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20 Sentences With "graybeards"

How to use graybeards in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "graybeards" and check conjugation/comparative form for "graybeards". Mastering all the usages of "graybeards" from sentence examples published by news publications.

At home, it may dismay foreign policy graybeards like Sen.
Tech companies like to associate with graybeards in this way.
Chalk one up for graybeards everywhere, and don't touch his head.
"The graybeards missed all of these stories because of their old saw," Cramer said.
If there is a meaningful difference between today's whippersnappers and graybeards, it's how they've responded to being lampooned by the other.
He is an instinctual actor; he goes with what feels right as opposed to what conventional wisdom or the graybeards of Washington tell him is right.
Graybeards will tell you that those early pages were almost a cultural revelation, exciting them to the potential of print the way the web would stimulate a future generation.
Clark also sought advice from several parachute graybeards, engineers who'd trained under Theodor Knacke and Helmut Heinrich and who still possessed an instinctive feel for how fabric reacts to extreme stress.
But over the past year, former T.A.O. employees say an increasing number of former colleagues have called them looking for private-sector work, including "graybeards" they thought would be N.S.A. lifers.
That's the kind of speculation that Moogfest encouraged amid performances by musicians from all eras of electronic music: D.J.s, pop bands, rappers, electronic-music graybeards, makers of celestial consonances and makers of implacable noise.
But at least one of this year's moderators, Chris Wallace of Fox News, said the same thing, as have some well-known television-news graybeards like the former PBS anchor Jim Lehrer, once a regular debate moderator himself.
In written testimony he filed opposing the bill, he shut down all the graybeards who claim he and his fellow teens are just campaigning as a joke—stressing that it's important to let anyone who wants to run go for it.
It might seem petty of me, but for some time now, I have been bellyaching about the graybeards in black tights — those sixty- and seventysomething fitness fanatics crowing about the umpteen miles they log on their high-priced specialty bikes.
The "graybeards" running baseball were "making a mess of things," Briggs declared in decrying a leadership vacuum, and then he cited former Postmaster General James Farley and Hoover as potential replacements with the proper gravitas to cure what he viewed as baseball's ills.
But this is another recurring theme seen in the many moments of ad hoc internet history: By emphasizing the technical innovations (and obsessive dedication to them) as more important than the political and economic contexts in which they were germinated, the graybeards of internet history and PR machines of the tech industry perpetuate the illusion that technology magically exists outside of politics, rather than existing in a constant dialogue with it.
Where's your sling or painted shield, Helmet, > pike or bow? Well, you're going to the wars — That is all you need to know. > Graybeards plotted. They were sad.
All the French males were at war, save a few tottering graybeards. We had to do all our own heavy work … including making coffins. Our plumber was a former New York actress. Our carpenter was just out of a fashionable girl’s school.
Every thinking human can and should conjure up his own version of doom, just like the graybeards in the Bible did. Screw ecologists. I stand with Carl Sandburg-a factory is as beautiful as a tree. Nuclear power doesn’t scare me either.
Saint Sava payed attention to the old, the powerless and to those with physical deformities too. Since ageing usually comes along with diseases, weakness, sadness...the author's aim was to provide respect and legal protection for this category of people. That is why in the chapter 48 of Zakonopravilo under the "about respecting the graybeards" heading there is to be found a regulation from the books of Moses: "Before the face of the gray-haired stand up and respect the face of the old." Saint Sava wrote an interpretation of the whole canon, including Aristinos' comments, regarding this topic.
In a mixed review of the track, Jason Pettigrew, writing for Alternative Press called the band and the track "Too noisy and attitude-laden for music directors at radio and graybeards praying for one more Aerosmith tour, and way too coarse for devotees of sterile Pro Tooled pop punk, the Dirty Nil are the bastard sons emerging from a beer- fueled Petri dish teeming with Seattle grunge and drunken Midwest alt-rock." "I Don't Want That Phone Call" was the third single to be released by the band, and final single released ahead of the album's release. The single was released on August 23, 2018 exclusively via Kerrang! magazine, and released the following day on Dine Alone Records' SoundCloud account.

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