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129 Sentences With "garbage dumps"

How to use garbage dumps in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "garbage dumps" and check conjugation/comparative form for "garbage dumps". Mastering all the usages of "garbage dumps" from sentence examples published by news publications.

I've been to garbage dumps upstate, and it's not the same.
The beaches were filthy with factory waste, railroad tracks and garbage dumps.
And in Santa Barbara County, growers are installing odor-control systems designed for garbage dumps.
His first, "Beijing Besieged by Waste," released in 2010, explored the garbage dumps encircling China's capital.
For decades, Houston's government placed its garbage dumps in black neighborhoods, many of which bordered downtown.
These days, many beaches look more like, well, garbage dumps than the tropical paradises they once were.
Dogs, whether they are free-ranging, foraging at garbage dumps or looking for discarded food, don't need teamwork.
They were once the sites of garbage dumps for the old logging and fishing town of Fort Bragg.
Today, however, most of those American piano makers have ceased operation, and unwanted wooden pianos lie in garbage dumps.
We just have to stop treating them like garbage dumps, where whatever we put down the toilet magically vanishes.
Let's hope Indiana's politicians become as interested in guarding our freedom as they are in guarding our garbage dumps.
Protests against garbage dumps have erupted in at least eight towns and villages around Moscow in the last six months.
In France climate protesters blockaded the entrance to a warehouses with hay bales and old household appliances salvaged from garbage dumps.
As sea ice diminishes, polar bear feeding grounds decline, meaning the wild predators may seek out food elsewhere — like human garbage dumps.
Some 80 percent of the trendy, inexpensive clothing we buy in America — also known as Fast Fashion — ends up in garbage dumps.
Never mind that its title is a synonym for rubbish, and evokes images of teeming garbage dumps and the overstuffed closets of hoarders.
This was occurring in large part because bears were getting into garbage dumps, and they became habituated to humans, which then created conflicts with people.
Riding on donkey carts and rickshaws, protesters scoured towns and villages across Gaza on Tuesday collecting old tyres from mechanics' shops, fields and garbage dumps.
Before the talk on the environmental destruction from quarrying, Mr. Wang had spent the last decade filming China's mostly unregulated garbage dumps and their environmental impact.
Authorities said they were trying to prevent breeding of mosquitoes by insecticide fogging, a common sight in Indian cities including New Delhi notorious for open garbage dumps.
There were hundreds of open-air garbage dumps, spread out across Afghanistan and Iraq, right next to encampments where American soldiers lived and worked, ate and slept.
They are called village dogs, street dogs and free-breeding dogs, among other things, and they haunt the garbage dumps and neighborhoods of most of the world.
They also identified so-called "midden layers," which are essentially ancient garbage dumps and are likely to shed more light on the lives of the ancient fort dwellers.
The state was once derided for its vast acreage of garbage dumps and for the fires that would ignite on a heavily polluted stretch of the Passaic River.
In Santa Barbara County, cannabis growers confronting the rage of neighbors are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars installing odor-control systems that were designed for garbage dumps.
Over the last year, photographers at The New York Times have chased business stories across the world, from oil fields to garbage dumps, from Silicon Valley to Kazakhstan.
None of these birds, however, could match his excitement for gulls—even ring-billed gulls and herring gulls, creatures most Americans associate with CostCo parking lots and garbage dumps.
I've watched young mothers dodging bullets, children living in garbage dumps, those whom disease has left far from most of the capacities and restraints we associate with being human.
With the support of police and psychologists, Fares and his friends have turned an abandoned school into a small library and community center, cleared garbage dumps, and painted a playground.
Two previous systems failed, but the current one, modeled on devices used to mask the smell of garbage dumps, sprays a curtain of vapor around the perimeter of the greenhouses.
Most of it, they say, is thrown in by people who live in riverbank communities and were never taught to think that bodies of water were anything other than garbage dumps.
Street actions began over bread-and-butter issues such as the placement of garbage dumps and the dismal wages of medical workers, which highlight growing frustration over gloomy standards of living.
Street actions began over bread-and-butter issues such as the placement of garbage dumps and the dismal wages of medical workers, which highlight growing frustration over gloomy standards of living.
From a distance the sculptures look like textiles but up close, the plastics and metals that populate the world's garbage dumps (and worse, oceans) become components for curiously ingenious art works.
The series, compiled in a photo book of the same name, features life-size portraits of the animals looming in sweeping panoramas of garbage dumps, highway underpasses, railways and construction sites in Kenya.
In addition to Kanagaki, a few other small organizations are also working to divert the passage of organic refuse into the country's garbage dumps, and hoping to make these extravagant spreads a little more palatable.
It breeds in stagnant water, which is more likely to collect during heavy rainfall in everything from abandoned tires in garbage dumps to residential water tanks recently installed to get residents through a record Brazilian drought.
Editorial A new study shows that the glorious annual migration of white storks from Europe to Africa is being disrupted by the birds' growing addiction to junk food in the garbage dumps below their flight path.
"I couldn't eat while I was working there," Dr. Franco said in describing the work at garbage dumps where storks flocked down as each truckload of garbage arrived offering rotting fish, animal offal and other tidbits.
ANTANANARIVO (Reuters) - Pope Francis on Sunday celebrated a former student of his who is now sometimes called Madagascar's "living saint" for having changed the lives of thousands of poor people who once lived in garbage dumps.
The neighborhood, which houses two of the city's garbage dumps and is an industrial corridor where major supermarket chains have distribution centers, often feels like a neglected corner of the city when it comes to services, locals said.
I really cannot imagine how disgusting the stench is in those urban areas where local governments have been forced to shovel garbage onto the margins of roads and rivers, because the lack of proper garbage dumps and waste management.
THE HEADQUARTERS of Sanitation Salvage, one of the largest private trash haulers in New York City, is a squat brick building that sits unremarkably amid the garbage dumps and razor wire of the Hunts Point section of the South Bronx.
The court is one of the most vital institutions in a vast and chaotic democracy of 1.3 billion people, weighing in on wild dogs, killer tigers, mob lynchings, garbage dumps and Muslim divorce rules — hot potatoes that Indian politicians won't touch.
California is seeking summary judgment in a lawsuit it and other states filed last May to compel the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to fulfill its obligation under Obama-era rules to review state compliance plans for cutting greenhouse gas emissions from garbage dumps.
It is a beneficiary of the odd fact that as our digital footprints expand, Silicon Valley's major players must spend more and more money maintaining enormous digital garbage dumps, full of moldering tweets and flip-phone mirror selfies and old Facebook statuses composed in the third person.
Much like the McQueen series, which the designer wanted to be "dirty and messy," Waplington's new work reveals a constant concern of his 30-year career: an affinity for barely contained chaos, whether in garbage dumps, the hills above the West Bank city of Ramallah or the maelstrom of fashion shows.
Lebanese social media users quickly embraced it to comment on the country's beaches (and their scent of sewage), its ski slopes (and mountainside garbage dumps), its wine industry (and hash factories), its swanky (and overcharging) restaurants and its cedar forests (what's left of them) dating to the Song of Solomon.
The Philippines of "Insurrecto" is wild and lush, beset by cruelty, boisterous in its embrace of the tacky relics of late-20th-century globalism — a place where Elvis ballads seem to "spring from the bamboo groves"; where the news is full of bodies "piling up at the garbage dumps, in the slums, near schoolyards"; where karaoke singers, possessed by a "maniacal insomnia," wail drunkenly into the night.
The large expanses of land on some reservations are used as garbage dumps for metropolitan areas.
Later it was moved to garbage dumps, the last largest being the Fresh Kills Landfill in Staten Island.
The park was completed by Olmsted's successor Calvert Vaux, but was soon surrounded by coal bins, shacks and garbage dumps.
These birds can be seen near marketplaces and garbage dumps, foraging for scraps. They have also been observed to eat sand after feeding on carcasses.
In the past half century, banks of Dahan Creek turned into garbage dumps due to the growing population and factories within the area which were not served by proper sewage treatment facilities. During heavy rain, it could easily obstruct the water flow of the creek. In 1992, the Taipei County Government Environmental Protection Bureau launched a project to relocate the old garbage dumps lining the creek. During the Typhoon Herb in July-August 1996, drifting garbage clogged the creek course causing floods.
Garbage dumps are also visited in different parts of Africa such as Uganda and Ethiopia by hungry tawny eagles.Pomeroy, D. E. (1975). Birds as scavengers of refuse in Uganda. Ibis, 117(1), 69-81.
Notwithstanding the lack of park development, Riverside Park still contained nuisances such as outdoor sewerage, squatters' shacks, and coal emissions from the trains, as well as garbage dumps at 77th and 96th Streets. These conditions persisted through the 1920s.
Plants that need high levels of nutrients, such as banana, mango, jackfruit, and other fruit plants, are planted close to garbage dumps. Meanwhile, crops frequently harvested for cooking, such as chili peppers, langua, lemongrass, and tomatoes, are planted near the kitchen.
In the past, the site was threatened by garbage dumps or by passage of 4x4 vehicles or quads. The installation of gates by the municipality of Bavay solved the problem. Pedestrians rarely venture off the path. The anthropization is limited.
Her first stage sets were collages built from material collected from condemned houses, junk yards and garbage dumps. She used this raw material to assemble a theatrical space that sprung to life in the clash between naturalistic clarity and abstract interpretation.
Sewage and garbage dumps have also destroyed mangroves. The Bandra-Kurla complex in particular was created by replacing such swamps. The most acclaimed Mindspace CBD (INORBIT MALL) in Goregaon & Malad has been built by destroying a large patch of mangroves in Maharashtra.
It is a major source of pollution. Indian cities alone generate more than 100 million tons of solid waste a year. Street corners are piled with trash. Public places and sidewalks are despoiled with filth and litter, rivers and canals act as garbage dumps.
Allelopathic potential of Datura stramonium L.. Crop. Res. 16 (1) : 37-40. In Europe, it is found as a weed in garbage dumps and wastelands, and is toxic to animals consuming it. Through observation, the seed is thought to be carried by birds and spread in their droppings.
They sometimes feed at garbage dumps. During droughts they are known to feed on carrion and insect larvae feeding on meat. They also feed on groundnut and other crops. In British India, indigo planters considered them useful as they appeared to consume a large number of crickets in the fields.
American black bears tend to be territorial and non-gregarious in nature. However, at abundant food sources (e.g. spawning salmon or garbage dumps), they may congregate and dominance hierarchies form, with the largest, most powerful males dominating the most fruitful feeding spots.Nowak, R. M. (1991) Walker's Mammals of the World.
Ipah lives alone with her father, Rengga. The family is very poor and lives in the garbage dumps of Jakarta. Although Ipah wants to go to school, Rengga does not allow her. While Rengga works as a trash scavenger, Ipah takes several jobs and pays for her own schooling, helped by neighbours.
Crows gather in large communal roosts numbering between 200 and tens of thousands of individuals during nonbreeding months, particularly in the winter. These gatherings tend to happen near large food sources such as garbage dumps and shopping centers. Caccamise, D., Reed, L. and Stouffer, P. (1997). Roosting Behavior and Group Territoriality in American Crows.
In the US, a growing awareness that the country was running out of space in its garbage dumps signaled changes in the markets served by the paper industry. Minimum standards for the use of recycled paper were increasingly adopted. Concerns about water pollution and toxic waste byproducts of the milling process were growing.Reilly, Amy Messinger.
These birds forage in flight or pick up objects while swimming, walking or wading. They mainly eat insects, fish and the eggs and young of other birds, such as ducklings. Opportunistic feeders, they also scavenge at garbage dumps, marinas and docks. They frequently beg for food at public beaches, parks and other locations where people will hand feed them.
Due to pollution, mainly resulting from garbage dumps and overflow of sewerage water, Emergency declared in Malir Town, as thousands of patients were affected by mysterious Chikungunya virus in December, 2016. Despite joint denial by WHO and Health Ministry of Pakistan, Provincial Government of Sindh discloses that aedes aegypti mosquito is responsible for spreading Chikungunya in the area.
Chop Shop is a 2007 American drama film co-written, edited, and directed by Ramin Bahrani. The film tells the story of a twelve-year-old street orphan living and working in Willets Point, an area in Queens, New York, filled with automobile repair shops, scrapyards and garbage dumps. Chop Shop premiered at the 2007 Cannes Film Festival.
The Puerto Rican rock frog is threatened by deforestation, construction and industrial development, runoff from the use of pesticides and fertilizers in agriculture, the use of caves as garbage dumps, and fire. It is a habitat specialist, meaning it is adapted to particular environmental conditions, and abrupt changes in these conditions could result in population declines.
Human interference and gull predation in cormorant colonies. Biological Conservation, 8(1), 23-34. They will also catch flying passerines, which they typically target while the small birds are exhausted from migration and swallow them immediately. Great black-backed gull also feed on land animals, including rats (Rattus ssp.) at garbage dumps and even sickly lambs (Ovis aries).
Mattaur has a fairly good sewage system, and it does not display water or electricity problems, but the village needs to improve its infrastructure.The Tribune, Chandigarh, India Thursday, 31 October 2002, Historical village cries for care Garbage dumps are not well maintained. Roads are not well maintained. The town does not have a reliable supply of potable water.
In 1913 New York Central presented a proposal for the railroad to be grade-separated, including constructing a new tunnel within Riverside Park. This plan was received favorably by the citizens' groups. By 1917, there was a tentative agreement to enact that proposal. Another initiative that aided the redevelopment of Riverside Park was the closure of one of the garbage dumps in 1923.
The greater adjutant is usually seen singly or in small groups as it stalks about in shallow lakes or drying lake beds and garbage dumps. It is often found in the company of kites and vultures and will sometimes sit hunched still for long durations. They may also hold their wings outstretched, presumably to control their temperature. They soar on thermals using their large outstretched wings.
Of the approximately 3.5 million inhabitants in the basin, 1.2 million live below the poverty line. An estimated 10 percent of the total population in the MR Basin lives in informal settlements, often in flood-prone areas and/or near open garbage dumps. The poorest populations living alongside the river are in constant contact with numerous contaminants ranging from untreated organic waste to toxic industrial chemicals.
In particular when cars are lightweight, significant savings in fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are achieved. Various nylons break down in fire and form hazardous smoke, and toxic fumes or ash, typically containing hydrogen cyanide. Incinerating nylons to recover the high energy used to create them is usually expensive, so most nylons reach the garbage dumps, decaying slowly. Discarded nylon fabric takes 30–40 years to decompose.
Pettoruti also played around with several mediums. He spread his artistic talent to theater costumes, set designs, and stained glass windows.Sullivan, 42 He became interested in mosaics, exploring the potential mosaics could have on the expansion of his ideas. Not being limited to one medium, Pettoruti incorporated various materials found in garbage dumps into his mosaic to add texture and catch the light in diverse ways.
In 1947 the zoo, which by now had 122 animals, relocated to a plot of land on Mount Scopus provided by Hebrew University. It remained there from 1947 to 1950. Its occupancy coincided with the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and the siege of Jerusalem, when food for the city's population was at a premium. Zookeepers resorted to hunting down stray dogs near garbage dumps in order to feed the carnivorous animals.
Glassware and pottery found in an old dump in Meaford, Ontario. Dump digging is the practice of locating and excavating old garbage dumps with the intent of discovering objects which have potential value as collectibles or antiques. These dumps are sometimes centuries old, but often date to the late 19th century or early part of the 20th century. Among other things, the practice of dump digging is directly linked to antique bottle collecting and glassmaking.
The greater adjutant is omnivorous and although mainly a scavenger, it preys on frogs and large insects and will also take birds, reptiles and rodents. It has been known to attack wild ducks within reach and swallowing them whole. Their main diet however is carrion, and like the vultures their bare head and neck is an adaptation. They are often found on garbage dumps and will feed on animal and human excreta.
In 2010, 64% of households had waste collection services. The majority of municipalities have garbage dumps that pollute the soil, air, and water. The country's high levels of income inequality are reflected in a Gini coefficient of 0.54 for 2013. In 2012, one out of five Hondurans lived on less than US$1.90 a day. In 2013, 65% of households were living below the poverty line and 43% were living in extreme poverty.
Bullard and his researchers found that African American neighbourhoods in Houston were often chosen for toxic waste sites. All five city-owned garbage dumps, six of the eight city-owned garbage incinerators, and three of the four privately owned landfills were sited in black neighbourhoods, although blacks made up only 25 percent of the city's population.Johnson, Glenn S. (n.d.) "Robert Bullard", Environmental Justice Resource Center, Clark Atlanta University Accessed: December 11, 2012.
His work has been met with both commercial success and critical acclaim, and has been exhibited worldwide. He is currently represented by Galeria Nara Roesler based in New York and Brazil and Ben Brown Fine Arts in London and Hong Kong. In 2010, Muniz was featured in the documentary film Waste Land. Directed by Lucy Walker, the film highlights Muniz's work on one of the world's largest garbage dumps, Jardim Gramacho, on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro.
Ostrich, 37 (1): 335-356. In southern Africa, thornveld is often the preferred habitat with the tawny eagles mostly preferring stands of Acacia. Despite similar climates, within the miombo woodland, the tawny eagle tends to be more scarce. In India, similar habitats may largely be used but the tawny eagle may fairly often occur too in the vicinity of villages and cultivations and frequents garbage dumps and slaughterhouses somewhat more so than they do in Africa.
The reserve is located in Paget Parish adjoining the St. Paul's Church at the crossing of Middle Road and Lover's Lane. It is prehistoric forest land, which covers an oval area of . The marsh has peat to depths of which is acidic and does not permit growth of many of the natural species of Bermuda, as it gets flooded during high tides. It is well preserved, whereas similar marshes in the island have become garbage dumps.
In 1948, when there was no food in Jerusalem, zookeepers had to hunt stray dogs near garbage dumps to feed the carnivorous animals, many of which perished. Non-dangerous species had to be released. In 1950, with UN help, the animals were moved down into the city by weekly convoys.The Jerusalem Biblical Zoo The garden had been neglected over 19 years, when the Mount Scopus campus was in an enclave under Israeli control surrounded by Jordan.
Short description in English: Diet and health in previous times, as revealed in the Old Norse Literature, especially the Icelandic Sagas. but first hand evidence, like cesspits, kitchen middens and garbage dumps have proved to be of great value and importance. Undigested remains of plants from cesspits at Coppergate in York have provided much information in this respect. Overall, archaeo-botanical investigations have been undertaken increasingly in recent decades, as a collaboration between archaeologists and palaeoethno-botanists.
Paving of highways in the area and the connections between Ponte Alta, Porto Nacional and Palmas have attracted squatters who plant one or two crops, then make pasture for cattle. The arrival of soybean farmers has caused new environmental problems since the soil is very fragile. There are no sewage treatment plants in the municipalities, so sewage is polluting the water table. Garbage dumps created by the inhabitants and litter from visitors are also a problem.
The Tanjero is a river in Kurdistan Region in Iraq. It arises near the city Sulaymaniyah through the confluence of the rivers Kiliasan and Kani-Ban and flows into the Darbandikhan Dam after 58 kilometers. Due to the discharge of untreated wastewater and industrial wastewater, as well as wild garbage dumps in the bank area, the river is heavily polluted by heavy metals and other pollutants. Agriculture also suffers from water pollution because the water is no longer suitable for irrigating the fields.
In 1975, he killed 12 girls and women, attempting to kill 4 others as well. All the victims were raped and killed at bus stops, struck to the head with a heavy metal object, most often a sledgehammer. Shestakov, who was in a drunk state, then stole all valuables and threw the corpses in garbage dumps. He also had two accomplices: Andrei Vladimirovich Shuvalov (born 1957), who was arrested in November 1975, and his then 16-year-old brother Vladimir.
Ward labels the species that have the potential to survive in a human-infested world. These include dandelions, raccoons, owls, pigs, cattle, rats, snakes, and crows to name but a few. In the human-infested ecosystem, those preadapted to live amongst man survived and prospered. Ward describes garbage dumps 10 millon years in the future infested with multiple species of rats, a snake with a sticky frog-like tongue to snap up rodents, and pigs with snouts specialized for rooting through garbage.
Ganey Hadas landfill With a rapidly growing population and limited space to expand, Israel has faced significant issues concerning waste disposal over the last few decades. Until the early 1990s, most waste in Israel ended up in unregulated garbage dumps. Following a government order implemented in 1993, the unregulated dumps were closed due to severe contamination of local sources of surface and groundwater. As of 2010, approximately 65% of solid waste in Israel was disposed of via burning and land-filling and approximately 30% was recycled.
The damage by jackals in Bulgaria was minimal when compared to the livestock losses due to wolves. Approximately 1.5–1.9% of calves born in the Golan Heights die due to predation, mainly by jackals. The high predation rate by jackals in both Bulgaria and Israel is attributable to the lack of preventative measures in those countries and the availability of food in illegal garbage dumps, leading to jackal population explosions. Golden jackals are extremely harmful to fur-bearing rodents, such as coypu and muskrats.
After music, his favorite hobby is shooting rats at garbage dumps. Ray idolizes famed guitarist Django Reinhardt, and is said to have fainted in his presence and to have fled a nightclub performance with severe stage fright upon hearing a false rumor that Reinhardt was in the audience. On a double date with his drummer, Ray meets Hattie (Samantha Morton), a shy, mute laundress. After overcoming some initial frustration due to the difficulties of communication, Ray and Hattie form an affectionate and close relationship.
While pursuing a Master of Business Administration degree from Iqra University, Khan started a campaign in January 2016 to spray-paint the portrait of then Chief Minister of Sindh Qaim Ali Shah alongside uncovered sewer holes and garbage dumps in various part of Karachi. The campaign, called Fix It, achieved wide coverage. On 25 February 2016, he was arrested by the police after he attempted to empty the garbage bins outside the Sindh Chief Minister House in Karachi. The next day, he was released on bail.
1123-24 East Harlem consisted of pockets of ethnically-sorted settlements – Italian, German, Irish, and Jewish – which were beginning to press up against each other, with the spaces still between them occupied by "gasworks, stockyards and tar and garbage dumps". In 1895, Union Settlement Association, one of the oldest settlement houses in New York City, began providing services in the area, offering the immigrant and low-income residents a range of community-based programs, including boys and girls clubs, a sewing school and adult education classes.
Brendlorenzen hosted a settled area, however, long before this first documented mention. While laying the foundations for new construction in 2001, traces of a settlement from the La Tène culture from the Iron Age were uncovered, including cellar-like dug-outs, garbage dumps and the remnants of six pottery kilns. On the first of January, 1972, the formerly independent community of Lebenhan was annexed by Brendlorenzen. Then on the first of January, 1978, both were incorporated into the City of Bad Neustadt an der Saale.
Brown bears usually avoid areas where extensive development or urbanization has occurred, unlike the smaller, more inoffensive American black bear which can adapt to peri-urban regions. Under many circumstances, extensive human development may cause brown bears to alter their home ranges. High road densities (both paved and gravel roads) are often associated with higher mortality, habitat avoidance and lower bear density. However, brown bears can easily lose their natural cautiousness upon being attracted to human-created food sources, such as garbage dumps, litter bins and dumpsters.
The Auk, 61(1), 1–18. Introduced common pheasants were found to be somewhat more vulnerable than native American gamebirds like ruffed grouse due to their tendency to crouch rather than flush when approached by a flighted predator like the snowy owl in a glade or field. Some snowy owls wintering on rocky coasts and jetties were known in New England to live almost entirely off of purple sandpipers (Calidris maritima). The availability of brown rats may draw snowy owls to seemingly unattractive setting such as garbage dumps and under bridges.
For example, a 2007 report by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency states that the US recycles at a national rate of 33.4% and includes in this figure composted materials. In addition many worldwide commodity industries have been created to handle the materials that are recycled. At the same time, claims of recycling rates have sometimes been exaggerated, for example by the inclusion of soil and organic matter used to cover garbage dumps daily, in the "recycled" column. In states with recycling incentives, there is constant local pressure to pump up the recycling rate figures.
Intimate feminicide refers to women who were killed by men that were close to them. According to the study, intimate feminicide accounted for 30.4% of the murders of women and girls in Juárez from 1993–2007. Systematic sexual feminicide refers to systematic patterns in the killing of women and children including kidnapping, sexual violence, torture, and body abandonment in areas such as desert areas, garbage dumps, and sewage ditches among others. According to the study, systemic sexual feminicide accounted for 31.8% of the murders of women in Juárez from 1993–2007.
The American herring gull or Smithsonian gull (Larus smithsonianus or Larus argentatus smithsonianus) is a large gull that breeds in North America, where it is treated by the American Ornithologists' Union as a subspecies of herring gull (L. argentatus). Adults are white with gray back and wings, black wingtips with white spots, and pink legs. Immature birds are gray-brown and are darker and more uniform than European herring gulls, with a darker tail. It occurs in a variety of habitats including coasts, lakes, rivers and garbage dumps.
The story takes place in the year 2037, after the loss of the ozone layer has left most of the planet a desolate wasteland scattered with highly radioactive "Death Zones", except for several areas that still flourish. Much of the human population has been reduced to Crawlers, mutated cannibalistic underground dwellers who have lost their intelligence and speak only in grunts and mine garbage dumps. Outworlders are un-mutated humans who live in the Death Zones. A few humans are Dreamers, who live in Inworld, a sealed biosphere maintained by the central Infinisynth computer.
The structures of the temple withstood the earthquake in AD 749. Since the early 9th-century the residence was progressively abandoned and the cella silted up of sandy deposits and garbage dumps. A further earthquake, between the 12th and the 13th-century, demolished the upper half of the walls of the temple and the tumble filled the whole area, inside and around the cella. Nevertheless, the vaults of the podium remained accessible from outside and continued to be frequented until modern times by shepherds, squatters and treasure hunters.
Montana State University. Bozeman. They are not very selective about the condition or origin, whether provided by humans, other animals, auto accidents or natural causes, of a carcass's presence, but will avoid eating carrion where disturbances from humans are a regular occurrence. They will scavenge carcasses up to the size of whales, though carcasses of ungulates and large fish are seemingly preferred. Bald eagles also may sometimes feed on material scavenged or stolen from campsites and picnics, as well as garbage dumps (dump usage is habitual mainly in Alaska).
Metropolitan garbage dumps: possible winter migratory raptor monitoring stations in peninsular India. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 1214–1218. A single female that was radio-tagged in Mongolia was recorded to travel southwest and stop in southeastern Tibet, which is also the southernmost part of the species breeding range. The data from this female indicated that not all steppe eagles move to warmer climates and, based on that she remained stationary until her return to Mongolia, that she was not nomadic as many eagles of the species are.Ellis, D. H., Moon, S. L., & Robinson, J. W. (2001).
At first, the families, referred to as "los Bravos" or the "Heralds of Peace", lived under trees, but they soon dug themselves subterranean shelters, covering them with automobile hoods recovered from garbage dumps outside the cities of Casa Grande and Eloy. Tijerina obtained a permit from the Arizona Department of Education to construct a school and to educate their children. He and the other men spent three months building the schoolhouse, only for it to be burned to the ground. The members of the colony made friends with the neighboring communities, especially African Americans and Native Americans, particularly the Pima Indians.
Set in the crime ridden township of Khayelitsha, inhabited by around one million people and located 30 km southeast of downtown Cape Town, Baphumelele grew out of one of the most destitute shack settlements in South Africa. In 1989 Rosalie Mashale moved from the Eastern Cape to Khayelitsha. She was extremely disturbed to see young children going through garbage dumps and looking for food without any supervision while their parents were away at work. One day, when an abandoned baby was left on her doorstep, Rosie took him in and tried to find him a new home.
In 1889 when after a long and hard- fought battle the Transvaal Rugby Football Union (now the Golden Lions Rugby Union) was formed and established a domain. The first games were played at the Wanderers Club's stadium whose grounds were situated where Johannesburg Park Station is today. Rows between the different rugby clubs as well as the Wanderers Club's claim of the field for the use of cricket games, forced the Transvaal Rugby Football Union to look for an alternative. An area with a quarry and garbage dumps in Doornfontein was identified in, 1927 as the possible alternative.
In 1910, Winn ran a successful campaign against James G. Woodward for Atlanta mayor. Winn served one term as mayor of Atlanta from 1911 to 1913 and was considered a progressive. During his term he increased teachers' salaries, eliminated many garbage dumps and oversaw the building of a garbage incinerator, had a bridge built over the railroad, eliminating a dangerous level crossing, opened a fire station in South Atlanta, and began the switch from horse-drawn to motor-driven firefighting equipment. Although he was to never enter politics again, Winn was a leading lawyer in the city for over fifty years and served as assistant city attorney for Atlanta.
The children, in addition to living and working in the squalor, were unable to attend school because their families needed the $10–12 a month that was provided by the children working in the dump. Smith began to support several children that worked in these garbage dumps, enrolling the children in school and paying the families the lost monthly income, ensuring the children would never work another day in the dump. The Smiths told their stories to family and friends, who began giving money to Smith to support additional children. In 2006, a front page article ran in the Chicago Tribune about the Smiths' work in Cambodia.
Myrmecophila tibicinis directly utilizes minerals of the organic debris ("garbage dumps") deposited by the ants inside the hollow pseudobulbs. Since the open-canopied trees of the tropics can often be nutrient poor habitats, a small input of nutrients from insects can have a significant effect on plant survival and growth rates. Myrmecophila tibicinis can grow quite well in the absence of ants, though it is quite rare to find an uninhabited plant. The species of ant responsible for forming colonies in Myrmecophila tibicinis are as follows: Brachymyrmex, Camponotus planatus, Camponotus abdominalis, Camponotus rectangularis, and Crematogaster brevispinosa, Monomorium ebenium, Paratrechina longicornis, Zacryptocerus maculatus, and Ectatomma tuberculatum.
In 2004, a study reviewed 5 other studies of feral dogs published between 1975 and 1995 and concluded that their pack structure is very loose and rarely involves any cooperative behavior, either in raising young or in obtaining food. Feral dogs are primarily scavengers, with studies showing that unlike their wild cousins, they are poor ungulate hunters, having little effect on wildlife populations where they are sympatric. However, several garbage dumps located within the feral dog's home range are important for their survival. Even well-fed domestic dogs are prone to scavenge; gastro-intestinal veterinary visits increase during warmer weather as dogs are prone to eat decaying material.
For the polar bears that currently den on multi-year ice, increased ice mobility may result in longer distances for mothers and young cubs to walk when they return to seal-hunting areas in the spring. Disease-causing bacteria and parasites would flourish more readily in a warmer climate. Problematic interactions between polar bears and humans, such as foraging by bears in garbage dumps, have historically been more prevalent in years when ice-floe breakup occurred early and local polar bears were relatively thin. Increased human-bear interactions, including fatal attacks on humans, are likely to increase as the sea ice shrinks and hungry bears try to find food on land.
Of 1,028 incidents of aggressive acts toward humans, recorded from 1964 to 1976 in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 107 resulted in injury and occurred mainly in tourist hot spots where people regularly fed the bears handouts.Kruuk, Hans (2002). Hunter and Hunted: Relationships Between Carnivores and People, Cambridge University Press, In almost every case where open garbage dumps that attracted American black bears were closed and handouts ceased, the number of aggressive encounters dropped. However, in the Liard River Hot Springs case, the bear was apparently almost fully dependent on a local garbage dump that had closed and so was starving to death.
The Elephant Butte Historic District, a historic district in the Elephant Butte, New Mexico, was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1997. The district included 30 contributing buildings, 10 contributing structures and 34 contributing sites on , as well as numerous non-contributing resources. It includes the Elephant Butte Dam, which was completed in 1916, and resources associated with its construction such as buildings and roads, and including even garbage dumps from that era which were later themselves recognized as archeological sites for studying the construction era. It includes developments during the New Deal era, which created and expanded power generation and recreation opportunities associated with the dam.
1988 led Schenck into a new avenue of activism: long-distance walking. Through personal contact during a speaking tour of Mexico, he became aware of the plight of the Mexican "dump people", individuals and families who live, eat, and make their living scrounging recyclables in the municipal garbage dumps of Mexico City. To raise awareness of their plight, Schenck decided to take a "Faithwalk" from the border of Canada near his hometown, through the United States and across the border with Mexico. His purpose was to raise funds and to recruit volunteers willing to help by providing medical, dental, health, hygiene and construction services.
These accidents have become more common and more deadly in the twenty-first century. On 21 July 2000 a garbage mound at the Payatas Sanitary Landfill collapsed and slid through the barangay of Payatas outside Quezon City, Philippines, which resulted in the deaths of over 300 people. The tragedy resulted in the Philippine Congress banning all open-air garbage dumps throughout the country. Urban settings can also be affected by these events: During the 2015 Shenzhen landslide a 100-meter tall garbage mound collapsed into a slide and destroyed 33 buildings, some of them multistoried concrete structures, in the Hengtaiyu Industrial Park of Shenzhen in addition to rupturing part of the West–East Gas Pipeline.
Her teaching of urban sociology and urban planning, and her doctoral research work provided her confidence to conduct the functions of the mayor of the city smoothly. She, during her tenure as mayor, made it a point to attend all meetings held by the Union Urban Development Ministry on projects under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM). As mayor she performed her tasks efficiently and ensured that the city which was known for its garbage dumps when she took charge was declared and awarded as the cleanest city in India before the end of her tenure. She enacted bylaws for the city's waste management system, the first of its kind in Kerala.
The fact that the town was built on a canal rather than on the Nile itself was important, because this meant that the area did not flood every year with the rising of the river, as did the districts along the riverbank. When the canals dried up, the water table fell and never rose again. The area west of the Nile has virtually no rain, so the garbage dumps of Oxyrhynchus were gradually covered with sand and were forgotten for another 1000 years. Because Egyptian society under the Greeks and Romans was governed bureaucratically, and because Oxyrhynchus was the capital of the 19th nome, the material at the Oxyrhynchus dumps included vast amounts of papyri.
In several parts of Africa, steppe eagles may routinely visit and feed off of the colonies of the super-abundant bird, the red-billed quelea (Quelea quelea), with a noted focus on picking off the seemingly innumerous nestlings and fledglings of this small passerine. The steppe eagles will reportedly do so by ungracefully scrambling amongst the branches of the nesting colonies. In the Indian subcontinent, the steppe eagle appears to fulfill the role of a weakly predatory opportunist. Individual Indian wintering steppe eagles are reported to feed at times of vulnerability of prey, including injured birds, eggs and young water birds from heronries, while groups of the eagles often occur around carrion, masses of stranded fish, poultry farms, garbage dumps and livestock carcass dumps.
Nara period wooden scrapers called chūgi with modern toilet paper rolls in the background for size comparison During the Jōmon period (1400 B.C. to 300 B.C.) settlements were built in a horseshoe shape, with a central plaza in the middle and garbage heaps around the settlement. In these garbage heaps, calcified fecal remains of humans or dogs, so called coprolites, were found, indicating that these garbage dumps were also used as toilets. The earliest sewer systems are from the Yayoi period (300 BC to A.D. 250). These systems were used in larger settlements, probably in combination with toilets. A possible ritual site, that may also have been a toilet using flowing water, dating back to the early 3rd century was found in Sakurai, Nara.
For years thereafter he would spend weekends driving around garbage dumps in Delhi looking for the lost negatives. He died in New Delhi in 1984, working till the end; at the time of his death from cancer he was working on the negatives of the Seventh Non-Aligned Movement Conference. He left his surviving photographic negatives and archives to his nephew. This collection is in the process of being scanned and organised, and reportedly contains images exhaustively chronicling most major incidents of the period, including the Cripps Mission and the INA trials; after independence, they include a series documenting the development of the Bhakra-Nangal dam and photographs from the front of the Sino-Indian War, which he organised by day.
A black bear with an ear tag in Yosemite Valley The black bears of Yosemite were once famous for breaking into parked cars to steal food. They were also an encouraged tourist sight for many years at the park's garbage dumps, where bears congregated to eat park visitors' garbage and tourists gathered to photograph the bears. Increasing encounters between bears and humans and increasing damage to property led to an aggressive campaign to discourage bears from relying on human food or interacting with people and their property. The open-air dumps were closed; all trash receptacles were replaced with bear-proof receptacles; all campgrounds were equipped with bear-proof food lockers so that people would not leave food in their vehicles, which were easy targets for the powerful and resourceful bears.
However, in September 2014, before Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit, the road was repaired and garbage were cleared. alt=Golf Manor apartment on Wind Tunnel Road According to a report published in the Bangalore Mirror in July 2015, there were illegal garbage dumps in the road, and the authorities of Sophia School, a school located on this road were anxious about the health of the students studying there. According to another report published in The Economic Times in December 2015, the garbage collection point of this road was like an "open dump yard". In mid-2015, in the course of some construction work, Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board dumped large pipes on the footpaths of Wind Tunnel Road encroaching over a length of 2 kilometres of the road.
The Israel government requires no reporting by these West Bank facilities of the amount of waste they process or the risks they pose to the local population, and applies less rigorous regulatory standards to these facilities than it does to solid waste treatment facilities in Israel. B'Tselem, Israel's leading independent human rights organization for monitoring human rights in the West Bank, has observed that "any transfer of waste to the West Bank is a breach of international law which Israel is dutybound to uphold" because according to international law "an occupied territory or its resources may not be used for the benefit of the occupying power’s own needs." Experts have also warned that some of these facilities are garbage dumps that endanger the purity of the mountain aquifer, which is one of the largest sources of water in the region.
Terena people Brazilian native people, unlike those in Mesoamerica and the western Andes, did not keep written records or erect stone monuments, and the humid climate and acidic soil have destroyed almost all traces of their material culture, including wood and bones. Therefore, what is known about the region's history before 1500 has been inferred and reconstructed from small-scale archaeological evidence, such as ceramics and stone arrowheads. The most conspicuous remains of these societies are very large mounds of discarded shellfish (sambaquis) found in some coastal sites which were continuously inhabited for over 5,000 years; and the substantial "black earth" (terra preta) deposits in several places along the Amazon, which are believed to be ancient garbage dumps (middens). Recent excavations of such deposits in the middle and upper course of the Amazon have uncovered remains of some very large settlements, containing tens of thousands of homes, indicating a complex social and economic structure.
Example from a "trash the dress" shoot with a burnout on a motorcycle Example from a "trash the dress" shoot on a hayloft on a farm Example from a "trash the dress" shoot on a beach Trash The Dress session in Havana, Cuba "Trash the dress", also known as "fearless bridal" or "rock the frock", is a style of wedding photography that contrasts elegant feminine clothing with an environment in which it is out of place creating a photo essay of contrast, beauty, and dramatic transformation. It is generally shot in the style of fashion or glamour photography. Such photography often takes place on a beach, but other locations often include lakes and streams, city streets, rooftops, water falls, muddy fields, tub-shower units, garbage dumps, fields, and abandoned buildings. The woman often wears a ball gown, prom dress or wedding dress, and may effectively "trash" the dress in the process by getting it wet, dirty, or, in extreme circumstances, tearing, cutting, or destroying the garment, or entire outfit.

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