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115 Sentences With "gzip"

How to use gzip in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "gzip" and check conjugation/comparative form for "gzip". Mastering all the usages of "gzip" from sentence examples published by news publications.

My favorite example is from 2017, when an IT blogger, sick of all the bots that were trying to log into his WordPress site, created a gzip-based Zip bomb variant that took advantage of the built-in compression in many web browsers to break the bots that were trying to get into his site.
AdvanceCOMP and 7-Zip can produce gzip-compatible files, using an internal DEFLATE implementation with better compression ratios than gzip itself—at the cost of more processor time compared to the reference implementation.
The whole UEF file, including the header, may optionally be compressed in gzip format. By examining the start of the file for a gzip or UEF header, a decompression library can be invoked as appropriate.
The zlib stream format, DEFLATE, and the gzip file format were standardized respectively as RFC 1950, RFC 1951, and RFC 1952. The gzip format is used in HTTP compression, a technique used to speed up the sending of HTML and other content on the World Wide Web. It is one of the three standard formats for HTTP compression as specified in RFC 2616. This RFC also specifies a zlib format (called "DEFLATE"), which is equal to the gzip format except that gzip adds eleven bytes of overhead in the form of headers and trailers.
VRML files are in plain text and generally compress well using gzip, useful for transferring over the Internet more quickly (some gzip compressed files use the .wrz extension). Many 3D modeling programs can save objects and scenes in VRML format.
For this reason, some software, including the Apache HTTP Server, only implement gzip encoding.
In order to efficiently store dictionary data, dictzip, an extension to the gzip compression format (also the name of the utility), can be used to compress a .dict file. Dictzip compresses file in chunks and stores the chunk index in the gzip file header, thus allowing random access to the data.
A large number of file-formats include DEFLATE as part of their specification, most notably PNG, gzip and ZIP.
Various implementations of the program have been written. The most commonly known is the GNU Project's implementation using Lempel-Ziv coding (LZ77). OpenBSD's version of gzip is actually the compress program, to which support for the gzip format was added in OpenBSD 3.4. The 'g' in this specific version stands for gratis.
An ADZ file is an ADF file that has been compressed with gzip. The typical file extension is ".adz", derived from ".adf.gz".
DEFLATE specifies a stream-encoding such that any compliant decoder is able to parse any valid stream; the algorithm and program used for the compression stage are not mandated. For generation of compressed sections of DEFLATE data, an encoder available in the zlib/gzip reference implementation has typically been utilised. The zlib/gzip compressor offers the user a sliding scale between CPU usage and the likely amount of reduction in size achieved on a range of `-0` (no compression) to `-9` (maximum gzip compression). The 7-Zip and Zopfli DEFLATE encoders, used in the AdvanceCOMP suite, effectively extend the sliding scale further.
In the up-coming POSIX and Single Unix Specification revision, it is planned that DEFLATE algorithm used in gzip format be supported in those utilities.
In the up-coming POSIX and Single Unix Specification revision, it is planned that DEFLATE algorithm used in gzip format be supported in those utilities.
Synfig stores its animations in its own XML file format, often compressed with gzip. These files use the filename extension .sif (uncompressed), .sifz (compressed) or .
During the compression stage, it is the encoder that chooses the amount of time spent looking for matching strings. The zlib/gzip reference implementation allows the user to select from a sliding scale of likely resulting compression-level vs. speed of encoding. Options range from `0` (do not attempt compression, just store uncompressed) to `9` representing the maximum capability of the reference implementation in zlib/gzip.
B1 Free Archiver supports opening most popular archive formats (such as B1, ZIP, RAR, 7z, GZIP, TAR.GZ, TAR.BZ2 and ISO) but can create only .b1 and .
It does not affect decompression time. `pigz`, written by Mark Adler, is compatible with gzip and speeds up compression by using all available CPU cores and threads.
In programming, Libarc is a C++ library that accesses contents of GZIP compressed ARC files. These ARC files are generated by the Internet Archive's Heritrix web crawler.
More common compressors can compress this better. Unlike compression methods such as gzip and bzip2, there is no entropy encoding used to pack alphabet into the bit stream.
The key difference between rzip and other well known compression algorithms is its ability to take advantage of very long distance redundancy. The well known deflate algorithm used in gzip uses a maximum history buffer of 32 KiB. The Burrows-Wheeler transform block sorting algorithm used in bzip2 is limited to 900 KiB of history. The history buffer in rzip can be up to 900 MiB long, several orders of magnitude larger than gzip or bzip2.
The Unix tools ar, tar, cpio act as archivers but not compressors. Users of the Unix tools use additional compression tools, such as gzip, bzip2, or xz, to compress the archive file after packing or remove compression before unpacking the archive file. The filename extensions are successively added at each step of this process. For example, archiving a collection of files with tar and then compressing the resulting archive file with gzip results a file with `.tar.
Expander is the default file archive handler for Haiku and is used to quickly unpack the most common archives, among them zip, gzip, bzip2, rar and tar.gz, provided the appropriate command-line utility is installed (zip and gzip are natively supported by the distribution). When a compressed archive file is chosen by the user that they wish to expand and uncompress, they can then choose the destination folder for the expansion; which is where the expanded files will be stored.
For example, gzip uses DEFLATE, which typically operates with a 32768 byte window, whereas bzip2 uses a Burrows-Wheeler transform roughly 27 times bigger. xz defaults to 8 MiB but supports significantly larger windows.
For example, you can pipe the output of gzip into a named pipe like so: mkfifo -m 0666 /tmp/namedPipe gzip -d < file.gz > /tmp/namedPipe Then load the uncompressed data into a MySQL table like so: LOAD DATA INFILE '/tmp/namedPipe' INTO TABLE tableName; Without this named pipe one would need to write out the entire uncompressed version of file.gz before loading it into MySQL. Writing the temporary file is both time consuming and results in more I/O and less free space on the hard drive.
The core export file format of Gramps is named Gramps XML and uses the file extension .gramps. It is extended from XML. Gramps XML is a free format. Gramps usually compresses Gramps XML files with gzip.
It supports the following archive formats: tar, ZIP, bzip2, gzip, RAR, ace, ARJ, LHA, 7z and RPM and can handle other KIO Slaves such as smb or fish. Krusader is published under GNU General Public License.
Shawn Powers. "Casper, the Friendly (and Persistent) Ghost". Linux Journal. 2012. Depending on which algorithms were compiled statically into it, the kernel can unpack initrd/initramfs images compressed with gzip, bzip2, LZMA, XZ, LZO, and LZ4.
On the SPARC architecture, the vmlinux file is compressed using simple gzip, because the SILO boot loader transparently decompresses gzipped images. The filename of the bootable image is not important, but many popular distributions use vmlinuz.
Still, the gzip format is sometimes recommended over zlib because Internet Explorer does not implement the standard correctly and cannot handle the zlib format as specified in RFC 1950. zlib DEFLATE is used internally by the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format. Since the late 1990s, bzip2, a file compression utility based on a block-sorting algorithm, has gained some popularity as a gzip replacement. It produces considerably smaller files (especially for source code and other structured text), but at the cost of memory and processing time (up to a factor of 4).
This bug is a part of original UNIX compress, ncompress, gzip and even windows port. It exists more than 35 years. All application/x-compress files were created using this bug. So we have to include it in output specification.
TransADF is a program that transfers the contents of a floppy disk or a similar block device to a file. This program can compress the disk image using the popular deflate algorithm, as utilized by PKZip and gzip, amongst others.
These patches can be automatically processed so that system administrators can apply them in order to make just some changes to the code or to incrementally upgrade to the next version. Linux is distributed also in GNU zip (gzip) and bzip2 formats.
Public transport is represented by trolleybuses, buses and taxis. The trolleybus system was opened on November 5, 1962. The first line ran from the Bagayeva area (now Victory Square) to the GZIP plant. The tram was operated from November 6, 1934 until June 1, 2008.
Ark is a file archiver and compressor developed by KDE and included in the KDE Applications software bundle. It supports various common archive and compression formats including zip, 7z, rar, lha and tar (both uncompressed and compressed with e.g. gzip, bzip2, lzip or xz).
Tinfoil Hat Linux (THL) is a compact security-focused Linux distribution designed for high security developed by The Shmoo Group. The first version (1.000) was released in February 2002. It appears to be a low priority project . Its image files and source are available in gzip format.
The tar utility included in most Linux distributions can extract .tar.gz files by passing the option, e.g., . zlib is an abstraction of the DEFLATE algorithm in library form which includes support both for the gzip file format and a lightweight data stream format in its API.
Normal operation is `rdiff-backup `. gzip compression of increment files can be disabled with `--no-compression`. The options `-v 5 --print-statistics` show the backup's progress and some statistics. Specifying `--no-fsync` will disable fsync, causing a significant speedup, with an elevated risk of data loss.
Like gzip, bzip2 is only a data compressor. It is not an archiver like tar or ZIP; the program itself has no facilities for multiple files, encryption or archive-splitting, but, in the UNIX tradition, relies instead on separate external utilities such as tar and GnuPG for these tasks.
HTML, LaTeX, Lotus 1-2-3, OpenDocument and Quattro Pro; its native format is the Gnumeric file format (`.gnm` or `.gnumeric`), an XML file compressed with gzip. It includes all of the spreadsheet functions of the North American edition of Microsoft Excel and many functions unique to Gnumeric.
Module level content compression for Apache started with mod_gzip, which is an external extension module, since Apache 1.3. The developers of the Apache 2.0.x servers have included mod_deflate in the codebase for the server to perform a similar GZIP-encoding function. Early versions provided lesser amount of compression than mod_gzip.
Two command-line versions are provided: 7z.exe, using external libraries; and a standalone executable 7za.exe, containing built-in modules, but with compression/decompression support limited to 7z, ZIP, gzip, bzip2, Z and tar formats. A 64-bit version is available, with support for large memory maps, leading to faster compression.
Sash has the following built-in commands: :`ar`, `chattr`, `chgrp`, `chmod`, `chown`, `cmp`, `cp`, `dd`, `echo`, `ed`, `exec`, `grep`, `file`, `find`, `gunzip`, `gzip`, `kill`, `losetup`, `ln`, `ls`, `lsattr`, `mkdir`, `mknod`, `rmdir`, `sum`, `sync`, `tar`, `touch`, `umount`, `where` The Sash shell has also been ported to work with Androidin a terminal-interface.
Lossless data compression is used in many applications. For example, it is used in the ZIP file format and in the GNU tool gzip. It is also often used as a component within lossy data compression technologies (e.g. lossless mid/side joint stereo preprocessing by MP3 encoders and other lossy audio encoders).
When Content-Length is missing the length is determined in other ways. Chunked transfer encoding uses a chunk size of 0 to mark the end of the content. Identity encoding without Content-Length reads content until the socket is closed. A Content-Encoding like gzip can be used to compress the transmitted data.
In HTTP compression, such content was specified by the Content-Encoding type "pack200-gzip". When stored as a file, the extension ".pack.gz" was used. Pack200 may have also referred to the Pack200 compression tools (`pack200` and `unpack200`) provided in Sun's Java Development Kit since Java 5, as well as the Pack200 compressed files.
Instead of a conventional, unnamed, shell pipeline, a named pipeline makes use of the filesystem. It is explicitly created using `mkfifo()` or `mknod()`, and two separate processes can access the pipe by name -- one process can open it as a reader, and the other as a writer. For example, one can create a pipe and set up gzip to compress things piped to it: mkfifo my_pipe gzip -9 -c < my_pipe > out.gz & In a separate process shell, independently, one could send the data to be compressed: cat file > my_pipe The named pipe can be deleted just like any file: rm my_pipe A named pipe can be used to transfer information from one application to another without the use of an intermediate temporary file.
OS MasterMap data is in GML format. It is usually delivered as files compressed with gzip (giving them an extension 'gz'). Recently, Ordnance Survey has been trialing delivery of OS MasterMap data using WFS and WMS, in accordance with the Open Geospatial Consortium. This trial may even end up with automatic updates using WFS-T.
Support for the whole Unicode encoding range was added in 2.4.9. Ability to use the values of the 'SIZE' keyword to process fonts without 'POINT_SIZE', 'RESOLUTION_X', or 'RESOLUTION_Y' properties was added in 2.8.1. ;PCF: Native support of gzip-compressed font files was added in 2.1.3. Added support of retrieve PCF properties in 2.1.4-rc1.
The program has been localized to more than twenty languages. Filzip supports seven different archive formats, allowing the user to add and extract files from the archives. These include ZIP, BH, CAB, JAR, LHA (LZH), TAR, and gzip. A handful of other formats are supported for extraction only, including ACE, ARC, ARJ, RAR, and ZOO.
The Sitemaps protocol allows the Sitemap to be a simple list of URLs in a text file. The file specifications of XML Sitemaps apply to text Sitemaps as well; the file must be UTF-8 encoded, and cannot be more than 10 MB large or contain more than 50,000 URLs, but can be compressed as a gzip file.
Sitemap files have a limit of 50,000 URLs and 50MB per sitemap. Sitemaps can be compressed using gzip, reducing bandwidth consumption. Multiple sitemap files are supported, with a Sitemap index file serving as an entry point. Sitemap index files may not list more than 50,000 Sitemaps and must be no larger than 50MiB (52,428,800 bytes) and can be compressed.
Jean-loup Gailly is an author of gzip. He wrote the compression code of the portable archiver of the Info-ZIP and the tools compatible with the PKZIP archiver for MS-DOS. He worked over zlib in collaboration with Mark Adler. He prefers to write his hyphenated first name with only the J but not the l (ell) capitalized.
TUGZip is a freeware file archiver for Microsoft Windows. It handles a great variety of archive formats, including some of the commonly used ones like zip, rar, gzip, bzip2, sqx and 7z.Zip it Up with TugZip Sofotex It can also view disk image files like BIN, C2D, IMG, ISO and NRG.Paul Rowlingson (7 Apr 2008), TUGZip 3.5.
General-purpose tools such as Gzip and bzip2 regard FASTQ as a plain text file and result in suboptimal compression ratios. NCBI's Sequence Read Archive encodes metadata using the LZ-77 scheme. General FASTQ compressors typically compress distinct fields (read names, sequences, comments, and quality scores) in a FASTQ file separately; these include DSRC and DSRC2, FQC, LFQC, Fqzcomp, and Slimfastq.
VGM (Video Game Music) is an audio file format for multiple video game platforms, such as Sega Master System, Game Gear, Mega Drive/Genesis, MSX, Neo Geo, IBM PC AT (Adlib/SoundBlaster), and has expanded to a variety of arcade system boards since its release. The standard filename extension is .vgm, but files can also be Gzip compressed into .vgz files.
Zopfli is data compression software that encodes data into DEFLATE, gzip and zlib formats. It achieves higher compression than other DEFLATE/zlib implementations, but takes much longer to perform the compression. It was first released in February 2013 by Google as a free software programming library under the Apache License, Version 2.0. The name Zöpfli is the Swiss German diminutive of “Zopf”, an unsweetened type of Hefezopf.
Several programs can create self-extracting archives. For Windows there is WinZip, WinRAR, 7-Zip, WinUHA, KGB Archiver, Make SFX, the built-in IExpress wizard and many others, some experimental. For Macintosh there are StuffIt, The Unarchiver, and 7zX. There are also programs that create self-extracting archives on Unix as shell scripts which utilizes programs like tar and gzip (which must be present in destination system).
A much more detailed search of compression possibilities is performed, at the expense of significant further processor time spent searching. Effectively, the 10-point scale used in gzip is extended to include extra settings above `-9`, the previous maximum search level. There will be no difference in decompression speed, regardless of the level of compressed size achieved or time taken to encode the data.
MAFF is an open format (with a published specification) that enables saving of whole webpages in a single file. It is currently supported by Firefox, using an extension. Other web browsers use the MHTML format or do the equivalent by saving a directory of inline resources (usually images) alongside the HTML file, sometimes compressed, like the .war format used by Konqueror (tar+gzip or tar+bzip2).
In most cases, excluding the SDCH, the negotiation is done in two steps, described in RFC 2616: 1\. The web client advertises which compression schemes it supports by including a list of tokens in the HTTP request. For Content- Encoding, the list in a field called Accept-Encoding; for Transfer-Encoding, the field is called TE. GET /encrypted-area HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate 2\.
Some compression programs, such as gzip, provide a special "rsyncable" mode which allows these files to be efficiently rsynced, by ensuring that local changes in the uncompressed file yield only local changes in the compressed file. Rsync supports other key features that aid significantly in data transfers or backup. They include compression and decompression of data block by block using zlib, and support for protocols such as ssh and stunnel.
Compression is not a built-in feature of the formats, however, the resulting archive can be compressed with any algorithm of choice. Several implementations include functionality to do this automatically Most implementations can optionally produce a self-extracting executable Per-file compression with gzip, bzip2, lzo, xz, lzma (as opposed to compressing the whole archive). An individual can choose not to compress already compressed filenames based on their suffix as well.
With the release of Windows XP, the Enhanced Metafile Format Plus Extensions (EMF+) format was introduced. EMF+ provides a way to serialize calls to the GDI+ API in the same way that WMF/EMF stores calls to GDI. There are also compressed versions of Windows Metafiles known as Compressed Windows Metafile (WMZ) and Compressed Windows Enhanced Metafile (EMZ), which are basically gzip compressed WMF and EMF files correspondingly.
Since then it has undergone several enhancements and bug fixes, and now provides a reliable software installation tool. It uses a client-server arrangement to distribute software using a background daemon called swagentd. This agent is started at boot time, and communicates using either the TCP or UDP protocols through RPC. The SD packages are normally stored and transmitted in compressed form, using either the gzip or compress programs.
This algorithm was patented as , and assigned to PKWARE, Inc. As stated in the RFC document, an algorithm producing Deflate files was widely thought to be implementable in a manner not covered by patents. This led to its widespread use, for example in gzip compressed files and PNG image files, in addition to the ZIP file format for which Katz originally designed it. The patent has since expired.
Straight-line grammar (with start symbol ß) for the second sentence of the United States Declaration of Independence. Each blue character denotes a nonterminal symbol; they were obtained from a gzip-compression of the sentence. Grammar-based codes or Grammar-based compression are compression algorithms based on the idea of constructing a context-free grammar (CFG) for the string to be compressed. Examples include universal lossless data compression algorithms.
Today, Unix-like operating systems usually include tools to support tar files, as well as utilities commonly used to compress them, such as gzip and bzip2. BSD-tar has been included in Microsoft Windows since Windows 10 April 2018 Update, and there are otherwise multiple third party tools available to read and write these formats on Windows. The command has also been ported to the IBM i operating system.
Anatomy of a bzImage As the Linux kernel matured, the size of the kernels generated by users grew beyond the limits imposed by some architectures, where the space available to store the compressed kernel code is limited. The bzImage (big zImage) format was developed to overcome this limitation by splitting the kernel over discontiguous memory regions. The bzImage was compressed using gzip until Linux 2.6.30 which introduced more algorithms.
The compression ratio is 20–100% lower than gzip. Snappy is widely used in Google projects like Bigtable, MapReduce and in compressing data for Google's internal RPC systems. It can be used in open-source projects like MariaDB ColumnStore, Cassandra, Couchbase, Hadoop, LevelDB, MongoDB, RocksDB, Lucene, Spark, and InfluxDB.snappy. A fast compressor/decompressor - Project page at Google Code Decompression is tested to detect any errors in the compressed stream.
Brotli is a data format specification for data streams compressed with a specific combination of the general-purpose LZ77 lossless compression algorithm, Huffman coding and 2nd order context modelling. Brotli is a compression algorithm developed by Google and works best for text compression. Google employees Jyrki Alakuijala and Zoltán Szabadka initially developed Brotli to decrease the size of transmissions of WOFF2 web fonts, and in that context Brotli was a continuation of the development of zopfli, which is a zlib-compatible implementation of the standard gzip and deflate specifications. Brotli allows a denser packing than gzip and deflate because of several algorithmic and format level improvements: the use of context models for literals and copy distances, describing copy distances through past distances, use of move-to-front queue in entropy code selection, joint-entropy coding of literal and copy lengths, the use of graph algorithms in block splitting, and a larger backward reference window are example improvements.
Unused blocks and empty space are not included which reduces the size of the backup image. The backup images are also passed through gzip to further compress their size. But even with compression, backup images can be quite large. For this reason, they are not suitable replacements for daily backups and are typically only done whenever significant changes are made to a server's application set or prior to applying service patches and hotfixes.
Zopfli can output either a raw DEFLATE data stream or DEFLATE data encapsulated into gzip or zlib formats. It can be configured to do more or fewer iterations than the default 15 to trade processing time for compression efficiency. Under default settings, the output of Zopfli is typically 3–8% smaller than zlib's maximum compression, but takes around 80 times longer. The speed of decompressing Zopfli's output versus zlib's output is practically unaffected.
A formal validation of the Brotli specification was independently implemented by Mark Adler, one of the co-authors of the zlib/gzip compression format and library. Adler's implementation was released under the terms of the similarly permissive Apache license.. Other implementations of the specification also exist, including one in the source-to-source haxe language. Brotli is available as a port for Android in a terminal-interface with its own shared library.
From Agora 0.7d it was possible to search some searchable sites by adding the search terms separated by spaces after the URL, but this would not work with forms. Since Agora version 0.8e it was possible to split the requested URLs into two or more lines. Data compression with uuencoded by gzip or zip was also integrated. Agora version 0.8f determined frames and linked pictures goto and the answer mail get help in these cases.
It also includes better support for Gzip and deflate compression, so that communication with a web server can be compressed and thus will require less data to be transferred. Internet Explorer Protected Mode support in WinInet is exclusive to Windows Vista. Although Internet Explorer 7 is more compliant than previous versions, according to all figures it remains the least standards-compliant compared to other major browsers of the period.Web browser standards support summary.
FreeBSD, DragonFly BSD and NetBSD use a BSD-licensed implementation instead of the GNU version; it is actually a command-line interface for zlib intended to be compatible with the GNU implementation's options. These implementations originally come from NetBSD, and support decompression of bzip2 and the Unix pack format. An alternative compression program achieving 3-8% better compression is Zopfli. It achieves gzip-compatible compression using more exhaustive algorithms, at the expense of compression time required.
Pack is a (now deprecated) Unix shell compression program based on Huffman coding."Compress and uncompress of files in UNIX", Superuser, retrieved 14 January 2013 The unpack utility will restore files to their original state after they have been compressed using the pack utility. If no files are specified, the standard input will be uncompressed to the standard output. Although obsolete, support for packed files exists in modern compression tools such as gzip and 7-zip.
Mark Adler (born 1959) is an American software engineer. He is best known for his work in the field of data compression as the author of the Adler-32 checksum function, and a co-author together with Jean-loup Gailly of the zlib compression library and gzip. He has contributed to Info-ZIP, and has participated in developing the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image format. Adler was also the Spirit Cruise Mission Manager for the Mars Exploration Rover mission.
It does not require user to make a new partition, and will continue to read or write existing ext2 file systems. One can consider it as simply a way for the read and write routines to access files that could have been created by a simple utility similar to gzip or compress. Compressed and uncompressed files coexist nicely on ext2 partitions. The latest e2compr-branch is available for current releases of Linux 2.4, 2.6, and 3.0.
The TLS implementation has also been updated to support extensions as outlined in RFC 3546, most notable of which is Server Name Indication support. Internet Explorer 7 additionally features an update to the WinInet API. The new version has better support for IPv6, and handles hexadecimal literals in the IPv6 address. It also includes better support for Gzip and deflate compression, so that communication with a web server can be compressed and thus will require less data to be transferred.
Pack200, specified in JSR 200 (J2SE 1.5), deprecated in JEP 336 (Java SE 11) and removed in JEP 367 (Java SE 14), was a compacting archive format developed by Sun, capable of reducing JAR file sizes by a factor of 7 to 9. Pack200 was optimized for compressing JAR archive files, specifically the Java bytecode portion of the JAR files. Applications of this technology included faster Java application deployment over Java Web Start. After Pack200, usually a gzip compression was applied.
The Stratagus engine is a 2D engine based on cross-platform open-source libraries like SDL, gzip, bzip2 and others. Basing on Lua as their primary scripting language, virtually all the abilities in the engine have been made available to the users of Stratagus for easy modding, removing the need to change the original C/C++ source. Animations are created from a set of `.png` pictures; this technique was commonly used in the time that Warcraft and other RTS had come out.
Proprietary NVIDIA graphics drivers are embedded within the Ubuntu ISO image and therefore are available for direct installation from the installer without the need to be downloaded, in place of the open-source Nouveau drivers. Support for the Raspberry Pi 4 platform was added. The installation media now uses LZ4 compression which, compared to the previously used compression algorithm, gzip, offers faster installation times. This was decided following benchmarking of a variety of compression algorithms conducted by the Ubuntu kernel team.
Traditionally, when creating a bootable kernel image, the kernel is also compressed using gzip, or since Linux 2.6.30,Linux 2.6.30, released the 9th of June 2009, added support to compress the kernel image with the LZMA and bzip2 algorithms using LZMA or bzip2, which requires a very small decompression stub to be included in the resulting image. The stub decompresses the kernel code, on some systems printing dots to the console to indicate progress, and then continues the boot process. Support for LZO,Linux 2.6.
The file format changed in a number of major revisions, leading to incompatible updates. PC-based formats long surpassed the original StuffIt format in terms of compression, notably newer systems like RAR and 7z. These had little impact on the Mac market, as most of these never appeared in an easy-to-use program on the Mac. With the introduction of Mac OS X, newer Mac software lost their forks and no longer needed anything except the built-in Unix utilities like gzip and tar.
The goal of SPDY is to reduce web page load time. This is achieved by prioritizing and multiplexing the transfer of web page subresources so that only one connection per client is required. TLS encryption is nearly ubiquitous in SPDY implementations, and transmission headers are gzip- or DEFLATE-compressed by design (in contrast to HTTP, where the headers are sent as human-readable text). Moreover, servers may hint or even push content instead of awaiting individual requests for each resource of a web page.
Module level content compression for Apache started with mod_gzip, written by Kevin Kiley and Konstantin Balashow in autumn 2000, documented by Michael Schröpl,mod_gzip written by Michael Schröplmod_gzip written in autumn 2000 published by Remote Communications Inc. (RCI).RCI had originally published mod_gzip RCI was purchased by HyperSpace Communications, RCI released the code into the public domain.RCI released the code into the public domain The developers of the Apache 2.0.x servers have included the mod_deflate module in the codebase for the server to perform a similar GZIP-encoding function.
OCFA consists of a back end for the Linux platform, it uses a PostgreSQL database for data storage, a custom Content- addressable storage or CarvFS based data repository and a Lucene index. The front end for OCFA has not been made publicly available due to licensing issues. The framework integrates with other open source forensic tools and includes modules for The Sleuth Kit, Scalpel, Photorec, libmagic, GNU Privacy Guard, objdump, exiftags, zip, 7-zip, tar, gzip, bzip2, rar, antiword, qemu- img, and mbx2mbox. OCFA is extensible in C++ or Java.
The original LTO specification describes a data compression method LTO-DC, also called Streaming Lossless Data Compression (SLDC).. It is very similar to the algorithm ALDC. which is a variation of LZS. LTO-1 through LTO-5 are advertised as achieving a "2:1" compression ratio, while LTO-6 and LTO-7, which apply a modified SLDC algorithm using a larger history buffer, are advertised as having a "2.5:1" ratio. This is inferior to slower algorithms such as gzip, but similar to lzop and the high speed algorithms built into other tape drives.
7-Zip supports a number of other compression and non-compression archive formats (both for packing and unpacking), including ZIP, gzip, bzip2, xz, tar, and WIM. The utility also supports unpacking APM, ar, ARJ, chm, cpio, deb, FLV, JAR, LHA/LZH, LZMA, MSLZ, Office Open XML, onepkg, RAR, RPM, smzip, SWF, XAR, and Z archives and cramfs, DMG, FAT, HFS, ISO, MBR, NTFS, SquashFS, UDF, and VHD disk images. 7-Zip supports the ZIPX format for unpacking only. It has had this support since at least version 9.20, which was released in late 2010.
The main innovation of LZMA is that instead of a generic byte- based model, LZMA's model uses contexts specific to the bitfields in each representation of a literal or phrase: this is nearly as simple as a generic byte-based model, but gives much better compression because it avoids mixing unrelated bits together in the same context. Furthermore, compared to classic dictionary compression (such as the one used in zip and gzip formats), the dictionary sizes can be and usually are much larger, taking advantage of the large amount of memory available on modern systems.
Image of the interior of Saint John Lutheran Church in Carnegie, Pennsylvania, in XCF file format XCF, short for eXperimental Computing Facility, is the native image format of the GIMP image-editing program. It saves all of the data the program handles related to the image, including, among others, each layer, the current selection, channels, transparency, paths and guides. The saved image data are compressed only by a simple RLE algorithm, but GIMP supports compressed files, using either gzip or bzip2. The compressed files can be opened as normal image files.
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is an open standard created and developed by the World Wide Web Consortium to address the need (and attempts of several corporations) for a versatile, scriptable and all-purpose vector format for the web and otherwise. The SVG format does not have a compression scheme of its own, but due to the textual nature of XML, an SVG graphic can be compressed using a program such as gzip. Because of its scripting potential, SVG is a key component in web applications: interactive web pages that look and act like applications.
Load time is how long it takes for a webpage to be loaded and usable by a browser. Often in web page delivery a page is compressed in the Gzip format to make the size of the download smaller. This practice prevents the first byte from being sent until the compression is complete and increases the TTFB significantly. TTFB can go from 100–200 ms to 1000–2000 ms, but the page will load much faster and be ready for the user in a much smaller amount of time.
Many websites see a common 5–10× increase in TTFB but a much faster browser response time garnering 20% load-time decrease. There are some drawbacks however in using Gzip compression: # server CPU load increases during compression. # data can take a long time to process and since a first byte isn't sent until it's done compressing it can make the webpage appear to be hung. # long times to first bytes will often cause a user to cancel and reissue their request to the web- server resulting in increased CPU loads because of sequential load requests.
Fast Infoset (or FI) is an international standard that specifies a binary encoding format for the XML Information Set (XML Infoset) as an alternative to the XML document format. It aims to provide more efficient serialization than the text-based XML format. FI is effectively a lossless compression, analogous to gzip, for XML, except that while the original formatting is lost, no information is lost in the conversion from XML to FI, and back to XML. While the purpose of compression is to reduce physical data size, FI aims to optimize both document size and processing performance.
The Leap worm is delivered over the iChat instant messaging program as a gzip-compressed tar file called . For the worm to take effect, the user must manually invoke it by opening the tar file and then running the disguised executable within. The executable is disguised with the standard icon of an image file, and claims to show a preview of Apple's next OS. Once it is run, the worm will attempt to infect the system. For non-"admin" users, it will prompt for the computer's administrator password in order to gain the privilege to edit the system configuration.
At its core, foobar2000 natively supports a range of audio formats, including MP1, MP2, MP3, MPC, AAC, WMA, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC / Ogg FLAC, ALAC, WavPack, WAV, AIFF, AU, SND, CD, Speex, and Opus. foobar2000 also has a highly customizable user interface, advanced tagging capabilities and support for ripping Audio CDs, as well as transcoding of all supported audio formats using the Converter component. The player can read inside ZIP, GZIP, and RAR archives. Core functionality has also been tested to work under Wine on Linux, although the program's crash reporter will detect Wine and direct the user to the Wine Bugzilla.
ClamAV includes a number of utilities: a command-line scanner, automatic database updater and a scalable multi-threaded daemon, running on an anti-virus engine from a shared library. The application also features a Milter interface for sendmail and on-demand scanning. It has support for Zip, RAR, Tar, Gzip, Bzip2, OLE2, Cabinet, CHM, BinHex, SIS formats, most mail file formats, ELF executables and Portable Executable (PE) files compressed with UPX, FSG, Petite, NsPack, wwpack32, MEW, Upack and obfuscated with SUE, Y0da Cryptor. It also supports many document formats, including Microsoft Office, HTML, Rich Text Format (RTF) and Portable Document Format (PDF).
LZW compression became the first widely used universal data compression method on computers. A large English text file can typically be compressed via LZW to about half its original size. LZW was used in the public-domain program compress, which became a more or less standard utility in Unix systems around 1986. It has since disappeared from many distributions, both because it infringed the LZW patent and because gzip produced better compression ratios using the LZ77-based DEFLATE algorithm, but as of 2008 at least FreeBSD includes both compress and uncompress as a part of the distribution.
Several instances of opentracker may be run in a cluster, with all of them synchronizing with each other. Besides the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) opentracker may also be connected to via User Datagram Protocol (UDP), which creates less than half of the tracker traffic HTTP creates. It supports IPv6, gzip compression of full scrapes, and blacklists of torrents. Because there have already been cases of people being accused of copyright violation by the fact that their IP address was listed on a BitTorrent tracker, opentracker may mix in random IP address numbers for the purpose of plausible deniability.
The most popular archivers were LhA and LZX. Programs to archive ZIP, Gzip, Bzip2, and RAR files were available but seldom used, and many have an Amiga counterpart, such as 7-Zip. Utilities were available for reading and writing archive formats such as ARC, ARJ (unarchive only), the CAB files common in Windows installation, StuffIt SIT archives from Macintosh, Uuencode (used for encoding binary attachments of e-mail messages), TAR (common on UNIX and GNU/Linux), RPM (from Red Hat), and more. Amiga supported "packed" or "crunched" (meaning compressed) executables, which were common in the age of floppy disks, when disk space and memory conservation was critical.
Clip compiler is a compiler for the Clipper programming language with additional features and libraries (for gtk, fivewin, netto, MySQL, ODBC, cti, tcp, gzip, Interbase, Oracle, Postgres), which is quite fast, has support for Hyper-Six and FoxPro RDD's, and can compile existing Clipper source code with very minor changes. It has support for all the features in the original compiler, can access multiple types of databases such as Oracle, Informix, Interbase, MySQL, Postgres, all Xbase dialects (tables: Foxpro, Visual FoxPro, COMIX, indexes: NDX, NTX, CDX). It supports object-oriented programming, preprocessor, dynamic and static libraries, several functions for math, string management, arrays or vectors. Clip is licensed under a "GPL type" License and uses the GNU CC compiler.
LBR files containing all the files needed for a particular group, such as all the files needed to install an application. Typically such files were either individually compressed (because LU did not compress files) or the LBR archive was itself compressed with SQ (similarly to the use of tar and gzip together in more modern times). With the development of the ARC program (which combined both compression and archiving into one program) and its ARC archive file format, SQ essentially became obsolete on most systems, except CP/M, which lacked an ARC port for several years. On CP/M systems, the CRUNCH compression program was written to implement the LZW algorithm (as ARC did) and plug the gap.
FLAC is specifically designed for efficient packing of audio data, unlike general-purpose lossless algorithms such as DEFLATE, which are used in ZIP and gzip. While ZIP may reduce the size of a CD-quality audio file by 10–20%, FLAC is able to reduce the size of audio data by 40–50% by taking advantage of the characteristics of audio. The technical strengths of FLAC compared to other lossless formats lie in its ability to be streamed and decoded quickly, independent of compression level. Since FLAC is a lossless scheme, it is suitable as an archive format for owners of CDs and other media who wish to preserve their audio collections.
The Lempel–Ziv–Markov chain algorithm (LZMA) is an algorithm used to perform lossless data compression. It has been under development since either 1996 or 1998 by Igor Pavlov and was first used in the 7z format of the 7-Zip archiver. This algorithm uses a dictionary compression scheme somewhat similar to the LZ77 algorithm published by Abraham Lempel and Jacob Ziv in 1977 and features a high compression ratio (generally higher than bzip2) \- LZMA Unix Port was finally replaced by xz which features better and faster compression; from here we know even LZMA Unix Port was a lot better than gzip and bzip2. and a variable compression-dictionary size (up to 4 GB), while still maintaining decompression speed similar to other commonly used compression algorithms.
7-Zip was released in 2000; a tool employing LZMA first became available on Unix-like operating systems in 2004 when a port of the command- line version of 7-Zip (p7zip) was released. In the same year, the LZMA SDK became available, which included the program called “lzma_alone”; less than a year later, Lasse Collin released LZMA Utils, which at first only consisted of a set of wrapper scripts implementing a gzip-like interface to lzma_alone. In 2008, Antonio Diaz Diaz released lzip, which uses a proper container format with checksums and magic numbers instead of the raw LZMA data stream, providing a complete Unix-style solution for using LZMA. Nevertheless, LZMA Utils was extended to have similar features and then renamed to XZ Utils.
If the server supports one or more compression schemes, the outgoing data may be compressed by one or more methods supported by both parties. If this is the case, the server will add a Content-Encoding or Transfer-Encoding field in the HTTP response with the used schemes, separated by commas. HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: mon, 26 June 2016 22:38:34 GMT Server: Apache/ (Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux) Last-Modified: Wed, 08 Jan 2003 23:11:55 GMT Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Length: 438 Connection: close Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Content-Encoding: gzip The web server is by no means obligated to use any compression method – this depends on the internal settings of the web server and also may depend on the internal architecture of the website in question.
The space they occupy is roughly equal to the size of the text T in entropy- compressed form, such as that obtained by Prediction by Partial Matching or gzip. Moreover, both data structures are self-indexing, in that they can reconstruct the text T in a random access manner, and thus the underlying text T can be discarded. In other words, they simultaneously provide a compressed and quickly searchable representation of the text T. They represent a substantial space improvement over the conventional suffix tree and suffix array, which occupy many times more space than the size of T. They also support searching for arbitrary patterns, as opposed to the inverted index, which can support only word-based searches. In addition, inverted indexes do not have the self-indexing feature.
Software distributors use executable compression for a variety of reasons, primarily to reduce the secondary storage requirements of their software; as executable compressors are specifically designed to compress executable code, they often achieve better compression ratio than standard data compression facilities such as gzip, zip or bzip2 . This allows software distributors to stay within the constraints of their chosen distribution media (such as CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, or Floppy disk), or to reduce the time and bandwidth customers require to access software distributed via the Internet. Executable compression is also frequently used to deter reverse engineering or to obfuscate the contents of the executable (for example, to hide the presence of malware from antivirus scanners) by proprietary methods of compression and/or added encryption. Executable compression can be used to prevent direct disassembly, mask string literals and modify signatures.
On the indexing level, Munax full-indexes a range of document types, including: htm html shtm shtml jhtm asp php php3 pdf ps doc xls ppt rtf wp wp5 wp6 wpd txt c cpp h. When it comes to link-indexing in Munax, this is more complex than just indexing the anchor text and the URL. Amongst other things, Munax relates each link to the other links on the page and to the text of the page itself. Munax supports the link-indexing of gif, jpg, tga, bmp, iff, img, jif, mac, msp, pcx, pic, tif, ico, jpe, mp3, wav, ram, snd, mp4, aif, mid, vqf, la1, lav, mp2, avi, mpg, mpeg, rm, qt, asx, mov, fli, flc, eps, wri, asc, fmk, for, zip, gzip, tar, arc, lzh, sit, rar, arj, dd, tgz, lha, exe, hqx, dll, vbs, vxd, bat, cmd, class, jar, java, jav and email addresses.
ECI indicators may be included at various points in the transmitted message, and may be either of "encodable" type or of "non- encodable" or "signal" type. ; Encodable ECIs : These indicators are part of the message and define the format for all or part of the data, such as the intended character set or the data compression scheme that is in effect such as Gzip. ; Signal ECIs : These indicators are not part of the message and they may either be embedded in the bar code symbol separately from the message or may not be present in the symbol at all but added by the reader at scan time. Signal ECIs are used to convey information about the processing of the data, such as whether it is a fragment of a multi-symbol scan process, whether an error condition occurred during reading, or even to provide environment information such as what ambient light level was measured or provide a low- battery indication.
While the CRIME attack was presented as a general attack that could work effectively against a large number of protocols, only exploits against SPDY request compression and TLS compression were demonstrated and largely mitigated in browsers and servers. The CRIME exploit against HTTP compression has not been mitigated at all, even though the authors of CRIME have warned that this vulnerability might be even more widespread than SPDY and TLS compression combined. BREACH is an instance of the CRIME attack against HTTP compression—the use of gzip or DEFLATE data compression algorithms via the content-encoding option within HTTP by many web browsers and servers. Given this compression oracle, the rest of the BREACH attack follows the same general lines as the CRIME exploit, by performing an initial blind brute-force search to guess a few bytes, followed by divide-and-conquer search to expand a correct guess to an arbitrarily large amount of content.
Alakuijala and Szabadka completed the Brotli specification during 20132016. The specification was accompanied with a reference implementation developed by two additional authors, Evgenii Kliuchnikov and Lode Vandevenne, who had previously developed Google's zopfli implementation of deflate and gzip compatible compression in 2013.. Unlike zopfli, which was a reimplementation of an existing data format specification, Brotli was a new data format, and allowed the authors to improve compression ratios even further. The Internet Engineering Task Force approved the Brotli compressed data format specification as an informational request for comment (RFC 7932) in July 2016.. The Brotli data format is an integral part of the 2nd iteration of the Web Open Font Format. While Google's zopfli implementation of the deflate compression algorithm is named after zöpfli, the Swiss German word for a snack-sized braided buttery bread, brotli is named after brötli, the Swiss German word for a bread roll.. Google's own implementation of the Brotli specification was released under the terms of the permissive free software MIT license in 2016.
Specifically, Carmody applied Dirichlet's theorem to several prime candidates of the form k·256n \+ b, where k was the decimal representation of the original compressed file. Multiplying by a power of 256 adds as many trailing null characters to the gzip file as indicated in the exponent which would still result in the DeCSS C code when unzipped. Of those prime candidates, several were identified as probable prime using the open source program OpenPFGW, and one of them was proved prime using the ECPP algorithm implemented by the Titanix software.DVD descrambler encoded in ‘illegal’ prime number (Thomas C. Greene, The Register, Mon 19 March 2001) Even at the time of discovery in 2001, this 1401-digit number, of the form k·2562 \+ 2083, was too small to be mentioned, so Carmody discovered a 1905-digit prime, of the form k·256211 \+ 99, that was the tenth largest prime found using ECPP, a remarkable achievement by itself and worthy of being published on the lists of the highest prime numbers.

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