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25 Sentences With "give off light"

How to use give off light in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "give off light" and check conjugation/comparative form for "give off light". Mastering all the usages of "give off light" from sentence examples published by news publications.

She's not yet fully a star; she doesn't invariably give off light.
These wing fragments, in their patterned flights, seem to both give off light and parry or reflect it.
But it also causes the particles in the ionosphere to heat up and give off light — what's known as airglow.
Lighting Science has produced a line of biological bulbs that give off light meant to complement the circadian rhythm, not disrupt it.
Gravitational waves offer ways to study objects that don't give off light — which could mean more research institutions might invest in ways to detect them.
Many of the mobile lights set up in NYCHA housing, including those at the Riis Houses are 1250-watt Allmand Night-Lite Pro II models, which give off light with a color temperature of 3954K.
So yeah, it is a definite possibility...we know organisms that live in the eyes of certain fishes that are very deep beneath the surface of the ocean are bioluminescent and they [give off light] in the visible wavelength range.
Instead of trying to look directly at something like a black hole that doesn't give off light, astronomers can now piece apart the "chirps" of gravitational waves to learn more about the masses, sizes and lives of the objects that created them.
In the 1970s, Rubin and other astronomers found that invisible mass was responsible for the stars' movement, determining that each spiral galaxy has a halo of dark matter, or material that doesn't give off light and goes beyond what one can see in the galaxy, according to Carnegie.
The Norse light god Baldr A light deity is a god or goddess in mythology associated with light and/or day. Since stars give off light, star deities can also be included here. The following is a list of light deities in various mythologies.
In his book De Phenomenis in Orbe Lunae (published in Venice in 1612) he claimed that the untreated stone (known as "lapis solaris" and shown to him by Galileo Galilei) was unable to give off light only after calcination. We now know that the "Bolognian Stone" was a piece of barite (barium sulphate). The crater Lagalla on the Moon is named after him.
At very low energies, electrons from the gun will strike the phosphor and nothing will happen. As the energy is increased, it will reach a critical point, V_{cr1}, that will activate the phosphor and cause it to give off light. As the voltage increases beyond the brightness of the spot will increase. This allows the CRT to display images with varying intensity, like a television image.
In Buddhist scriptures, Devas (天部 tenbu) are mortal angels. The five signs of the decay of an angel are: #The flowery crown withers, #Sweat pours from the armpits, #The robe is soiled, #They lose self-awareness, or become dissatisfied with their station, and #The body becomes fetid or ceases to give off light, or the eyelids tremble. Tōru, whose purity lies only in his malicious self-satisfaction, is a degenerate parody of the idealised Kiyoaki.
In the 20th century, coupled oscillators took on great practical importance because of two discoveries: lasers, in which different atoms give off light waves that oscillate in unison, and superconductors, in which pairs of electrons oscillate in synchrony, allowing electricity to flow with almost no resistance. Coupled oscillators are even more ubiquitous in nature, showing up, for example, in the synchronized flashing of fireflies and chirping of crickets, and in the pacemaker cells that regulate heartbeats.
In particular, gravitational lensing provides one way to measure the distribution of dark matter, which does not give off light and can be observed only by its gravitational effects. One particularly interesting application are large-scale observations, where the lensing masses are spread out over a significant fraction of the observable universe, and can be used to obtain information about the large-scale properties and evolution of our cosmos.Introductions to gravitational lensing and its applications can be found on the webpages and .
Electrons collide with and ionize noble gas atoms inside the bulb surrounding the filament to form a plasma by the process of impact ionization. As a result of avalanche ionization, the conductivity of the ionized gas rapidly rises, allowing higher currents to flow through the lamp. The fill gas helps determine the electrical characteristics of the lamp, but does not give off light itself. The fill gas effectively increases the distance that electrons travel through the tube, which allows an electron a greater chance of interacting with a mercury atom.
Tolkien stated that the light from the Two Trees of Valinor alternately waxed and waned, overlapping by an hour. Each Tree, in turn, would give off light for seven hours (waxing to full brightness and then slowly waning again), with the ends of their cycles overlapping so that at one hour each of "dawn" and "dusk" soft gold and silver light would be given off together. In total, therefore, one "day" of first silver then gold light lasted twelve hours. Countless numbers of these "days" had passed by when Melkor reappeared.
Because her magical tutoring under Queen Achren was incomplete, her ability to perform magic is severely hindered, though she retains and displays certain inborn abilities throughout the series. Physically, Eilonwy is described as blue-eyed, with red-gold hair (though the film The Black Cauldron depicts her as a blonde). She has a good heart, but is very determined to have her own way and quarrels frequently with Taran, although the quarrels do not last long. She is never without her "bauble" – a magical ball that she can make give off light, which sometimes shows things not visible under ordinary lights.
Both types of paints have extensive application where artistic lighting effects are desired, particularly in "black box" entertainments and environments such as theaters, bars, shrines, etc. The effective wattage needed to light larger empty spaces increases exponentially, with narrow-band light such as UV wavelengths being rapidly scattered in outdoor environments. The fluorescent type of luminescence is different from the natural bioluminescence of bacteria, insects and fish such as the case of the firefly. Bio-luminescent material does not require illumination by any radiation to give off light, the light is generated from internal chemical energy in the organism (via the chemistry of Luciferin).
Chappelle developed a method using two chemicals, luciferase and luciferin, from fireflies which give off light when mixed with ATP (adenosine triphosphate), an energy storage compound found in all living cells, to detect the presence of ATP. This method for ATP detection can be used to detect life on other planets as well as microbiological organisms. Chappelle also proved that the number of bacteria in water can be measured by the amount of light given off by that bacteria. This discovery allowed scientists and doctors to detect small amounts of bacteria in places such as urine, in order to detect an onset of a bacterial infection.
Production of this field requires kilovolt potentials, but is a constant field requiring no switching, so the electronics that produce it are quite simple. Each emitter is aligned behind a colored phosphor dot, and the accelerated electrons strike the dot and cause it to give off light in a fashion identical to a conventional CRT. Since each dot on the screen is lit by a single emitter, there is no need to steer or direct the beam as there is in an CRT. The quantum tunneling effect which emits electrons across the slits is highly non-linear, and the emission process tends to be fully on or off for any given voltage.
It has spring clips, which press against the walls of the tube, making contact with the aquadag coating so it also carries this high positive voltage. The electron beam from the electron gun in the neck of the tube is accelerated by the high voltage on the anode and passes through it to strike the screen. The aquadag coating has two functions: it maintains a uniform electric field inside the tube near the screen, so the electron beam remains collimated and is not distorted by external fields, and it collects the electrons after they have hit the screen, serving as the return path for the cathode current. When the electron beam hits the screen, in addition to causing the fluorescent phosphor coating to give off light, it also knocks other electrons out of the surface.
This game features an innovative new spell system based partially on Ursula K. Le Guin's Earthsea series and partially Dungeons and Dragons' Vancian spell system, where spells must be prepared through "memorization" before being cast. As in the Earthsea series, each spell is represented by some nonsense "magic word" which is treated as a verb by the game's text parser, so that one can use the FROTZ spell (which causes objects to glow and give off light) by typing >FROTZ BOOK, in exactly the same way as one might type >PICK UP BOOK or >READ BOOK. There are references scattered throughout Enchanter's documentation and gameplay comparing the use of spells by mages to the use of command line interfaces by programmers, and comparing mages to hackers in general. Many of the spell names, such as FROTZ and GNUSTO, are taken from MIT hacker slang of the time; others are various pop cultural references or anagrams.
Other forms, which can only be used once found in-game, are the "energy form", in which Naija can shoot projectiles to attack enemy creatures, "beast form", which allows Naija to swim faster through the water and eat small fish to restore health, and "nature form", in which Naija can shoot seeds that produce flowers and spiky plants that can harm other creatures. In this form, Naija is not harmed by thorns on any plants. The player can also learn the "sun form", which allows Naija to give off light in dark regions, "spirit form", which allows the player to move to specific locations marked by blue crystals without time passing, "fish form", where Naija turns into a small, fast fish, and "dual form", found at the end of the game, which allows Naija and another character named Li who is met late in the game's plot to merge, with actions taken by one affecting the other. While exploring the world, Naija can collect various ingredients from interaction with plants and animals, mainly by combating her foes.
Sankyō Kanda, a biologist of luminescent animals, found phosphorus in 1696, and as he knew that human bodies also had this phosphorus, in Japan, the character 燐 was applied to it, and thus it can be guessed that it was mixed in with the hint from China about the relation between onibi and phosphorus. In other words, it could be surmised that when corpses decay, the phosphorus in phosphoric acid would give off light. In this way, many of the onibi would be explained, but there also remain many testimonies that do not match with the theory that of illumination from phosphorus. After that, there is a theory that it is not phosphorus itself, but rather the spontaneous combustion of phosphine, or the theory that it is burning methane produced from the decay of the corpse, and also a theory that hydrogen sulfide is produced from the decay and becomes the source of the onibi, and also ones that would be defined in modern science as a type of plasma.

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