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7 Sentences With "go into a panic"

How to use go into a panic in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "go into a panic" and check conjugation/comparative form for "go into a panic". Mastering all the usages of "go into a panic" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Often, retailers go into a panic, because they know you're not likely to buy the item after 24 hours.
Whenever I received a text or call, I'd immediately go into a panic believing that it was bad news.
I go into a panic attack — epilepsy, you know I have grand mal, all kinds of seizures the doctors and stuff can tell you all this — I black out.
If I was playing in the back yard and came in for water and I didn't see my mother, I could go into a panic in a matter of seconds.
These apps debuted last fall alongside iOS 9, and caused the online advertising industry to go into a panic over the thought of millions of iPhone users rebelling against the very mechanism that most sites use to make money.
Fewer than 20 men are said to have escaped; some of those were later caught and killed, on their way to freedom. Although only involving about seventy slaves and free Blacks, Turner's 1831 rebellion is considered to be a significant event in American history. The rebellion caused the slave-holding South to go into a panic. Fifty-five men, women, and children were killed, and enslaved Blacks freed on multiple plantations in Southampton County, Virginia, as Turner and his fellow rebels attacked the White institution of plantation slavery. Turner and the other rebels were eventually stopped by state White militias (Aptheker, 1993).
But Mashisu was not Misao's first choice for second-in-command: he had requested Noike Kamiki Jurai for that post, but at the last second, Mikami Kuramitsu had Mashisu fill-in. Mashisu deeply wishes for Misao not to go through with his terrible plan, which was to use the Choubimaru to rescue Mihoshi Kuramitsu and the Jurai Royal Family from Tenchi Masaki's clutches (as Misao saw it), then in a battle with Ryoko, the ship's main battery would 'malfunction' and blow up Earth and killing Tenchi in the process. Mashisu, knowing that the early civilization residents of Earth were liable to go into a panic seeing a spaceship the size of Earth's moon approaching the planet (in actuality, the letter which informed Misao of Mihoshi's "plight" was altered by Z, in the hopes this incident would occur), tried to reason with Misao to modify his plans, if not for himself, but to spare the pain of having Mihoshi resent Misao because of Tenchi's death. She even went as far as spanking Misao, mostly to spare him the embarrassment of being seen by his crew with a black eye.

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