who always knows the newest and most amazing music.
Many families have at least one member who has worked in the mines or related industries.
We have at least a few weeks to figure out a solution that works for everyone.
One tool that we have at the Center is called the Framework for Ethical Decision Making.
The best methods we have at the date are those of political science, sociology, and economics.
Which is fine — it&aposs good to have at least some mysteries left in the universe.
Borrowers need full documentation and must have at least 20 percent equity in their homes already.
An estimated 70% of Saudi families have at least one succession problem tied up in court.
Both of these unlikely scenarios will have at least slightly restrained China's actions in the past.
"You have at least three, potentially four large players with deep enough pockets," says Mr Singhi.
I would say in the early 90s, we could have at that time released the music.
That magnificent, nightmarish plan is actually the best shot the 300 remainingwild ferrets have at surviving.
We put him on the DL so we would have at least 15 days to know.
But at this point we have, at least, a good faith basis that it will work.
The previous auction rules required bidders to have at least $2 billion in capital per project.
A brand must have at least two models with test and reliability data to be included.
Almost all four- to five-star hotels, even boutique ones, have at least one meeting room.
And tell us in the comments which of the six you have at home right now.
Simply releasing an API and asking the automotive world to "have at it" is not enough.
The cops used to say, 'Have at it,' but now it's 'Leave my child molester alone.
That means up to 13% of homes have at least one Wi-Fi camera and mic.
As of recently, they have at least begun to incorporate actual Egyptians such as Ramy Romany.
He was wearing ear protection and eye protection that you would have at a shooting range.
Good news: Most Americans still have at least some degree of confidence in our voting system.
But to get repeaters, particularly children, a ballet has to have at least some dramatic force.
We have at any one time 100,000 team members in our branch and retail bank network.
A country with four networks should have at least two that were not built by Huawei.
He knows the feeling I have at work right now, and has good advice for me.
If they deal with corporate disclosures they're going to have at look at their own disclosures.
Marjory Stoneman Douglas will have at least 3,300 students when the school year starts August 15.
It's only fitting for her to have at least one property there, but she has two.
Laugh all you want, but I bet you have at least one ridiculous password out there.
"In the more recent imagery ... it does seem to have at least slowed down," Town said.
Such cases have at times come down to a single vote and mirrored justices' abortion views.
So, in about two weeks, you can truly have at it with the fall Insta posts.
" Trump has said, though, that the "Libyan model isn't a model that we have at all.
"Tools that analysts have at airlines haven't been built for a modern-day environment," Kelly said.
Terrorist attacks and assaults on health workers have at times brought the response to a standstill.
"I would play music on my laptop and just let them have at it," she says.
Not so -- even when accounting for the more limited resources African governments have at their disposal.
It expects to have at least two to three locations open by the end of 2018.
"The corporate sponsors enable these amazing experiences that the students have at these hackathons," he says.
But I can't get away with throwing almost everything I have at a role like Ray.
Our predecessors have at times died for this fight and our freedoms, we shouldn't forget that.
And they have at least one Grey's cast member on their side — April herself, Sarah Drew.
Curbelo told Axios Thursday that he expects to have at least one fellow GOP co-sponsor.
And, if nothing else, the boutique advisers have at least already been bolstered by the deal.
The high net worth investors surveyed by UBS have at least $1 million in investable assets.
There's a book that we have at home that sings the songs when you open it.
With significant uncertainty remaining, we should be throwing everything we have at this highly infectious disease.
If Stewart had gotten around Logano, he would have at least had a shot at winning.
Every upscale bar menu these days seems to have at least one drink containing the spice.
If this is what the banks have at best, they're not looking at something serious here.
Even in the US, you'll ... Even that we're way ahead, you'll have at least three vendors.
According to the manufacturer, Flexmort, 92 percent of hospitals in Britain have at least one CuddleCot.
Still, the results of the new research have at least one heart specialist rethinking his practice.
The main difference is that Louis seems to have at least tried to understand the issues.
Still, Osaka has something neither of those two have at the moment: the No. 1 ranking.
So, either Italians are rereading all the volumes they have at home, or they're just lying.
Polling centers often have at least that many people in one location at a given time.
He could have at least stood when South Korean and North Korean athletes marched in together.
More than 211 European countries now have cases; 22 of them have at least 2600 each.
To make an effective hand sanitizer, the final product needs to have at least 60% alcohol.
However, the good news is that many do have at least one product that does so.
Private elevators in homes are supposed to have at least one annual inspection, the statement said.
And 28503 percent of Nevada students in K-22019 have at least one unauthorized immigrant parent.
Because you have at times in the past have had more ideas than you had money.
He could have at least sent an intern to Kinko's to print up a new chart.
In order for the current generation to replace itself, women need to have at least two.
Another dynamic makes this cycle even harder to control: American intentions have at times been unclear.
Every respectable church choir seemed to have at least a few of them in its repertoire.
Prices change if you have at least $1 million invested, but that&aposs not most people.
His activities of late concerning Ukraine have, at a minimum, failed the smell test of propriety.
Senate Democrats are now discussing what remaining tools they have at their disposal to pressure Trump.
Democrats will have at least a 12 seat majority in the House in the new Congress.
The DeVoses have at times targeted Republicans who didn't fall in line with their education agenda.
Democratic Party leaders have at times this season criticized Iowa&aposs status as first to vote.
In fact, PFAS are so persistent, most Americans have at least small amounts in their blood.
Almost 60 percent of Americans have at least one streaming service, according to a CNBC survey.
The property, still under construction, will have at least four pools and other interesting water features.
"The plan is to have at least several distribution sites in every county," Dr. McCans said.
In some places, like Chile, Google said, renewables have at times become cheaper than fossil fuels.
The 10 cars on this list have at least a savings of 8.12% up to 10.38%.
Odds are, you either embrace feminism yourself, or you have at least one friend who does.
Every house seemed to have at least one -- often more -- tanks to catch and store rainwater.
You have, at a one point, someone bursts in -- bursts in and says, 'They went hostile.
Appearing to have at least something in common with gun owners was important for all politicians.
Even some Republicans who have at times been critical of Trump seemed to endorse that approach.
But they have at least one thing in common: the internet as a tool of radicalization.
Those banks all have at least $100 billion in assets, and among the bill's biggest beneficiaries.
This job is more fun than any one person has a right to have at work.
I don't know how many properties we have at this point, my brother runs this business.
These selectors have, at minimum, a master's degree in library science and a love of reading.
To get a human Merrill Lynch adviser, customers need to have at least $250,000 in wealth.
Applicants must have at least a high school education or its equivalent, or relevant work experience.
KR: I had no idea that she would have at it the way that she did.
And let's say you also have to always have at least one foot on the ground.
After a particularly torturous breakup, I vowed to have at least one year of emotional celibacy.
" But, he adds, "I think the storytelling capabilities of the company are endless because of the talent we have at the company, and the talent we have at the company is better than it's ever been, in part because of the influx of people from Fox.
They're fluent in English, and are often close to American citizens: According to Wong's survey, 25 percent of DACA recipients have at least one US-born child; 73 percent have at least one US citizen as a member of their immediate family (child, spouse or sibling).
People who take these tours have at least two common bonds — swimming and a sense of adventure.
Everybody in this country should in fact have at least a minimum and dignified standard of living.
Congress would have at least 30 days to hold hearings and then vote on any proposed change.
The virtual caucus is meant to simulate the same experience voters have at the in-person precincts.
In other words, these are big kids who have at least the wealth to absorb the storm.
For decades, you had to have at least $10 million for Goldman Sachs to manage your money.
So, we probably have at least a few years before civilians start lodging phones into their throats.
Harper's imagination and huge heart likely have at least a little to do with her famous dad.
All told, I have at this point told nine of my colleagues that I have bipolar disorder.
And Americans bothered by the sudden disappearance of Obama policies have at least one consolation prize: WhiteHouse.
If I could go back, I would have at least tried to start a conversation about salary.
The more ingredients you can add, people-wise, the more flavor that you have at your party.
But what place do marketers have at WEF, where topics include geopolitics, tackling malnutrition and nuclear power?
Then again, if you're dying to look like that blond kid Angelica from Rugrats, have at it.
This prompts the question: What impact does poetry — or its absence — have at moments of national significance?
McDonald's, for example, requires that franchisees have at least $750,000 in liquid assets, the Fiscal Times reports.
Only about half of the state's 55 counties have at least one federally certified provider of buprenorphine.
Obviously, the best memory card for your Switch is probably the one you already have at home.
YouTube has tried to fix the problem with better controls, and brands have at times left YouTube.
I never got anything from him and I think he could have at least tried to write.
Both she and her husband have at times used their real names in videos about AIM content.
Renewables, including hydropower, would have at least to treble their share of electricity generation from today's 25%.
Candidates must have at least 130,000 unique donors and reach 2% in four opinion polls by Aug.
It would have at least been interesting if the show failed at those goals in spectacular fashion.
Each have, at various times, been elected in waves on the promise to enact major new policies.
Family offices are becoming more complex—a third have at least two branches—making tax wheezes easier.
Because when someone goes and buys a Volvo, we don't know what services they have at home.
The earlier you get treated for HIV, the better chance you have at living a healthy life.
It was seven days a week, and I'd have at least two 20-hour days a week.
But those of us who are trans have (at least) another layer of anxiety: Are we safe?
Democratic strategists will be relieved to have at least one target who conforms to the traditional playbook.
More than half the employees in those countries have at least some control over their working hours.
Lots of people have, at one point or another, harbored dreams of writing the next great novel.
All of them have at least some warehouse workers or other employees involved in labor-intensive roles.
Additionally, one extra class will be created to support the teachers we already have at our school.
About 250 percent of those between 203 and 220 have at least $220,210 in their savings account.
HNWI have at least $1m in investable assets, excluding their main home, its contents and collectable items.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership is perhaps the single biggest difference Obama and Clinton have at this stage.
Still, if this gator was going to stop by uninvited, it could have at least brought flowers.
But the reality is, we have at least another month or so of sweating our butts off.
"Look, if anybody still wants to dispute the science around climate change, have at it," Obama said.
They must also have at least 10% of the daily requirements for vitamins, fiber and other nutrients.
"Someone at 40, I like to see them have at least two times their salary," Sowhangar said.
So if this is my departure, I would like to have at least an opportunity to understand.
Here are the apps we recommend you have at your fingertips while you're fighting the good fight.
I have, at long last—and with the invaluable assistance of treatment—very nearly broken the habit.
I offer to treat, but N. is more interested in the Italian ice we have at home.
Why couldn't you have at least called her and see if she needed like something to wear?
Health workers in the vaccination campaign have at times faced scepticism or hostility from at-risk communities.
Finally, most of these mattresses have at least a 100-night testing period and 10-year warranty.
He told conservatives who deny climate change to "have at it" because they were defying the world.
Well, when I marry that woman, this is what we're going to have at the wedding buffet.
Hulu and YouTube have begun offering streaming live TV options, as have AT&T, DISH and Sony.
While the state is by no means bust, analysis suggests the good times have at least plateaued.
These must have at least 25 members from at least a quarter of the 27 member states.
Many HSA providers require that you have at least $1,000 in your account before you can invest.
Women obtaining abortions are disproportionately young, minority, unmarried, and likely to already have at least one child.
Elections are the course corrections we have at our disposal — and have had since our nation's founding.
A total of 69% the luxury brands in the sample group have at least one mini program.
I've been there, and it chips at your confidence, which is important to have at the office.
Among Americans between the ages of 25 to 34, 37 percent have at least a bachelor's degree.
Most Kichwa communities have at least one shaman, who is called upon for sicknesses and aura cleansings.
In order to be considered a triple crème, the cheese must have at least 75 percent butterfat.
Vowing to have at least one woman at the table is a start, but it isn't enough.
In fact, nearly 40% of millennials have at least one tattoo, according to the Pew Research Center.
Environmentalists in Lebanon have, at least, stopped the construction of a highway through Ashrafiya, Beirut's Maronite core.
So I gave them his number and told them to have at it, old-school Buddyhead-style.
By the end of the year, the Kansas mom should have at least $667 in her jar.
But the subdivision of his selves allowed Pessoa to have at least four such styles at once.
They have at least 25 assists in three consecutive games for the first time since November 239.
They all have at least moments of the probing intensity that they've shown in their previous work.
Many good beer bars in the United States have at least one or two cask-conditioned selections.
Instead, aim to have at least eight to 12 months worth of living expenses in the bank.
Four out of five of them have at least one living parent, according to the Ugandan government.
It's important to have at least six months of living expenses saved up in an emergency fund.
Most years, we have at least two or three advent calendars in the house, because why not?
For measles, this requires that we have at least 95 percent of our population vaccinated against measles.
One thing the new 911 will not have, at least at the outset, is a manual transmission.
The lawsuits have, at times, devolved into a war of words, with both sides releasing caustic statements.
How to get hired, according to GlassdoorNurse practitioners (NP's) have at least a master's degree in nursing.
Trump's tweets, meanwhile, have at times driven news cycles and even caused stock market prices to seesaw.
Brzezinski and Scarborough have frequently interviewed Trump, though, and both anchors have at times complimented the businessman.
It could have at most two of the following three things: republicanism, white supremacy, or overseas expansion.
Cruz wants to copy and capitalize, once again, on what Donald Trump is doing, have at it.
Can we hope to protect our citizens from the kind of weapons they'll have at their disposal?
The higher your credit score, the better shot you'll have at borrowing money with favorable repayment terms.
Based on this math, the United States deserves to have at least four Buick models made domestically.
Jeffress is the 23rd player in Brewers history to have at least 25 saves in a season.
They're just not included in the support that the post-2900/220006 caregivers have at this point.
"If others think they can do it better, have at it!" said Mr. Rollins in an email.
Tried me on in one of those public nudity dressing rooms they used to have at Loehmann's.
Reed Smith and its lawyers have at all times complied with the protective order in this case.
There is something wondrous about the technologies that the characters in Manhattan Beach have at their disposal.
As far as youth goes, children's hospitals didn't even have the clientele they have at this point.
Generations Anyway: What kind of presence did the latest iteration of the franchise have at the convention?
Isn't it better for them to have at least some adult guidance rather than none at all?
Groups protesting the Republican Party are expected to show up, much as they have at every RNC.
Most of the Maryland rapper's songs have at least a couple of these elements, if not all.
Diversity recipients specifically must also have at least a high school education or equivalent and job experience.
"We're going to use every leverage point we have at our disposal to protect theses Dreamers," Rep.
While the Proud Boys accept minority members, they have at times joined forces with overtly racist organizations.
Because they could have at least floated up to the top and somebody could have grabbed them.
For hand sanitizer to be effective, it must have at least 60% alcohol, according to the CDC.
Most of the podiums have at least one facade missing, revealing their inner construction to the viewer.
In the biggest cities, property prices on average have at least doubled over the past eight years.
Which is to say some Republicans with investigatory power have at least signaled a whiff of independence.
They have at least eight hours ahead of them during which to become more tired and harassed.
I have spent as much time looking at visitors' screens as I have at the van Gogh.
And then we'll make a determination based on what information we have at that point in time.
Moreover, the Taliban defections and fragmentation have, at least in the short term, actually inhibited peace negotiations.
For that reason, the health workers try to have at least one woman on each vaccination team.
I think the biggest problem we have at Kalu Yala is lack of diversity within the institute.
Still, the Trump administration's rhetoric and policies have at times undermined efforts to weaken Mr. Maduro's regime.
Garcia had three RBIs, one of seven Rays to have at least one RBI in the game.
We have at once a national security crisis, a public safety problem and a public health epidemic.
The majority of Americans who seek abortions are low-income and already have at least one child.
In essence, it's a moving version of the photo systems that some countries have at customs checkpoints.
Yes, I like seeing new places and meeting people and having experiences I wouldn't have at home.
But in the past two seasons, they have at times showed the anthem because it was newsworthy.
Cheese politics have at times even soured trade talks between the United States and the European Union.
Trial rules are established by a simple majority — which the Republicans have at roll call, 53-47.
To this day, a chic Paris living room is likely to have at least one African piece.
Scientists in Guam, however, say they have at least one other major threat in mind: climate change.
"The cheaper the materials are, the bigger the size tanks you could have at the same cost." 
They resembled caltrops, illegal weapons that have at least two sharp points sticking out of a base.
BREAKFAST BROWSE Never mind Remember that "popular film" category they wanted to have at next year's Oscars?
Since taking office, officials have at various times indicated the wall could include fencing in some portions.
I -- I've -- I've done everything that they requested, and no, I don't think I have at all.
Based on their records from years' past, Kaufman and Levy hope to have at least 200 bakers.
Guy so worried, watching his wife have at it with a big sailor or— It wouldn't do.
Today (Monday): We should have at least partial sunshine this morning before clouds increase in the afternoon.
Today, nearly half of Australians were either born overseas or have at least one parent who was.
The government estimates 80 percent of the children living in orphanages have at least one living parent.
But we had to have at least one item on this list that's completely off the rails.
CNBC | SurveyMonkey Small Business Survey Small businesses usually have, at best, a minor impact on their hometown.
The New York Times has reported that Mr. Trump's businesses have at least $21986 million in debt.
I imagine the biggest names in information technology would have at least some sway inside the beltway.
"We're always trying to emulate what we have at our flagship, because it's proven successful," he said.
The Mets have at least eight players eligible for free agency at the end of the season.
Casper said it could have at least 200 stores "over the coming years" in North America alone.
We realized that the spontaneous exchanges we have at the beginning of our interviews could be powerful.
I think most family-of four households should have at least a download speed of 50 Mbps.
I would advise them to fight with every fiber and every friend they have at their disposal.
Almost 30 percent of messages have at least one emoji, double the amount from the prior year.
You are a likely candidate for callus, which you do have at the back of the heel.
"We're exploring every option and we'll use every tool that we have at our disposal," he added.
So have at it, go ahead, waste your money, waste your time, and go ahead and lose.
A handful of protesters have at times stood outside the courthouse, yelling "guilty" as Cosby walked by.
Leaving the White House would squelch virtually any chance Cohn would have at attaining the Fed position.
Though total aggregate national income is up somewhat, real wage gains have at best stagnated for most.
But the firm's culture has also fed undercurrents that have at times rattled employees, including senior executives.
"We're always trying to emulate what we have at our flagship, because it's proven successful," he said.
Most L.I.R.R. branches will have at least one Penn Station-bound train rerouted to Brooklyn or Queens.
They'd have at least 12 rest days between their last group match and their first knockout game.
Of all the fancy things we have at #CodeConference the fanciest is probably this Snapchat filter pic.twitter.
All centipedes have at least 15 pairs of legs and some species have up to 191 pairs.
Trump already has nominated Randal Quarles to one vacancy and now will have at least two more.
But also, outbreaks have at times been played down or kept confidential by hospitals, doctors, even governments.
Today I'm a graduate student at Harvard and have, at least for now, incredible health insurance. Amazing.
And so we have AT&T's announced, we've got Disney announced, we've got Amazon making changes, Apple.
For all the discussion of Dornish wine, the show could have at least shown us a vineyard.
I just really thought that his procedure was the best protection you could have at this point.
Tensing asked DuBose for a driver's license, which the 353-year-old didn't have at the time.
Which is cool because that means you have at least one thing in common with Bruce Springsteen.
By which we mean, for some people, The xx have, at some point, been on your sex playlist.
They think that campaigns have at best a minimal impact on election results and sometimes have none whatsoever.
Evolutionary biologists (mostly female) have at least found a role for us as carers to the familial line.
In addition, public companies should have at least one board member who can understand and model cyber-risk.
Switch, and there's a definite chance either Durant or Curry will have at least one mismatch to exploit.
Experts suggest this is because quitting is the best chance they have at getting a raise right now.
Indeed, under England's quirky constitution he will have at least a formal role in choosing the archbishop's successor.
John McCain (R-AZ), who have at times conditioned their support on the bill going through regular order.
Remember: until you have at least a few weapons and some building materials, you're better off avoiding people.
Politicians and religious leaders have, at least in the recent past, stoked vampire rumors for their own benefit.
The crown prince's political supporters have at times tried to present him as a Silicon Valley-style disruptor.
According to the Orkin study, 98 percent of hotels have at least one ongoing bed bug prevention program.
Many, if not most women, have at some point in their life have faced this type of behavior.
Today, most manufacturers have at least upgraded to MobileMark 2014, so they're only five years out of date.
It looks nearly identical to the full-length mirror you might have at home but a lot smarter.
Fortunately, pro-girl evangelising and economic growth have at last begun to reverse this terrible trend (see article).
Authorities said he is still at large and presumed to have at least two more weapons with him.
One-sixth of a century later, we have at least twice as much recorded material as we envisioned.
Yanlord is seeking to have at least 50% of United Engineers' voting rights for the offer to succeed.
The Cook Council will also have at least one seat on Josephine's board of directors starting in 2017.
It distorts behaviour: American firms have at least $1trn-worth of cash stashed abroad to avoid the taxman.
It found that two-thirds of millennials in that age range have at least one open credit card.
So it's certainly reasonable to assume most companies have at least a two-week blackout period each quarter.
To choose which stars you have at your disposal go to the Stars section in the Settings tab.
Still, there isn't much in the report that we didn't already know or could have at least assumed.
"They could have at least floated up to the top and somebody could have grabbed them," she said.
It's also about looking at the powerful assets you have at hand and making the most of them.
I thought about the comfy chairs they have at these events, and the low tables with fizzy water.
He has also said the EU should aim to have "at least two women" in the senior posts.
IN RECENT YEARS many rich-world politicians have at last woken up to the blight of expensive housing.
Only 31% of the public have at least some trust in political news they read on social media.
We still keep values we have at the club, of course, and we pay what we can afford.
And this is only the people that we don't have at the plant to build up to plant.
"You need to appreciate the present and the family you have at this time in life," he said.
To be considered eligible, an album must have at least five songs and contain 51% previously unreleased material.
Four Florida State players have at least 16 blocks, led by 7-4 C Christ Koumadje with 24.
Now what is really great 40 years later is all the technology that we have at our disposal.
The goal is to have at least 1 program listed in every state by the end of 2018.
He has urged European Turks to have at least five children in order to counter the EU's "vulgarism".
Meanwhile, 3D printing is one of the key technologies our future space farmers will have at their disposal.
In fact, over 3.193 percent of the population 3.183 and older have at least a four-year degree.
Many of Mr Trump's tactics dismay them, and have at times humiliated Mr Liu, as China's trade envoy.
Politicians from both sides have at times over the years factored the lingering ill-will into their calculations.
It's because President Kagame came in and said, 'We will have at least 40 percent of women parliamentarians.
The object was believed to have at times achieved a stable orbit, but not to have transmitted data.
"It was a likable joke to have at the end there," the user, Andreas Elterich, told the Post.
If you don't have at least half an idea that you're the greatest rapper alive, you gotta go.
The goal is to have at least 100 companies and organizations on board for its launch next year.
And he has half a dozen unopened boxes, each likely to have at least a couple more Griffeys.
It doesn't matter how much money you have; at the end of the day, you are a soul.
SMITH: She was wearing a Fitbit when she was running, authorities have at least told us that much.
In fact, I have (at last count) seven men in my Instagram followers who fall into this category.
She estimates that for about 30 percent of students, that's the only internet access they have at all.
The Sixers have, at times, semi-seriously banned him from the gym to keep him off his legs.
Trump supporters have at times seemed particularly fond of hats emblazoned with his "Make America Great Again" slogan.
If they don't, Perez — who also has Parkinson's disease — might have at least three of his limbs amputated.
Programmes are in place to fight the infection and we have at least some of the money needed.
Berg predicts by 2020, the world will have at least 3.6 million internet-connected vending machines in circulation.
The precision and control that cinematographers now have at their fingertips should open up new opportunities for filmmakers.
She claims Rich forced her to have at least 3 abortions because he didn't want any more kids.
And I have faith they'll do the right thing based on the data they have at the time.
Thirty-two percent said they have at least one co-worker who loves to gossip and bully others.
New Yorkers, you have at least one more year of wondering when SVU will film on your block.
But it's nice to have at least an idea of the surrounding stations in your default mapping app.
Shaping future generations with the limited knowledge we have at present moment, Taylor said, is "arrogant" and shortsighted.
As a result, there is a pool of people who have at least observed the turbines being commissioned.
Regulators have at least partly relented in Portland, Toronto and Jakarta, but Budapest remains a work in progress.
The fund should have at least 10 billion euros by the end of 2016 from contributions, he said.
This is a problem that others have at some level, but Samsung seems the one with more blindspots.
There are about 4 million children born in the US have who have at least one undocumented parent.
It's pretty darn crazy, the amount of variety we have at our disposal: it seems almost never ending.
They've gotten some accolades for that kind of stuff, but they both have at best a mixed reputation.
And unlike in Minnesota, Rubio will always have at least one more playmaker flanking him on the wing.
And while ad blockers have at times managed to foil Facebook, Facebook has largely stayed ahead of them.
Anyway, have at it before you get irrevocably bored of the joke, the show, your life, etc, etc.
"In the next year, I hope to have at least doubled or tripled in that business," Melendez said.
"Rapastinel is a great drug that we have at Phase 3," Saunders told "Mad Money" host Jim Cramer.
Payment apps owned by Tencent and Alibaba, two internet giants, already have at least 500m users between them.
Ivanka, couldn't you have at least re-admitted us to the Paris Climate Accords during your brief reign?
If the fires have not disrupted residents' work routines, they have at least added another level of planning.
Cano is the only player to have at least 30 doubles in each of his first 11 seasons.
Water: However you pack it, have at least a liter on hand for each person in the car.
The limited selection of gear you normally have at the start of a Hitman level is stripped away.
Four have at least doubled and in some cases tripled the S&P 500's 18 percent gain.
He calculated that by then he'd have at least 36 times his family's estimated annual spending socked away.
Most people with this job have at least a BA in math, software engineering, or a similar field.
Currently, 29 states have at least one major school choice initiative, among which 18 have scholarship tax credits.
Kennedy has adhered to this approach even in cases that have, at first glance, appeared to be groundbreaking.
Of course, many of them already have, at the British offices of companies like Google, Facebook and Apple.
"We did not have, at the time, a person who was accusing him as a cleric," Hernandez said.
But what I have, at the level I have it, is an interesting foretaste of our shared future.
Her mother-in-law seems to have at some point stepped into her chair behind the crystal ball.
That's relevant, not pedantic, since Bezos's giving plans have at least had the perception of being PR-motivated.
The lower federal courts, stocked with judges appointed by Obama, have at least temporarily blocked several Trump initiatives.
Makeup is about expression, and if you want to beat your face to the heavens, have at it.
Nikischer does have at least one thing in common with the former Super Bowl quarterback: they're both unemployed.
"Millennials have at times been described as the 'me, me, me generation,' self obsessed and narcissistic," says Haidermota.

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