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829 Sentences With "globalized"

How to use globalized in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "globalized" and check conjugation/comparative form for "globalized". Mastering all the usages of "globalized" from sentence examples published by news publications.

They are -- terrorism -- one of the fundamental aspects of globalized terrorism today is that it can become globalized, and it has become globalized.
Have a globalized supply chain, globalized wage rates, and frictionless markets anchored inflation for good?
So now in a globalized information economy, in a globalized market, the strictest speech standards for the largest market are Chinese.
From this vantage point, both globalized Communism and globalized capitalism are equally suspect, and a "citizen of the world" is an agent of imperialism.
Industrial metal supply chains are highly globalized, not just in terms of consumption by an equally globalized manufacturing sector, but also in terms of production.
Trump fails to understand that Russia, unlike the United States or China, is the globalized disrupter because it has little skin in the globalized game.
Though such acts of defiance had their start in Chile and Argentina in the mid-1970s, they soon became globalized, as globalized as the terror they were protesting.
The companies have since globalized, offshoring much of the manufacturing.
He globalized our struggle to end the war in Vietnam.
I think now we live a in more globalized world.
In a globalized economy what does national sovereignty really mean?
Doesn't the globalized world put us in this situation already?
How concentrated has wealth become in the globalized modern world?
Business travel is only growing, especially as business gets increasingly globalized.
The United States is becoming more globalized and interconnected each day.
Much of the rest of the automotive industry is already globalized.
Nobody can deny that we are living in a globalized world.
It was a strange emphasis in an increasingly interconnected, globalized world.
Jojo Abot, from Ghana, represented globalized African experimentation and pop ambition.
They toggle between impersonal systems: globalized capitalism and the distant state.
"We are a globalized company, just headquartered in China," he said.
Finally, in a globalized world, foreign interference in elections is unavoidable.
She represents the multiplicity of voices of a contemporary globalized society.
Her case has since become a stain on Dubai's globalized image.
The 10 year has become very globalized in terms of its performance.
The reality is that we are globalized through the means of communication.
Because we're so globalized and everything is so out there right away.
The internet has globalized the type of information we're regularly exposed to.
Wage theft happens everywhere under the new globalized conditions of factory closure.
He is, if you will, the founding father of globalized American Democracy.
The most important part of the 21st-century economy, not globalized anymore.
In a globalized economy, the missions of the IRS and FinCEN overlap.
Her mysterious case has since become a stain on Dubai's globalized image.
You would find the same thing in most other globalized industries, surely.
Yet, true to a globalized world, the indeterminate settings are always interconnected.
And the United States is part of a very globalized car industry.
This is a concept that we need to recognize in a globalized world.
Anti-Soros material is a globalized, freely available, and adaptable open-source weapon.
He said trade has become too globalized and complex to disentangle or predict.
So it's a historical aberration and a rarity, where you say you're 'globalized.
More broadly, income taxes cannot efficiently raise enough revenue in today's globalized economy.
In a globalized world, "people are becoming less sure about themselves," he said.
Right now, it's an entirely globalized industry that we're trying to regulate locally.
They're crushed by nuclear powers, the Vietnam War, economic insecurity, and globalized markets.
And anxieties about a globalized world have created a bull market in nostalgia.
Populist responses can't solve this, the first universal crisis of the globalized world.
It's not just that album was (and remains) such a tight, globalized product.
" "The crisis presents a huge challenge to all humankind in a globalized world.
However, in today's globalized world, the horses arguably left the barn long ago.
He has given us an anatomy of globalized labor at its most shameful.
Do you believe this reliance is a necessary risk in today's globalized economy?
In an increasingly multicultural, globalized country, there's every reason to believe it will.
In this increasingly globalized, homogenized world, that's not just a matter of snobbery.
It was an America First speech offered at the most globalized of institutions.
In the other half, in the part which is globalized along the Eastern lines.
Writing in Caixin, Hammond signaled what he called "globalized Britain's" support for free trade.
Because the reality is that our globalized world isn't going back in the box.
"We sensed by 2025 it was going to be a globalized world," Leone said.
The chaos Edward Lorenz described in nature applies also to our globalized, digitized societies.
In an era where business and information is increasingly globalized, governance hasn't kept up.
Merkel also referenced the need to spread the benefits of globalized economics more evenly.
In today's globalized economy, capital is mobile in its pursuit of lower tax jurisdictions.
We live in a far more globalized world than we did 75 years ago.
The distortions caused by the corporate income tax in today's globalized economy are legion.
It is much more connected, globalized and driven by new technologies and the internet.
The clandestine war has spread well beyond the Middle East; it's now fully globalized.
Is it not just a means for rich globalized insiders to control our lives?
Our way of life has shifted — from individuals to markets, from localized to globalized.
In a globalized era we cannot insulate ourselves from problems associated with underdevelopment abroad.
Musicians today are reworking his mission for an even more globalized and diversified world.
"I feel like there's something crucial about this time, in this globalized society," Salah said.
Money laundering was a very modern crime, apt for a globalized age of international commerce.
What if it turns out that they point the way to our technical globalized future?
We want someone who believes innovation is the engine for growth in the globalized world.
But in the new globalized market for reproductive labor, the balance of power has shifted.
The bank would develop the infrastructure U.S. businesses need to compete in a globalized economy.
Surely, they say, "love thy neighbor" takes on a different meaning in a globalized world.
There was the evolutionary leap forward from Etsy-style patchwork to globalized sophistication at Bode.
The hope was that its integration would transform it into a Western-style globalized economy.
Or is this tension between cultures always going to be part of a globalized future?
"IDGAF" works because it's a clear snapshot of our increasingly globalized world: It doesn't discriminate.
They must ensure that the people are beneficiaries of a globalized world and free trade.
Democratic leaders must be honest with their electorates about a globalized world's rewards and constraints.
This was twenty-first-century agitprop, steeped in globalized culture and designed for digital virality.
The movement of capital around the globe is of paramount importance to an increasingly globalized society.
Yes, but: Cancer research has become increasingly globalized, and U.S.-China collaborations have produced meaningful work.
The other embraces cultural liberalism and reaps the economic rewards of an ever more globalized system.
If taste is globalized, then the logical endpoint is a world in which aesthetic diversity decreases.
So it may be, broadly, that a more globalized world is a more tightly correlated one.
In an increasingly globalized world, an infection can spread across borders in a matter of hours.
That increasingly globalized economy, established and maintained by the world's economic elite, is failing people everywhere.
In a globalized world, trade — contrary to the Trumpian manifesto — is not a zero sum game.
Older, national, identity-based struggles like those you mention are less persuasive in a globalized world.
In a supposedly globalized world, do nonwhites, non-Christians and non-Westerners count as fully human?
The world's second-largest economy has been pushing for greater, more globalized use of the yuan.
For people like Marin, hooked to a globalized network of easy money, there's always a lifeline.
Essentially, the extreme right—many of which state isolationism and nationalism as key ideologies—has globalized.
The presence of coronavirus anywhere is a threat to public health everywhere in our globalized world.
And since today money flows seamlessly through the globalized financial system, stopping it requires international cooperation.
The rapid transition to a globalized economy has dampened wages and limited opportunities for working families.
In Rechmaoui's abstract cartographic composition, nature, urban development, and globalized hyper-capitalism quietly battle each other.
We live in a globalized world where we must rely on international influences, trade, discussion, transactions, etc.
They do not understand that in a globalized world, you cannot contain threats to one particular locality.
Those two are, respectively, perhaps the most technical and most globalized of all the world's weird subcultures.
We now live in a globalized and connected world where information flows at the speed of light.
It might not sound like much, but this total openness is a rarity in our globalized world.
Does the figure of the refugee reveal more fully the globalized nature of power and violence today?
Global warming, terrorism, globalized markets, mass migration, militarized geopolitics and the digital revolution all require supranational attention.
The worldwide spread of violent extremism is often predicated on local dynamics feeding into a globalized phenomenon.
The extreme right is increasingly sophisticated, globalized, and actively recruiting young people, a grim new study says.
The world has become more globalized, so wigs and accessories are more accessible and easier to find.
Because they prioritize growth, G7 leaders, free-trade proponents and most economists oppose Trump's anti-globalized stance.
The manifesto as a medium of artistic articulation has become less relevant in a globalized art world.
Today, aided by a globalized, digitized economy, it's easier than ever to make luxury affordable and accessible.
Ms. Fu points out that in a globalized economy, manufacturing takes place in the most efficient location.
One explores the way labor and manufacturing in the US is changing due to a globalized economy.
The rotating galleries will feature new acquisitions that have diversified and globalized the museum's Euro-American core.
And efforts to strengthen globalized public efforts are attacked by nationalists and populists as infringements on sovereignty.
Yet SARS terrified the world — it was invisible, unknown, and the first pandemic of the globalized world.
It's not only a beautiful story of family but a telling portrait of an increasingly globalized world.
We can ill-afford to set in motion a vicious cycle again, especially in today's globalized marketplace.
But, as Schaberg points out, it also marks a shift in how we navigate a globalized world.
But, there is a larger issue at play related to how companies operate in today's globalized world.
As ever in today's globalized market, wherever art happens to be sold, there are winners and losers.
He wanted to introduce young Americans to spiritual teachings though "new myths" for our globalized, pluralistic millennium.
The advantages of knowing or learning foreign languages are mushrooming as the world, to become increasingly globalized.
It will continue to shrink an increasingly globalized world and facilitate better communication and collaboration across physical spaces.
Tang's comments come amid increasing worries over central bank moves and their effects on an increasingly globalized economy.
Obviously, we live in a globalized economy, but Europe seems especially ill-equipped to respond to financial crises.
Economic growth, as well as the expanded horizons that come with a connected, globalized world, fuel rising expectations.
Conversely, the other G-20 countries believe a globalized world of open trade is in their economic interest.
In an increasingly globalized world, an American President is willingly contributing to a chasm increasingly impossible to bridge.
The forum has become the political convention of globalization, a kind of ground zero for globalized economic thought.
Today's auto industry is highly globalized and efficient – that's what makes our products affordable to the average American.
Business travel is here to stay and will only increase due to the business world becoming more globalized.
The War on Drugs is not a global conflict—it is an American conflict that has become globalized.
Russia is the major economy that, beyond a collapsing energy market, has no skin in the globalized game.
And in an increasingly globalized and increasingly climate-conscious world, cleaner cars will keep America's auto manufacturers competitive.
Most of those films are set elsewhere, beyond the West, but in our globalized world, elsewhere is everywhere.
"In a globalized world, people forget their cultures, what sets them apart," said Mr. Subanov, the visiting accountant.
Its main task was to help individuals help themselves in the universal competition opened up by globalized markets.
"We are trying very hard to make students globalized, so, eventually, they will globalize their country," he added.
Among its tasks, the agency oversees a globalized supply chain for drugs in liaison with other international regulators.
Social media, a globalized economy and technological innovation were supposed to make us feel more connected and empowered.
I think in today's world, where everything is much more globalized and connected, worldly experience is a positive.
Murillo's new exhibition, Social Altitude, uses obfuscation and movement to examine the complex conditions of a globalized world.
"We are seeing in this third wave of the internet entrepreneurship both regionalized and globalized," Case told CNBC.
"It's not just Trump but the followers of Trump who really believe that somehow they have lost the blacks, the browns, the Muslims, we've globalized capital, we've globalized the human rights and workers' rights and women's rights and children's and environmental rights," he said of the GOP's presumptive presidential nominee.
"He was an asset in navigating globalized markets," said Jeremy Acevedo, manager of data strategy for automotive service Edmunds.
In this new globalized political divide, there will be more, not less, foreign influence and meddling in domestic politics.
British voters who voted to reclaim their independence from the European Union delivered a major blow to globalized trade.
An increasingly globalized society provides the right conditions to mount an offensive against the deteriorating state of Planet Earth.
According to federal prosecutors—who were led by Assistant US Attorney Louis Freeh—the groups wove a globalized web.
For all the talk about a globalized economy, the U.S. is still relatively closed and dependent on domestic trends.
Such actions would probably need to be considered within the context of an increasingly globalized research and development environment.
Drowning in its kleptocracy and never having joined the globalized world, Russia during recent years has gone economically backwards.
Shipping containers are the instruments of a globalized economy and "the real measure of the world chain of values."
These include the slowing of social mobility, the dislocations of trade in a globalized world and the immigration system.
Most Japanese people think of this year as 85033; they use the globalized Gregorian calendar on an everyday basis.
The "lion city" is known for its thriving, globalized economy and is fast becoming a hub of higher education.
Nevertheless, ignoring the realities of the globalized world will only prolong the agony of working-class men and women.
However, while islandization presents some obvious challenges for companies with globalized business models, many have begun trying to improvise.
Compare this to the American auto industry, a truly globalized player with its integrated global sourcing, manufacturing and marketing.
If all this sounds symbolic of small-scale, local struggles within a globalized marketplace, that's probably because it is.
In the globalized economy, people are treating their own bodies as the beasts of burden to be spurred on.
We wore vintage in the context of rising income disparity and a new globalized mass culture fueled by neoliberalism.
Doing that without an eye toward exchange rate manipulation is critical in a globalized economy with free-floating currencies.
One intriguing theory is that the globalized economy is reorganizing the business landscape, encouraging the rise of corporate superstars.
As they grow up, study, build businesses and exchange ideas, they help fortify a globalized world where cultures mix.
Supply-side disruptions will present distinctive challenges to startups unlike those that typically crop up in a globalized economy.
We have many older industrial cities that have lost their anchor employers and are adrift in a globalized economy.
But we can't isolate ourselves in a globalized world, and these exchanges play a role in enhancing mutual understanding.
We Americans are, so to speak, children of the Enlightenment, steeped in the precepts of our highly globalized era.
Friends, allies, and trading partners bring scale and are a competitive American advantage in a globalized system of innovation.
Both a formal genius and a canny anthropologist, Geyrhalter's works form a quietly damning overview of the globalized age.
Even local Catalan businesses have said they're concerned about how an independent Catalonia would survive in a globalized economy.
That's the goal, anyway, and our expectations of globalized services of this kind can be summarized in one word: consistency.
So from that perspective, it is sad to see that currently, duties are being imposed on that globalized supply chain.
Worse, Russia has exploited the borderless Internet and globalized media to take the fight to the heart of the West.
I learned that the globalized economic system has 1 billion or 1.5 billion more people than what it can handle.
The issue will only become more complicated during the next wave of innovation, which he said is becoming increasingly globalized.
Nations and international unions, globalized political violence, elaborate technologies for punishing the body: these are the material realities of modernity.
An increasingly complex, globalized network of actors plays a role in the production, harvesting, processing, sales and consumption of food.
Yet other startups are creating this globalized sameness-as-a-service in a self-enclosed package, a holistic AirSpace lifestyle.
But unlike those earlier generations, he explores who to become not just in his new city, but in globalized modernity.
Our country yearns for civility and community, which has substantial implications for addressing diversity and culture in a globalized world.
We tend to think that we live in a globalized world, but in a lot of ways we really don't.
Even now many are dismissive and disrespectful of struggling Americans; they are viewed as "collateral damage" in a globalized world.
However, in a globalized world, this is no reason for gloating, because the economic damage does not stay in China.
A symptom of globalized capitalism, mass tourism's homogenizing force is a worldwide pandemic—and it has stimulated a global backlash.
Food has also been globalized — in the past few months, I have purchased California pistachios in both Saigon and Prague.
Iran is young, often unemployed, and often looking on social media at a globalized world it remains cut off from.
In a globalized, rootless game, he is a product of where he is from, of the places he has been.
Globalized automotive supply chains mean that this is not just a Chinese problem but could affect other countries' automotive output.
"Workers still need protection, but in a globalized world, the economy must be able to adjust, too," Mr. Berger said.
In fact, those globalized companies — I'll call them International First companies — have outperformed America First companies by a wide margin.
We all know now what many of us didn't appreciate then: Globalized democratic capitalism was going to spark a backlash.
"The digital world is globalized," Giovanni Buttarelli, the European Union's data protection supervisor, said at the Berlin conference on Monday.
And there's nothing illegal or inherently unethical about a globalized fishing industry, or practices such as transshipping that support it.
Now, the collection is a portal back to a pre-globalized world, a historical relic that sparks reflections on change.
Conservative economic theory, in particular, sees globalized trade as a positive thing for businesses and contributing to a competitive economy.
The globalized neoliberal hell market has fully realized the flexibility of art, but we can use that flexibility as well.
And in a globalized economy, shifts in labour power aren't just felt in wealthy nations, but all over the world.
Wagashi allows you to sink your teeth into something other than the globalized and standardized offerings of sushi and ramen.
To cure the ills of an American growth in a globalized economy, Brady believes, it's not enough to just cut taxes.
Curry not only spoke to the power of human connection, he globalized his message by highlighting issues of poverty and oppression.
They are unconvinced by the arguments of political and business figures or even a much broader globalized metropolitan upper middle-class.
However, trade flows into China increasingly betray a move away from a globalized world and toward a more regionally focused one.
You seem to be saying the US should pursue more free trade deals like the TPP and support the globalized economy.
As Trump's election victory and trade war rhetoric demonstrates, the consensus around building a more globalized economy is also badly damaged.
The next 270 years will see a continuation of this trend, as access to drugs and technology continue to be globalized.
We are living in an era that is much more globalized, much more complex — and where the regulatory stakes are higher.
Instead, he realized that we cannot hide in a globalized world and signed trade agreements like the one with South Korea.
Her attacks on the European Union—a two-headed beast of open borders and a globalized economy—clearly had widespread resonance.
We must produce knowledge of these seemingly abstract globalized systems so that we can challenge the social violence of unregulated capitalism.
In today's globalized economy, that means American small businesses are starting from their own one-yard line against their foreign competitors.
In each, an election has revealed that liberal, globalized coastal elites stand at a tremendous remove from heartlands in open revolt.
Such objections, Ms. Berman said, have fallen away in our globalized age, given greater mobility and the nonstop worldwide news cycle.
Supporters argue that as national economies grow ever more globalized, it is essential that political and finance leaders work closely together.
He sensed the disease eating at Western democracies — a globalized elite's abandonment of the working class and the hinterland — before anyone.
"Globalized free trade has shafted American workers and left us looking for a strong male leader, a 'real man,'" he wrote.
Yet in a globalized economy, Mr. Dyson remains intently focused on what he believes is Britain's exceptional place in the world.
As individuals seek refuge from geopolitical and environmental forces, we become an increasingly globalized community faced with demarcations of all types.
France may just have the balance between rootedness and globalized modernity right — and that's what the whole world is fighting about.
Financial markets have been deregulated, globalized and broadened, and financial instruments have been transformed in their applications, marketability, liquidity and transparency.
Meanwhile, it mocked activists for having the temerity to protest in the city of globalized companies such as Microsoft and Boeing.
This has led me to focus on the actual people in my life who have been saved by a globalized world.
Ironically, it was the Social Democrats themselves who, after 1989, embraced the idea of a globalized, post-national, post-wall era.
The presence of fake news in the globalized stream of media content helps blur the line with traditional, fact-based news.
Another factor behind that contraction, says Barnes, is the pressure of running a US-based manufacturing business in a globalized world.
In the name of working-class allies, Trump has scuttled the That disappointed business supporters who have flourished in the globalized economy.
For these reasons, Mastrovito calls the resulting film a globalized artwork, which he says fit nicely with the topic of his film.
"The question for us is how to maintain our advantage in fintech in an increasingly competitive and globalized world," he said Tuesday.
So as China has become a major pole, it has become less globalized and arguably is contributing to the trend toward deglobalization.
The museum's rapid rate of expansion is an exemplar of how museums continue to push a more globalized vision of their reach.
Agarwal says the industry will continue to grow because traditional finance is unable to keep up with the speed of globalized markets.
Younger people are becoming more and more globalized, and more similar-minded, which can be wonderful and dangerous at the same time.
Or will he abandon PPD 28 and other privacy protections, hindering the ability of American companies to thrive in a globalized world?
In a world of globalized trade and localized power, the European Union — the world's only declining trading group — is being left behind.
"We're living in a truly globalized world where your problems are my problems and vice versa," he said in the opening session.
As it looks to the future, Henry Poole & Co is adjusting to an increasingly globalized world and a host of new markets.
But our challenges have to be looked at through a different lens because everything that we think of is now globalized together.
Yes, but the answer is complicated and requires an understanding of the nature of national security in an internet-powered globalized world.
Many economists say those steps are insufficient — and possibly counterproductive — to position American companies to compete in emerging, high-tech, globalized industries.
However, it is not Wahhabi Islam but the globalized Islam practiced by Muslims in the West that better explains contemporary religious trends.
But it's being done around education, it's being done around media — everything that can be digitized is being digitized and simultaneously globalized.
You'll find all of those below, along with Paul Collier's nonfiction book about retaining a sense of community in a globalized world.
And I get their resentment at the globalized urban elites, who those in the rural areas here believed looked down at them.
The fracture between globalized metropoles and depressed regions that produced political upheaval in Britain and the United States applies equally to France.
The move from high-wage locations to low-wage ones has become commonplace as the economy globalized, upending stable middle-class communities.
When Ms. Le Pen attacks "international finance" or "globalized money," she is referring to common tropes of anti-Semitism, Ms. Alduy said.
With Justice for All — Shonibare's contribution to Singapore Art Week — the artist represents the multiplicity of voices of a contemporary globalized society.
It follows a populist airing of grievances over the downsides of free trade and a globalized economy in Western nations this year.
In today's globalized economy they disrupt global production chains, reverberate around the world, and damage third parties along with the intended target.
Its history is an example of how humble Italian dishes, once the food of peasants, have been turned into globalized success stories.
Paschal Donohoe told CNBC's Willem Marx Wednesday that the country's open and globalized economy does leave it exposed to unpredictable taxes and tariffs.
A lot of Americans are feeling left behind by the 21st-century globalized economy, and both candidates promise to protect them from it.
But his message has shifted from 2008, when he warned of those "left behind in a globalized world" during his speech in Berlin.
If our globalized world is a melting pot of cultures, call our increasing love of cheese our molten, bubbling, global bowl of fondue.
But today's globalized workplace is characterized by job insecurity, intense work, forced redeployments, flexible contracts, worker surveillance, and limited social protection and representation.
On the economy, Macron wants even closer ties with the European Union to encourage growth and build his globalized vision of the world.
In this new, profoundly globalized, borderless, and increasingly decentralized universe, we are no longer defined by our geographical location in a particular territory.
Emblematic of a globalized political economy, the fabric also points to how the fashion market obscures international state boundaries and theories of identity.
The inspiration for the exhibition came from their multinational background and their observations on the rise of nationalism throughout an increasingly globalized world.
It's as wrong as the idea that in a globalized world, building a fence around your internal market might improve your economic situation.
They have clustered at the bottom, poorer and more isolated than ever before, even as the overall U.S. economy has grown and globalized.
Blair is positing a more dangerous idea: that liberalism should essentially reorient itself as a globalized technocracy, in opposition to anti-elite populism.
The show unites the diverse practices that preceded Latin America's entrance into a contemporary art landscape, now part of our globalized cultural landscape.
They are smarter, more resilient and can adjust their methods to take account of new developments, like modern technologies and a globalized economy.
In a globalized world, the effects will be felt both in the pockets of EM workers and in the returns of global investors.
Because we live in a globalized world, the younger generation will do business and exchange ideas via the Internet all around the world.
She praised the Eleuteri family for curating high-quality but unusual pieces, in contrast to the globalized brands available elsewhere on Madison Avenue.
To preserve techniques rapidly being undermined by mass production and globalized corporate fashion, she outsources her work to collectives in Brooklyn and India.
There's the one between rural small-town Americans and "globalized" city slickers, who, the small-town folks are sure, look down upon them.
We live in an increasingly globalized world, where trade relationships are a necessary factor for each country in maintaining economic growth and stability.
Asia's most advanced economies, including Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, are so globalized that they can easily get caught in this protectionist crossfire.
The European country considered the most outward-looking and globalized is fractured by the backlash against the very model that made Britain strong.
We live in a completely globalized economy, one in which the U.S. made the deliberate choice to be the bank and the police.
Religion is primarily a lens for meaning, and in our chaotic, increasingly globalized world, we on the left need this more than ever.
And studying in diverse settings prepares our young people to lead our businesses, our military and our government in an increasingly globalized world.
Wish certainly illuminates the peculiarities of international shipping, but it casts a much brighter light on the state of globalized manufacturing and commerce.
AfD appealed to people's sense that lawmakers had failed to listen to individual concerns of loss of orientation in an increasingly globalized world.
In an increasingly globalized world, hair tends to be less an indicator of a woman's circumstance and more a mark of self-expression.
One part of each nation, the winners, have been "using the globalized world as their extended playing field," as Professor Streeck put it.
His reformist, adamantly pro-Europe, "radically transformative" agenda, as he describes it, emphasizes individual responsibility while helping workers adjust to a globalized economy.
With a globalized food chain, there's less of a need for tomatoes that can be picked in August and stored well into winter.
Summers and his ilk have been cheerleaders for globalized trade that has left the United States running 41 consecutive years of trade deficits.
The town was becoming more consumerist and globalized, but most teenagers longed to leave behind the quiet life in search of real opportunity.
Cazenave then became the number 2 human resources executive at telecoms firm Orange, a company which transitioned from government monopoly to globalized private champion.
It was a rare moment of unanimity for Silicon Valley, which is almost by definition a globalized industry built by, and welcoming toward, immigrants.
In an increasingly globalized world, the foreskin is so much more than just a piece of skin or the plotline in a Friends episode.
Democrats may mean something more abstract when they speak of "losers" in a globalized economy, but the language carries the connotation of personal blame.
Nellemann, who is the head of UNEP's Rapid Response Unit, said that as commerce has become global, criminal networks have globalized along with it.
Irish Finance Minister Paschal Donohoe told CNBC's Willem Marx that the country's open and globalized economy leaves it exposed to unpredictable taxes and tariffs.
In Britain, racism and bigotry are flourishing spectacularly as the older generation seeks a scapegoat for their growing irrelevance in the modern, globalized economy.
Yet many people earn low wages and feel left behind in a globalized economy that has seen the gap grow between rich and poor.
The world is more globalized and there's been a visual move toward modernization, where you see an uptake in technology even among rural populations.
"In a highly globalized world, it's difficult to judge (the outlook for Japan's economy and prices) based on domestic policy moves alone," Masai said.
A strict adherence to Westphalian sovereignty, a concept developed in a non-globalized world, is a naïve aspiration that can no longer be achieved.
Because Mexico is not as globalized as a lot of other countries, a lot of these line cooks grew up eating home-cooked food.
La David Johnson, but the incident also underlines the extent to which the war on terror has truly globalized since the 22003/11 attacks.
Economic theory suggests that, rather than fearing globalized trade, the United States should focus on those industries in which it has a comparative advantage.
It is the result of ossified policies — chief among them the so-called War on Drugs — that are wholly inappropriate for a globalized world.
However, unlike the world of 1949, so dramatically described by Peraino in his timely book, our current globalized world renders separation not even thinkable.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads PARIS — How best to visually portray confidential globalized money transactions when they are an obscured and dematerialized phenomenon?
Understanding the importance of languages in a globalized world, many Kenyans speak English, Swahili and a tribal language, and polyglots are common throughout Africa.
At a time when the world is globalized but not united, I felt nostalgic for the creative melting pot of late-70s New York.
Even in such instances, the antitrust laws are antiquated, given that globalized competition and the speed of technological change continually knock down industry leaders.
It was far from what the postcard depicted: primitive bush dwellers stuck in a culture and society unfit for today's globalized, tech-savvy world.
Unprecedented road-building, deforestation, land clearing and agricultural development, as well as globalized travel and trade, make us supremely susceptible to pathogens like coronaviruses.
Creating new trade barriers in the globalized world trading system will simply lead to a leakage of jobs by car manufacturers to outside jurisdictions.
After all, seeking free trade and a globalized market has certainly helped US companies sell products abroad, rebuild foreign nations, and make America wealthy.
"The Chinese efforts and counter efforts by the U.S. are evidence of the globalized strategic rivalry underway between the two countries," Mr. Zhang said.
Abroad Social Accountability International is fighting for a worldwide increase in worker treatment standards, with a special focus on the globalized supply chain economy.
And as North Korean artists received more outside influences, their designs evolved into a more globalized style, becoming more polished but more also more uniform.
S. trade war, with plans to use its "globalized" production lines from Southeast Asia to India to cut its risks in China, the source said.
Communities left financially struggling a decade on from the 0003 financial crisis feel excluded from recent global growth recovery and the benefits of globalized business.
The law of the Wild West is not the sort of formula needed to govern international trade and investment in today's complex globalized international economy.
The subtext of the gathering was that black people were Americans, and that being an American should still mean something, even in a globalized world.
Young Turks today live in a more diffuse, globalized culture, one that comes with a heavy exposure to Europe as well as the United States.
Trump with his winner-take-all real estate mindset feels more at home in Putin's world of yesterday than in America's globalized world of today.
Russia, with its oligarchian oil-dependent economy, never truly perceived the need to develop industry or trade that would be desired by the globalized world.
It's between those who see opportunity and excitement in the emerging globalized, multiethnic meritocracy against those who see their lives and communities threatened by it.
Trump claims he is making stronger economic alliances for the United States, but the reality is that he is isolating America in a globalized world.
May's speech suggested that her government would protect hard-pressed families who have struggled in the globalized economy that her predecessor, David Cameron, embraced enthusiastically.
Progressives embrace liberal cultural and social values, open borders, a globalized economy, extreme environmental policies, government-only medical coverage and extensive social safety net programming.
"It is the market practice for a globalized company like Ant Financial to raise debt in USD," an Ant Financial spokesperson said of the reports.
Various storefronts, commercial neon signs, and slogans painted on the wall invoke a well-off, international lifestyle of a globalized world with a bright future.
I'm sure it's changed quite a bit since you first showed up, but it still feels much less globalized than other major Southeast Asian cities.
It's like Fortress America in an economy that is completely globalized and where the U.S. must compete in the worldwide race for capital and labor.
"It has become increasingly important for us to recognize the diversity of languages and cultures that humans possess as society becomes more globalized," he said.
And while the causes have spread along with Instagrammable memorials, the question emerging here a week later is whether potential solutions can be globalized too.
And according to the ETC Zurich study, the online market for banned flora is becoming even more globalized, thanks to the internet's unrestricted trade regulations.
They are fear of the future, of immigrants, of Islam and of terrorism; and anger at impunity, inequality and the arrogance of a globalized elite.
It is not the prerogative of the globalized city dweller to ignore the concerns of all those living on what the French call the periphery.
That's why it was so important for globalized issues — Islamization, terrorism, climate change, migration, the erosion of international institutions — to be discussed during the campaign.
With the emergence of a globalized network of production, the United States, Europe, Japan and the developing world found their economies inextricably linked to China's.
Americans of all races who have been left behind in today's globalized, high-technology, high-inequality economy are angry, and they have reason to be.
Furusawa said multilateral frameworks like TPP were more effective in solving disagreements over trade and fixing imbalances in a globalized world with intertwined supply chains.
In an increasingly globalized world, no amount of diligence by Denmark's pig farmers will protect the nation from drug-resistant pathogens that easily cross borders.
Weitzmann details a number of recent incidents in which Jews have become the scapegoat in a nationalist moment looking for cosmopolitan, globalized elites as culprits.
But it happened very often in history and in the end people become more globalized ... The Dark Ages is followed by the Renaissance. Right. Right.
In today's globalized world, items can jump between cultures, but they mostly succeed in other places because they take on completely new meanings upon arrival.
Kutzbach is concerned that Chilean garments now have to compete with a globalized textile industry that's decreasing their worth in comparison to cheaper, factory-made garments.
This is also a shift away from a more globalized economy, which is something that has been pushed by other presidents, but Trump is opposed to.
"It is market practice for a globalized company like Ant Financial to raise debt in USD," a spokesperson told CNBC, without confirming the amount being raised.
You framed it as the nationalist case for a globalized world, but when I read about young men being angry, I think about our social networks.
The exhibition's smaller, store-like installation feels more powerful, in part because it gives tangible, material form to an essentially formless, floating system of globalized trade.
A lot has changed about the flow of information since then and in a globalized world, tech giants have to work with competing international privacy laws.
The coarse sacks that cover the castle are produced in Asia, and are marked with the code of the companies that used them, symbolizing globalized trade.
But as the dollar becomes more globalized, central banks, including the Federal Reserve, will have to shift past focusing just on the local economy, he said.
The globalized status quo possesses "unbelievable momentum," pillaging the planet and repeatedly exploiting land that is rightfully relied upon by many indigenous peoples for their livelihoods.
Monocle hasn't just given globalized capitalism a hip aesthetic; it has also operated skillfully as a business in the many markets it both covers and covets.
Still, she said, in a globalized world where new and exotic microbes are only a plane ride away, the city could not let down its guard.
"Despite a globalized art world, most educational platforms such as curatorial programs, seminars and conferences are based in North America or Europe," she said by email.
I mean visuals, sound and cultural meaning as one integrated and basically globalized post-punk thing — unwavering and with remarkably little grandstanding, for nearly three hours.
But, in today's reality, it is a positive record of common ground, common interests, consistent communication and engaged dialogue in what is now a globalized Arctic.
The shock "Leave" victory in Britain's June 23 EU membership referendum has underscored the deep dissatisfaction among many voters in rich countries with the globalized economy.
If the Trump administration's "Made in America" week is demonstrating anything, it's that even in a globalized and open economy, our nation remains a manufacturing powerhouse.
In a globalized world, the Netherlands and the Nordics want to bolster their knowledge economies with the world's brightest, as well as attract international research funding.
Establishing a peer-to-peer relationship helps strengthen the cultural community of Salt Lake City, as well as promoting a more globalized viewpoint throughout the state.
Now we live in a globalized world we can start to actually build a movement because we can connect with people who have the same values.
In this globalized era, the Irish star Rory McIlroy knows the Americans' games and characters better than he knows those of some of his European teammates.
That means the globalized hip-hop of Pitbull and the bilingual pop of Becky G alongside Nicky Jam's pop-reggaeton and Farruko's reggaeton-inflected Latin trap.
He grapples with a foreignized text in a foreign kingdom, a writer in a globalized world who is left to decipher the writing on the wall.
Earlier that year, in a speech in Davos, Switzerland, Mr. Xi said China would defend the globalized economy in the face of criticism by Mr. Trump.
This arbitrary power of globalized companies violates a basic concept of democracy that the ancient Greeks called "isonomia," or the equality of all before the law.
The United States is investing less in college education, at the same time that the globalized, digital economy has made that education more important than ever.
The key division is not between left and right, but between those who embrace the new globalized, technocratic world, and those who feel dispossessed and voiceless.
It's a full-circle finish that Chapman sees as a sign of just how revolutionary the opportunities provided by a globalized and digital economy actually are.
On paper, Ms. Mutu is many things, including a globalized Surrealist who builds on precedents, like those made by Hannah Höch, Hans Bellmer and Romare Bearden.
Seeing a once rare virus move that far changed how we respond to emergencies, and how people think about the health risks of our globalized world.
The world is not only globalized, but it has been, in effect, mobilized, and one cannot assume that work will be provided in one's hometown indefinitely.
Like any good business, the Sinaloa cartel globalized, stretching far beyond the Mexican-United States border to Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Belize, Honduras, Canada, Thailand and China.
Given the reality of globalized capitalism and white supremacy, the ongoing trauma to humanity, like the kind in Behemoth, is in truth neither beautiful nor entertaining.
Some Brazilian historians and critics have said that the tactics of anthropophagy are now irrelevant in a globalized world, because local history is no longer prized.
The number of Americans making such calculations is growing: We're traveling abroad more often and to more places, perhaps because our globalized world — Starbucks in 65 countries!
Lads on tour in America Their faith paid off, thanks to the ancient power of Irish tribal ties now globalized through Internet connectivity, The Irish Sun reported.
The bank and art fair were "continuing a shared commitment and understanding of the unique role contemporary art plays in today's globalized culture," according to press releases.
In the globalized world we occupy, we can and should expect all sorts of fascinating acts of appropriation that open up new veins of thought and feeling.
LONDON (Reuters) - Drug regulation has failed to keep up with a globalized world and governments should harmonize oversight to improve patients' access to new and innovative medicines.
Investors, buyers, startups can simply add gender as a key performance indicator — not to drive social outcomes but to deepen its talent pool in the globalized economy.
"Those who have gained the most from globalized outsourcing practices are basically taking advantage of a loophole instead of joining efforts to solve the problem," he added.
Tech hub Beginning in the 1980s, a boom in IT-related industries helped transform the capital of the Indian state of Karnataka into a globalized tech hub.
These parties speak to frustrated populations in an increasingly globalized world of economic and humanitarian crises — hence the tendency to withdraw from international collaboration and focus domestically.
In America and Europe, the rise of anti-establishment movements is a symptom of a cultural shock against globalized postmodernity, similar to the 1930s' rejection of modernity.
"In a globalized world, there is no isolation," said Raoul Pal, founder of the Global Macro Investor advisory firm and CEO of financial media site Real Vision.
Voters in large numbers have been rejecting much of the underlying logic behind a dynamic globalized economy that on paper seems to make the world much richer.
There long have been warnings about American workers' diverging economic prospects, with middle-skill occupations hollowed-out from the twin disruptions of technological innovation and globalized markets.
Since grain is ultimately sold into a fairly globalized commodity market, this kind of consolidation of middlemen, which can still happen today, wouldn't necessarily impact end consumers.
The context is that of contextless postmodern plunder optics: the ahistorical globalized trend that mixes together anything thematically interesting (or superficially similar), ignoring era and original context.
To be profitable in a globalized economy, companies need access to the insights, experiences, and worldviews of the entire marketplace — not just a small percentage of it.
The next decade or two will determine whether Americans can enjoy the advantages of an increasingly globalized supply without losing the very real benefits of domestic produce.
They often note that the United States borrowed technological expertise from Britain in its infancy and that technology transfer is a natural part of a globalized economy.
China has a profound stake in that order and a globalized world: It needs access to advanced technology and the export markets upon which its growth depends.
In an era of globalized music-making, the ensemble has distinguished itself by retaining much of the bright, tangy sound and infectious intensity of its historical heyday.
"Being close to London has a lot of advantages, and in a globalized game, you have to try to find as many as you can," he said.
"A new affluent Chinese class has become a more globalized kind of consumer," said Ellen Hou, chief executive of Carat China, a communications agency based in Beijing.
In today's America, the rich, well-educated and globalized people on top, whether Republicans or Democrats, do not want to live among those who populate our country.
Germany's finance minister, Olaf Scholz, also a Social Democrat, on Thursday said Europe should react prudently as trade conflicts in a globalized world were in nobody's interest.
Good administration cops tell our trading partners that they should address their huge surpluses with America, before the raging bull Trump shatters the entire globalized china shop.
We must be forward thinking in our approach to connectivity, because our future prosperity and economic competitiveness in an increasingly digital and globalized world depend on it.
Time's Lev Grossman blames our increasingly "multicultural, transcontinental, hyphenated identities and our globalized, displaced, deracinated lives" for why any consensus about a single voice now seems impossible.
In the future, as the world becomes increasingly digital and increasingly globalized, emoji will become important tools for translation and communication—a lingua franca for the digital age.
In today's globalized, app-driven economy, that means just about everybody, from the small mobile gaming company based in the Midwest to the Chinese global e-commerce giant.
If this was a backlash to a globalized elite, it would seem that what he's doing would anger people, but that's not really been the feeling I've gotten.
In an increasingly globalized world, businesses need to make sure they comply with the various regulatory and legal frameworks of each of the countries in which they operate.
They lead movements that, at their core, are propelled by white revanchism, a raging against an increasingly globalized world that has threatened white power and diluted white identity.
In 1991, the economy was thrown open to global capital markets in a landmark move that saw India join the globalized world, forever changing the country's economic landscape.
"(But) 5G security is about more than just Huawei … China's place in the era of globalized technology is much bigger than just one telecommunications equipment company," he said.
Because suspicion of those who move around—immigrants, refugees, globalized élites—is associated with voting for Trump, attachment to home has come to look like a Trumpian value.
Unlike tropical diseases such as malaria, which depend on certain environmental factors to spread, sexually transmitted diseases can spread beyond isolated populations, particularly in an increasingly globalized world.
Consequently, America's 20th-century nuclear enterprise requires a new ecology if it is to meet the geopolitical challenges of the globalized 21st century and renewed great power competition.
Which is to say: There's never been a better time to be a Japanese superstar, athletes included, because there's never before been such an age of globalized entertainment.
Yet, watching the Olympics, other factors are in play — the joust of nations, the vicarious sense of individual accomplishment, the affirmation of our niche in a globalized world.
Record-keeping systems based on database technologies originally developed in the 1960s and confined by national borders cannot keep pace with a globalized, automated, increasingly AI-driven world.
Survival in the hypercompetitive, globalized economy, where workers have fewer protections and are more disposable than ever, requires that we try to become faster, smarter, and more creative.
Peraino's timely book shows how the decisions and contradictions of that year still bedevil the two countries' relationship, but in today's globalized world, separation is all but unthinkable.
Haid sees nomadism as a solution to our technologized, globalized lives, but it seems less like a fix than like an extension or intensification of the same condition.
This is a conversation that needs to be broadened and globalized, which might in turn require bringing it out of the high-concept realm and back to reality.
"The crisis presents a huge challenge to all humankind in a globalized world," Ma said in a statement published to Twitter just after midnight on the East Coast.
The balance between security and the need for capital in a globalized world is a central concern for both Europe and Japan as they move forward with China.
And yet, perhaps first among them, too, it is struggling to reconcile those values with the pressing realities of a smaller, more globalized world, including fear of terrorism.
Most major U.S. companies are now fully globalized, moving either finished goods or parts around the globe in search of the most cost-effective ways to do business.
A younger generation of owners have brought more regionalized Chinese cuisines to the United States where a more diverse and globalized pallette has made for a receptive audience.
The defining product of the Industrial Revolution, textiles were crucial to the development of our globalized capitalist system, and its abuses today are built on a long history.
Every novel features protagonists similar to Florent: bourgeois French men caught up in an inner turmoil charged by loneliness, sexual dilemma, and the state of the globalized world.
But the president-elect's musing shows an incomplete understanding of how globalized the auto industry has become since Ronald Reagan went after Toyota and Honda in the 1980s.
In the past decade, they have swept into cities like New York, London, and Los Angeles, snapping up real estate and provoking anxieties about inequality and globalized wealth.
It comes down to really education and training that enables people to do well in the modern economy, which is a globalized economy that is less about manufacturing.
I cannot resign myself to seeing an isolated Catalonia in a globalized world, nor can I resign myself to seeing more borders in the era of open societies.
Lion is interested in how cultural identities — especially in a globalized world — shape us in indelible ways, getting into our bones even when we think we've shed them.
T-Series represents an increasingly dominant type of YouTube channel that has gained prominence since its creation in 2006, as YouTube has become an ever more globalized platform.
Millions of African men, women and children were torn from their homes and shackled into one of the world's most brutal globalized trades between the 15th and 19th centuries.
DAVOS, Switzerland (Reuters) - Donald Trump's presidential inauguration this week will mark the end of a globalized America, the head of the world's largest political risk consultancy said on Thursday.
Without one emerging faction as the winner, the agenda on trade, immigration, old-age entitlements and the role of the U.S. in a globalized world would grow even murkier.
Because they realize that to serve their members in a globalized economy, they can't rely on national policies alone; they have to embrace international governance and steer it left.
PARIS - ECB Supervisory Board Chair Andrea Enria chairing panel at a Banque de France conference on 'Competition in a globalized world: the role of public policies' in Paris, France.
The American President falsely believes that the US is stronger on its own than together with its traditional allies, even in a globalized world that obviously bespeaks the opposite.
Today, the Chicago slaughterhouse is a thing of the past, but many of its features persist in the globalized trade in beef, which has reproduced them around the world.
In the face of a turn toward populist nationalism in other rich countries — like Britain and France — China has emerged in the unlikely role of defender of globalized capitalism.
Daniel Griswold, former director of the Center for Trade Policy at the Cato Institute, chastised the Trump administration's protectionist trade attitude while other G-20 countries become more globalized.
"Marine Le Pen is going to frame this as a face-off between Emmanuel Macron, the candidate of the globalized elite, and herself as the people's candidate," he said.
The New Zealand massacre exposes the vulnerabilities of multicultural Europe in the age of globalized social media and fake news, when fringe elements can be radicalized via the internet.
Australians, some scholars argue, would most likely recognize that the citizenship rules are no longer a valid test of national loyalty in a multicultural country in a globalized world.
The year 1949 opened many fault lines, but unlike that midcentury world, so dramatically described by Peraino in his timely book, our globalized world renders separation not even thinkable.
Art has become a globalized alternative investment, generating a top-performing yield of 2249 percent in 2000, according to the latest wealth report published by the realtors Knight Frank.
In a globalized world in which countries will always vie for influence, there is no way to fully eliminate all the national security risks that exist from influence operations.
The form of his propaganda was inextricable from its content: the fictionalization of a globalized world into simple slogans, to be repeated until an enemy thus defined was exterminated.
While the merits of a free trade and a globalized economy are under scrutiny, there are some aspects of globalization that we can&apost escape as easily as tariffs.
The U.S. government must reorient its policies toward globalized competition by adopting fair and equitable trade protections and targeted industrial policies, and by defending the digital domain for all.
Given today's high-tech, globalized economy, the single best step would be to help more middle- and low-income children acquire the skills that lead to good-paying jobs.
Based on news reports of kidnapping in a Manila college, "Dead Kids" aspires to explore how widening class disparity in the Philippines is burdening a new, increasingly globalized generation.
To Foster's way of thinking, the people in those houses, watching "EastEnders" over their blandly globalized dinners of pizza, pad thai, and aloo gobi, were living nowhere in particular.
Topping the bill at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Xi portrayed China as the leader of a globalized world where only international cooperation could solve the big problems.
The past is being erased, and what comes next is globalized development — we see the skyline of tall buildings in the distance, and the sound of airplanes flying overhead.
In fiscal year 212, the agency invested $22018 million in coal communities and $13 million to help struggling US manufacturers find new ways to compete in a globalized era.
Mr. Cross said it was vital that the city throw its support behind major development projects to ensure that it remained attractive to businesses in an increasingly globalized economy.
"In the Internet age, under the pressure of globalized capitalism and its slimmed-down profit margins, only the very wealthy will be served by actual human beings," she wrote then.
Economists are now trying to figure out whether wages are showing an unexpectedly delayed response or whether wage setting dynamics may have fundamentally changed in the post-crisis, globalized economy.
The New York Fed stands at the center of the globalized, dollar-denominated world, maintaining as many as 250 accounts for central banks that contain approximately $3 trillion in assets.
"One of the key benefits of the globalized world we live in is there is likely to be someone you can learn from when it comes to moving," Goddard said.
The Chibok girls who in 2014 were poster-children of globalized outrage are now faint memories, consigned to the fringes of concern and relegated to the bottom of the agenda.
"  Mergenthaler-Shamsaei adds, "This new wave of artists were born into a very different world—post-revolution, post-Iran-Iraq war—and are members of a tech savvy globalized world.
"That nuclear weapons mean everything is an outdated mentality and does not fit a globalized world," the Global Times wrote in an un-bylined opinion piece published on Wednesday evening.
He was followed by science fiction author adrienne maree brown, who spoke movingly about a shift in her consciousness that seems to correlate with the globalized view afforded by technology.
"It is the market practice for a globalized company like Ant Financial to raise debt in U.S. dollars," a representative of Ant Financial told Reuters, but gave no further details.
Yet the publication shares with the right a faith in free-market economics; Brûlé himself is less a citizen of the world than a shopper in its gigantic, globalized mall.
The globalized nature of our era means that what happens on the far side of the world won't stay there, as we are reminded again and again at great cost.
"The bad governance Joseph Kabila inherited from Mobutu, he sophisticated and adapted to a more globalized world," says Kris Berwouts, a Kinshasa-based author of several books about Central Africa.
Why it matters: With saturated reach amongst globalized populations, Facebook is moving to corner the African market, where less than thirty percent of the population has access to the internet.
In Quebec City, a large group of teenagers at St. Charles Garnier College told me they saw their future in a globalized Quebec that is firmly a part of Canada.
In a premise that owes something to Olivier Assayas's acclaimed "Summer Hours," the semi-globalized siblings must find a way to reconcile their goals and geographies to divide the estate.
It encapsulates one of the main questions that emerged from this year's program: What does it mean to work in a globalized capitalist society, and can it make you happy?
The social distancing required to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is having a devastating impact on our globalized and consumption-based, service-oriented economy.
After the Rana Plaza collapse in 2013 killed over 1,100 garment workers, Bangladesh experienced one of the most effective campaigns of the globalized era to improve labor and safety conditions.
The existing system "has worked well for traditional 'brick and mortar' companies but as business activities have become more globalized and digitalized the old rules work less well," it continued.
"We talk about a 'globalized world' as if it was such a shallow, trendy thing, but that merging of cultures had such a big impact on my biography," she said.
At the same time, we must not pretend that closing borders and raising tariffs will reverse the continuing march of technology that has created an increasingly globalized and interconnected world.
"We live in a globalized world where it's easy for multinational companies to hide assets so as not to allow justice and court orders to be enforced," Mr. Briard said.
The key fault line today is not between left and right but between those who welcome a more globalized, technocratic world, and those who feel left out, dispossessed and voiceless.
Ang attributed three growth drivers behind the coworking sector's fast expansion: continued growth of start-up culture, a more flexible globalized workforce being fueled by technology, and the millennial generation.
But we now know that in modern, diversified, globalized societies, rising nationalism draws a huge wedge domestically, with some groups feeling proud of chauvinism and the rest embarrassed by it.
The world's current situation too eerily parallels the fractured state of the world right around the time of World War I, when an interconnected, globalized economy descended into national tribalism.
Americans who feel culturally alienated from the globalized metropolis (and sense that their worldview elicits contempt in a Democratic Party that often seems to have lost touch with ordinary Americans).
If supply chain breakdowns worsen, it could become harder to find products that rely on parts or materials from affected countries — which, in today's globalized world, could be almost anything.
"Everybody else" includes not just the restless immigrant communities living on the outskirts of the "globalized metropolises," but residents of the hollowed-out second-tier cities and impoverished rural communities.
Farming has never been solitary work, and requires a hands-on approach that an increasingly globalized world does not make room for, especially for generations not necessarily weaned on farming practice.
In today's globalized world, it is not inconceivable that one might drink coffee from Colombia in the morning, munch cashews from Vietnam for lunch, and gobble grains from Ethiopia for dinner.
That's when a more globalized and financialized economy took root, and when well-paid jobs in the manufacturing sector started to lose ground to far worse jobs in retail and service.
He did so on the promise of reversing the loss of jobs in these states caused by the shuttering of factories that were unable to compete in a more globalized economy.
Although few Democrats recognize it in their rhetoric or agenda, they are increasingly the party of the places in America that are succeeding the most in the globalized, post-industrial economy.
And while NAFTA isn't the only globalized trade force driving down American wages, Michiganders feel like it was the slippery slope that led so many manufacturers to pack up and leave.
As such, sports can offer a sliver of hope that the prospect of a more interconnected, globalized world isn't as imperiled as the recent tenor of populist, hypernationalistic politics would suggest.
"With increasing access to information technology and changing nature of our globalized economy, new threats for children are emerging - sex tourism, child pornography, online threats to children among others," said Singh.
The OECD cited the post-financial crisis revival in trade, the emergence of globalized value chains and booming e-commerce as reasons for the rise in pirated goods trade since 2008.
The New Democrat Coalition is made up of 52 democratic, pro-growth, innovation-focused lawmakers committed to seeking pragmatic solutions to help hard working Americans compete in our increasingly globalized economy.
An undergraduate course will focus on the current stage of globalized state capitalism and ways of approaching "the common good" as it has been conceived in various ways since the Enlightenment.
Since the Rana disaster, considered the deadliest in the garment industry's history, Bangladesh has experienced one of the most effective campaigns of the globalized era to improve labor and safety conditions.
Perhaps in a modern, globalized world, when there is a shortage of American workers, companies are better able to outsource service work and import manufactured goods, rather than bid up wages.
If in the 1930s, Chinese musicians had to define themselves against the West, and in the '60s against the state, they may now have to reckon with the hectic, globalized economy.
"They deserve enlightened and informed debate about the true nature of the globalized economy, automation, and the need for education and reimagined job-skills programs to keep us competitive," he said.
The bottom line: "Globalized commerce has brought U.S. consumer tastes to shoppers around the world, from Halloween candy to breakfast cereal and peanut butter, sometimes even supplanting local traditions," AP writes.
As a recent raid by U.S. federal marshals at the Consumer Electronics Show last month reminds us, American innovators do face legitimate threats both foreign and domestic in today's globalized economy.
Kongsberg Gruppen said the acquisition would strengthen its competitiveness in an increasingly globalized maritime industry, adding that the companies are "by and large complementary in terms of products, solutions and competencies".
Part of the answer is a fascinating biological trait unique to the banana plant — and part simply has to do with how we mass-produce commodities in today's globalized food system.
To say that these frequently contentious speeches on cybernetics, which was captured and crystallized by the Macy Conferences, significantly shaped the current contours of our globalized information society is no exaggeration.
"The strategic challenge of China's place in the era of globalized technology is much bigger than just one telecommunications equipment company," Fleming, one of Britain's top three spies, said in Singapore.
We now know as clearly as ever that cutting medical sources in the age of globalized supply chains can feed street markets and more dangerous, potent, and difficult-to-intercept products.
And yet despite this, the boy also discovers that big, globalized cities are not without their sectors and moments of community and rebellion, which so often come in the form of music.
Trump has stormed ahead of the Republican field successfully tapping the frustration and anger of millions of Americans who feel bruised and left behind by a fast-changing and increasingly globalized economy.
Montreal, Canada-based producer Evan Berard exemplifies these new globalized trends after a streak of good luck got one of his laptop-made beats into the hands of K-pop superstars EXO.
Mathangi Arulpragasam—known by friends and family as Maya, known by the rest of us as M.I.A— was electric from the jump; a pop-star for the globalized, post-9/11 world.
In an increasingly globalized culture, this kind of story must happen all the time, with small-town people finding that a specific talent or interest suddenly makes them into big-time celebrities.
Within that order, as Armitage shows, civil war has also played a key role in defining the modern concept of revolution and drawing the boundaries of political community in a globalized world.
Civilians in any country who socialize, conduct business or trade in an increasingly globalized and digitized space should be concerned by this bill — one that threatens our civil liberties and privacy wholesale.
Under normal album-making circumstances, this project would be helping set the tone for providing a more globalized rap sound, but what Black Panther is supposed to symbolize warrants even more variety.
It might be time to invest in Émile Durkheim neckties, because today's problems relate to binding a fragmenting society, reweaving family and social connections, relating across the diversity of a globalized world.
The second fissure more hidden from the headlines, but equally important, is the outright political war between the new globalized technology industries and the old industrial industries, such as steel and coal.
Through the diversity of photo locations featured in their project, Woods and Galimberti make the judicious point that tax havens are not tropical eccentricities, but rather structural instruments of the globalized economy.
By rearranging the signs of globalized industry into figures of Chinese tradition, Huang supplants cultural and geographic specificity with the homogeneity of industrial materials; shipping containers replace mountains and cranes replace gods.
Linguistics experts, studying the future of a language spoken by fewer than 400,000 people in an increasingly globalized world, wonder if this is the beginning of the end for the Icelandic tongue.
Meanwhile, the factories that do exist were built to serve globalized production – and many of them would be marginalized, maybe even made worthless, by tariffs that broke up those global value chains.
In our rattled times, with Europe's left in a tailspin and Trump in the White House, with political and social rights besieged, post-utopian egalitarians may need more than globalized third worldism.
Vongerichten, who has opened more than seventy restaurants worldwide, provides a window into the mechanics of a globalized restaurant industry that is based as much on licensing and celebrity as on food.
Or it's poised to take away you, altogether—your moral status, your sense of self-worth, your understanding of where you belong in a feverishly globalized grid of knowledge as social power.
The "Brexiters" were a motley band driven mainly by anti-immigration anger, sentimental nationalism, resentment of globalized elites, economic fears, phobias about Germany and Brussels — all whipped up by post-truth politicians.
These findings paint an important snapshot of the warehouse workforce at a time when the industry is experimenting with technological change to keep up with the unprecedented pace of globalized e-commerce shipping.
Ultimately, the controversy proved to be less about the political messages Syaf included and more about the charged political context they were launched into and the globalized product that mainstream comics have become.
With this initiative "there will be more possibilities to compete in a globalized world ... and attract more investment to Chile," said Juan Manuel Casanueva, president of GTD, in a statement emailed to Reuters.
Later, at the news conference, Pena Nieto warned of the dangers of populism in a globalized world and defended comments earlier this year in which likened Trump to Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.
And when we look at cutting the business tax and also cutting the pass-through tax down, the main driver for that was to allow U.S. companies to compete in a globalized world.
The globalized system, the abundance of knowledge and the openness of research practices means that nations cannot operate alone, as they once might have done, or as China might wish it could do.
At the root of Trump's appeal to his voters is a promise to check the disruptive forces of globalized economics and ethnic diversity that have been remaking the United States in recent decades.
" Camus also has prominent critics: the essayist and novelist Emmanuel Carrère, a longtime friend, has publicly reproached him, writing that "the argument ' I'm at home here, not you' " is incompatible with "globalized justice.
It's the increasingly globalized nature of ISIS and like-minded groups that is a key reason for the large number of countries around the globe where US Special Operations Forces are now deployed.
Those who buy into this worldview are often lured by the simple narrative that is spun by Islamists, providing simple answers to address the complexities of the increasingly globalized world we live in.
Yet auto companies have warned that erecting barriers to trade could be devastating for what is a highly globalized industry, in which cars and their parts are manufactured and shipped around the world.
His leadership of the alliance, which makes about 10 million cars a year, gave him a reputation as a turnaround expert who could make companies work across borders in a more globalized era.
Rebuilding these houses is not only a chance to revisit a past that once was, free of influences from globalized monoculture, but also to create a future in Seoul that might have been.
But this pageant of nations is also a reminder, on the 130th anniversary of slavery's abolition, that the modern world, in all of its globalized splendor, still lacks a truly equal, multiracial society.
"We are not aspiring to be a globalized nation, that is gone," said Vladimir Frolov, an independent foreign policy analyst, ''Russia's foreign policy strategy is to be a cat who walks by himself.
Incremental restrictions, enforced steadily and transparently, tend to work far better than draconian measures, particularly at enlisting the public's cooperation, which is especially important for properly handling outbreaks in our interconnected, globalized world.
So it should not be surprising that in today's globalized world, many people are upset that vast technological and social forces constantly disrupt established social practices, even if they are better off materially.
Perhaps it is no surprise that the two societies that felt its furious force — the United States and Britain — are also the open societies at the hub of globalized turbo-capitalism and finance.
"One of the hypocrisies of the call for a globalized curriculum is that the people calling for it don't give a flying fuck if a subject is being taught properly," he told me.
It was based on a utopian vision, dating back to Islam's founding, that was modernized by the Muslim Brotherhood a century ago, hijacked and militarized by radical ideologues, and globalized by Al Qaeda.
For some, the blackened remains of Grenfell Tower, close to some of the city's most expensive homes, has also become a symbol of the economic and class divides in Britain's globalized capital city.
Your world will be much more globalized than ours, so your education is a failure if it exposes you only to people like yourself and doesn't prepare you to engage with other cultures.
A typical criticism of the wealth tax, and significantly higher taxes in general, is that countries around the world have been lowering theirs for years, and we live in an increasingly globalized society.
At the same time, Trump pacifies his base with panicky nationalism and border walls, delineating a "rump territory" that is "no more plausible, no more livable" than the globalized world they rail against.
What I call the "right" left, born out of Marxist theory and communism, became moderate, globalized and democratic, and eventually evolved into the social democratic parties of Chile, Brazil, Uruguay and El Salvador.
I think the European colonization of the world left a lot of bodies lying around, but I also think it was a necessary stepping stone to the modern globalized civilization that we enjoy.
The fairytale-like characters that populate Rottenberg's world are workers around the globe who perform menial tasks and churn out mass-produced goods — cogs in the machine that powers our globalized capitalist economy.
Responding to questions regarding the commitment of the incoming administration under President-elect Donald Trump to the role of the U.S. in a globalized world, Fyrwald pointed to supportive elements among Trump's closest advisers.
Hotspots of biodiversity all over the world are threatened by the high demands of a globalized economy — and now we can clearly locate where on the planet US consumption is putting species at risk.
I think that's because our world is becoming so globalized; we want to see something different, [and] ethnic motifs are those things that give you a sense that you are experiencing a different culture.
" Jose Antonio Vargas, a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist and activist, pointed out that the US is known for its "linguistic diversity" and said it is "part of our strength, especially in a globalized economy.
"The combination of open markets and technology means that returns in a globalized world amplify the rewards of the superstar and the lucky," he said in a speech at the Liverpool John Moores University.
When: Thursday, March 17–Friday, March 18 Where: REDCAT (123 West 2nd Street, Downtown, Los Angeles) As the art world becomes increasingly globalized, issues of identity, migration, and territory have taken on special significance.
Most of us were looking toward a system that had been established after World War II — democratic governments, a globalized economy that would gradually bring the world together — and thought it was remarkably stable.
"Pemex needs to go to Asia, Pemex needs to go to Texas, Pemex needs to go to South America to find partners ... it's a priority for us that Pemex is truly globalized," she said.
The RV industry's woes illustrate how even the most "American" of manufacturers, the kind of industries Trump has vowed to protect, can be heavily exposed to tariffs in a world of globalized supply chains.
It is also clear that there are sharp differences emerging on what exactly the West, the block of liberal, democratic, globalized nations, that have dominated global politics since World War II, should stand for.
President Obama strongly defended a globalized, interconnected world in his final speech at the United Nations on Tuesday, arguing that open markets, capitalism and democracy should remain the guiding forces of the international order.
Actually, the idea that everybody is somebody's fool is globalized — most hilariously when Madam Legrand's revered long-missing husband reappears, but more profoundly in the movie's appreciation of Legrand as a passionate amateur painter.
The sense of community was eroding, she lamented, as neighbors left, and many buildings now stood mostly empty, no longer homes but pied-à-terres awaiting the occasional appearances of their new globalized owners.
Those that evolve adaptations will also easily spread to other cities, leading to a truly globalized urban flora and fauna — continually evolving at breakneck speed to keep up with an increasingly human-dominated world.
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - When Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi took power in 2014, he leaned on three Indian academics who had predominantly worked in the United States to drive a liberal, globalized economic policy.
Germany and much of the West is also suffering at the hands of a new political reality: apathy on the one hand and an aggressive pushback against the globalized, cosmopolitan world on the other.
This election was not just about regressive policy choices, but also about traditional values (defined primarily by the Christian right), about nostalgia for American greatness and security, about nostalgia for a pre-globalized world.
One of the experiences we seek from travel in an increasingly globalized world is to end up elsewhere, in a land where nothing makes any sense to us; where we become, in fact, foreigners.
It was a very localized, fragmented business and really through the '80s, '90s, 83s, finance globalized and the platforms that the big finance companies had became very large, very global, very influential, very powerful.
The Catalan crisis leads to a final question about nationhood: Can Western Europe's nations hope to preserve their wealth and high living standards in a globalized economy without pooling their nationhood into something greater?
As a result, the tariffs will affect factories and workers in a variety of countries, reflecting the globalized supply chains and byzantine corporate ownership structures that are at the heart of many ubiquitous products.
Due recognition of artists like Mr. Anatsui owes so much to the work of Mr. Enwezor, who, more than any curator of the last 30 years, broadened and globalized our view of contemporary art.
I want him to grow up in a tolerant and globalized Afghan society that gives wings to the aspirations of its children, rather than aiming to control their life choices with force and fear.
Since Bretton Woods, the dollar has played two roles that sometimes end up at cross-purposes: It is the domestic money for the U.S. and the international unit of account for the globalized economy.
The bottom line: As the world of art collectors has expanded and globalized, the minimum level of sophistication that an artwork needs in order to fetch 8 figures at auction has clearly been falling.
But make no mistake: The coronavirus is a test, targeted precisely to the globalized order's points of fracture and the mix of misgovernment and mistrust associated with the populist-establishment stalemate in the West.
Arguments over what precisely is to blame for Mr. Trump's apotheosis — inequality, callous globalized elites, corruptible local legislators, zealous ideologues, a news media either toxic or complaisant — will only intensify in the coming months.
A model of the globalized, Pre-Trump CEO With the Renault-Nissan buy-in, however, Mitsubishi has been extended a lifeline, in the form of access to the Alliance's engineering platforms and marketing muscle.
But as with the country where Hollywood is based, that industry will increasingly be part of a multipolar, globalized world, where it's less and less assumed that "the best" products come from its studios.
Even as Obama was standing at the Acropolis in Greece hailing the ancient wisdom of democracy, the French nationalist politician Marine Le Pen was declaring an end to the globalized vision he's worked to advance.
" At Residency Unlimited, artist Antoine Turillon will present a projection based on Reinhardt's archive that "offer[s] a 'reading' of the history of art that becomes globalized, considering that the rules of perception are subjective.
The 1.3 percent drop in apparel prices recorded in November was the largest since 1998, when the move to globalized supply chains and the integration of China into the world economy were still gaining momentum.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top U.S. securities regulator on Thursday proposed new requirements for what companies must disclose about their mining properties, saying the industry had undergone significant changes in recent years and become more globalized.
Job retraining and trade-adjustment assistance were two fiscal solutions that came to mind for Frenkel, who insisted that trade policy was not the fix to problems that some in Washington pin on globalized trade.
What does an already globalized culture look like when it's not just information that can travel instantly, but actual things that can spread across the city and state and world faster and cheaper than ever?
But some sections of English society, especially older white people from blue collar backgrounds whose skills do not equip them to thrive in a globalized, services-oriented economy, do not identify with this official vision.
Congress, for its part, has sat idly by as American corporations have indulged in increasingly intricate forms of tax avoidance made possible by the interplay of an outmoded corporate tax code and modern globalized finance.
The entities skirting the sanctions on North Korea have taken advantage of an increasingly globalized trade landscape, prompting the UN to seek solutions that create incentives for companies to comply with new restrictions, Griffiths said.
He catches perfectly the curiously languid pace of twentieth-century middle-class English life, which persisted even through two world wars, and which self-deluding Brexiteers vainly imagine can be reinstituted in today's globalized world.
In the context of a world that's currently changing faster and is more globalized than ever before, what would your most important piece of advice be to first-time entrepreneurs setting up a new business?
Likewise, more emphasis can be placed on career and technical education (CTE) to create skilled workers for many of the jobs which exist today and will grow in the globalized service economy of the future.
Across the country, Inuit children are torn between two conceptions of education, one rooted in their native identity and the other imposed by a globalized world — knowledge that is essential for navigating that very world.
And even some in the more kind of modern edge globalized corporations and elements of the economy who feel disrespected by the so-called knowledge elite, feel demeaned and feel like they don't matter anymore.
He has given us an anatomy of globalized labor at its most shameful, complete with the internal correspondence of American military and Kellogg Brown & Root officials reporting coerced labor and human trafficking to their superiors.
Rather, a series of external factors have contributed to the rise of the Indian CEO, which says more about the state of corporate America, a globalized workplace, technological disruption and the leaders who might prevail.
A new generation of city leaders are tackling those challenges and guiding their cities into a globalized century in which their main competitors are no longer just across a state line, but across the world.
Though this still leaves room for weakly secured IoT devices to be manufactured and sold in other countries, in an increasingly globalized world the measures adopted by the US will eventually diffuse to other markets.
In our globalized world, national security threats take many forms, and one area of increasing concern is the attacks on U.S. companies who are instrumental in building the nuts and bolts of the modern Internet.
Golden stars stand out against royal blue in "Leave/Remain #1," as do Adidas sneakers and Chinese porcelain bowls — traces of Schoolwerth's digital manipulations but also symbols of a globalized network of commerce and branding.
The narrative emerging from the aftermath of the 23.5 election is that Donald Trump won the U.S. presidency on the back of populist economic insecurity, elected by voters who felt left behind by a globalized economy.
"I think it's no surprise that in a world that is increasingly globalized that emerging markets are sensitive to monetary movements globally," Mervyn Tang, director of Asia-Pacific Sovereigns at Fitch Ratings, told CNBC on Wednesday.
In the globalized world, economic competitiveness, climate change, mass migration, terrorism and other challenges can only be dealt with collectively — no matter how much any nation, party or citizen may feel that isolation is an option.
The escalating tit-for-tat trade war between the United States and China, with President Donald Trump threatening to impose tariffs on Chinese-made goods, could have huge implications for heavily integrated and globalized supply chains.
"Frankly as economists ... we haven't probably paid enough attention to the transfer from one economy, where you aren't as globalized, to another," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland President Loretta Mester told Reuters ahead of the Aug.
The Hudson Institute runs the Kleptocracy Initiative, which has an advisory council with several Russia experts and focuses on revealing how "financial secrecy fuels globalized corruption and threats to democracy" and frequently scrutinizes on the Kremlin.
These attacks are the latest manifestation of a growing and globalized ideology of white nationalism that must be addressed at its source — which includes the mainstream politicians and media personalities who nurture, promote and excuse it.
PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron has been quick to follow up his sweeping rhetorical call for European renewal with concrete action, backing two cross-border mergers that aim to boost Europe's competitiveness in globalized industries.
To Mr. Macron, the European Union is the institution that can help France be a player and defend itself in a globalized world, while its open borders and common currency increase economic opportunities for its citizens.
Such buildings are conceived as a stimulus meant to produce an instant response – a conception, Professor Payne has noted, that is particularly suited to a globalized consumer culture that prefers that everyone react the same way.
For a while now the question has hung in the air of whether, in an increasingly globalized and digital age, Italian fashion can remain the dominant force it has been for at least half a century.
It's difficult to have an opportunity to grow in a globalized world where McDonald's and Grupo Modelo reign—or reigned—so we think the only way that locals can succeed is by supporting other local projects.
"It is essential for business to demonstrate leadership, to show that in this globalized world, everyone is playing by the same rules and that the benefits of economic success are there for all our citizens," she added.
Talking about access to space as some kind of national rat race to the top is damaging for every nation hoping to extend its reach into the solar system in the increasingly globalized world we live in.
The Brazilian general in charge of the operation said he was "astounded" by criticism of the U.S. involvement in the exercise in a globalized world where Brazil maintains good relations with China, Russia and the United States.
"It is essential for business to demonstrate leadership, to show that in this globalized world, everyone is playing by the same rules and that the benefits of economic success are there for all our citizens," she said.
Michael O'Sullivan, Chief Investment Officer at Credit Suisse's International Wealth Management division, with 702 billion francs ($722 billion) of assets under management, recommends investors switch their attention away from globalized companies toward market champions as globalization slows.
Democrats seem likely to emerge from this fall's election with a clear upper hand in highly urbanized House seats that are racially and religiously diverse, disproportionately white-collar and secular and connected to the globalized information economy.
"We're in a globalized system, what's happening overseas is pulling U.S. yields down and they're going to stay lower," Joseph LaVorgna, managing director and chief economist for the Americas at Natixis, told CNBC's "Squawk Box " this week.
Just like Dwight Eisenhower developed the interstate highway system, we need to develop a vision for a 21st century infrastructure — one that enables all American businesses to compete and win in an increasingly high-tech, globalized economy.
If weakened, developmental and socioeconomic protections in the United States will not hold up to the pressures of a changing climate and a globalized society—which will undoubtedly bring more diseases to the country in the future.
This is a story of how the manufacture and distribution of medicines today is such a complex, globalized affair that it is often hard to track where fake or substandard medicines come from and where they go.
The world may be increasingly globalized, but when it comes to greeting practices, local customs still prevail — and things can get awkward when, say, a hug-loving American businessman meets his Japanese counterpart for the first time.
"This attack underscores a trend that ADL has been tracking: that modern white supremacy is an international threat that knows no borders, being exported and globalized like never before," said ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt in a statement.
The higher ranks of our national security establishment require dynamic experiences and skillsets in an increasingly globalized world, and we cannot exist in a world where leadership intentionally stunts its own growth by keeping out diverse voices.
Bili, truly an immigrant of our globalized time, can't make rent in New York, and discovers on her return to China that her childhood residence, like so many others in China's rapacious housing development drive, was razed.
The Muslim doctor's choice suggests a tacit critique of France, and it squares with something I heard from many young French people of North African background: France is simply out of step with a more globalized world.
Thus, we are seemingly unable to have conversations that transcend political identity about how our nation can invest in our future, achieve racial reconciliation, build economic opportunity, and shape a vision of patriotism in a globalized world.
" Francis said it was sad that mistrust was "also seen at the political level, in attitudes of rejection or forms of nationalism that call into question the fraternity of which our globalized world has such great need.
"He was an asset in navigating globalized markets and that has been so hard for the industry to adapt to," said Jeremy Acevedo, manager of data strategy for Edmunds, which provides information on cars and the auto industry.
Speaking at a press conference alongside U.S. President Barack Obama and Canadian Prime Minster Justin Trudeau, who have gathered in Ottawa for the "Three Amigos" summit, Pena Nieto warned of the dangers of populism in a globalized world.
And though all businesses love Republican tax policy, the highly globalized and immigrant-heavy high-tech industry has serious practical problems with Trump's brand of economic nationalism and major conceptual problems with his nostalgia-inflected view of prosperity.
Until the uprisings of the "Arab Spring," which Moscow blamed heavily - although not exclusively - on the Obama administration, Putin and the wider Russian establishment appeared mostly happy to work within the Western-built, globalized and largely democratic world.
Where David seems to belong to a time and a place in human history, Walter is an android of ultimate globalized neutrality—white and male, he is like the idea of a man on television turned three-dimensional.
Clinton have any plans, advisers say, to take cues from the Brexit campaign and start soft-pedaling her support for globalized markets, or denouncing porous borders, illegal immigrants and the lack of job protections in free-trade agreements.
As science and technology become more prominent in our economic life, we must also ensure that from an early age, our children are learning the skills they need to compete in an increasingly globalized and information-driven economy.
Second, even in a globalized world where national politicians lust for economic growth (and certainly Prime Minister Abe and President Moon are heavily invested in growing their respective economies), networked and cross-border supply chains are increasingly fragile.
But as the world becomes more globalized, so has pro wrestling—with recent evolutions in internet streaming, as well as trends in social media, more people are able to find wrestling outside of WWE more than ever before.
But American companies are beginning to feel the effects of a one-sided strategy, which aims to help domestic industries but ignores the globalized nature of United States businesses, which rely on supply chains and customers across borders.
But there is a powerful symbolic case for it: It would send a message (not least to Mexico) that the US was reasserting its dominance and withdrawing from a globalized (or globalist) world into an America-first one.
To crack open one of Huawei's smartphones or cellular base stations is to see the extent to which advanced technology is a truly globalized endeavor, even as Beijing and Washington have come to distrust each other's tech providers.
"Unless we get rid of all forms of communication, we are globalized people and we need to think and learn from each other about the right solutions at any moment in time for all of us," O'Neill concluded.
The saddest part of the danger being created by this policy is that, accidentally or cynically, it revives a trope that a globalized world ought to have discarded: that immigrants are dirty and dangerous and inherently embody risk.
Those all still exist — sometimes here, sometimes there, sometimes everywhere — but what makes India complicated and interesting, particularly for writers, is that they exist in a contemporary, urbanized country and among the entanglements of an increasingly globalized world.
Therefore, we can not only be thankful about the advances we've made and the prosperity we've enjoyed, but also that we have driven, globalized, well-educated, and engaged young Americans ready to take up the mantle of leadership.
Asia is now a vital organ in the globalized system on which we all depend; challenges to Asian stability are real, and Western actors have less wherewithal than in the past to contribute actively to maintaining stability there.
His group has nonetheless played a prominent role in rallying extremists from Europe and the United States into a common front against what they see as a globalized elite out of touch with their people and traditional values.
Murillo's new exhibition, Social Altitude, which is currently on view at the Aspen Art Museum, showcases five recent series that obliquely speak to this question, using obfuscation and movement to examine the complex conditions of a globalized world.
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - China will speed up reforms to help build a market-based, globalized business environment and break investment barriers for all kinds of companies, Premier Li Keqiang was quoted as saying during a Cabinet meeting on Wednesday.
"Two big, highly globalized economies are stepping up and showing they're going to continue liberalization — with or without the US," Caroline Freund, a senior fellow at the generally pro-free trade Peterson Institute for International Economics, told me.
Instead of hoping that firms eventually bring jobs back, the focus should be on developing a new type of worker with a skill set that takes advantage of the needs and reality of our increasingly globalized and networked economy.
That alone signals that it is a factor to be reckoned with as Austria, a generally prosperous country of 8.4 million, grapples to find its place in a globalized world, and in a Europe whose unity is under question.
Hillary Clinton's policies to improve the education and skills of the American working class will be far better for finding good jobs in the globalized economy than wishful thinking that anyone can take us back to America's glory years.
This factor is especially relevant in the increasingly globalized Dota world, where an imbalance in playstyle strength can even further disadvantage teams from parts of the world that are only just now getting chances to play on international stages.
In Brandenburg, as in Trump-world, there's plenty of political energy against globalized, mealy-mouthed, quinoa-loving, inequality-fostering, immigrant-embracing elites with their gender spectra, climate doomsdays, multilateral organizations, mainstream parties and smug no-alternatives views of existence.
I spoke with Reichert and Bognar by phone about how they built trust with workers and management, the cultural challenges they observed on the factory floor, and what they learned about the future of work in a globalized economy.
" National and international same-sex dance events not only attract a wide following but have also globalized the same-sex dance community, Mr. Yun said, adding, "This is why we all know each other, and it's a wonderful thing.
Hochberg persuasively argues for the dismissal of partisan ideologies in the context of trade deals as the United States seeks to solidify itself as a leader in the increasingly globalized and technologically advanced world in which we now operate.
The Dallas debate will address the nature of American interests in a globalized world, the role of values in U.S. foreign policy, and how the United States should focus its diplomatic military, and economic engagement in the 21st century.
"I think that our island being asked now to open up further to the outside in a globalized world, to establish its own position with wisdom and to build relations with other countries with sincerity," Akihito said.
It's the interconnectedness of this globalized world, worker safety at the packing house, my Latina high school classmate who asked for advice on which gun to buy in self-defense after a racist white man threatened her just after Trump's victory.
However, China is itself not globalized: it is increasingly hard for Western companies to do business there on equal terms with Chinese companies, and the flow of both money and ideas—out of and into China, respectively—is heavily curtailed.
His victory was built on fierce anger at the Washington establishment and political elites among his grass-roots voters, many of whom feel they are the victims of a globalized economy that has resulted in the loss of millions of jobs.
Yet the election results in Britain and the U.S. have underlined discontent with trade and globalization and a sense among many that the benefits of a globalized economy — that is, fewer barriers to trade and business — do not reach enough people.
The internet has globalized the music industry; UK groups like Little Mix have found their way into markets like the US in a way Girls Aloud never could have (they didn't even ever properly release an album in North America).
"We have been operating in silos for too long, and this is not good practice in today's globalized world," OPEC Secretary Mohammed Barkindo told reporters gathered in Houston for CERAWeek by IHS Markit, one of the year's biggest energy conferences.
But only when law enforcement tears the lid off a well-honed hacker operation—as they did today with the global Goznym malware crew—does the full picture of every interlinked step in that globalized crime network come into focus.
We can see now, again, how these complexities haven't died with the current generation of digital media and globalized communication systems, but are amplified with the role of museums in the midst of the relation between cameras and the public.
Speaking at the Reuters Global Investment 2018 Outlook Summit, Joachim Fels, Pimco's global economic advisor and a managing director, said the "neutral" level for interest rates has fallen as people live longer and the world becomes more globalized and technology savvy.
The book struck a nerve in broader society about widening gaps not just between economic haves and have-nots, but also the have-less feeling more like losers than at least aspiring winners in the globalized and technologically upended economy.
Thomas Hegghammer, a Norwegian terrorism expert who has advised the United States government, said the most important effect of Saudi proselytizing might have been to slow the evolution of Islam, blocking its natural accommodation to a diverse and globalized world.
Jacobs's spring collection, for example, was a globalized, turbaned bricolage of different eras and locales, eluding facile categorization — an eccentric ancient-modern tribe beyond identification, a vision of a nativeless world, with a single culture created from the flotsam of many.
You could see that worldview at work this week when Phoenix Suns owner Robert Sarver lashed out at the dang millennials on his underperforming team, a globalized gripe that boils down to banging on the side of a malfunctioning microwave.
Neo-fascist and white-supremacist groups have become more visible and assertive in Europe and the United States as a sense of alienation in a globalized world has taken hold, and as Middle Eastern and North African refugees have flooded Europe.
"In our current social climate, customer support is an integral part of a company's stability and growth that has embraced remote work to meet the demands of a globalized customer-base," said Dominik Blattner, founder of Kaizo, in a statement.
Even before the virus arrived in Europe, climate change, security concerns and complaints about unfair trade had intensified anxieties about global air travel and globalized industrial supply chains, as well as reinforcing doubts about the reliability of China as a partner.
"This attack (in New Zealand) underscores a trend that ADL has been tracking: that modern white supremacy is an international threat that knows no borders, being exported and globalized like never before," ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said in a press release.
The Chinese see the European Union as "an essential partner for the kind of multilateral, globalized world China wants to see, where each region looks after itself and comes together flexibly to meet global challenges, like climate," Mr. Niblett said.
Collecting works made in China between the Tiananmen Square protests in 103 and the Beijing Olympics in 210, the exhibition surveys the massive scope of changes in the country with the onset of the globalized age and its economic ascendance.
In a recent blog post, for instance, Harvard University's Dani Rodrik called the tariffs "small potatoes" in and of themselves, but fretted that in today's globalized world they could be more destructive than the sweeping restrictions imposed by President Ronald Reagan.
Elites have failed and they have not taken responsibility for their failures and the widening of inequality which seems to be driven by a globalized economy that has branded the system less and less legitimate in the eyes of the people.
Not long ago, he observed in an interview, some analysts envisioned high finance as a new engine of United States growth in a globalized economy, a step up "the value-added chain," like earlier moves from agriculture to manufacturing to high technology.
"The ringgit move has been rather sharp and this is partly due to the fact that it's one of the more globalized financial markets, especially the bond market," Trinh Nguyen, senior economist at asset manager Natixis, told CNBC's "Squawk Box " on Monday.
In fact, it's fair to say no one has had a more purposeful learning experience than a president dealing with a hostile, paranoid, and, at times, inept Congress—and an ever-changing post-2628/28500 globalized world -- over the last eight years.
Second, while populists are often critical of free market, globalized capitalism, their disapproval is more muted and selective than that of true fascists, and they advocate nowhere near the type of state intervention in the economy that Mussolini or Hitler, for example, did.
BTS is at the vanguard of a musical export that, contrary to fears of outsized Western bias in globalized culture, has not only remained true to itself, but has exerted considerable influence on contemporary Western pop with its maximalist sound and lyrical idiosyncrasy.
Analysts have tended to account for their successes in one of two ways: Many point to the economic woes of communities whose jobs and livelihoods are being damaged by a globalized economic system; others prefer to depict them simply as bigots and xenophobes.
Portraying NATO as being solely about European security -- as Trump did with his Germany comments -- omits why NATO was founded by the US. The alliance helped guarantee US dominance over the Soviet Union in the Cold War and in the globalized world afterward.
"In a globalized world where you belong to everywhere and nowhere, I hold on to my roots to know who I am, what I want to say and where am I heading," he said in a recent interview in his Mexico City studio.
GENEVA (Reuters) - China will build a "new model" of relations with the United States, President Xi Jinping said on Wednesday in a speech that portrayed China as the leader of a globalized world where only international cooperation could solve the big problems.
The high-toned explanation for these serial rebukes of the establishment by the base is that the former has failed to address the anxieties and disgruntlements of the latter: immigration and culture shocks; wage stagnation and the stresses of a globalized world.
We were moving from a white-majority, male-dominated country and manufacturing base to a multicultural, multilateral, globalized, P.C., new energy, new technology world, without taking account of the confusion and anger of older Americans who felt like strangers in a strange land.
It will include a possibility to grant emergency aid to businesses and countries affected through an EU Solidarity Fund - normally reserved for natural disasters - and another fund targeting communities suffering from job losses stemming from changes to trade patterns in a globalized world.
It exemplifies several features of 21st-century culture: the porous boundaries between the pop industrial complex and the amateur homespun; a globalized circulation of songs based as much on memes as on music; the popularity of unchallenging dance "challenges"; the hegemony of Drake.
"Today's widespread yearning for a strong leader, one with the will to take back popular control over liberalism's forms of bureaucratized government and globalized economy, comes after decades of liberal dismantling of cultural norms and political habits essential to self-governance," Deneen writes.
This precise combination is not recoverable: Communism is dead (I think), the religious landscape of the 1950s is even deader, and the humanistic history of midcentury was Eurocentric in a way that a more globalized and multiracial society could neither embrace nor sustain.
The release this month of millions of leaked documents known as the Paradise Papers establishes what leftists have argued for years: The United States-led push for free trade and a globalized economy has resulted in vast, unaccountable flows of untaxed offshore wealth.
The G7, a group of rich democracies that comprise Britain, France, Germany, the US, Italy, Japan and Canada, is exactly the kind of globalized gathering that Trump and his supporters abhor and is in itself almost a rebuke to his America First philosophy.
A month ago, few outside China may have heard of Wuhan, yet the city -- and a small wildlife market within it -- has managed to impact countries the world over; a sign of just how connected we all are in a globalized world.
The Fed said in its report that direct exposures of the largest U.S. banking firms to the troubled oil sector and to emerging market economies were "limited," although it acknowledged that wider stresses could result due to the globalized nature of modern finance.
It is going to take thoughtful, compassionate, servant leaders to both address the legitimate grievances of those who have been left behind by the changing economy — families, children, mothers and fathers — and lead the United States and the West into its globalized future.
A 35 percent tariff on Mexican imports, a 10 percent across-the-board tariff, or tariffs on specific U.S. companies that produce abroad would bring legal and political chaos to a globalized system that provides enormous benefits to people around the world.
These disputes over Black Peter, the European Union and Islam are, in fact, a mere symbol of a deeper resentment, against the cosmopolitan elites, who live in cities, form paternalistic, technocratic, compromising governments, and feel comfortable with international institutions and a globalized economy.
As a major driver of American commerce — generating 500,000 direct jobs and supporting more than 23 million in the United States, according to the American Association of Port Authorities — the American harbor services industry is no stranger to operating in a globalized economy.
The culture war over Easter comes after Britain triggered the start of its negotiations to leave the European Union and as it has become consumed by a debate over national identity while it struggles to find a place in a globalized world.
Born to different generations, the performers dance and sing the same traditional Aita songs, but perform vastly different tropes of femininity: one prescribed by religion and Moroccan tradition, the other molded on a globalized hybrid of consumerism, social media, and Middle Eastern culture.
If Trump succeeds in bringing American manufacturing back to the pre-globalization world, he will create a different type of economic inequality—an inequality based on some workers existing in a modern, globalized economy, while others exist in an economy trying to recreate the 1950s.
I learned that, 20 years ago, the globalized economic system discovered that food was perfect for financial speculation, and, since then, the price for wheat, soy, rice and other essential foods rose 500 percent in international markets — and condemned millions to eat less and less.
He also realized that when more money stayed inside these the local economies rather than being sucked away by organized crime or large scale, globalized businesses, the local economy might flourish and the risk of the societies there becoming yet again destabilized could potentially diminish.
We've arrived at a strange juncture in history, one that puts two world systems at odds: the first, an older root system that privileged "vertical" hierarchy, tradition, and national sovereignty; and the second, the "horizontal" globalized latticework of cybernetic information transfer and economic connectivity.
The globalized system that has transformed the world over the last generation is at risk of being completely dismantled amid aggressive turns toward protectionism, warned International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Christine Lagarde during a speech at the Asia Global Institute in Hong Kong Wednesday.
Discussing current crafting trends within the context of globalized mass production, she examines art—such as the unravelled-velvet "blacklets" of Angela Hennessy—that physically deconstructs fabric as a means of commenting on the meaning craft practices have for black women and other marginalized groups.
Workers in Britain, many of whom have seen a decline in their standard of living while the very rich in their country have become much richer, have turned their backs on the European Union and a globalized economy that is failing them and their children.
Trump's transformation from a billionaire Manhattan real-estate magnate who jetted around in a private Boeing, into an advocate for the crushed dreams of middle class Americans in the globalized economy was one of the most audacious and successful aspects of his presidential campaign.
His comments Thursday played into the enduring conceit in American politics that Paris and France epitomize effete, liberal, globalized elites that are the antithesis of the earthly, honest American values on which Trump built his appeal to the Midwestern voters who made him President.
Keen to distance himself from his late father Omar Bongo, who relied on oil and business deals with former colonial power France, Ali Bongo organized forums and galas promoting an "Emerging Gabon" that would govern well, engage with a globalized world and protect the environment.
Lauren Hook, the editor who handled Beijing Comrades for the Feminist Press, agreed that the text was not "something that we typically publish," but she said that the press found value in bringing forward an underground text that had expanded a globalized understanding of sexuality.
A collection of raw materials drawn from every corner of the globeThe iPhone takes advantage of a globalized supply chain that allows the company to draw inexpensive metals from every corner of the globe, assemble them in China, and ship them back around the world.
Curious cooks and diners alike travel often (particularly to the United States), seek out unfamiliar foods, and are prompting a new style of cooking that deviates from heavily Italian-influenced flavors and moves toward a globalized palate that mixes foreign dishes with locally available ingredients.
But the art at the Singapore Biennale isn't just about how the migrant cultures of Southeastern Asia mirror each other, it has to do with how the region reflects other areas of the globalized world as far as identity, societal norms, and cultural artifacts.
Covid-19's economic effects might outstrip the Spanish flu's, even if the health effects turn out to be milder, due to the economy's move toward in-person services, hospitality, and globalized supply chains, all of which are vulnerable to an outbreak like this.
But high-wage, middle-skilled jobs are vanishing, leaving a considerable cohort of people with stagnant incomes and burning resentments at the globalized city slickers who they think look down at them and have mastered the nonroutine skills required for a high-wage job today.
As the trade war heads into its third month, with the United States set to impose a new tranche of $27 billion in tariffs this fall, expanding the conflict fourfold, one truth is clearer than ever: In a globalized economy, nothing exists in isolation.
Instead, in their reduced form, the playlists tell a tidy if obvious story about just how globalized music has become, how quickly it evolves and borrows and moves, and how destructive this is to various forms of essentialism that might be applied to it.
Implicit in the "take back control" message employed by the "Brexiteers" were themes promoted by populist-right movements everywhere: a reassertion of national sovereignty coupled with the claim that only those who advocate this represent the true will of the people against a globalized elite.
May, a clergyman's daughter, has also stressed her desire to help the so-called JAMS — those "just about managing" to get by — and presented herself as being more in tune with the values of provincial England than with those of its globalized capital city, London.
The debt-to-GNI* ratio, which strips out some globalized activities that skew more traditional measures of economic activity, currently stands at around 100% and has been falling, mainly due to Ireland's economy outperforming every other EU member state for the last six years.
As a result of that and this kind of globalized awakening of people to the political process, the net result is going to be a lot of politically involved techies trying to use their skills to create new and better solutions for progressive campaigns.
The key point to realize is that in today's globalized corporate system, a lot of any country's corporate sector, our own very much included, is actually owned by foreigners, either directly because corporations here are foreign subsidiaries, or indirectly because foreigners own American stocks.
Inflation remains well below their two percent targets, stoking a debate about whether they are missing signals of a less than healthy economy and the need for a slower path of "rate normalization", or that they simply don't understand how inflation works in a globalized world.
"If you have (an economic) decoupling between the US and China in a globalized world, you want to have more allies on your side than on the other side, even if they're not formal allies but countries that are willing to work with you," Tsang said.
Deborah Nichols, an associate professor of human development and family studies at Purdue University, said the vast interest in YouTube reflects the "shift away from globalized interest to much more specialized or individualized interest," and that youth are likely to explore their interests in this way.
Latest election results Trump's supporters embraced his plainspoken style, assault on political correctness and vow to crush what he portrayed in the final days of his campaign as a corrupt, globalized elite -- epitomized by the Clintons -- that he claimed conspired to keep hard-working Americans down.
" As the press release explains, "Border Crossers invites the public to rethink the notion of borders in a globalized world […] This project envisions technology as a positive tool to establish dialogues beyond borders, to question borders, and to create a symbolic suspension and transcendence of borders.
Last year's report noted that new discoveries "move easily in the globalized economy, as do personnel with the scientific expertise to design and use them," and pointed out the possibility of using the cutting-edge gene-editing technique CRISPR to edit the DNA of human embryos.
Houellebecq's antipathy and cynicism here is not news for those who have been following his writing, and, as viewers might expect, the storyline Houellebecq suggests as the future for Europe is bleak and hopeless, on the brink of impending violent catastrophe caused by a hyper-globalized society.
Soil erosion, wheat variety, and shiny new tractor parts may be the sorts of topics reserved to the interests of farming industry publications, but as the world becomes more globalized, the influence of agriculture photography has become crucial in communicating environmental issues that affect us all.
Startup: Mimiro (formerly ComplyAdvantage)Cited by these VCs: Rob Moffat (Balderton), Index VenturesRelationship: InvestorsTotal raised:What it does: Mimiro is a machine-learning platform designed to analyze the risk of financial crime between institutions in a globalized, interconnected economy where "know your customer" compliance is tricky and arduous.
Letter From Europe LONDON — In these times of flux and challenge, when Britain's post-imperial place in a globalized world has rarely been so minutely scrutinized and the nation's very identity can appear to be little more than a work in progress, pity the poor parish priest.
The subjects of these photos, taken with a camera whose sensor was sharper than a human eye and collected in a book called "Neue Welt" ("New World"), included flat-screen monitors, the globalized uniform of sportswear, and the broader color spectrum of cities lit by L.E.D. lights.
Splitting Britain from the European Union may put a damper on future changes important to this globalized generation, like the move toward a single European digital market for movie and music streaming, and the end, by next year, of cellphone roaming charges when crossing European Union borders.
Publishing his first short story collection in 2000, he was part of a cohort of writers—Ha Jin, Jhumpa Lahiri, Zadie Smith, Joseph O'Neill, Teju Cole—whose work plumbed the no-man's-land between cultures, searching for a coherent sense of self in a globalized world.
In what may appear, on the surface, to be a contradiction, the more the world becomes globalized through commerce, the internet and ease of travel, the more people seem to feel the need to assert a particularist identity, whether it is ethnic, religious, cultural or other.
But this collection of Pacific archipelagos is far closer to Asia than Europe, and roulotte menus reflect the mashup of cultures that have shaped the cuisine of the islands: Chinese stir-fries and Thai-style curries, Polynesian fresh and cured fish dishes, globalized pizza, and French classics.
As the 1988 Seoul Olympics helped transform South Korea from a dictatorship to a globalized economy, South Korean officials hope one part of the agreement — a joint bid to bring the 2032 Games to the peninsula — would improve inter-Korean ties and encourage North Korea to denuclearize.
HATE The Rising Tide of Anti-Semitism in France (and What It Means for Us) By Marc Weitzmann Anti-Semitism is rising throughout the Western world, a byproduct of the nationalist, nativist wave that has targeted cosmopolitan, globalized elites as culprits for growing inequality and cultural alienation.
Nonetheless, it takes only a quick glance at the menus of many cocktail bars, where drinks made from gin and whiskey vastly outnumber those made from cachaça, to understand how far the native spirit has to go before it reaches the prominence of its globalized brethren.
Though Japanese officials have moved quickly to respond to this case, it has renewed concern about just how easy it could be for one patient who is unwittingly carrying the virus to pass it on in an increasingly globalized world where millions of people travel at ease.
And that the E.U., NATO, the Trans-Pacific Partnership and Nafta are just outdated pillars of a global, oppressive "administrative state" that needs deconstructing — rather than pillars of a liberal democratic order that have globalized our values and our rules and our standards to our great benefit.
Europe, in its northern and southern edges, offers possibilities, in other words, but the globalized world ruins them with women who appear in one of only two available forms, as sirens who destroy the potential romantic relationships, or as furies, like Yuzu, who emphasize the destruction.
The findings affirm predictions from trade economists across the political spectrum who have warned that Trump's tariffs were more likely to damage the US economy than help it — particularly in a globalized economy, where any major departure from free trade norms comes with an array of costs.
Even as the world's second-largest economy has emerged as an advocate for free trade, China's vision for a globalized order is actually "much more narrow" than what the world is currently used to, according to Tom Rafferty, regional manager for China at the Economist Intelligence Unit.
If these candidates have traction, it's because over the last two decades our political elites, themselves almost entirely white, have decided, for different reasons, that the white middle class has no role to play in the multicultural, globalized future they envision, a future that they believe they will run.
"  To sum up his ultimate thoughts on the end result of this globalized movement, Cohen pointed me to the German Jewish philosopher Walter Benjamin's 1968 book Illuminations, in which he writes: "Fascism sees its salvation in giving these masses not their right, but instead a chance to express themselves.
And although Antoine realizes that it may be a long time before France changes its citizenship requirement for presidents, he thinks it's important to at least put forth the idea of a more globalized government — particularly given the nationalist, inward-looking rhetoric that has characterized Le Pen's campaign.
In this fast-track connected globalized society we have going on, I feel that "nerd" culture has almost been entirely obliterated—what have you observed happening to these spaces for niche fandom, even outside of places like hardcore, that used to feel private, like our own secret sanctuary?
Happily we've avoided this parade of horribles, at least for now – instead of walking blindly down a path toward a balkanized network where even friendly nations are at each other's metaphorical digital throats, the Second Circuit has put us on a path toward acceptance of a globalized borderless world.
Footage of North Koreans cheering as they watched the news announced at noon local time Wednesday was like a scene out of an old Cold War movie, so anachronistic in this globalized era that the only response that makes any sense is to think the North Koreans are crazy.
"We do live in a globalized marketplace, and the fact that we ship food to China and Japan and ship automobiles back to the United States is part of the globalization of our marketplace," said Daniel Putnam, an alfalfa and forage specialist with the University of California-Davis.
The gathering in Hamburg will probably go down in history, not for nuts-and-bolts policy-making, but rather as a watershed moment when the world's emerging and middle-weight powers took a decisive step out from the shadow of the United States and toward a globalized world order.
The far-right populism and talk of bigoted xenophobia from many non-big-city whites, who have been left behind by globalized capitalism, by the economic policies of Western governments and by the growing cosmopolitanism of urbanites and the young, has become a force in almost every Western democracy.
We have globalized trade and manufacturing, and we have introduced robots and artificial intelligence systems, far faster than we have designed the social safety nets, trade surge protectors and educational advancement options that would allow people caught in this transition to have the time, space and tools to thrive.
Perhaps that is because the truth is so very inconvenient: The source of much of the anger is the very social system that they have created these last 252 years — globalized, neoliberal and destructive of the social contract between governments and peoples on which the political center rests.
Cuan O Seireadain, the archivist of Conradh na Gaeilge, sees a similar dynamic at play among young people today, both in Ireland and in the diaspora, who have grown up "in a globalized world" and in the years since the end of the armed conflict in Northern Ireland.
The exploitation works on several fronts — economically, by hypertaxation and the design of a globalized economy dependent on exports and services in place of manufacturing; culturally, by the managed destruction of Middle American norms and institutions; and politically, by the regimentation of Middle Americans under the federal leviathan.
This is especially true with the generation whose entire lives correspond with the Putin era, like these students, who grew up on the internet and find it easier to relate to the YouTube videos created by and for a globalized world rather than Soviet dogmas of right and wrong.
While mystery writers like Mr. Walker might seem far afield for a wine critic, many of the issues that consume Bruno in the books struck me as being parallel to questions the wine trade deals with daily: Can local traditions be cherished and protected in an increasingly globalized business?
At the same time that Trump's cast his campaign and Brexit as two expressions of a transnational populist revolt among globalized, deracinated elites, he's dialing back his boldest promises to restrict immigration into the US — the issue on which both he and the Leave campaign really gained traction.
This referendum soon revealed a country divided between traditionalists in rural areas and market towns harking back to a simpler life in earlier days, an emerging "Stop the world, I want to get off" movement and the freewheeling youngsters in globalized big cities unbothered by a faster-moving life and multiculturalism.
" Zarif said the ban was a departure from previous US policy that took issue with the government but not the Iranian people, and added that Iranians were among the most successful immigrants to the US. "They (the US) don't understand in a globalized world you cannot contain threats to one locality.
But as guarantors of public order and personal liberty, as sources of meaning and memory and solidarity, as engines of common purpose in the service of the common good, successful nation-states offer something that few of the transnational institutions or organizations bestriding our globalized world have been able to supply.
His convention message is tailored for a country grappling with mounting anxiety over a rash of terror attacks at home and abroad, and a feeling that something is badly wrong after a spate of shootings of police officers, rising racial tensions and a globalized economy that has left many Americans behind.
It was a game that steered music trends starting in the hodgepodge early 22005s, thus enabling the hybrid cross-pollination of one genre into countless subgenres (as was the case with trance and its spinoff, EDM), and finally landing, albeit for purely capitalistic motives, in the great harbor of globalized music.
Special Report: Global Trends PARIS — "Free trade" have become dirty words in the United States and much of Europe, seen as the source of a host of ills traced to the globalized marketplace, from the loss of manufacturing jobs to the rise of immigration to the threat of dubious food imports.
This political strategy, with troubling successes to its name, has been updated and rescaled for our globalized age, in which the fault lines are those of bordered nationality: There will be no protection offered from polluters or health insurance companies, but the threat of Muslims and Mexicans will be met.
With the globalized world going into partial or complete lock down over the Covid-19 pandemic, startups in the travel sector are facing a huge stress test and immediate disruption to business as usual as public health concern spirals and entire populations are encouraged or even forced not to travel.
It's a convenient assumption that Trump's brand of bigotry primarily appealed to uneducated whites living in racially segregated rural areas -- swaths of post-industrial sections of the Midwest that became casualties of the shift from smokestack and factory labor to a globalized economy that values highly educated engineers more than steel workers.
The US and other developed country partners have an important role to play in this transformation by rethinking their own approach to development assistance to focus more on nurturing African entrepreneurship, which will allow local firms to play a more productive role in globalized value chains and contributing to economic and social development.
How, in the capital of one of the world's great economies -- a city that even more than New York encapsulates all that's good about society in our globalized and networked world -- can people burn to death in a way that would have been familiar to Londoners of the 17th and 18th centuries?
Family policies that bring the US in line with most other advanced countries, and even many emerging ones, would help too: Paid parental leave and more flexible work schedules can reduce the squeeze on families and help them cope with the growing demands of raising children in our increasingly complex and globalized world.
Three months after the British public delivered a shattering blow to the European Union by opting to leave the bloc, Juncker and leaders of the other EU states are working to restore trust in an institution which insurgent eurosceptics say is out of touch and in the pockets of big, globalized corporations.
"The U.K.'s a very globalized economy, large exporter, and also large foreign direct investment in the U.K. And so swings in global growth have a big effect on the U.K. If you were to get a retreat from freer global trade that also could affect the U.K. growth outlook," Saunders told CNBC.
The triumph of the book is its passionate and scrupulously detailed picture of Lagos—the roadside bukas that serve hot stew on steel plates, the arduous choreography of the traffic, and the glittering shopping malls to which Furo/Frank gravitates, because all races mix there in a neutral atmosphere of globalized wealth.
The town is so associated with perfume, its history and the skill involved in making it, that industry locals have applied for a place on Unesco's Intangible Cultural Heritage list, an inventory of traditions that rely on a wealth of transmittable knowledge that could be considered fragile in an increasingly globalized world.
If 2017's transfer fee announced Neymar to the masses and made him a famous figure beyond the sporting world, 2018 is set up as the year that the Brazilian finally bookmarks an era where the sport has globalized and expanded in a way even the optimists of 20183 years ago could not have imagined.
Because history has shown us over and over again that only by avoiding our knee-jerk instinct at isolated self-protectionism and instead leaning into the shared risk that we all in fact have in a globalized society, can we more quickly ameliorate the effects of pathogens before they fester and emerge in new outbreaks.
It is of a club trying to remain identifiably local in a fully globalized sport — of attempting to thread the needle between Manchester United and Arsenal (owned by profit-maximizing Americans increasingly reviled by their own fans) or Manchester City and Chelsea (owned by foreign oil money) while still competing financially and on the field.
We now have multiple case studies, European and American, of how in a globalized and internet-connected world migration can suddenly cascade, how easily a perceived open door can lead to a dramatic rush to enter — and then how quickly the most generous societies can find themselves retreating to enforcement and lurching toward populism.
Effective and muscular policies focused on reversing the devastation that globalized trade, automation and competition with foreign workers have inflicted on middle and lower income Americans are essential to encourage defecting whites to return to Democratic ranks — and they are also crucial for reviving Election Day enthusiasm among the nation's growing population of minority voters.
When, some years later, Florent moves to Normandy to work for an agricultural organization called DRAF—the Regional Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry—he finds that Aymeric has become a hardworking family man, struggling with the economics of small-scale farming in a globalized world but trying to make a valiant go of it.
The irony is that Julian would probably agree with the most uncompromising anti-racist activists on at least one point: Before Trump, the entire structure of our politics and media had embraced the idea that talk about racial conflict just came from dinosaurs who hardly had a place in the new globalized rainbow America.
Both the United States under the Democrat president Bill Clinton and Germany under the SPD's Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, in the 1990s and after, adopted elements of British New Labour's "Third Way," essentially a new form of adaptation to capital in its more globalized form, but with relatively high public spending and liberal social policies as part of the bargain.
But it gave full voice to sentiments that are widely held on both sides of the Atlantic — sentiments rooted in the broken promises of both right and left, in 15 years of economic disappointment and military quagmire, in the percolating threat of globalized jihad, in an ever-more-balkanized culture governed by an ever-more-insulated elite.
"As the economy becomes more globalized and businesses realize the need for translation and interpreting to market their products and services, the opportunities for people with advanced language skills will continue to grow sharply," said David Rumsey, president of the ATA, adding that the association predicts the largest growth is within contracted positions, giving workers and companies more flexibility.
Read more: Top Wall Street investors say they're struggling to find big, bullish stock-market bets to make — and their paralysis might signal a meltdown is loomingEverything is now globalized The gulf between the US and the rest of the world has also convinced stateside investors with several billions in assets that it is time to hunker down.
Echoing longstanding complaints from blue-collar workers that they have become replaceable cogs in a globalized economic machine, the effort reflects a growing view among more highly educated employees in recent decades that they, too, are at the mercy of faceless organizations and are not being treated like professionals and aspiring professionals whose opinions are worthy of respect.
Describing himself as, "educated in the centers of power, globalized in the margins of the world," Sohonie spent some years working for German archive label, Analog Africa, where he acted as as lead researcher, writer, and editor for the liner notes of multiple compilations, all of which aimed to tell as true a cultural story as possible.
For the show to become a boutique affair for American liberals that's sponsored by a globalized superhero content provider is not, I think, a happy change — and for all that it seems overdetermined and inevitable, it's a transformation that filmmakers and moviegoers and academy members, in all their various ways, should still make an effort to resist.
Mr. Wilders and other far-right leaders have successfully tapped in to a sense of lost identity across Europe that has been heightened by the arrival of waves of migrants, the effects of a globalized and digitized economy and perceptions that attempts are being made by institutions like the European Union to impose uniformity on diverse European cultures.
San Pedro Fish Market1190 Nagoya Way, San Pedro, CA 64003 The best way to witness the CO2-belching realities of giant-scale globalized trade is to head down to San Pedro's Fish Market for a huge pile of spicy seafood and bread while you stare at enormous container ships moving their payloads in and out of the Port of Los Angeles.
San Pedro Fish Market1190 Nagoya Way, San Pedro, CA 90731 The best way to witness the CO2-belching realities of giant-scale globalized trade is to head down to San Pedro's Fish Market for a huge pile of spicy seafood and bread while you stare at enormous container ships moving their payloads in and out of the Port of Los Angeles.
Orbán gleefully took up the charge, embracing the blood-and-soil rhetoric of Hungarian nationalism and laying into Jewish philanthropist George Soros as the symbol of all things globalized and sinister—even though he had worked for Soros's Open Society Foundation in the 1980s, back when he still had long hair, claimed he didn't believe in God, and spoke out against nationalist bigotries.
In his remarkable book, The Killing Season: A History of the Indonesian Massacres, 1965-66, Geoffrey Robinson cites a wide range of countries, including Argentina, Bosnia, Cambodia, Chile, Germany, Japan, Rwanda, and South Africa, that had to confront and reckon with their own horrifying pasts of strongman impunity, untrammeled political violence, and exploitation at the hands of a globalized moneyed oligarchy.
The story began like a fairy tale offered up to the rest of the planet: the giddy opening of infinite spaces and labyrinths of intelligence; the vertiginous feeling of having all the known world within one's grasp; the joy, for those living at the edges in remote villages or peripheral nations, of gaining access to globalized methods of socialization and personal growth.
Well, it's a fact of life that not everyone is built for the dangerous and difficult business of "in extremis" leadership and simply may not be equipped to counter the very real threat of evil that stubbornly exists in our midst — no matter how much you pretend it doesn't because it resists your view of a globalized world of open borders.
"In fact, they are trying to say they are more globalized than people realize, they are now completely locked into the international system, which is why in terms of supply chains, in terms of production, manufacturing, exports and so on, there's no way that the Chinese can escape their responsibilities for whatever is happening in China — they understand that," said Wang.
There are a number of factors that can be pointed to in an effort to explain this trend, from cheap labor overseas affecting supply and demand to globalized corporate competition and an economy weakened by the Great Recession and unexpectedly high inflation, but the bottom line is that this level of wage stagnation reflects a significant lack of opportunity for economic advancement for the average American worker.
A part of recent street art which could be called global street art or neo-muralism is used nowadays by advertisers as an instrument of power... It became a consensual form of globalized culture which mostly goes against the interest of local communities and in particular writers or artists who get in trouble for expressing themselves without permission or cannot even get permission to intervene.
"One of the key benefits of the globalized world we live in is there is likely to be someone you can learn from when it comes to moving," John Goddard, head of HSBC Expat, told CNBC Make It. "People have been crossing borders for work for decades, and they can be a valuable source of insight and knowledge to anyone looking to make the move today."
"For sure, the priorities are immigration, the control of borders, of Europe, (the issue of) cultural identities and the understanding of how the Italian society should move ahead in a globalized world," Terzi di Sant'Agata said, following the Italian election result which pointed to a hung parliament where no one party or coalition gained a majority of the vote that would allow it to govern alone.
The debate over whether the rise of right-wing populism is driven by cultural anxiety, racism, ethnocentricity or economic deprivation may "be somewhat artificial," Norris and Inglehart contend because interactive processes may possibly link these factors, if structural changes in the work force and social trends in globalized markets heighten economic insecurity, and if this, in turn, stimulates a negative backlash among traditionalists toward cultural shifts.
Featuring artist interventions and discussions with thinkers, curators, and artists from the United States, Europe, and South Asia, the interdisciplinary festival is curated by historian Sugata Ray and takes the exhibition John Lockwood Kipling: Arts & Crafts in the Punjab and London as a starting point to reflect on how visual arts, performative practices, and literary cultures are shaping South Asia's identity in a globalized world.
World Trade Organization, Global Value Chain Development Report, "Technological Innovation, Supply Chain Trade, and Workers in a Globalized World", 22017 DHL Global Connectedness Index, The State of Globalisation in a Fragile World, 2018 "The 'Slobalisation' Playbook", Morgan Stanley, 2019 OECD, "Trade Policy Implications of Global Value Chains, 2018 OECD, "The Changing Nature of International Production", 2018 IMF Working Paper, "Global Value Chains: What are the Benefits and Why Do Countries Participate?
In the crassness of the writing, it has often been argued, there is actually a critique, an understanding—reinforced by frequent narratorial asides as well as writerly exegeses in interviews and essays—that this desiccated landscape of human relationships is what one gets when the 1960s assault on heterosexual monogamy arrives, through the wasteland of the 1980s, at the internet-driven, globalized, and consumerist approach to life of recent decades.
We're being asked to believe the companies who globalized factory faming will now guide society towards less cruelty to animals and a more "sustainable" food system, without a lot of clarity about what that food system will actually look like for farmers and workers at a massive scale in the long term, and without any promises to reduce the animal cruelty practiced by these same companies in the short term.
Trump is seemingly a climate-change denier, Macron fully embraces the global environmental pact that Trump exited with fanfare; Trump wants bilateral trade pacts and supported Britain's exit from the European Union, Macron believes deeply that his nation's prosperity is tied to a globalized economic structure; Trump has been dismissive of the plight of Middle East refugees, Macron believes Europe and the world needs to do its best in the face of a humanitarian crisis.
All of these problems are at their worst in the schools and districts serving the greatest concentrations of students of color and those from families living in poverty, but almost no schools are immune from the acute shortages of special education teachers, as well as teachers of math, science and computer science, bilingual education, and world languages -- all essential areas of learning for a nation that would like to compete in the globalized knowledge economy.
It's hard to decide which truth actually stings worse, that white evangelicals sold out Christian values for a couple of seats on the Supreme Court, or the grim prospect that our rigid Christian upbringing, with all its trauma and guilt, was nothing but a lie; it was never about the Good News at all, but white nationalism maintaining power through slavery and Jim Crow and now against a color-shifting, globalized society.
The background: Over the past generation, England's Premier League has become the world's most globalized sports league, and two of the top six clubs are owned by people close to Putin: one is Alisher Usmanov, a partial owner of Arsenal; the other is Chelsea's Roman Abramovich, who, after acquiring the team in full in 2003, spent lavishly from his Russian energy fortune to make Chelsea a world-class contender while laundering his reputation.
The world is globalized, but it's not so connected that changes of this nature will happen in the same way across the planet.. This was all a long way of explaining that even if by some act of nature all humans woke up tomorrow and everyone spoke the exact same language, that language would change and evolve and eventually we would have the same situation we have now, which is a whole lot of languages.
There is nothing in Aymeric that captures the amorphous mix of the unemployed, semi-employed, caregivers, pensioners, youth, and small entrepreneurs who characterize the gilets jaunes movement, and whose loathing is directed not just at the bureaucracy but at a globalized, urban French elite, a capitalist-technocratic class exemplified for them by Bernard Arnault, billionaire owner of Louis Vuitton and assorted Veblen goods, as well as the smooth-talking banker-turned-president Emmanuel Macron.
I think the emptiness produced by watching a rigged globalized system deliver homogenization on a massive scale — one way to think, one way to work, one way to conceive of profit, one way to impose a brand, one way to (not) drink at lunch, one way to eat at your desk, one way to be healthy, one way to deliver a gentrified urban neighborhood — has been underestimated as a source of disruptive fury.
Now it is true that geopolitics complicates everything and something that I think would be very detrimental to the world is if we were to move from the present state where we have seen the globalization process be quite you know holistic in the world to a sort of bifurcation of globalization where you have some countries and companies doing more business in operating in sort of the half of the world, which is globalized along the western lines.
TODAY'S QUOTE "At the present rate of change, it will take nearly a century to achieve parity, a timeline we simply cannot accept in today's globalized world ..." The World Economic Forum's annual Global Gender Gap Report, which predicts that most of us won't live to see gender equality achieved worldwide TODAY'S NUMBER $425 million That's how much Congress is allocating for election security upgrades ahead of the 2020 races, according to two sources familiar with the deal.
Mr. Cameron argues that a British exit, or "Brexit," would only provide an "illusion of sovereignty" that Britain is dependent on its neighbors and that in a dangerous, globalized world, "we will be safer, we will be stronger, we will be better off inside the E.U." Britain's island and imperial history, say critics of the campaign to leave the union, has left proponents of an exit with an inflated view of Britain's importance in the world and ability to go it alone.

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