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5 Sentences With "groupuscules"

How to use groupuscules in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "groupuscules" and check conjugation/comparative form for "groupuscules". Mastering all the usages of "groupuscules" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Needed, too, is a more effective opposition: it is high time that its squabbling groupuscules united in a single party with one leader.
ORLAN's face connects her with several Post-World War II artists who, rather than constitute an Ism, can be characterized as an eruption of individuals or groupuscules, alike in their urgent need to take their art out of the gallery system and into the world by way of body-based practices involving risk of pain and injury.
However, the Vichy regime could not control large parts of France under France under direct German occupation and was challenged by more extreme right-wing French political factions (groupuscules) which often shared a more explicitly Nazi and pro- German ideology than Vichy. The three main radical factions which emerged as leading proponents of collaborationism were Marcel Déat's National Popular Rally (Rassemblement national populaire), Jacques Doriot's French Popular Party (Parti populaire français), and Eugène Deloncle's Social Revolutionary Movement (Mouvement social révolutionnaire). Small in size and widely considered as extremists, these groups looked to German support for their influence but often had poor relations with one another. German overtures towards these collaborationist factions placed great pressure on Vichy to change this stance and encouraged deep suspicion in Pétain's entourage.
28: "le jansénisme règnait en maître à l'université de Louvain".. The University of Louvain, with Baïus and Jansenius, the cradle of Jansenism and remained, during the 17th and 18th centuries until its closure, the bastionDictionnaire historique de la Papauté, sous la direction de Philippe Levillain, éd. Fayard, 1994, sub verbo "Innocent XII Pignatelli 1691-1700" : "Bien que la théologie et l’éthique jansénistes dans leurs postulats théoriques et pratiques aient été largement rejetées par le Saint-Siège, elles sont encore bien loin de disparaître de la vie de l’Église à la fin du XVIIe siècle. À l’époque d’Innocent XII, quelques groupuscules plus combatifs ont quitté la France et se sont transférés en Belgique et en Hollande, d’où ils redoublent d’activité, souvent en conflit avec les directives de Rome. L’université de Louvain est leur forteresse".
While stating that national-anarchists claim to promote "a radical anti-capitalist and anti-Marxist 'anarchist' agenda of autonomous rural communities within a decentralized, pan-European framework", Macklin further argued that despite a protean capacity for change, far-right groupuscules retain some principles which he calls core fascist values (anti- communism, anti-liberalism, anti-Marxism, violent direct action, palingenesis, Third Positionism and ultranationalism), describing national-anarchism as "racist anti-capitalism" and "communitarian racism". Macklin concludes that national-anarchism is a synthesis of anarcho-primitivism and the radical traditionalist conservatism of Julius Evola in a "revolt against the modern world". Macklin concludes that "[a]lthough Southgate's impact on left-wing counter-cultural concerns has been completely negligible, this case study of the NRF's wanton intellectual cannibalism shows that groupuscular fascism poses a clear danger, particularly for ecological subcultures whose values are profoundly different from the ecological agenda mooted by the far right. [...] If this article is anything to go by, then anarchist, ecological and global justice movements need to remain on their guard in order to ensure that the revolution will not be national-Bolshevized".

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