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232 Sentences With "grifters"

How to use grifters in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "grifters" and check conjugation/comparative form for "grifters". Mastering all the usages of "grifters" from sentence examples published by news publications.

But grifters aren't equally pernicious, and we know now that some grifters are more powerful than others.
Is this person who charges Instagram grifters $950 an hour to write the inspirational quotes in their captions *also* a grifter, or are they a hero who takes from the grifters?
Dubai Dispatch DUBAI — Grifters looking for a big score.
Last week, the internet was ablaze with stories of grifters.
Modern grifters and con artists manifest a certain vampiric quality.
In a Cabinet full of grifters, he's grifter No. 2900.
Celebrity outlaws and celebrity grifters keep it all for themselves.
They used to see us as beggars and grifters, something shameful.
People don't want to hear tough truths, and grifters know that.
I've always been a fan of the Grifters, particularly David Shouse.
Grifters, for all our grudging admiration, rarely come to happy ends.
Celebrity grifters manage to con wealthy people out of their wealth.
Lately, pop culture has been saturated with the stories of ambitious grifters.
Trump will make us forget these government grifters with some fresh tweet.
The resistance grifters had a good run, but we found them out.
Those who do so are grifters, con artists, hucksters, charlatans, hustlers or fraudsters.
That makes Ross "among the biggest grifters in American history," according to Forbes.
That's a good thing for free speech, but a bonafide goldmine for grifters.
In recent history, America has dealt with grifters like Trump with kid gloves.
Vegas is a great place for Sandford's flamboyant hustlers, grifters, thieves and killers.
But still, nothing like the prominence now enjoyed by grifters on the right.
It's not uncommon at all for complete grifters to come in and pitch cases.
You're invariably going to be besieged by all manner of grifters and hangers-on.
Here, our favorite summer grifters, ranked by how much we enjoyed reading about their exploits.
Once law enforcement arrested the alleged grifters, officers had them pose in the aluminum suits.
GOVERNMENT funds set aside for college aid have long been a favoured target for grifters.
One team after another protests the exploitation of their sport by grifters, incompetents and creeps.
If you believe the slurs, Henan is crammed with thieves, ruffians, grifters and con artists.
Thus he has surrounded himself with cons, bullies and grifters whom others would find underqualified.
That should keep out grifters and make sure the studies stay representative of Facebook's user base.
The prospect of Ms Kovesi as chief EU prosecutor is anathema to grifters in Romania's government.
The trouble is that open access draws out the trolls and grifters seeking to fragment society.
There are people who thrive in this world, of course: certain kinds of strivers, grifters, presidents.
There are the obvious ones -literally every person in the White House, and the underground ones- the people becoming billionaires off of human suffering, see my thread here for a rage cleanse- but I want to talk about another group of grifters, the grifters in the "resistance".
The story of Delvey's New York City scammery kicked off significant public fascination with grifters and conwomen.
The incredible hype around rare plants has also attracted its fair share of poachers, thieves, and grifters.
But the scramble of journalists and film and television executives to cover grifters may have more prosaic roots.
They were places of sexual abuse, havens for grifters and thieves, vortices of local political power and jockeying.
Let's stipulate that you were right to threaten these grifters to get some of your father's money back.
Magazine stories about fraudsters and grifters edge ever closer, in form and commercial intent, to first-draft screenplays.
Demonizing hard work while abetting grifters enriching themselves on tax dollars is a potent stew of hypocrisy and irony.
Grifters are a dime a dozen, and Silicon Valley hubris designed to draft off the wealthy is hardly news.
Scam companies and grifters can use targeted ads to find an environment of "suckers" prone to believing their pitches.
People accuse Igbos of perpetrating the 419 scams that got Nigeria a reputation for being a country of grifters.
I now see that I should have reassured my father: the director was coming, the grifters would be exposed.
Otherwise they're just legal-minded grifters, indifferent to the burdens they impose on synagogues and other small nonprofit organizations.
But I don't think we've ever seen anything like the collection of petty grifters and miscreants surrounding Donald Trump.
It lacked the kind of vetting procedures that might have excluded political grifters like Paul Manafort or Carter Page.
We need to expose the crooks, incompetents and traitors selling out their country in a White House of grifters.
Grifters and con artists appeal to a particularly American image of success and sense of optimism about the future.
You dig it or you don't; but it's an ethos of sorts, and god bless the grifters that embrace it.
Grifters of all sorts have been in the headlines this year, from thieves to embezzlers to animals impersonating other animals.
Can you speak to how social media works in the book, and how it makes aspiring grifters of us all?
Photo: APWhenever tragedy rears its head, it's an inescapable fact that grifters will come around looking for their next victims.
"The Leftovers" is full of grifters, too, among them Kevin's father, Kevin, Sr., a manipulative narcissist with a prophet's beard.
It's a lot cheaper than falling victim to the grifters out there waiting to prey on your sense of insecurity.
Rarely autobiographical, Giannascoli writes character-based vignettes that can be both disturbing and empathetic; portraits of grifters, drunks, and outcasts.
As both sides scramble to control the media narrative, they dismiss their opponents as mere grifters riffing for the cameras.
Compared with the bullies, the grifters in the Trump administration seem less unpleasant, but their transgressions are no less outrageous.
It's also a good example of the road all grifters must navigate: the thin line between fun evil and dark evil.
In 2017, political grifters, trolls, and hackers took advantage of algorithmic flaws and moderator complacency to wage elaborate social influence campaigns.
Two of the biggest grifters are also exhibits A and B in the Trump-Russia conspiracy: Carter Page and Paul Manafort.
Were they just incompetent, or is there something structural about the modern Republican Party that makes it unable to confront grifters?
Conspiracy grifters like the website Infowars are already stoking fears of government-caused food shortages, using fear to drive product sales.
But the internet is full of grifters, tricksters, and outright liars who rely on people's basic trust to amplify their message.
" The book dived deeply into the hierarchies and language among grifters and served as a source for the 1973 film "The Sting.
Other such disparate films as Fight Club, Arsenic and Old Lace, Hot Fuzz, and The Grifters all slot into the same genre.
" Trump is a criminal, he said, surrounded by "fifth-tier grifters" who, under normal circumstances, would be "generating PowerPoints to defraud pensioners.
" A Daily Beast headline gallantly allowed that "Trump Is Not a 'Moron' — He's a Grifter, and He's Created an Administration of Grifters.
What do you think it is that's making this the summer of grifters, aside from obviously stealth viral marketing for your book?
Ms. Schembri has been a private eye for more than 30 years, tracking down grifters, liars and cads from her Brooklyn base.
But with a cast of bumblers, grifters and self-promoters like those Mr. Trump seems to favor, one should expect nothing less.
Mr. Trump has spent his career in the company of developers and celebrities, and also of grifters, cons, sharks, goons and crooks.
Grifters are small-time lawbreakers, not the kind of epic liars who leave the wreckage of lives and nations in their wake.
Best actress nominations: "American Beauty" (1999), "Being Julia" (2004), "The Kids Are All Right" (2010)Best supporting actress nomination: "The Grifters" (1990)
It's the soundtrack to this new American Gilded Age, and City Girls are grifters with hearts of gold (and minds for it, too).
Neumann is "probably one of history's best grifters," said a former WeWork executive who spoke to CNN Business on the condition of anonymity.
That's just one of the labels South Point residents apply to grifters who want to take advantage of people at their lowest points.
By the time Trump launched his campaign, the conservative movement had already destroyed the intellectual immune system that is necessary to resist grifters.
In this scam, grifters pose as potential employers and fool victims into thinking they're being offered a job or considered for a position.
Harold, you see, is a perfect sucker, an innocent whose trusting good nature makes him an easy target for grifters, scammers and liars.
The fun of the grifter story is not that the grifters are smart, it's that, oh, my god, everyone else is so stupid.
They were touring with The Grifters, who I was friends with, and they told me to check out this band that was supporting them.
He calls his father over, telling him that grifters know this corner store is the place to go if you want to scam the owner.
He's bad but they're all like that, the whole elite class is rotten, so why not send a grifter to catch a bunch of grifters?
A specter of foreign disinformation led to widespread suspicion, and it became a handy defense for grifters to dismiss opposition as bots or Russian shills.
But it starts out like a satirical story of grifters — specifically, the Kim family, who aren't poverty-stricken yet but are definitely headed that way.
Join us as we take a look at how liars, scammers, grifters, and everyday people take advantage of life's little loopholes in order to get ahead.
The first thing that I did was follow everyone on The Outline's convenient list of the worst Resistance grifters (except Michael Avenatti, who locked his account).
And with so many fiefdoms that garner little to no ethical oversight, it's especially easy for grifters, kooks, and other unqualified individuals to win local elections.
Similar to fake tax collection, this scam hinges on grifters pretending to be debt collectors and harassing victims to pay debts that they don't actually owe.
Given Trump's long history of promoting grifters and cheats, it shouldn't come as much of a surprise that he's indirectly engendered this new breed of them.
And, cherry on the gilded cake, we put white-collar criminals in charge of the country — elevating epic grifters to the presidency and powerful cabinet posts.
Politicians and financiers may be perennially conniving, but they aren't grifters because they're part of the system — true practitioners of the art thrive in the margins.
Perhaps the only candidate who wouldn't be a likely murder victim is Ben Carson, whose quickly deflating sideshow candidacy belongs in a story about grifters, not killers.
Notably, the White House invited exactly zero social media company representatives to the event, but plenty of online conspiracists and grifters to make up for their absence.
I was really interested in the fact that there are these women of New York, kind of like lady scam artist grifters ... that there's this whole underworld.
We're bringing on a death-spiral of distrust — and I fear that in the 2020s and beyond, grifters peddling alternative facts may come to suffocate us all.
Almost any other Democrat — including one named Generic Democrat — would also beat the man who runs an administration of kooks, quacks, criminals, drunks, wife beaters and grifters.
Would the man who made "My Beautiful Laundrette" (1985), "The Grifters" (1990), and two foul-tongued Roddy Doyle adaptations have been quite so tolerant of Florence's fancies?
It's not too surprising that Dirty John hit with audiences right out of the gate: Grifters, con artists, and scammers are having a real moment in pop culture.
Corruption, a constant in capitalism (and, for that matter, human nature generally) is opportunistic as often as it is planned, the work of lone grifters and complicated organizations.
The more visible portion of the market share appears to be made up of either grifters or nihilists (two ideological bases that are currently going strong in America).
That faux Scottish couple were grifters to be sure, and in no way emblematic of the millions of hardworking Americans who need a little help to get by.
Ahead of the last election, Schweizer published "Clinton Cash," which portrayed Bill and Hillary Clinton as corrupt grifters and set the tone of some influential coverage in 2016.
The fact is, grifters exist on both sides of the aisle, and right now is a really good time to get rich and famous off of liberal fear.
Two divorced grifters reunite for a triple-crossing con job at a spooky manor owned by the digitally tangible representation of the computer who wants to steal their brains?
I asked a few conservative writers for their thoughts on the question as to whether conservatism is uniquely vulnerable to grifters, and I got a wide variety of responses.
Career grifters like P.T. Barnum, Charles Ponzi, and Bernie Madoff are heroes so long as they are in the game; we only turn on them when they become goats.
On these shows, he conducts interviews with such grifters as Roger Stone and, for sport, chases liberal tourists around Washington with his "good friend," the conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
Mueller portrays Trump and his associates as a gang of grifters too incompetent to pull off a full-fledged conspiracy, endorsing the dim-bulb theory of their legal innocence.
In this scam, grifters trick victims into believing they have won a sweepstakes or lottery but must first pay a fee up front in order to claim their prize.
But mostly he's surrounded by has-been politicians looking for a second life, media personalities looking for an audience, and grifters looking to cash in (but I repeat myself).
But then there's the catch, and the sinking feeling: These people, the ones being revealed as grifters of the most shameless sort, are the same people running our country.
After shootings, principals become inundated with information about new expensive school safety gadgets and therapy programs, and it can hard to sort the grifters and scams from the legitimate services.
Since launching the site in June 2016, Paine and True Pundit have carved out a unique niche among the news grifters capitalizing on our conspiracy-laden, deeply polarized information environment.
Grifters are the ones with flair and ambition, who seem to delight in the con itself — the cleverness of the scheme, the smooth ease with which the marks were gulled.
With grifters like Anna Delvey, the pleasure is in indicting the system that allowed her to flourish, rather than celebrating her as somebody who's actually done something interesting or heroic.
Wait for the moment when the jury reconvenes for one last time, like retired grifters meeting up for a final job, to render a private verdict with profound moral repercussions.
Wait for the moment when the jury reconvenes for one last time, like retired grifters meeting up for a final job, to render a private verdict with profound moral repercussions.
Opinion Columnist One good thing about surrounding yourself with tawdry gangsters and grifters is that if they flip on you, you can claim they have no credibility because they're criminals.
Donald Trump is a vulgar, uninformed, anti-intellectual, extremely unpopular grifter helming a family of grifters who apparently intend to milk their moment on the mount for every red cent.
A fake Saudi prince and former Environmental Protection Agency Chief Scott Pruitt are mentioned in The Cut's coverage of scammers, but the grifters making headlines all summer were largely women.
One of the "core missions" of The Bulwark will be "pushing back against some of the trolls and grifters on the right," Sykes said, without naming any one person in particular.
But it was easy to sort the grifters from the men of substance: a person without a coat and a scarf—a precursor to the necktie—wasn't to be taken seriously.
Given how influential this group is becoming, I can't be alone in hoping the I.D.W. finds a way to eschew the cranks, grifters and bigots and sticks to the truth-seeking.
The plot centers on two families -- one a quartet of poor grifters, who encounter a wealthy family and insinuate themselves into their lives to exploit them, triggering plenty of unintended consequences.
Proving to their target audience they were legit and not another group of grifters looking to make a dollar off of hungry fans was just the beginning of their expectation management campaign.
The Marlins have new, genuinely compelling ownership and a franchise that counts Luis Castillo fourth among its career WAR leaders won't be stewarded by cheap grifters for the first time in forever.
But conservative commentator Ben Shapiro disagreed that conservatism had a specific vulnerability, noting that other movements (the fight against climate change, for example) had their own purity spirals and their own grifters.
And we have a president that cannot sit through a briefing or do serious preparation of any kind, who has hollowed out the government and filled key posts with lackeys and grifters.
But the grifters — which overwhelmingly means corporations and investors, since little of that $3-million-per-worker subsidy trickles down to the workers themselves — have bought themselves a lot of political influence.
"Massive Uptick in NYC Shootings," screamed a Post headline last May, just one of many tabloid missives decrying a return to the bad old days of graffiti, grifters, gun violence, and muggings.
There's also a shady element that his actions bring out -- from a family of grifters to a more Southern-fried brand of dealer -- that repeatedly puts him in potentially over-his-head jeopardy.
It would encourage the slow-walkers and grifters, the companies that plan to pollute as much as they can until they day they're forced to stop, the ones substituting lobbying muscle for innovation.
There are lots of cameras on us; reactionary-content-grifters getting in faces with their phones, trying to provoke a reaction, and a veritable swarm of cops, some in full anti-terror gear.
In this, America is perhaps the rightful home of grifters, for where else in the world is so deeply identified with the possibility of transcending humble origins and becoming someone powerful and new?
Colonel Vindman and Ms. Williams represent an increasingly endangered species in Mr. Trump's Washington, a world populated by grifters, self-dealers, liars and cheats who look at political power and see personal gain.
"What you began to see emerging was Bannon trying to form a coalition of grifters, frauds, cranks, and fools and trying to form some sort of anti-establishment movement around these people," French said.
But pro-Trump grifters poked a huge hole in that self-image on Monday, when they allegedly impersonated a Michigan man and published a fabricated sexual assault allegation against 2020 Democratic hopeful Pete Buttigieg.
Nipsey Hussle's team is putting the kibosh on the late rapper's memorial ... because people trying to pay their respects were being hounded by bootleggers and grifters trying to make a buck off his death.
The New York legislature, which has its own hefty share of grifters, is moving toward approving a bill that would provide Trump's state tax returns to the House Ways and Means Committee on request.
That hasn't worked out; it turns out that when you send a businessman-grifter into the world of political grifters he hires some of the worst of them to help him with the fleecing.
The US has seen the rise of the most corrupt administration in its history under Trump -- and a Republican Party ruled by self-dealers, plutocrats and grifters who do not reflect the popular will.
Reason is in short supply here, and grifters and con men peddling conspiracy thinking and fake news abound; families are often fragmented or nonexistent; and primal, Darwinian urges have replaced the rule of law.
"It's pretty depressing that in addition to all the other well-documented financial problems that newsgathering and reporting faces, there's this added problem of grifters stealing content and monetizing it for themselves," he said.
After months of speculating who would play one of the most notorious grifters of the Instagram age, Shonda Rhimes' Netflix series about Anna Delvey has officially set its star-studded cast, according to Variety.
I say "mostly" because the shocking defeat of Hillary Clinton did create a power vacuum in which more crankish figures — from various Resistance grifters to the Women's March's Farrakhan–friendly organizers — have gained prominence.
David Karpf, a professor of media and public affairs at George Washington University, viewed Mr. Avenatti as part of a larger phenomenon of "resistance grifters," or people harnessing anti-Trump outrage for financial gain.
It's easy to blame the total pointlessness of the hearings today on a group of political grifters who are either trying to increase their star power or reinforce the nonsensical idea that conservatives are marginalized.
In the parade of fools, grifters, hack attorneys, and dubious property men who scurried out from every overturned stone, there really is evidence of a gang of greedy amateurs, right up to the president himself.
And we will see how well served Trump is by his newest lawyer, who will be right at home with the bullies, the grifters and the cons that this President has drawn to his side.
All of Lindelof's shows are full of grifters and shills, and in "Watchmen" that situation is racialized, through stories about the vulnerability of black people in white institutions, trusting white allies only to be betrayed.
To the extent that anyone can learn anything from this debacle, it's probably that conservatives whose entire claim to relevance is built on trying to rile up liberals on social media tend to be useless grifters.
In politics, a team of all-star grifters now runs the United States, and their fake-it-till-you-make-it ethos bleeds into everything it touches and elevates aspirational young con artists into national figures.
As grifters go, Adams has always been what the kids these days would call Very Online; there are examples of his fear-mongering that go back to 1999, when he jumped feet-first into Y2K hysteria.
In fact, if there's one thing we learned from these past few months of grifters dominating pop culture, it's that a scam is coming when you least expect it — and also from whom you least expect.
It is here that the characters — drifters and grifters who spend their nights huddled over their drinks, and their days trying to forget their nights — assemble to find some solace for the waste of their lives.
The grifters who enter folklore, whom we revere as near heroes, choose their victims among the otherwise invulnerable: the rich and mighty, whom they bring down, if only momentarily, to scramble with the rest of us.
Jealousy, class differences, New York high society, secret bookstores, burlesque shows, rooftop parties, grifters, murderous desires, and deeds — and that's all within the first 220 or so pages of this nuclear blast of a debut suspense novel.
It is, after all, what the New Yorker recently dubbed "grifter season", and what better way to honor iconic grifters like Anna Delvey then by scamming your local grocery out of a few accurately-priced avocados, right?
Technology breeds crime in two ways: First, it has expanded the possible ways for grifters to approach us – social media, dating sites, and the like – so that our area of vulnerability, so to speak, is far greater.
The cascade of woes suggest that for all the rage seething across America in recent decades about the evils of big government in Washington, all it takes is a few local grifters to unleash chaos on a community.
He was one of many far right grifters who rose to prominence in that era, when the online hate group went around claiming it was for ethics in games journalism, but largely spent its time harassing women online.
This standard assumes that the human brain is a kind of computer, and that all we need to do to create an A.G.I. is to mimic our mode of thinking; it also, very subtly, turns programmers into grifters.
When a pair of horse-trading grifters make a bad deal on a beautiful but savage mare, despite cryptic warnings from the seller's captivating daughter, Catherine, they find themselves stranded in a small town gripped by patriotic fervor.
Rather than ban catfishers and other known grifters, the company appears to have turned them to its advantage to tempt us lovelorn shmucks into paying for a Match subscription—and then make that subscription exceptionally difficult to cancel.
More unfortunate yet, disingenuous grifters wait in the wings to devour every scrap of validation that falls their way, ready to clamber up these companies' own platforms with their outsized soapboxes, shouting until the Overton window inches their way.
Donald Trump's war against the media reached perhaps its weirdest point on Thursday afternoon when the president hosted a "social media summit" that excluded Facebook and Twitter, but included a number of right-wing conspiracy-mongers, provocateurs, and grifters.
Doubling as a low-stakes heist flick and a latent coming-of-age story, the film follows Old Dolio (Evan Rachel Wood), the 143-year-old only child in a family of emotionally challenged grifters (Richard Jenkins, Debra Winger).
Maybe the grifters kept on ordering margaritas and burritos or whatever until they hit $420, then dipped before the bill went any higher—leaving behind a kind of weed-inspired calling card to rival the dine-and-dash dater's.
But inside the Donald Trump White House, grifters, abusers, racists, and harassers still get hired; they lurk around the Oval Office after they've been found out; and even in the rare instance where they're forced out, it's only grudgingly.
It was the fifth-biggest city on Earth, a babel of tongues, and a sanctuary for White Russian beauties who preferred prostitution to Bolshevism, Englishmen who had failed at home, American grifters, and Jews from central European shtetls fleeing anti-Semitism.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads Last week, US diplomacy hit a new low as one of the grifters of the Trump clan showed up to the G20 meeting with her dad in a display worthy of an autocratic government.
Manafort and Page are essentially grifters, going from one well-paid con to another, and both saw Trump's campaign, which they did not expect to be successful, as a way to gain influence that they could then trade for more money.
I suspect that before Robert Mueller's investigation is over, Mr. Trump's tax returns will surface, and we'll find out just what this fraud of a president has in common with all of the grifters, liars and cheats he's surrounded himself with.
From her breakout role in "The Grifters" through "Bugsy," where she met her husband, and "Being Julia" and "The Kids Are All Right" and "20th Century Women" and "Film Stars Don't Die in Liverpool," she has specialized in assertive, complicated women.
In 2020, it can feel like lying is the norm: Witness the sad state of political spin, the swell of grifters, of charlatans and snake-oil salesmen, pricey "experts" shilling New Age treatments and odd offerings to the Church of Wellness.
These were the "resistance grifters" — Michael Avenatti, the brothers Ed and Brian Krassenstein, the nearly self-parodic Louise Mensch — who peddled a self-serving brand of breathless anti-Trumpism heavily peppered with calls to buy their books and other merch.
" In his segment on Sunday, Hilton called Giuliani and others he accused of trying to profit off of Trump "a bunch of chancers, grifters and spivs taking advantage of the president to do dodgy deals in the world's shadiest places.
" But rather than debate this squarely, we are instead faced with grifters like Kavanaugh's former boss Ken Starr insisting in the pages of the Washington Post that Kavanaugh stands for nothing more than a simple "pro-democracy, let-the-people-govern-themselves vision.
It can't just be a motley collection of incompetent grifters, each misruling their own little fiefdom, trying to stay in their boss's good graces, succeeding less through wits than a congenital lack of shame and the unstinting institutional support of GOP donors.
It remains to be seen just how many previous donors will choose to pass their money to the new effort, but Kolfage has assembled a rogues gallery of prominent conservative grifters to serve on his new border wall construction company's advisory board.
Levin argues that she belongs in the pantheon of American grifters, up there with P. T. Barnum, Huck Finn's Pa and Anna Delvey — characters who captivate us with promises that we will learn something about ourselves, if only we could catch them.
Again, Trump's family of grifters — from Ivanka securing her patents from China while Daddy made other promises to Beijing, to Don Jr.'s using the White House to leverage the family brand — give Democrats more than enough ammunition to return the fire.
The parade of characters who march across the page include not just well-known people like Richard M. Daley, Jesse Jackson and Carol Moseley Braun but also colorful South Side grifters and political operatives who are rarely heard of outside the Windy City.
Stories about our phones, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and the rest often concern Nazis, grifters, scammers, plagiarists, the aesthetes who reject that online life, the famous, the infamous, people who are making a buck, and anyone else who pushes the logic and limits already in place.
" What he's saying: Christie asserts that Trump has a "revolving door of deeply flawed individuals — amateurs, grifters, weaklings, convicted and unconvicted felons — who were hustled into jobs they were never suited for, sometimes seemingly without so much as a background check via Google or Wikipedia.
Sometimes it just seems to reflect a judgment on the part of the grifters that people who can be persuaded that President Obama is Muslim can also be persuaded that there are easy money-making opportunities the establishment doesn't want you to know about.
This has meant that his ultimate goal—his name on an ugly marble Senate office building or something—has required that he, at every step on his ascent to power, enable the worst excesses of an increasingly deranged movement of cranks, bigots, grifters, and plutocrats.
No president in my lifetime has been surrounded by such a populous crowd of scammers, grifters and shameless opportunists, and Cohen was Exhibit A, doling out hush money, threatening disobedient reporters, and bellowing and swaggering through a world lit by neon and shimmering with gilt.
" Representative Ted Lieu of California warned of the steady "drip, drip, drip of grifting from Trump's appointees," and when Forbes looked into Wilbur Ross's business history, it concluded that "the current United States secretary of commerce could rank among the biggest grifters in American history.
Both Cole's and Keating's bills eventually passed the House, but nearly a year later, the Senate has yet to vote on either, leaving the status of the Mashpee at the whims of the Interior—or Trump and the other grifters whispering in his ear.
Richard Jenkins, Debra Winger, and Evan Rachel Wood play a family of oddball grifters — Richard, Theresa, and their adult daughter Old Dolio, respectively — whose lives are upended when they meet a young woman (Gina Rodriguez) and invite her to join them in a planned heist.
At the end of October, former VICE senior staff writer Allie Conti shared her story of a disastrous vacation to Chicago, where she tumbled into a nationwide scam run by a prolific grifter (or grifters), which exploited Airbnb's loosely written rules and even looser enforcement.
Jackson's lawyers portrayed the boy at the center of the case and his family as practiced grifters, and several witnesses who had been close with Jackson as children — like the actor Macaulay Culkin, then 24 years old — took the stand to deny any abuse.
Christie writes that Trump has a "revolving door of deeply flawed individuals — amateurs, grifters, weaklings, convicted and unconvicted felons" surrounding him in his book "Let Me Finish: Trump, the Kushners, Bannon, New Jersey, and the Power of In-Your-Face Politics," according to a report from Axios.
Prosecutors and the police now say that this death, in Shandong Province in 24, was one of many in which a sophisticated network of grifters dispatched isolated, hard-up men, some mentally impaired, and dressed up their deaths as accidents to swindle compensation from mine owners.
Grifters' deceptions can be both incredible and incredibly humiliating to their victims – just ask the Oxford historian who lost his formidable reputation swearing fake Hitler diaries were real or the man who "sold" the Eiffel Tower to a metal-scrap dealer in Paris in the 1920s.
When he, his brother and his father decided that they were tired of being portrayed in the media as high-end grifters, Mr. Ahsani was the emissary to The New York Times, in the first sit-down interview given by any of the principals since the raid.
Of all the grifters, nationalist fanatics and die-hard imperialists who rallied in vain to preserve Moscow's territorial reach, Mr. Nevzorov, the star of a Soviet television news show called "600 Seconds," stood out as a singularly dashing, determined and seemingly doomed defender of Russian power.
A recently released list, by a fraud-busting company called Scamalytics, of the top lines and photos used in profiles by online dating grifters shows that while the range of sophistication may vary, the end goal is always the same: To fleece romance-seekers out of their money.
Another thing Eastwood gets right is how New York City, desperate for something to cling to in the wake of the 2008 financial collapse a few months before, took to Sully as someone to rally around, a true hero in a world full of con men and grifters.
It is difficult, for example, to go out and report on the doings of the Trump administration and not come away with stories about how it is a den of incompetents and grifters, led by an unstable crook, without some very creative interpretations of whatever facts you uncover.
Professional personalities and professional grifters, Second Amendment activists, militia members, and weirdos just wanting to show off their fancy firearms—ranging from decked out as hell AR-15s to Barrett M107 sniper rifles—all made their way to Richmond, Virginia, on January 20 ready for something extreme to happen.
Early American grifters profited from both a weak central government and the speculative nature of America as a country still coming into existence, with unfixed borders and newfangled paper money that was largely symbolic and occasionally worthless, issued by private banks without the bullion to back it up.
Specifically, the FTC has taken issue with the fact that the dating service allegedly knew that many of the messages, likes, and views it notified non-subscribers about came from grifters looking for a romance scam victim or their next phishing come-up, not actual interested real-life people.
Role Call: A gruff Texas cop named Bobby Andes, who's willing to bend the law to see justice done for a bereaved man As a huge fan of hard-boiled fiction author Jim Thompson (The Grifters), Michael Shannon needed little persuading to join Tom Ford's slippery psychological thriller as Lieut.
A well-known Chinese film, "Blind Shaft," released in 2003, told a similar story, about a pair of grifters who make a brutal living by persuading young men to work in mines under false names, so that their families could not be found when they were killed in fabricated accidents.
And they'll often pair two films together for a double feature, like the recent "Con Me If You Can" showing of The Grifters and House of Games; sometimes they'll also pair a short film with a feature film, helping viewers discover directors and movies they might not have seen otherwise.
From the start of the Russia investigation, President Trump has been working to discredit the work and the integrity of the special counsel, Robert Mueller; praising men who are blatant grifters, cons and crooks; insisting that he's personally done nothing wrong; and reminding us that he hires only the best people.
Imagine that there had never been any prompt for his investigation — that Donald Trump hadn't blown all those kisses at Vladimir Putin, that the stooges and grifters around Trump hadn't swooned at the prospect of sucking on Mother Russia's teat, or that there'd been no offer of milk in the first place.
And, so, if the best way to stop the coronavirus pandemic is to listen to the guidance of health professionals and scientists, then Americans must also tune out the grifters who are using this crisis to sell more firearms and embrace the overwhelming and conclusive science around the dangers of gun ownership.
The political ascent of a man whose entire adult existence was only possible because of his family's tax cheating, and whose own "career" has consisted of a series of spectacular failures matched only by the absurdity of his bluster, seems to have opened the floodgates for grifters and con artists of all stripes.
Grifters work the gap, and this one keeps getting bigger — because it doesn't exist by happenstance; it's a structural flaw in the free-market economy, a perfectly legal and socially sanctioned dynamic: the tendency for wealth to accrete to those who already have it, who can wield the power to generate more.
I call these people grifters not because they are necessarily trying to directly scam people out of money—though politics is rife with this—but because they attempted to use the opportunity of 2020's wide-open field and unpopular incumbent to raise their profile, despite never believing they could become president.
The Cut continued to track other grifters: an assistant at Vogue accused of stealing more than $50,000 from her boss; a British woman who allegedly tried to make off with a yacht docked at a resort on the Italian Riviera; a "meta-scammer" who attempted to scam the man who scammed her.
While Trump and a global band of right wing grifters use climate change as a political play thing, the president's own Pentagon treats climate change as a national security threat and many of the country's biggest companies are trying to figure out how to deal with how the increasingly extreme weather will hit their wallets.
From "The Grifters" to "20th Century Women," Ms. Bening's women typically cannot be bound by the roles society expects them to play, just as Ms. Bening, 191, has outgrown the conventional roles of the screen actress: whether the sexy ingénue, the romantic lead, the classy prestige star or, in recent years, the movie mother.
You don't even have to feel too sorry for the tenants he evicted from the house, which included the previous owner who was foreclosed on; they turned out to be grifters, having spent years flipping that house and others between themselves, defaulting on the mortgages and then selling to one another to reap the windfall of inflated prices.
The desire to wink at extremism has remained — witness his Charlottesville response — but it's been somewhat kept in check by staff and aides, and the mix of white nationalists and alt-right provocateurs who fastened onto him in 2016 have seen their stars dim and a much more conventional group of right-wing grifters take their place.
Just as Marc Randazza formed his beliefs around free speech in a liberal culture that lionized the First Amendment for protecting Vietnam protesters and Larry Flynt, young people in 2018 are forming their opinion of free speech in a moment when those most loudly claiming its virtues are conspiratorial grifters like Alex Jones and racists like Andrew Anglin and Richard Spencer.
And into that vacuum come right-wing nut cases, opportunists and grifters and narcissists like the president of the United States, and in the extreme, actual Nazis and white supremacists and, you know, populists of that flavor, who we shouldn't want to empower and we're empowering them, not just in the States, but I mean it's even worse in Europe.
CNN host Don Lemon tore into President TrumpDonald John TrumpFacebook releases audit on conservative bias claims Harry Reid: 'Decriminalizing border crossings is not something that should be at the top of the list' Recessions happen when presidents overlook key problems MORE and his family on Thursday night, saying that the Trumps are "grifters" using the White House for their own purposes.
A steady stream of outlandish headlines featuring an eclectic cast of Ukrainian prosecutors, politicians, and grifters — sometimes embodied in the same person — has been plastered all over Western front pages and scrawled across cable news screens beside the names of Trump, his enterprising attorney Rudy Giuliani, indicted business partners Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, and the words corruption and scandal.
Chuck goes from trying to bring down Bobby to more or less propping up the whole system Bobby used and abused to become as rich as he is, and in the third season, the government (a not-that-fictional spin on the Trump administration full of fire-breathing evangelicals and grifters in greasy suits) is only too happy to let him do the propping.
President Donald Trump employs a "revolving door of deeply flawed individuals — amateurs, grifters, weaklings, convicted and unconvicted felons — who were hustled into jobs they were never suited for, sometimes seemingly without so much as a background check via Google or Wikipedia," Christie, who was a senior adviser to Trump's 2016 campaign, says in his memoir, "Let Me Finish," which is due to be released on Jan. 29.
And yet they persist, each in turn earning shoutouts and name-checks in the impeachment hearing, a clear indication that Trump's GOP has become increasingly divorced from reality, its collective brain rotted by years of elevating as its national voices a rotating series of hucksters, grifters, con artists, fraudsters, and masters of malarkey—most of them more interested in personal profit than democratic political institutions.
The publishing industry is filled with Eeyores who act as if the sky is falling because major chains are dying, because grifters get too much money for novelty books, because e-books are grabbing a specific market; and with all that doom and gloom, book clubs feel like a singular joy because they shine attention to books that have something of value about them.
Mild gross-out humor (projectile vomit, cadavers baked into party cakes, etc.) is mashed together with poorly choreographed physical comedy (Holmes and Watson accidentally unleash a swarm of killer bees while trying to kill a single mosquito) and limp post-modern gags that poke fun at old technology (Watson telegrams someone a dick pic) or current events (a "Make England Great Again" hat precedes a conversation about how the Electoral College will always protect America from tyrannical grifters).
The pattern of his pro-Putin, pro-Russia, anti-FBI, anti-intelligence community actions are so one-sided, and the lies and obfuscation surrounding every single Russian meeting and conversation are so consistent, that if this president isn't actually hiding a massive conspiracy, it means the alternative is worse: America elected a chief executive so oblivious to geopolitics, so self-centered and personally insecure, so naturally predisposed to undermine democratic institutions and coddle authoritarians, and so terrible a manager and leader, that he cluelessly surrounded himself with crooks, grifters, and agents of foreign powers, compromising the national security of the US government and undermining 75 years of critical foreign alliances, just to satiate his own ego.
T. The Extra-Terrestrial* (4/1)Ferris Bueller's Day Off (4/1)From Dusk Till Dawn* (4/1)Gang Related (4/1)Girl on the Edge (193/15)Gravy* (4/1)The Grifters* (493/483)Hard Candy (473/463)The Incredible Two-Headed Transplant (453/443)Into The Blue (433/423)It Follows* (413/403)Lars and The Real Girl (214/2129)The Last Survivors* (214/2115)Liberty Stands Still (214/211)Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane (214/211)Loosies (214/211)Lucky Number Slevin* (4/1)Maggie (4/9)The Manchurian Candidate* (4/1)Match* (43/1)Maximum Overdrive (4/1)A Mighty Heart* (4/1)Murder in the Dark* (4/1)Music from Another Room (4/1)My Best Friend's Wedding (13/1)My Five Wives (4/1)Naked Gun 2&1/2: The Smell of Fear (4/1)Nurse (4/43)Open Your Eyes* (4/1)The Package* (4/1)Paddington* (4/1)Paris (4/1)Payback (4/4)The Peacemaker (4/1)Pootie Tang (4/1)Pumpkin (4/1)Pumpkinhead (4/1)Rare Birds (4/43)Rescue Dawn (4/1)The Riot Club* (4/1)Ronin (1998) (4/1)Santee (1975) (4/153)SCB30: Chavez vs.

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