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"green cheese" Definitions
  1. cheese that is not ripened : new cheese
  2. cheese (as sapsago) having a green color
  3. cheese made of whey or skim milk

45 Sentences With "green cheese"

How to use green cheese in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "green cheese" and check conjugation/comparative form for "green cheese". Mastering all the usages of "green cheese" from sentence examples published by news publications.

" If you ask whether the Moon is made of cheese, it'll say, "green cheese?
Perhaps tasty, but the rancid-looking green cheese wheel below definitely does not give that impression.
A House aide said it was "more likely that we'll discover the moon is made of green cheese" than strike a deal this week.
"Look, if you asked in a survey if the moon was made of green cheese, you'd probably get 22 percent to say that too," Hooper said.
Another entry is on the moon and green cheese, with a string of references to fables about the moon and cheese, from Serbia, France and contemporary America.
"Social media has made this place a fashion, a trend, and a symbol," said Karen Wang, a 21 year-old student knocking back a cup of green cheese tea.
The phrase the Moon is made of green cheese refers to the similarity in appearance of a typical round, green cheese and the full Moon. It is commonly misinterpreted to mean that the Moon is green in colour, which isn't the case. (The surface of the Moon is quite dark and could be described as having the color of old, weathered black asphalt.) John Maynard Keynes made a reference comparing a green cheese to the moon in his 1936 book The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. The exact meaning of the sentence is debated, but the equating of the moon with a green cheese is clear.
If I would not as lief as forty shillings have done with broidery and peltry, then the moon is made of green cheese.
John Reynolds' pouch was found after he was captured. When it was opened, all that was in it was a piece of green cheese. Reynolds was hanged.
Queso fresco ("fresh cheese"), a green cheese, with typical white, round appearance Green cheese is a fresh cheese that has not thoroughly dried nor aged, which is white in colour and usually round in shape. The Oxford English Dictionary gives a reference from the year 1542 of the four sorts of cheese. The first sort is green cheese, which is not green by reason of colour but for its newness or under-ripened state, for the whey is not half pressed out of it yet. The phrase is not commonly used to describe the colour of a cheese, though there are some cheeses with a greenish tint, usually from mold or added herbs.
The phrase "green cheese" in the common version of this proverb (sometimes "cream cheese" is used), may refer to a young, unripe cheese or to cheese with a greenish tint. There was never an actual historical popular belief that the Moon is made of green cheese (cf. Flat Earth and the myth of the Flat Earth). It was typically used as an example of extreme credulity, a meaning that was clear and commonly understood as early as 1638.
"Straight Dope: How did the moon=green cheese myth start?". Retrieved October 15, 2005. Variations on this sentiment were long repeated and NASA exploited this myth for an April Fools' Day spoof announcement in 2006.
However, positive statements can be factually incorrect: "The moon is made of green cheese" is empirically false, but is still a positive statement, as it is a statement about what is, not what should be.
'Green Cheese was a British-made radar-guided anti-ship tactical nuclear warhead missile project of the 1950s. Green Cheese arose as part of the Sverdlov crisis', when the Royal Navy were concerned over the appearance of a new Soviet heavy cruiser class. It was a longer-ranged and guided replacement for the unguided Red Angel, which had required an approach by the attacker too close to be considered survivable. It was developed by Fairey Aviation to be used by the Fairey Gannet shipborne anti-submarine warfare aircraft, and was originally called Fairey Project 7.
Lemont KierLemont B. Kier: art, science and green cheese. G. Restrepo, Curr. Comput-Aid Drug. 12, 314-324 (2016) (born September 13, 1930) is an American chemist and researcher in the field of drug design and medicinal chemistry.
By this criterion, "If the moon is made of green cheese, then the world is coming to an end," is true merely because the moon is not made of green cheese. By extension, any contradiction implies anything whatsoever, since a contradiction is never true. (All paraconsistent logics must, by definition, reject (1) as invalid.) Also, any tautology is implied by anything whatsoever, since a tautology is always true. To sum up, although it is deceptively similar to what we mean by "logically follows" in ordinary usage, material implication does not capture the meaning of "if... then".
In 2007, the mayor of Cherni Vit, Tsvetan Dimitrov, was contacted by Italian representatives of the Slow Food movement who enquired about traditional dishes from the village which were in danger of disappearing. Eventually, Dimitrov discovered a single matchbox-sized piece of green cheese that was preserved in the cellar of an elderly couple who lived in the highlands above the village. The Italians were impressed with the green cheese and it was presented at the international festival in Bra to a great reception. According to Slow Food representatives, Cherni Vit cheese is the only traditional mold cheese in the Balkans.
As of 2009, Cherni Vit green cheese is not commercially available in Bulgaria or commercially exported from the country. This is due to administrative hindrances which prohibit farms from the direct sale of dairy products unless they are approved by the veterinary services.
Schabziger is produced exclusively by Geska (Gesellschaft Schweizer Kräuterkäse- Fabrikanten). It is sold abroad under the name Swiss Green Cheese. In the US it is also sold under the brand Sap Sago. Sap Sago was introduced into New York pharmacies in the 19th century.
Cherni Vit cheese has been continuously produced in Cherni Vit, a village at the northern foot of the Balkan Mountains, for several centuries. However, in the past the mold was considered poisonous by the locals, who would often throw mouldy batches of cheese away, considering it an undesired side effect of cheese production. Although it was very popular in the village in the mid-20th century, in the 1970s green cheese quickly began to disappear due to the replacement of the wooden casks required for the molding with plastic cans. By the early 21st century, Cherni Vit green cheese had ceased production and all but disappeared.
Green the color most commonly associated in Europe and the United States with youth. It also often is used to describe anyone young, inexperienced, probably by the analogy to immature and unripe fruit. Examples include green cheese, a term for a fresh, unaged cheese, and greenhorn, an inexperienced person.
All of these unguided rockets suffered from short effective range and Royal Navy policy in OR.1057 was that attacking aircraft should not have to approach closer than . This OR led to weapons that were longer-ranged and guided, such as the late 1940s 'Nozzle' and the later Green Cheese.
In 1546, The Proverbs of John Heywood claimed "the moon is made of a greene cheese." (Greene may refer here not to the color, as many now think, but to being new or unaged.)Cecil Adams (1999). "Straight Dope: How did the moon=green cheese myth start?".. Retrieved October 15, 2005.
The Fairey Fireflash was an early air-to-air weapon guided by radar beam riding. Developed as "Blue Sky" – a derated version of the Red Hawk missile. It was in service briefly before being replaced by the de Havilland Firestreak. Green Cheese was a tactical nuclear anti-ship missile for use with the Gannet.
The Vickers Blue Boar was a family of British air-launched television-guided glider bombs of the 1950s which was cancelled during development. It was to have replaced unguided bombs between 1,000 lb and 10,000 lb, or be equipped with a nuclear warhead. Ordered under OR.1059 it was cancelled in June 1954 after £3.1 million had been spent on its development because it was too heavy. However the casing design was modified and used in the Green Cheese air to surface missile.
A packet of Walkers Cheese & Onion crisps. Uniquely for British crisps they are in a blue wrapper, while Walkers Salt & Vinegar are in a green wrapper – the opposite colour scheme for other brands of British crisps. Walkers most common flavours of regular crisp are ready salted (sold in a red packet), salt & vinegar (green), cheese & onion (blue), smoky bacon (maroon) and prawn cocktail (pink). Other flavours are sold in other coloured packets, such as beef & onion (brown), Marmite (black) and Worcester sauce (purple).
456, n.4 While in the book, Gardner writes: > If someone announces that the moon is made of green cheese, the professional > astronomer cannot be expected to climb down from his telescope and write a > detailed refutation. “A fairly complete textbook of physics would be only > part of the answer to Velikovsky,” writes Prof. Laurence J. Lafleur, in his > excellent article on “Cranks and Scientists” (Scientific Monthly, Nov., > 1951), “and it is therefore not surprising that the scientist does not find > the undertaking worth while.” p.
To be "cheesed off" means to be annoyed. The expression "say cheese" in a photograph-taking context (when the photographer wishes the people to smile for the photo), which means "to smile" dates from 1930 (the word was probably chosen because the "ee" encourages people to make a smile). The verb "cheese" was used as slang for "be quiet" in the early 19th century in Britain. The fictional "...notion that the moon is made of green cheese as a type of a ridiculous assertion is from 1520s".
But also shorter progress reports, and special Moon-centric contributions to news bulletins, children's television and Twenty-Four Hours, a current affairs show. Programmes in between Apollo 11 reports included So what if it's just Green Cheese? an Omnibus anthology broadcast on the night of the Moon landing. Rock group Pink Floyd provided an exclusive instrumental piece called "Moonhead"; there is an audio recording of the track, which was only officially released in 2016 as part of the box set The Early Years 1965–1972.
Contrarily, this did not happen for chin and choose, which are kin and kieze. One rhyme demonstrates the palpable similarity between Frisian and English: "Butter, bread and green cheese is good English and good Frisian," which is pronounced more or less the same in both languages (West Frisian: "Bûter, brea en griene tsiis is goed Ingelsk en goed Frysk.") The History of English: A Linguistic Introduction. Scott Shay, Wardja Press, 2008, , One major difference between Old Frisian and modern Frisian is that in the Old Frisian period (c.1150-c.
Operating from the Navy's fleet carriers, and attacking at high speed and low level, it would offer a solution to the Sverdlov problem.Chesneau 2005, pp. 5–6. A detailed specification was issued in June 1952 as Naval Staff Requirement NA.39, calling for a two-seat aircraft with folding wings, capable of flying at at sea level, with a combat radius of at low altitude, and at higher cruising altitudes. A weapons load of was required, including conventional bombs, the Red Beard free-fall nuclear bomb, or the Green Cheese anti-ship missile.
Head-on view of a Buccaneer. The Buccaneer had been designed specifically as a maritime nuclear strike aircraft. Its intended weapon was a nuclear air-to-surface missile codenamed Green Cheese, but this weapon's development was cancelled, and in its place was the unguided Red Beard, which had been developed for the English Electric Canberra. Red Beard had an explosive yield in the 10 to 20 kiloton range; and was mounted on a special bomb bay door, into which it nested neatly to reduce aerodynamic buffet on the launch aircraft.
"Al Gore was president of the USA on April 20, 2000" and "the moon is made of green cheese") is false, but each compound sentence formed by prefixing the phrase "Mary believes that" differs in truth-value. That is, the truth-value of a sentence of the form "Mary believes that..." is not determined solely by the truth-value of its component sentence, and hence the (unary) connective (or simply operator since it is unary) is non-truth-functional. The class of classical logic connectives (e.g. &, →) used in the construction of formulas is truth-functional.
Essentially, Cherni Vit cheese is a variety of white brine cheese (sirene) modified by the growth of mold. Cherni Vit green cheese grows in wooden casks, which allow part of the brine to evaporate through the wood, contributing to the formation of a mold crust. Other factors that contribute to the taste of the cheese are the air humidity, the low winter temperatures in Cherni Vit and the significant amplitude between day and night temperature. The cheese also has a protein content that is different from that of cheeses from other Bulgarian regions.
Singra waylays the Scarecrow, and tricks the girl she thinks is Dorothy into drinking her potion. Singra, however, has blundered: she has mistaken Trot for Dorothy, turning the little girl into a piece of green cheese. Dorothy sets out to rescue Trot, while Singra continues to seek her vengeance. Dorothy is aided by Percy, a giant talking white rat -- a character that Cosgrove Payes introduced in The Hidden Valley of Oz. In their efforts, they encounter a rubber band (that is, a band of rubber musicians), and an animated neon man named Leon -- Leon the Neon.
In many disciplines, including economics and philosophy, a normative statement expresses a value judgment about whether a situation is desirable or undesirable. Whereas a descriptive statement (also known as a positive statement) is meant to describe the world as it is, a normative statement is meant to talk about the world as it should be. For instance, "the world would be a better place if the moon were made of green cheese" is a normative statement because it expresses a judgment about what ought to be. Normative statements are characterised by the modal verbs "should", "would", "could" or "must".
He appears again on the Moon, attempting to collect the Green Cheese of Longevity before Scrooge does. Later, he forms an uneasy alliance with Scrooge to help him rescue his nephews from Magica De Spell, but later reveals that he was in cahoots with her all along in order to get Scrooge's Number One Dime from him for her own purposes. As in the original, Scrooge must race Glomgold and Magica in order to reclaim his Number One Dime in the end. Glomgold appeared in Ducktales: Scrooge's Loot, and also as Boss in the RPG card game titled The Duckforce Rises for the Android and iOS.
At the Science Writers' conference, theoretical physicist Sean M. Carroll explained why there was no need to "sample the moon to know it's not made of cheese." He said the hypothesis is "absurd", failing against our knowledge of the universe and, "This is not a proof, there is no metaphysical proof, like you can proof a statement in logic or math that the moon is not made of green cheese. But science nevertheless passes judgments on claims based on how well they fit in with the rest of our theoretical understanding."This hypothetical debateessentially a straw man proposal or argument ignores completely the personal observation and collection of 382 kg (842 lb) of moon rock by Apollo program astronauts.
During this process the acidity of the curd increases and when the cheesemaker is satisfied it has reached the required level, around 0.65%, the curd is milled into ribbon shaped pieces and salt is mixed into it to arrest acid development. The salted green cheese curd is put into cheese moulds lined with cheesecloths and pressed overnight to allow the curd particles to bind together. The pressed blocks of cheese are then removed from the cheese moulds and are either bound with muslin-like cloth, or waxed or vacuum packed in plastic bags to be stored for maturation. Vacuum packing removes oxygen and prevents mould (fungal) growth during maturation, which depending on the wanted final product may be a desirable characteristic or not.
Responding to a fan inquiry, Schwartz admitted that he coined the phrase after reading a Native American love poem which read: "I will come to you in the moon of green corn"; Native Americans referred to months as "moons" and named them after events that happened seasonally, such as the sprouting of green corn. Schwartz disliked the phrase "green corn moon" due to the sound of the word "green" and because he felt it might evoke the urban legend that the Moon is made of green cheese. Instead, Schwartz used the phrase "blue corn moon" as it reminded him of both blue moons and blue corn tortillas. Schwartz thought that the phrase might evoke the Indigenous peoples of the Southeastern Woodlands rather than the Algonquin people depicted in Pocahontas, but was satisfied with it anyway.
One motivating application of propositional calculus is the analysis of propositions and deductive arguments in natural language. Whereas the proposition "if x = 3 then x+1 = 4" depends on the meanings of such symbols as + and 1, the proposition "if x = 3 then x = 3" does not; it is true merely by virtue of its structure, and remains true whether "x = 3" is replaced by "x = 4" or "the moon is made of green cheese." The generic or abstract form of this tautology is "if P then P", or in the language of Boolean algebra, "P → P". Replacing P by x = 3 or any other proposition is called instantiation of P by that proposition. The result of instantiating P in an abstract proposition is called an instance of the proposition.
The Milky Way is a one-reel animated cartoon short subject, produced in Technicolor and released to theatres with the film The Captain Is a Lady in 1940 by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. The short (produced and directed by Rudolf Ising and co-produced by Fred Quimby with the voice of Bernice Hansen as the kittens and their mother, and musical supervision by Scott Bradley) explores the adventures of the "three little kittens who lost their mittens", as they explore a dreamland where space is made up entirely of dairy products (for example, the Milky Way is made of milk and the Moon is made of green cheese). The short won the 1940 Oscar for Best Animated Short Film, and was the first non-Disney film to do so. Other shorts nominated in 1940 included A Wild Hare by Warner Bros.
The petition from the distinguished professors said "For a trained scientist to claim, or support anyone else's claim to have transmuted elements is difficult for us to believe and is no more acceptable than to claim to have invented a gravity shield, revived the dead or to be mining green cheese on the moon. We believe that Bockris' recent activities have made the terms 'Texas A&M;' and 'Aggie' objects of derisive laughter throughout the world..." Epstein's conclusion, however, was a defense of academic freedom: :"However, I would remind those who seek his ouster or demotion that their actions threaten the core of academic freedom. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, but no one should be punished for attempting to provide that proof". The petition failed, and Dr. Bockris was eventually absolved by a four-professor panel of violating Texas A&M; standards in proposing, conducting or reporting controversial research.
They identified Frenchmen based on their inability to pronounce the Flemish phrase ' (shield and friend), or possibly ' (friend of the Guilds). However, many Medieval Flemish dialects did not contain the cluster sch- either (even today's Kortrijk dialect has sk-), and Medieval French rolled the r just as Flemish did.Although the website Language Log: Born on the 11th of July says that the cluster in schild that makes it difficult for French-speakers to pronounce had not yet developed in the 14th century, the phrase "" is referenced in primary sources such as the Chronique of Gilles Li Muisis as distinguishing French from Flemish. Bûter, brea, en griene tsiis; wa't dat net sizze kin, is gjin oprjochte Fries Bûter, brea, en griene tsiis; wa't dat net sizze kin, is gjin oprjochte Fries means "Butter, rye bread and green cheese, whoever cannot say that is not a genuine Frisian" and was used by the Frisian Pier Gerlofs Donia during a Frisian rebellion (1515–1523).
Having hurriedly assembled his force around 14:30, with the exception of five vessels that had drifted too far to the north, De With now wanted to transfer his flag from the smaller Prinses Louise to the Brederode, Tromp's former flagship and the most powerful vessel of the Dutch fleet. However, to his mortification, Tromp's crew refused to let him on board, addressing De With the invective 'green cheese' and even threatening to fire a salvo on his boat if he did not stop waving around his commission papers from the States-General: he had a very bad reputation among common sailors – indeed hundreds had already deserted when it became known he would be supreme commander. Zealandic Commodore Cornelis Evertsen the Elder, the brother of Johan Evertsen, was called in to negotiate but to no avail. When the enemy fleet was within half a mile distance, De With was forced to hoist his flag on the large but slow VOC-ship Prins Willem where he found the majority of its officers drunk and the crew to be consisting of untrained men.

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