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67 Sentences With "growing longer"

How to use growing longer in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "growing longer" and check conjugation/comparative form for "growing longer". Mastering all the usages of "growing longer" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The list of offending countries is long and growing longer.
Already-long dry seasons are growing longer and drier, withering crops.
Fire seasons are growing longer in the United States and worldwide.
LONDON — Daenerys Targaryen's title seems to growing longer with each passing episode.
Security lines at airports around the US are growing longer and longer.
The days were shrinking, the nights growing longer, and I was alone.
The eye in childhood is naturally growing longer, even in normally sighted children.
By 2008, the line to get into our club was growing longer every week.
And unless something significant is done to improve retention, lines will only keep growing longer.
There does become a growing, longer sustained idea of commitment than what I started with.
The odds on passing any are long — and growing longer as the Supreme Court heads rightward.
QUEUES have been growing longer at America's airports, and things will get worse before they get better.
Hurricane season is also growing longer according to some analyses, and the rainstorms within them growing stronger.
The wildfire season is growing longer, and fires, like the ones that recently ravaged Northern California, more numerous.
Fire seasons, once confined to the hot summer, are growing longer—something many scientists ascribe to climate change.
In the past few years, the bei list has been growing longer, the acts more imaginative and colorful.
"The Forbes list is growing longer," she said nonchalantly of the scene, and the businessmen making money here.
Thousands recur during the warmest season on Mars each year, growing longer and darker until they fade in winter.
The days down under are growing longer, the weather is warming, and sunlight is growing brighter as winter approaches.
Mr. Sylvas said the lines at the Hippie Kitchen were growing longer, and there were more tents on the sidewalks.
I resorted to a sort of backward wave to mimic my lashes naturally growing longer and flapping in an imaginary breeze.
But, after months of machinations and negotiations, PowerPoint presentations and strategic "buckets," their odds of leveling the longtime bogeyman are growing longer.
AS READERS of scientific journals can attest, the list of authors on a typical research paper appears to be growing longer and longer.
The authorities were apparently unconcerned about a crack in the tiled wall of her kitchen that she said was growing longer each day.
Now, back in Brooklyn, my runs are growing longer, and the summer slog — 10, 11, 13 miles in the heat — is finally paying off.
"I filed their affair under 'not my business,' a list that was growing longer every day, but my heart went out to Vanessa," she wrote.
Your bank account is alarmingly low, your list keeps growing longer by the day, and everyone on it seems to be asking for a Dyson blowdryer.
The list of people who want nothing to do with Trump's visit is growing longer by the hour, revealing a bipartisan distaste for the president's agenda.
Add all the other steps, and you could be looking at a total wait time of up to 1.6 years, and the line is only growing longer.
And with Australia's fire season growing longer, there are fewer times of the year left to safely start fires to reduce the risk of a major blaze.
Fire seasons in places like Australia and California are growing longer and deadlier, and fire services need every qualified person they can get to meet the challenge.
The weather's getting warmer and the days are growing longer, which can only mean one thing: Summer will be here in full force before we know it. Finally!
Complicating coral recovery now is the fact that the bouts of bleaching are growing longer and more severe, while the much-needed recovery periods are shorter and less frequent.
The list of Democrats expressing frustration with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has been growing longer in recent weeks, but don't expect to see former President Barack Obama's name on it.
Snap's list of worries is growing longer: It's strapped for cash and will likely be forced to raise capital as early as mid-2019, according to one Wall Street research firm.
As the planet warms and the human population soars, fire seasons are growing longer and more intense around the world, meaning more and more heat-trapping carbon is going up in smoke.
It can be easy to see why: With work weeks growing longer, it can be hard to find time to do a good deep clean yourself, even with the aid of modern appliances.
The Antwerp Port said in a statement on Wednesday morning that more than 30 ships were waiting to enter the port, with docking queues growing longer, because some workers did not show up for work.
Ponce, Puerto Rico (CNN)In Ponce, one of Puerto Rico's largest cities along its southern coast, the lines of residents waiting to buy gas and withdraw cash from local banks are growing longer by the day.
While Chinese officials continue to downplay the likelihood of more aggressive easing, the economy has been slow to respond to a host of earlier stimulus measures, while the U.S.-China trade war is growing longer and costlier.
Trans women often face violence for apparently not being clear enough about this—look at the numbers of trans women who are attacked for supposed deception; listen to the list of names read out on Transgender Day of Remembrance, growing longer every year.
I guess it's fitting that for me the arrival of Sukkot has always been announced by the feeling that autumn is here — but lately, in a world where summers are growing longer, I can't help but be reminded that it might not last.
For many, that walk seems to be growing longer as corner markets and grocery stores have closed in neighborhoods across the city — forcing many New Yorkers to rethink their daily routines and in some cases changing the very tenor of a neighborhood.
Winter is growing longer each year in the countryside, where a 16-year-old girl — fretting because her mother is ill and her father is an inept moneylender — decides to take on collecting the debts herself, and immediately discovers that she is excellent at business.
The flounder move into deeper waters as they grow, reaching adulthood after growing longer than 20 cm, at approximately two years of age.
He was also notified by Elkin of his first hunt in six days. He learned that trolls were fatally allergic to tomatoes. When the hunting party splits up, he would ride off to the cave. Meanwhile, Rapunzel's hair kept growing longer.
When adult, C. a. helenae is small and wormlike, rarely growing longer than in total length (including tail). It is plain dark brown on top and light pink on its underside. The scalation on the anterior dorsal surface of the head is distinctive.
One scheduled concert from the tour, at Liverpool University, was cancelled and rescheduled to take place during the band's subsequent tour of Europe. During this period the band members began to experiment with their stage attire, introducing strange caftans and garments and growing longer hair and beards, which gave them a very fashionable appearance.
Skull of a European pine marten The European pine marten's fur is usually light to dark brown. It is short and coarse in the summer, growing longer and silkier during the winter. It has a cream- to yellow-coloured "bib" marking on its throat. Its body is up to long, with a bushy tail of about .
The flower heads are composed of strap-shaped ray flowers, growing longer toward the outer portion of the head, and collectively creating the appearance of a single flower as in other sunflower family plants. The outer flowers in the head extend well beyond the 1/2" to 1" long phyllaries (bracts enclosing the flower head before opening).
Catholic celebrations take place on 13 December and in May. Saint Lucy or Lucia, whose name comes from the Latin word "lux" meaning light, links with this element and with the days growing longer after the Winter solstice.Alio, Jacqueline. "Saint Lucy – Sicily's Most Famous Woman", Best of Sicily Magazine, 2009 St. Lucy is the patron saint of the city of Siracusa (Sicily).
Iris koreana and Iris minutoaureas also have the habit of their foliage growing longer after they have flowered. It has an unbranched stem, up to tall. It has 2 terminal flowers (at the top of the stems), that bloom in early summer, between April and May. It has a perianth tube that is longer than the spathes (leaves of the flower bud).
Feathering on the ears is typical, with hair growing longer at the base of the ear and steadily decreasing in length. The bottom-most third of the ear is covered with short hair. The eyes should lie level in the head, and be of medium size with tight rounded lids. There should not be the appearance of haw or a third eyelid.
The deficiency causes the virilization of XX fetuses. The onset of the symptoms usually displayed during adolescent or early adulthood. The lack of estrogen results in the presentation of primary amenorrhea and tall stature. The taller than expected height occurs because estrogen normally causes fusion of the epiphyseal growth plates in the bones, and in its absence, the patient will keep growing longer.
There are two dark streaks behind the eye, and the scalpel-like scales that project from the caudal peduncle are blackish and surrounded by a large black spot with a bluish border. Both dorsal and anal fins are long, extending as far as the caudal peduncle. The caudal fin is crescent-shaped, the points growing longer as the fish ages. It is rimmed by a band of bluish-white.
The party continues towards Niflheim's capital of Gralea by train. Ignis' blindness and Noctis's mourning of Lunafreya cause friction with Gladiolus until Ignis forces a reconciliation. It is also revealed that the nights are growing longer, causing more Daemons to appear. Ardyn then tricks Noctis into throwing Prompto from the train, and holds Prompto and the Crystal captive in Gralea's military fortress Zegnautus Keep, revealing the Crystal's power can destroy the Daemons.
The white-lipped peccary lives to be around 13 years old and can give birth to two young at a time. The head and body length ranges from , the shoulder height is between , the tail length is from , and the adult weight is . Their color is generally brown or black. The coat is bristly and has hairs running lengthways down the spine growing longer than the hairs running down the body, making a crest, which rises when the peccary becomes excited.
Superimposed on the target's "blip" was a horizontal line indicating the range, growing longer as the aircraft approached. This was similar to the appearance of wings on the target, which appear to grow larger as you approach. Marks on the radar display indicated fixed ranges when the "wing" line was spanning the marks. For RDF Spaniel, the idea was that the pilot would use this display to position the fighter behind its target and then approach to a fixed range of about .
Life restoration of a mosasaur (Platecarpus tympaniticus) informed by fossil skin impressions Mosasaurs breathed air, were powerful swimmers, and were well-adapted to living in the warm, shallow inland seas prevalent during the Late Cretaceous period. Mosasaurs were so well adapted to this environment that they most likely gave birth to live young, rather than returning to the shore to lay eggs as sea turtles do. The smallest-known mosasaur was Dallasaurus turneri, which was less than long. Larger mosasaurs were more typical, with many species growing longer than .
The orange band surgeonfish is a deep-bodied, laterally-compressed oval fish, rather over twice as long as it is deep, with a maximum length of , although a more typical length is . Both dorsal and anal fins are long and low, extending as far as the caudal peduncle. The dorsal fin has nine spines and 23 to 25 soft rays while the anal fin has three spines and 22 to 24 soft rays. The tail fin is crescent-shaped, the points growing longer as the fish gets older.
Precanine teeth are often replaced by a large diastema in therapsids. Kenomagnathus had both precanine teeth and a diastema, which fills the gap between basal synapsids and therapsids to some extent. It reflects what would have been an ongoing transition, which other stem-mammals with diastemata would also have gone through. Spindler hypothesized that the diastema initially developed as a consequence of the maxilla and premaxilla being angled against each other by the precanine step, which would have prevented the precanine teeth from growing longer; this is seen as an "initial diastema" in "H." garnettensis, Ianthasaurus, and Ianthodon.
Populations of the plant have been damaged by a number of processes, especially increased turbidity in the water; like most other plants, eelgrass requires sunlight to grow. One plant may adapt to light level by growing longer leaves to reach the sun in low-light areas; individuals in clear or shallow water may have leaves a few centimeters long, while individuals in deeper spots may have leaves over a meter long. Human activities such as dredging and trawling damage eelgrass meadows; practices used in scallop and mussel harvesting in the Wadden Sea have cleared much eelgrass from the sea bottom there. Aquaculture operations and coastal development destroy colonies.
She formulates a potion that she claims will restore Mildred's hair to its rightful length. Mildred applies the potion that night and just when she is dropping off to sleep, her hair starts growing longer and longer by the minute, engulfing the whole school. Miss Hardbroom comes to investigate, states that Mildred is having "a bad hair day", manages to stop the hair growing and cuts it to its rightful length and vapourises the swathes of hair that had engulfed the whole school. In a flying lesson, Ethel steals Tabby (who has been suffering a nervous breakdown as a result of the hair incident) and hides him on the roof in front of Miss Granite's study's window.
After hearing Emily Pankhurst speak for the Women's Social and Political Union, she wrote to her sister, "... as I listened, I felt my backbone growing longer, as though you gained courage and freedom from her". After attending the suffrage meeting in London in 1913, she became an active feminist through the WSG and helped to found the Australian Federation of Women's Societies (AFWV) in 1921, becoming its first President. In 1915, she was given honorary appointment to the Perth Children's Court and acted on the bench there for fifteen years. She was also the first woman appointed a Justice of the Peace at the Perth Court after a successful campaign to alter remnant legislation forbidding women to be seated at the bench.
There are four frequent Slovene names for short prose fiction (slika 'portrait', črtica 'sketch' – both prevailing 1890–1910 –, povest 'tale', zgodba 'story') and three standard names for long fictional narratives (povest, roman 'novel', novela 'novella'). Concerning long narratives, the term povest is considered to be nationally specific. It is predictable for the narrative lengths of 20,000–45,000 words, growing longer in time, it is plot-oriented, uninhibitedly didactic, written for uneducated lower-social-class readers and hence of minor artistic value. This definition, though controversial in its axiological part, is suitable for the majority of tales published in the series Slovenske večernice (Slovene Evening Tales) by the popular Catholic publishing house Mohorjeva družba (Hermagora's Society), in very high circulation, reaching 80,000 at the end of the 19th century, aiming the population of total 1,300,000.
In "Trail of Tears," Jerri proves herself to be an excellent "Indian": she's a great archer, scalper, and torch-thrower. She also does not seem to be above any form of inappropriate intercourse, once saying that she and a boy she had just discovered was her son could still make out, or continuing to have sex after being diagnosed with syphilis, gonorrhea, and crabs. Jerri seems to have quite a collection of wigs (her hairstyle changes constantly, growing longer or shorter within a single episode) and wears an inordinate amount of makeup. Sedaris intended her to look "like somebody who owns snakes" (which she does in an early episode). She has a very large genital piercing (which she calls "The Liberty Bell") and sports tattoos across her knuckles (Hard on one hand, Luck on the other, a parody of Robert Mitchum’s tattoos in Night of the Hunter [though in some episodes, according to Amy Sedaris, the Luck sometimes becomes Fuck]).

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