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162 Sentences With "handmaidens"

How to use handmaidens in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "handmaidens" and check conjugation/comparative form for "handmaidens". Mastering all the usages of "handmaidens" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Margaret Atwood's handmaidens gather to demand the #txlege stop restricting reproductive rights pic.twitter.
But — especially if you are the president — the speeches then become handmaidens of governance.
Those who end up being handmaidens for autocrats don't believe that's what they are doing.
Bikers for Trump showed Moore some political love while women dressed in Handmaidens Tale garb protested him.
Anti-Corbyn die-hards, on the other hand, have been branded the handmaidens of a hard Brexit.
The earliest story, about Hephaestus's golden handmaidens—they're pretty much a mix of care bots and personal assistants.
Many people see footloose global companies and deregulation as the handmaidens of the worst kind of corporate practice.
You get the nurses, the handmaidens, the soldiers who grumble and complain about the political figures of the day.
That this even needs to be stated suggests that history's gatekeepers and handmaidens have been doing a less than stellar job.
The National Rifle Association and their conservative handmaidens in Washington have hampered any real movement on the issue of gun control.
Although the term handmaiden is no longer in favor, many people still behave in misogynist ways that treat women like handmaidens.
There were Wonder Women and Handmaidens, jellyfish and astronauts, a goldfish in a bowl, Day of the Dead characters and dinosaurs.
" She asked the tech leaders if they want to be remembered as "handmaidens" to the "authoritarianism on the rise all across the world.
And of course, when shown that most women disagree with them, they claim those women are "handmaidens," or are trying to protect themselves.
Playing the handmaidens to financial markets and the chest-thumping growth promises are unwise and incompatible with what the sound monetary policy can do.
If you think Trump's partisan handmaidens in Congress are going to do the vetting for him, then you haven't been paying much attention to American politics.
In the movie's third credits scene, Ayesha tells one of her handmaidens that she's figured out a way to make a more perfect being than herself.
"We're seeing the unraveling of a corrupt regime by the force and power of the law, and the people who are the handmaidens of the law," he said.
Surely one reason is that liberals fear being denounced by commentators such as Mr Davies, who suggests that "free speech warriors" are self-serving, handmaidens of the alt-right.
At least such was the proposition at Alberta Ferretti, where a host of Morpheus's handmaidens in lacy lingerie emerged against a video backdrop of an atmospheric, seemingly abandoned, Central Park.
Conservative strategist Chris Barron told Fox News that "the left and their handmaidens in the mainstream media can't even settle on a narrative," which is evident by the Post's coverage.
It insulates the GOP from claims that they are handmaidens to the wealthy and since neither party cares particularly about deficit spending these days it's an easy concession to make.
Unable to countenance the real causes of their collapse, they will comfort with own impotence by shouting, "Idiots!" again and again, angrier and angrier, the handmaidens of their own destruction.
An Associated Press item reported on a Catholic congregation in New Jersey being taken over by a fundamentalist sect in which wives were called "handmaidens"—a word that Atwood had underlined.
He and his handmaidens have disseminated distortion after distortion, lie upon lie, including the claim that deep-state officials tweaked the criteria for whistle-blowers just so that someone could ensnare him.
The two men, joined by a barely discernible woman leaning from the window above them — by all rights the most minor of characters — share their anonymity with the nameless but steadfast handmaidens.
Well, it appears that Republican senators have indeed said "enough," not with respect to Mr. Trump's behavior, but rather with the shameful behavior of the Democrats and their handmaidens in the liberal media.
As the midterms approach, President Obama has re-entered politics to accuse Republicans of serving as handmaidens of Wall Street, corporations and the rich with their Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.
Attended by handmaidens who were brightly colored spools of thread, Cleopatra was a filigreed creamer, her Antony a stoppered cruet — and it was somehow no less moving when they died at the end.
As pundits continue to parse out whether the joke was offensive or fair game, the fictional Aunt Lydia (Ann Dowd) continues to terrorize the handmaidens in Season 2, including staging a mock execution.
A worldview that fails to force companies like the N.B.A., Apple, Google and Disney to account for the fact that they are serving as handmaidens to totalitarians is not one worth taking seriously.
When Ursula refused to marry the general, which is what she had to do to change his mind, he shot her with a bow and arrow and the eleven thousand handmaidens were beheaded.
One of the biggest stories of 2017 will be Sanders, Warren and other progressives battling Trump the king of crony capitalists, and battling Republicans in Congress, who are the Washington handmaidens of crony capitalism.
She had become obsessed with how their power worked, the byways and darkened corners in which it pooled, the schemes and incantations that turned neutral processes, dull forms, and obscure meetings into its handmaidens.
In addition, a surprising number of New York business leaders, politicians, and real-estate satraps have convinced themselves that new cultural institutions are the handmaidens of commerce—especially when building permits call for them.
After a number of adventures and miracles, Ursula and eleven thousand virgin handmaidens set sail from Britain  and arrived in Cologne, ostensibly to try and persuade the Huns to stop their march toward Rome.
Cover image: A woman interrupts volunteers from Reproductive rights, against Oppression, Sexism and Austerity (ROSA) on O'Connell Street in Dublin, calling for a 'Yes' vote in Ireland's Abortion referendum on Friday, whilst dressed as 'Handmaidens'.
A member of the Sisters of the Handmaidens of the Lord – an order that run nurseries and homes for the aged – Lleshi was in Amatrice along with six other sisters, caring for five elderly women.
Across more than 23 years of American history, schismatic Christian sects emerged in opposition to what they viewed as the apostasy of American Protestant churches that increasingly acted as handmaidens to a capitalist order based on exploitation.
I take it for granted that the tech barons are acquiring the power to tilt elections, and that they'll be happy to play handmaidens to tyrants soft and hard so long as they can monetize our data.
Pelosi also said Thursday she lost sleep after watching Barr's testimony Wednesday for the Senate Judiciary Committee and argued Barr, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and President Donald Trump are "handmaidens" to special interests and right-wing ideology.
"House Republicans continue to act as the handmaidens of the gun lobby refusing to pass sensible, bipartisan legislation to expand background checks and keep guns out of the hands of terrorists," Hamill said in a written statement Tuesday.
"House Republicans continue to act as the handmaidens of the gun lobby refusing to pass sensible, bipartisan legislation to expand background checks and keep guns out of the hands of terrorists," Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill said in a statement on Tuesday.
The Nazis were by no means the handmaidens of German industry or the German military but, as Hett argues, both businessmen and officers formed lobbies in the late 1920s that aimed to break the republic and its bastion, the Social Democrats.
Without understanding that particular aesthetic appeal of contemporary traditionalism — that highly specific blend of rigidity and transgression — it is impossible to fully understand why so many people are drawn to it, and subsequently, all too often, to its handmaidens: sexism, racism, violence.
Prince Arsyen had not been raised in the Order of the Red Woodpecker — buffed and preened and rubbed and polished to perfection by handmaidens each morning — with the idea that he would leave the royal palace and clean people's toilets in America.
Now, in the 21st century, with the inauguration of a new museology, and the engulfing of the civic culture by capitalism with its handmaidens, consumerism and heightened competition, museums have begun to recognize that in order to survive they must cultivate new and repeat visitors.
Where certain characters are often described as "handmaidens" or "servants" or "companions" or "chambermaids," Wilson insists that they are "slaves," and that the protagonists of The Odyssey are slave owners, and that as readers, we should acknowledge and explore the discomfort this fact creates within us.
Contributing Opinion Writer It passed with the usual shrug by the usual handmaidens of hatred when the president of the world's most powerful democracy threatened to commit war crimes by bombing Iranian cultural sites — the kind of barbarism practiced by the Taliban and rogue-state thugs.
This month, for instance, in Hamburg, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin took their relationship to the next level by spending more than two intimate hours together in a closed-door meeting — the Group of 20 equivalent of the fantasy suite in ''The Bachelor'' — flanked by diplomatic handmaidens.
But even more ridiculous is the fact that Trump ran his campaign on the notion that we, as a nation, are too politically correct; that women and minorities who flag others for racist or sexist behavior are handmaidens of an overbearing, tyrannical PC culture that has subsumed our society.
Indeed, racial minorities appear to have been the groups most heavily targeted by Russia—not with ads promoting a candidate but via rhetoric designed to suppress the largely Democratic African American vote by portraying traditional electoral participation as futile and politicians from both parties as handmaidens of white supremacy.
But they also empowered (and were exploited and worsened by) the great new gods of modernity, the almighty market and the centralizing state, which claimed their own kind of authority over everyday life, making the divided churches into handmaidens or scapegoats, and using Christianity as an excuse for plunder rather than a restraining counterforce to worldly lust.
It was a turning point for Sanders: The villains in that speech are not Americans meddling in Chile or invading Iraq, but the "the authoritarian axis"—a phrase that echoed Bush's "axis of evil"—and in Sanders' telling includes countries like Russia, Saudi Arabia, the Philippines, Turkey and Brazil, where there are "movements led by demagogues who exploit people's fears, prejudices and grievances to gain and hold on to power" and are also handmaidens to billionaires and oligarchs, more familiar Sanders boogeymen.
At Monday's event Stone described the impeachment inquiry launched by Speaker Nancy PelosiNancy Pelosi50 Cent meets with Pelosi, lawmakers on Capitol Hill Democrats raise stakes with impeachment vote Overnight Energy: House passes bill to prohibit mining near Grand Canyon| Union says EPA refuses to renegotiate contract | Climate protesters occupy Pelosi's office over California fires MORE (D-Calif.) as a "danger to the president" and a "manic drive by the left-wing Democrats and their handmaidens in the mainstream media to remove him," according to the Sun Sentinel.
Kronin calls for their heads and the battle begins. Ari and the handmaidens kill several soldiers, but both handmaidens are killed. Magnus frees Binon from his chains as Ari crosses swords with Kronin. Kronin quickly overpowers Ari, who dies with visions of his wife calling to him.
Then, why don't the Admirals Do, Re and Mi emulate him? The princess, impressed by the sultan's wisdom, agreed. The sultan then announce his wedding to the princess and the entire court give their full approval. Of course, the three Admirals disappointed but the sultan offers to reward them with three palace handmaidens as their handmaidens, whom the sultan claimed are very beautiful.
However, it turns out the handmaidens are ugly, old hags. The sultan jokingly tells them the three Admirals are their future husbands! The handmaidens are thrilled and start chasing the Admirals, while the entire court laugh. The Admirals, don't wish to end up marrying old hags, flee with their magic carpets and sending them itchy all over their bodies with Mi's harmonica.
The handmaidens confessed to having seen the duchess with Orombelli sitting on the bed playing the lute. The torturers forced Orombelli into confession of adultery. Although Beatrice herself received twenty-four lashes, she denied any guilt to her confessor. A jurist, Gasparino de' Grassi Castiglione, proclaimed Beatrice, the troubadour, and the handmaidens all guilty of adultery or its complicity, and sentenced them to death.
In 2019, she starred in the period drama Handmaidens United alongside Jacqueline Wong. In 2019, Tong was cast to replace Jacqueline Wong in reshoot of Forensic Heroes IV.
Later Hindu scriptures allow for the existence of numerous apsaras, who act as the handmaidens of Indra or as dancers at his celestial court. Golden apsara in Majapahit style, Java, Indonesia.
The Handmaiden Mutants were created by Shadow Moon and are high ranks than the Three High Priests, consists of the silvery and the golden . Both handmaidens died during the collapse of Gorgom's base.
Siju Iluyomade is a Nigerian lawyer, speaker and activist. She is the founder of Arise Women Conference, a faith-based Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) for women empowerment and Handmaidens Women in Leadership Series.
They hired Iida, but she found that all of her roles were of handmaidens. When the theater director died in 1920, the theater was dissolved. Iida applied to work at film studios, but was rejected.
She was escorted by a retinue of handmaidens and mounted soldiers, while she herself rode veiled on a white camel. Jahangir had a son and a daughter by this marriage, Muhammad Sultan Mirza and Yadigar Sultan.
On the left narrow side in flat relief, two handmaidens of Persephone and a boy are picking flowers. The right narrow side shows a child, who is accompanied by two shepherds and carries fruit in the cornucopia of a Genius.
Diarmuid attends the celebrations and leaves distraught. Grania realizes that her happiness lies with Diarmuid. She and her handmaidens slip a powerful sedative into the wine, drugging Finn and his soldiers. Diarmuid returns and discovers Grania over the unconscious Finn.
His high priest, Ciu Lang (Arnoldo Foà), reminds Burundai that Samia is promised to the leader of the Tatars as his wife; her safety and return has a higher priority than Burundai's revenge. Burundai gets his chance to retrieve Samia when a Viking longship is attacked, resulting in the capture of Oleg's wife Helga (Liana Orfei) and her handmaidens. Burundai initially promises to treat Helga well as an exchange for Samia but tortures Helga's handmaidens to discover the strength of the Vikings. He also rapes Helga and gives her to his men for their further pleasure prior to exchanging her for Samia.
Genesis 29:10,12 Rachel and Leah were both Abraham's great-great nieces and his great-great-great nieces. According to Jewish tradition, Bilhah and Zilpah, handmaidens of Rachel and Leah and the birth-mothers of four of the tribes, were Rachel and Leah's half-sisters.
The practice of corporate law is less adversarial than that of trial law. Lawyers for both sides of a commercial transaction are less opponents than facilitators. One lawyer (quoted by Bernstein) characterizes them as "the handmaidens of the deal". Transactions take place amongst peers.
The group plans to send Cleopatra to first seduce and then murder Caesar. The Romans discover the group and attack them. Cleopatra escapes, along with her handmaidens Libya and Apollodoria. Cleopatra goes to an ancient wizard, who magically grants her an irresistibly seductive body for her mission.
When he finally discovers Deirdré Dead Lai is female, he falls in love and asks her to marry him. Deirdré Dead Lai agrees and brings her four handmaidens along so they can live in the castle. :Simon has a tendency to shower gold coins around. ;Ralph :Simon sel Monte's younger brother.
Irnes is a rare masculine given name which means "Protected Headland" a compound of eir 'protection' and "nes" 'headland'. In Norse mythology, Eir is the goddess associated with healing. She is known to be one of the handmaidens of Frigg, who is wife of Odin, the king of the gods.
She built a strong faction of followers by arranging marriages between her handmaidens and powerful nobles. She represented the interests of the Habsburg family in Poland, and influenced the appointments of positions in the court, government and church. Her closest confidant was Urszula Meyerin. Constance was proficient in Spanish, Latin and Italian.
Quintus Smyrnaeus makes Helios and Selene (the Sun and Moon) the parents of the Horae, goddesses of the seasons.Hammond, "SELENE", pp. 970–971; Quintus Smyrnaeus, 10.336 ff. pp. 442–443. Smyrnaeus describes them as the four handmaidens of Hera, but in most accounts their number is three, and their parents are Zeus and Themis.
Now she lives all by herself with her four handmaidens who represent the four Classical elements. Dead Lai is a major villain for a couple of volumes and only found out to be female near the end of her story arc. ; :One of Deirdré Dead Lai's four handmaiden-generals. She is 26 years old.
However, his wives were more alert and wary of Bhimsen since, according to Baburam Acharya, they received unfiltered news of the world outside the royal palace from their handmaidens, who would leave the palace compounds and go to their homes during their menstruation and gather news and rumors of the day, which they would then relate to the Queens.
Facade Santa Maria Ancillarum (literally St Mary of the Handmaidens) is a Roman Catholic church in Naples, Italy. Its most notable artwork is The Birth of the Virgin Mary by Giacinta Sacchetti (1734). Vincenzo Regina, Le chiese di Napoli. Viaggio indimenticabile attraverso la storia artistica, architettonica, letteraria, civile e spirituale della Napoli sacra, Newton e Compton editore, Napoli 2004.
The folk-tales of the Magyars. London: Pub. for the Folk-lore society by E. Stock. 1889. pp. 95-110. In a third tale, Az örökbefogadott testvérek ("The adoptive brothers"), the main protagonist, Miklós, dreams that the Queen of the Fairies and her handmaidens come to his side in the form of swans and transform into beautiful women.
Zerco always accompanied Bleda, who commissioned a special armour for him. On one occasion Zerco escaped, along with other prisoners. Bleda let the other prisoners go, but brought Zerco back. When asked about the reasons for his escape, Zerco told Bleda that he wanted to find a wife, so Bleda married him with one of the queen’s handmaidens.
The procession then moves towards the amphitheatre for more festivities. Along the way, Pubblio, feigning indignation, drags Clodio away from the handmaidens and reveals his disguise. To the consternation of all, Clodio declares that he has been seduced by Ottavia. Although incredulous, Sallustio must now adhere to the oath he has just sworn and bring his wife to trial.
In 1650 Montalvo opened a second conservatory for aristocratic girls located at Villa La Quiete. The school was named the Congregation of the Ancille della Santissima Trinità or Handmaidens of the Blessed Trinity.Haraguchi, "Educating rich and poor girls" 22. Though they were separate, Montalvo “advocated a combined instruction in religion, morals, reading, music, and dramatic performance” at both schools.
The nymph Cyane lies at the bottom under the chariot. On a chariot steered by a winged divinity and drawn by dragons, Demeter, Persephone's mother, follows the baggage with torches in her hands. Meanwhile, Aphrodite flies, an accomplice to the kidnapping. Below her, two handmaidens of Persephone frightened have fallen to the Earth and try to protect their baskets full of flowers.
Soroush's political philosophy, as well, remains close to the heart of the liberal tradition, ever championing the basic values of reason, liberty, freedom, and democracy. They are perceived as "primary values," as independent virtues, not handmaidens of political maxims and religious dogma. Soroush entwines these basic values and beliefs in a rich tapestry of Islamic primary sources, literature, and poetry.
Tranbjerg Church is devoted to St. Ursula and the 11.000 virgin handmaidens. Tranbjerg Church is a Green Church (Grøn Kirke). Green Churches is a network of Danish churches dedicated to implement and further an environmentally friendly operation and climate actions in relation to the current climate crisis. The network agenda was launched by the National Council of Churches in Denmark (NCCD) in 2011.
Series star and producer Elisabeth Moss in 2017 In a flashback sequence, June's family is pursued in the woods and armed men kill her husband Luke, abduct their child Hannah, and arrest her. Throughout the episode, viewers see subsequent flashbacks to her detainment, where she is sent to a facility with other fertile women who are beaten and indoctrinated to believe that their destiny is to please God through being handmaidens—women who are chosen to bear children for powerful couples who are infertile. Punishment is severe and strict for these women but also any other dissenters: academics, doctors, religious minorities (such as Catholics), and homosexuals. In the present day, she is assigned to a new family and given the name "Offred"—all handmaidens' names change to a construction "Of __", named after the male head of a household.
She came with 500 high-ranking young men and a few hundred handmaidens as her entourage. They eventually settled in Bukit Cina. It is believed that a significant number of them married into the local populace, creating the descendants now known as the Peranakan. Owing to this supposed lineage, the Peranakan still use special honorifics: Baba for the men and Nyonya for the women.
The stanza is ascribed to Þorbjörn Hornklofi in Heimskringla (Haraldar saga) ch. 21 and Flateyjarbók, but to Þjóðólfr of Hvinir later on in Flateyjarbók. In the Flateyjarbók, it is preceded by another stanza which refers to the "handmaidens of Ragnhildr" (ambáttir Ragnhildar) as witnesses of the event. However, it is uncertain whether her name was already in the original composition, as another manuscript reading has the metrically regular ambáttir Danskar.
When Octavian received a note from Cleopatra requesting that she be buried next to Antony, he had his messengers rush to her. The servant broke down her door but was too late. Plutarch states that she was found with her handmaidens Iras, dying at her feet, and Charmion, adjusting Cleopatra's diadem before she herself fell.For primary source translations of Plutarch's account of the deaths of Charmion and Iras, see , , and .
The Echani maidens were often used to hunt down rogue Jedi and subdue them for the Order. Human in appearance, they often have leucystic skin and hair and closely resemble their parents, and therefore their siblings. As long as they have the same parents, Echani siblings are identical in appearance. The best known of the Echani in the Star Wars universe was Brianna, the last of Atris' Handmaidens.
He notes his guilt in thievery, having vowed to never steal again after the death of his mother ("Proud of Your Boy"). Meanwhile, in the palace of Agrabah, Princess Jasmine is scolded by her father, the Sultan, for refusing yet another suitor. The Sultan demands that Jasmine must marry a noble prince before her birthday, which is only three days away. Jasmine laments the situation to her handmaidens ("These Palace Walls").
204-205 most likely members of the Sons of Freedom, or as some historians put it, by the lover of one of Verigin's handmaidens. Over 7,000 people attended Verigin's funeral. The Doukhobor leader was buried in an elaborate tomb on a headland overlooking the city of Brilliant and the Kootenay and Columbia Rivers. Verigin was succeeded by his son, Peter P. Verigin, who arrived from Russia in 1927.
Binon is sent to the dungeons, where he meets a raving, deformed prisoner named Arden (DuMont), who taunts him. As Kronin ravages the countryside searching for Magnus, Gydro meets with Draden's daughter, Aria (Heap), to tell her that he has found the chosen one. Aria asks if it is in fact the chosen one, and Gydro confirms. The princess and her four warrior handmaidens decide to set out to find him as well.
Magnus and Ari come across Princess Aria's group in the forest, and Magnus is immediately smitten. The two are about to part ways when Gydro appears and reveals to Aria Magnus's true identity as the Samillian liberator. He presents Magnus with Draden's sword, which glows blue when Magnus grips it. Later, as the group camps, Sina, one of Princess Aria's handmaidens, tries to seduce Magnus in the hopes of becoming his queen.
She is also the mother of several of the Sirens, the divine handmaidens of Kore (Persephone/Proserpina) who were cursed by her mother, Demeter/Ceres, when they were unable to prevent the kidnapping of Kore (Persephone/Proserpina) by Hades/Pluto. In Greek and Latin poetry since Horace (d. 8 BC), it was commonly auspicious to invoke Melpomene.Bruce Merry, Encyclopedia of Modern Greek Literature (Santa Barbara CA: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2004), 269-70.
The Cambridge History of Iran, Volume 4: From the Arab Invasion to the Saljuqs. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 198–249. . In 260 A.D., Ya'qub ibn al-Layth al-Saffar marched on Tabaristan and entered Amol after the departure of Hassan ibn Zayd, but his rule did not last long and the Alavids recaptured the city again. The Alawites ruled the city until Ziyarid and Buyid, who were the handmaidens of the Shiites.
This corner parodies the opening sequence of the period drama, Ooku - Hana no Ran. Yamamoto portrays as the shogun, Yama-sama, walking down the reception hall where he is being received by the bowing handmaidens of Yama Oku, portrayed by the other members of the show. As he passes by the members, he picks one of the members and tries to make them laugh. If a member laughs, a punishment is then followed.
In some versions, Camille, another of the Queen's handmaidens, is chosen by Kahedin over Brangaine. She also refuses the knight, wishing to preserve her honour. Iseult then assists by providing Kahedin with a "magic pillow" after which he falls into a deep slumber. Kahedin wakes up the next morning to be taunted by Camille and the ladies of the household; he travels with Tristan without revealing to him the incident of the previous night.
Daayans worship the evil, " black magic spirits".Chapter 25, Beloved Witch, Harper Collins Publishers India, 2000 Many believe they are the handmaidens of these goddesses, and are known as yoginis in local lore. 'Daayan' word is used in many Bollywood films, short films, Indian and Pakistani T.V. serials and in social media as a female, doing things that are not for the good cause or promote evilness in society and defame culture.
Mothers had control over their children and supervised their upbringing. Benjamin Hawkins an Indian agent felt "that a white man by marrying an Indian woman of the Creek nation so far from bettering his condition becomes a slave of her family."Kathryn E. Holland Braund, "Guardians of Tradition and Handmaidens to Change: Women's Roles in Creek Economic and Social Life during the Eighteenth Century," American Indian Quarterly 14, no. 3 (Summer 1990): 250–251.
Isaac's wife Rebecca gives birth to the twins Esau, father of the Edomites, and Jacob. Through deception, Jacob becomes the heir instead of Esau and gains his father's blessing. He flees to his uncle where he prospers and earns his two wives, Rachel and Leah. Jacob's name is changed to Israel, and by his wives and their handmaidens he has twelve sons, the ancestors of the twelve tribes of the Children of Israel, and a daughter, Dinah.
I was of opinion that they were Odysseus and Circe, basing my view upon the number of the handmaidens in front of the grotto and upon what they are doing. For the women are four, and they are engaged on the tasks which Homer mentions in his poetry'.Description of Greece 5. 19. 7. The passage in question describes how one of them 'threw linen covers over the chairs and spread fine purple fabrics on top.
Gydro dies, and Ari says he will lead the rest of the way. The next morning, Kronin stumbles upon an exhausted Sina, who betrays the group's location out of jealousy that Aria had referred to Derja, and never Sina, as her sister. In the dungeons, Arden curses the name of the king. Magnus, Ari, Aria and her remaining two handmaidens arrive at the Stone of Groboda just as Kronin and his soldiers, with Binon in chains, arrive.
London, D. Nutt. 1908. pp. 55-70. In an Indian tale of unknown source, The Perfumer's Daughter, the prince's wife asks for her ring and flies off to unknown parts. Burdened with grief, the prince wanders the world until he finds an old ascetic master. The ascetic tells the prince that, on the full moon night, his wife and her handmaidens will descend from the heavens to bathe in the lake, and the youth must acquire his wife's shawl.
Pegasus and Athena left Bellerophon and continued to Olympus where he was stabled with Zeus' other steeds, and was given the task of carrying Zeus' thunderbolts, along with other members of his entourage, his attendants/handmaidens/shield bearers/shieldmaidens, Astrape and Bronte. Because of his years of faithful service to Zeus, Pegasus was later honoured with transformation into a constellation.Aratus, Phaenomena 206; Scott Littleton, Mythology. The Illustrated Anthology of World Myth and Storytelling London: Duncan Baird, 2002:147.
On the night of 25 April 1806 at around 10 pm, Sher Bahadur Shah killed Rana Bahadur Shah. Taking advantage of the political chaos, Bhimsen became the mukhtiyar (1806–37), and Tripurasundari was given the title Lalita Tripurasundari and declared regent and Queen Mother (1806–32) of Girvan Yuddha Shah, who was himself 9 years old. All the other wives and concubines of Rana Bahadur, along with their handmaidens, were forced to commit sati barring Subarna Prabha.
Tommen marries Margaery Tyrell, who manipulates Tommen to persuade Cersei to return to Casterly Rock, but she declines. Cersei goes to visit Margaery and finds her telling her handmaidens about her wedding night, and leaves defeated. After being attacked by Lancel and the Sparrows in a brothel, the High Septon asks the Small Council to execute their leader, the High Sparrow. Cersei instead meets the High Sparrow and tells him that he will replace the High Septon as head of the Faith.
As the army approached, Yusuf, in an attempt to placate Timur, sent the emperor emissaries and gifts. The latter agreed to halt the invasion, but demanded that Khanzada be dispatched for the marriage as soon as possible. That spring, Khanzada was sent to Timur's capital of Samarqand with a large procession carrying gifts, including gems, precious metals, silks and tapestries. She was escorted by a retinue of handmaidens and mounted soldiers, while she herself rode veiled on a white camel.
In 1579, she married her second cousinFrom Megohime's lineage, her paternal grandmother (Tamura Takaaki's wife) and maternal grandmother (Lady Yakata, Sōma Akitane's wife) were both daughters of Tanemune Date, Masamune's great-grandfather. Masamune at the age of twelve. Unfortunately, her wet nurse was killed by Masamune, who suspected that betrayers from the Tamura clan were involved in the assassination attempt on him. It is said that her marriage got worse for a while because many other handmaidens serving her were executed.
Nausicaa and her maidens brought to Odysseus food and wine In Book Six of the Odyssey, Odysseus is shipwrecked on the coast of the island of Scheria (Phaeacia in some translations). Nausicaä and her handmaidens go to the seashore to wash clothes. Awakened by their games, Odysseus emerges from the forest completely naked, scaring the servants away, and begs Nausicaä for aid. She gives Odysseus some of the laundry to wear and takes him to the edge of the town.
As she is led into the tomb, accompanied by her faithful handmaidens, Ottavia turns to her husband one last time, swears her innocence, and entrusts their young son, Menenio, to his care. At this point, Vesuvius erupts with a tremendous explosion. Sallustio now takes this as a sign that a terrible injustice is about to be done and halts the execution. Pubblio, believing that his perfidy has brought disaster to Pompeii, confesses all and names Appio as the instigator of the plot.
Caldas has a tradition of ceramic phalluses dating to the late 19th century. Caldas has a tradition of embroidery (bordado) possibly dating to the 15th century. Legend has it that Queen Leonor's handmaidens, seeing the monarch without her usual brilliance after selling off her jewellery, embroidered her cloak so that it appeared to have golden threads. Caldas embroidery is almost always made with three shades of molasses brown thread on white linen, and on rare occasion with white thread on brown linen.
They called it Il Conventino. The school itself was named the Congregation of the Ancille della Santissima Vergine or Handmaidens of the Blessed Virgin.Haraguchi, "Educating rich and poor girls" 20. Women from different backgrounds were welcome at Il Conventino. According to Jennifer Haraguchi, Montalvo struggled to “reconcile her desire to provide education to young women of all social classes with the Florentine Church’s position which at the time did not include the education of the poor.” Haraguchi, "Educating rich and poor girls" 44.
The Flight from Blois The Flight from Blois is a depiction of Queen Marie escaping from confinement at Blois. The Queen stands in a dignified manner, suggesting her poise in times of disarray, amongst a chaotic crowd of handmaidens and soldiers. She is led and protected by a representation of France, and guided by illustrations of Night and Aurora. They are used literally to portray the actual time of the event and shield the queen from spectators as they illuminate her path.
The media has a strong influence on public views, shaping the way the public values and treats professions in healthcare. In the book Saving Lives: Why the Media's Portrayal Nurses Puts Us All At Risk, Sandy Summers and Harry Jacobs discuss the many ill effects of the common stereotypes and how those are presented in today's media. They argue that offensive stereotypes (such as handmaidens) and sexual stereotypes lead media to overlook how important nurses are in healthcare. This in turn generates a lack of respect.
Joseph's coat, by Diego Velázquez (1630), depicts Joseph's brothers bringing the coat to their father Jacob and asking him to identify it. The envy of his brothers may have stemmed from the fact that Joseph was the son of Rachel, Jacob's first love. However, Joseph's brothers were the sons of Rachel's older sister Leah and the sons of the handmaidens, who were given to Jacob during a time when Rachel could not conceive. There was a battle between Leah and Rachel to compete for Jacob's attention.
Thus, Bhimsen became the first person outside the royal household to hold the position of the Mukhtiyar. All the other wives (except Subarnaprabha) and concubines of Rana Bahadur, along with their handmaidens, were forced to commit sati. Bhimsen obtained a royal mandate from Tripurasundari, given in the name of King Girvan, commanding all other courtiers to be obedient to him. Bhimsen further consolidated his power by disenfranchising the old courtiers from the central power by placing them as administrators of far-flung provinces of the country.
So they promise they will return the next day to rescue her along with her handmaidens. Armed with this promise, Kudrun takes action to properly prepare herself. She announces to the Normans that she has finally decided to relent and marry Hartmuot, but can do so only if she and her entourage are allowed to bathe, don proper clothes, and get a good night's sleep. These wishes are readily granted and the princess and her ladies are restored to their former status and appearance.
Dicks, who was chaplain at a nearby hospital, was Westberg's mentor and quickly became his collaborator and friend. At their hospitals, Dicks and Westberg created popular, intensive courses in pastoral care for ordained ministers, chaplains, and seminarians. Both were part of creating organizations, such as the Association of Protestant Hospital Chaplains (later called the College of Chaplains) that set standards and accreditation policies for hospital chaplains. At the time Westberg was at Augustana Hospital, many nurses around the country were often treated as "handmaidens" to doctors.
He later approaches Ottavia when she is alone and declares his love to her. When she angrily spurns him, he vows revenge and concocts a plot with Pubblio, the custodian of the public baths, to dishonour Ottavia. Pubblio's young son Clodio is disguised as a girl, and with the help of Fausto, Sallustio's freed slave, he is slipped in amongst Ottavia's handmaidens. The celebration of Sallustio's elevation to the magistracy begins at the Temple of Jupiter where Sallustio swears to uphold the laws of Rome.
She enjoy teasing Seina (by sending her handmaidens to romantically harass him and once even offering to scrub his back!) but also has a great respect for him and seems to enjoy that Seina is a constant surprise to her: first, in their initial encounter by rounding up a huge batch of pirate ships that the Juraian fleet hadn't been able to capture for months; next, by dealing with the Daluma pirate guild's Good Luck Fleet in the first encounter (after it had escaped from her own fleet); finally, by bringing back the mecha that he found on the Wau planet, which turned out to contain a first generation Juraian seed and which meant that since the seed had bonded with Seina, he was now part of the Jurai royal family and third in line for the throne. Seto is suspected of being aware of her handmaidens' true loyalties when they kidnap Seina and prefers to see how the chase turns out rather than interfere. ; : :Mitoto Kuramitsu is the daughter of Minami, as well as the mother of Mihoshi and Misao. Mitoto works as an extremely enthusiastic sanitation engineer (cleaning lady) for the Galaxy Police.
Retainer sacrifice was practised within the royal tombs of ancient Mesopotamia. Courtiers, guards, musicians, handmaidens and grooms were presumed to have committed ritual suicide by taking poison. A 2009 examination of skulls from the royal cemetery at Ur, discovered in Iraq in the 1920s by a team led by C. Leonard Woolley, appears to support a more grisly interpretation of human sacrifices associated with elite burials in ancient Mesopotamia than had previously been recognized. Palace attendants, as part of royal mortuary ritual, were not dosed with poison to meet death serenely.
Very soon after the death of Elizabeth, miracles were reported that happened at her grave in the church of the hospital, especially those of healing. On the suggestion of Konrad, and by papal command, examinations were held of those who had been healed between August 1232 and January 1235. The results of those examinations was supplemented by a brief vita of the saint- to-be, and together with the testimony of Elizabeth's handmaidens and companions (bound in a booklet called the Libellus de dictis quatuor ancillarum s. Elizabeth confectus), proved sufficient reason for quick canonization.
One day, the duo attend a public ceremony where a man accused of rape is to be killed. Handmaidens are encouraged to savagely beat him in a "particicution" lead by Aunt Lydia, the woman who abused them in the flashbacks. Offred gives into violent impulses and takes charge kicking him to death. As she and Ofglen leave, her companion reveals that she does not believe in the theocratic cult ruling their lives and warns Offred that her household has a spy known as an "Eye" who may report anything suspicious.
There they learn that in order to become immortal one must obtain something from the gods, and to become invulnerable one's heart must be removed. This information helps them figure out that somehow their quest to find the Ginseng is intertwined with the story of the Princess of Birds. They also conclude that the Duke of Ch'in knows the secrets of immortality and invulnerability, and was the same Duke who tricked the Princess of Birds and her three handmaidens centuries ago. Master Li and Number Ten Ox are able to find the Duke's heart.
Hanja Kochansky is a Croatian writer and actress. A refugee to Italy during the Second World War, in 1948 she went to Johannesburg as an emigrant. In 1966, she played one of Elizabeth Taylor's handmaidens in the film Cleopatra. In 1972, her book, Freely Female: Women's Sexual Fantasies, was published by Ace Books in New York and became a best-seller. It received a glowing review from Susan Sontag in Ms magazine and was on the reading list for women’s studies programmes at a number of American universities.
In the meantime, at the nearby island of Phaeacia, royal princess Nausicaa and her handmaidens find a shipwrecked man washed up on the shore. Due to his ordeal, the stranger has lost his memory, not even remembering his name. He is taken in by Nausicaa's parents, King Alcinous and Queen Arete, and in short time he and Nausicaa fall in love. Just on the day they are scheduled to be married, however, the stranger, longing to remember who he really is, returns to the shore and stares out to the sea.
The label historical anthropology has been actively promoted by some recent Annales School historians, such as Jean-Claude Schmitt. Established in 1929 by Marc Bloch and Lucien Febvre, the journal Annales. Histoire, Sciences sociales is still among the most influential French publications for research in historical anthropology. Historical anthropology has been open to similar criticisms to anthropology: 'as Bernard Cohn and John and Jean Comaroff have observed, studies in which societies were represented in this way were often partial, biased, and unwitting handmaidens to the domination of non-Western peoples by Europeans and Americans'.
For example, in February 1936 an unnamed reporter for the newsweekly Time referred to Thompson, Nancy Cook, and Marion Dickerman, all of whom lived at various times at Val-Kill, as members of the First Lady's "troupe of handmaidens." This was how Lorena Hickok summarized Thompson's final years at Val-Kill: > So Mrs. Roosevelt had spent the summer following his death moving out the > things the family wanted to keep. And on April 12, 1946, the first > anniversary of his death, the big house would be formally accepted by > President Truman, on behalf of the American people. Mrs.
Olen () was a legendary early poet from Lycia who went to Delos, where his hymns celebrating the first handmaidens of Apollo in the island of the god's birth and other "ancient hymns" were still part of the cult at Delos in the time of Herodotus: The hieratic poetry of Olen is now entirely lost. Pausanias wrote, "The Lycian Olen, an earlier poet, who composed for the Delians, among other hymns, one to Eileithyia, styles her 'the clever spinner', clearly identifying her with fate, and makes her older than Cronos." (Description of Greece 8.21.3).Pausanias, The Description of Greece, 1. 18. 5 (trans.
The feminist movement experienced a backlash during the opening years of the 1980s and action films then were helping to promote the notions of masculinity. Women in these films were portrayed as whores, handmaidens, or warriors and clad in flesh-revealing outfits. Conan gave its male audience a manly hero that overcame all odds and adversity, delivering them a fantasy that offered escape from the invasion of radical "bitter feminist women" in their lives. Renato Casaro's promotional artwork for the film's release in the United States presents a sexualized portrayal of the two main characters, Conan and Valeria.
Unable to denounce his wife publicly, he effected a scheme common among the nobility of the time, that of adultery. Among those of the Duchess Beatrice's household was a young troubadour and friend, Michele Orombelli, who often entertained the lady with lute and song. To avoid any possibility of an uprising that might try to free the popular Duchess, on August 23, 1418, he had the doors of Milan closed until lunchtime, and had the troubadour, the Duchess, and two of her handmaidens spirited away to the castle of Binasco. In its confines, the captors tortured the prisoners.
Edern plays a more important role in Geraint son of Erbin (a Welsh adaptation of Chrétien de Troyes' romance Erec et Enide), in which he and two companions, a beautiful lady and a whip- brandishing dwarf, come across Gwenhwyfar, one of her handmaidens and the knight Geraint ab Erbin in a forest. The handmaiden is sent to discover Edern's identity, but is rebuked and struck by the dwarf. Geraint also goes and suffers the same fate, but chooses to spare the dwarf's life and retreats. Seeking his adversary, Geraint heads to a "walled town", where a great tournament is annually held.
As evidenced by the character of Nausicaa in the Odyssey, in the social conventions depicted by Homer and evidently taken for granted in Greek society of the time, there was nothing unusual or demeaning in a princess and her handmaidens personally washing laundry. However, in later times this was mostly considered as the work of women of low social status. The Magdalene asylums chose laundering as a suitable occupation for the "fallen women" they accommodated. In between these two extremes, the various sub-divisions of laundry workers in 19th-century France (blanchisseuse, lavandière, laveuse, buandière, repasseuse, etc.) were respected for their trade.
Mary has to contend with changing politics and power plays, as well as her burgeoning feelings for Francis and the romantic attentions of Francis's bastard half-brother, Bash. Francis's mother, Catherine de' Medici, secretly tries to prevent the marriage following Nostradamus's confidential prediction that the marriage will lead to Francis's death. The series also follows the affairs of Mary's Scottish handmaidens Kenna, Aylee, Lola, and Greer, who are searching for husbands of their own at French Court. The second season opens after the death of King Henry II, and follows the rise of Francis and Mary as King and Queen of France and Scotland.
This was common for the period to accuse one of homosexuality if they were not open about their affairs with their mistresses. He protests by saying he has a mistress, even whose handmaidens more beautiful than the queen, thus breaking his oath of secrecy to the fairy mistress, and defaming the queen at the same time. The queen then complains to Arthur that Lanval asked to be her lover and when she refused him he said he loved someone more beautiful, and Arthur puts Lanval on trial. It is decided that if his lady comes then they will know that Lanval would not have made advances on the queen.
They can also manifest Eilistraee's moonfire at will. ; Darksong Knights The Darksong Knights are an elite order of Eilistraeen crusaders, mostly active in the Southern Faerûn, beneath the lands of ancient Ilythiir. Composed entirely of crusaders and warrior/priests, each members of this order chose to devote her life not only to the furthering of the Dark Maiden's ethos, but also to the destruction of the Abyss-spawned yochlol, also known as the handmaidens of Lolth. ; Silverhair Knights The Silverhair Knights are an order of Eilistraeens fully dedicated to the conversion and subsequent protection of drow who have come to the surface of Faerûn.
Almost one and half months before the massacre, upon Bhimsen's insistence, Rana Bahadur, then 31 years old, had married a 14-year-old girl named Tripurasundari on 7 March 1806, making her his fifth legitimate wife. Taking advantage of the political chaos, Bhimsen became the Mukhtiyar (1806–37), and Tripurasundari was given the title Lalita Tripurasundari and declared regent and Queen Mother (1806–32) of Girvan Yuddha Bikram Shah, who was himself 9 years old. Thus, Bhimsen became the first person outside the royal household to hold the position of the Mukhtiyar. All the other wives (except Subarnaprabha) and concubines of Rana Bahadur, along with their handmaidens, were forced to commit sati.
When their flier is recaptured by the First Born and taken to their underground realm of Omean, Carter is taken before Issus, the self-proclaimed goddess of Barsoom, who dictates the Therns through secret communications which they mistake for divine revelation. Issus takes Phaidor as a handmaiden for one Martian year; whereas Carter is imprisoned, with Xodar as his slave as punishment for being defeated by Carter. Thereafter Carter treats him with honor, and thus gains his friendship. In prison, they encounter a young man later identified as Carter's son Carthoris, with whom Carter is taken to a series of games wherein the previous year's handmaidens are killed and later eaten by Issus and her nobles.
The Night of the Damned was initially released in Italy on 10 September 1971 where it was distributed by Panta Cinematografica. Compared to Erika which grossed 300 million Italian lire, The Night of the Demon grossed considerably less and by the time it had been sent to the board of censors in Italy, Primax had gone bankrupt. Film historian and critic Roberto Curti described the film's gross as "a modest sum" of 82,772,000 lire. When the film was released in France as Les nuits sexuelles on April 23, 1975 which featured more explicit scenes such as one where females are tickled by naked handmaidens while lesbian and heterosexual couplings take place around them.
Roger Jones and Nicholas Penny, in 1987's biography Raphael, suggest that the scale differences of the figures in the paintings make it unlikely that they were intended as a diptych, though "one might have formed the lid of the other." In 16th Century Italian Art (2006), Michael Wayne Cole opines that while "there can be no doubt that they form a pair...they must not be imagined as a diptych, which is excluded by their square shape and also by the change in scale of the figures." Cole presents the figures as handmaidens of Venus, holding the golden apples with which she is associated and affirming the proper connection of "Virtus" (presented by Vision) and Amor.Cole (2006), p. 43.
The first stamps, denominated 1 penny, green, and 6 pence, rose, were issued in December 1866 and early 1867, and featured a depiction of Saint Ursula, who, according to legend, had 11,000 virginal handmaidens, after whom the islands had been named. Actually, the Virgin depicted on the early stamps is neither St. Ursula nor a Madonna. The model given to the engraver was the impression of the seal of the local court of justice featuring the goddess of justice holding the scales in one hand, whence the re-elaboration of St. Ursula and the 11 oil lamps symbolizing 1,000 virgins each. From 1867 to 1889, the colony issued a number of St. Ursula stamps with various vignettes, several showing her holding a bunch of lilies.
Supposedly the inhabitants of a Martian moon, the Black Martians actually live along the coast of both the Sea of Korus and the subterranean Sea of Omean near the south pole. (As such, they are apparently the only Martians who know how to swim.) They call themselves the 'First Born', believing themselves a unique creation among Martian races, and worship Issus, the false deity of the Martian religion. They raid the White Martian Therns carrying off girls as slaves, and have a massive aerial navy, which John Carter defeats. The girls serve as handmaidens for Black Martian women, and they may also be chosen by Issus to serve her for one year, after which they are always put to death.
The 'daughter of Pharaoh' represents the source of all the different kinds of worldly wisdom (which are her 'handmaidens'). By 'converting' and 'marrying' her, Solomon was perhaps very daringly and ambitiously striving to deepen and enhance the revelation of God's unity on all levels of creation. If so, it was apparently still over-ambitious, because Solomon proved unable to hold his 'catch' within the bounds of holiness, and indeed he himself strayed beyond them." Yaakov also points out "Despite the many questions that surround it, we do not find Solomon's marriage to Pharaoh's daughter criticized in our text as being intrinsically sinful: verse 3 [1 Kings 3:3] does implicitly criticize Solomon for sacrificing at many high altars but does not criticize him for marrying Pharaoh's daughter.
A bothros at the Temple of Demeter in the Valle dei Templi near Agrigento In Greek antiquity, a bothros was an artificially-created or formed depression in the ground, which could serve various purposes. In archaeology, similar items are also referred to by this name and interpreted depending on their context as altars, locations for sacrifice or storage pits. In the works of Homer, bothros generally refers to a depression or pit in the ground. In the Odyssey, the handmaidens of Nausicaa wash their clothes in one,Homer, Odyssey 6, 92: στεῖβον δ 'ἐν βόθροισι θοῶς ἔριδα προφέρουσαι and at the advice of Circe Odysseus digs one for the offering of libations to the dead in the underworld - first honey and milk, then wine, then water.
The People of Hope became affiliated with the Sword of the Spirit in 1983. In 1986, the Archbishop of Newark, Peter L. Gerty, ordered the People of Hope community to end affiliation with the Sword of the Spirit. Rev. Philipp Rotunno, liaison for charismatic renewal, branded the Sword of the Spirit an "Evil Empire" in response to claims that leadership thought they were "anointed by god", exerted excessive control over community members, and the subservient role of women, dubbed "handmaidens", in the community. The subjugation of women within the Sword of the Spirit and People of Hope became inspiration for the novel The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood, who described gender roles and other practices within the Sword of the Spirit and People of Hope as "a form of brainwashing".
Tammy Wynette and the Handmaidens of Mu in the video for the song In November 1991, the single "Justified & Ancient (Stand by The JAMs)" was released, featuring the lead vocals of country music singer Tammy Wynette, introduced in the sleevenotes as "the first lady of country". Drummond flew to Nashville to personally produce the recording of Wynette's vocals. "Justified & Ancient (Stand by The JAMs)" was an upbeat and funky version of the song, the subtitle referencing Tammy Wynette's signature song "Stand by Your Man", and the inclusion of subtle pedal steel guitar also referencing Wynette's country origins. The "Justified & Ancient" single marked a departure from The KLF's previous "Stadium House" trilogy of hits, which were driven by hooks and riffs and emulated a live performance by using sampled crowd noise.
400 in the Church of St. Ursula, located on Ursulaplatz in Cologne which states that the ancient basilica had been restored on the site where some holy virgins were killed. The earliest source to name one of these virgins Ursula is from the 10th century.Carole M. Cusack, "Hagiography and History: the Legend of Saint Ursula", in Carole M. Cusack and Peter Oldmeadow (eds), This Immense Panorama Studies in Honour of Eric J. Sharpe, Sydney Studies in Religion 2 (1999), pp. 89–104. Her legendary status comes from a medieval story that she was a princess who, at the request of her father King Dionotus of Dumnonia in south- west Britain, set sail along with 11,000 virginal handmaidens to join her future husband, the pagan governor Conan Meriadoc of Armorica.
Miniature from a 14th-century manuscript of Pygmalion working on his sculpture Concepts of artificial servants and companions date at least as far back as the ancient legends of Cadmus, who is said to have sown dragon teeth that turned into soldiers and Pygmalion whose statue of Galatea came to life. Many ancient mythologies included artificial people, such as the talking mechanical handmaidens built by the Greek god Hephaestus (Vulcan to the Romans) out of gold, the clay golems of Jewish legend and clay giants of Norse legend. In Greek mythology, Hephaestus created utilitarian three-legged tables that could move about under their own power, and a bronze man, Talos, that defended Crete. Talos was eventually destroyed by Medea who cast a lightning bolt at his single vein of lead.
Knowing that she would be taken to Rome to be paraded in Octavian's triumph (and likely executed thereafter), Cleopatra and her handmaidens committed suicide on 12 August 30 BC. Legend and numerous ancient sources claim that she died by way of the venomous bite of an asp, though others state that she used poison, or that Octavian ordered her death himself. Caesarion, her son by Julius Caesar, nominally succeeded Cleopatra until his capture and supposed execution in the weeks after his mother's death. Cleopatra's children by Antony were spared by Octavian and given to his sister (and Antony's Roman wife) Octavia Minor, to be raised in her household. No further mention is made of Cleopatra and Antony's sons in the known historical texts of that time, but their daughter Cleopatra Selene was eventually married through arrangement by Octavian into the Mauretanian royal line.
In 1625, young-but-skilled fencer d'Artagnan sets off for Paris, France in hopes to follow in his murdered father's footsteps and become a member of the musketeers: the personal guard of the King of France. He is pursued by Gérard and his brothers, accused of blemishing their sister's honor. Unfortunately, Captain Rochefort of the Cardinal's Guards has disbanded the musketeers per the orders of Cardinal Richelieu, the King's Minister, ostensibly to help fight in an impending war with England. Rochefort informs Richelieu that three musketeers refused to relinquish their duties: Athos, Porthos, and Aramis. In Paris, d’Artagnan “rescues” the queen’s handmaidens from their own bodyguards, and after a scolding, takes a liking to one, Constance. In the city d’Artagnan has a series of physical encounters with the Three Musketeers, though he doesn't know they are musketeers, resulting in a duel with each.
The book will be a continuation of the previous novel in the Women of Genesis series Rachel and Leah. The book left off after Rachel had married Jacob, following the marriage of her sister Leah. Card states in the afterword of Rachel and Leah that he had not intended to have the story be continued in two more books, but that it would have been too much to include the marriage/concubinage of the sister's handmaidens and so decided to put them into consecutive books to cover that subject as well as the children and their raising and adventures (chiefly Joseph and his brothers, and Joseph's further adventures into slavery in Egypt, possibly from the point of his wife). Though Card says that he plans to leave the matter of Judah's daughter-in-law, Tamar, alone.
209 The book is feted for its colorful depictions of Bucharesters at the beginning of the 20th century, Simona Câlția, "Henri Stahl, Bucureştii ce se duc", in Observator Cultural, Nr. 171, May–June 2003 but also for outlining the conservative thesis favored at Neamul Românesc. Stahl sees modern Bucharest as a playing ground for handmaidens and their aroused admirers, riddled with "moronic" pastimes such as binge drinking and visits to the City Morgue. Stahl also protests against the Haussmannian renovation of downtown Bucharest, and proposes that all condemned buildings be photographed and inventoried for historical reference. Tudor Mavrodin, "Orașul care a fost. Colțuri dintr-un București personal", in Revista 22, Nr. 934, February 2008 Stahl followed up with humorous sketch stories: Dela manevre ("From the Maneuvers"), printed by Iorga in 1912, and the 1915 Macabre și viceversa ("Macabre Ones and Vice Versa").
Days later, under the instruction of the now immortal He Ran and Gu Yuesheng (last seen in Xuan-Yuan Sword 2), Jingchou's group, which now also includes a young Li Shimin successfully retrieved the Artifacts from Ningke's handmaidens in the bloodied world, and returned to the Tower. They defeated Ningke with her full unrestricted power, and rescued Tuo. Having the Artifacts at hand, Jingchou and company invoked the Ritual of Reversal (which is also named the Ritual of Loss, 失卻之陣) at the top of Tower of Babel, which, utilizing the power of Tuo as the avatar the Mirror of Kunlun at the ritual formation's center, reversed time and brought the party back to the moment prior to the passing of Chi Guan. The group invoked the Ritual of Trespass (also called the Ritual of Babel), sending them above the sky, and arrived at Chi Guan itself.
It also describes an encounter with the archangel Gabriel, who kills two of her handmaidens for trying to dissuade her from rescuing Moses. After Moses is weaned, Pharaoh's daughter gives him his name, purportedly taken from the word māšāh (), because she drew him from the water, but some modern scholars disagree with the Biblical etymology of the name, believing it to have been based on the Egyptian root m-s, meaning "son" or "born of," a popular element in Egyptian names (e. g. Ramesses. Thutmose) used in conjunction with a namesake deity. In her later years, Pharaoh's daughter devotes herself to Moses, and to Yahweh; she celebrates the first Passover Seder with Moses in the slaves' quarters and for that, her firstborn is the only Egyptian to survive the final of the Ten Plagues of Egypt, and leaves Egypt with him for the Promised Land.
For further validation that Demetrios of Phaleron, adviser to Ptolemy I Soter, died from an asp bite, see . Gurval notes that the bite of an Egyptian cobra contains around 175–300 mg of neurotoxin, lethal to humans with only 15–20 mg, although death would not have been immediate as victims usually stay alive for several hours. François Pieter Retief, retired lecturer and dean of medicine at the University of the Free State, and Louise Cilliers, honorary research fellow at their Department of Greek, Latin and Classical Studies, argue that a large snake would not have fit into a basket of figs and it was more likely that poisoning would have so rapidly killed the three adult women, Cleopatra and her handmaidens Charmion and Iras. Noting the example of Cleopatra's hairpin, Cilliers and Retief also highlight how other ancient figures poisoned themselves in similar ways, including Demosthenes, Hannibal, and Mithridates VI of Pontus.
A passing mention is made in the Historia regum Britanniae to Conan Meriadoc being madly in love with his daughter, Ursula, which reflects the ninth century legend of Saint Ursula. According to the legend, Dionotus (her father, said to be king of Dumnonia) is asked her hand in marriage by Conan Meriadoc, the pagan governor of Armorica. After obtaining a three-year delay, she was given as companions ten young women, each of which had a thousand virgin handmaidens; they embarked in eleven ships and sailed for three years, but when the time came for her marriage, the ships were miraculously carried by a gale first to Cologne, then Basle and on to Rome before returning to Cologne where they were killed by Huns."St. Ursula and the Eleven Thousand Virgins", Catholic Encyclopedia As well as this source, Geoffery may also have based this character on the historical figure of Marcus, a short lived Roman usurper whose limited historical exploits are seemingly mirrored by Dionotus'.
This meant that two of the conditions for his legitimacy were not fulfilled. After this, he was crowned for the second time in June 1309 by the archbishop of Esztergom, but in the city of Buda, and with a provisional crown, because the Crown of Saint Stephen was not yet in his possession. Finally, after obtaining the Holy Crown, Charles was crowned for his third time, but now in the Cathedral of Székesfehérvár, by the archbishop of Esztergom and with the Holy Crown. After the death of King Albert in 1439, his widow, Elizabeth of Luxembourg, ordered one of her handmaidens to steal the Holy Crown that was kept in the castle of Visegrád, and with it she could crown her newborn son as King Ladislaus V. The relevance of the strict conditions from the coronation were fulfilled without questioning, and for example King Matthias Corvinus ascended to the throne in 1458, but he could be crowned with the Holy Crown only in 1464 after he recovered it from the hands of Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor.
Saya is a young maiden who was adopted by an elderly couple who found her in the forest when she was an infant and raised to worship and revere the God of Light and his two immortal children, the passionate and fierce Princess Teruhi and the subdued and melancholic Prince Tsukishiro. As she comes of age, she catches the eye of Prince Tsukishiro and the people of Darkness, those who continue to reincarnate and do not fear death. Tsukishiro, enchanted by Saya's beauty, invites her to become one of his handmaidens at the Palace of Light where he and his sister reside. Before she leaves, she discovers from the People of Darkness that she is latest reincarnation of the Water Maiden, the Princess of the People of Darkness and a priestess capable of stilling the Dragon Sword, a weapon that contains the rage of the Fire God when he was killed by his father, the God of Light, for burning his mother, the Goddess of Darkness, to death.
The childhood of Artemis is not fully related in any surviving myth. The Iliad reduced the figure of the dread goddess to that of a girl, who, having been thrashed by Hera, climbs weeping into the lap of Zeus.Iliad XXI 505-13 A poem by Callimachus to the goddess "who amuses herself on mountains with archery" imagines some charming vignettes. Artemis, while sitting on the knee of her father, Zeus, asked him to grant her ten wishes: # to always remain a virgin # to have many names to set her apart from her brother Phoebus (Apollo) # to have a bow and arrow made by the Cyclopes # to be the Phaesporia or Light Bringer # to have a knee-length tunic so that she could hunt # to have sixty "daughters of Okeanos", all nine years of age, to be her choir # to have twenty Amnisides Nymphs as handmaidens to watch her dogs and bow while she rested # to rule all the mountains # any city # to have the ability to help women in the pains of childbirth.
It has also been suggested that Sofia's role in the film may have contributed to its box office performance, which started strongly and then went into decline. Coppola has said that her father based a lot of her character on her while writing the script, before she was even cast into the role. Sofia had herself worried that she had only been given the role because she was the director's daughter, and the role placed a strain on her during the time of shooting that her mother observed in a series of diaries she wrote for Vogue during the filming. After she was critically panned for her performance in The Godfather Part III, for which she won Worst Supporting Actress and Worst New Star at the 1990 Golden Raspberry Awards, Coppola ended her acting career, although she appeared in the independent film Inside Monkey Zetterland (1992), as well as in the backgrounds of films by her friends and family: for example, she appeared as Saché, one of Queen Padmé Amidala's five handmaidens in George Lucas' Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999).
It has also been suggested that Sofia's role in the film may have contributed to its box office performance, which started strongly and then went into decline. Coppola herself worried that she had only been given the role because she was the director's daughter, and the role placed a strain on her during the time of shooting that her mother observed in a series of diaries she wrote for Vogue during the filming. Coppola later stated that she was not hurt by the criticism from her work in the film because she never especially wanted an acting career. After she was critically panned for her performance in The Godfather Part III (for which she was named "Worst Supporting Actress" and "Worst New Star" at the 1990 Golden Raspberry Awards), Coppola ended her acting career; however, she did appear in the independent film Inside Monkey Zetterland (1992), as well as in the backgrounds of films by her friends and family (for example, she appeared as Saché, one of Queen Padmé Amidala's five handmaidens, in George Lucas' 1999 film Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace).

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