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23 Sentences With "gets shorter"

How to use gets shorter in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "gets shorter" and check conjugation/comparative form for "gets shorter". Mastering all the usages of "gets shorter" from sentence examples published by news publications.

I don't rush through a list of life and career tasks that never gets shorter.
The pressure on the CEO to grow the business goes up and the timeline gets shorter.
If you jack up the brightness or read more hours a day, battery life gets shorter, of course.
When it gets shorter, you actually don't get enough time diversity in the portfolio and it starts to inhibit you.
Arya Stark has a long kill list that gets shorter and shorter as she becomes a more skilled assassin as the seasons go on.
This year, I'm repeating the tradition in hopes that the list of lows gets shorter and the list of highs gets longer over time.
The runtime of the shot gets shorter, and the size of the espresso goes down a bit, but it also doesn't overextract negative flavors.
But we're in a whole new world and the shelf life for everything gets shorter by the day—stuff that is fun inevitably becomes terrible.
"The key thing to get across is: The duration to do these jobs gets shorter and shorter the more you do it," Mr. Wild said.
When a gravitational wave passes by, the stretching and squashing of space causes these arms alternately to lengthen and shrink, one getting longer while the other gets shorter and then vice versa.
It might play two or three times and then it gets shorter and I realize it's only the first two pages, or the first two lines of the tune and eventually just two or three notes again.
Players are to finish a 20-metre leg before the sound of the beep; they continue to run back and forth as the time in between each beep gets shorter. The test starts at level 1 and finishes at level 21. When a person fails to make the line before the beep, they no longer are allowed to continue.
The band gets thicker, and this would increase its volume. But it also gets shorter in circumference, and this would decrease its volume. The two effects exactly cancel each other out. In the extreme case of the smallest possible sphere, the cylinder vanishes (its radius becomes zero) and the height h equals the diameter of the sphere.
Note that the + sign occurs for particle's corotation with respect to the rotation of the central body, whereas the − sign is for counter-rotation. That is, if the satellite orbits in the same direction as the planet spins, it takes more time to make a full orbit, whereas if it moves oppositely with respect to the planet's rotation its orbital period gets shorter.
Hummel and Waddington, 2001, found that a slow release nitrogen fertilizer application could provide nitrogen over a long duration and keep nitrogen leaching and volatilization losses to a minimum. A further study demonstrated that after fertilizer application, nitrogen losses exceeded EPA limits. Photoperiod (the length of daylight) affects overall plant uptake. When the length of daylight gets shorter, grass undergoes less photosynthesis and uptakes less nitrogen.
When Walter takes his turn, a defective robot chases him through the house. When Danny takes his turn, he gets close to a planet called Tsouris 3 and gets shorter and wider. Soon, a Zorgon ship appears and Zorgons board their house. The robot chases the Zorgons away as Walter takes his turn and gets sucked into a black hole and is sent back in time.
Upsetting is the process of making metal thicker in one dimension through shortening in the other. One form is to heat the end of a rod and then hammer on it as one would drive a nail: the rod gets shorter, and the hot part widens. An alternative to hammering on the hot end is to place the hot end on the anvil and hammer on the cold end.
The complex control system includes the operator of the winch. The length of line starts long and then gets shorter as the winch reels the tug line; this alters the control decisions by the kited hang glider pilot. Instruction for controls is available for new winch operators and hang glider pilots who want to be so kited. Distinguish this method from static-line (tug line stays same length during the tow).
The first round is no elimination, each sound plays a set time. Second round each sound system plays but one sound system being eliminated by poor performance, poor quality or by playing back a song. Elimination continues until two sounds are left, for example Bredda Hype sound vs Sound Trooper. The time interval gets shorter and shorter, with the introduction of television clashes, so when playing returns to one sound again, they may only play a shorter time, 15 minutes.
While the erect image is setting, the inverted image appears to be rising from the surface. The shapes of inferior mirage sunsets and sunrises stay the same for all inferior mirage sunsets and sunrises. One well-known shape, the Etruscan vase, was named by Jules Verne. As the sunset progresses the shape of Etruscan vase slowly changes; the stem of the vase gets shorter until the real and the miraged Suns create a new shape – Greek letter omega Ω. The inferior mirage got its name because the inverted image appears below the erect one.
The figure at right shows an example. As the wave slows down, the wavelength gets shorter and the amplitude increases; after a place of maximum response, the short wavelength is associated with a high loss and the wave dies out. The analysis of differential equations of such systems is often done approximately, using the WKB method (also known as the Liouville–Green method). The method integrates phase through space using a local wavenumber, which can be interpreted as indicating a "local wavelength" of the solution as a function of time and space.
On the left, two arrows locate the ball relative to the ball-thrower. One of these arrows is from the thrower to the center of the carousel (providing the ball-thrower's line of sight), and the other points from the center of the carousel to the ball. (This arrow gets shorter as the ball approaches the center.) A shifted version of the two arrows is shown dotted. On the right is shown this same dotted pair of arrows, but now the pair are rigidly rotated so the arrow corresponding to the line of sight of the ball-thrower toward the center of the carousel is aligned with 12:00 o'clock.
During the 1800s, conical pendulums were used as the timekeeping element in a few clockwork timing mechanisms where a smooth motion was required, as opposed to the unavoidably jerky motion provided by ordinary pendulums. Two examples were mechanisms to turn the lenses of lighthouses to sweep their beams across the sea, and the location drives of equatorial mount telescopes, to allow the telescope to follow a star smoothly across the sky as the Earth turns. One of the most important uses of the conical pendulum was in the flyball governor (centrifugal governor) invented by James Watt in 1788 which regulated the speed of steam engines during the Steam Age in the 1800s. The playground game tetherball uses a ball attached to a pole by a cord which functions as a conical pendulum, although the pendulum gets shorter as the cord wraps around the pole.

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