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197 Sentences With "gets away with"

How to use gets away with in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "gets away with" and check conjugation/comparative form for "gets away with". Mastering all the usages of "gets away with" from sentence examples published by news publications.

I think the reason he gets away with what he gets away with is that he's always playing the part of someone who's aggrieved like that.
Joe Goldberg gets away with killing a number of people.
Amazon, despite its size, gets away with some amazing tax magic.
Elizabeth can't do anything and Churchill gets away with everything. Typical.
"HILL SKATES: Clinton gets away with it – again," the cover reads.
That Trolls almost gets away with it is probably worth something.
No one comes after Tyler Cameron's "Queen" and gets away with it!
The second reason Mr Jeffries gets away with it concerns Mr Trump.
But, what if he gets away with his seemingly protectionist trade agenda?
She doesn't see who did it and he gets away with it.
Ferris just gets away with it because people love that about other people.
If Idaho gets away with this anti-Obamacare scheme, the floodgates could open.
He gets away with saying things that would have killed any other candidate.
In a sentence, he breaks all the rules and gets away with it.
Assume instead that the U.S. gets away with it, with no foreign response.
This shouldn't work — what author gets away with a fundamentally foggy main character?
You guys wonder how he gets away with his accusations of "fake news"?
In my last book, the rapist gets away with it, as most do.
It's hard to repeat the words he says but he gets away with it.
Antonio — Roma's other male figure — also gets away with such thinking, though less extreme.
If Trump gets away with these things unscathed, dangerous precedents will have been set.
"Only he gets away with that," Manager John Farrell said, laughing at the memory.
Wayne is like Rumplestiltskin—another trickster—spinning gold (except he gets away with it).
It's Dickens, so he gets away with it, but really it's a bit much.
Congress generally gets away with Farm Bill cronyism with little to no public outcry.
And if gets away with this, what else is he going to ask for?
The intrepid misanthrope gets away with it too, because you can't arrest a goose.
Which, of course, he only gets away with because America's collective memory is incredibly short.
"The only lesson Trump ever learns is that he gets away with everything," said Colbert.
Turkey gets away with this barefaced behavior because of the important geographic space it commands.
Public cases show how long an abuser gets away with this behavior when not reported.
The "Hardball" host said the Kentucky senator "always gets away" with something he did wrong.
"The most frightening thing would be Trump fires Mueller and gets away with it," Seidman said.
If Glencore gets away with it, it will show that America's sanctions can easily be sidestepped.
Donald Trump often gets away with saying things that would be political suicide for anyone else.
A large part of Orban's appeal beyond Hungary's borders is that he gets away with it.
Mr. Berselius is the rare chef who thinks like an artist and gets away with it.
The American version also added a final shot to ensure no one gets away with murder.
Similarly, stories of honor killings are ignored and the perpetrator often gets away with his crimes.
And she gets away with it, and she can run for presidency of the United States?
Mr Cui is a rare thing in China: a prominent social campaigner who gets away with it.
She almost gets away with it too, right up until she runs into agent Dipierro (Grace Gummer).
It's the best way to understand why Trump gets away with so much of what he says.
And she gets away with it, and she can run for the presidency of the United States?
Killing Eve's Villanelle gets away with hilariously blatant suspicious behavior by playing up her youth as well.
A predator who gets away with harassment one time is likely to try it again and again.
Martin Landau arranges to kill the character of Angelica Houston and gets away with it scot-free.
Frighteningly, if he gets away with it, we can be sure that he will do it again.
At one point, Crudup shouts "chaos is the new cocaine," and he almost gets away with it.
An impotent buffoon who does dumb evil shit, and somehow gets away with it is far more fitting.
"I feel like he still gets away with everything if he gets out of his office," Teigen added.
He gets away with it because congressional Republicans think it's smart to let him get away with it.
If it seems like Green gets away with a lot on the basketball court, it's because he does.
" — SAMANTHA BEE "The only lesson Trump ever learns is that he gets away with everything: multiple bankruptcies — nothing.
When Russia snatches turf from a neighbor and gets away with it, that sends a message to China.
So Trump gets away with conflicts of interest that, to ordinary citizens appear to be, and are, intolerable.
Occasionally someone gets away with it, but Adele simply over-sang the conditions in Los Angeles's cavernous Staples Center.
But when these men are not challenged, the perpetrator gets away with it and will ultimately do it again.
But Trump is, well, Trump, and he says and gets away with things other politicians can only dream about.
" Clinton campaign spokesman Nick Merrill sounded the alarms, too, tweeting, "It's not inconceivable that he gets away with this.
And they sent a clear message to the world that no one attacks America and gets away with it.
The last thing we should do is lower our standards, even when the left gets away with lowering theirs.
That primacy of the brand does a lot to explain Trump, and how he has developed this intimate relationship with his base, why they expect so little of him and why he gets away with what he gets away with, because the rules of branding are really simple: Be true to your brand.
"No one in Turkey gets away with crimes they committed any more," the president said in a speech last week.
As for his campy and subversive observations, he gets away with it all without a wince from Scholastic, his publisher.
Same goes for the level of violence and nudity: Paid-for content simply gets away with more of the above.
Peanut butter, on the other hand, isn't pretending to be something else, so it gets away with using that name.
The IOC gets away with its demands and abuses because it invariably has, in its host country, a willing partner.
"You can't just decide that because someone gets away with [atrocities] for 40 years, that they are innocent," Black says.
He plays the role of a cocksure "gets away with anything" guy and kicks all boundaries while fighting the competition.
"No one should be allowed to get away with what he gets away with, especially in political office," Scott said.
We can't stop just because the police murders someone and gets away with it — they've been doing that for years.
Because — assuming that she runs, by the way, how she gets away with the e-mail stuff is hard to believe.
Furthermore, if Judge Kavanaugh is lying and gets away with it, what more useful credential could anyone have in this administration?
The message was clear, and brought to mind the pleadings of a child: Nadal gets away with it — why can't I?
" When asked how Trump "gets away with" breaking campaign promises to his voters, Maher replies, "Well, it's early, that's the hope.
When North Korea conducts an illicit nuclear test and gets away with it, we can reasonably assume that Iran takes note.
Eminem would like to be the American dude who gets away with saying the most ridiculous and and offensive things again.
The Irishman first introduces Frank as a delivery-truck driver who engages in strategic meat theft and gets away with it.
John Kerry in 2004, have been greatly damaged by taking different sides of the same position, Trump often gets away with it.
" Griffin then claimed that both experiences "made me very uncomfortable," and added that she doesn't "know why he gets away with that.
Like anyone who gets away with a crime, he's refined his technique to make it harder for authorities to detect and punish.
That means Shondaland with swears, Shondaland with uninhibited sex scenes and probably a lot more of that murder everyone gets away with.
"If the city gets away with sweeping this under the rug, what chance do others have to hold officers accountable for wrongdoing?"
Maybe the reason why she gets away with all of her travels is that she doesn't have to haul around multiple suitcases.
Check out this ice he drops on "Rise and Shine": Nobody plays patty cake on J. Cole and gets away with it.
The episode gets away with a lot of culturally insensitive and generally un-funny moments by putting the onus on Shawn (James Roday).
Korede resents Ayoola deeply—she gets away with everything, being so careless and so very beautiful—but she has to keep her safe.
And Tana has this weird way about her where she kind of gets to do what she likes and gets away with it.
The worst thing is that many people will come away from Quantum Break thinking the fool gets away with it, but he doesn't.
Usually, it's a "guy in his 50s, who's been slightly boundaryless or sexually inappropriate for years and gets away with it," she says.
And because there are no words attached to eight of his nine completed symphonies, he gets away with it, without endangering life and limb.
He's going to probably go to jail ... and she gets away with it and she can run for the presidency of the United States?
In forty-three states, the restaurant industry gets away with paying employees as little as $2.13 an hour, forcing workers to live off tips.
Any parent can tell you that when one of their children gets away with an infraction, their siblings will claim the right for themselves.
One of the reasons it gets away with that is the stories are interspersed with these photographs, and some of them are crime scene photos.
It won't break battery life records in the 15-inch category, but it gets away with it, despite pushing a 4K screen at all times.
Rick's really bad and irresponsible behavior is par for the course; as a male, he gets away with it, but a woman would be pilloried.
It looks like Laremy Tunsil (78) gets away with a bit of hold here, but there are only arm tackles until Ajayi hits the safety.
I mean, here's a man who is on tape saying exactly what he's going to do in terms of corruption, and he gets away with it.
But it's also remarkable, and the type of twist Legion just about gets away with (just imagine the same scene not eviscerated in a Marvel movie).
The Doctor gets away with it, in part, because he's always been presented as a man, and as such we're willing to cut him some slack.
A lot of people who might love it will never encounter it, but it gets away with things that it couldn't if more people were watching.
Nola Darling, the polyamorous character Ms. Wise plays on "She's Gotta Have It," now in its second season on Netflix, gets away with a lot, too.
"In short, even if Elon Musk was lying through his teeth, I think he gets away with it, and that's driving the bears crazy," Cramer said.
The reason Putin gets away with his constant denials is that, despite lots of convincing evidence of his numerous alleged crimes, no one holds a smoking gun.
But like any insistently Nice Guy, our bare-hearted protagonist gets away with maintaining a reputation for being harmless and respectful even when his behavior suggests otherwise.
The point, as The Assistant makes blindingly clear, is that the movie executive gets away with his behavior because of the complicity of the people around him.
Open-field horticulture is a really wasteful system, and the only reason the US gets away with it is [because of] very cheap land, water, and labor.
Her father's belief that Elodie stopped shoplifting is one of the main reasons Elodie gets away with the crimes she commits with Moe and Tabitha throughout the series.
"Every time one of 'em gets away with killing one of us, that just makes the rest of 'em think they can do whatever they want," he said.
It is a master class in schputting; not even Menno Simons, for whom the faith is named, gets away with his dignity intact, and many Mennonites took offense.
It's a clever meta-schtick, and he gets away with it because of the book's greatest strength: its detailed and entertaining look at how presidential speeches are written.
Although there isn't really much bullying at my school – there's a zero-tolerance policy, so no one gets away with it—there's definitely a fair amount of ignorance.
Maybe he does things that you never let yourself do because you always played by the rules, and you resent that he doesn't and gets away with it.
The things that make Paul repellant to some and enticing to others may be the exact same qualities: He's a hot doofus who gets away with doing stupid shit.
In Istanbul it gets away with charging more than a normal taxi, as much as double for a trip to the airport, by offering cleaner cars and better service.
If a country of America's heft gets away with justifying protection on blatantly spurious national-security grounds, what is to stop members like India or China doing the same?
He's attractive in a "hot summer camp instructor" way; he hits on girls 10 years his junior and gets away with it because he doesn't seem 36 at all.
But also, Charlie is the kind of guy who gets away with a lot because he is charming and funny, which is why I think Driver is perfectly cast.
Dave gets away, with Kenny's girlfriend, Sylvie (Veerle Baetens), at the wheel, but Kenny is left behind; refusing to squeal on his accomplices, he is sentenced to seven years.
It gets away with being a kids' series because of its heroes, but even characters like Harry, Hermione, and Ron had better sense than any of the Fantastic Beasts cast.
When all of these conditions are factored in, it becomes clear that the publishing industry gets away with conditions that would be considered grounds for litigation in most other workplaces.
Marvila-adjacent Braço de Prata gets away with a different name on a technicality: multi-million euro riverside condos, manicured streets, and pristine new bike lanes targeted at international investors.
"If the Bugs Bunny, I call him, of this business, the clever Mitch McConnell, who is so much a Bugs Bunny character, he always gets away with it," Matthews said.
"California gets away with a horrible business climate because it's got such strong industries," says Steve King, a partner at Emergent Research, which studies small business trends out of Lafayette, California.
The airline industry in general gets away with treating customers poorly: United Continental experienced little visible financial trouble after airport police dragged a passenger off one of its planes in April.
Wine Country stars Rachel Dratch as Rebecca, who gets away with a group of friends (played by Poehler, Rudolph, Ana Gasteyer, Paula Pell, and Emily Spivey) in honor of her 50th birthday.
While Ayoola gets away with murder — literally — Korede suffers the consequences of expressing anger and independence, the two traits that push her further from her familial role as a dutiful older daughter.
Then, there are the little, feeble controversies — tiny scams that Bachelor in Paradise gets away with because it's reality TV, we're in a summer content drought, and the beach is mighty appealing.
This is not the happy company with the kind face where everyone is just playing costumed real life superheroes, not if JBL or anyone else backstage gets away with violence and abuse.
Yet not only does "6,741" get away with that, but it gets away with all other manner of twists that should seem cheap, right down to seemingly killing off two regular characters.
Yes. Period. Would they be enough to convict a president who lies and cheats in plain view every week of the year, about matters small and huge, and gets away with it?
Why should I care when Anthony, in particular, gets away with his own disappearing acts because he is an affable and socially minded fellow who is especially adept at marketing his brand?
Related: How Ghana's Pro-Gay, Anti-Religion, Naked Rapper Gets Away With It Ghana is one of Africa's most stable and peaceful democracies and has not suffered an attack by Islamist militants.
And yet Artemis sort of gets away with it by virtue of having so much fun geeking out over how best to break into a vacuum-sealed double hull from the outside.
Clinton, the donors said, told the group that she wished "he would be asked the follow-up questions" about his plans and proposals, arguing that he gets away with empty plans and promises.
On numerous occasions, Stephanopoulos challenged false claims and conspiracy theories that Trump usually gets away with, and as a result, the interview yielded a number of headlines — most of them damaging for Trump.
But because they are spoken by someone who looks and talks like Badgley, a dark-haired heartthrob famous for playing Dan Humphrey, the bookish outsider on " Gossip Girl, " Joe gets away with murder.
Adelotypa annulifera gets away with it in part by developing red markings on the undersides of its winds that make it look like an ant, if you have the visual acuity of an ant.
He received another nomination the next year for Woody Allen's "Crimes and Misdemeanors," in which he played a successful, upstanding ophthalmologist and family man who gets away with the arranged murder of his mistress.
If Russia gets away with this because our president-elect doesn't accept our intelligence agencies' assessment, it's open season for any foreign power to hack and disseminate information considered advantageous to its own welfare.
But he gets away with it because he knows Galen and Lyra from the old days — from the Galactic Republic's "Futures Program" that got Galen out of poverty and turned him into a brilliant scientist.
Donald Trump's genius was, as it so often is, his inability to dissemble: no one can quite believe what he gets away with because we assume that a public act is unlikely to be incriminating.
The Labour Party has suffered a 'sophisticated and large-scale cyber-attack' ahead of the general electionAmazon will pay $0 in federal taxes this year — here's how the $793 billion company gets away with it
Related: How India's 'Sand Mafia' Pillages Land, Terrorizes People, and Gets Away With It Police are investigating the possibility that a property dispute lay behind the massacre, though a motive has not yet been established.
Seemingly inspired by the belief that "every modern woman is a scammer" and that the heroine always gets away with it, a comedian named Branden Miller created a beloved internet character called Joanne the Scammer.
The TV appears to be mostly the same, though it gets away with a lower price by packing in a cheaper IR remote that requires line of sight with the TV for every single button press.
Ironically, President Trump's skewed world view also gains support from disillusioned Democrats, still reeling from the election, who think of him like President Frank Underwood from "House of Cards," the guy who gets away with everything.
"What's striking in the US is that he gets away with stuff that would have been considered completely inconceivable five years ago," Nicolas van de Walle, an expert on authoritarianism in Africa at Cornell University, says.
But then he compliments her and smiles at her, and he does it in such a gentle manner that she's stymied and kind of charmed, and he gets away with it, as he has for decades.
Part of the way the show gets away with that thesis without getting the kind of pushback afforded to movements like Black Lives Matter is because it doesn't seem to be about cops or prison at all.
If Trump gets away with this kind of rhetoric — if this is the argument that carries the day, that gets Kavanaugh a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court — then the consequences for American society could be profound.
But The Get Down gets away with it thanks to how neatly it captures the feeling of being an artistically inclined teen who sees literally anything going on around them as potential inspiration or fodder for future projects.
The only other developer who gets away with this is Rockstar entertainment who, just months away from the release of a major title, has shown only a teaser trailer and a cinematic trailer with no in-game footage.
In this respect, it serves as a stark contrast to the interview ABC's George Stephanopoulos conducted with Trump last week — in which Stephanopoulos challenged false claims and conspiracy theories that Trump typically gets away with on Fox News.
If CenturyLink gets away with enjoining the Minnesota AG's restitution claim, the AGs said, defendants will take away a message that they can "exploit 'reverse auctions,'" entering into "collusive" private settlements to evade more rigorous enforcement by AGs.
If Russia gets away with breaking its treaty with Ukraine and violating a neighboring state's territorial waters, China may also learn that more aggressive tactics in disputes with its South China Sea neighbors would carry little to no risk.
Yet because Saul is filmed in a similar fashion to Breaking Bad — with wide shots of the Albuquerque environs and slightly askew portraits of its characters — it gets away with being more subdued because it's constantly reminding us of what's coming.
If I had to nitpick, I'd say that SoundCloud's emphasis on DIY music makes the service a better fit for a cassette player than Spotify does, but the art is good-looking enough that I think he gets away with it.
And the reason why Mylan gets away with this – just like they get away with incorporating out of the U.S. using the dubious inversion strategy for tax efficiency – is because powers that be love to provide liquidity to their benefactors!
Kenya's police service is widely known for corruption, abuse and extrajudicial killings, an unchecked power that gets away with murder and whose brutality goes back to colonial days, when the British authorities engaged in torture, concentration camps and forced disappearances.
I admit I always wonder how anyone gets away with typing any of this stuff without feeling like a character actor playing a tight-lipped codger in a vintage movie, coming on screen for a few minutes to drip comic vinegar.
And because of that, they know they have a bit of leeway in taking provocative action against South Korea and the US. Nobody actually wants to go to war, so North Korea gets away with a lot of bad behavior.
Abuela didn't like it; she told Mami she was coddling him, that a boy his age should be able to go to the bathroom by himself, but Luca is an only child, so he gets away with things other kids don't.
The wealthy, confident, and handsome Ben drives a sleek black Porsche and supposedly gets away with inexplicable felonies on the regular; Jong-su is slouching, weary, and draws the attention of police simply by eating lunch in his rusty pickup truck.
The Trump campaign's success doesn't say anything good about our progress toward gender equality, not merely because he gets away with things that a woman never would but because he thrives in spite of overtly sexist language and remarks that routinely objectify women.
This is an exceedingly silly viewpoint, of course, as Costa gets away with the vast majority of the awful shit he does, and it's usually the person he's just punched in the bollocks who gets sent off for ruffling his hair, or something.
He's a big assed, cheeseburger-scarfing, pervert slob who considers himself the greatest athlete and lady's man in history, and he gets away with it all because there are enough fools and greedy bastards and yes men and women to follow him.
"  "So I generally choose not to hang on every twist of the Mueller investigation, but if Trump pardons Manafort (after maybe having promised a pardon to get him not to cooperate) and gets away with it, then we're in a banana republic.
So I generally choose not to hang on every twist of the Mueller investigation, but if Trump pardons Manafort (after maybe having promised a pardon to get him not to cooperate) and gets away with it, then we're in a banana republic.
Then, reflecting the fury among Clinton campaign advisers over what they see as the kinds of behavior Mr. Sanders gets away with, Mr. Clinton noted that the senator's campaign had used the image of an American Legion officer in New Hampshire without his permission.
The oddity of course is that Trump, who has given money to many candidates, including Hillary Clinton herself, and has been very much part of the political process, gets away with bearing the label of a rebel, and Clinton's candidacy helps enable this perception.
If Trump gets away with staffing the White House with his children, using tax breaks to reward corporations that do him a solid, and creating systemic conflicts of interests, then the incentives for how to act, for both politicians and large corporations, becomes badly distorted.
This is where another one of Brittain's "exceptions" came in: Danganronpa, the delightfully weird visual novel series about a group of high school students tormented by a robotic bear who claims they can't leave until someone successfully kills a student and gets away with it.
Jordan gets away with these infelicities, paradoxically, because he's a good writer and knows how to pace a story — an uncommon gift these days — and because (also rare) his earnest curiosity about the emotional pulses of his characters isn't buried in sheaves of novelistic analysis or digression.
"Sonic the Hedgehog" may have one moment of flatulence, but this hybrid of live-action and CGI animation gets away with it, otherwise bypassing the all-too-common cheap laughs for a story that's loaded with smart humor, snappy dialogue and the big blue heart beating at its center.
"If the Trump administration gets away with revoking the California waiver that allows the state to set its own standards, that could have a significant impact on the advancement of the electric vehicle market," says Jeremy Michalek, a mechanical engineer who studies public policy at Carnegie Mellon University.
On issue after issue it's like that: He doesn't act or speak for the majority, but he accomplishes some narrower purpose, and gets away with it partly because gerrymandering, the structure of the Senate and the Electoral College have led to a government out of sync with the governed.
But in a way, that was the point: Like President Trump, Vajiralongkorn gets away with things that would have ruined his predecessors, though in Vajiralongkorn's case, this involves an intentional display of royal power, a signal that the rules that apply to everybody else don't apply to him.
"This is not allowable in a democracy and frankly it frightens me that republicans are standing up and defending the president because if he gets away with this, what's to stop him from essentially integrating the entirety of American foreign policy into his political re-election campaign," he added.
If Trump gets away with firing Comey—if Republicans let him nominate any director he wants; if they resist the pressure to insist on appointing a special prosecutor, or to convene an investigative body; if they squash inquiries into the firing itself—he will read it as permission to run amok.
Yet again, Kylie Jenner gets away with what every other normal human being can't, when she recently shared a selfie on Instagram wearing nothing but a matching pale pink Pretty Little Thing bra top and panties (she calls it a "co-ord" in her caption, but really Kylie, we know what you're wearing).
But if Moscow embraces even some of these measures and gets away with it, it will have set a dangerous precedent: that a strong coastal state may amend or annul the law of the sea by fiat because it wants to, and because it boasts sufficient armed might to enforce its policies.
After several visits, I had to conclude that Party gets away with it because his work is just good enough to withstand the inevitable scrutiny, aided and abetted by the completeness of the exhibition design, the colored rooms, the collision between the very old and very new, and the skill with which they were recontextualized.
Though the interest rate that it charges compares favorably to average credit card rates of about 18 percent for consumers with good credit, Upgrade still gets away with an APR in the low to mid-teens, charging some customers up to 30 percent interest per year — which is similar to the highest rates on credit cards.
That's why as the FTC considers how many billions to fine Facebook or which executives to stick with personal liability or whether to go full-tilt and break up the company, I implore it to consider the root of how Facebook gets away with abusing user privacy: there's no simple way to switch to an alternative.
On successive trips late in the first half, Al-Farouq Aminu—a player so prized for his defense that he gets away with shooting like a catapult built by fourth-graders—matched up with Westbrook, and both times Westbrook scored: first with a vertigo-inducing crossover-stepback combo, then with a forearm-to-the-belly floater.
I just kept thinking, That's not how it happens on TV. If he gets away with this, he's going to kill someone else, or he's going to come back and kill me and my son… So I decided to picket the courthouse, gathering a bunch of friends and holding signs up out in the parking lot.
Kirk, who has made false claims about his military record as a Navy Reserve officer at least five times – somewhere Brian Williams is wondering why he has suffered so much from just one misstatement while "Teflon" Kirk gets away with so many – ends his hit piece as a "veteran of the Kosovo War" with advice to Azerbaijan.
"Obscure doctrinal differences" rarely make for compelling TV, but The Path gets away with this because of its tantalizing hints that there's more to Meyerism than meets the eye, that in spite of all of its faults (mostly stemming from its very human leadership), Meyerism has tapped into something real and potent at the center of the universe.
But M.B.S. has already gotten away with kidnapping Lebanon's prime minister and starving eight million Yemenis; if he also gets away with murdering Jamal, who was an American resident and Washington Post columnist, as many believe happened, then that's a green light to him and any other autocrat who wants to make a troublesome journalist disappear.
Reproductive health and childbirth is a crutch, and Lucas gets away with it because his audience accepts that these things are mysterious and cannot be intervened with the way that that the loss of limbs can be remedied with robot prosthetics, or the way Luke can be rescued from near-death on Hoth by being submerged in a bacta tank.
"'Sonic the Hedgehog' may have one moment of flatulence, but this hybrid of live-action and CGI animation gets away with it, otherwise bypassing the all-too-common cheap laughs for a story that's loaded with smart humor, snappy dialogue and the big blue heart beating at its center," Kristen Page-Kirby of The Washington Post, wrote in her review of the film.
For example, in 2017, we know way more about Nola Darling (DeWanda Wise) than we did in the 1986 movie version of She's Gotta Have It. We know how she pays her rent, how she gets away with not paying it thanks to a family member, what she does for the small living she makes, and what issues she's passionate about outside of her cluster of lovers.
Late-night host Stephen Colbert ripped President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE for his inaccurate claim that his maiden State of the Union address garnered the highest ratings on television of any previous State of the Union, saying it matters when the president lies and gets away with false claims.
Former Department of Justice (DOJ) officials are voicing one overarching concern as the battle between President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE and Attorney General Jeff SessionsJefferson (Jeff) Beauregard SessionsDOJ should take action against China's Twitter propaganda Lewandowski says he's 'happy' to testify before House panel The Hill's Morning Report — Trump and the new Israel-'squad' controversy MORE rages on: What if Trump fires Sessions and gets away with it?

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