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4 Sentences With "given an idea of"

How to use given an idea of in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "given an idea of" and check conjugation/comparative form for "given an idea of". Mastering all the usages of "given an idea of" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Although no sketches or historic descriptions of the fort are available, observation of the ruins has given an idea of the structure. It was rectangular, composed of 10 feet high rubble stone walls provided with an arch-shaped brick gate for the guards to pass in and out.
In their review of Crime novels (revised edn 1989), the US writers Barzun and Taylor comment that the novel is "Not near the top of her form, but remarkable as a treatment of the newly wedded and bedded pair of eccentrics ... with Bunter in the offing and three local characters, chiefly comic. Peter's mother – Dowager Duchess of Denver – Peter's sister, John Donne, a case of vintage port, and the handling of "corroded sut" provide plenty of garnishing for an indifferent murder, even if we weren't also given an idea of Lord Peter's sexual tastes and powers under trying circumstances."Barzun, Jacques and Taylor, Wendell Hertig. A Catalogue of Crime.
No contemporary statues of Zenobia have been found in Palmyra or elsewhere, only inscriptions on statues bases survive, indicating that a statue of the queen once stood in the place; most known representations of Zenobia are the idealized portraits of her found on her coins. Palmyrene sculptures were normally impersonal, unlike Greek and Roman ones: a statue of Zenobia would have given an idea of her general style in dress and jewelry but would not have revealed her true appearance. British scholar William Wright visited Palmyra toward the end of the nineteenth century in a vain search for a sculpture of the queen. In addition to archaeological evidence, Zenobia's life was recorded in different ancient sources but many are flawed or fabricated; the Augustan History, a late-Roman collection of biographies, is the most notable (albeit unreliable) source for the era.
Raj Mistry or Raj Mistri is a term used in the Indian sub-continent which refers to those who are master craftsmen, expert masons, foremen, and construction supervisors Indian engineering, Volume 36, Year 1905 by Patrick Doyle Pakistan labour gazette , Volume 15Raj Misrty Alexander's East India and colonial magazine, Volume 10 or a person who has mastered his skill in field of construction and also has a knowledge of Vastu and hence a vastukar.Vedic architecture and art of living by B. B. Puri A Vastukar is a master builder - A Raj Mistry Applied vastu shastra in modern architecture, 1997. When an individual wants a house or building to be constructed, a Raj Mistry is contacted, given an idea of the size and numbers of rooms wanted, and other details such as doors, windows, height and is entrusted with this information. A Rajmistri (master mason) works with an assistant (jogali), who is less skilled and may achieve the status of raj mistri in due time.

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