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28 Sentences With "grow shorter"

How to use grow shorter in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "grow shorter" and check conjugation/comparative form for "grow shorter". Mastering all the usages of "grow shorter" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The days grow shorter, the air gets brisker and a glowing full moon kicks it all off.
Stay indoors between dusk and dawn As the days grow shorter, it gets increasingly difficult to beat the sunset.
Changes in the length of telomeres are a rough measure of cellular health (they tend to grow shorter as we age).
Even as the days grow shorter and the air turns brisker, demand for the unofficial drink of the summer is showing no signs of stopping.
Nearing this solstice, the northern world's days grow shorter, and sunlight lands at shallower angles — heating the hemisphere less, and casting December's familiar long shadows across the snow.
The island is rich in minerals, and the theory is that these will become easier to get at as winters grow shorter and harbors remain ice-free year-round.
While there was a concern the injury could cause Meadow's leg to grow shorter than her uninjured one, almost three years after the incident, she has made a full recovery.
If your thoughts have been wandering in that direction — as well they might when the days grow shorter and nights longer — you should know that they're throwing quite a séance at the McGinn/Cazale Theater.
The tree line often appears well-defined, but it can be a more gradual transition. Trees grow shorter and often at lower densities as they approach tree line, above which they cease to exist.
It has a common mammalian annual breeding season. Its testes increase in weight as days grow shorter, and are heaviest in October and November. Their weight quickly decreases after eggs are fertilized. Sperm are abundant in the epididymides throughout the year.
The leaves grow shorter at the base, also shorter at the apex of the stems. Leaves are narrow linear to oblong in shape; 15 to 25 mm long, 2 to 5 mm wide. The midvein of the leaf ends in a thin point. Synangia are 3 to 5 mm long.
Higher up, where the slopes become rockier near and around the cliffs, other tree species, like white pine, striped maple and hemlock show up in the forest. Stinging nettles grow in the understory, along with red-flowering raspberry and wildflower species like trillium. On the summit ridge, the trees grow shorter and scrubbier. Mountain ash joins the forest.
The posterior end of the tail is missing in both skeletons. The neural spines grow taller posteriorly (further down the tail), making the caudal vertebrae tall but thin in that area. The first 23 caudal vertebrae have transverse processes, but these processes are lost further back. The vertebral centra grow shorter posteriorly, making the tail more flexible than the neck.
At the tree line, tree growth is often sparse, stunted, and deformed by wind and cold. This is sometimes known as krummholz (German for "crooked wood"). The tree line often appears well-defined, but it can be a more gradual transition. Trees grow shorter and often at lower densities as they approach the tree line, above which they cease to exist.
The plant grows tall from an oval bulb. Leaves are glabrous, measuring around wide; they are lanceolate and acute, and grow shorter or equal in length to the erect flower stem. The white flowers are born in April and May on simple racemes in an inflorescence of 10 to 20 flowers. Highly acuminate bracts attach to short pedicels measuring long.
This is a solitary-trunked palm; the trunk often grows at an incline and is from 3 to 16m, exceptionally 18m tall, although they usually grow shorter in Brazil (to 8m). The trunks grow from 30 to 55 cm in diameter, usually retaining a coat of old leaf bases which do not shed easily naturally and which remain persistent for many years.
Just before daylength begins to increase in December, conception occurs. The young are born in May, as pregnancy lasts roughly six months. Copulation rates tend to increase as days grow shorter. To initiate copulation males capture the attention of females with continuous flapping of their wings (probably to spread the odor from male scent glands), though this usually only serves to encourage females to escape.
Arabidopsis seedlings grown in non-sibling exudates produced more lateral roots compared to those grown in exudates of kin or self-origin. Additionally, roots appeared to grow shorter when grown in non-sibling exudates. The Arabidopsis seedlings are capable of detecting the exudates around them and responding accordingly. This ability may be beneficial for fitness, allowing plants to allocate fewer resources to competition when grown amongst kin.
The first is composed of straight, thick-rooted trees averaging about 40-metres tall. After this grow shorter, thinner trees with highly placed clusters of leaves. Sparse grasses and other plants make up the ground layer. In areas closer to settlements and roads, human groups have harvested the larger trees, thus exposing the forest floor to more direct sunlight and allowing thick vegetation to thrive.
There are several key differences between Cannabis indica and Cannabis sativa. These include height and stature, internodal length, leaf size and structure, buds size and density, flowering time, odour, smoke and effects. Indica plants tend to grow shorter and bushier than the sativa plants. Indica strains tend to have wide, short leaves with short wide blades, whereas sativa strains have long leaves with thin long blades.
Stewartia pseudocamellia When grown with single trunks they form taller more pyramidal shaped trees, when having multiple trunks plants tend to grow shorter and spread out wider. In the wild in Japan plants have been known to grow tall, and in cultivation have already reached up to tall.Tree Register of the British Isles S. pseudocamellia was introduced into western cultivation in 1874, and has survived winters as cold as .Dirr, M. (1983).
Pathologic takes place over twelve in-game days, which grow shorter as the game progresses. The player must save manually at clocks located throughout the town. If the player dies, they find themselves in the theatre, where Mark Immortell will explain to them that dying has certain consequences. These consequences stack the more times the player dies, and include punishments such as lower maximum health, faster increases to hunger and exhaustion, and more minor punishments such as the inability to hug other characters.
With the sun shining from behind the spoor, the shadows cast by small ridges and indentations in the spoor will be clearly visible. With the sun behind the tracker, however, these shadows will be hidden by the ridges that cast them. Tracking is easiest in the morning and late afternoon, as the shadows cast by the ridges in the spoor are longer and stand out better than at or near midday. As the sun moves higher in the sky, the shadows grow shorter.
In some places the straw-swathed characters are not intended to represent bears, and are simply known as straw men. The decline in popularity of straw characters in carnival today is thought to be largely due to the difficulty of obtaining straw of suitable length and quality. Modern farmers generally prefer cultivars with shorter straw, or use chemical sprays to make the straw grow shorter so that their crops are less prone to damage by storms. Artificial materials have replaced straw in a few places.
The kite shield predominantly features enarmes, leather straps used to grip the shield tight to the arm. Used by foot and mounted troops alike, it gradually came to replace the round shield as the common choice until the end of the 12th century, when more efficient limb armour allowed the shields to grow shorter, and be entirely replaced by the 14th century. As body armour improved, knight's shields became smaller, leading to the familiar heater shield style. Both kite and heater style shields were made of several layers of laminated wood, with a gentle curve in cross section.
Corrective properties may sometimes be built into the controller (for example, to modify the time the lights are turned on as the days grow shorter or longer), but this would not close the loop. In another instance, the sensing, comparison, or adjustment may be made through action taken by an individual who is not part of the system. For example, the lights may be turned on by someone who happens to pass by and recognizes the need for additional light. If control is exercised as a result of the operation rather than because of outside or predetermined arrangements, it is a closed-loop system.
Some forms of strabismus can be corrected by weakening an extraocular muscle. Botulinum toxin blocks the neuromuscular transmission and thus paralyzes injected muscles. Paralysis is temporary, and it might seem that injections would always need to be repeated, except that muscles adapt to the lengths at which they are chronically held, so that a paralyzed muscle tends to get stretched-out by its antagonist and grows longer by addition of serial sarcomeres (the contractile units of skeletal muscles), while the antagonist tends to grow shorter by deletion of sarcomeres, thereby maintaining re-alignment when the toxin-caused paralysis has resolved. If there is good binocular vision, once muscular imbalance is sufficiently reduced, the brain mechanism of motor fusion (which points the eyes to a target visible to both) can stabilize eye alignment.
This deprives U-boat commanders of background illumination, but provides only a very little relief from U-boat attack; as the nights grow shorter more U-boat attacks are occurring in daylight hours. :20: General Dobbie, Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief of Malta, sends a message to Winston Churchill saying "it is obvious that the very worst may happen if we cannot replenish our vital needs, especially flour and ammunition, and that very soon...." Churchill concludes from this and other "disturbing news" that Dobbie is not capable enough for such an important job, and decides to replace him with Lord Gort. :: delivers 47 Spitfire Mk. V fighters of No. 603 Squadron RAF to Malta; the planes are destroyed, mostly on the ground, by intense Axis air raids before they can affect the course of battle. :23: Beginning of so- called Baedeker Raids by the Luftwaffe on English provincial towns like Exeter, Bath, Norwich, and York; attacks continue sporadically until June 6.

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